Sociology of Peace Final

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Johann Galtung

-the father of peace studies -a Norwegian sociologist as well as a mathematician. -developed the concepts of positive and negative peace. -languages such as Spanish and Italian are more peaceful as they aren't as declarative as english and Chinese prefers positive peace

6 Forms of Actions Used in Conflict

1) verbal persuasion 2) use of threats and sanctions 3) physical violence 4) material destruction 5) physical v. and material destruction 6) non-violent action (is another form of action used forcefully to create some sort of change)

Kant's Three Definitive Articles

1. democracy (participatory) 2. economic interdependence 3. international organizations

What percentage of Nobel Prize winners has been shared by 2 or 3 people?


The Global Peace Index 2018 measures peace by using how many quantitative & qualitative indicators?

10 and 23

According to this article what is the average amount of money Mohammad Yunus loaned to "beggars" early on?

12-15 dollars

How many people died during the resistance?


How many courses are being offered on this topic, according to the website, environmental peacemaking?


How many human rights are recognized according to the United Nations?


Social Media: Enemy of the State or Power to the People? Review According to this article social media is one of the most important tools for social change in recent human history. Why?

A It provides for self-expression and promotes mutual understanding. B It enables rapid formation of networks and demonstrates our common humanity across cultural differences. C It connects people, their ideas and values, like never before. D All of the above!!!``

peace pole

A peace pole is a 4 or 6 sided pole displaying the words, May Peace Prevail on Earth. This allows for between 4-12 languages to be displayed, sharing this same message of peace.

Of the following types of non-violent resistance , which was NOT used as a tool for change?

All of the Above were used

After watching this video, what was Jody's key message regarding peace?

Anybody can work for people, even normal people that have a vision

Jeremy had a few countries sign a resolution to allow Peace Day to be voted on by the U.N. general assembly; which of the following is NOT one of those countries? A. Great Britain B. Germany C. Costa Rica D. All of the above

B. Germany

Which famous American was partially responsible as co-signer to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Peace One Day by Jeremy Gilley (1999)

Fighting for a day of national ceasefire

Which of the following countries is not in the GPI 2018 "Most Peaceful Countries Top 10" list? (You will have to go to the Global Peace Index website to do some digging to find this answer). This DOES NOT come from the video above.


peace dove

Greek history has noted this peace dove as a symbol of a hopeful future, i.e. peace.

What does Paul Chappell share as his "waging peace," skill?

How to offer up respect to the other

This article mentions the power of young people understanding each other through social media. Traditional media attempts, many times to control perceptions of the "enemy." Social media shares what young people in other countries share in common. It breaks down the lines of being seen as just the enemy. What country was used in this comparison?


Lederach says this directly about conflict?

It's an opportunity, don't waste it.

What country is highlighted in the film, Praying Devil Back to Hell?


What is the greatest problem of every army in world history, according to Chappell?

Making sure they don't turn and run

According to the Nobel Peace Prize website which Nobel Peace Prize winner is ranked as the most popular?

Martin Luther King

1 Peace Jam Utilizes relationships with Nobel Peace Prize Laureates 2 USIP National Peace Essay Contest 3 Peace One Day Utilizes Skype to communicate with classrooms globally 4 Challenge Day Anti-bullying skills 5 Student Peace Alliance Abolish the Box Campaign

Match the peace educational organization with their main initiative.

Which of the below is not one of the 8 tips mentioned in the article?

Monitor costs for the program

3 Pillars of Restorative Justice

Needs & Harms - understanding the needs, addressing them and repairing harm Obligations - rectifying the harm-doers wrong-doing to make things right Engagement - there is a period of engagement or dialogue between the many stakeholders. Everyone has a platform to speak if they so choose. (1)

charleston peace pole

Over the last 8 years, alone over 25 peace poles have been planted in Charleston, South Carolina, following their inaugural Charleston Peace One Day festival. The College of Charleston has a peace pole planted behind the Sociology Department on St. Philips St, as well as behind the Childhood Education Center.

The U.S. Institute of Peace was founded in 1983 under the presidential leadership of __________.

Ronald Reagan.

Which of the following services does SAS NOT provide?

SAS offers all of the above

where peace studies began

The first peace studies program in U.S. was at Manchester University, a private liberal arts university associated with the Church of the Brethren. In 1948, Gladdys Muir established the world's first undergraduate peace studies program at Manchester.

Nobel's "will" outlined 3 criteria for the peace prize (according to this video), which was NOT one of those criteria?

Use of Education to teach Peace

positive and negative peace

Within peace studies, "peace" is defined not just as the absence of war (negative peace), but also the presence of the conditions for a just and sustainable peace, including access to food and clean drinking water, education for women and children, security from physical harm, and other inviolable human rights (positive peace).

moral imagination

a concept developed by peace scholar John Paul Lederach that speaks to the possibilities of an individual who is able to use intuition and insight to begin the process of resolving conflicts and challenges active in the world today.


a praxis approach to conflict transformation focused on equalizing power relationships that can lead to violence due to misunderstandings or hidden forms of corruption.

culture of peace

a process, a strategic means by which a society seeking and choosing to find a just, equitable, caring, non-violent, and sustainable world does it's bidding.


a world we create via our beliefs, objects, words, institutions, history, associations and actions.

John and Yoko were asked by the interviewer how they planned on spreading peace. John's response was what? Through _.

advertising method

The Children's Peace Monument

also called the Atomic Bomb Children Statue located in Hiroshima, Japan, is a monument for peace to commemorate Sadako Sasaki and the thousands of child victims of the atomic bomb, 1945. At the bottom of this monument a plaque reads, "This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world."

Do not harm principle

awareness and action around the idea that behavior can lead to harmful and negative consequences of which are typically unacceptable.

What type of solution for a conflict is Galtung striving for?

both / and solution

Which of the following best describes when a person moves from ill-will into good will, that which Gandhi called, nonviolence of the strong.

conflict resolution

According to the Happiness Index, which country scored the highest based on 2016 statistics?

costa rica

Strategic PeaceBuilding Path

created by John Paul Lederach and Katie Mansfield categorizing main sub-categories within the peacebuilding/peacemaking/peacekeeping fields as well as highlighting their interconnections.

peace sign

created by a British artist Gerald Holtom in 1958 as a branding mechanism for a nuclear disarmament march, protesting nuclear weapons being built in England.

Lederach mentions that it usually takes this long to begin to resolve a long term conflict?


Match the University/College with their specialty in the Peace Studies Field

eastern mennonite college Restorative justice Kroc Institute of Peacebuilding - Notre Dame Ph.D in Integrative Peace Studies Kroc Institute of Peacebuilding - San Diego international peacebuilding George Washington University Political peace studies US institute of peace On-line education for Peacemaking/Peacebuilding skills

According to the article, one must forget the harm, in order to heal the harm?


This young student was incarcerated for vandalism?


The strongest indicator for predicting homicide rates in the world is what, according to Gilligan?

gap between the rich and the poor

There are 3 roles of religion according to functionalism. Which of the following is not one of these, according to the video.

how religion creates inequalities

Which of the following non-violent strategies were used in the film, Bringing Down a Dictator.

humor training young marches

The Seville Statement on Violence- UN

in 1986, 18 distinguished psychologists, ethnologists, and bio scientists, refuted the assumption that we are biologically predestined to war making and a competitive nature.

Lederach compares understanding conflict transformation by doing what

looking through the pane of a window

What statement was made to let protesters know that someone was about to speak?

mic check

measuring peace

most peaceful according to the 2018 Global Peace Index are Iceland, New Zealand, Denmark, Austria and Japan. Examples of the least peaceful countries are Russia, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. The Untied States falls at 121st

Galtung mentions 4 factors that are found in negative journalism. Which of the below is not one of them?

must be used/shared in multiple media platforms

Does a sustainable goal mean that it lasts for a lifetime? (yes or no answer)


Is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights a force-able law?


Was the mother/spouse of victim able to forgive William (offender) Yes or No?


What section of society do most graduates with a Rotary Peace Fellowship land professionally?


How often does the committee meet? (Right Livelihood Award

once a year

The Peace Alliance is building peace using 3 specific platforms, which is not one of these?

people to people communication

Positive Peace

presence of justice and well-being in a society; not just a condition but the means to that condition.

perpetual peace

refers to the place where peace is so normalized that it happens on an ongoing basis.

Which of the these is not one of the three values of restorative justice? A respect B rights C responsibility D relationships


Conflict Prevention

seeking to stop or prevent conflict before it reaches a violent or highly escalated stage.

John Lennon compared selling peace to selling what?



the application of theoretical knowledge to practical use


the artful & compassionate continuation of the existence of humankind and the natural world.

Leopold mentioned in his article Land Ethic that the environment/land must be a part of ?

the community

What is restorative justice

the easy answer is a principle, practice or strategy that seeks to repair the harm mitigate future harm and build community.


the science and art of education, specifically instructional theory.

cultural violence

this form of violence comes out our a societies cultural expectations, blinding people of the discrimination right around them. (indifference to homeless, confederate flags, etc)

structural violence

this is a form of violence embedded in social institutions, usually unseen by most, where people are denied their basic needs. (voting rights, rights to one's body, schools not being adequate)

What is Liter of Light's secondary motive?

to make money for the new local entrepreneur

The Center for Economic and Peace

tracks results of tangible peace through their Global Peace Index.

It is estimated that the cost of violence per year in the U.S. is close to $460 billion dollars?


Peaceful countries often shared high levels of transparency of government and low corruption. (True or False)


President Obama's scrapping of the Zero Tolerance discipline policy opened the door for RJ opportunities in public school settings?



usually the process of a third objective party bearing witness to events, using forms of nonviolent resistance or serving as an adjunct presence with the ultimate goal of a sustainable peace.

The author spoke of five traits needed when dealing with conflict. Which of these "disarms conflict."


Negative peace

working against the powers and actions of violence and hatred to find peace. Absence of war.

Which of the following was not mentioned in the video as a role of the peaceforce.

writing textbooks to teach nonviolence

The Department of Peacebuilding bill recognizes the International Day of Peace?


Was the daughter of the victim able to forgive William (offender)? Yes or No.


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