Sociology Spring 2019: Chapter 21
Which of the following is an example of a convergence cluster?
A group of friends traveling to New York City for the weekend
When news of Proposition 8 broke in California in 2008, hundreds of thousands of protestors came together using Twitter, Facebook, and the media to get their message of protest out. Which stage of Blumer and Tilly's social movement outline represents this?
Coalescence stage
When social movements link their goals to the goals of other social movements and merge into a single group, this is referred to as:
Frame alignment process
Assembling perspective falls under which sociological perspective?
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a non-profit organization located in Washington, D.C. which advocates for equal rights and marriage rights of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual citizens. The HRC is a ____ group:
The National Organization for Marriage is a group which travels across the country, condemning homosexuality and advocating against new laws allowing gay marriage. What type of movement are they participating in?
There is a matching question
There is a matching question
Neil Smelser's theory of crowd behavior is referred to as ______ theory:
Valued added
Chip believes that individuals in crowds behave rationally, and thinks crowds are engaging in purposeful behavior and collective action. What sociological perspective is Chip referring to?
According to Neil Smelser, several conditions must be in place for _________________ to occur?
collective behavior