sociology final 3

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What was the name of the landmark court ruling that mandated desegregation of American schools?

Brown v. Board of education

Hypertension is directly related to stress, which can be attributed to being poor. However, poor African Americans in the United States have rates of hypertension that are similar to middle- and upper-class African Americans. What could explain this?

Even middle- and upper-class African Americans may still experience discrimination.

After studying the story of Foua Yang and her daughter Lia, what might a sociologist say to doctors serving in cross-cultural settings?

Medical conditions can be interpreted in different ways, and these differences are not easily reconciled.

What population was Oscar Lewis studying when he coined the term "culture of poverty"?


James is 6 feet tall. Leroy is 5 feet 2 inches tall. There are surely many individual differences between James and Leroy, but sociological research predicts that based on height alone, James is likely to have:

better health

The stage of a social movement when people start organizing, donating money, and lobbying political officials is:


In the Dover, Pennsylvania, school district, what theory was presented as an alternative to Darwin's theory of natural selection?

intelligent design

Offshoring occurs when firms:

move companies overseas to developing nations

Which is one of the major breaks between the postmodern period and the modern period?

new ideas of multiculturalism and the blending of different narratives

Some policy experts believe that welfare creates more problems than it solves because it discourages people from finding work. This is also known as:

pervasive incentive

FBI consultant Robert Hare claimed that in the pursuit of profits for shareholders, corporations exhibit many of the same traits as:


The explanation for the relationship between socioeconomic status and health that focuses on an individual's social class, and the relative stressors inherent in a lower-class lifestyle, is called:


A group of conservationists encourages their community to save water by using low-flushing toilets or faucets that release more pressure but less water. Which social movement would this represent?


In addition to attracting new workers, Ford's payment system:

reinforced womens economic independence at home

________ social movements advocate the radical reorganization of society


Émile Durkheim spent considerable time studying animism, an early religion. One of his fundamental conclusions was that religion is


Why is it difficult for almost half of Americans to save for retirement?

they dont have pension or a retirement savings plan

Since the late 1990s, a large portion of Asia has been

using high yield rice seeds

income-based measurements are deceptive because they hide the real influence of:


What is one reason men have higher mortality rates than women?

women are more likely to seek medical assistance

Amy is a married woman with children. She and her partner Alan both work full-time jobs. When they come home, Amy makes dinner, cleans, and tends to the children for the evening. Alan helps with these things sometimes, but many days he rests after work. If Arlie Hochschild saw this household, she would say Amy is experiencing the:

"the second-shift"

The text notes that the charisma and strength of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was instrumental in ushering in the civil rights movement. One of the important advantages of his effort stemmed from

. his ability to mobilize a wide range of resources and constituencies.

Approximately what percentage of Americans marry at some point in their lives?

90 percent

Who wrote The Feminine Mystique (1963)?

Betty Friedan

A powerful example of the devaluation of housework in the United States was the original September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Ultimately, after feminist groups lobbied the U.S. government, what happened?

Both the deceased's future earnings and his or her estimated contributions to the family's unpaid household work were measured to determine the family's amount of compensation.

Taking into account students' family backgrounds, ________ schools tend to outperform ________ schools in preparing children academically.

Catholic; non-catholic private

Which of the following examples would be supported by the research findings on the influence of home characteristics on education?

During the summer, children from higher socioeconomic status backgrounds make educational gains, while children from lower socioeconomic status families experience greater summer setbacks.

Enoch is an 80-year-old man who receives moderate Social Security funds and works part-time bagging groceries. Adolph, an 80-year-old man with more Social Security funds, has no need to work. Sociological research predicts that:

Enoch may live longer because of the social interaction benefits of working.

Journalist Barbara Ehrenreich traveled around the country to study firsthand what it was like to "get by" working low-wage jobs. Which of the following is true about her experiences?

Even with only herself to support and juggling two or more jobs, she could not afford to live off her wages.

Which of the following is a sociological criticism of the idea that IQ affects educational outcomes?

IQ tests are culturally biased against some groups

In terms of the evolution of payment and exchange, wage labor is more developed than piecework payment because under wage labor:

In terms of the evolution of payment and exchange, wage labor is more developed than piecework payment because under wage labor:

Which of the following was the result of medical licensing that began in the mid-1800s?

It gave physicians more economic clout.

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of cultural capital?

Joshua and Sam have both earned bachelor's degrees from a local university and are now interviewing for the same job. When Joshua goes into the job interview, he is able to discuss art, architecture, and travel experiences he had while growing up. Sam has not had these same experiences and is not able to have the same kind of conversations with the interviewers.

Which of the following is an argument against tracking in schools?

Systems of tracking socialize students to the inequalities they will encounter in American society.

James Paris and Emily Hoffman work together to develop new knowledge in physics. Hoffman is a well-established scholar with a strong reputation, and Paris is a little-known scholar. Over time, their physics discovery becomes known as the Hoffman Arc. Paris's contribution goes unacknowledged. This dynamic is common, and sociologists call it:

The Matthew effect

In the Na culture of China, a little boy grows up very close to one of his male relatives. Everyone expects a strong degree of influence between this man and the child. This role model male relative is the boy's:


Which of the following is an example of an interest group?

a corporation lobbying to get a govt contract

A paradox of the American education system is that education is:

a social institution that stratifies students based on the characteristics of their backgrounds even though it is intended to provide equal opportunity.

A family that cannot afford the basic necessities of life or purchase enough to physically sustain its members lives in:

absolute poverty

Alternative medicines are a big business these days as more people are rejecting science and looking for meaning elsewhere. While holistic medicines often are a source of solace, many people also tap into their spiritual or religious roots. This is known as reflexive spirituality, and it is often a response to how people view the idea of

absolute truths

What does a mass protest organization do?

advocates for social change through protest

An example of a(n) ________ social movement might be a group of individuals trying to stop unwed mothers from having abortions.


Mothers Against Drunk Driving introduced the concept of the "designated driver" in order to combat drunk driving. Because it focused on a single issue and sought to change individual behavior, it is best described as:


The most limited social movement, focusing on a narrow group of people, would be a(n):

alternative social movement, like mothers against drunk driving

What did Tocqueville mean by "land of joiners"?

americans frequently come together to join voluntary organizations

What is one of the risks genetic modification may pose to the environment?

an ecological chain reaction

Which of the following factors contributed to the development of the ideal of the traditional family (male breadwinner and female homemaker) in post-World War II America?

an increase in real wages

While religious attendance in formal institutions in the United States is in decline, the number of Americans claiming religious beliefs or spiritual awakenings has gone up. We can understand this paradox as

an increase in the amount and depth of individual experiences

Espenshade, Chung, and Walling (2004) studied admission to elite colleges and found that ________ were 4 times more likely than other students to gain admission, and ________ were 3 times more likely to be admitted.

athletes; legacy students

Why aren't antibiotics as successful in treating illnesses as they were several years ago?

bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics

Cole's parents divorced when he was six, but now both of them are remarried. He has two stepsisters on his mother's side and a new stepbrother on his father's side. These families are examples of which of the following type of family?

blended family

Social change:

can be caused by a variety of factors, new ideas and technologies

"busted her digit"

cashed her welfare check

Studies show that ________ school students score highest on achievement tests, followed by ________ school students.

catholic; secular private and public school

Steve developed a mental illness in young adulthood. He seeks treatment but doesn't want to talk about his past. He says, "It's just genetic—nothing could have changed it." Influenced by Delores Malaspina's research, Steve's psychiatrist wants to know about Steve's past marijuana intake, because smoking marijuana could:

change the ways genes are expressed

In the 1970s, a man by the name of Jim Jones persuaded 900 people to commit suicide in Guyana. He was the leader of the Peoples Temple, and his personal appeal allowed him to have this power over his followers. Weber would call this ________ authority.


At Thanksgiving dinner, college student Janie expresses her dreams to her parents. Her aunt says, "I'm not sure that's realistic, honey!" Janie says, "I'm a postfeminist! That's why I expect to ________."

combine marriage to an egalitarian man and recieve motherhood and a successful career

Normal science:

conducted within an existing paradigm

The argument that religion is used to perpetuate inequalities has its roots in which theoretical approach to studying religion?

conflict theory

A theory of collective action claiming that collective action arises because of people's tendency to conform to the behavior of others is ________ theory


How did the enclosure movement change the economy in the early Tudor period in England? The enclosure movement:

created a large, new pool of american labor

It has taken Africa longer to reap the benefits of the green revolution because of Africa's mix of crops and:

dependency on rain-fed crops

Which of the following is an argument that would be made by a conflict theorist?

during elementary school, students are socialized by learning skills that will help them become obedient workers

Gated communities are an example of which factor that interacts with wealth inequality to increase the gap between the rich and the poor?

economic segregation

The period when a few people try to draw attention to a particular social issue that is not in the public consciousness describes which stage of a social movement?


An example of collective action would be:

everyone walking out of an exam

The idea that there is a high level of competition among the various religions in America seems to lead religions to work harder to attract more adherents. One of the main reasons causes for this competition is the

extensive diversity of religions found in america

Black and poor women in the United States have come to rely on which of the following in order to manage child care and work responsibilities?

extrafamilial female networks

In his book The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today (2009), sociologist Andrew Cherlin proposes that America's "love-hate" relationship with marriage stems from the:

fact that Americans are individualistic and evaluate their marriages in personal terms.

In a legal-rational society, personality and tradition are less important than:

formal rules

The ________ theory of the family, developed by Talcott Parsons, argues that nuclear families are necessary for child rearing and fulfilling society's need for productive workers.


he "drift explanation" of the relationship between health and socioeconomic status (SES) states that:

genetics and biology affect SES so that people who are healthier have an easier time maintaining a high SES.

Across cultures and across time, medical professionals hold varying degrees of power and prestige. If we esteemed doctors today in the way that ancient Romans did, we might ask our ________ to add on a minor surgical procedure.


Because the monetary system is increasingly depersonalized, George Simmel argues that it is now possible to:

have true friendships

At 9:05 A.M., the bell rings and children file into their third-grade classroom. The first student to sit at his or her desk—book open and pencil ready to write—wins a star for the day. The students love this little bit of competition. This example of nonacademic socialization (which can teach students the benefit of competition) is referred to, by sociologists, as the:

hidden curriculum

Jane is a single mother in poverty. She has intermittent, low-paying employment. Because she is forced to move a lot, she hasn't established a reliable social network for support or friendships for her children. To determine what effect this has on her children's outcomes, what factors would the parenting stress hypothesis examine?

household stress levels and their effect on Jane's patience and parenting style

When the official poverty line was first set, food made up the largest percentage of household budgets. In today's society, what now makes up the largest percentage?


The 1930s Townsend Plan movement, which organized elderly Americans to demand a pension from the government, is an example of:

how apparent failures can create conditions of success

Jackson's parents pay for him to take private violin lessons and send him to language lessons after school. In the summer, he attends science camp. His parents try to take him on one vacation to a foreign country every year. Jackson's parents hope that these activities will build his skills and better position him to get into a competitive university. Jackson's parents are investing in his:

human capital

Morbidity means ________; mortality means ________

illness; death

Which of the following is a reason why the egalitarian nature of American democracy has made Americans more likely than Europeans to enlist in voluntary organizations?

immigrants formed organizations to unite with other immigrants with similar values

What did the former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan say was one of the most important factors in defeating infectious diseases?

increasing access to clean water

The green revolution, by increasing new technologies requiring more skills, has resulted in:

increasing the value of formal education for women in rural areas

Though she graduated from high school, Jenny does not possess the skills necessary to balance her checkbook or make change for a customer without the aid of a cash register. Jenny is:


Which of the following is a criticism of resource mobilization theory?

involvements of the elites often results in the demise of a social movement

Convergence theory says that the role of planning in collective action:

isn't necessary; collective action can emerge from social circumstances.

What is one shortcoming of the current calculation of the poverty rate?

it focuses on income only and ignores wealth

How does the application of microsociology help us understand why people are religious?

it illuminates the details of individual experience and meaning

Research on teacher quality demonstrates that:

it is difficult to identify characteristics that will make effective teachers because these characteristics are hard to quantify.

Tina is a homeless mentally ill woman. Psychiatrist Sam Tsemberis recommends giving her a ________, because ________ is the most important first step toward well-being.

key; housing

John and Monique are married. Both of their parents live with them, as does John's sister and brother-in-law and some nieces and nephews. This is known as a ________ network.


Which of the following is a reason why some social movements fade away during the coalescence stage?

lack of funds and time commitment

Compared to organic megafarms, why are small organic farms at a disadvantage?

maintaing usda certification is expensive

Sometimes meat and poultry aren't labeled organic even though they come from free-range animals raised without growth hormones or antibiotics. This is because:

maintaining usda certification is expensive

Ten thousand people writing the governor, asking him or her not to execute an individual, is an example of:

mass collective action

Imagine you are a member of Critical Mass, the cycling organization that attempts to educate the public about carbon dioxide pollution from gas vehicles. Even though it lacks the organizational structure of a professional movement, it has high levels of member participation. This would be a ________ organization.

mass protest

A government program that provides health insurance for the poor is:


Michael is a case manager for a group home. Stan is a man with severe developmental disabilities who lives at the group home. Michael needs to seek medical coverage for Stan. Which government program will Michael likely seek out?


One theory about the growth of conservative churches is that

members value the high demands of a stricter organization and are more willing to commit time and energy.

Promotions to higher levels within an idealized bureaucratic hierarchy based on achievement rather than personal attributes or favoritism refers to:


he Bell Telephone Company, which for decades was the only provider of telephone service in the United States, was a(n):


Jane does a study of illness rates and how they vary by gender. She is studying ________ rates


Highly educated people are more likely to explore faiths that are less traditional. Given what we have studied thus far about class, inequality and education, one of the reasons this might be true is that more highly educated people are

more likely exposed to alternative thinking

Some gays and lesbians may be in favor of finding a so-called gay gene, because many in the gay community believe that:

move from a moral choice to a biological characteristic, so discrimination may decrease

The United States is anomalously religious among industrialized countries. The fastest growing segment of religion in America today is

no religious affiliation

Organic products can lead to health stratification by income because:

organic products are more expensive

How does the dialectic theory assume social change occurs?

out of conflict

Serfs were the lowest class in the feudal system and were bound to the land they worked, yet they were not slaves. They were different from slaves because they could

own property

Susan Mayer wrote What Money Can't Buy: Family Income and Children's Life Chances. Her findings were similar to what Marlin Card was suggesting would have helped his chances in life. Which of the following might have addressed this issue?

parenting classes

One of the problems with credentialism is that more and more students (with their parents' help) are attempting to attend private schools or to be placed in the best tracks in their public school. This may be one of the reasons that:

parents are attempting to have their children accepted at the "right" day care, sometimes even before they are born

What is a major reason unions are on the decline in the United States today?

people dont trust unions, saying they are corrupt and outdated

Married people tend to live longer than unmarried people. It could be that they take better care of themselves when they have the responsibility of a family. It could also be that

people who are healthy are more likely to get married

A hypothetical nation decides to make population policy based on the fictional film Gattaca. After watching this film, policy makers would most likely decide to:

perform genetic testing at birth and select the best for survival.

Which of the following shifted more of the responsibility of running welfare programs onto individual states and mandated time limits for the number of months a person can receive aid?

personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act

In the late 1960s, social scientists observed an apparent increase in secularization and thought that the future of religion was in doubt. According to Peter Berger, secularization was the result of a larger crisis in religion we understand as


John has two wives because his society allows


A building that breaks the traditional rules of architecture and borrows liberally from several genres to create a new and unique style is an example of


A society that relies purely on tradition to choose its leaders would be classified as:


Which of the following is one of the concerns mentioned by your textbook that has come about from the Human Genome Project?


A homeless shelter for battered women, where they can learn how to care for themselves and their children, would be an example of a(n) ________ social movement.


During the modern period, science competed with ________ as the primary source for knowledge


How can religious leaders promote the idea of a "traditional" family

religious tenets from the bible selectively reinforce family structure

The difference between a social movement and a ritual is that:

rituals don't aim to change something about a society

The megachurch is a relatively new phenomenon. What is one major characteristic of this type of church?

rock bands

The Newsweek report detailing the abuses at Guantanamo Bay, where prison guards flushed a copy of the Qur'an (the Muslim holy book) down the toilet, illustrates how symbolic violence can be more painful than physical violence. In this instance, the symbolic power resided in the object because it was


When a scientific paradigm shifts, this indicates that:

scientific anomalies have amassed to a level that challenges the validity of an existing paradigm

According to Thomas Kuhn, what is the factor responsible for important scientific advancements?

scientific revolutions

The increasing activity of groups like ISIS in the Middle East is part of the far right Islamic factions' efforts to reject what aspect of Western life?


Structural changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution had major consequences for families. One important consequence is that the Industrial Revolution:

separated work and home and created new roles for men and women

According to your textbook, the most frequent form of domestic violence is

sibling and sibling

Asians tend to have lower infant mortality rates than other minority groups in the United States. This is most likely attributable to

soceoeconomic status

If you were to look for an apartment, you would be free to live in any neighborhood that you chose. This is an example of a person's ________ rights.


the longevity discrepancy between blacks and whites may be a result of:

social inequality

Sociologically speaking, the BRCA1 gene mutation is a good example of how:

social practices can change the effects of genes

The green revolution has made it expensive for individual farms to survive on their own, so new collectives and cooperatives have emerged to bring together household farmers. Émile Durkheim might call this a type of:

social solidarity

Asians tend to have lower infant mortality rates than other minority groups in the United States. This is most likely attributable to

socioeconomic status

You are concerned about water quality in your town, but officials don't seem to be listening. You join a group that puts on a public play in which some people pour filthy water on others. When the wet people pretend to die, the water-pourers rejoice. This approach reflects the ________approach to activism promoted by Andy Bichlbaum.


With regard to biological or genetic differences between people, sociologists have found that

stigmatized minorities in all countries have lower IQ scores, lower educational attainment, and lower occupational status, indicating that social processes of stratification and stigmatization affect the life chances of these groups.

Liam is a sociologist studying which factors determine health outcomes. He is doing a study that will refine the outcomes of the Whitehall Study. Thus, he looks at differences in health outcomes between the following groups:

teachers, lawyers, service work

Cho is working on poverty reduction in a Philadelphia public housing development. In the analysis he writes after the project, he uses Mario Luis Small's idea of "culture as frames" instead of Oscar Lewis's "culture of poverty" because the "culture of poverty" thesis:

tends to blame the poor

Which 1996 legislation led to national welfare reform during the Clinton administration?

the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

The sect-church cycle helps to explain the

the existence of so many types of Christian churches in the United States

Mollie Orshansky used the U.S. Department of Agriculture's recommendations for the minimum amount of healthy food, estimated the cost for a variety of family types, and multiplied this figure by a factor of three to measure:

the official poverty line

In the grocery store one day, you spy a mother and her two unruly children. She consistently threatens that she is going to spank them when she gets them home. They ignore her threats. Finally, she swats one of them on the butt, making the other child laugh, suggesting that she has lost control of the situation. This could be seen as:

the paradox of authority

Why have social movements, such as the temperance movement of the nineteenth century and the civil rights movement of the twentieth century, been closely linked with religious institutions?

the power of public confession and the idea of national sin

Broadly defined, education is:

the processes through which academic, social, and cultural ideas and tools are developed.

Max Weber argued that the development of capitalism was closely intertwined with beliefs and values of Protestantism. Once the capitalist system took full root, however, he held that it was possible that

the protestant ethic would simply fade away

Social Security benefits in the United States are an example of:

the right to contributary programs

In her interview with Dalton Conley, Susan Crawford shared findings of her research with lower-class religious women. She was surprised to hear that while the women said religion was very important, they rarely attended services at churches, mosques, or temples. Why was this the case?

the stigma of being poor, especially like the moments of collectional offerings

In considering the nature of scientific knowledge, philosopher Ian Hacking suggests that:

there is something legitimate in both social constructivism and scientific truth

A sociologist and an environmental scientist are each interested in global climate change. The sociologist prioritizes human choices that influence climate. The environmental scientist finds biological factors that influence climate. When the sociologist and environmental scientist dialogue, they may find that their apparent disagreement is actually due to the fact that:

they are working through different frameworks

One argument against genetically modified foods is that:

they may pose long term health effects

Which of the following is characteristic of professional movement organizations?

they tend to influence public policy

One of the results of the negative income tax experiment was that increasing numbers of women left their marriages. This was because:

they were less financially dependent on their (possibly) abusive husbands.

One of the criticisms of the Whitehall Study is that the researchers did not adequately address the possibility that occupational and health differences were caused by:

underlying personality differences

Under HMOs, doctors usually don't get more money each time a patient comes in, so the incentive might be to:

undertreat the patient

While HMOs might decrease the prestige of physicians, they could also be detrimental to patients because a patient could be:


The difference between collective action and deviance is:

whether you are acting alone or as a part of a group

If your identity is a definition of who you are, then how does your affiliation with multiple groups affect it?

your unique identity comes from the collection of groups in which you belong

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