What is the somatotype rating for an extreme endomorph?
What is the somatotype rating for an extreme mesomorph?
What is the somatotype rating for an extreme ectomorph?
A somatotype, individuals with narrow shoulders and narrow hips, characterised by thinness
A somatotype, individuals with wide hips and narrow shoulders, characterised by fatness
A somatotype, individuals with wide shoulders and narrow hips, characterised by muscularity
Give three characteristics of endomorphs
Pear shaped, high proportion of fat, wide hips and narrow shoulders
Name a sport suited to mesomorphs
Swimmers, games players
Give three characteristics of ectomorphs
Tall, thin, marrow shape, little muscle or fat, thin wrists and ankles
Give three charctersistics of mesopmorphs
Wedge-shape, high proportion of muscle, squre heads, wide shoulders, narrow hips
Name a sport suited to endomorphs
Hammer throwers, shot putters, sumo wrestlers. heavy weight boxers/wrestlers
Name a sport suited to ectomorphs
High jump, pole vault, basketball