SPD Practice Questions

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If upper soil has insufficient bearing capacity for spread footings, the bldg loads are often transferred to deeper, firmer soils by ____________________________.

Piles - Can be made from wood, concrete, or steel - Can bear weight via surface friction or end bearing

What is the max slope permitted for a handicapped ramp? A. 1:20 B. 1:15 C. 1:12 D. 1:8

C. 1:12 - Ramps other than those used by handicapped are usually limited to 1:8 - I thought 1:8 ok if 3" rise or less?? - I thought 1:10 ok if 6" rise or less??

Max permissible cross-slope for a sidewalk as per ADA is: A. 0.5% B. 1% C. 2% D. 4%

C. 2%

What is the minimum recommended width for a 2-way driveway off a local or collector street? A. 18' B. 20' C. 24' D. 30'

C. 24'

As per ADA guidelines, what is the min width of an accessible van parking space? A. 96" B. 102" C. 120" D. 132"

D. 132" (11') - Min width for car parking space is 8' with a 5' access aisle - For van space, min width 11' with 5' access, (Or can it be 8' with 8' access?)

As per ADA guidelines, what is the max slope for a curb cut? A. 1:6 B. 1:8 C. 1:10 D. 1:12

D. 1:12 - As with any ramp - flared sides of curb cut have 1:10 max slope

What is the maximum slope on which it is feasible to plant grass? A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 25%

D. 25% - Grass for recreational areas should be limited to 3%, but for landscaping, up to 25%

Which of the following pieces of info are typically in a subsurface investigation report? (Choose 4) A. Results of field tests B. Results of laboratory tests C. Recommended types of foundations D. Soil sieve analysis E. Boring location plan F. Recommended treatment for contaminated soil

A, B, C, E

A development will have a 10,000 SF hardscape plaza. Plaza drainage will be provided through area drains, each with a max flow rate of 0.3 cubic feet per second. The design rainfall intensity is 3" per hour. What is the minimum number of drains required?

3 drains 30,000 cubic inches/hr / 12 = 2,500 cubic feet/hr /60 = 41.6 cubic feet/minute /60 = 0.69 cubic feet/hr 0.69/.3 = 2.3 drains Round up = 3 drains

As per ADA guidelines, what is the minimum permitted slope for accessible parking areas? A. 1% B. 2% C. 5% D. 8.33%

B. 2% - Must be nearly level, allowing only enough slope for drainage. min 2% or 1:48

Need parking for 400 cars. What is the least amount of level land required? A. 2 acres B. 3 acres C. 4 acres D. 5 acres

B. 3 acres - 300-400 SF per car - 300 SF = 2.75 acres - 400 SF = 3.67 acres - 3 acres is best answer

What area per car should be used to estimate required size of parking lot and related drives? A. 200 SF B. 300 SF C. 400 SF D. 500 SF

B. 300 SF - Typ. used for spaces, access, and driveways - 400 SF used for spaces, drives, and walkways

A row of trees of moderate density will reduce the wind velocity on the leeward side by about 30-40% up to about: A. 3x the height of the trees B. 5x the height of the trees C. 7x the height of the trees D. 9x the height of the trees

B. 5x the height of the trees - Also, tree line 100-150' deep can reduce wind 30-60% up to 10x the height of the trees

What is the min recommended width of a planting strip for trees? A. 4-5' B. 6-7' C. 8-10' D. 10-12'

B. 6-7' - 4' min for just grass

A property's boundaries are commonly described with: A. Metes and bounds B. Reference to a section and township C. Location within a subdivision D. All of the above

D. All of the above - All methods are commonly used to describe property, but metes and bounds not as much as other 2 methods. - (Question asked for BOUNDARIES, not location) WTF??

An elevation symbol indicated on a grading plan and identifying the proposed elevation at a single location is called a __________________________.

Spot elevation - Used to indicate proposed finished elevations, typically for key structures like bldg corners, manholes, catch basins, etc. - In contrast, a benchmark identifies and existing element that serves as a reference point

Which site design elements for fire protection are responsibility of the architect? (Choose 4) A. Position and size of bldg canopies B. Surface material outside of bldg C. Traffic control fences and bollard positions D. Max fire hydrant spacing on street E. Utility poles and overhead utility lines F. Width of fire apparatus access drives

A, B, C, F - Position of fire hydrants and utility elements are responsibility of various municipal utilities

Increased moisture content in bearing soils can have which of the following effects? (Choose 3) A. Change in volume B. Reduction in bearing capacity C. Increased cohesion D. Excess surface runoff E. Decreased compatibility F. Sewer backups

A, B, D

What factors determine the total allowable area and height of a bldg? (Choose 4) A. Construction type B. Occupancy group C. Number of exits from the bldg D. Separation between adjacent bldgs E. Combustibility of exterior materials F. Whether or not the bldg has sprinkler syst

A, B, D, F - Basic allowable floor area and height determined by const. type and occupancy group - May be increased according to certain criteria, like if it is fully sprinklered or if there is a certain amount of space around the bldg

Which of the following environmental impacts should be considered in a site analysis (choose 4) A. Reflections B. Air movement C. Archaeological finds D. Pedestrian access E. Sun and shadow patterns F. Topography

A, B, E, F

To determine regulations for a planned development around a wetlands area, which of the following should the architect investigate? (Choose 3) A. Local government rules B. Local bldg codes C. State government rules D. US Army corps of engineers regulations E. Development covenants F. Zoning ordinances

A, C, D - Regulations for wetlands are established at federal level and can be set by local and state governments - Army corps of engineers administers provisions of 1972 clean water act, regulates discharge of dredged or fill material into US waters, including wetlands - For isolated wetlands, state and local gov may have rules and regulations - LEED credit for preserving land within 100' of wetland

Methods to reduce potential vertical movement to a proposed bldg due to expansive clay soil conditions would include which of the following? (choose 4) A. Over-excavate below footing grade and fill with compacted gravel B. Waterproof the FDN to reduce filtration C. Extend footings and foundations to a depth of consistent ground moisture D. Drain surface water away from bldg FDN E. Plant trees near bldg to stabilize the ground F. Control roof water runoff

A, C, D, F

Which of the following are typically regulated by zoning ordinances? (Choose 4) A. How a property is used B. Types of exterior materials C. Floor area ratios D. Number of loading spaces E. Min amount of window exposure F. Dist from property line to bldg

A, C, D, F - Exterior materials not regulated by zoning, but sometimes by covenants or development restrictions - Zoning governs # of loading spaces?

In dense urban context, site analysis prior to design should include studies of which of the following? (choose 4) A. Solar shading B. Drainage C. Imageability D. Surrounding historical context E. Land values F. Views

A, C, D, F - Solar shading shows how proposed bldg would block sunlight from surrounding area - Imageablility study determines the area's image, and can be used to make project reinforce that image - Drainage not that important in dense urban area, as most of site would be taken up by bldg - Land values would already have effect on decision to purchase site, not critical for pre-design analysis

The most appropriate site for a new Community College would be adjacent to: A. 2 major intersecting highways B. Libraries and shopping C. A technology-oriented office campus D. A residential neighborhood and public transporation

A. 2 major intersecting highways - Regional resource, would benefit from easy access to transport encompassing wide area - Large development not appropriate for a residential neighborhood - Local, district, or regional project? - Local project is compatible with residential + pedestrian transport - Regional project requires public or vehicular transport

If land is limited, which is the best way to plan parking lots? A. 2-way circulation with 90 degree parking on both sides of a drive B. 30 degree on both sides of a 1-way loop system C. Combine service circulation with parking at 45 degree angle D. 90 degree parking on one side of 1-way circulation drive

A. 2-way circulation with 90 degree parking on both sides of a drive - 90 degree is always most efficient - 2-way always more efficient than 1-way

An accessible route must serve: A. All accessible spaces and parts of a bldg B. The corridors, stairs, elevators, and toilet rooms of a bldg C. Entrances, parking, toilet rooms, corridors, and drinking fountains D. Those areas where physically disabled people are likely to need access

A. All accessible spaces and parts of a bldg - By definition, any part of a bldg that is required to be accessible must be accessible from the entrance of the bldg - What about exterior spaces???

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for making a site accessible for egress purposes? A. An egress court or dispersal area must be provided B. Abrupt changes in level cannot exceed 1/4" C. Sidewalks must have a slope no greater than 1:20 D. Cross slope of accessible routes must be no greater than 1:50

A. An egress court or dispersal area must be provided - An egress court, a type of exit discharge is a court or yard on private property that provides access to a public way from one or more exits - Not required for accessibility - When access to public way cannot be provided, IBC allows exception for dispersal areas at least 50' from bldg, on same lot, and provide at least 5 SF per person. These are Bldg code mandates, not required by ADA

The slope of masonry or stone retaining wall is called the: A. Batter B. Crib angle C. Rake D. Repose

A. Batter - Battering is the sloping or recessing of successive courses stone or masonry to help resist soil thrust and overturning

For overall energy conservation and cost-effectiveness in a temperate climate, the most advantageous type of earth-sheltered bldg would be one that is: A. Built into the side of a South-facing hill B. Above ground with earth bermed against all sides C. Above ground with a thick covering of earth and vegetation of the roof D. Completely underground with a central court open to the sky

A. Built into the side of a South-facing hill - Advantages of an earth-sheltered structure (stable temp, protection from North winds, and natural soundproofing) while keeping South side open for passive solar energy, and minimizing costs of earth moving - Bldg with green roof does reduce heat gain and loss on roof, but is expensive, and does not protect sides of the bldg

In laying out house sewer, it is sized at 6" DIA with 1/8" slope. Invert of main sewer line 300' away is discovered to be 1' higher than originally thought. What is the LEAST expensive course of action? A. Decrease slope and increase the size of the house sewer B. Angle the house sewer to connect farther down the main line C. Change the location of the bldg D. Decrease the slope of the sewer and add an intermediate manhole

A. Decrease slope and increase size of house sewer - Feasible for elevation change of 1' over distance of 300' - As per plumbing code: - 1/4" slope min for 2.5" DIA - 1/8" slope min for 3-6" DIA - 1/16" slope min for 8" DIA or larger - Changing angle of the house sewer would add significant trenching cost

Which of the following technologies is most commonly used in groundwater remediation projects? A. Extraction/treatment B. In situ aeration C. Biological barriers/filters D. Gas chromatography

A. Extraction/treatment

The max allowable area of a bldg is limited by a combination of: A. Floor area ratio and construction type B. Occupancy group and setback requirements C. Bulk plane limits and floor area ratio D. Construction type and setback requirements

A. Floor area ration and construction type - Zoning regulations limit by FAR and setbacks - Bldg codes limit by occupancy group and const. type - Bulk plane limits may affect height, but not a primary determinant - (A) would be the combination that limits area - WHY (A) over (B) or (D)????????????

Under normal conditions, a steady slope of 10% is a desirable limit for which of the following? I. Storm drainage flow II. Pedestrian walks III. Planted banks IV. Unretained earth cuts V. Drainage ditches A. II, V B. II, III C. I, II, V D. I, III, IV

A. II, V - Storm drains .3% - 1% - Planted banks 50% max - Unretained earth cuts 50% - 100% - Drainage ditches 2% min - 10% max

If the loads of a proposed structure are high relative to bearing capacity of soil, one would likely provide: A. Mat footing B. Continuous wall footings C. Combined footings D. Shallow spread footings

A. Mat footing - Distributes vertical loads over the entire bldg area and is used when soil conditions are poor - Combined footing = when 2 columns share a footing - Shallow spread footings = near the surface??

Compared to site with loose silt, a site with a similar amount of organic soil would be: A. More costly B. Less costly C. Similar in cost D. Too costly

A. More costly - Organic soil, like peat, is elastic, weak, and has little cohesion. It is normally removed and replaced - Loose silt may be compacted, or in some cases, used as is

During construction, G.C. finds abandoned storage tank, previously undetected, and not on CD's. What action should G.C. take? A. Notify the architect B. Notify the bldg dept. C. Remove the tank and prepare a change order D. All of the above

A. Notify the architect. - As per A201 - Notifying bldg dept. is not G.C.'s responsibility and may not be necessary - Removing may be necessary, but change order cannot be issued until all parties have agreed on change in contract sum

Which of the following is NOT an effective security strategy for the exterior of a retail store? A. Provide 2 entrances on opposite sides of the facade B. Minimize the number of signs on the front windows C. Place the cash-wrap area near the front of the store D. Keep the exterior of the store well lit

A. Provide 2 entrances on opposite sides of the facade - More difficult to secure a site with 2 entrances than one with a single entry point - Single, strong entry easier to supervise, improves security through territorial reinforcement - Other strategies would be effective (Cash-wrap in front?)

As architect for small wood-framed bldg, you want to be absolutely certain the underfloor crawlspace is dry as possible. Which procedure is most practical and effective? A. Provide tight and continuous ground cover using polyethylene film of at least 4 mils thickness B. Provide underfloor FDN ventilation by means of 1 S.F. openings in FDN wall every 50' of wall C. Provide vapor barrier of aluminum foil between subfloor and finish floor D. Paint girders, floor joists, and underfloor sheathing with 2 coats of exterior enamel

A. Provide tight and continuous ground cover using polyethylene film of at least 4 mils thickness - Must control ground evaporation - Should combine with proper ventilation, but 1.5 SF openings every 25'

LEED points for new construction can be earned for all of the following site development strategies EXCEPT: A. Reducing construction activity pollution B. Redeveloping a brownfield C. Reducing light pollution D. Locating close to public transportation

A. Reducing construction activity pollution - Will not gain points, but is a prerequisite for applying for LEED credits

As per Secretary of Interior's Standards for rehabilitation, which of the following modifications can usually be made to a historic property undergoing rehabilitation treatment? A. Repairing an existing but damaged exterior cornice molding B. Removing nonbearing interior walls to make larger spaces C. Chemical cleaning of brick and masonry D. Removing additions to bldg that were made after original const.

A. Repairing an existing but damaged exterior cornice molding - Repairing, rather than replacing, is allowed - If changes that have been made also have historical significance, they must be retained and preserved (Removing them ok under Restoration)

For LEED project, which task would most likely require the GREATEST additional attention to ensure that original design standards are met? A. Review of product substitutions B. Processing applications for payment C. Review of shop drawings D. Preparation of a punchlist

A. Review of product substitutions - Must be rigorously reviewed for compliance with design standards, as transgressions may jeopardize integrity of the project and its ability to receive certification

Architect can best discourage criminal activity in a street-level apartment lobby by applying which of the following design strategies? A. Separating lobby and street with large expanse of glass B. Changing paving texture at the property line C. Clearly marking the entrance with a "Residents Only" sign D. Adding a bright light over the entrance door

A. Separating lobby and street with large expanse of glass - Principal of natural surveillance - All methods of territorial reinfocement, but (A) most effective

Which of the following sites would be best, based solely on the practicality of FDN system? A. Site A is covered by coarse sand, about half of which is loose B. Site B is composed of large outcroppings of solid rock C. Site C has a stream running through it with borders of soft damp clay D. Site D is composed of dry stiff clay overlaid with 15-25' of loose fill

A. Site A - Loose fill of site D requires piles driven through the fill

Reinforced concrete or masonry retaining walls are usually necessary when: A. The height of the wall exceeds 4' B. Expansive clay soil is present C. Groundwater level is above the lowest exposed portion of the wall D. Drainage behind the retaining wall is a problem

A. The height of the wall exceeds 4' - Less than 4' can be any suitable material (stones, loose-laid block, pressure treated wood - Higher walls are subject to sliding and overturning forces, usually concrete/masonry on footings

A neighborhood shopping center is best located at: A. The intersection of an arterial and collector street B. The intersection of 2 local streets C. The foot of an expressway ramp D. The interchange of an expressway

A. The intersection of an arterial and collector street - All other choices would create congestion or safety hazards

Since contamination in soil typically leads to groundwater contamination, which of the following cleanup technologies can be used to remediate the unsaturated zone? A. Vapor extraction B. Biodegredation C. In situ incineration D. Photolysis

A. Vapor extraction

Which of the following are characteristics of plastic lumber in relation to tree lumber? Choose 3: A. It is considerably lighter than tree lumber B. It will not bow or warp with age C. It can be sawn and drilled the same as tree lumber D. Lower in material cost E. Not subject to damage from insects F. Much stiffer than tree lumber

B, C, E - Often 2-3x more $ - Much more flexible

For hydrostatic water problems surrounding basement FDN, what construction techniques or materials should architect consider using? (Choose 4) A. Dampproofing membrane B. Geotextiles C. Gravel fill below floor slab D. Pervious paving around bldg E. Positive slope away from bldg F. Sump pumps

B, C, E, F - Geotextiles = permeable textile material used to increase soil stability, provide erosion control, or aid in drainage - Use air space to interrupt pressure between water and FDN or slab - Dampproofing not designed to stop water under pressure

According to ADA-ABA Accessibility guidelines, what is the max vertical change of level on an accessible route without using a ramp or bevel? A. 1/8" B. 1/4" C. 3/8" D. 1/2"

B. 1/4" - Changes from 1/4" to 1/2" may be made with a 1/4" vertical portion and the remaining distance beveled at a 1:2 slope. - Greater than 1/2" requires ramp or curb ramp with max slope of 1:12, or use elevator or platform lift

How does a retention pond manage stormwater runoff? A. By slowing it and allowing sediments to settle while letting the water seep into the ground B. By holding the excess until it can discharge at a controlled rate into the storm sewer system C. By preventing it from contaminating other portions of the site D. By retaining it until it can seep into the ground

B. By holding the excess until it can discharge at a controlled rate into the storm sewer system - Retention pond (AKA holding pond or catch basin) empties to storm sewer syst. - Bioswale - shallow, grass-lined ditch to detain runoff, remove sediments and contaminants, and let water seep into the ground - Infiltration basin - retains water until it can seep into ground - Catch Basin may also refer to structure to collect grit and trash, while allowing stormwater to flow out the drainage pipes

What is the proper order for the following materials, in order of least to most amount they would slump in a slump test? A. Concrete, grout, mortar B. Concrete, mortar, grout C. Exterior plaster, grout, concrete D. Mortar, grout, concrete

B. Concrete, mortar, grout - Similar compositions - Concrete, with tightly controlled water-cement ratio, is stiff - Mortar, which must be handled with trowel, is less stiff - Grout, poured between wythes in a brick wall or into the cells of hollow CMU's is quite fluid

For bldg on site adjacent to highway, which strategy is best for attenuating noise? A. Maximize distance between new bldg and highway B. Construct masonry wall as high as possible next to highway C. Plant combination of deciduous and evergreen trees 100' deep D. Locate the bldg as far from highway as possible and plant row of evergreen trees

B. Construct masonry wall as high as possible next to highway - All help, but (B) most effective - Increasing distance helps more with point source than linear source (doubling distance would only decrease about 3 dB) - Trees help if both deciduous and evergreen, many deep rows and better with high frequencies

Which of the following is the primary use of a detention basin on a newly developed site? A. Create an on-site pond for evaporative cooling B. Contain heavy rain runoff and control the discharge rate C. Collect site and bldg runoff for site irrigation D. Provide for bioremediation

B. Contain heavy rain runoff and control the discharge rate - Detention basins are usually dry - Try to emulate pre-development discharge conditions

Costs for cutting and filling earth on site are typically calculated by which of the following? A. Square yards B. Cubic yards C. Acres D. Tonnage

B. Cubic yards

Architect can minimize heat island effect of impervious site paving by selecting material with: A. Low albedo B. High albedo C. Low conductivity D. High conductivity

B. High albedo - Matte black = 0 - Mirror = 1

Which of the following elements would be appropriate in hot-arid climate zone? I. Thick walls II. Wide overhangs III. Dense windbreaks IV. High ceilings A. I, II B. I, II, IV C. II, III, IV D. I, III, IV

B. I, II, IV - High ceilings allow greater volume of air to circulate - Dense windbreaks unnecessary, b/c unpleasant winds are infrequent, more closely associated with hot-humid and cool zones

Compared to conventional FDN's pile FDN's: I. Are more costly II. Are more permanent III. Employ a wider range of materials IV. Support greater bldg loads V. Can be constructed more quickly A. I, IV B. II, III, V C. I, III D. I, III, IV

B. I, III - Not more permanent - Do not support greater bldg loads

Select the correct street design criteria: I. Curb radii should be 12' min. II. Compound curves are preferred over simple curves III. Traffic lanes should be about 12' wide IV. Parking lanes should be avoided V. Intersections should be at right angles wherever possible A. I, IV B. I, III, V C. II, III, IV D. I, III, IV, V

B. I, III, V - Parking lanes should be included, because of their convenience

Which following conditions indicate probability of poor drainage? I. Existing dense ground cover II. Existing flowing stream III. Existing high water table IV. Relatively flat site V. No storm drainage system A. I, II B. III, IV, V C. II, III, IV D. I, III, V

B. III, IV, V - Flowing stream would actually indicate good drainage, and would act as an efficient surface drainage system

Although wood piles are often pressure treated, untreated piles are permitted to be used: A. If they're completely below finish grade level B. If they're below the lowest ground water level C. For the support of a one-story bldg D. For the support of wood-framed structures

B. If they're below the lowest ground water level - If untreated piles are constantly wet, they are in no danger of deterioration - Alternate wet and dry conditions lead to mold and decay - May support bldgs of any size or construction, provided they do not exceed allowable stresses

Principal purpose of all soil exploration and testing is to determine the: A. Bearing capacity of the soil B. Intrinsic character of the soil C. Depth of the water table D. Depth of the bedrock

B. Intrinsic character of the soil - All are partially correct, but (B) is the most inclusive answer

Which of the following principles should guide residential zoning adjacent to a central business district? A. It should be prohibited b/c land costs are too high B. It should be maintained as a viable community asset C. All substandard existing units should be converted to commercial use D. Future units should be available to low-income and elderly families only

B. It should be maintained as a viable community asset

Which remedial action would most effectively provide cooler microclimate for exist. bldg over the long term? A. Plant deciduous trees to the South of the bldg B. Move the asphalt parking lot on the South to the East, and replace with vegetation C. Build a pond of the windward side of the bldg D. Plant coniferous trees on the West side of the bldg

B. Move the asphalt parking lot on the South to the East, and replace with vegetation - This would reduce albedo and would reduce the amount of heat reflected onto the bldg, for the most effective solution

For infill bldg in urban setting: To maintain continuity of public space enclosure defined by other bldgs, architect should be most sensitive to: A. Bldg height B. Recess line C. Setback D. Transition line

B. Recess line - The top of the full-width plane of a bldg facade, which effectively defines the enclosure of public space. Any portion above recess line is set back for daylight or views - Transition line = Line running the full width of the facade, may be expressed as material change or limited projection, may divide facade below recess line w/o altering composition of public space

In considering ground source heat pump to heat a moderate sized house, which is the most important factor to determine feasibility? A. Solar orientation of the house B. Size of the lot C. Average ground temp D. Microclimate of the site

B. Size of the lot - Require long lengths of buried pipe, 400'600' for each 12,000 BTU/hr - Can be buried vertically, but more cost efficient horizontally - Ground temp important but would only affect the length and depth required

Large hospital planned for area between outer edge of downtown and mid-high density housing. Already small clinics + doctors offices in the area. Following concerns are addressed in the design. Which should be emphasized at planning board hearing? A. Proposed street closure, planned to expand site, will not affect traffic B. Sufficient parking will be made available on project site C. Bulk of bldg design will not block sunlight from housing D. Sewer and water services will not have to be expanded to serve bldg

B. Sufficient parking will made available on project site - All important, but this neighborhood likely has parking shortage due to downtown workers, housing, and clinics+doctor's offices

Select the CORRECT statement about compacted fill: A. It is usually compacted in six-foot layers B. The optimum moisture content and density of the soil are determined by the Proctor test C. It usually involves the re-compaction of the on-site soils, rather then imported soils D. It is suitable for walk and pavements, but not for footings.

B. The optimum moisture content and density of the soil are determined by the Proctor test - Usually compacted in 6-inch layers w/ sheepsfoot rollers - Compaction can be on site or imported soils - Suitable for footings as well as walks and pavements

All of the following describe the general climatic characteristics of an area, EXCEPT: A. Temperature B. Topography C. Humidity D. Wind velocity

B. Topography - Not an element of climate, wind is

Which of the following site features would be exempt from accessibility requirements? Choose 3: A. Temporary bleachers at football stadium B. Temporary ATM facility C. Construction trailers D. Portable viewing stands E. Prison guard towers F. Referee platforms

C, E, F - Those not for public use are exempt - Temporary bldgs that are essential to public use are not exempt

Space for parking lot with 325 cars, parked at 90 degrees, is approximately: A. 1.5 acres B. 2.5 acres C. 3.0 acres D. 6.0 acres

C. 3.0 cars - Use 400 SF per car (It didn't say "including pedestrian circulation")

What is the minimum outside radius for an automobile cul-de-sac w/o parking? A. 20' B. 30' C. 40' D. 50'

C. 40' - Min recommended to accommodate car sizes and turning radii

You need 550 parking spaces. Parking, drives, and related walks must be accounted for. What is the min required lot size? A. 3 Acres B. 4 Acres C. 5 Acres D. 6 Acres

C. 5 acres - 400 SF per car for parking, drives, and walkways

What is the maximum recommended slope for a paved parking area? A. 1% B. 3% C. 5% D. 10%

C. 5% - Max for ADA portion is 2% - Min slope for drainage is 1.5-2% - 12% max for car ramps where pedestrians are allowed, 15% where pedestrians are not

Under the IBC, what is the maximum allowable floor area of a sprinklered, 2-story, Type III B, Group B occupancy bldg that has access on 20% of its perimeter? A. 38,000 SF B. 57,000 SF C. 76,000 SF D. 114,000 SF

C. 76,000 SF - Do we get to see the ****ing table for this???

New bldg is being constructed adjacent to old bldg with shallow FDN. The FDN for the new bldg should be constructed: A. In usual way, as exist. bldg footings will be minimally disrupted B. To the same depth as the exist. bldg footings C. After the footings of the existing bldg have been extended down to the depth of the footings of the proposed bldg D. In 2 steps: 1st on the 3 non-adjacent sides, and then on the remaining side

C. After the footings of the existing bldg have been extended down to the depth of the footings of the proposed bldg - Use temporary supports to carry weight of exist bldg until new and lower FDN is in place. When weight of exist. wall is transferred to new section of FDN, shoring and underpinning are removed and FDN of new bldg can proceed. - Generally performed on all sides simultaneously

In Northern Hemisphere, optimum tilt angle of active solar collector for year-round use is approximately equal to the: A. Solar altitude on Spring + Fall Equinoxes B. Solar altitude on Winter Solstice C. Building's latitude D. Building's latitude plus 15 degrees

C. Building's latitude - Good rule of thumb - For space heating systems, and an angle of latitude plus 15 degrees is optimum for the winter heating system

Design of surface drainage syst. for res. development is based on 5-year storm. During review, drainage syst. is found to be incapable of handling expected runoff. Therefore it should be: A. Changed to subsurface system B. Changed to employ non-erosive materials C. Designed for a 10-year storm D. Designed for a 100-year storm

C. Designed for a 10-year storm - If 5-year is inadequate , one must design for more severe storm, like a 10 year storm - 100-year is excessively cautious - Subsurface syst. or non-erosive materials would not necessarily handle more runoff

Where in the specs does a folding steel security gate for a commercial project belong? A. Division 5 - Metals B. Division 8 - Doors C. Division 10 - Specialties D. Division 11 - Equipment

C. Division 10 - Specialties - Rule of thumb: - 10 Specialties = Not standard, small, come in multiples - 11 Equipment = Larger and more expensive - 13 Special construction = Much larger (bldg within a bldg)

Which of the following is NOT a method of estimating the volume of cut and fill? A. Contour area method B. End area method C. Elevation estimation D. Calculation by grid

C. Elevation estimation - Contour area method - for estimating volume of cut and fill, based on contour drawing, volume to be moved is proportional to sums of the areas, gives quick visual representation of amounts, volumes assumed to have horizontal faces - End area method - similar to contour area method, but individual volumes assumed to have parallel vertical faces, often used for roadway projects Calculation by grid method - Involves grid drawn over site and determining the existing and new elevations at each square, with volume change calculated with positive amounts for fill, negative for cut

Potential overheating of a medical clinic in a temperate climate could be minimized by: A. Designing overhang for East and West sides of bldg B. Planning a bldg shape to minimize surface area of South-facing walls C. Having landscape architect specify deciduous trees near South elevation D. All of the above

C. Having landscape architect specify deciduous trees near South elevation - Overhangs not effective on East + West sides due to low sun angle, vertical shades are better - South side actually receives less solar radiation than East + West in summer b/c it is high in middle of the day, more effective to minimize roof area

Which of the following areas of a bldg are considered part of the means of egress? I. Storeroom II. Corridor III. Enclosed stairway IV. Exterior courtyard V. Public sidewalk A. I, II, III B. II, III, IV C. I, II, III, IV D. I, II, III, IV, V

C. I, II, III, IV - Public sidewalk is not part of the means of egress b/c it is a public way - All others are part of exit access, exit, or exit discharge

Planning phase of sustainable project should include which of the following elements? I. Native landscaping that is aesthetically pleasing and functional II. Design structures in the floodplain that can resist forces of flood waters III. Consideration of sun orientation, topographic relief, scale of adjacent bldgs IV. Locating projects within existing neighborhoods that are adjacent to public transportation A. I, II B. I, III C. I, III, IV D. All of the above

C. I, III, IV - Native plants survive longer, use less water, and cost less (I) - Structure in flood plain is never desirable

The Ahwahnee Principles include which of the following ideas? I. Communities w/ only residential use should be relegated to areas outside central business district II. Preserved open spaces should be either wildlife habitats or recreational areas III. Transportation planning should include roads, pedestrian paths, bike paths, and mass transit systems IV. Job creation and economic diversity is a desired goal A. I B. II, III, IV C. III, IV D. None of the above

C. III, IV - List of principles for sustainable communities, established at a meeting of architects, planners, and community leaders at the hotel in Yosemite - Mixed use is preferred (I) - Open space (II) needed for additional uses, like environmental education, storm water retention, flood control, wetlands drainage, etc.

The most effective way to reduce the consequences of vandalism would be to employ: A. Exterior floodlighting B. Trained guard dogs C. Impact-resistant materials D. Burglar alarm systems

C. Impact-resistant materials - Vandalism may be controlled with the other choices - RESULTS of vandalism reduced with impact-resistant materials those difficult to damage, or easy to repair and clean

Bulb tees are generally used: A. In FDN work involving caissons B. In underpinning as a form or temporary support C. In gypsum concrete roof deck construction D. As water stops in below-grade construction

C. In gypsum concrete roof deck construction - Used as structural sub-purlins - Fastened to primary framing, provide support for form boards that receive the gypsum concrete - Also anchor the deck against uplift, restrict deck movement due to temp changes, and provide lateral bracing - Gypsum concrete roof decks are lightweight , set rapidly, and are noncombustible when used over gypsum or mineral fiber boards

Power lines are generally located above, rather than below, ground because they are: A. Easier to repair B. Faster to install C. Less costly D. Less dangerous

C. Less costly - Below ground power lines are better than above ground lines in almost every way except cost

View plane restrictions are typically governed by: A. Bldg codes B. Easements C. Local ordinances D. Zoning restrictions

C. Local ordinances - Purpose to protect scenic views from a specific point or area - Zoning limits the height and bulk of bldgs, but do so on individual lot restrictions, rather than imaginary lines drawn through several sites from one point

What type of soil is best for slab-on-grade construction? A. Clayey sand B. Organic silt C. Poorly graded gravel D. Lean clay

C. Poorly graded gravel - (gravel with uniform particle size?) - Highest bearing capacity of those listed, and would provide drainage to minimize water infiltration

For development near river, owner requires there be no risk of flooding. Architect needs to determine: A. Local flood plain regulations B. NFIP standards C. Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) D. Standard Projected Flood (SPF)

C. Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) - Most severe flood that may reasonably be possible for a particular location, used for facilities that require almost no flood risk - Standard projected flood (SPF) - Flood that may be expected from the most severe combo of meteorological + hydrological conditions in a location, EXCLUDING extremely rare combos like PMF's (ex. 50 year flood) - National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Gov. program that requires local governments to adopt floodplain management plans, including requirements for zoning, bldg subdivision, and special-purpose floodplain ordinances. Must be met for property owners to get federal flood insurance

Which type of bldg most appropriate for retail store in urban setting? A. Courtyard bldg B. Perimeter yard bldg C. Rear yard bldg D. Side yard bldg

C. Rear yard bldg - Open space is in rear - Perimeter yard = middle occupied, surrounded by open space

Placing load on a footing results in: A. Reduced soil bearing capacity B. Differential settlement C. Reduction of the soil's void volume D. Shrinkage of the soil

C. Reduction of the soil's void volume - From compressing the soil - Results in settlement, but not necessarily differential settlement

What term describes a land measure that is 6 mi on a side? A. Section B. Check C. Township D. Range

C. Township - Check = 24 mi x 24 mi - Section = 1 mi x 1 mi

During site design of an urban project, where would architect most likely find info about location of electrical and phone lines? A. Civil engineer B. Electrical engineer C. Utility co. D. Technical maps maintained by municipal gov

C. Utility co. - They maintain accurate and complete maps for their services - Primary source, although local gov. and civil eng. may have info

Which of the following would have the LEAST effect on the max height of a bldg? A. Bulk plane restrictions B. Floor area ratios C. Zoning setbacks D. Occupancy group

C. Zoning setback - In bldg code, occupancy group and const. type determine the max bldg area, max height, and max # of stories

Sustainable design is primarily concerned with which of the following issues? I. Economics II. Aesthetics III. Environment IV. Mechanical systems A. III B. I, II, III C. I, III D. All of the above

D. All of the above - Holistic approach to sustainable design examines impact of environmental, economic, mechanical, and aesthetic issues - REALLY???? Aesthetics??

Which of the following is a consultant who might be used on a sustainable project? I. Wetlands engineer II. Energy commissioner III. Landscape architect IV. Energy modeling engineer A. I B. I, II C. II, III, IV D. All of the above

D. All the above - Landscape architect should have experience with local, native plant design

Wastewater flows because of differences in elevation: A. Between catch basin entrances B. Between storm sewer vents C. Between drain inlets D. Along inverts

D. Along inverts - Invert = bottom of a sewer line, drain, catch basin, or manhole

Which surface would be the MOST desirable to accommodate handicapped? A. Tanbark B. Flagstone C. Brick D. Asphalt

D. Asphalt - As per ADA, surfaces should be stable, firm, and slip-resistant - Tanbark is basically the same as mulch

Which type of road needs the widest right-of-way? A. Street B. Main street C. Avenue D. Boulevard

D. Boulevard - Boulevard consists of multi-lane roads in each direction with parking lanes, often with median or planting areas on both sides. - Boulevard right-of-ways: 100'-130' - Street/avenue right-of-ways: 80' - "Main street" is not a standard roadway type

Which of the following statements about clay soils is INCORRECT? A. Clay particles are smaller than silt or sand particles B. Clay soils are cohesive C. Clay soils tend to swell when wet and shrink when dry D. Clay soils are permeable

D. Clay soils are permeable - They are cohesive, meaning they stick together even if soil is unconfined - Water passes slowly or not at all through clay

Which outdoor deck material would be most comfortable and would best moderate the microclimate around a house in a temperate zone? A. Red brick pavers B. Light colored concrete C. Grass between stone pavers D. Dark wood decking

D. Dark wood decking - Low albedo and low conductivity would be best - Others have high albedo and would make area hotter in summer - Lowest conductivity of the materials, would feel less hot in summer - I don't get this Albedo bullshit

Which of the following site orientation factors is critical for residential units? A. Bedrooms should face away from harsh winds B. As many units as possible should be entirely masked from breezes C. West facing units are at a premium D. Each unit should receive sun for at least part of a winter day

D. Each unit should receive sun for at least part of a winter day

Prior to placing concrete for footings, you observe that footing excavation is frozen. What is the BEST procedure to follow? A. Place concrete on frozen ground B. Provide temporary heated enclosure for excavation and then place concrete C. Thaw frozen ground by steaming D. Excavate frozen ground, and place concrete against earth which is not frozen

D. Excavate frozen ground, and place concrete against earth which is not frozen - Solves present construction problem, and places footings below frost line

Construction within a floodplain is: A. Never permitted B. Limited to non-residential uses C. Usually uneconomical b/c land can be used more efficiently for agriculture D. Generally limited and elevated above flood level

D. Generally limited and elevated above flood level - Economic pressure for land to be used for construction, not agriculture - Limited low-density housing often permitted, if elevated above flood level

Soil type is sandy clay, with Bentonite present. Which is FDN type is most appropriate? A. Spread footings B. Mat foundation C. Belled piers D. Grade beam on piers

D. Grade beam on piers - Used where expansive soil such as Bentonite is present - Bentonite = An absorbent, expansive clay - Piers placed on bedrock, voids under beams allow soil to expand w/o heaving the foundation - Bearing capacity = lbs/SF

The cluster-type residential development would be most appropriate for an area that has: A. Restricted size B. Dense natural foliage C. Unusually high fuel costs D. Highly irregular contours

D. Highly irregular contours - Cluster-type is concentrated grouping surrounded by open space, reduces lengths of utilities and streets - Clustered units may be sited on moderately sloping land, and steeper land can be left undeveloped as common open space

"The Natural Step" follows which of the following principles? I. Biosphere affecting humans is relatively stable and resilient zone that extends 5 miles above and below II. Improved technologies have dramatically increased number and quantity of available natural resources III. Toxic substances released into sea or atmosphere will only influence areas adjacent to toxic source IV. Using bldg materials that are recycled is an adequate sustainable design approach A. I B. II C. II, IV D. None of the above

D. None of the above - Biosphere is extremely fragile (I) - Vast majority of built environment is still energy inefficient (II) - Recycling is helpful, but just the beginning of the sustainable design process. We need more bldg products that can be recycled and are biodegradable to create more sustainable ecosystem - "The Natural Step" Principals - Nature not subject to systematically increasing concentrations of: - Substances from earth's crust - Substances as byproduct of society - Degradation by physical means - Can't undermine people's ability to meet their needs

Which of the following would have the most detrimental effect on the environment of the surrounding neighborhood in an urban setting? A. Square bldg shape B. Dark exterior colors C. Extensive exterior paving D. Reflective glass

D. Reflective glass - Would subject surrounding area with harsh reflective light and heat during most of the day and throughout the year - Paving would absorb heat and affect microclimate, but primarily immediate area of paving - REALLY??????? WTF

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. A 1.5% slope is suitable for rough paving B. Landscaped areas near bldgs should have at least a 2% slope away from the structure C. A safe sidewalk slopes no more than 2.5% D. Roads in Northern climates can safely have up to 12% grade

D. Roads in Northern climates can safely have up to 12% grade - Most roads should be kept at grade less than 10%, very short roads and parking garage ramps are the exception (max 15%) - Even more important in Northern climates - SAFE SIDEWALK = 2.5%?!?!?!? 1:12 = 8.3% WTF???

Compared to developed urban area, a planted rural area will: A. Reduce the normal amount of rainfall B. Reduce wind velocities C. Purify the air of harmful pollutants D. Stabilize the microclimate

D. Stabilize the microclimate - Planted area will absorb more radiant energy, and will stabilize the microclimate - Increase area for transpiration, so may increase amount of rainfall - Little difference in affect on wind velocities - Insignificant amount of purifying

In regard to blast security, the space between a bldg and the outermost secured perimeter is called the: A. Blast reduction zone B. Perimeter defense area C. Security setback D. Standoff distance

D. Standoff distance - space between bldg and potential blast threat - Should be maximized, as blast energy decreases exponentially as distance increases

Which of the following frontage types would cause accessibility issues if used in urban street design? A. Arcade B. Forecourt C. Porch and fence D. Stoop

D. Stoop - First floor slightly elevated above street for privacy of 1st floor windows, b/c facade typ. close to frontage line, there is little room for ramps - Forecourt = Building is set back from wall placed at frontage line, creating semi-private courtyard - Porch and fence = Separates bldg sidewalk with a yard, fence at frontage line, porch in front of bldg, with sidewalk, access walk, porch, and bldg typ. on same level

Land use development patterns are most frequently determined by: A. Topographic factors B. Climatic factors C. Utility systems D. Street systems

D. Street systems - Most often determine the patterns of land use and utility systems, are carefully adapted to the topography - Often determine location of utility, communication, and pedestrian circulation systems

For bldg with very heavy loads, resting on dense earth, which is most appropriate? A. Boat footings B. Jetted piles C. Wood piles D. Structural steel piles

D. Structural steel piles - Boat footings used for soil with low bearing capacity - Jetted piles (Placing piles with high-pressure water jets) are rarely used - Wood piles used for light to moderate loads

Which method yields the most accurate results for the design of bldg foundations? A. Study of aerial photographs B. Seismic surveys C. Resistivity surveys D. Test borings

D. Test borings - Resistivity survey = Geophysical methods of soil exploration (reliable but limited results)

The number of test borings for a site is determined by all of the following EXCEPT: A. The uniformity of the subsurface conditions B. The complexity of the bldg footprint C. The ground floor area of the proposed bldg D. The depth at which firm strata are encountered

D. The depth at which firm strata are encountered - If subsurface conditions are relatively uniform, borings may be spaced further apart - Regardless of strata depth, borings should extend at least 20' into them if possible, unless they cannot be penetrated, like rock

When a pile has been "driven to refusal" it means that: A. Pile has been driven to the bedrock B. Pile has been hammered excessively and damaged C. Pile has been driven too deep for its intended purpose D. The pile has been driven to a point where additional blows result in no further significant penetration

D. The pile has been driven to a point where additional blows result in no further significant penetration - Pile need not be driven to bedrock to be at point of refusal, only till additional hammer blows will not result in further significant penetration - Driving a pile too deep, while possible, is rare - "That's what she said" for this entire question

Which of the following DO NOT apply to foundations in expansive soil? A. Locate footings in soil below zone of seasonal moisture change B. Extend concrete piers into soil below zone of seasonal moisture moisture change C. Design FDN for soil bearing pressure greater than the swell pressure of the expansive soil D. Use footings that are larger in area than required to support

D. Use footings that are larger in area than required to support - Using oversize footings increases area in contact with the soil, making it more likely that pressure of expansive soil will raise the footing

What type of electronic security system would be best to protect exterior of office bldg? A. Audio alarms B. Motion sensors C. Thermal detectors D. Video surveillance

D. Video surveillance - Audio alarms and motion sensors are subject to false alarms - Thermal detectors only useful in relatively small rooms to detect flashlights or high-heat sources

The maximum area of signage on the exterior of a bldg is most commonly regulated by: A. Bldg codes B. Restrictive Covenants C. State laws D. Zoning ordinances

D. Zoning ordinances - Commonly regulate max area of signage to control overall amount of signage in a given zone district. - Restrictive covenants typically do not regulate signs except in residential areas

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