Spotlight on Obesity - Nutrition

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built environment

any human formed, developed, or structured areas, including the urban environment that consists of buildings, roads, fixtures, parks, and all other human developments that form its physical character


most antiobesity drugs can be addictive and have the potential for abuse

pg 538

-Meridia was recalled bc of concerns related to heart disease and stroke -FDA approved weight loss drugs from short term use: phentermine, phendimetrazine, diethylpropion, and benzphetamine -Alli, Belviq, Qsymia are only approved for adults

figure SO.14 pg 528

-Obesity is a complex disorder that is not easy to treat -Factors: genetic, physiological, metabolic, hormonal, sociocultural, environmental, behavioral, and psychological

pg 528 -- What goals should I set

-a key initial goal is to prevent or stop weight gain -goals must be realistic and attainable -obese people who are metabolically fit are described as having metabolically healthy obesity -people who establish moderate rather than aggressive goals are more likely to succeed in their weight-loss program

pg. 510

-beginning in grade school; boys are LESS likely than girls to consider themselves overweight -males of all ages accept some degree of overweight -boys, typically, are more concerned about becoming taller and more muscular -as adolescents and young adults, most of us begin to worry about body weight and appearance


-equally important to weight management is eating regularly - a regular meal pattern INCLUDES breakfast -skipping breakfast lowered insulin sensitivity, raised LDL and total cholesterol, and led to higher energy intake

pg 519

-lack of exercise is a major contributing factor to weight gain and obesity. -1/3 of adults never engage in any type of leisure-time physical activity -inactivity is more common among women, older adults, less-affluent adults, and black and hispanic adults -children also exercise less -research links, excessive tv viewing and computer use to overweight and obesity

pg. 508

-obesity results from chronic positive energy balance (energy intake regularly exceeds energy expenditure) and weight is gained -biological factors such as: sex, age, heredity, social and environmental factors, and behavior and lifestyle choices

pg. 509 gut microbiota and obesity

-our bacterial partners outnumber our body cells by 10 to 1 -gut microbes coevolved with the human host and affect digestion, production of vitamins B and K, energy metabolism, and immune function -human gut microbes contribute 36% of the small molecules found in the human blood -our gut microbes function as a virtual, but vital, organ -gut microbes play an important role in the regulation of energy balance and weight. -they influence the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes

pg 517

-the avg american eats out nearly 4 times a week -96% of U.S. chain restaurant entrees fell outside the range of the U.S. department of agriculture's recommendations for fat, saturated fat, and sodium per meal

pg 524

-type 2 diabetes - most common in the US and canada - is 3 times more likely to develop in an obese person, esp if they have abd obesity (apple-shaped body) -diabetes, in turn, is a risk factor for heart disease, kidney disease, and vascular problems

pg 541

-underweight is an inherited pattern -underweight can be a sign of underlying disease, such as cancer


-weight loss drugs such as: Belviq and Qsymia must be obtained from a physician


10-40% of adult women have a history of weight cycling

pg 513

2/3 of adults and 1/3 of children are overweight or obese -- obesity could have catastrophic effects on health, healthcare costs, and our economic productivity.

pg 533

ABC model of behavior - can be internal or external events that precede and follow the behavior. A-identifying the cues (antecedents) B- changing the behavior of overeating by using positive self-talk (behavior) C- using positive consequences help reinforce new behaviors (consequences)

pg 506 / 520

Approx. 17% or 1/3 of children and teens ages 2 - 19 years old are overweight or obese

pg 531

Carbs - 45-65% of total calories Protein - 10-35%

Lets Move!

Childhood obesity launched the campaign of


Do not try to lose more than 1/2 to 1 lb per week


FDA approved the drug Qsymia, to treat obesity in adults, it combines two FDA approved drugs. Qsymia must not be used during PG because it may cause harm to the baby


FTC encourages commercial programs to release the following information to potential clients: pg 537


KEY CONCEPTS - 532 - balancing energy and controlling portion sizes can help reduce overall energy consumption -reducing fat intake is a major step toward lowering calorie intake. -Fiber-rich foods provide a feeling of fullness that can help prevent overeating -when planning a diet aim for a caloric intake of 20-35% or less fat, 10-35% protein, and 45-65% carbs


KEY CONCEPTS - 535 -long-term weight management should include self-acceptance and enhances self-esteem -goals of idealized body size and shape should be replaced with goals that promote good health and a lifetime of fitness


KEY CONCEPTS - pg 532-533 -successful weight management involves regular physical activity as well as healthful food choices. -small increases in activity have significant health benefits and help weight loss and maintenance -to prevent weight gain and maximize health benefits, you should include at least 60 min, of moderate physical activity in your daily routine

pg 540-541

KEY CONCEPTS pg 540-541 -Prescription and OTC drugs to lose weight have varying effectiveness. -Drugs have potential side effects and must be used with caution and medical supervision -Morbidly obese indiv. sugerial intervention is an aggressive, last resort approach to weight management. -Liposuction removes fat cells from specific parts of the body, but it is not considered an effective approach to weight control

pg 541

KEY CONCEPTS: pg 541 -underweight is not as common as overweight -gaining weight can be difficult, but the basic concepts of energy balance apply. -changes in diet along with regular exercise are important strategies for gaining weight

- the number of overweight or obese people has increased in the recent years -the rising rates among children are esp. disturbing -at the same time, more people are engaging in weight-control efforts and starting to do so at younger ages


pg 520

Key concepts pg 520 -obesity tends to run in families. -Sex, age, and social and environmental factors are related to weight -lifestyle choices and behavioral factors also affect weight -overly restrained eating can result in over eating and weight gain -binge eating is common among people in weight-loss programs

pg 525

Metabolic Syndrome is characterized by 3 or more metabolic risk factors: elevated triglycerides, low HDLs, elevated BP, insulin resistance, and abd obesity

pg 523

Obese people are at higher risks for: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, abnormal blood lipids, metabolic syndrome, some forms of cancer, sleep apnea, gallbladder and joint diseases, and psychosocial problems

pg 538

Orlistrat / Xenical (OTC) is the only weight loss med that is approved for children age 12 and older

-last-ditch effort taken -most common include gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and gastric banding -gastric bypass pts. will need lifelong medical supervision -exercise is still important -weight loss will plateau by 18-24 months after surgery

Surgery pg 540

pg 508

The prevalence of obesity among children ages 2-5 has decreased, from nearly 14% in 2004 to 8.4% in 2012

true pg. 506

U.S. obesity has increased from 47% of the adult population to more than 65%!

pg 539

Xenical is the only FDA approved long term drug (up to 2 years)

metabolically healthy obesity

a condition of reduced risk for obesity-related metabolic disease

pg 520

an overweight child is likely to reach maturity earlier than a child of normal weight


being overweight or obese raises the risks for colon, breast, endometrial, and gallbladder cancers

pg 511

black and hispanic women are more likely to be overweight than non-hispanic white women are -because of cultural factors, african americans, hispanic americans, native americans and pacific islanders typically value thinness less than caucasian americans do.

pg 524

blood lipid levels that typically accompany obesity -- high serum triglycerides, low HDLs, high LDLs, all increase the risk of atherosclerosis

pg 535

compliance is key to weight loss diets like Weight watchers, Atkins, Zone, and Ornish

pg 521

childhood obesity is preventable and treatable -- the strategy is to increase activity and improve food choices

positive self-talk - pg 533

constructive mental or verbal statements made to one's self to change a belief or behavior

lead to weight gain

dieting during adolescence can ...

very-low calorie diets (VLCDs) - pg 537

diets supplying 400-800 kc/day, which include adequate high-quality protein, little to no fat, and little carbs

pg 511

education is another factor associated with body weight. -for both men and women, obesity prevalence was lowest among those with a college edu.; overall, prevalence was highest among those who did not graduate from high school.

pg 519

emotional eaters have a dysfunctional relationship with food -- restrained eaters and binge eaters

true 510

even with weight loss, the number of fat cells does not decline

pg 520

factors involved in the development of overweight children include genetics, environment, behavior, and activity levels

pg 510

females describe themselves as overweight even if they are close to a healthy body weight. -adult women feel thin only when they weigh less than 90% of their desirable body weight -both men and women gain the most weight b/w 25-34 years of age -during menopause, when many women will gain additional weight


gastric sleeve drawback is that the absorption of some micronutrients is reduced.


health professionals emphasize overall health and fitness rather than a number on the bathroom scale - moderation and a balanced diet that is low in fat and high in healthful foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. -behaviors change is still important part of weight management

pg 529

if you want to lose weight, you must take in fewer calories than you expend

restrained eaters

indiv. who routinely avoid food as long as possible, and then gorge on food

binge eaters pg 519

indiv. who routinely consume very large amts. of food in a brief amount of time and lose control over how much and what is eaten


initial loss is primarily fluid loss later loss is mostly fat loss

heart disease

leading cause of death in the US and Canada

pg 520

many overweight children develop type 2 diabetes prior to their teen years

negative self-talk - pg 533

mental or verbal statements made to one's self that reinforce negative or destructive self-perceptions


more than 2/3 of the US population are overweight or obese

extreme obesity

obesity characterized by body weight exceeding 100% of normal; a condition so severe it often requires surgery

hypercellular obesity

obesity due to an above average number of fat cells

hyperplastic obesity (hyperplasia)

obesity due to an increase in both the size and number of fat cells

hypertrophic obesity

obesity due to an increase in the SIZE of fat cells

sleep apnea

periods of absence of breathing during sleep


realistic beliefs and goals combined with positive self-talk and problem-solving efforts support a healthy lifestyle

weight cycling

repeated periods of gaining and losing weight. also known as yo-yo dieting

pg 509

researchers est. that genes alone generally account for 50-90% of variations in the amount of stored fat.


sedentary women have a higher risk of breast cancer compared to physically active woman


sleep apnea increase the risk of heart attack and stroke

weight management

the adoption of healthful and sustainable eating and exercise behaviors that reduce disease risk and improve well-being

pg 509

the number and size of fat cells in the body help determine how easily a person gains or loses weight

pg 521

the primary goal of Lets Move! is to end childhood obesity within a generation

true pg 519

these retrained eating patterns appear to be passed from mother to daughter


weight cycling has been associated with increase risk for metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, all-cause mortality, and reduces quality of life, even if BMI is at a healthy range

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