Stage 68 Oral (Final 323 Stage)

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Define Category and Class

-Category: broad classification- Airplane, glider, Hot Air Balloon, etc -Class: Classification within category having similar operating characteristics- Single engine land, multi-engine land, etc

When do you need to have type rating? (2)

-Large Aircraft over 12,500 pounds -turbojet powered airplanes

What is lowest altitude I can legally fly over a Congested Area? Non Congested?

1,000ft above the obstacle within a 2,000 radius Non-congested areas: 500ft above the surface/ structures

How does Weight affect Stall speed?

As weight increases, stall speed increases. Heavier aircraft requires higher AOA to maintain lift, thus closer to critical AOA.

Why does Va increase with weight?

At a higher weight, aircraft flies at an AOA closer to the critical AOA. Heavier aircraft will therefore stall sooner than a lighter aircraft at faster airspeeds

When can you log night time?

At the end of evening civil twilight time to the beginning of morning civil twilight time Usually 30min after Sunset to 30min before Sunrise

Why do you want to bring the throttle to idle?

Because Adding throttle will pull the nose up as thrust is applied leading to a flat spin.

Why wouldn't you want to use Ailerons in a spin?

Because the use of ailerons could deepen the stall and further aggravate the spin causing it to flatten

What are some factors affecting Stall Speed? (4) (CDLW)

CG Location Density Altitude Load Factor Weight

Where does the CG move as fuel is burned

CG usually moves forward as fuel is burned

What is an AIRMET? How often are they issued? How long is an AIRMET valid for?

1. Advisories of significant weather phenomena at intensities lower than SIGMET 2. Issued every 6hrs 3. Valid for 6 hrs

When would a registration be invalid? (5)

1. Aircraft registered under laws of foreign country. 2.Aircraft's registration cancelled at owner request. 3. Aircraft is totally destroyed or scrapped. 4. Ownership of aircraft is transferred. 5. Holder of certificate loses US citizenship.

What should you do if you have inoperative equipment (6)

1. Check MEL if no MEL exists 2. Check VFR day type Certificate (FAA website) 3. Check Kinds of Operation Equipment list (POH) 4. Check 91.205 (Tomato Flames/Flaps.Grabcard) 5. Determine if Aircraft is safe for flight 6. Placard or Remove inoperative Equip,ent

What does the Significant Weather panel show? (3)

1. Weather flying categories 2. Freezing levels 3. Turbulence

What does the VFR Clouds and Wx include?

12-hour specific forecast + 6-hour categorical outlook = 18-hour forecast

What forecasts does a Significant Weather Prognostic Chart have?

12hr, 24hr, 36hr and 48hr forecasts

Are Winds Aloft Chart a forecast or a report?

A Forecast

What is an AD? SB?

AD is an Airworthiness Directive. Set from the FAA and are mandatory in nature to comply with. SB is a Service Bulletin. Set from the Manufacturer and are not mandatory for compliance but most commercial ops will comply with them for liability and insurance reasons

What Certificates and Documents are required for every flight? ARROWM

Airworthiness Certificate Registration Radio Operating License Operating Limitations (POH) Weight and Balance MEL

What is the Required Equipment for Night VFR? TOMATO FLAMES plus FLAPS

All Required Day VFR equipment and Fuses Landing Light (if flying for hire) Anti Collision Lights (Strobes) Position Lights (NAV light) Source of power (Adequate for all installed electrical and radio equipment)

How does CG location affect Stall speed?

An Aircraft with a Forward center of gravity will require more tail down force, and one will need to accelerate to create that tail down force with the same AOA

What is considered a High Performance Aircraft? What must you have to act as PIC of a High Performance Aircraft?

An Aircraft with one or more engines with 200+HP -Must have received and logged ground and flight training from an authorized instructor in a high performance a/c and received an endorsement

What is the definition of a complex airplane? Whats required to act as PIC of one?

An airplane that has retractable gear, flaps, and controllable pitch prop Received and logged ground training from authorized flight instructor, or in flight simulator and received an endorsement

What happens in the Developed phase of the spin? What direction is your flightpath? What forces are in Equilibrium?

Angular rotation rate, airspeed, and vertical speed are stabilized. Flightpath nearly vertical. Aerodynamic and inertial forces are in equilibrium.

What are the required Inspections? AVIATE

Annual VOR (every 30 days) 100hr (if flying for hire! 10hr grace period) Altimeter (every 24 calendar months) Transponder (every 24 calendar months) ELT (every 12 calendar months or 1hr cumulative use or 50% of battery life has been used)

What class medical do you need to fly as a commercial pilot? How long is it valid for?

Class 2 Valid for 12 Calendar months

How is wind speed greater than 100kts coded?

Coded between 51 and 86

Who should you contact if you want a Special Flight permit?

Contact Local FSDO

What are you going to do if you lose your radio's in a practice area?(3)

Check to make sure frequency is correct Squawk 7600 Land at an airport within practical distance - do not go back to GF if you can help it

What is the Required Equipment for IFR flight? Day VFR plus Night VFR and GRABCARDD

Generator/Alternator Radio Altimeter Ball (Inclinometer) Clock Attitude Indicator Rate of turn indicator (Turn coordinator) Directional Gyro (Heading indicator) DME

How does Load Factor affect Stall speed?

Greater bank angle causes a higher stall speed.

What does Moderate(MDT) mean on a Convective Outlook chart?

Greater concentration of severe thunderstorms and greater magnitude of severe weather

What are the four phases of a spin?

Entry Incipient Developed Recovery

When is a Review flight required? What does a review flight entail? What if you're a CFI?

Every 24 calendar months 1hr flight and 1hr ground training If you're a current CFI you are not required to do the 1hr of ground training only the flight

How often are Surface Analysis Charts issued? What do they show?

Every 3 hours They depict fronts, pressure centers, troughs and ridges, and station observations

When performing a VOR check what is the maximum error allowed for a ground based check, an airbone check and a dual VOR test?

Ground: +/-4 degrees Airbone: +/- 6 degrees Dual VOR check: +/- 4 degrees

What effects does High Humidity have on Performance?

High humidity degrades aircraft performance since humid air is less dense than dry air.

What effects does humidity and pressure have on performance? What does High Temp, Low Pressure and High Humidity mean for performance?

High temp, Low pres, and High humidity = LOW DENSITY. As air density decreases T/O roll will increase, Max cruse, and climb performance will decrease.

How often are Radar Summary Charts issued? What do they show?

Hourly (35min past the hour) Displays areas of precipitation as well as information about type, intensity, coverage, and cell movement

When would you need DME?

If flying above FL240

How often are Forecasts made for Winds Aloft Charts? When are winds not measured? When is temperature not measured?

Forecasts are made 2x daily Winds aren't measured within 1500ft of station elevation Temps arent measured within 2500ft of station elevation

What effects will an Aft CG have on Performance and Stability?

Decreased static and dynamic longitudinal stability

What are the required pre-flight actions?

Delays (traffic delays) Weather (information pertinent to the flight) Alternates (Airports if required) Runway length(Ground Roll + Performance) Fuel Requirements

Where must the Airworthiness Certificate be displayed?

MUST be displayed at cabin or cockpit entrance so that it is legible to passengers or crew

What does High(HIGH) mean on a Convective Outlook chart?

Major severe weather outbreak expected, with great coverage of severe weather and enhanced likelihood of extreme severe events

What is Va?

Maneuvering Speed: Maximum speed at which abrupt control movements will cause the aircraft to stall before causing structural damage.

If an aircraft is using an approved MEL, and a piece of equipment breaks that is not included in the MEL, can you go fly?


Can a pilot with a commercial certificate and multi-engine land rating carry passengers in a single engine airplane?

No! Unless the PIC holds a category, class and type rating for that aircraft

What effects will a Forward CG have on Performance and Stability? (NDH)

Nose heaviness. Decreased performance. Higher stalling speed.

In an MEL what does the O mean? What does the M mean?

O: procedure means the inoperable equipment pay be properly placarded/taken out and flown under circumstances stated in the MEL. M means aircraft is un-airworthy and maintenance must be performed by certified mechanic

What are the required documents you must have to fly?(3)

Pilot Certificate Medical Government Issued ID

How often are TAF's issued? How long is a TAF valid? How far is the radius that a TAF extends?

Posted 4x a day Valid for 24hrs (30hrs at larger airports) 5 miles

What kind of inspection program do we have at UND?

Progressive inspection. 4 parts to it, completed every 60 hours. When one full one is done, it is counted as a 100 hour inspection. Need to get special permission from the FAA for it.

What happens in the Recovery phase of a spin?

Rotation ceases and AOA is decreased past the critical AOA.

What are the three types of AIRMETS?

Sierra: IFR conditions and Mtn Obstruction Tango: Moderate turbulence Zulu: Moderate Icing

What effects does Throttle have on a spin?

Increase throttle, nose raises (flat spin). Decrease throttle, nose lowers.

What is IAS, CAS and TAS?

Indicated: as read on instruments Calibrated: IAS corrected for installation errors and positional errors True: Speed of the Aircraft relative to the air it is flying through

What is Negative Static Stability?

Initial tendency to continue away from original state

What is Neutral Static Stability?

Initial tendency to remain in a new condition

What is Positive Static Stability?

Initial tendency to return to original state (think of ball and bowl)

How often are Area Forecasts Issued? How long are they valid for?

Issued 3x daily Valid for 18 hours

What happens to your engine as you increase in altitude? What happens to your propeller at higher altitudes?

It increases power required and decreases power available. Prop loses efficiency at higher altitudes

Are Winds in a Wind Aloft Chart True North or Magnetic North?

True North

Are the Winds in a METAR True North or Magnetic North?

True North

When do spins usually occur?

Turning crosswind to downwind and base to final Low Airspeed and High AOA

When is the weather for a METAR observed? When is a METAR posted?

Usually about 45 min after the hour. Posted about 50 min after the hour

What happens in the Incipient phase of the spin?

Usually the first two turns. Aerodynamic forces are not in equilibrium.

What does Slight(SLGT) mean on a Convective Outlook chart?

Well-organized severe thunderstorms are expected but in small numbers and/or low coverage

What is a Special Flight Permit? When would you need one?

When aircraft does not meet airworthiness requirements, but its safe for a specific flight. e.g. flying to a base for repairs or delivering aircraft

What will your airspeed indicator read in a spin?

Spins are slow so it will read right around Vs

Who is responsible for maintaining Aircraft Airworthiness?

The Aircraft Owner and Operator

Why must the POH in the a/c be used and not the PIM?

The POH are aircraft specific, and the PIM is model specific

How does Density Altitude affect Stall speed?

The higher the altitude, the higher the stall speed.

What are you going to do if you lose your radio's in the GFK traffic pattern? (4)

Call tower / SOF In Pattern: squawk 7600 look for light signals. Keep where you were in flow, make the landing full stop

What are the 4 parts of an MEL?

Letter of authorization Master MEL Procedures Document-(lists all equipment) Preamble

What does the Surface Prog panel show? (3)

1. Surface Pressure Systems 2. Fronts 3. Precipitation

What are the requirements for a Convective Sigmet? (4)

1. Surface winds greater than or equal to 50 kts 2. Hail at the surface greater than or equal to 3⁄4 inches in diameter 3. Tornadoes 4. Line of Thunderstorms (producing heavy or greater precipitation affecting 40% or more of an area of at least 3,000 square miles.)

What is a SIGMET issued for? Are they scheduled? How long is a SIGMET valid for?

1. Turbulence, Icing, dust storms, sandstorms, volcanic ash hazardous to all aircraft 2. Unscheduled 3. Valid for 4hrs

How long do Convective Outlook charts last for?

2 days

What must you have completed to get current if you want to carry passengers?

3 takeoffs and 3 landings in the preceding 90 days

How long do you have to notify FAA of address change?

30 days

How often are Convective Outlook charts posted on the 1st day? On the 2nd day?

5x on the 1st day 2x on the 2nd day

How is 731960 decoded?

73-50=23 wind direction is 230 100+19=119 Wind speed is 119 Temp is -60 minus is omitted above FL240

How is 7799 decoded?

77-50=27 wind direction is 270 99 indicates that wind speed is 199 or greater

What does the Synopsis include?

Brief summary of location and movements of fronts, pressure systems, and other circulation features. Covers an 18-hour period

When would you need a Radio Operating License?

Flying internationally

What is Negative Dynamic Stability?

Negative - Overall tendency to continue away from original state (oscillation gets worse)

What is Neutral Dynamic Stability?

Overall tendency to remain in new condition (oscillation remains same)

What is Positive Dynamic Stability? (Overall Tendency)

Overall tendency to return to original state (oscillation gets better)

If you're current at night are you current in day time?


Can an annual take place of a 100hr? (91.409)

Yes but not vice versa

What is the Required Equipment for Day VFR? TOMATO FLAMES

Tachometer Oil Pressure Gauge Magnetic Compass Altimeter Temperature Gauge (Liquid Cooled Engine) Oil Temperature Gauge Fuel Gauge Landing Gear Position Indicator Airspeed Indicator Manifold Pressure Gauge ELT Safety Belts

Who is responsible for ensuring airworthiness?


What are the 4 sections of an Area Forecast?

1. Header 2. Precautionary Statements 3. Synopsis 4. VFR Clouds and Wx

What does a Convective Sigmet imply? How often is it issued? How long is it valid for?

Implies severe or greater turbulence, severe icing, and low-level wind shear Issued hourly (55min past hour) Valid for 2 hours

In a spin, is one wing more stalled than the other? Is lift still being produced?

One wing "more stalled" than the other, meaning one wing is producing more lift than the other wing. LIFT IS STILL BEING PRODUCED!

What happens in the entry phase of the spin?

The initial stall and "pre-rotation"

What is Static Stability?

The initial tendency of an object to return to its previously undisturbed state

What is Dynamic Stability?

The tendency of an object to return to a previously undisturbed state over time

How is 9900 decoded?

Winds are light and variable

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