SPM3012 - Social Issues in Sport Quiz I

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How has the Olympics affected sport?

-Increases communication between countries -Attracts huge audiences worldwide -Promotes cultural awareness -Standardizes rules (often worldwide) in certain sports

How does sport impact the world?

-Sport can bring people of all backgrounds and cultures together as seen in the World Cup and the Olympics - people learning and sharing their cultures, supporting their teams, welcoming each other with open arms, displaying respect to other countries despite the results -Athletes of all ages have international competition opportunities -International travel and competition increases appreciation of multiple cultures -Interactions between coaches increases world outlook between individuals

What are common criticisms of some adult-organized youth sports programs?

A. Winning is emphasized, and kids' time is overscheduled. B. Adults are over involved in structuring the program and push early specialization in one sport. C. Cost of attendance is prohibitive.

What is one of the new initiatives that FIFA has enacted to balance issues associated with race?

Anti-racism policies such as Kick Out Racism

Why do HS males and females participate in sport?

BOYS - To have fun -To improve skills -For the excitement of competition -To do something I'm good at -To stay in shape GIRLS -To have fun -To stay in shape -To get exercise -To improve skills -To do something I'm good at

Why do youth drop out of sport?

Burnout, cost, academics, bad coaches, discrimination

How does FIFA evaluate World Cup host countries?

FIFA has never confirmed their qualification process -- The host nation is the first country to qualify for the tournament, and they are not required to play qualification matches. This is an obvious advantage to smaller countries who typically wouldn't have a great chance in qualifying for the World Cup through the traditional qualification means, like Qatar (who are hosting World Cup 2022).

Ratio of female to male franchise owners is roughly the same


Research has shown sport participation develops better character traits in males over females


What are three dominant ideologies acting as constraints to participation or employment in sport?

Gender Race Social class

What NFL team(s) are publicly owned?

Green Bay Packers

What are social worlds?

Identifiable spheres of everyday actions and relationships created by people (family, football team, athletic department, community, nation, etc.)

What sport generates the most revenue? Professional or recreational?

More revenue is generate by professional sport than recreational sport

When did neoliberalism begin?

Originated in late 1970s

What is privatization of sport and which youth model of sport is it associated with?

Privatization of sport is when private sport programs are created in favor of public programs Skills and excellence model

What is the most popular sport in the U.S.? The world?

Professional and college football are the top spectator sports in the United States. For the world, soccer is the most popular

What do countries who host the Olympics promote?

Promotes cultural awareness

How does sport affect the media?

Sport provides revenue -The media needs sports in order to attract more viewers who pay to watch or listen to sports -Sport consumers offer the media a targeted audience

Who makes decisions about sport?

Sports are governed by an outside group or institution that enforces rules and oversees conduct and results. National governing bodies for sport are found in every country worldwide.

How does media affect sport?

The media provides three thing (sometimes all at the same time) - Information about events and people - Interpretations of what is going on in the world - Numerous forms of entertainment

Youth sport in the industrialization was created because of what concern?

The need for physical labor following the industrial era -- organized sports allowed children to work together as well as exercise

The industrialization of the American economy during the 20th century significantly increased the number of people participating and watching sport


How does privatization occur?

Usually occurs when public programs are cut

Are there still gender gaps in collegiate programs and executive positions?

Yes, very few women or minority administrators or coaches

Describe how athletes are classified by age.

Youth sport athletes High school varsity athletes College varsity athletes Professional athletes Masters athletes Adult participation or recreational athletes

Which social group or world influences young children the most to participate in sport?



free activity involving exploration, self-expression, dreaming, and pretending. It follows no firm rules and can take place anywhere. Other than giving pleasure, the outcome of play is unimportant.

How are confidence, desire, and ability linked to the Physical Literacy and Lifelong Participation Model?

it provides children with opportunities to play so that they develop the ability, confidence, and desire to stay active throughout their lives

What is neoliberalism?

"An ideology emphasizing individualism, free markets, and economic deregulation, privatization, and the reductions of government power, the pursuit of economic self-interest, and competition to boost efficiency and stimulate programs."

How does the Skills and Excellence Model impact youth and parents?

- A child's success is visible and valued activities reaffirms the moral worth of parents - Parents take youth sports very seriously - Parents seek the most successful programs and coaches for their children - Loses a child-centered focus - Creates overinvested parents - Mistakenly emphasizes early sports specialization - Ignores the developmental abilities of children - Excludes many young people due to cost

Why is the NFL like a monopoly?

- The NFL, however, remains a true monopoly by negotiating as one entity - Team owners formed leagues like the NFL to control how teams compete against each other for fans, players, media revenues, sales of licensed merchandise, and sponsorships. - The leagues—including MLB, the NBA, the NFL, and the NHL—also work together to eliminate potential competition from new leagues that try to cash in on their sport. - Using a draft system for hiring players, owners force players to negotiate only with the team that drafts them, thereby limiting athletes' salaries. - New or expansion teams cannot join the league without paying substantial fees to all of the other owners, and one owner cannot relocate her team to another city without the approval of other owners. - Owners of individual teams cannot sell merchandise associated with their team. As noted earlier, NFL Properties markets all NFL business properties as a unit and therefore has been wildly successful in negotiating sponsorships, licensing agreements, and television contracts. However, Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, won a lawsuit that allowed him to retain Cowboys merchandise sales and forced the NFL to modify the monopolistic stance under which it had operated for years, though the league still retains most of its power.

Why are so few teams owned by the public?

- U.S. professional sport franchises are owned by extremely wealthy people (overwhelmingly male) who benefit from ownership both personally and financially. - Because teams are seen as a business investment

Obesity rate in children and adults

- higher income = less obesity, lower income = higher obesity - 65+ have highest rates of obesity

How did neoliberalism influence parents?

-Dual-working parents -Single-working parents -Children need supervision after school -Increased visibility of high performance and professional sports that idealize competition as a cultural value -Decreased importance of play relative to structured learning

What is FIFA and what are some of the problems associated with this association?

-Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is the international governing body for soccer worldwide. -There have been many issues with the bid process and bribery. -In addition, taxpayer money has been used to finance the construction of World Cup venues. The citizens of the host country are paying for the event, yet many do not partake in the festivities due to affordability.

With the evolution of modernity, what increased the popularity of sport?

-In order to watch or participate in sport, people need time away from work. The industrialization of the American economy during the 20th century dramatically changed the average worker's opportunity for leisure time. -People also need money to spend on sport. Therefore, in order for sport business to succeed, society must create an economic environment in which most people can afford to be sport consumers. -People must live in relatively concentrated areas in order to use sport facilities, travel to sport events, and identify with a local professional sport team. Small cities and rural areas can rarely support a professional team, so they focus instead on local college or high school sport. -Media outlets (print, audio, video, or digital) must provide access to sport and to athletes in order to sustain spectators' interest in professional sport. -Facilities for presenting professional sport must be constructed, financed, and refurbished in order to maintain sport revenue streams.

What civilization did international sport emerge from?

-Traditions began with the Greek civilization -The ancient Olympics were founded as a religious event to honor the god, Zeus, the king of the Greek gods.

Describe 2 types of sport spectators.

Direct spectators- attend a live sporting event at a stadium, arena, or other venue. Indirect spectators- watch or listen to sport through radio, television, or the Internet.

The most popular sport in the world is also the most popular sport in the US

False, soccer is most popular in the world while football is most popular in the US

Describe 2 types of sport participants

High performance athletes - Train intensively - Compete aggressively - Aspire to have a professional career with extrinsic rewards (money and fame) Participation athletes - typically motivated by intrinsic rewards (fun and fitness) - They use sport as a form of recreation in order to enhance their quality of life, escape from work responsibilities, and socialize with family and friends.

People with what social class statuses are more likely to participate in sport?

High social class statuses are more likely to participate in sport People of all ages from higher-income households tend to be more physically active due to better education on the value of nutrition and fitness, the access to a choice of physical facilities, and the ability to absorb the cost to join programs and clubs and enter competition.

Describe an example of the importance placed on winning at the Olympics?

John Baxter Taylor was the first African American to win an Olympic Gold Medal during the 1908 London games. This was significant as segregation and racism was still prevalent in the US during this time, so Taylor being the first Black American to win a gold medal showed that Black people deserved to have the same opportunities as White people, and allowed for representation for Black people internationally. He paved the way for future Black American athletes.

How does this impact the academic goal of collegiate institutions?

Limits the number of athletes as tuition and cost of education is extremely expensive, the majority of students have trouble affording college and therefore cannot pursue dreams because of the cost. Basically limits the amount of opportunities given to potential student athletes - negatively affects academic goal of institutions

What is the class background of most HS athletes? What type of impact does this have?

Lower to middle class, not as much access to resources or programs those with better financial backgrounds have

What influences the media to present sport in a particular way?

Media rely on sports to attract viewers who pay to watch or listen to sports on television or radio so many decisions are based on potential profits and shaping values of viewers - they want to reach and keep their target audience

What are the key revenue segments in the NFL and which generates the most?

Media rights, especially television broadcast rights.

How does social class influence inactivity and obesity?

Motivation, available time, family responsibilities, and workplace demands are the typical reasons people cite for their inactivity.

How does the media perpetuate the dominant ideologies about race, class, and gender related to Sport?

Negative media attention surrounding races, classes, and genders not of the likes of the rich, white, male Gender and racial biases as well as moral issues

What sport model did neoliberalism give rise to?

Neoliberalism gave rise to the individualistic model which gave rise to the skills and excellence model

Was an emphasis on growth and development part of the Skills and Excellence Model?


Do the majority of NCAA teams cover expenses generated by revenue each year?

No, only a few have enough revenue leftover

Why do we study sport?

Personal development, scholarly study, pressional practice --> sport affects our culture, traditions, and values


Physical component Competition Institutionalized games Specialized facilities and equipment

What youth model evolved from the reaction to the Skills and Excellence program?

Physical literacy and lifelong participation model

What is the sport pyramid?

Play --> Games --> Sport --> Work


Pursue clear participation goals that can be either mental, physical, or a combination of both. Games are governed by either informal or formal rules. Games involve competition. Games produce outcomes determined by luck, strategy, skill, or a combination thereof. Games result in prestige or status.

What do sport researchers analyze?

Researchers analyze institutions as well as social processes such as commercialization, Institutionalization, conflict and change

Explain the three models of youth sport?

Skills and excellence model - Organized around achievement at progressively higher levels of competition - Emerged as public, tax-supported programs declined and private, pay-to-play youth sports were created - Year-round specialization in a program was necessary to increase the odds of success - Private program marketing emphasizes the skills and excellence needed to succeed in sports & in life. Physical Literacy and Lifelong Participation Model - Most common in middle- and upper-income areas - Often reproduces and extends economic and racial/ethnic inequalities and segregation in communities - Privatized programs are not accountable in the same ways that public programs are: - They may not be committed to gender equity or equal opportunities, and the rules to do so do not cover private programs - Organized around play and improving health and wellness - Physical literacy is the ability, confidence, and desire to be physically active for life - Play, physical literacy, and informal games decrease dropout, burnout, and injuring out in the skills and excellence programs Personal growth and Development Model - Teaches young people to make responsible choices and become productive individuals - Reformers intervene in the lives of young people helping them make good personal choices and to be accountable for what they do - Personal characteristics and behaviors of young people must be changed & improved - Changing individuals rather than developing communities to be self governing and sufficient - Focus on self-esteem and self-improvement rather than young people as agents of change in their communities

Define sport sociology, culture, sport, sociology, social worlds, social interaction, socialization, and social structure.

Sport- Institutionalized competitive activity that involves physical exertion and skill and specialized facilities or equipment and is conducted according to an accepted set of rules in order to determine a winner. Sociology- the study of human social relationships and institutions. The study of social worlds that people create, maintain, and change through relationships with each other or social worlds Sport sociology- the study of sport and physical activity in the context of the social conditions and culture in which people live. Culture- the shared ways of life and shared understandings that people develop as they live together Social interaction- people taking each other into account and in the process, influencing each other's feelings, thoughts, and actions Social structure- the established patterns of relationships and social arrangements that take shape as people live, work, and play with each other.

What does the social construction of sport imply?

Sports, as parts of society, are social constructions that are given form and meaning by people as they interact with each other under the social, political, and economic conditions that exist in their society. This means sports can take different forms and be given different meanings from one situation, culture, or point in time to the next. sports provide a window into culture and society because sports are connected with social worlds.

What was the most watched TV program in the U.S. in 2018?


What is the largest source of revenue that perpetuates the popularity of the NFL?

Television and broadcast deals/sponsorships

What is the IOC and how are the board of directors appointed?

The IOC Executive Board consists of the president, four vice-presidents and ten other IOC members; all of the board members are elected by the IOC Session, using a secret ballot, by a majority vote. The IOC organizes the modern Olympic Games, held every two years, alternating summer and winter Games (each every four years).

What sport model evolved from the reformers?

The personal growth and development model was the first movement of sport, and it came from the reformers

What sport model evolved from the neoliberalism perspective of sport?

The physical literacy model evolved from the neoliberalism idea of sport (emphasis on play instead of restriction in sports, the children's opinions rather than the parent's opinions)

Does research support that sport is responsible for the moral, social, and values development of athletes?

The research isn't clear to support the idea that sport is responsible for the moral, social, and values development of athletes (more research supports the idea that families better help develop these traits rather than sports)

Is there only one way to define sport?

There is more than one way to define sport. A broad definition of sport is: - Competitive physical activity - Specialized facilities or equipment - Defined by rules - Compared performance When it comes to official definitions of sports, they can vary from one social world to another Organizations like the IOC, NCAA, HSAA each have their own definitions of sports. - Official definitions are important because they are formally supported with resources Pros and cons of a precise definition of sport: - Pros: can be distinguished from other activities and provides a common focus for people doing research and developing theories - Cons: privileges people with the resources to organize competitive games and interest and overlooks those without resources or inclinations to compete.

How does the U.S. Olympic Committee generate revenue?

Through sponsorships and broadcasts

Explain Title IX. What year was this legislation passed?

Title IX prevented sex-based discrimination in school and sport Allowed women to have equal opportunities Passed in 1972

IOC is international non-profit and is privately funded and therefore does not need to provide financial records to the public


Sports affects our culture, traditions, and values


Is more revenue produced by money spent on recreational sport or money generated by professional sport?

professional sport


purposeful activity that includes physical or mental effort, or both, in order to perform a task, overcome an obstacle, or achieve a desired outcome. Often, people earn their living through work by trading it for compensation that provides for the necessaries of existence. Work appears at the top of the pyramid shown in figure 1.1 because sport can take on the characteristics of work at the professional level.

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