Sorting algorithms
quick sort best case
binary search best case
binary search space
insertion sort space
selection sort space
binary search worst case/avg
merge sort space
insertion sort best case
merge sort advantage
n * lg n in all cases, even worst case
insertion sort worst case
quick sort worst case
selection sort average case
selection sort best case
selection sort worst case
insertion sort average case
n^2 but half the time as worst case
Merge sort best case
merge sort average case
merge sort worst case
quick sort average case
selection sort advantage
fewest number of situations (sorting integers is not one of them) where swapping our data can take a very long time due to very large amounts of it to move back and forth, swapping might have such a LARGE constant on it that it would overshadow everything else. In that case, we might want selection sort.
quick sort advantage
on average, fastest known comparison-based sorting algorithm; i.e. the only faster algorithms we know of are designed for specific kinds of data, rather than working on anything we can compare. Both quicksort and mergesort have the same order of growth, but in terms of constant factors of that n * lg n term, quicksort's constants are lower.
insertion sort disadvantage
quadratic for any randomly arranged array, i.e. it's not better than quadratic unless the array *is* sorted a lot already
selection sort disadvantage
quadratic in all cases, can't even be improved upon if the array is partially sorted. Works okay for small arrays but insertion sort works better for those in general, Selection Sort is not generally useful. It's only useful in the one case listed as an advantage above.
quick sort disadvantage
the quadratic worst case. It's very unlikely to occur but it *can* happen, making quicksort not the best choice if you *need* to be at n * lg n time.
quick sort space
unstable partition takes o(1) at most o(logn) after partition
merge sort disadvantage
uses linear extra memory (the temporary array needed by merge)...this is especially a problem if you have a VERY large array to sort, since you might not even *have* enough memory left over to create another array that size. Also, not quite as fast as quicksort's average case, when you consider the constant factors (since they both have n * lg n order of growth)
insertion sort advantage
works well for partially sorted or completely sorted arrays; also good for small arrays since quicksort and mergesort tend to be overkill for such arrays