Sociology Ch.9 Review
What are the largest latino groups in the US?
1st-mexicans, puerto ricans (less than 9%) , Cubans make us the 3rd most populous group
What are the average income levels for African Americans?
62% of what whites make, holding 20% of the wealth of the average white household
hate crime
a criminal act motivated by prejudice involving bias based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability
a distorted, exaggerated, or oversimplified image applied to a category of people, sometimes created to justify unethical behavior against minority groups
a group of people with physical or cultural traits different from those of the dominant group in the society
population transfer
a minority is forced either to move to a remote location or to leave entirely the territory controlled by the majority EX: policy used against most N.Americans
melting pot
all ethnic and racial minorities voluntarily blend together
anglo conformity
an american of english descent, traditional american institutions are maintained, immigrants are accepted as long as the conform to the "accepted standards" of society, immigrant minority is required to conform
self fulfilling prophecy
an expectation that leads to behavior that causes the expectation to become reality EX: if members of minority are continually treated as less inteligent they finally accept that limitation
What is the most common form of assimilation?
anglo conformity
What are patterns of assimilation?
anglo-conformity, melting pot, cultural pluralism, accommodation
Patterns of racial and ethnic relations?
assimilation and conflicts
How have chinese Americans fared over the years?
attracted first by california gold rust but americans compete for jobs and pass chinese exclusion act , but chinese american scholars and scientists began to make publicly recognized contributions to science and arts
What are some forms that discrimination takes on?
avoiding social contact with minority, denying them positions of authority, blocking their access to more exclusive neighborhoods, attacking/killing
Why do ethnic minorities seem to separate from the rest of society?
because they wish to maintain their cultural and national origins or the majority erects barriers that prevent the ethnic group from blending in with the larger culture
How do latinos stand politically?
becoming a force in shaping American politics
What has been the history of Japanese Americans in the United States?
began to compete with white farmers but anti- japanese legislation was passed, california alien land bill of 1913, permitted japanese to lease farmland for a max of 3 yrs but didn't allow land to be inherited by families
pregeneralized learning period
children may overhear parents make racist or prejudiced statements that they have not yet learned to separated people by race or ethnic group
Asian Americans?
china, phillipines, japan, india, korea, vietnam
Which latin american group is the most affluent?
de facto segregation
denial of equal access based on everyday practice EX: neighboring homeowners agree among themselves not to sell to members of certain ethnic groups or races
de jure segregation
denial of equal access based on the lad
White ethnics?
descendants of immigrants from eastern and southern european nations, italy and poland, including greek, irish, and slavic people
cultural pluralism
desire of a group to maintain some sense of identity separate from the dominant group
KEY features of a minority plus examples?
distinctive physical or cultural characteristics- skin color, facial features, disabilities, accent, religion, language dominated by majority-minority has fewer opportunities minority traits are believed by dominant to be inferior-unequal treatment, job discrimination minority members have as common sense of identity with strong group loyalty majority determines who belongs to minority through ascribed status
How has Native American gaming affected life on reservations?
embraced the gaming industry as a source of money, most tribal gov. use the proceeds from gaming to provide services and promote economic and community dev.
What does the word latino refer to ?
ethnic minorities from latin America , a region including Mexico, central america, south america, and the islands of the carribeans
Why are ethnic minorities seen as inferior?
What does the word ethnicity come from?
ethnos meaning people or nation
extreme form of cultural pluralism, occurs when a minority maintains its own culturally unique way o life , minority learns to deal or accommodate the dominant culture when necessary but remains independent in language and culture EX: amish
extreme form of prejudice that assumes superiority of one group over others
functionalist perspective on discrimination?
focus on the dysfunction caused by prejudice and discrimination, when minorities are exploited or oppressed, the social, political, educational, and economic costs to society are extremely high, by fostering prejudice a dominant group can create a feeling of superiortiy, functionalists see a positive aspect to discrimination
Is there a scientific basis for race?
for sociologists, social attitudes and characteristics that relate to race are more important than physical differences
What is the most extreme form of conflict?
patterns of conflict?
genocide, population transfer, subjugation
ethnic minority
group identified by cultural, religious, national characteristics defined by cultural differences
2 categories of black Americas?
growing middle class and underclass
WHat is the income level for latinos?
higher than African Americans but lower than whites
How does cultural pluralism have an effect on society?
in the US, immigrants have an impact on institutions so many states have instituted bilingual education programs in public schools
judging others in terms of one's own cultural standards EX: prejudice and discrimination
Subjugation can be based off of what?
law or everyday practice
Symbolic interactionism perspective to discriination>
members of society learned to be prejudiced through two stages of pregeneralized learning period and total rejection stage
What is the general level of education among latinos?
mexican americans have the lowest levels of educational attainment
white ethnic roots movement
new trend toward white ethnics believing that they want to preserve their cultural roots
people sharing certain inherited physical characteristics that are considered important within a society
people typically unemployed who come from families that have been poor for generations
What are barriers to African American assimilation?
physical features and continuing minority status of African Americans has its roots in early American history
What's the difference between prejudice and discrimination?
prejudice-attitudes discrimination-behavior
process by which a minority group is denied equal access to the benefits of a society
Conflict perspective to discrimination?
sees it as weapons of power to control a minority in order to increase majority control, despite being common targets, diff. minorities tend to view each other as competitors
What conflict pattern appears the most often?
What is the current situation of Native Americans?
suffering for the effects of years of discrimination and poverty, have the second lowest annual income of any minority group in the us
the blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society
the systematic effort to destroy an entire population EX: holocaust
Is america more like a melting pot or tossed salad?
tossed salad in which traditions and cultures exist by side
treating people differently based on ethnicity, race, religion, or culture
hidden unemployment
unemployment that includes people not counted in the traditional unemployment categories; those who have stopped looking for work or are part time workers who would prefer to have full time jobs
institutionalized discrimination + EX:
unfair practices that grow out of common behaviors and attitudes and that are a part of the structure of a society EX: seniority systems in which promotion and pay increase with years of service, public education with large number of minority students
total rejection stage
use physical clues to sort people into groups
Why have so manyAsian Americans been successful?
used educational system for upward mobility, nearly 50% completed four years of college
When does de facto discrimination appear?
when people of certain backgrounds are not promoted to important positions in local gov. or in businesses because of widely held stereotypes
prejudice + EX
widely held negative attitudes toward a group (minority or majority) and its individual members , generalization based on bias or insufficient information EX: Asians believed to have a gift for math but when one struggles , others see it as an exception to the rule