Social Studies Quiz Harriet Tubman and the causes of the Civil War

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What is the battle of Fort Sumter?

The battle on Fort Sumter was the first battle of the Civil War.

What is the Compromise Of 1850? And name the five laws in it.

The compromise of 1850 has five laws with in it: 1.California would be admitted as a free state. 2.the remainder of the Mexican cession would be divided into two seperate territories, new Mexico and Utah, and these territories would decide by a popular vote to decide if the states would be free or slave states. 3.Texas would give up it's part of New Mexico in exchange for 10 million dollar war debt. 4.The slave trade would be abolished in the distirct of Columbia, but slavery itself will continue. 5.congress would strengthen the Fugitive Slave Act by requiring citizens of any state, slave or free, to assist in the capture and return of a runaway slave.

What is the Dred Scott decision?

The dred scott decision happened when Dred Scott sued for his life, trying to get out of slavery. He has a court case and he sued for his life as well as his wife and kids

What is the fugitive slave law?

The fugitive slave las is when a slave runs away from it's master that whenever someone see's a runaway slave they are supposed to catch them. If they do not then people will be fined 1,000 dollars and be in jail for 6 months.

What is uncle Tom's cabin?

Uncle Tom's Cabin is a novel that was written for anti-slavery. it set up the Civil War and what it meant to the slaves and for slavery ending. Harriet touched millions of hearts with his book which was #2 in his day, (After the bible)

What is John Brown's Raid?

on October 16, 1859 John Brown led a group of 18 men to get rid of slavery. He went to a small town called Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He and his men soon killed more than 200 people. This caused a lot of terror and stress amoung that town.

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

A law passed by Congress in 1854 that divided the territory west of the states of Missouri, Iowa, and the territory of Minnesota into two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska.

What does the word "illiterate" mean in the following sentence? "Science nearly all the slaves were ILLITERATE, the hunters simply ignored her and continued their search." A. Unable to read or write B.slow C.quiet D.captured


Which of the following was an EFFECT of her head injury? A. She was sold to another family B.She became a conductor on the Underground Railroad C.She married a free black man D.she suffered from fainting spells


Why did Harriet Tubman travel on Saturdays? A.To get a head start on the runaway notices that would appear on Monday Newspapers B.Because runaway notices would be printed out on Sundays C.Because slave hunters never worked on Saturday D.Because she was too tried during the work week


Harriet Tubman got a head injury from? A.working in fields B.falling C.protecting a fellow slave D.lifting heavy weights


Harriet Tubman helped as many as ______________ slaves to their freedom? A. 40 B.100 C.300 D.40,000


Who helped Harriet in her escape to freedom? A.The police B. Her husband C.Quaker families D.The people of Maryland


Why did Harriet run away from her owners? A.To re-unite with her husband B.To find better pay in the North C.She was afraid she would be sold D.She was very strong


Which of the following did Harriet not take into consideration in her quest to freedom? A.Specially designed carpets on the outside of houses friendly to runaway slaves B.The position of the North star C.The tendancy of moss growing on the North side of trees D.the disappointment of her owners when they had learned that she had runaway.


Which one of the following best describes the Underground Railroad? A. A network of paths and forest trails that led Slaves to freedom in the South B.A network of trains and railroad tracks that led Slaves to freedom in the north C.A network of paths and forest trails that led slaves to freedom in the West D.A network of paths and forests trails that led Slaves to freedom in the North


What is the Confederate State?

During the Civil War, the confederate states of America consisted of the governments of 11 Southern states wanted to still be slave states while other states weren't slave states anymore.

What is the Underground Railroad and who created it?

Harriet Tubman created it and the Underground Railroad is a network of woodland paths that led the people of the South to freedom.

What is Lincoin's election?

Presidant Lincoun got elected for president in 1860. He won and he was the first repudlican to win, but also the 16th president of the United States. Before he ran for president he ran for the sneate's chair but he did not win. He got a lot of attention from the public though.

How many successful trips did she make and how many slaves did she get free?

She had 19 successful journeys and saved around 300 slaves. She was never captured and neither were her passengers.

What was the first cause of the Civil War? And what do you know about it?

Slavery started in the early 17th century. Essentially it was when black people where forced to do endless awful work. Even kids were forced to work if they were in slavery or born into slavery. Sometimes slaves were rapped, whipped, and or sexually abused by their owners.

What is the Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise happened when Missouri wanted to be a slave state. But the number of free states and slave states had to stay equal. Soon Maine requested to be a free state so they both swapped so the number of free and slave states stayed equal.

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