Sociology Quiz #11
skeptics dismiss these marriage benefits as
selection effects
"there is no concrete group which can be universally identified as '_______'"
the family
raising children is expensive, from birth to 17 average costs are
$291000 or more
the median length of time for a person who divorces then remarries is
3.8 years
in the united states there are about ____ heterosexual couples living together
58 million
recent surveys estimate that approximately ____ of all weddings and ____ of traditional weddings culminate in honeymoons
85%; 99%
one of the highest fertility rates in the world (5.22)
one in which people tend to live longer and in which those in older age cohorts outnumber those in younger age cohorts; japan has this
aging population
sociologists kathryn edin and maria kefalas find that poor young women do not see many ______ to marriage
families composed of children and some combination of biological parents (step-father, step-sister, etc)
blended family
_______ theorists point out that family members do not always care for one another and that the family also perpetuates inequalities by passing on social advantages and disadvantages to members
marriage and family systems are structured to value productive work and devalue reproductive work and to foster and maintain divisions and boundaries
conflict view of families
the power of the family over other institutions has
practice of marrying within your social group
practice of marrying someone from a different social group
most americans, married or not, still live near
extended family
refers to two or more people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption
social institution that binds people together through blood, marriage, law, and/or social norms
from a ______ point of view, family should be defined in terms of the functions it fulfills-- that is, in terms of the functions that support order and stability in a society
the system sociologist randall collins proposed that system societies use to rank males and females on a scale of social worth such that the ranking affects life chances in unequal ways
gender stratification
even _____ ________ can have some bad side effects, taking people away from other social connections
good marriages
lewis and rose coser described marriage as a ______ _________ demanding undivided commitment
greedy institution
men with ______ _____ are more likely to marry
higher incomes
the marriage between people with similar backgrounds such as religion, race, class, geographical background or age
has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world (1.4)
this country's very low total fertility rate, combined with its long life expectancy and low immigration rate, means that the country has one of the world's oldest populations
under which living arrangement are children most likely to have a parent securely employed
living with both parents 89%
critics point out that only marriages with _____ levels of hostility and conflict offer the health benefits touted by advocates
federal law in united states defined ______ "a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife"
marriage is greedy for
material, emotional, and cultural reasons
often experience a marriage premium where getting married or having children increases their income
on average _____ spend about 10 more hours a week on the job than _____
men; women
practice of being married to one person
family consisting of a husband, wife, and children
nuclear family
advocates such as david popenoe and linda waite assert that marriage is good for one's
pocketbook, health, happiness, sex life, and kids
many gay and lesbian groups have placed marriage at the center of their
political agenda
one wife, multiple husbands at one time
practice of having more than one spouse at a time
one husband, multiple wives at one time
according to barbara wells and maxine baca zinn, marriage brings _____ benefits to the poor than the ______
poor; affluent
both republicans and democrats emphasize marriage as a way out of ______ for young single mothers and a route to __________ for young unmarried fathers
poverty; responsibility
instead of bolstering community involvement, marriage diminishes ties to
relatives, neighbors, and friends
two or more successive partnerships/unions/spouses
serial monogamy
person not in a committed relationship, partnership, or union
94 percent of unmarried young women and men say their primary goal in marriage is finding a
soul mate
federal law in united states defined _______ "a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or wife"
said in her book called the way we never were that americans tend to have an idealized sense of family
stephanie cootz
wrote a book called the way we never were
stephanie cootz
for the most part, parents in japan and the united states can expect their children to
survive them
the average number of children that a woman bears in her lifetime
total fertility
often experience a marriage penalty where getting married or having children decreases their income
recent advocates insist that the benefits of marriage accrue to both _____ and ____
women; men