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First book ever written on Space Law, and in what year?

1963, Space Law and Government by Andrew Haley. First popular use of "Metalaw" Haley referenced the history of natural law theory from Greco-Roman times to present, seeing it as a precursor for a new planetary and post-planetary "Metalaw."

Geostationary Orbit

A geostationary orbit can be achieved only at an altitude very close to 35,786 km 22,236 mi and directly above the equator. This equates to an orbital velocity of 3.07 km/s (1.91 mi/s) and an orbital period of 1,436 minutes, which equates to almost exactly one sidereal day (23.934461223 hours).

24. part2.

A usufruct is direcly equatable to a common-law life estate except that a usufruct can be granted for a term shorter than the holder's life time

25. part.2

A valid right of property to immoveable estate can exist only within a legal system established by a state and in relation to property over which that state has sovereignty. Since state claims to sovereignty in space cannot exist, neither can title to immoveable property on celestial bodies in space.

Ad Coelum Doctrine

Ad Coelum Doctrine Law and Legal Definition. Ad coelum doctrine relates to the common law rule that a landlord owns everything below and above the land, up to the sky and below the earth to its core. This doctrine applies to all minerals in the land as wel

23. part 4

Although, in theory, humans have inalienable rights to property "undefined" , in practice recognition by a state or other authority " social Contract"is necessary. under general condition of the Moon Treaty collection and removal of removal of samples is permitted.

Second Space Law Journal

Annals of Air and Space Law 1976. McGill University , Canada.

#12 Name the first two stages of Space Law

Exploration and speculation in principles and concepts (1915-1957) Consolidation and definition of principles (1957-1967)

23. In what major ways does the Moon treaty differs from the Outer Space Treaty? Discuss the major issue that has prevented widespread adoption of the Moon treaty? part 1

Extraterrestrial materials reaching the surface of Earth by natural means are not covered. Art. 1. Repeats most provisions of the OUTER SPACE TREATY.

First space law journal

First Edition-1971, Journal of Space Law, University of Mississippi.

Not Including the FIVE exclusively Space Law treaties, what are the major international treaties relevant to space

ITU 1865 U.N. 1945 Nuclear test Ban 1963 OST 1967 Astronaut Agreement 1968 Liability Convention 1973 International Telecommunication Constitution and Convention (1906-14-32) Registration Convention 1976 Moon Treaty 1979

25. part1. How might a distinction between moveable and immovable objects settle the issue over national appropriation of asteroids?

It follows that the various entrepreneurs who purport to sell portions of the Moon, Mars, Venus or any other celestial body cannot and do not transfer any sort of legal title to 'purchasers' from them. It is argued that the terms of Art. II of the OST prohibit only claims by states, therefore leaving open the possibility of a claim by an individual, and that such a claim creates a title which can then be passed on to a purchaser.

#15.What are the FIVE exclusively Space Law Treaties?

LIABILITY CONVENTION OF 1972. Convention on international Liability for damage caused by space objects. REGISTRATION OF CONVENTION OF 1975 Convention on registration of objects launched into outer space. MOON TREATY 1979 Agreement governing the activities of states on the Moon and other celestial bodies. OUTER SPACE TREATY OF 1967 Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in outer space and other celestial bodies. AGREEMENT ON THE RESCUE AND RETURN OF ASTRONAUTS 1968 Agreement on the rescue of astronauts, return of astronauts and the return of objects launched into orbit.

In what major ways does the Moon treaty differs from the Outer Space Treaty?

MOON TREATY: Notion of Res Communis. Common Heritage of Mankind. 13 members.Agreement on governing the activities of states on the Moon and other celestial bodies. No space powers. Covers all celestial bodies in the solar system along with associated trajectories,Art.1.

What Civilian Agency Came Before NASA and was converted into NASA's National Aeronautics & Space Council?

NACA, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

During the period of consolidation and definition of principles of space law between 1957 and 1967, what were the three primary institutions that were created?

NASA Act. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.1958 COPOUS. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. 1959 IISL. International Institute of Space Law estabiished as a prt of the new International Astronautical federation IAF. 1960

#14What are the four sources of Space Law

PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Hard law ( treaties/ court cases) Soft Law ( Declaration/MOU/ Standards treatises/custom NATIONAL LAW (MUNICIPAL /DOMESTIC) Hard Law ( treatises/Statutes/Court Cases/Regulations) Soft Law. PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW contracts/MOUs/Working Arrangement/Customs. PRIVATE NATIONAL LAW (Municipal/ Domestic) Contracts/MOUs/Working Arrangements/ Customs)

(6)What is the Ad Coelum doctrine?

Property rights vertically, also own the space above the house. Exploration and speculation in Principles and concepts(1915-57) Consolidation and definition of principles(1957-67). Procedural elaboration and regulation (1958-...) Regulation of Extraterrestrial activities (1957-'...)

What is the complexity inversion

Small stuff (devices) on Earth, Big Stuff ( devices) in space: Environment monitor Global positioning system Surveillance, Electronic mail, personal communication.

First book ever written on Space Law

Space law and Government by Andrew Haley (First Space Lawyer) First popular use of the term "METALAW" Haley referenced the history of natural law theory from Greeco-Roman times to present, seing it as a precursor for a new planetary and post planetary "Metalaw"

What are the requirements of the registration convention of 1975

The Basic information required for the UNSG Registry. Name of the launching states. An appropriate designator of the space object or its registration. Date and territory or location of the launch ((perigee, apogee). Basic orbital parameters. General function of the object.

Van Karmen Line

The Kármán line, or Karman line, lies at an altitude of 100 km (62 mi; 330,000 ft) above Earth's sea level and commonly represents the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space

23. Discuss the major issue that has prevented widespread adoption of the Moon treaty part3

The Moon Treaty's attempted answer is the primary reason it has not gained widespread support. Main area of controversy is the provision on the common heritage, res communis, Heritage of mankind Art. 2

24. What is the doctrine of usufruct? and how might the doctrine represents the alternative to the major problem with then Moon Treaty? part 1

Usus: the right to use or enjoy a thing possessed directly without altering it. Fructus: is the right to profit from a thing possessed. For instance by selling crops , leasing immovable. the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another

What Are the Main Attributes of Space?

VANTAGE POINT: a place or position affording a good viewing of something. PERPETUAL MOTION IN ORBIT: moves by it self. SOLAR ENERGY: Radiant energy emitted by the Sun. VACUUM: Space in which there is no matter or in which the pressure is so low that any particles in the space do not affect any processes being carried on there. It is a condition well below normal atmospheric pressure and is measured in units of pressure (the pascal). ZERO GRAVITY: A condition of apparent or real weightlessness such as that experienced in orbit or in free fall, or in a region lacking a gravitational field. CHANGELESS ENVIRONMENT: OUTWARD VIEWING:

Whose proposal in the early 1950's be came the basis not only for Apollo, the Space Shuttle and the Space Station, but also for the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey?

Von Braun "Great Collier's space program" 1952-1954

23. part 2

WHO OWNS HE MOON( AND OTHER CELESTIAL BODIES). outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of Use or occupation or by any other means.

25. part 3

may find solution in future. Present, no one can claim ownership of the Moon and other celestial bodies in space. Movable Asteroid if less than 10m in move to Earth's atmosphere. 20 tons in mass movable to Moon's orbit.

ITU's primary role in space

the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)‹ see Figure 1‹represents a good example of an intergovernmental agency in the space development field. Non-governmental organizations such as IAF have worked closely with and influenced this important intergovernmental organization. Indeed, the ITU constitutes a unique example of the real practical and functional authority that can be wielded in the international system, quite apart from the General Assembly or the Security Council. ITU's primary task is the allocation of radio frequencies. This responsibility assumes enormous importance when one considers the substantial number of communications satellites from many different countries that seek to use different segments of the electromagnetic spectrum for different purposes. The World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) is the ITU arm that addresses space communications‹which, in today's diversified market, affects nearly all forms of communication, both domestic and international. WARC is divided into three regions; North and South America are in region two (2). Region two is now the world's only remaining area recognizing an "open skies" policy. The other regional WARCs have begun the allocation of geosynchronous orbit slots, because of the limited number of usable sites available in the geosynchronous orbit (roughly 35,881 kilometers, or 22,300 miles, above mean sea level).

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