SOCY 2132 CH 11 QUIZ

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Match each of the following solutions to the work-family conflict by the type of solution. family solution / work solution / government solution 1. A grandparent moves in with a family to help out with housework and care work. 2. An employer allows a father to take paid time off from work to take his child to the doctor. 3. Payroll taxes from an employee's paycheck are used to cover paid time off for childbirth. 4. A country reduces working time hours for its citizens by shortening the workweek. 5. A mother and father take alternate work shifts so that someone is always home to perform child care.

1. family solution 2. work solution 3. government solution 4. government solution 5. family solution

Given what research has shown about types of couples and the division of household labor, match the following couple profiles with the associated type of unpaid labor division in the home they are likely to have. less equal division of unpaid labor in the home / more equal division of unpaid labor in the home 1. Hispanic couple 2. gay couple 3. Black couple 4. conservative Christian couple 5. couple with equal earnings in the paid labor

1. less equal division of unpaid labor in the home 2. more equal division of unpaid labor in the home 3. more equal division of unpaid labor in the home 4. less equal division of unpaid labor in the home 5. more equal division of unpaid labor in the home

Jasmine and Anthony are a married couple with one child. Anthony works 8 hours a day at his paid job and does 1 hour of housework or care work when he gets home. Jasmine does not have a paid job, but she spends 9 hours a day on housework or care work in the home. Although they both work about the same amount of total hours, why might Jasmine still be considered at a disadvantage? Choose all that apply. A. Because Anthony's work provides monetary earnings that allows for control of more resources, he will likely also have more decision-making power in the relationship. B. If they were to divorce, Jasmine's abilities as a homemaker would not provide her with a lot of compensation in the labor market, so she is taking a greater economic risk in their marriage. C. If they were to divorce, Jasmine would not be entitled to a share of the economic wealth the couple has saved through Anthony's paid labor work. D. Housework and care work tasks are not as fulfilling as paid labor and therefore Jasmine is missing out on this aspect of paid work.

A. Because Anthony's work provides monetary earnings that allows for control of more resources, he will likely also have more decision-making power in the relationship. B. If they were to divorce, Jasmine's abilities as a homemaker would not provide her with a lot of compensation in the labor market, so she is taking a greater economic risk in their marriage.

Which of the following is true, according to time use surveys, about the amount of time men and women spend with on child care now compared to the 1960s? A. Both men and women have increased the total amount of time spent on child care. B. Both men and women have decreased the total amount of time spent on child care. C. Women have increased the amount of time spent on child care while men have decreased it. D. Men have increased the amount of time spent on child care while women have decreased it.

A. Both men and women have increased the total amount of time spent on child care. FEEDBACK: Both men and women have increased the amount of time they spend on child care since the 1960s although men have increased their amount by more hours. Women still spend more total time on child care, about twice as much time as men do.

Which of the following is an example of one of the limitations of the Family and Medical Leave Act? Choose all that apply. A. Due to restrictions, only about half of the workforce is actually covered under this act. B.Some workers feel pressured not to take leave for fear of angering their employer. C. There is no paid leave available under this act so many cannot afford to use it. D. The act does not cover leave for the birth of a child if the employee is not the mother.

A. Due to restrictions, only about half of the workforce is actually covered under this act. B. Some workers feel pressured not to take leave for fear of angering their employer. C. There is no paid leave available under this act so many cannot afford to use it. FEEDBACK: While the Family Medical Leave Act does provide up to 12 months of unpaid leave for an employee if he or she is too sick, a family member is ill, or there is a birth or adoption. However there are several limitations: since there is no paid leave available, many cannot afford to use it; also, due to restrictions on what kind of employee qualifies, about half of the workforce is not covered; and finally, many employees offer it only grudgingly so employees are often fearful of losing their jobs if they take advantage of it.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) passed by the Congress in 1993 provided what new rights for some American workers? A. It provided some workers with unpaid leave if they are sick or need to care for family members. B. It provided some workers with paid leave if they are sick or need to care for family members. C. It provided some workers with paid leave from their jobs when a child is born. D. It provided some workers with unpaid leave if they are ill no matter how long they have been employed.

A. It provided some workers with unpaid leave if they are sick or need to care for family members. FEEDBACK: The Family and Medical Leave Act allows American workers, who have been employed at least a year at a workplace with at least 50 employees, with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave a year to take if they are sick or need to care for family members.

Matt and Tracy are a married couple who both work outside of the home for pay. They have two children. While they both make about the same amount of money and work the same amount of time, Tracy still completes the majority of housework and care work in the home. When asked by a friend about the unequal allocation of work, Tracy replied that she felt it was more important for the mother to do these kinds of tasks. Tracy's response is an example of how __________, and not just economics, play a role in the division of labor in the home. A. gender dynamics B. work-family conflicts C. motherhood penalties D. personal resources

A. gender dynamics FEEDBACK: Although economics does play a role in the decisions regarding who should allocate more time to work in the home versus paid work, gender dynamics also play a role in these decisions. Men and women often make these work decisions due to socialization patterns they experienced growing up that reflect the traditional ideal of separate spheres.

Which of the following is an example of a work-based reform that would help ease some of the problems caused by the work-family conflict? Choose all that apply. A. A father is given time off after the birth of his child, the result of a federally funded program. B. A mother is allowed more flexible work hours so she can more easily accommodate child care. C. A company gives employees paid time off when they need to take a child to the doctor. D. A family divides work responsibilities in the home so gender differences are minimized.

B. A mother is allowed more flexible work hours so she can more easily accommodate child care. C. A company gives employees paid time off when they need to take a child to the doctor. FEEDBACK: There are some work-based reforms that can help alleviate some of the family problems that are caused by work-family conflicts. These involve actions by employers that provide employees with tools and resources to better handle work in the home such as allowing an employee a more flexible work schedule to accommodate family care obligations or giving an employee paid time off to take a child to the doctor.

When comparing amounts of paid and unpaid leave for two-parent families, how does the United States compare to other wealthy countries? A. The United States is ranked in the middle for both paid leave and unpaid leave. B. The United States is ranked almost at the bottom in regard to both paid and unpaid leave. C. The United States ranks in the middle for unpaid leave but at the bottom for paid leave. D. The United States ranks at the top for unpaid leave but at the bottom for paid leave.

B. The United States is ranked almost at the bottom in regard to both paid and unpaid leave. FEEDBACK: The United States is one of the very few wealthy countries that does not guarantee any paid leave to parents when they have children. The United States is also ranked almost at the bottom for unpaid leave among wealthy countries.

In regards to time spent on housework, time use surveys have shown that since the 1960s married women are doing __________ housework, while married men have ___________ theirs. A. almost twice as much; doubled B. almost half as much; doubled C. almost half as much; decreased by half D. almost twice as much; decreased by half

B. almost half as much; doubled FEEDBACK: Time use surveys have shown that since the 1960s, married women have cut their housework time almost in half, while married men have doubled theirs. Overall though, the total amount of housework done by married couples has declined.

The overall allocation of work between men and women in society is referred to as A. the second shift. B. the gender division of labor. C. the system of care. D. occupational gender segregation.

B. the gender division of labor. FEEDBACK: The gender division of labor refers to the overall allocation of work between men and women in society, which includes occupational gender segregation as well as the way men and women divide up housework and care work.

Cai is a married woman in her late 20s who had her first child two years ago. She worked for several years at a financial firm before having her child and is now planning on rejoining the workforce. Research suggests that she will likely face a reduction in salary once she begins working again. The earnings reduction Cai will likely experience is referred to by researchers as A. an opportunity cost. B. the motherhood penalty. C. occupational gender segregation. D. a work-family conflict.

B. the motherhood penalty. FEEDBACK: The motherhood penalty refers to the loss of earnings women experience after they have children. Research finds that after taking work experience and occupational choices into account, we still find that women earn less if they have children.

A __________ occurs when the time demands, strains, or obligations of work or family roles make it difficult for people to fulfill their obligations in either role. A. role ambiguity B. work-family conflict C. motherhood penalty D. gender division of labor

B. work-family conflict FEEDBACK: The problem of work-family conflict occurs when the time demands, strains, or obligations of work or family roles make it difficult for people to fulfill their obligations in either role. Many of the work-related problems that families experience today arise from work-family conflict.

What does the term second shift refer to? A. the other shift women work to be employed full-time since most female jobs are part time B. the extra paid work men have taken on in order to compensate for the economic recession C. the housework and care work women tend to do in addition to paid work in the labor market D. the return of women working in the home from the first shift of their work to the paid market

C. the housework and care work women tend to do in addition to paid work in the labor market FEEDBACK: The second shift refers to the extra work, household work, and child care that the majority of women do in addition to their first shift of paid work in the labor market.

Which of these is an example of occupational gender segregation? A. In a household a mother does almost all of the care work and housework. B. Male construction workers at a worksite do the manual labor and female workers maintain supplies. C. Men and women are paid differently for the same work at a retail store. D. Employment data shows women make up a large percentage of the teaching profession.

D. Employment data shows women make up a large percentage of the teaching profession. FEEDBACK: Occupational gender segregation refers to men and women having jobs in separate occupations. It therefore refers to gender segregation at the larger occupational level, not in the household or on the job site or in gender inequality in regard to pay for the same job.

What was the impact of welfare reform during the 1990s on single-parent homes that were experiencing poverty? A. It reduced the amount of aid to single-parent families but the poverty rate stayed the same. B. It reduced the number of single-parent families in poverty and the amount of aid. C. It increased the amount of aid to single-parent families and their poverty rate decreased. D. It reduced the number of families receiving aid but the poverty rate of those families increased.

D. It reduced the number of families receiving aid but the poverty rate of those families increased. FEEDBACK: Welfare reform in the 1990s was based on policymakers abandoning the assumption that the government should provide income support to the poor instead of full-time work. Single parents were expected to maintain a job while receiving income support and then transition to no support. The reformed welfare system could not keep up with the large increase in poor single-parent families, due both to the economic recession and work-family conflicts, so the end result was a reduction in aid but also an overall increase in the number of single-parent families in poverty.

A. Women with children under age 5 in the home. B. Women with children in the home. C. Women who dropped out of high school. D. Women with a college education.

Figure 11.2 shows that during the past three decades after 1960, labor force participation increased for which groups of women? Choose all that apply. A. Women with children under age 5 in the home. B. Women with children in the home. C. Women who dropped out of high school. D. Women with a college education.

D. narrowed; expanded FEEDBACK: When we look at the percentage of women employed around the time of their first child, we find that today they are working during more of the pregnancy and the first 12 months following birth. These trends show that the period of unemployment and intensive child care has narrowed while the employment period has expanded.

Figure 11.3 shows that for women having their first child, the intensive child-care period has __________ over the past 40 years while the employment period has __________. A. expanded; narrowed B. stayed the same; expanded C. narrowed; stayed the same D. narrowed; expanded

C. In the paid labor market these jobs are, for the most part, dominated by women. FEEDBACK: This snapshot of yearly salary and occupational segregation shows that jobs that are traditionally performed by women in the home are also dominated by women in the paid labor market, with the exception of cooks.

Figure 11.4 shows which of the following about jobs that are traditionally performed by women when done at home? A. Care work-type jobs are paid differently than housework-type jobs. B. In the paid labor market most of these jobs are dominated by men. C. In the paid labor market these jobs are, for the most part, dominated by women. D. The highest paid positions for these jobs have a majority of male workers.

A. Men spend more time on average at their paid job than women do. C. Overall women spend more time working than men do. D. Women spend twice as much time on housework and cooking than men do. FEEDBACK: This time use study from 2010 shows a gender comparison for the work and nonwork activities. Overall, women spend more time in their day working, however when we just compare hours working at a job we see that men work more. Women make up this difference and more by doing twice as much housework and care work.

Figure 11.6 shows the results of a time-use study in 2010 and suggests which of the following regarding gender and work? Choose all that apply. A. Men spend more time on average at their paid job than women do. B. Women spend more time on nonwork activities than men do. C. Overall women spend more time working than men do. D. Women spend twice as much time on housework and cooking than men do.

C. Women with higher levels of education are much more likely to have paid leave available. FEEDBACK: This figure shows that women with higher levels of education have a greater likelihood of access to paid leave when they have their first child. Women with lower levels of education are more likely to quit their job or take unpaid leave.

Which of the following does this figure suggest about education and how women resolve the work-family conflict during their first birth? A. Women with lower levels of education are much more likely to have paid leave available. B. Women with higher levels of education are much more likely to quit their job. C. Women with higher levels of education are much more likely to have paid leave available. D. Women with lower levels of education are less likely to quit their job.

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