Sport MGMT Exam 2

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sport tourism

element of international sport involves travel to different countries to see sport events/competitions or to view sport halls of fame, stadia or museums. Sport-related travel now accounts for 7% of the total expenditure on sport. 3 types: travel to participate, to view, and to visit

Division 3

institutions do no allow athletic scholarships and encourage participation by maximizing the number and variety of athletics opportunities available to students


international career; International Paralympic Committee - HQ in Bonn, Germany. language fluency in necessary

NCAA national office

office located in Indianapolis, Indiana - approximately 350 employees work there. Administer the policies, decisions, and legislation passed by the membership, and administrative services to all NCAA committees, member institutions and conferences.

NCAA National Office

the size of athletic conference staffs has increased over the years, with conference administrators being hired to oversee growth areas such as conference championships, TV negotiations, marketing activities, and compliance services offered to member schools - this office currently employs approximately 350 staff members in various areas (enforcement, public relations, championships, and educational services)

Division 1 coaches (and athletic directors)

these budgets at the Division 1, especially Division 1-A level are in the tens of millions of dollars - coaches and assistant coaches employed full-time coaching one sport program. Athletic scholarships allowed, increasing the importance of recruiting, travel, and other activities geared towards signing blue-chip athletes. The Div 1 athletic director: attend public relations and fund-raising events, participates in negotiations TV contracts, and looks out for the interests of the athletic department

Division 1

these member institutions support the philosophy of competitiveness - serve both college itself and the general public, generating revenue through athletics financing through money made by the program itself, and national success. Div I-A: Football Bowl Division, Div I-AA: Football Championship Division, and Div I-AAA: no football team

Division 3 athletic directors

they act as manager of the athletic department and coaches, business managers of the athletic department budget, media relations staffer, act as fundraisers, and compliance officers

equity clubs

type of club; member-owned club typically have private, nonprofit status, not open to public. IRS designation/tax exempt - organized for club purposes, pleasure/rec non-profit, no net benefit for owners (inumment), no discrimination

non-equity clubs

type of club; non-member-owned clubs typically have private, for-profit status. Owned by real estate developers, corporations, individuals or investment firms. Operated to earn profit for owner/investors. Income is taxable

international development

via sponsorship of sporting events - nonsport related corporations are also attempting to use sport to sell products internationally through the sponsorship of international athletes and teams. By sponsoring prominent international sport efforts, corporations hope to benefit from the increased interest in sport


young women's christian association, established in 1851


Academic Progress Rate - in fall 2004 NCAA initiated the latest academic reform proposal, or incentive/disincentive plan for current prospective student-athletes. The new system collects data on a team's academic results based on the eligibility and retention of student athletes from the previous academic year and results are then tied to recruiting opportunities, number of athletic scholarships, postseason eligibility, and NCAA revenue distribution


Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics for women, in 1966. Was the forerunner of the 'Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW), which was established in 1971


Faculty Athletics Representative - is a member of an institution's faculty or administrative staff who is designated to represent the institution and its faculty in the institution's relationship with the NCAA and its conference


International Olympic Committee - 1894, was constituted as the supreme authority of the Olympic movement. Modern Olympism was conceived by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, on whose initiative the international Athletic Congress of Paris held in 1894


National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics - founded in 1940 for small colleges and universities and has approximately 277 member institutions


National Federation of State High School Associations; a nonprofit organization HQ'ed in Indiana - serves as the national coordinator for HS sports. Coordinates activities: music, debate, theater, student council


National Jr College Athletic Association - founded in 1937 to promote and supervise a national program of jr college sports and activities and currently has approximately 550 member institutions


Olympic Movement organization; International Olympic Committee - is an international organization and most of staff has inter experience. Language skills are mandatory to work for IOC, and most IOC employees are fluent in French or English


Olympic Movement organization; National Olympic Committee - different job opportunities, 0-100+ employees. In the US, is a large organization, approximately 100 people


Olympic Movement organization; organizing committees for the Olympic games - jobs become available from time is formed (6 years prior to games). Jobs relate to needs: organize games, administration, hospitality, international relations, logistics, protocol, technology, transportation and ticketing. Temporary jobs


Senior Women's Administrator - is the highest ranking female administrator involved with the conduct of an NCAA member institution's intercollegiate athletics program

current and future issues for golf and club management

Six major trends affecting game: Plateauing of participation, Connected-ness, New power of women, Winner/Loser Society, Child preparation, Health imperative. Need for better benchmarking: Socio-economic issues, Demography, Diversity, Youth Introduction, Finances (Develop new program to introduce game, develop more consistency, etc.)


Works Progress Administration - program created during great depression - provided funds ($500 milion by 1937) and labor for field and playground construction, and city recreation departments provided schools for athletic skill instruction and league coordination

teams in international markets

and the creation of international leagues - throughout the world, some national leagues are aggressively seeking to expand into new markets- not just by showcasing their existing teams to overseas markets, but also by placing teams in foreign countries and continents

grassroots efforts

are programs and activities undertaken to increase sport participation and interest in a particular international region. Efforts primarily focused: increasing participation and educating people about sports

marketing foreign athletes

as trade barriers between countries have decreased, so have barriers preventing top players from playing in NA professional sport leagues. Presence of foreign players has increased popularity overseas, by marketing them to their homeland - leagues increase their popularity and their sport

fund development

assistant/associate athletic director area of responsibility - departments seek new ways to increase revenues, oversee alumni donations to the athletic department and oversee fundraising events

student-athlete services

assistant/associate athletic director area of responsibility - they address the academic concerns and welfare of student athletes (academic advising, tutoring, and counseling)

Division 3 coaches

at smaller institutions - usually part time or if full time they serve as coach to numerous sport programs. Hold an academic appointment within a department or teach activities classes and their budgets are generally smaller than Division 1 coaches

officials (and judges)

career; are employed by schools and leagues, but are considered independent contracts because the school or league exhibits no supervisory capacity over them. Possess significant amount of control over the game administration and supervision. Officials work on a part time basis, because compensation is not sufficient to cover full-time employment

school athletic directors

career; compared with coaches, they have less direct involvement with athletes and perform their duties less publicly. Major responsibilities: risk management, insurance, employment issues, sexual harassment (lolwut), gender equity, fund-raising


career; demanding, they face complex human resource management issues, deal with constant and extreme pressure to perform successfully, work long and irregular hours for low/no pay. Require significant knowledge of injury and physical training, equipment knowledge, and bus driving skills are also highly recommended

trainers (and physical therapists)

career; injury is inevitable, are critical for school and youth sport operation. Schools and leagues can contact trainers from a local hospital, physical therapy center, or fitness club - also internal (PE teacher, school doctor/nurse, athletic admin). Salaries for this position vary widely, depending on employment status and other job responsbilities

youth league directors

career; must sometimes perform their duties on a completely voluntary basis, without compensation or work release time

Board of Directors

club organizational structure; responsibilities include establishing general operating policies, overseeing financial stability, voting on new members, handling discipline, hiring new GM

Exclusive Committee

club organizational structure; usually composed of club's officers, they act in lieu of full board between meetings. Other club committees include 'standing' (permanent help ongoing activities) and Ad Hoc (special purpose) committees

Intercollegiate Football Association

collegiate history; colleges and unis realized intercollegiate competitions could bring increased publicity, student applications, and alumni donations. In 1867, this was formed - made up of students from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia who agreed on consistent playing and eligibility rules

Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the US

collegiate history; due to numerous injuries and player deaths, in December 1905, 13 presidents met and declares their interest to reform the game of football. This group formulated rules making football safer and more exciting to play. In 1912, group took the name 'National Collegiate Athletic Association' or NCAA

Intercollegiate Conference of Faculty Representatives

collegiate history; in 1895, the 'Big Ten' conference was formed to create student eligibility rules.

first intercollegiate athletic event

collegiate history; on August 3, 1852 on Lake Winepesaukee in New Hampshire, a crew race between Harvard and Yale was the very first intercollegiate athletic event in US history. The athletic contest involved sponsorship by a company external to sport that used the competition to enhance the co's business. The first collegiate baseball contest was held in 1859 between Amherst and Willams, two of today's more athletically successful Div III institutions

Knight Commission

collegiate history; on October 19, 1989 the Trustee of the Knight Foundation created this commission to propose a reform agenda for intercollegiate athletics. It's work and recommendations prompted the NCAA membership to pass numerous rules and regulations regarding recruiting activities, academic standard, and financial practices

Carnegie Reports of 1929

collegiate history; these painted a bleak picture of intercollegiate athletics, identifying many academic abuses, recruiting abuses, payments to student-athletes, and commercialization of athletics. Collegiate athletics experienced various problems with rule violations and academic abuses involving student athletes

internet communications

current issue; in June 2006, the NCAA Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet sponsored legislation to: define all other internet and network communications (except email) as "computer-mediated" communication, and to restrict such communication between an institution and a prospective student-athlete in the same way that the NCAA restricts traditional prospect communication. Blogs, personal websites, and social networking sites have made policing improper contact between fans and athletes all but impossible

cultural differences

current issue; individuals and organizations conducting business in different cultures need to appreciate differences in the world and understand how the same sport can be interpreted differently from country to country, culture to culture. A lack of cultural awareness can negatively affect NA sponsorship of events (advertisement of alcohol)

marketing Olympics

current issue; today all levels of the Olympic Movement rely heavily on revenues from broadcasting and sponsorship agreements - 2 areas of investigation: 1) broadcasting rights and 2) sponsorship sales

public schools

educators at __ were slow to embrace the value of exercise and play, but private schools recognized them much earlier

gender equity

ethics; most discrimination challenges are centered around Title IX. Gender is less controversial for youth leagues, unless they receive federal funds


ethics; the 1990 passage of the ADA has increased opportunities for disabled athletes. The ADA has sought to integrate students with disabilities into regular programs, develop special athletic opportunities for those unable to participate in regular athletic programs

national youth league organizations

focus administrative efforts on promoting participation in a particular sport among children - 'Little League Baseball'

hiring practices

for minorities and women - issue of concern and debate within collegiate athletics. in 1993-1994, the NCAA Minority Opportunity and Interests Committee found African Americans accounted for fewer than 10% of athletic directors and 8% of head coaches. In 2003, the BCA announced the establishment of a hiring report card to monitor hiring practices at major institutions

drug testing

forbidden drug classes: stimulants, anabolic steroids, diuretics, peptide hormones, street drugs, and urin manipulators/masking agents. An increasing number of athletes are tested during both regular and post-season play

Country Club Concept

founded in 1882, Country Club of Brookline locaed in Boston, first CC. Rules of sportsmanship established in 1880s at Yale. CC: place located in country-like setting, members enjoy sports and other activities

golf origin

game of golf originated with the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, Scotland. First introduced to US in Yonkers, NY with Apple Tree Gang - USGA formed in 1895. Major period of golf course construction: 1) 1878-1919 concentrated in golf club villages, 2) after WWI included Augusta in 1932, 3) 1950s-1960s increased leisure time and affluence, and 4) 1970s Palmer and Nicklaus spurred growth

Title IX

gender equity, huge issue over past couple of decades - 1) bring male and female participation numbers closer to the % of undergrad students by sex at the institution, 2) capping men's teams, or roster management, keeping the men's numbers in check while trying to increase women's participation, and 3) increasing participation and funding opportunities for female student-athletes

globalization efforts

globalization can be see on numerous fronts: corporations are attempting to utilize the sport theme and sport products to enter the international marketplace, professional sport leagues are attempting to spread products overseas, event and destination marketers are leveraging events as sport tourism opportunities, and sport is being used on a global scale as a medium that can aid in health and social issues

corporate involvement

globalization; people attend/watch sport events as a good experience. Worldwide audiences now have access to the top sporting events via: 1) efforts by manufacturers of sport-related products and 2) efforts by non-sport related companies, which sponsor international sporting events, teams and athletes to gain name recognition. Aided by the capitalist enterprise

market segmentation

golf - average golfer is 37, 75% men, participation directly related to income levels (>150,000, 30%). Steady base of approximately 5-6 million golfers who play golf more than 40 days per year.

product types

golf market segmentation; public (38.5% of the market) - attract individual golfers play casually. Private golf courses (34.1%) - yearly memberships, also open to public. Private exclusive CC (27.4%) - more service and higher quality

basis of competition

golf marketplace; Success of golf and country club operations rely on: Ability to attract new members, retain existing members, sell club's amenities, maintain or increase usage. Private exclusives clubs not permitted to advertise and must seek members through referrals, incentives and other means. Geographic location of the facility may be a major influence when choosing a golf course to play. Competition can also be based on the skill level of particular players

cost factor benchmarks

golf; This sector observes a relative poor level of growing profitability. (Economic downturn plus large number of non-profits) Profits largely based on achieving membership goals, maintaining or increasing attendance at various functions, and maintaining or increasing participation (use) benchmarks. Major cost factors are direct purchases (fertilizer, plants, food, beverages, golf equipment) and labor costs

course locations (and participation levels)

golf; over the years, the bulk of new golf course and club construction has move both south and west. SE region hold highest % level of revenue - large # of courses and CCs, increase in golf playing population, more golf vacations/visits, older/aged population increase leisure time

international focus

in professional sport leagues - most aggressively seek the popularity and consumption of their products overseas, divisions created to guide these efforts, and within divisions each league maintains offices worldwide. These divisions and international offices have focused the popularity of NA professional sport utilizing: broadcasting, licensing/merch, playing games, grassroots, and through placing teams in international markets

Progressive Movement

in the 20th century; the social and political efforts of educators aligned with the __ __ touted athletics as a tool to prepare for the rigors of modern life and democracy and to assimilate immigrants into American culture. Emerging city, state, and parochial school athletics associations coordinated competitions in baseball, track, and rifle shooting and empasized sportmanship/integrity. In the period during and immediately following WWI (1914-1918), school sport for males were promoted as a source of physical training for the armed forces

women in intercollegiate athletics

in the early 1980s, the NCAA convinced women's athletic programs to vote to join the NCAA by offering to do the following: subsidize team expenses for national championships, not charge additional membership dues for the women's program, allow women to use the same financial aid, eligibility, and recruitment as men, and provide more TV coverage of women's championships. Since 1981, women's participation in collegiate athletics has increased 45%

Division 2

institutions usually attract student athlete from the local or in-state area who may receive some athletic scholarship money, but not a full ride

sport marketing companies

international career; corporations, Olympic organizations, and professional sport leagues regularly hire sport marketing agencies to coordinate their efforts

professional sport leagues

international career; sport leagues are aggressively attempting to expand the popularity in markets worldwide. Trained sport managers increase visibility: broadcasting agreements, licensing agreements, exhibition games, marketing athletes, and grassroots programs

corporate sport

international career; with corporations throughout the world expanding the markets for their products through sport, there will be increased opportunities for experts in international sport management


international focus; introduction to sport mainly comes from TV - games and highlights, and the internet. All of the pro leagues have elaborate web sites offering info

licensed merchandise

international focus; is sold to expand a sport to international markets. Sport leagues are utilizing sales of logo merch as a means to increase league popularity overseas

exhibition games (regular season games)

international focus; the most obvious step a professional sport league can take in exporting its product is to actually hold games on foreign soil. People in different countries get to witness in person (NFL, MLB, and NBA)

Sport For All

is an international movement that seeks to promote mass participation in sport without discrimination. Movement began Europe in 1960s and has expanded globally. Purpose is participation - sport is viewed as a human right and key component of healthy lifestyle


is the "deliberate or inadvertent use by athletes of banned substances or method that may enhance performance". Many athletes in competitive sports have turned to doping as a means of gaining an advantage. Doping allegations have dominated the media coverage of several international sports - Olympic events, Tour de France, and World Cups


is the term used to describe adherence to NCAA conference rules and regulations - the compliance coordinator: works closely with the coaches to make sure they are knowledgeable about NCAA and conference rules, oversees the initial and continuing eligibility of the student-athletes, and involved in preventing or investigating any violation that takes place within the athletic department

risk management

legal; the primary responsbility for any administrator is to inform his or her staff of the risks and dangers inherent in their profession - some risks, like injury, can not be eliminated from athletic activities. Schools and leagues use waivers and releases of liability to ask participants and their parents to release schools from a potential lawsuit or liability in the event an injury is sustained during athletic activity

performance evaluation and supervision

management; coaches are the principal supervisors of the athletic activities of their teams, and it is their responsibility to provide and ensure a reasonably safe environment for all participants

programmatic goals

management; critics of highly organized youth athletics often argue that such leagues create an increased pressure to win, and rob children of the opportunity to create and initiate their own play and competition. The systems planning and performance evaluation, emphasize participation as a main goal for the organization

performance evaluation

management; it is their responsbility to provide and ensure a reasonably safe environment for all participants

coaching certification

management; mandatory certification - is provided to ensure competency in basic coaching and educational skills. The ASEP (American Sport Education Program) offers courses in partnership with the NFHS to help develop expertise in training, conditioning, teaching sports skills, motivation, and risk management

sex abuse

management; the following assessment criteria was developed in order to combat abuse: don't turn a coach into a babysitter, don't fall for flattery, talk to the children, do not allow a coach to buy gifts, get full information where team is staying

human resource management

management; the personnel who operate school and youth sport programs are these organization's - most valuable assets, and most difficult resources to attract and retain. Administrators are responsible for hiring, supervising, and evaluating athletic personnel

sponsorship sales

marketing Olympic investigation; all levels of the Olympic Movement rely on sponsorship sales to finance their operations. Following IOC principles in the Olympic Charter, 3 levels of sponsorship: 1) olympic partner program, 2) NOC sponsorship program, and 3) OCOG sponsorship programs

broadcasting rights

marketing Olympics investigation; these rights fees are significant for the IOC, since they account for 50% of all Olympic revenue. The IOC delegates to the "IOC TV and Marketing Services" responsbility for a broad portfolio of marketing opportunities, including dev and implementation of the Olympic broadcast rights and marketing strategy


marketing; as financial circumstances for schools and leagues become more strained, coaches and administrators are often expected to be fund-raisers or to supervise the fund raising efforts of individual teams


member conferences must have a minimum of six member institutions within a single division to be recognized as a voting member conference of the NCAA. Conferences provide many benefits and services to their member institutions (compliance director, championship events, revenue sharing)

gold and country club firms

no dominant players in golf course and CC industry - ClubCorp (2.5% market share), American golf Corp (1.2%), Century golf partners (1.0%), Troon Golf (1.0%), Palmer Golf (<1.0%). Level of market share not likely to change - High fragmentation, geographic challenges in achieving economies of scale, operations not standardized, high investment costs, high development costs

state association

nonprofit, have direct role in organizing state championships and competitions in athletics and activities - final authority in determining athlete eligibility. The scope of activities, size of full-time administrative and support staff, and number of schools represented vary from state to state and proportionally related to that state's population

market drivers

part of golf - participation; courses available; condition of course/experience; demand for quality experience/service high end or unique courses; price to play round; available time to play full 18 holes; seasonal play and weather patterns; and turn grass conditions


public vs private clubs, private - restricted membership, may either be private for-profit entity or private non-profit entity. Not open to public, must be accepted by membership, standard meeting place, and is place of social, recreational and educational purposes. Only those invited can join - join for exclusivity, social position, recreation, etc. Built for: social reasons, sell homes, and attract visitors

community-based recreation

segments of recreation industry; Participants united by a common interest in recreation at the local level. General services offered by local parks and recreation departments that target specific ages through youth/senior centers. Parks and recreation departments supported through mix of local property tax money and user fees from participants

sport diffusion

sport easily introduced to other countries (standardized); practice universal, meaning is not; Western culture measures success by winning, other cultures place higher value on participation/success; thus when introducing sport Thoma and Chalip (1996) suggest 3 strategies: 1) adapt sport to culture, 2) foster elite interest, and 3) foster community interest

international sport beginning

sport first spread across international borders through imperialistic efforts - as nations such as Great Britain, colonized various areas throughout the world, sport was used to impose the culture. Nationalism sentiments have also assisted in the growth of international sport today, in some instances, a win on an international level has led to increased interest and participation in a particular sport


the Olympic Charter States - "a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles


the existence of local, state, and national governing bodies ensured: running championships, coordination of athlete eligibility, dissemination of instructional information, and implementation of certain coach and administrative programs. Also created and maintained stated rules and guidelines and apply them to all affiliated athletic programs equitably and consistently

globalization of sport

the premise for a global strategy is to create products with the same appeal and generate the same demand in all corners of the world. Tech advances and the increased accessibility of technology worldwide have been major factors driving the globalization of sport


the primary rule-making body for college athletics in the US - basic purpose is dictated in its constitution. Voluntary association with more than 1200 institutions, conferences, organizations, and individual members - Div 1 has 326, Div 2 has 282, and Div 3 has 419. Three divisions created to increase flexibility for schools of varying sizes. In August 1997, the restructuring plan gave the NCAA divisions more responsibility for conduct within their division, gave more control to the presidents of member colleges/universities, and eliminated the one-school/one-vote system


the prominent private/nonschool agency to promote youth athletics - founded in England 1844, est in US by 1851 to attract urban youth to Christianity through athletics. Chose to emphasize individual values and growth, which dovetailed nicely with individual personal fitness goals

recreational sport

the recreation industry is extensive and diverse, creation of structured activities that provide personal and social benefits to individuals during leisure time. (Direct participation): active performance in activity, and (indirect participation): recreation spectators contributing to economic base; effective strategy for tourism industry (triathlons)

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