SSA Kahliah

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Archive file

Zipped RAP file created from product rule form or App packaging wizard landing page; Before creating an archive file: 1) associate data records with rulesets - ensures all data records required by app are included in archive file 2) all rules checked in 3) (in most cases) lock app rulesets included in package - ensures migrated app and its rulesets are synchronized between source and destination systems 4) merge branched rulesets and remove branches from app if exporting app to a production system


a container or an organizational construct used to identify, store, and manage a set of rules; primary function of a ruleset is to group rules together for distribution A ruleset contains rule instances, which are divided into ruleset versions to support version management;


a symbolic index that adds an elment to the end of a value list or page list property


a symbolic index that inserts a new element into a value list or page list property as the first element; all elements are "pushed down" by one


a symbolic index that inserts a new element into a value list or page list property at a numeric index position; any elements with the same or higher index value are "pushed down" by one

Language packs

collections of language-specific rulesets that support localization of the Pega Platform; install before run Localization wizard; create custom language pack w/ export and translation of Pega ruleset

PegaRULES database

contains rules, and system info for a Pega app; External classes are not part of database.

Designing app for localization - field values

create for labels and confirmation notes; define Field Value rules for those rule types that use labels or other text strings under 64 characters

External class

directly manages data read from or written to an external database; cannot belong to a class group - a concrete class (Ex: Rule-Obj-Class rule type) that corresponds to a database table not administered by Pega; each external database mapped to a unique database table - uses key column specified by database table to identify unique rows; pzInsKey or pxObjClass properties absent since these properties used by Pega as key columns to identify rows in PegaRULEs and PegaDATA database tables; maps Pega properties to database columns (see image) Ex: external class maps FName database column to .FirstName property

Pega Web Mashup (code)

enables embed of Pega app w/in web page or other web app on intra/internet site; leverages security and UI features of Pega; provide the same rich app experience have in a Pega app; code is HTML 5-compliant - app communicates with host page (embedded mashup code) and visa versa; app calls a flow or harness (anything visible in harness displayed in mashup app); create Mashup channel > customize code to web page > configure list of approved sites for site origin (specifying a list of trusted domains (URLs) in the Pega Application rule)

Parallel development

multiple teams are working in the same application rulesets; branches help teams manage parallel development in distributed environments.


opens a clipboard page, acquires a lock (if one not already held), refreshes the page


opens instance of a class stored in either PegRULES or external database using a unique key; creates a clipboard page for the open instance


opens instance of a class stored in either PegRULES or external database; creates a clipboard page for the open instance

Savable data page

read and write updated info to SOR w/out an activity Ex: reference a data page from a step to source a customer's address - make a data page savable, then use a Save data page smart shape/step that references the savable data page (you just created) to save address updates back to the source


saves contents of a clipboard page to the database; deferred save by default - save performed on next commit (persists until next commit); WriteNow parameter - immediately saves contents of clipboard page to database


searches the database, retrieves multiple records, and copies them to the clipboard as an array of embedded pages

Data pages

use to read from and save data back to the SOR as best practice for easy config and maintainability; use savable data page to read and write updated info to SOR w/out an activity

Keyed data page

use when retrieving data for app use and want to reduce the number of server trips; like loading data to cache; value provided for the key > first time data page referenced, all data loaded and stored on the page > key used to locate specific instance on data page > returns matching result; when next request to data page comes w/ different key, data already loaded and system just locates the correct instance on page Use when frequent requests expected before data becomes stale Ex: A company's servers are overwhelmed by requests to the product catalog; keyed data page loads product info to data page during first query of each day, user submits a request in online store (to the product catalog), data returned from preloaded data page

Symbolic indexes

used for all database updates (internal, external and SQL) to access items in a page list w/out using an explicit index number

Non-keyed data access

user submits request for data > data page interprets request and makes trip to data source > data source returns request data to data page > data avail to app Use when fewer request expected before data become stale Ex: data page used to populate a customer page property from an external SOR; each new insurance policy case for each customer requires a trip to the server


versioning method best for major and minor updates (NN-MM-PP); clean start - saves highest version of the rule into a new, higher ruleset version; mainly applies to resolved rules; two types are minor (& patch) and major and correspond with the update types; rules carried forward based on rule availability status - Yes, Blocked, Final, Withdrawn, No (not avail); Withdrawn on major update NOT carried forward Ex: Original version 01-01-01 skim to 01-01-02, rule A is updated on 01-01-02, user runs app, only 01-01-02 runs, updated version of rule A, and original rules B & C (auto copied during skim) run from 01-01-02

lock and roll

versioning method best for patches/incremental changes and bug fixes (NN-MM-PP); creates an empty ruleset container, but does NOT copy the rules automatically, have to manually copy rules into the new ruleset version; rule updates in new patch override previous version > Use Update my Application to include the new Ruleset Versions when you are rolling out an app and updating the minor version or when the app rule lists the ruleset patch version. Otherwise use Do not update my application when you update the patch version since only major and minor versions (no patch number) by default in app ruleset > Use Create a new version of my application when: You want to create a new app rule or want to allow access to more than one version of the application (i.e. phased roll-out) Ex: Original version 01-01-01 lock and roll to 01-01-02, rule A is copied and updated on 01-01-02, user runs app, rule A from 01-01-02 runs and rules B & C still run from 01-01-01

Designing app for localization

w/ careful design, app can support users who work in different languages; create field value rules for capturing labels and notes, paragraph rules for instructions and messages, and correspondence rules for emails and other correspondence.

Section (rule)

A rule that defines the content and behavior of a user interface, including property references, controls, and layout types, referred to by flow action rules and harness rules.

Perform harness

A standard Pega user interface rule (standard harness) used to display an assignment for processing by an end user. Enables users to select a flow action to perform, and complete an assignment.

PegaWAI ruleset

OOB contains rules that include the WAI-ARIA role settings on dynamic layouts. Ex: voice-controlled text, icon size, screen placement and keyboard placement are part of the PegaWAI ruleset To implement ruleset: 1) add and save the ruleset to the list of production rulesets for App definition 2) add and save the ruleset to the Production rulesets in Access group. 3) Select the Enable accessibility add-on check box on Access group.

Standard accessibility options (w/out PegaWAI ruleset)

1) Set tooltips on controls, buttons, links, icons, and input fields - announces control functions to users with a screen reader 2) Configure a high-contrast color scheme - ensures the contrast is sufficient for users with vision limitations 3) Set the enter event on a control when you set a click event on the control (Ex: configuring the up and down keys to support navigating through a list and set focus on an item) - enables keyboard controls for tabbing through the interface 4) Include links with icons - provides a visible description of the icon that an assistive device can read to a user 5) Use a button or a link to dismiss an overlay - provides a navigation element that an assistive device can describe to a user 6) Mark a dynamic container as the main content area by default - provides the ability for users tabbing through a page to skip to the main content link by pressing the Enter key 7) Use a drop-down list of options instead of text entry for fields with predictable answers (Ex: a series of numbers or colors) - provides a visible list of options that an assistive device can read to a user

Localizing an app

1) design and develop application to support localization into multiple languages 2) install Language Packs (if available), 3) use Localization wizard to translate app-specific rules.

Portal rule configuration

1) identify the intended user role and portal type 2) organize the layout of the portal - change the screen layout used in the harness 3) customize the branding of the portal - apply app skin or configure skin for portal itself (Other skin option on portal record) 4) customize the content and tools available to users - update the sections referenced in the screen layout (use LiveUI); replace pega logo (new image stored as binary file; theme update) or customize dashboard content 5) configure an access group to reference the portal if necessary - add portal to one or more access groups on access group record; each access group has only one default portal; other portals avail via operator menu

Accessibility features

Available to access groups via the accessibility ruleset (PegaWAI) to apply accessibility roles;


Allows multiple teams to work simultaneously on the rules in an app; create branch per team - each team works on their changes independently; useful on large dev projects; Branch names are visible across all the applications on a system. Ex (image): Team A and B developing HR Onboarding app; Team A assigned to new UI feature, Team B assigned to candidate profile info; 1) Build a app on main app for each team 2) Create 1+ dev branches in the team app 3) Grant access to team app (access group) 4) Create or configure rules using the branch 5) Merge each branch into the app rulesets when dev in branches is complete and stable (Merge Branch Rulesets wizard)

Accessibility roles

Attributes applied to user interface elements to enable communication between assistive devices and Pega applications for UI elements Ex: roles direct screen readers to differentiate between a check box and a button and provide an appropriate experience to the user for each control

branch ruleset

Based on (branched from) another ruleset; contains rules that are in active development in the associated branch; Rule development takes place within an isolated space (the branch) without affecting functionality in the source rules;

creating a new app version

Best practices: checkin rules prior to update, lock all but highest ruleset version Lock and roll: use Do not update my application, Update my Application to include the new Ruleset Versions or Create a new version of my application Skimming: must update application rules, the Requires RuleSets and Versions prerequisites array in RuleSet version rules, and access groups to reference the new major version after the skim completes. Log out and log in to access the new version.

Accessibility Inspector audit issue categories

Content - Ex: an icon is missing helper text or a label. Structural - Ex: the heading level hierarchy is out of order, which can potentially confuse screen readers. Interactivity - Ex: the skip to content navigation is missing on the harness, which prevents users from using the Enter key to navigate to the main content easily. Compatibility - Ex: a tab group layout, which is deprecated, is used instead of a layout group.

Localization wizard

Creates archive package of files to be translated > translation into desired language(s) > import translation package > Set the Locale setting to a target language and run your app to verify translation Automates many of the steps necessary to create language-specific versions of your application; identifies field values and text strings (include labels, captions, Tool Tips, and instructions) that are used in user interface rules (harness, section, list view, summary view, message, and portal rules); user interface rules, harness, section, and navigation rules are automatically configured to be selected for localization in wizard

Portal dashboard

Customized content displayed on a portal; To customize the dashboard, determine the template to use to organize the dashboard, then add widgets to each slot.

Harness (record)

Describes the structure of the UI the container in which layouts, action areas and other UI components live; organizes the structure of a portion of a work form or a portal; 4 main standard harnesses to organize content = New, Perform, Review and Confirm; Harnesses that allow users to select a flow action and complete an assignment contain an action area;

Pega Gadget

HTML code block with IFRAME or DIV tag that identifies the action performed by the mashup

Pega Gadget attributes

IFRAME or DIV tag supports attributes (each attribute in single quotes) for customizing behavior of the gadget on the web page; Required attributes: 1) thread that handles the mashup (in which the action performed), 2) fixed or automatically-sized IFRAME, 3) action prompt (Ex: action invoked when page loads or is deferred after a button click)

Product rule

Identifies the application components you want to move (migrate) to a destination Pega system; Lists the rulesets, data, and other objects that make up the application; Does not include Pega system 'built in' components (i.e. standard rulesets and data); product rule is in same ruleset as the work class for the app; an AV ruleset should be exported within the context of an app when configuring a product rule Ex: Moving from one house to another, don't move the cabinets, wiring or plumbing, but you do create a list of items in the house to move (furniture, dishes or clothes) and put them into a moving van; this list is a product rule and the van is an instance of a zipped RAP (Rule-Admin-Product class); found in Records explorer >SysAdmin

Portal rule

Identifies the type of user expected to use the portal, the harness used to organize the portal contents and the skin that defines the branding applied to the portal; portal records are classless

Dashboard template

Layout of the dashboard widgets in two or more slots.

Keyed data page configuration

List structure - keyed page access is only avail when the list structure is selected because keys identify which item is retrieved from list (single page doesn't need a key) Allow multiple pages per key (optional) - allow each key to return multiple matching instances. otherwise multiple matches return only the first matching instance Identify page list keys (property(ies)) - can have multiple keys per data page Reference keyed data page in page property - use same key property(ies) and same page definition/object type

Accessibility Inspector Disability preview

None Achromatopsia (Absence of color) Deuteranopia (Red Green confusion) Protanopia (Red Green confusion) Tritanopia (Yellow Blue confusion)

Designing app for localization - paragraph rules for text, correspondence and work party rules in a ruleset

Paragraphs longer than 64 characters can be kept intact as boilerplate content and easily applied multiple times in an application; text for paragraph, correspondence and work party rules translated manually and stored in the corresponding translation ruleset using Localization wizard. text then packaged and output in a pair of HTML files called Base.html and Translation.html. Both files initially contain the same text. The translator puts the translated text into the Translation.html file. Exs: Instructions on a UI form, copyright declarations, and privacy notifications

Screen layout

Part of harnesses that organize a user portal; organizes the elements of the browser window into a main content pane and smaller surrounding panes. Each layout references a section that contains the content displayed in the pane; use Live UI to view, open and modify the content in these sections Ex: the Header Left screen layout divides the portal into three areas: a header, a smaller left pane for navigation, and a larger content pane for displaying cases and reports.

External Databases

Pega apps almost always require access to data stored in external databases Ex: database that holds addresses; external class directly manages data read from or written to an external database

binary file (rule/record)

Pega creates a binary file record (rule type) that acts as a wrapper for static content files that contain information in a non-text format, such as images and PDF docs. Binary file provides security, inheritance, versioning, and deployment benefits of rule resolution

Case worker portal

Provides case workers with a standard interface for creating, viewing, and working on their own cases and assignments. Typically used to create new work, complete existing work, and run reports, the Case Worker portal Users cannot monitor and manage work among other operators or work queues, or view work statistics.

Merge branch with current branch

Resolve guardrail warnings and resolve conflicts before beginning the merge; when merge branch into the app, either delete the branch if dev complete or maintain the branch to support additional development of the feature; must check in all rules to the branch ruleset before merging; select the ruleset version into which branched rules will be merged or create a new unlocked ruleset for merging rules

Application Validation (AV) mode

Ruleset validation is performed every time a rule is saved and only applied at design time; AV mode can reference all rules in the rulesets defined in same app and rulesets belonging to any built-on app; therefore an AV ruleset should be exported within the context of an app when configuring a product rule Ex (Image): rules in LoanPricing can reference rules in LoanUnderwriting, and rules in LoanUnderwriting can reference rules in LoanPricing. ruleset LoanPricing:01-01-03 can access ruleset version 01-01-01 to 01-01-03 of the ruleset LoanUnderwriting and 01-01-01 to 01-02-10 of LoanPricingFW and LoanUnderwritingFW rulesets.

Confirm harness

Standard harness (UI rule) that presents a read-only confirmation of completion of an assignment if the next assignment is not performed by the user.

Review harness

Standard harness (UI rule) that presents an assignment in read-only mode, preventing data entry.

New harness

Standard harness (UI rule) that supports the creation of new cases.

Data instances

Such as: operator IDs, access groups, database tables and databases; Ruleset correpsonds to a collection of rules , but does NOT include data instances; Associate data records with rulesets (to help make packaging and migration of data instances easier before creating the archive file (RAP)) - so that when create the product rule the system automatically adds data instances to the archive file (you don't need to specify each data instance in the product rule) Associating a data instance with a ruleset does not affect or restrict any run-time behavior. The data instance remains available to all applications regardless of the associated ruleset.

Case manager portal

Supports users who manage cases and their related sub-cases and tasks across multiple channels, lines of business, departments, and systems. The standard end-user interface for creating, viewing, and working on cases. It displays unresolved cases and their subcases, and the case's open assignments. It also displays associated content, users, roles, and subjects; allows monitoring of work group status, goals, and deadlines; and generates work management reports.

App rulesets

The New Application wizard creates the initial application rulesets - two rulesets for the application itself (set to AV mode to reduce the difference between design and run time) and two organizational rulesets (set to RV mode to ensures strict validation on prerequisite rulesets when migrated); rulesets ending in Int are used for rules related to integration; Add rulesets for reusable functionality (might want to migrate to other apps) Ex: HRApps and HRAppsInt contain application configuration and the two organizational rulesets TGB and TGBInt contain reusable organizational assets, such as data structures.


The name of the clipboard page that represents the current case being processed. This name is reserved by Pega, and cannot be reused for another property or embedded page.

Ruleset Validation (RV) mode

This type of ruleset validation is performed every time a rule is saved and only applied at design time; Rulesets with another ruleset in brackets MyCoPL [MyCo] use RV; RV mode only rules in the ruleset versions that are specified as prerequisites (and their prerequisites) can be referenced from the ruleset; otherwise must specify Pega-ProcessCommander as a prerequisite. There is a 99 patch version of the Pega-ProcessCommander ruleset OOB and created with each major or minor upgrade; the 99 version automatically picks the highest patch for the ruleset version.

Activity - read/write to a database

Use Obj- methods for advanced processing to a database table where you cannot use savable data pages

Navigation record

Use to add a menu to a portal; defines the entries in a menu and the action performed when a user selects the menu item. Navigation records are used to organize the menus displayed in standard portals (Case Manager and worker portals); contains a list of menu items each associated with a click event and resulting action, i.e. logging off or displaying a harness.

Accessibility Inspector tool

Use to identify and rectify accessibility issues with your application; use Accessibility icon. 1) Preview what your application looks like to users of varying visual ability using Disability preview 2) audit your current application UI to identify configurations that may negatively impact application accessibility

Connect SQL (rule)

Use when app needs to run complex SQL statements i.e. joins or stored procedures to update or extract info from external database or SQL statements that contain vendor-specific syntax; invoke from an activity using Obj- methods; App explorer lists rules in app; Records explorer lists rules avail to you; enter SQL statements that execute during performance on the Open, Delete, Save and Browse tabs of rule; History tab = rule history; SQL data mapping - keywords and notations provide mapping between Pega and external databases

Custom portal

User portal defined by an activity

Composite portal

User portal defined harnesses that each references a screen layout and each layout references a section that contains the content displayed in the pane; cross-browser compatible; configure a new portal as a composite portal as a best practice

User portal

User's view into the application customized to the needs of a specific type of user; represented with a portal rule; two portal types - composite and custom; UI-Kit ruleset used for standard portals; copy record to app ruleset to override

WAI-ARIA standard and role settings

Web Accessibility Initiative-Accessible Rich Internet Applications tech spec that defines ways to make Web content and Web applications more accessible to people with disabilities using accessibility roles; The WAI-ARIA role settings describe the type and structure of elements on the page. The dynamic layout has accessibility settings for landmark, document structure, and component/widget. It also includes properties to describe the state of interactive elements such as buttons, links, fields, or live regions.


activity action for post-processing; a condition is evaluated after the step runs, based on result the activity jumps to an alternate step or ends


activity action for pre-processing; a condition is evaluated before the step runs, based on result the step is either performed or skipped


activity action that repeats a step a specified number of times; iterates over the elements of a value list, value group, or page group Ex: iterate over items in a page list to update a property value on each page in the page list

Branch method

activity calls other activities - Pega runs the specified activity but returns to the rule that called the first activity. The origina activity ends when the branched activity is complete Ex: two activities A & B, if A branches to B, control returns to the rule that called A when B (the branched activity) finishes

Call method

activity calls other activities - Pega runs the specified activity then returns control to the calling activity when the called activity process finishes Ex: two activities A & B, if A calls B, control returns to A when B finishes

Ruleset validation (mode)

applies only at design time; performed every time a rule is saved; two modes Application Validation (AV) and Ruleset Validation (RV); mode applies to all versions of the ruleset; best practices

Pega Web Mashup styling

apply the skin rule by configuring a portal for web mashup users using a portal skin (rather than an application skin); create portal > assign access group for web mashup users (for unauthenticated users w/out a Pega operator ID, configure access group to reference the portal) > create portal skin (can inherit from app skin) > associate skin to portal used by mashup (select Other skin in UI section, enter skin name, set harness class and name = mashup app class and name)


cancels most recent uncommitted Obj-Save so that the instance is not written as a part of a later Commit

Rollback method

cancels or withdraws any previous uncommitted changes to the PegaRULES database (and external databases accessed from an external class) from the current thread

Reference pattern

data access pattern that allows app to use data without adding that data to the data model for the app; used often to populate UI controls with dynamic data, i.e. drop-down lists; value selected by the user is copied to the case (only the selected value is copied to the data model of the case data page does not have to be defined in data model though); implement with reference to data page from a record other than a property (first time the property is referenced, the data page is created)

Snapshot pattern

data access pattern that copies data into the case; app always references the copied data; data only current as of the time the app copied the data; implement on a property record; property class must match page class; data stored in property (first time the property is referenced, the data page is created, and the data is copied to the property); can specify a data transform for data mapping

System of record pattern

data access pattern that provides access to data stored in another system or application; app always references the system of record (SOR); data always current; implement on a property record; property class must match page class; data NOT stored in property, property just contains references to data page

Parameters (activity)

define variables that input data to, or return data from an activity; make activities more reusable by allowing pass of arguments when the activity is called, rather than upfront during development; notation = param.<ParamName> to reference a parameter value; parameter names and values are held on special clipboard page (parameter page) not visible w/ Clipboard tool


deletes a database row based on unique ID (no clipboard page required)


deletes a database row on the contents of a clipboard page

Ruleset stack (list)

governs rule execution at run time; indicates the rulesets that are available to the application for a given operator session; avail in the operator profile - assembled by Pega when an operator logs in to the application; The process begins by locating the versioned application rule referenced on the access group of the operator. Application > built on Organization and/or Framework > built on Pega Platform The rule resolution algorithm refers to the order of the ruleset in the ruleset list. Rulesets at the top of the list take higher precedence.

Production rulesets

have at least one unlocked ruleset version in the production environment and include rules that are updated in the production environment; most common use of production rulesets is for delegated rules. The production ruleset needs to be specified in the access group.


in an activity (step), describes the action the system performs Ex: Property-Set method sets the value of a specified property or Page-Remove deletes specified clipboard page that is no longer needed; each method can have 1+ parameters that allow passing of necessary info Ex: name of a property and value to set


in an activity - acts as an identifier for the step in pre- (When) and post- (jump) processing actions; enter two // to skip a step for testing purposes at run time; can be referred to from other steps

Step page

in an activity, the page in memory on which the method is processed; used as context for referenced properties w/in the step; by default activity executes w/in the context it was called Ex: activity called from utility shape during case processing executes against the pyWorkPage (the page assigned to the case type); if specify a step page it allows to set a different context for a step; if enter a step page, must reference the page in Pages and Classes on activity form

Activity type (security)

in an activity, these options provide security by limiting how developers can use the activity Ex: Route activity type restricts use of the activity to route assignments in the case workflow

Restrict access (activity security)

in an activity, these options provide security by restricting user access at runtime

Pega Web Mashup data exchange

mashup gadget can read data from and send data to the hosting page or another mashup gadget; creates a more seamless UX; Options: 1) use data-pega-event-onpagedata attribute to specify default value for gadget 2) Use the Javascript function doAction() to set or read data values from the web page hosting the gadget Ex: pega.web.api.doAction([gadgetname],[action],[parameters]) = Clicking a button 3) Use an action object (configure script within the gadget DIV tag and specify attributes and parameters as required to perform the action) to perform additional actions on a web mashup gadget or configure the gadget to interact with another gadget

Ruleset locking

prevents changes to a ruleset; typically when development has reached a specific state, and the application is ready to be promoted to testing. You cannot add or update rules in a locked ruleset (rules are unavailable for check-out )

Dashboard widgets

provide insight into the status and progress of open cases; displays operational information about your application and KPIs (key performance indicators), i.e. # of assigned items or the avg time to resolve a case; organized using a dashboard template

data access patterns

provide simple mechanisms to manage data in a Pega; three data access patterns (SOR, snapshot, reference); impacts the storage and refreshing of data in a case

Activity (rule)

series of steps performed in instructed order (use loop, when and jump actions or conditions to repeat or alter step execution) that automates processing; each step includes a Method (description auto-populates) that describes an action to perform; use alternate rule types (i.e. data transforms) when possible otherwise use standard (not custom unless necessary) activities which apply to @baseclass, Work-, Assign-, and History- classes; can call other activities using a Call or Branch method

Internet Application Composer (IAC) Authentication

standard authentication service for Pega Web Mashup configurations; System must authenticate the user before displaying the mashup

PegaDATA database

stores Pega app case, assignment and case history info; rows of the database are automatically created, updated, saved and deleted as user interact with a Pega system; includes user inputs, decisions, and results of calculations; supports high availability and in-place upgrades

Obj- methods

subset of activity methods used to operate on one or more objects (rows) in a databse table; used for advanced processing (read/write) to a database table where you cannot use savable data pages

Refresh strategy

when the data reloads on a keyed data page; based on business needs, a page config can make trips to data source whenever data needs nees to be update on the data page SOR pattern - data reloads according to the refresh strategy specified on the data page. Snapshot pattern - once data copied from data page to property, is not retrieved from the source again unless the request parameters; parameter changes = new data page created; data copied to the property and overwrites the existing data; Reference pattern - data reloads according to the refresh strategy specified on the data page; allows an application to use data without adding that data to the data model for the application; used often to populate UI controls Ex: drop-down lists; only value selected by the user is copied to the case;

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