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The belief that men and women behave differently due to inherent sex differences related to their biology is known as:

biological determinism

A sociologist working from symbolic interactionist perspective would:

want to interview women working in factories to understand how they manage expectations of their supervisors, make ends meet and support their households on day-to-day basis

Global stratification refers to inequalities among nations. Some examples of global stratification are

All of the given examples

Exogamous marriages are more likely to be allowed in:

Class systems

The disparities in sentencing guidelines in effect between crack cocaine users and powdered cocaine users would be important to:

Conflict theorist

According to dependency theory, global inequality is mainly caused by dependency and exploitation of semi-peripheral and peripheral nations by:

Core high income nations

Although 1% of US population holds one-thirds of the nation's wealth, many people believe that United States is a middle class society


Meritocracy is an ideal system because a society has never existed where social rank was purely on merit.


Unlike Davis-Moore, Melvin Tumin believed that, because of social stratification, some qualified people were _____ higher-level job positions

denied the opportunity to obtain

When Karl Marx said workers experience alienation, he meant that workers:

do not feel connected to their work

Robert Sampson and Byron groves found that poverty, family disruption and ________were strongly correlated with social disorganization:

ethnic diversity

Social stratification does NOT refer to:

ineqaulities between individuals

By suggesting that all less developed countries should follow the path of more "developed" western countries, the modernization theory has:

inherent ethnocentric bias

The following theory argues that, what is considered deviant is determined not so much by the behaviors themselves or the people who commit them, but by reaction of others to these behaviors.

labeling theory

In racially segregated South Africa, majority of the population is black, yet they are considered minority group due to their:

lack of power in society

Stratification is not about individual inequalities, but about systematic inequalities based on factors such as class, race and ____


While prejudice is a general term, _____ refers to a stronger form of prejudice used to justify the belief that one racial category is superior or inferior than other.


The basic premise of the Davis-Moore thesis is that the unequal distribution of rewards in social stratification

serves a purpose in society

Absolute poverty is defined by the World Bank as when someone lives on less than _____ a day.


Closed systems of stratification allow very little change and interaction between social classes. Open systems of stratification, on the other hand are more flexible. The open systems of stratification are based on:


According to Durkheim, deviance contributes to society by:

All three answers are correct

A person born into_______ system will retain their social standing for their entire life. In other words their social standing is determined by birth and not individual accomplishments.


The notion that core nations help peripheral nations by expanding their economies and helping workers, will be challenged by:

Conflict theory

While the term race refers to biological differences, ____________ refers to shared culture.


The view that there is global poverty because some nations are better than others at adapting to new technologies and profiting from globalized economy can be attributed to:

Functionalist perspective

When a bank has a policy to charge higher interest rate for home loans for only Hispanic applicant - this is an example of:

Institutional racism

According to _____________ theory multiple layers of disadvantage, based on class, race, gender and sexual orientation intersect to create the way we experience race.


A teacher earns a masters degree in education, has high prestige but low income. This is an example of

Low status consistency

Winning the employee-of-the-month parking spot could be considered a:

Positive sanction

According to C.W. Mills, a small group of wealthy and influential people at the top of the society who hold the power and resources, are known as:

Power Elite

The concept of _________refers to biased beliefs and attitudes based on flawed assumptions about a group:


Facial features and skin color are examples of categorization based on:


___________ theory suggests that the dominant group will displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group.

Scapegoat theory

The social environment an individual is born in and the social forces (such as high rates of drug use and violence) is seen as the main cause of deviance by the following theory:

Social Disorganization Theory

The main goal of social control is to make sure that there is ______

Social order

The following theory explains deviance by looking at the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals.

Strain theory

A positive contribution of deviance is that it can bring about social change. This view is supported by:

Structural Functionalist

The "Dreamers" who might be impacted by changes in immigration policy, may experience

Structural mobility

According to functionalist perspective large-scale acceptance of homosexuality will destabilize family and can be dysfunctional for the society.


The following theoretical approach states that globally there is a hierarchy of nations, where "core" nations with greater resources dominate poorer nations

World systems approach

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