Speech Midterm Review

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The______ is a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the main points of a speech.

Central idea

Even if your speech as a whole is ethical, you can still be guilty of ______plagiarism if you fail to give credit for quotations, paraphrases, and other specific parts of the speech that are borrowed from other people


When your general purpose is to ______, you act as a teacher or lecturer.


According to your textbook, when you are in a formal speaking situation the most effective way of gaining the initial attention of your audience after you walk to the lectern is

Looking directly at the audience without saying a word

Listening for pleasure or enjoyment is called ______ listening.


____is a method of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas.


A speech with the specific purpose "To inform my audience about the causes of domestic violence and its effects on society" would most likely be arranged in______ order.


Listening to understand the message of a speaker is called _____ listening.


The two kinds of listening most closely tied to critical thinking are

Comprehensive listening and critical listening.

As your textbook explains, virtual libraries are valuable for speech research because they

Contain higher quality information than do regular search engines

Using expert testimony is an excellent way to lend ______ to your speeches.


____is the audience's perception of whether the speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.


Listening to evaluate a message for the purpose of accepting or rejecting it is called

Critical listening

The central idea of a speech is usually formulated before the specific purpose.


According to your textbook, ______ is anything that impedes the communication of amessage.


Which organizational method is used in a speech with the following main points? I. Beijing and other major Chinese cities are plagued by massive traffic jams. II. To combat the problem, officials have reduced the number of days a car can be driven each week.


The main value of using statistics in a speech is to

Quantify the speaker's ideas.

Encyclopedias, yearbooks, biographical aids, and quotation books are all examples of

Reference works

The best source for numerical data about the social, political, and economic aspects of American life is

Statistical Abstract

As explained in your textbook, the three main parts of a speech are called

The introduction, the body, and the conclusion

According to your textbook, when presenting testimony in a speech, you should usually paraphrase the testimony, rather than quote it verbatim, if

The quotation is more than two or three sentences long, The wording of the quotation is obscure or cumbersome.

You have found statistics on the Internet that you would like to use in your speech. Before you do, you need to make sure that

They come from a credible author or sponsoring organization, You can find the date on which they were published, posted, or updated, The statistics are recent enough to make them reliable for your speech.

To give statistics greater impact, a speaker should.

Use statistics sparingly

Public speaking has been taught and studied for thousands of years.


People spend more time listening than doing any other communicative activity


Public speaking and ordinary conversation are similar in that both involve adapting to listener feedback.


According to your textbook, what are the three primary factors to consider when assessing an audience's disposition toward a speech topic?

knowledge, interest, and attitude

____is controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for his or her presentation.

positive nervousness

According to your textbook, a(n) ______ ending is a conclusion that builds force until reaching a peak of power and intensity.


When you use the ______ method of delivery, you become so familiar with the substance of your speech that you need only a few brief notes to jog your memory.


Although the specific purpose statement for a speech should not be phrased as a question, it is acceptable to phrase the central idea as a question.


Because the brain can process many more words per minute than we talk, the resulting spare "brain time" makes listening easier


While listening to a speech about gun control, Scott thought back to his experiences as an intern with the police department and decided that the speaker was knowledgeable about the subject. Scott was

Filtering the message through his frame of reference

As your textbook explains, signposts are especially useful for

Focusing attentionon key ideas, Indicating exactly where you are in a speech.

Which of the following violates the speaker's ethical obligation to be honest in what she or he says?

Juggling statistics, Quoting out of context, Citing unusual cases as typical examples.

The fast that audiences are egocentric means that

Listeners are concerned above all withhow a speech will affect them

The opinions of ordinary people who have firsthand experience or insight on a topic are referred to as ______ testimony.


Examples are especially helpful as supporting materials because they

Personalize your ideas.

If you present another person's language or ideas as your own, you are guilty of


Which of the following is a basic objective of a speech introduction?

Preview the main points, Gain the attention of the audience.

The process by which a speaker seeks to create a bond with listeners by emphasizing common values, goals, and experiences is referred to as ______ by communication scholars.


According to your textbook, what is the most important reason for limiting the number of main points in a speech?

It is hard for the audience to keep track of too many mainpoints.

Identify the flaw in the following central idea for a speech: "Something should be done about global warming."

It's too vague.

Audience-centeredness means that public speakers should

Keep the audience foremost in mind throughoutthe speechmaking process

The library catalogue

Lists all the books, periodicals, and other resources owned by the library, Allows a researcher to look for books by author, title, or subject.

According to your textbook, when is it appropriate to cite an abstract of a magazine or journal article in tour speech rather than locating and reading the full article?


When a speaker ______, she restates or summarizes an author's ideas in her own words


Creating goodwill is especially important in the introduction of a(n) ______ speech.


The______ is a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in her or his speech.

Specific purpose statement

The______ will usually dictate how long a speech should be.

Speech occasion

In her first speech, Kayla introduced her classmate Sean to the class. Each of her main points dealt with one of Sean's hobbies. According to your textbook, Kayla's speech was arranged in ______ order


According to your textbook, if the following statement occurred in the body of a speech, it would be an example of what kind of connective? In addition to helping peoplein need, working as a hospital volunteer provides you with valuable job experience.


According to your textbook, "Now that you know about Julio's interest in photography, let's look at his passion for snowboarding" is an example of a


The Central idea for a speech should be stated as a full sentence.


____is mental imaging in which a speaker vividly pictures himself or herself giving a successful presentation.


Because speechmaking is a form of power, it carries with it heavy ______responsibilities.


Critical thinking includes _____?

Assessing the soundness of evidence, Judging the credibility of statements, Seeking the relationships among ideas.

Gemma wants to persuade her classmates to become vegans. The most important factor for Gemma when analyzing her audience is probably its

Attitude toward the topic

At a coffee shop on campus, Rachel listens to her friend Shanti discuss his feelings about his mother's recent death. According to your textbook, Rachel is engaged in ______ listening.


Gabrielle, a physiology major, waited until the last minute to begin preparing her persuasive speech. When her friend Ken learned that she was panicking over the assignment, he gave her the outline of a speech he had delivered in class the previous semester. Gabrielle used the speech and presented it as her own. Which of the following is true?

Gabrielle is guilty of global plagiarism because she took a speech entirely from a single source and passed it off as her own

As your textbook explains, the primary purpose of speechmaking is to

Gain a desired response from listeners

According to your textbook, the first thing a speaker needs to do in the introduction of a speech is to

Get the interest and attention of the audience

According to your textbook, a(n) ______ is an imaginary story that makes a general point.

Hypothetical example

According to your textbook, when you prepare speaking notes for your first speech, you should

Make sure the notes can be read at arm's length

As your textbook explains, when preparing a speech introduction, you should usually

Make the introduction about 10 or 20 percent of the entire speech.

Your text book recommends that when you develop your first speech, you should look for ways to

Make the speech mysterious or suspenseful, Use colorful, descriptive language, Be creative in structuring your information.

What does your textbook say about preparing an effective speech conclusion?

Make your conclusion about 5 to 10 percent of the entire speech, Keep an eye out for concluding materials as you research the speech.

___is the use of language to defame, demean, or degrade individuals or groups.


The conclusion of a speech is an appropriate time to

Reinforce your listeners' commitment to the central idea

The______ is what a speaker wants the audience to remember after it has forgotten everything else in a speech.

Residual message

According to your textbook, when you use statistics in a speech, you should usually

Round off complicated statistics

Avoiding ethnocentrism means that public speakers should

Show respect for the cultures of the people they address

According to your textbook, in addition to reinforcing the central idea, a speech conclusion should also

Signal the end of the speech.

According to your textbook, "My second point is..." is an example of a(n)


Creating an oversimplified image of a particular group of people or assuming that all members of the group are alike is called


The first step toward improving your listening skills is to

Take listening seriously

Here are the main points for an informative speech about the accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci. I. As a painter, da Vinci produced the Mona Lisa and other masterpieces. II. As an inventor, da Vinci drew plans for a parachute and a flying machine. III. As an astronomer, da Vinci concluded that the earth revolves around the sun. These main points are arranged in ______order.


According to your textbook, which of the following is a guideline for preparing a preliminary bibliography?

Write a brief note on why the source may be valuablefor your speech

Michael is preparing a persuasive speech for class in opposition to gun control. The most important factor for Michael to consider when analyzing his audience is probably its

Attitude toward the topic

What are the three criteria discussed in your textbook for assessing the soundness of documents found on the internet?

Authorship, sponsorship, and recency

As Amanda analyzed the audience for her speech about organic foods, she focused on such things as their gender, age, and cultural background. In doing so, she was engaging in ______ audience analysis.


In public speaking, sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against

A set of ethical standards or guidelines

A(n)______is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals.

Academic database

____listeners give their undivided attention to the speaker in a genuine effort to understand her or his point of view.


The best time to work out the exact wording of a speech introduction is

After you prepare the body of your speech.

According to your textbook, when citing Internet documents during a speech, a speaker should usually identify the

Author or sponsoring organization responsible for the document, Date on which the document was published, posted, or updated.

Your textbook recommends that when you deliver your first speech, you should make an effort to

Avoid distracting mannerisms, Use your voice expressively, Maintain eye contact with the audience.

Ian is attending a union meeting in which the union president is discussing the company's plan to decrease wages in exchange for an increase in vacation time. As Ian listens, he is trying to determine whether or not to vote for the plan. According to your textbook, Ian is engaged in ______ listening


When taking research notes, you should

Distinguish among quotations, paraphrases, and your own ideas

Which of the following does you textbook recommend that you do in the conclusion of your first speech?

End on a clever or thought-provoking note, Reinforce thecentral idea of your speech, Let the audience know your speech is ending.

According to your textbook, stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as one's own is called

Patchwork plagiarism

When you want to change or structure the attitudes of your audience, your general purpose is to ______


Which organizational pattern would probably be most effective for arranging the mainpoints of a speech with the specific purpose "To inform my audience about the major geographical regions of Mexico?"


____is anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience.

Stage fright

Research indicates that the impact of examples is greatly enhanced when they are combined with ______ that show(s) the examples to be typical.


Afterdiscussing the first main point in his speech on sustainable agriculture,Rasheed said: So far, I have explained the problems associated with our present agriculturalsystem. Next, I will explain what sustainable agriculture is and why it issuperior to the current system. According to your textbook, what type(s)of connective(s) did Rasheed use?


Even though there can be gray areas when it comes to assessing a speaker's goals, it is still necessary to ask questions about those goals


According to your textbook, a common mistake students make when developing their first speech is

Trying to cover too much material

Which of the following is likely to help you deal with nervousness in your speeches?

Visualize yourself giving a strong speech, Focus on communicating rather than on being nervous, Be thoroughly prepared for each speech.

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