Sociology 2

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Which statements accurately describe why the family is such an important agent of socialization

- Families create early emotional and social bonds. - Families teach us about gender roles.

Which of the following scenarios are violations of feeling rules in the United States?

- snorting and expressing disgust at the bride's dress at a wedding - laughing and expressing joy at a funeral

Match each scholar to one of his or her main ideas discussed in the textbook.

Emile Durkheim: Group membership prevents a state of normlessness. Robert Putnam: Americans have drastically reduced their levels of civic engagement over time. Sherry Turkle: Societies value technology over relationships.

Identify the examples of socialization.

Example(s) of Socialization A parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table. (Table manners are a significant part of socialization) Someone acts visibly uncomfortable when a coworker tells a sexist joke. A child shows a parent how to use the latest social media app to connect with family and friends. Not Example(s) of Socialization A passenger sits down on a subway car.

Genie, the child who was deprived of practically all social interaction, eventually recovered to live a normal life complete with language and social awareness of her surroundings. True or false


Emotional labor is the process of helping to manage the emotions of others in order to neutralize emotionally charged situations. True or false

False (Emotional labor is the process of evoking, suppressing, or otherwise managing your own feelings to create a publicly observable display of emotion.)

Match definition to the right term. experienced when there are contradictory expectations within one role Role, role conflict, role strain, status

Role strain A parent may have to choose between attending one child's ballgame or another child's music performance.

The difference between role strain and role conflict is that role strain is about the competing demands imposed by __________, while role conflict is about competing demands imposed by ______________. A worker struggling to decide what task to get done first is experiencing role ______. A worker having to leave work early to care for a sick child is experiencing role _____.


Sociobiology is a branch of science that uses biology and evolution to explain ____________. The basic nature vs. nurture debate has been tweaked by sociobiologists who suggest that genes and environment _____________ to influence behavior. The latest work in this area suggests that _____________can significantly alter the way a gene expresses itself.


Power is the ability to _______ the actions of others and if legitimated, provides _______. Power can be ________ when it is backed by the threat of force, or _________ when it is supported by persuasion.

control, authority, coercive, influential

The differences between a group and a _________ is whether the members identify with one another and whether interaction is temporary or permanent. A primary group consists of people such as _____________, whereas a secondary group might consist of people such as ________________.

crowd family members students taking this course

Identify the items as either "expressions given" or "expressions given off" according to Goffman.

expressions given: saying "good job" to a teammate expression given off:- thumbs up- a raise of an eyebrow- shrug of the shoulders

What are the main agents of socialization?

family, school, peers, media

Arlie Hochschild's 1983 research on emotional labor focused on people in two professions: bill collectors and ___________.

flight attendants

Which of the following describes an interaction that occurs in copresence?

having coffee with your mom

Which of the following is an example of the hidden curriculum?

students are taught to dress and behave in a specific manner by teachers and other staff members

According to the textbook, which of the following is most important? nurture, nature, or the interaction between nature and nurture.

the interaction between nature and nurture.

The young girls with eating disorders in Fiji in the late 1990s conveys the strong influence of which agent of socialization?

the mass media

What is the definition of socialization?

the process of learning and internalizing the values, beliefs, and norms of our social group, by which we become functioning members of society.

The process of _____ is when adults go through a major life change, such as marriage, that requires learning new norms and values. Other examples might include _____, as researched by Erving Goffman in 1961.

resocialization total institutions

The introduction to this chapter discusses two types of Instagram accounts: "rinsta" (real Instagram) and "finsta" (fake Instagram). Identify the descriptions as either "rinsta" or "finsta" accounts.

viewable to close friends, acquaintances, and even people the user has never met feature the filtered version of who you are and how you want to be seen

Which of the following are examples of role-taking emotions?

- You feel sadness for your friend who has just lost her mother to cancer (empathetic role-taking) - You feel embarrassed that you forgot your brother's birthday (reflexive role-taking)

Diamond believes that humans have free will and not deeply constrained by their social circumstances. Diamond is a big believer in which sociological concept?


How did Stanley Milgram test participants' obedience to authority?

He had "experimenters" coax "teachers" into shocking "learners".

Match each example to one of Sigmund Freud's interrelated systems of the mind.

ID- Mark eats a whole pint of chocolate double fudge ice cream because he wants it. Ego - Justine wants to copy her roommate's homework but is afraid her roommate will catch her. Superego - Ed has the opportunity to cheat on his wife but chooses not to because he knows it will hurt her and possibly destroy their marriage.

Identify each example as either instrumental leadership or expressive leadership.

Instrumental Leadership: - Your boss does not care that forcing employees to work through the weekend may hurt morale. The project must be done by Monday. - The CEO of McDonald's knows that laying off 500 workers will bring discord among other employees but knows they must do so to meet quarterly goals. Expressive Leadership: - The CEO of Starbucks considers requiring all stores to begin opening at 4:30a.m. but after considering the undue stress it may add to employees, decides not to implement the change.

Based on scientific evidence about social isolation and lack of socialization, which of the following are likely outcomes for a child who is deprived of contact with agents of socialization?

Likely Outcome(s): The child will not learn how to communicate through language with others. The child will be unable to relate to other humans. Unlikely Outcome(s): The child will be unable to perform basic bodily functions. The child will be emotionless.

Match each sociological concept to the corresponding example of racial socialization within Black families.

Appeals to respectability politics: A mother forbids hoodies and low-hanging jeans, saying, "People will think you're a thug!" Environment management: A Black family moves to a predominantly white neighborhood. Experience management: A Black child enrolls in violin lessons, hockey, and a French immersion school.

Sociologists increasingly investigate technologically mediated interaction. Identify the following as describing either online or in-person interactions.

online interactions: -Teens use these kinds of social spaces as getaways from the pressures of parents, teachers, and other adults. -While we may have lots of connections, we experience less depth in our relationships with them. -These kinds of interactions allow us to contain and reduce risks—not risk to life and limb, necessarily, but risk to self. -Adults tweet and post to expand their social circles and spread the word about their accomplishments.

Match each quality to the correct group category based on Robert Merton's theory of group classification.

out-group: -snobbish -lazy in-group: -classy -laid back

Place the following stages of child development on the timeline in chronological order, according to George Herbert Mead's theory of the development of the social self. play stage, game stage, preparatory stage

preparatory stage. (This is the first stage in Mead's theory at which children mimic or imitate others.) play stage. (This is the second stage in Mead's theory at which children pretend to play the role of the particular or significant other.) game stage. (This is the third stage in Mead's theory at which children play organized games and take on the perspective of the generalized other.)

Louwanda Evans's book on emotional labor and flight attendants adds which dimension to Arlie Hochschild's original conception of emotional labor?


Match each term to the appropriate role scenario. Fraternity and sorority members are required to devote a significant amount of time to social events and community service each semester. Role exit, role, role conflict


Match each term to the appropriate role scenario. A straight-A student who spent most of her time studying in high school joins a sorority and faces increased pressure to spend less time studying Role exit, role, role conflict

role conflict

Match each term to the appropriate role scenario. A straight-A student decides to quit her sorority to focus on her grades. Role exit, role, role conflict

role exit

Social media has the potential to increase the number of points of view we are exposed to and socialize us in ways never conceived of before. Someone who has been influenced and "pieced together" through whatever sources available, is an example of which of the following sociological concepts?

saturated self

The story of Christopher Knight is an example of which sociological concept?

social isolation (For twenty-seven years, Christopher Knight lived undetected in the woods of rural Maine. In the mid-1980s, Knight left civilization at the age of twenty. He eventually established a campsite on private land some distance from the cabins ringing North Pond. There he stayed, in complete isolation.)

We often speak of ________ with our friends, yet this idea is only part of what sociologists mean by _______. Socialization is a twofold process. It includes the process by which a _______, culture, or group teaches individuals to become functioning members, and the process by which individuals learn and internalize the values and norms of the group.

socializing socialization society

Match each collection of people to the proper concept.

An aggregate: the audience at a taping of Saturday Night Live A category: all of the people watching Saturday Night Live on television last Saturday A primary group: a group of close friends and family members who get together to watch Saturday Night Live on television each week A secondary group: the cast members of Saturday Night Live

Which leader or organization relied on a "team of rivals" to challenge groupthink?

Abraham Lincoln

Socialization is a twofold process occurring at both the social and individual levels that accomplishes two main goals. First, it teaches members the skills necessary to satisfy basic human needs and to defend themselves against danger, thus ensuring that society itself will continue to exist. Second, socialization teaches individuals the norms, values, and beliefs associated with their culture and provides ways to ensure that members adhere to their shared way of life. Identify each scenario as accomplishing either the first or second goal of socialization, as discussed in the textbook.

First Goal of Socialization: -Parents teach children how to eat food. -Schools teach students how to gain employment that will allow them to provide for themselves. Second Goal of Socialization: -Peers teach youth what type of clothing is stylish and desirable. -Schools teach students that gainful employment is something to be valued and respected

Identify the statements as supporting either the nature or nurture side of the debate.

Nature: High levels of testosterone contribute to stereotypically masculine traits such as aggressiveness and competitiveness. The Human Genome Project promises to reveal important answers to questions of human behavior. Nurture: Social isolation has profound consequences on people's lives. Socialization teaches people necessary skills for satisfying basic needs and to defend themselves against danger.

Which statement captures a major point Sherry Turkle makes about communication in her latest book, Reclaiming Conversation?

Online communication reduces our ability to conduct meaningful face-to-face communication.

In the context of Charles Horton Cooley's theory of groups, classify each attribute as belonging to either primary groups or secondary groups.

Primary Groups: - ends in themselves - enduring membership Secondary Groups: - contingent membership - instrumental in purpose - impersonal

Identify the following as either a primary group or secondary group.

Primary: - a close-knit group of adult friends who have been together since middle school - a married couple Secondary: - a tailoring shop that makes bespoke (fully custom) suits for men - a professional football team

Which of the following are kinds of conformity produced by social influence and which are not? identification internalization compliance obedience

Produced by Social Influence: - internalization - identification - compliance

Place each theoretical perspective next to the corresponding case study in the table.

Psychoanalysis: Parents instill a conscience (superego) in children through rules that govern their instinctual behavior (id) until children mature and are self-governing (ego). Mine, Self, and Society: Children gain a sense of self through imitation, play, and games, in which they learn various roles and take on the perspectives of others. LookingGlass Self: Parents and significant others serve as a reflection to children who develop a sense of self based on their appraisals, real or imagined. Dramaturgy: Children learn the art of impression management and may present a different self to their parents than to other children or teachers.

Match definition to the right term. The set of behaviors expected of someone because of their status. Role, role conflict, role strain, status

Role For example, the status "employee" brings with it the expectation of showing up on time and getting work done.

Match definition to the right term. experienced when we occupy two or more roles with contradictory expectations Role, role conflict, role strain, status

Role conflict The expectations of one person's role as a parent may often conflict with the expectations of that person's role as an employee.

Match definition to the right term. A position in a social hierarchy that carries a particular set of expectations. Role, role conflict, role strain, status

Status A status often has a simple label such as "employee" or "spouse."

The location, time period, and family into which individuals are born affect their set of meanings about how the world works. True or false


Which statements correctly describe "the strength of weak ties"?

Weak ties provide benefits that strong ties do not. Weak ties provide access to valuable information.

Match each aspect of bureaucracy to the correct definition.

hierarchy: Bureaucracies always feature the supervision of subordinates by higher-ranking managers and bosses. impersonality: In a bureaucracy, rules come before people; no individual receives special treatment. Ex: No matter how deserving, you are just a number according to your university (Student ID number). technical competence:All members are expressly trained and qualified for their specific roles within the organization.Ex: Campus police officers are specially qualified to do their jobs. formal written communication: Documents such as memos (or e-mails) are the heart of the organization and the most effective way to communicate.Ex: The entire campus can receive the same important information with one e-mail blast. specialization: All members of a bureaucracy are assigned specific roles and tasks.Ex: Your sociology instructor would never be assigned to teach a math or natural science class. rules and regulations: These are meant to make all operations as predictable as possible.

An employee at the local Department of Motor Vehicles puts in an eight-hour shift and then goes to a local bar and grill to celebrate a co-worker's birthday. What aspect of bureaucracy does this situation highlight?

interpersonal interactions help humanize bureaucracies

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