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if the search engines identify the site as an offender in terms of practices deliberately designed to trick them, they can refuse to rank it altogether. This practice is often referred to as

"black hat" search

Evaluate response

In this step, program metrics are collected and analyzed to refine existing programs and suggest new strategies. Different approaches and content should be tested to see which perform better. It is also good to encourage direct feedback from recipients in order to further understand likes, dislikes, and desires.

Viral marketing

Include forward to a friend as well as social media links


Include reply-to and unsubscribe, and otherwise be compliant

Web Search: Technical

Indexing: Making sure the site is indexed for search Single URL: Site should point back to a single source Sitemap: Aids in navigation Working internal links: Links should not be broken or redirect HTTPS (secure site designation) User experience: The number of click throughs generated by searches to that page and if the user stays on that page Page speed in terms of loading Keywords in URL that match the page Above the fold content that is relevant to the search

Social media

Integrate with popular sites on social media

According to the FTC website, the main provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act are as follows

It bans false or misleading header information. Your email's "From," "To," and routing information—including the originating domain name and email address—must be accurate and identify the person who initiated the email. It prohibits deceptive subject lines. The subject line cannot mislead the recipient about the contents or subject matter of the message. It requires that email give recipients an opt-out method. You must provide a return email address or another internet-based response mechanism that allows a recipient to ask you not to send future email messages to that email address, and you must honor the requests. You may create a "menu" of choices to allow a recipient to opt-out of certain types of messages, but you must include the option to end any commercial messages from the sender. Any opt-out mechanism you offer must be able to process opt-out requests for at least 30 days after you send your commercial email. When you receive an opt-out request, the law gives you ten business days to stop sending email to the requestor's email address. You cannot help another entity send email to that address, or have another entity send email on your behalf to that address. Finally, it is illegal for you to sell or transfer the email addresses of people who choose not to receive your email, even in the form of a mailing list, unless you transfer the addresses so another entity can comply with the law. It requires that commercial email be identified as an advertisement and include the sender's valid physical postal address. Your message must contain clear and conspicuous notice that the message is an advertisement or solicitation and that the recipient can opt-out of receiving more commercial email from you. It also must include your valid physical postal address.

SEO tool

Keyword Tool


Link to online version of email, reminder of relationship, restates offer

The Build phase of the campaign

Next, in the Build phase of the campaign, the advertiser can make the final selection of keywords to bid on for each ad and each campaign, using tools such as the Keyword Planner (Figure 11.4). Keywords that are too expensive or don't have enough traffic will be discarded in favor of others. For matching categories, a broad match includes that keyword idea in any search, including synonyms and related words, whereas a phrase match must include that entire phrase. A broad match modifier will look for close variations of the keyword to show. An exact match will return the search volume for that particular keyword or set of keywords, and a negative match is a term that should not be considered (see Table 11.1). Generally, the broad match will not be most cost effective as the ad will show in response to searches that may not be relevant to the product or service.

T or F. practitioners try to work within the algorithms of the individual search engines to achieve the best possible ranking for the site or page on that particular search engine so their sites are listed at or near the top in the organic search listings.


Tor F email marketing generates about $40 for every dollar spent


Tor F. Semantic search has changed the game for SEO, as search engines are now programmed to return results based on intent


T or F.The new Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) became effective July 1, 2014 and according to Deloitte is one of the toughest laws of its kind in the world.

True- The law has three basic requirements: Consent from the recipient of the email. Implied consent comes from an existing business relationship in the prior two-year period, like a purchase or an inquiry in the prior six months. Express consent is required outside of these timeframes. Express consent means the contact has given written or oral consent to receive CEMs. Identification of the organization. Similar to the law in the United States. Unsubscribe mechanism. Similar to the law in the United States. What really makes the law unique is the consent requirement.


refers to directing marketing communications to individuals or businesses that have been identified as valid prospects for acquisition or retention for the good or service. Targeting can be visible, as when a marketer sends an email newsletter with personalized content to a customer who has given permission for this type of communication. It can be invisible to the receiver, as when targeted ads are served onto a website without the visitor's explicit knowledge.


refers to gaining the customers agreement to market to them in a certain way

Search engine optimization (SEO)

refers to the process of designing a site and its content whereby search engines find the site without being paid to do so. SEMPO describes SEO as "the process of editing a web site's content and code in order to improve visibility within one or more search engines." The free aspect of SEM known as SEO is also called natural search, organic search, and sometimes algorithmic search.

While click-through rates in general have been declining and are hovering about 3.2 percent...

savvy marketers realize that click-through rates can be triple that of the general rate with the use of techniques such as messages triggered by specific customer actions or events, as discussed below

broad match

search setting allowing for matching on a wide variation of a keyword or set of keywords.

phrase match

search setting that includes an entire phrase.

negative match

search setting that is the opposite of what is desired; used to avoid paying for unnecessary clicks.

search engines result page (SERP).

When a user enters a query, the search engine looks for information on the web and returns a list of results known as

Contextual Targeting Tool

which will also provide ideas of keywords and themes of keywords, as well as ad group names that can run on the Google Display Network.

Dynamic content

ability to change greeting and other content dynamically based on to whom the email is addressed

Launch phase

advertisers make sure to target their ads and monitor campaigns closely. During launch, another technique advertisers might use for increasing CTR includes using a local search term for ads targeted to geographic areas Google allows for targeting of ads to countries and regions within them. In the United States, regions can be as small as metropolitan areas, allowing PPC ads to be affordable and relevant to local and regional businesses. Facebook allows for more specific geographic targeting, one reason for its recent success.


aid in finding internet websites; list of sites are usually arranged by category, and the directory has a search function/ create a list of sites that are usually arranged by category, and each directory has a search function.

broad match modifier

allows AdWords ad to show for searches that include the broad match keyword or close variations of the broad match.

Contextual targeting

allows for advertisings on a list of websites that have partnered with a search engine to display its advertising on their site. Contextual advertising is considered a leading-edge internet advertising tactic because it allows for a more refined targeting of display ads depending on how the user is conducting the search.

The traffic estimator tool

can then be used to give the bid estimator a better idea of how many clicks might be expected from that search term and the average CPC, or cost-per-click, to the online advertiser.

steps that we listed for organic search are also steps to follow for paid search in terms of first knowing the customer and what they want from a site.

define the target market, find out what they search for, and then develop a search strategy in terms of keywords and phrases. Good keywords for paid search advertising reflect the products/services that are offered.

search engine algorithm

displays the search engine's "best guess" at which pages are most relevant to the user's search and in which order they should be shown.


events or actions that prompt an email to be sent

search engine marketing (SEM)

process of getting listed on search engines/ SEMPO defines SEM as "a form of internet marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages."


programs that "crawl" the web and follow every link or piece of data that they see and bring this information back to be stored; also known as robots.

A more detailed suggested process for paid search campaigns as used by industry leaders is as briefly described

1.0Research: Determine, using tools such as Google Trends and the Keyword Planner, what terms relating to the campaign are being used. Narrow down the terms to those most pertinent and determine cost. 2.0Build: Develop the campaign by selecting appropriate keywords and match criteria and designing ads. 3.0Launch: Watch results as the campaigns are running and then monitor the results and refine. Use A/B testing to test one ad against another. 4.0Analyze and Report. Use available reporting tools to understand which ads and campaigns were the most successful and try to determine why. Make a note of any changes for the next campaign.

role of paid search in developing an organic search campaign

A paid search campaign can be used to finely target terms for an organic search campaign. In other words, it is useful to use paid search terms where the site is not showing up as strongly in the organic search rankings as was hoped. Equally, once the SEO campaign is successful and showing results, the terms for which the site is ranked the highest naturally can be considered as candidates for paid search. Landing page copy can also be used in paid search ads. In any case, the two campaigns should ideally work together. It can legitimately be said that "search is search" and that both types of campaigns should work together

Pay-per-click (PPC)

AKA paid search advertising, involves "text ads targeted to keyword search results on search engines, though programs such as Google™ AdWords sometimes referred to as Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising and Cost-per-Click (CPC) advertising."Footnote The paid aspect of SEM is also called paid search and is based on an advertising model where firms seeking to rank high in specific search categories will bid on certain terms or "keywords" in the hopes of a lucrative search ranking. A lucrative ranking is one that makes money for the firm and is not necessarily the number one or two spot on the page. Sometimes a number two or three spot will be just as profitable for the firm.

Web design principles

Above the fold, golden triangle

Google AdWords

An online platform that enables advertisers to display brief advertising copy to web users. AdWords is based on pay-per-click (PPC), or the cost-per-click (CPC) that the advertiser is willing to pay to "win" the top ad placement locations when users enter a search query into Google's search engine. This process is in contrast to SEO strategies discussed earlier in the text that rely solely on the "natural," or "organic" relationships of the search queries to the advertiser's keywords, aside from any bidding process or other forms of paid advertising.

Animation and rich content.

Animation will become more prevalent in effective email marketing, as will all rich content, such as video. The DMA estimates a 15-18 percent lift in performance metrics such as a click to open and transactions from the use of animation in emails

One can expect two levels of change to affect SEM in the years to come.

At a granular level, the search engines themselves will continue to tweak their algorithms to provide more relevant results. Search engine marketers will continue to scramble to keep up with those changes. At the level of the overall search marketplace, innovations like such as vertical, local, social, mobile search, and others yet unseen will continue to proliferate and impact the ever-changing search landscape.

Email use stats

By May of 2011, 88 percent of American internet users reported using email daily and 37 percent reported using it "constantly." In fact, in 2015, the typical corporate user sent and received about 122 messages daily, a figure that is expected to grow to 126 messages sent and received per business user per day by the end of 2019. The typical consumer sent and received 93 messages per day in 2015, and about 129 messages in 2016.Footnote

Web Search: Off-site SEO

Consistency for name, address, and phone number across the web, including (for Google) a complete Google My Business listing Consistency across social media Backlinks: The number of other (legitimate) sites that link to the page Domain name authority

The Top Ranking Factors on Google

Content: Content includes quality and relevance to the desired search topic as well as the location and frequency (density) of keywords on the page. Certainly Google places a lot of emphasis on quality content but it is sometimes hard to determine what is meant by quality. Decide what terms are important and rewrite the page content to reflect those terms. Do not just focus on written content, although this content should contain relevant references to desired keywords. Videos and blogs are likely to improve the search ranking considerably because the search engines look upon these activities favorably, presumably because of the web traffic and links that they produce. Links: The number of other sites that link to the page, the number of pages the site links to, and their relevancy to keywords and search phrases are most important for the site. Not only the quantity but also the quality of the links is significant for search engines. It is easy to create relevant outbound links and less easy to get sites to link to you (also known as a backlink). However, backlinks are important to SEO. Authority links as previously mentioned, directory links, real-time links from blogs, and social bookmarking links all increase the chances of a high search ranking. It is estimated that 33 percent of search ranking comes from link activity, including links to blogs and social media. RankBrain: This process is related to voice usage and is a machine learning query enhancement tool. The tool can match queries to results pages taking into account relevance and the context of the search and reorder queries, looking at the context. Machine learning will no doubt play an even bigger part in search in the future as search engine firms seek to match queries to results from a relevance perspective.

SEO Campaign

Define the target market. Find out what they search for and why they search. Develop a search strategy: find keywords and phrases. Develop a content strategy to align with the keyword strategy. Redesign the site with those keywords and content in mind. Register the site with search engines. Implement a paid search campaign to complement or inform the organic search campaign (optional).

The Quality Score depends on:

Expected click-through rate Ad relevance Ad extension relevance Landing page experience, for example, how long the viewer dwells on the page and website, or "bounces" out quickly

semantic search

Focuses on the user's intent when searching for something.

Developing an Email Marketing Campaign

Gather customer data Derive customer insight Suggest proactive action Evaluate response

Time deadline, sense of urgency

Not only what the customer should do, but by when?


PPC involves "ads targeted to keyword search results on search engines, through programs such as Google™ AdWords are sometimes referred to as PPC advertising and Cost-per-Click (CPC) advertising."Footnote In this section we will focus on AdWords as Google has the largest market share of the traditional search engines. Search advertising is growing on social networks, as more and more users spend their time on those networks. Please note that these days ads can take many formats, from the traditional text ad to video, to "call only" ads to shopping ads with high-quality images

Future of Email Marketing

Personalization. Personalization will continue to improve as marketers use more than name and address the next frontier on personalization will be truly one-to-one email marketing campaigns. Relevant segmentation. Not only personalization, but targeting content to highly segmented lists, ala lawn care example above, will continue to improve the success rate and the reliability of email marketing. As Figure 9.18 illustrates, the return on segmented campaigns versus "one-size-fits-all" can be hundreds of times higher. Although many marketers are using the segmented campaigns mentioned above, there is more room to use this technique to improve response and revenue. Mobile applications. With so many customers accessing email on their mobile devices, mobile will continue to foster the growth of email marketing.

The seasoned email

Profile or segment the list. Establish a communications schedule. Identify the target segment and communications objectives. Write compelling copy. Structure your email to be received and opened. Create links to further information. Make it easy for readers to take action. Test and revise the email Measure results. Integrate learning into the next email program.

Web Search: Content

Purposive content: Content that attracts natural links and social signal, such as recency of mention and number of social mentions (72 percent of marketers think that content is the most effective SEO technique)Footnote Keywords: Should be consistent with the landing page and can aid search (48 percent of marketers favor this method) The HTML title tag (the title in the blue bar at the top of the page) Headings that define content Optimized content and images: Content relates to the subject and has meaning, and images have useful identifying tags and file names and a size that loads quickly

"Golden Rs of Email Marketing"

Relevance. All content should be applicable to the recipient's needs and lifestyle. Content that is not relevant will not motivate the recipient to take action and it may tarnish the brand of the communicator. Respect. Relevant content cannot be generated without in-depth information about the recipient. In order to get the information and keep the trust of the recipient, the sender of emails must guard data from unwarranted or frivolous use. Recipient control. Go beyond simply obtaining permission to communicate with the recipient. Make the recipient an active partner in deciding what content he or she wants to receive and how often he or she wants to receive it. That gives the content a much better chance of being seen as valuable.

2 basic aspects of SEM

Search engine optimization (SEO) Pay-per-click (PPC)

SEO Problems

Search engine spiders unable to navigate the website: Flash is the single biggest barrier to the spiders. A Flash Player is a web browser plug-in that allows images such as videos to display on a website. The problem is that spiders cannot read these images. Opening a website entry page with video can be a problem because spiders will not know how to categorize your website. Images in general, even photos, can pose a problem for spiders and using Alt tags to describe the image can aid in SEO. No site map on website: A detailed and accurate site map provides important assistance to the spiders. Laying out the site in an easy manner means all pages can be crawled and indexed by search engines. Nonoptimized navigation structure: The spiders need to be able to move through the site, understand the HTML code, and determine how to best index it. Anything that makes it difficult, like the extraneous HTML code inserted by some of the website development tools, impedes their progress. Diluted link popularity of key category/product pages: Links are important to ranking. However, they need to be relevant and represent a real relationship to the topic of the main site.

____________________ are the focus of attention in SEM because they are the heart of the search process.

Search engines

Subject line

Short, include brand, call to action, urgency

Offer or call to action

Specific, clear, and meaningful

easy ways to rank in natural search

The URL or domain name: The uniform resource locator (URL) itself should be descriptive of the firm and consistent with how a firm wants to be found. Being around for a long time and having a search history will also help. Title tag, also known as the HTML title tag (the title seen in the blue bar at the top of the page): Many companies ignore the title tag, which should include a company description and the most important search terms or keywords. A good example to follow would be to include the keyword portion first (how the firm wants to be found), followed by the branding portion (firm name or description), and to keep the title page tag short (70 or 71 characters depending on pixel width) so it can be read when it displays on search engines. An example is "University of Texas System | Fourteen Institutions. Unlimited Possibilities." Those looking for schools in the University of Texas System can see that they have many choices when deciding to enroll as the branding portion of the tag. Domain name authority: Domain name authority is the extent to which that domain name is considered to be a reputable website in a particular category. Authority comes from good behavior over time and includes the length of time links have pointed to the site and the overall authority of those sites. For example, universities, charities, and governmental agencies are in general considered to have high authority

The Ad Rank depends on

The bid for each keyword, that is, CPC. The Quality Score—how relevant an ad and website links are to the person who will see the ad. The expected impact from ad extensions and other ad formats. Adding additional information, such as a phone number or links to specific pages is a feature called ad extensions. Adding these features to an ad may impact the attractiveness of an ad to customers.

Google has two networks for advertising.

The first network is the broader Search Network, which displays ads in response to searches on browsers and the second is the more targeted Display Network, which displays ads on websites pertinent to the ad. Display Select will allow the advertiser to choose specific sites such as and for ads to display for PPC campaigns.


The first step in the research phase is to investigate broad search categories and trends. By using tools such as Google Trends and Alerts and by monitoring search traffic to one's own website using various analytical tools, advertisers get a good idea of where to start in investigating the keywords most appropriate for a paid ad campaign. Another way to research is to ask customers or other stakeholders how they search for your product and monitor their search patterns. From the information in the investigative phase, the advertiser narrows its keyword search and determines if it can afford to bid on the most appropriate keywords, adjusting its strategy if necessary.

Gather customer data

This includes contact information, physical address or email address, or both. The transactional data from the company's own files also include purchase history and a record of all customer interactions. It also includes the types of information (offers) they wish to receive, their preferences for receiving it (frequency and communications channel), and their privacy preferences.

Suggest proactive action

This is the point at which the process moves from analysis to action. Email programs are developed, executed, and refined based on the results of the programs themselves, captured in the customer database.

Other types of search engines

Topical search: such as and WebMD Industry search: such as and Image search: such as Picsearch, Yahoo!, and Image Search News search: such as NewsNow and Blog search: such as Books and articles search: such as Google Scholar Social real-time search: such as Twitter Search

T or F. In the past, search engines paid close attention to the description and keywords in the meta names. However, the major search engines, particularly Google, are now concerned with customer "intent" in search and whether the page is a good fit for the search term used


T or F. It is referrals and not ads that drive traffic.


T or F. PPC provides immediate results and allows the user to limit spending to a daily budget, but PPC campaigns also must be monitored on a daily (or hourly) basis because it is easy to lose a top search ranking if another firm outbids your firm in terms of keywords.


T or F. SEO requires no out-of-pocket costs to pay for ad placement, there is a cost in terms of time to effectively design a site to optimize it for natural search.


T or F. Search marketers are expanding their use of social media by driving inbound links from social media forums, expanding their profiles on social media accounts, and monitoring social media conversations to influence SEO.


T or F. The term "keyword" is the same as in organic search, but the purpose is quite different. In paid search, the company or individual engaged in paid search selects a number of keywords, usually at least 20 for each ad that will then be displayed in the paid search results.


T or F. While both paid and natural search are important, natural search brings in the majority of website visitors (anywhere from 60 to 80 percent depending on the estimates) and is the "most commonly used resource to navigate websites." Paid search advertising growth has declined but paid search is still on the upswing, driven in part by the explosion of mobile devices and the increasing ease of purchase there.


Derive customer insight

Using the different types of information that have been captured about the customer, begin to understand what the customer needs and values. The most valuable type of understanding is what should come next in the purchase cycle—an extended warranty program for a recently purchased appliance, for example.

Other SEO Considerations

Voice search: As voice search, particularly on mobile devices, increases, RankBrain and semantic search will become more prominent. User experience: Sometimes called user intention, this trend means that now search engines are seeing what happens beyond the click. If a person clicks on a site as a response to a query, the search engines will look to see if the person got what was needed and stayed on the site or left quickly. Meaningful content length: Formerly, SEO experts would recommend short pages and blog posts. Today, the recommended for articles is 1,200 to 1,500 words, because these articles fit better in search and average word count on pages has increased to reflect that trend.Footnote There are more words and images to rank on the page. As always, use subheadings, bullets, and images to make it easy to move through the pages. Tag images so spiders can index them. Local intent: Local search is more complex than traditional search, with users starting with a general search and then moving along a path that might include directories, customer reviews, and coupons, sometimes taking four or five actions and depending on mobile devices for the results.Footnote Generally, less than 40 percent of local searches start with a search engine, so marketers in local businesses such as restaurants must depend on coupons, customer reviews, and local directories in their marketing tactics. Video content and unique images: Search results now include videos and images to which users respond. Creating video and unique image content makes it easier to be found. Mobile optimization: Search engines like Google now make sure that a mobile site is optimized for mobile devices and are more likely to serve that site up in a search if it is. Social content ranking: Search engines are looking for not only your participation on social media but also how much others engage with your posts and other content. Beyond keywords: In the past, SEO experts recommended repeated keyword in the body copy and the headline and even the meta description. Now, search engines are responding to more than single keywords and looking at related search. For example, people tend to search for multiple words, that is, "Mexican restaurants in Austin" and not just Mexican restaurants. Also search engines are looking for related terms. For a "Fibit," related terms might be "activity" and "tracker" and "health" and "monitor." A search for activity tracker reveals a paid ad but also blogs and magazine articles that rate the various devices. All of this again illustrates the power of content. SEO as part of an inbound marketing plan: SEO needs to be seen as pulling users in to the brand and should include optimizing landing pages.

In the case of HTML code, keywords are designated by

a "meta name" also known as a meta tag or meta element.

Relevance is determined by

a combination of the past click-through-rate (CTR), text-matching relevance, cookies, and the associations to the landing page, such as related business partners with strong connections to the search query.

"page rank"

a mathematical algorithm named after Google co-founder Larry Page to indicate how important a page is on the web; used as a metric when evaluating websites.

Meta name

a section in the HTML header section of a website that can be used to describe the site in more detail, including content and keywords; also known as meta name, or meta element.

The HTML code listed is within the _______- portion of the website.


Monitoring social media conversations is another great way to determine

how to pick appropriate keywords to monitor both paid search and SEO.

Word cloud

illustrates the most frequently used terms in the site.


involves the creation of specialized content for a prospect with a known profile by choosing from an array of existing content modules. In addition to the email newsletter, just described, personalization occurs when a visitor registers on a website like Reddit and creates a list of personalized "subreddits" by choosing relevant content from extensive lists presented by the site.

Double opt-in

is a technique by which visitors agree to receive further communications, probably by checking an opt-in box on a site, and are then sent an email asking them to confirm their consent by replying to the email. The visitor has taken two actions, first indicating willingness to accept email, then actively confirming it by replying to the confirmation. This response should indicate an interested, potentially well-qualified prospect.

The paid search process

is similar in most of the major web browsers and revolves around bidding on keywords that are entered in when a user searches the web. The keywords that are bid on may or may not be the same keywords that are entered into the HTML on the advertiser's website, but there should be a relationship between the website "landing page" and the keyword term bid on in the campaign.

Confirmed opt-in

is somewhere in between opt-in and double opt-in. Visitors actively acquiesce to receiving email, again probably by checking a box. They are then sent a follow-up email confirming the permission, but no reply is required.


is the creation of new content, services, or even products based on the needs and wants of an individual customer—either business or consumer. Internet marketers like NikeID are offering the ability to customize products as discussed in Chapter 2. Others like iTunes are offering customers the ability to customize their own user experience.


means that the visitor did not refuse to receive further communications from the marketer. This is an improvement over spam, but it does not represent a high level of commitment on the part of the visitor. Usually there is just a check box that needs to be unchecked to opt-out.


means that visitors have actively chosen to receive further communications, usually by checking a box on a registration form. It represents active acquiescence, if not enthusiasm, about receiving future communications from the marketer. Consequently, members of opt-in lists should be more receptive to messages.

SEO process is

more sophisticated now and content-driven

bounce rate

number of bounces divided by number of emails sent

click-through rates

number of clicks divided by number of opens

click-to-open rate

number of clicks divided by the number of unique opens

open rates

number of opens divided by number of emails delivered (sent minus bounces)

email marketing continues to be

one of the strongest marketing channels in terms of return on investment (ROI). *According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), the channel yields an estimated 4,300 percent ROI. Salesforce Marketing Cloud, formerly ExactTarget, estimates that every dollar spent on email marketing offers a return of $44.Footnote

exact match

paid search parameter that is set to display to those looking for a particular phase.

keyword density

percentage of times a particular word is used on a website page in comparison to the number of words on that page.


search terms, words, or phrases, selected by the user when making a search in a search engine. The term "keywords" can refer to but is not limited to all of the following items: Search terms, words, or phrases, selected by the user when making a search in a search engine Terms that are bid on in a PPC system such as Google or Bing A section in the hypertext markup language (HTML) code for a website where site developers put terms that they hope search engines will classify the site when users search for those terms on the web.

index server

stores the information index, which has categorized websites as a best fit to certain keywords.

soft bounce

temporarily undeliverable, usually due to a system problem


the U.S. law regulating advertising and promotional emails


the amount paid in purchasing advertising; in this case, means the cost per thousand impressions, or the cost divided by the total number of impressions.


the amount paid in purchasing advertising; in this case, means the cost per thousand impressions, or the cost divided by the total number of impressions.

universal search

the inclusion of search results from multiple content sources such as videos, images, news, maps, books, and websites into one set of research results.

Paid Search

the paid aspect of SEM based on an advertising model where firms seeking to rank high in specific search categories will bid on certain terms or "keywords" in the hopes of a lucrative ad ranking; also known as PPC (pay-per-click). & is based on an auction model.

email marketing

the process of developing customer relationships through offers and communications contained in email messages

title tag

the title the user sees in the blue bar at the top of the web page; also known as the HTML title tag.

"golden triangle,"

the upper left triangle area where the user's eye spends most of its time

hard bounce

undeliverable, usually due to a bad email address


unwanted email communication/ is considered unsolicited email and is in the eye of the consumer. Consumers typically report higher open rates for permission-based emails and definitely see the value in signing up for relevant commercial messages.

first email program

was developed through ARPANET and was instrumental in developing the protocols to help send email messages from computer to computer.

email marketing

was the top area of business budget growth for marketers, with almost 60 percent of marketers surveyed planning to increase their spending on email marketing.

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