sociology module 5

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social conflict theorist

A ________ would likely study ways the minority group in a society have been oppressed by laws and overt racism by the dominant society

social conflict theorist

A ________ would likely study ways the minority group in a society have been oppressed by laws and overt racism by the dominant society.

are disadvantaged in some way by the dominant group

A minority group is made up of people who

white privelege

A societal privilege that benefits people who are white in a way that goes beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white individuals under the same societal, political, or economic circumstances is known as _______


A symbolic interactionist would emphasize how ________ related to race and ethnicity could lead to racism

subordinate group

A term that can be used interchangeably with the term "minority" is

must have served an important function in order to have existed for so long

According to the functionalism view, race and ethnic inequality

white privelege

Addison is white and grew up in a lower class home. She's always had to work and support herself and has a hard time believing that she has any real advantages in life just because of her skin color. After taking a Sociology class, Addison realizes that while her life has still been hard, she has, in fact, benefitted from a society that generally caters to the needs of people who look like she does. Addison has come to better understand ________.

subjugate Native Americans and keep them from gaining any power

After the establishment of the United States' government, discrimination against Native Americans was codified and formalized in a series of laws intended to


Almost any characteristic can be generalized based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation or other categories. When we generalize about people and separately categorize them, we are creating a


Although ________ Americans have deep, long-reaching roots in the United States, their history here has not always been smooth. The California Alien Land Law of 1913 was aimed at them and other Asian immigrants, and it prohibited aliens from owning land.

melting pot

Amalgamation is represented by the ________ metaphor

physical markers

Race is about

dominant groups blame subordinate groups for their problems

Scapegoat theory shows that:


Stereotypes are not based on:


When we speak of descent through such cultural backgrounds as Irish, Italian American, Russian, Jewish, and Serbian we are actually discussing

the bracero program

Which federal act or program was designed to protect Hispanic American worker immigration, not block it?

Native Americans

Which group is the only non-immigrant ethnic group in the United States?


Which intergroup relation displays the least tolerance?

Blacks under apartheid in South Africa

Which of the following is an example of a numerical majority being treated as a subordinate group?

it doesn't need the actions of individuals to continue

Which of the following is the best explanation of racism as a social fact?


according to ________, racism is one way to justify racial inequality in society

cuban Americans

are often seen as a model minority group within the larger Hispanic group. Because they often had higher socioeconomic status when they arrived in this country, as well as an anti-Communist agenda. However, being a model minority can mask the issue of powerlessness that these minority groups face in U.S. society.


biased actions against an individual or group

interaction theory

The ________ focuses on how race and ethnicity provide strong symbols as sources of identity

separate but equal

What doctrine justified legal segregation in the South?


What intergroup relationship is represented by the "salad bowl" metaphor?

lack of power

What is the one defining feature of a minority group?


speedy Gonzalez is an example of:

model minority

Asian Americans certainly have been subject to their share of racial prejudice, despite the seemingly positive stereotype knowns as the________ because they appear to achieve significant educational, professional, and socioeconomic levels without challenging the existing establishment

The slave codes which declared that any foreign-born non-Christian could be a slave, and be considered property.

By 1705, Virginia passed which of these laws?

increased prejudicism

Devin grows up with incredibly strict parents who punish him severely for even minor infractions. When he grows up, he finds himself drawn to other authority figures and emulates the ways some of his heroes act toward others. According to psychologist Theodor Adorno, Devin may be prone to

example of white privilege.

Eli, a white student attending Michigan State, is coming driving home from a party at college. He pulls up to a drunk-driving checkpoint where police are stopping people and asking them for their IDs. Having not consumed alcohol that evening, he has a reasonable expectation that the police will look at his ID and let him pass without further questioning


Ethnicity does not include shared:


Hispanic Americans have a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities; their segment of the U.S. population that self-identifies as Hispanic in 2013 was recently estimated at ________ of the total (U.S. Census Bureau 2014).

interactions between members of groups

Interactionists suggest that racial prejudices are formed by:


Later waves of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe were also subject to intense discrimination and prejudice. In particular, the dominant group saw ________ immigrants as the dregs of Europe and worried about the purity of the American race (Myers 2007).


Many Arab Americans face ________, especially after 9/11

African americans

Name the group whose ancestors did not come here by choice

civil rights movement

The ________ was characterized by boycotts, marches, sit-ins, and freedom rides as demonstrations by a subordinate group that would no longer willingly submit to domination

an ethnicity; a religion

The difference between the terms "Arab" and "Muslim" is that Arab refers to ________ and Muslim refers to ________

were able to participate in and benefit from the civil rights movement.

The eradication of Native American culture continued until the 1960s, when Native Americans

white privilege

The fact that Brad, as a Caucasian in the United States, can be reasonably sure that he will deal with authority figures of the same race as him is a result of:

subordinate group; dominant group

The term ________ can be used interchangeably with the term minority, while the term ________ is often substituted for the group that's in the majority

intersection theory

The theory that we cannot separate the effects of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes is known as:

contact hypothesis

This theory emphasizes the importance of interaction and communication between groups to reduce stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

they're the only group that didn't come here as immigrants

What makes Native Americans unique as a subordinate group in the United States?


Which of the following theories would suggest that racial and ethnic inequalities must have served an important purpose in order to exist as long as they have?


Which of these terms describes the process by which a minority individual or group abandons its own identity to take on the characteristics of the dominant culture, perhaps by absorbing immigrants from different lands?


Which of these terms represents the ideal of the United States as a "salad bowl" where a mixture of different cultures is accepted and tolerated with each culture retaining its own identity and being valued equally with mutual respect on the part of all cultures, both dominant and subordinate?

asian Americans

Which subordinate group is often referred to as the "model minority?"

white Protestants from England

White ethnic Europeans formed the second and third great waves of immigration from the early nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. They joined the newly formed United States which was made up primarily of

white protestants from England

White ethnic Europeans formed the second and third great waves of immigration from the early nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. They joined the newly formed United States which was made up primarily of

For a better life and to escape oppression

Why did most white ethnic Americans come to the United States?


__ immigration began in the 1880s. Many of these immigrants came to Hawaii to participate in the sugar industry; others came to the mainland, especially to agricultural pursuits in California

racial steering

__ is a process used by real estate agents to direct prospective homeowners toward or away from certain neighborhoods based on their race


___ describes shared culture, ancestry, nationality, or even religion

culture of prejudice

refers to the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture.

a person who came from Africa & immigrated to Europe

the racial term "African American" does not refer to:

culture of prejudice

___ refers to the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture


______ is a socially defined category based on physical differences between different groups of people.

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