Sport psychology Exam 1

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What are 4 research journals in sport psychology?

* International journal of sport psychology * Journal of sport and exercise psychology * The sport psychologist * Journal of applied sport psychology

Be able to distinguish between blocked and random practice. Which is better for performance during the practice period? Which is better for long-term learning?

*Blocked practice- finish everything in a given task before moving on. Random Practice- employ several aspects of a technique within a ssesion *BP-better for performance during practice *RP-better for long term

Who wrote "Problem Athletes and How to Handle Them?" What is the significance of this book?

*Bruce Oglivie and Tom Tutko (1966) *Created a test that measured personality *The test was used as a method to determine who was going to be a good athlete.

Who is considered the grandfather of sport psychology in North America?

*Coleman Griffith *1st person to research it on athletes *Illinois 1925

Be able to describe the growth and history of sport psychology through the 20th century (from the 1920's to present) in North America and Eastern Europe / USSR.

*Coleman Griffith (1920), Illinois team, Chicago cubs, improve athletes & coaches performance, *Dorothy Yates key factor (stanford) *1920-1940 no interest in America cause WW1 and 2. *1960 Bruce Olivie and Tom Tutko created a lot of interest cause of books. *1920-1940 no interest in Eastern Europe/ USSR due to war. *1950's popular in space program, soon after olympics *North America adopted European sports psychology methods and designs to make it sport specific

Be able to distinguish between constant and variable practice. Which is better for performance during the practice period? Which is better for long-term learning and transfer? What is transfer?

*Constant practice- Ex coach A gives player 100 balls to filled using pitching machine. *Variable practice- Ex coach B gives player 100 balls to filled with batter, different bounce, roll, spots. *VP- is better for performanceand long term learning in highly skilled athletes *For beginners constant practice is better. *Transfer is where a player can learn actions not specifically experienced in practice. *EX-if player moves positions the variable practice will allow them to transfer some actions.

What is faded feedback? What is bandwidth feedback?

*Faded feed back is where augmented feedback is gradually reduced as performance improves. *Bandwidth feedback is where the coach identifies an acceptable error tolerance and provides feedback only when the athlete's performance falls outside this acceptable range.

What is the difference between random and variable practice?

*In random you never practice the same skill several times in a row. *in variable practice you practice the same skill several times in a row but with different variations.

Define intrinsic and extrinsic feedback.

*Intrinsic feedback is information athletes receive as a natural consequence of moving; it is provided by the athlete's own sensory system. *Extrinsic feedback is information athletes receive that is not a natural consequence of executing a response. It must be provided by some external source such as a coach, teammate, stopwatch, judges score and videotape replay.

How much feedback is appropriate? How does it differ based upon the level of the learner or novelty of the task?

*It depends on each athlete *Beginners need it the most *High level athletes need minimal feedback *easy task less feedback

What is deliberate practice? What did Ericsson (1996) find was necessary to develop expertise or reach an international-level of performance?

*Practice that leads to expertise. *With purpose and gives good feedback. *High motivation *Ericson found it took minimum 10yrs to perfect skilland deliberate practice

Know the following organizations and their significance in the sport psychology discipline: USOC, AAASP, APA, NASPSPA

*USOC (United States Olympic Committee) started using techniques after acquiring from Europe. *AAASP (Association for the Advancement of Applied Sports Psychology) is the current certifying body for psychology. *APA (American Psychological Association) largest association of psychology world wide. *NASPSPA (North American Society For The Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity) improve the quality of research and teaching in Psychology of sport, motor development, motor learning and control.

Discuss whole and part practice. Does part practice always contribute to more effective learning of the whole skill?

*Whole practice- requires the athletes to practice the activity or skill in its entirety, as a single unit. *Part practice- athletes practice skill or activity separately and then combine the whole skill. *No because it can cause the athlete to be less fluid in the movement.

What are some important issues facing the field of sport psychology in the early 21st century? Be able to write a brief paragraph about each.

*certification-big issue because there are no guidelines. *Gap betwwen research and practice *Job market and where to get jobs as an AAASP certified psychologist Emergency of health psychology

Which organization is leading the way for certification for sport psychologist?


Be able to describe the phases of motor skill learning and what happens in each stage. Who developed this three phase model?

Cognitive Phase- gaining an understanding of how the skill is to be performed. *Associative Phase- refinement stage. * Autonomous phase- Can perform the skill at a maximal level of proficiency (without thinking)

Who is Bruce Oglivie?

Father of applied sport psychology and wrote a lot of books.

Why must learning be an inference based on performance?

It is based on performance because motor learning is internal.

Explain why the coach's role as a motivator is important during the autonomous stage.

It is important because the athletes very gradually improve their performance, which could cause a lack of motivation.

Does practice always improve performance?

No because what if you practice skill the wrong way.

What is the "sandwich" approach to giving feedback to athletes?

Positive instruction followed by contructive criticism and then positive feedback.

What are schemas?

Schema is a cognitive framework (organized pattern of thought) or concept that helps organize and interpret information.

Define motor skill learning and discuss the measurement of learning

Set of internal process, associated with practice and experience, which allows for semi-permanent changes in the motor behavior.

What are the effects of asking highly skilled performers to attend (think about) their performance?

Will seriously disrupt performance, especially in high speed activities.

Define Applied Sport Psychology

focus on psychology theories to enhance performance and personal growth.

Define Sport Psychology

psychological factors and influences participation and performance in sports.

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