Sociology Chapter 9
How's discrimination related to prejudice
The dominant group commonly discriminates against minorities
Unemployment rates of whites and African Americans
African American unemployment rates are higher than whites
Examples of institutionalized discrimination
African American's requirements to vote in the South
Minorities in the U.S. today
African, Hispanic, and Native American
Group that's an example of the accommodation pattern of assimilation
Pattern of assimilation that occurred most commonly among German immigrants
Group referred to as the "invisible minority"
Native Americans
Group that has the lowest annual income
Native Americans
Anglo's ancestors came from where
Northern and Western Europe
White southerners believe African Americans are inferior to whites
White southerners believe African Americans are inferior to whites
"melting pot"
all ethnic and racial minorities voluntarily blend together
an extreme form of cultural pluralism
Process of being absorbed into mainstream culture
Examples of hate crime
beating up a gay kid
Facts about people who're racists
belief that your race is superior
Ethnic minorities are recognized
by their culture
Symbolic interactionist view of prejudice and discrimination
children aren't taught to be prejudice
Examples of institutionalized discrimination
country won't allow non-citizens to own property
Frequency of genocide in the world today
does occur
Functionalist perspective of prejudice and discrimination
dominant group feels superior to the minority, it's member self-concepts are strengthened
One of two things take place when minority groups enter the U.S.
either assimilated or rejected
Know some facts WASP's
embraced whites from other European nations helping them assimilate
Jews in the U.S. are classified as what type of minority
Frequency of prejudice and discrimination in societies and U.S. society
exists in every society
Patterns of conflict
genocide, population transfer, subjugation
ethnic minority
group identified by cultural, religious, or national characteristics
Groups that are considered Latinos
group whose parents or themselves were born in Latin America
Facts about Asian Americans
grow up in tightened family, successful, and suffered discrimination, and prejudice
What makes a group a minority
if they're dominated by another group
immigrants conform to the standard majority of whites
Facts about African Americans
income increases with some education, but at a slower rate than whites
killing and entire race, Nazi Germany
Symbolic interactionists view prejudiced people
learn their prejudice in through their interactions with other
Tossed salad pattern of assimilation
let's the minority keep some of their culture
Conflict theory states about prejudice and discrimination
majority uses prejudice and discrimination to control a majority
Symbolic interactionism states
members of a society learn to be prejudice which they learn their other values
minority group blends into the culture of the majority group
population transfer
minority is forced either to move to a remote location of to leave entirely the territory controlled by the majority
Types that commit hate crimes
more ethnocentric a person is, more likely to commit hate crime
most common pattern of conflict
Important characteristic of a minority
must be dominated by the majority
Times genocide has occurred in history
Who're members of an ethnic minority
people who came from Europe
Example of hidden unemployment
people who're unemployed but no longer looking for a job
Example of a self-fulfilling prophecy
person who has good grades in high school does well in college
racial minority
physical characteristics
Why African Americans haven't assimilated into America as easy as other minorities
physical characteristics makes them easily identifiable
Prejudice is
positive or negative attitude (thoughts) that's often the basis of discrimination
Reasons people discriminate
race, religion, sexuality, ethnicity
Minorities that are defined by physical characteristics
racial minority
How dominant cultures reject minority groups
social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups
How Latinos are distinguished from other ethnic minorities in the U.S.
speak English
Certain race of ethnicity is supposed to be great in certain sports is an example of
Primary pattern the majority dealt with African Americans who came to U.S. as slaves
systematic effort to destroy an entire population
The term Anglo refers to
those people whose ancestors were from England
Common pattern of assimilation in the U.S.
tossed salad
treating people different because of their religion or culture
What makes a criminal act a hate crime
when a criminal is carried out specifically because of race, sex or other things of that nature
de facto and de jure segregation
when a minority group is denied access to society's institution by law, de facto, of de jure
"tossed salad"
which traditions and cultures exist side by side
widely held negative attitudes toward a group and its individual members