Stage 31 Model Sentences

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With the day being bright, many dock workers were working on the riverbank.

diē illūcēscente, multī saccāriī in rīpā flūminis labōrābant.

The day was shining.

diēs illūcēscēbat

After the brain had been taken out, the master of the ship distributed money to the dock workers.

frūmentō expositō, magister nāvis pecūniam saccāriīs distribuit

After the ship had been tied, the dock workers began to take out the grain.

nāve dēligātā, saccāriī frūmentum expōnere coepērunt

After the money had been distributed, the dock workers hurried to the nearest inn.

pecūniā distribūtā, saccāriī ad tabernam proximam festīnāvērunt.

As the dock workers were working, a ship arrived. The sailors tied the ship.

saccāriīs labōrantibus, advēnit nāvis. nautae nāvem dēligāvērunt

As the sun was going down, the dock workers left the inn after all the money had been spent.

sōle occidente, saccāriī ā tabernā ēbriī discessērunt, omnī pecūniā cōnsūmptā.

At last the sun began to set.

tandem sōl occidere coepit.

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