STD Health

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Can STD's be spread via Oral Sex?


Is Trichomoniasis curable?

Yes by prescription

Is Syphilis treatable?

Yes, but not past the 2nd stage

What are the 2 types of Genital Herpes

HSV 1 causes cold sores around mouth HSV 2 causes genital sores

What is the treatment for Pubic Lice and scabies?

Prescription shampoos and drugs, Washing all bedding and clothing in very hot water and ironed to kill eggs


Prevalence mostly in young adults < 25 Transmitted through sexual contact or childbirth

What are the Stages of Syphilis?

Primary-Chancre sores appear 1-12 weeks after infection Secondary- Skin rash and flulike symptoms 2-8 weeks Latent- Symptoms disappear for years as the bacteria begins to attack organs Late- Death

How is Pubic Lice/Scabies transmitted?

Sexual contact Sleeping on or using infested clothing or bedding

What are some reasons for the STD epidemic?

Sexual intercourse with multiple partners Sexually Active don't understand the risk Those infected are too embarrassed to seek help


Sexually Transmitted Disease


The most common viral STD transmitted through sexual contact and cause genital warts and there are 40 types.

What is the most Common STD in the US?



A protozoan caused disease of the urinary tract or vagina that is transmitted through sexual contact


A treatable but highly contagious bacterial infection that is spread through sexual contact and childbirth

What are some ways to reduce your risk of STDs?

Abstain from sex until you're married Have one partner Avoid drugs Don't share needles Be careful when dealing with any bodily fluid

What are some ways to avoid an STD?

Abstinence Sexual/Martial Fidelity Avoid drug abuse (using needles) Avoid alcohol use (impaired judgement)

In what age group are STD's most commonly found?


Genital Herpes

An incurable viral STD which produces painful blisters around the genital area.

How is Chlamydia treated?


What types of pathogens cause STD's?

Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Protozoa


Bacterial STD that progresses in stages

Why do health professionals say that there are probably many more cases STD than those reported?

Because some are asymptomatic People are embarrassed or afraid to get treated

Symptoms of Chlamydia

Female: Yellowish discharge, can cause PID Male: Painful Urination, genital discharge, Urethritis

Symptoms of Trichomoniasis

Females: Painful Urination, Vaginitis Males: Painful Urination, Urethritis

How is HPV treated?

Fun Fact: It isn't, but there is a vaccine for the most common and dangerous types.

What is the official name for HPV?

Human Papilloma Virus

If untreated, what can STD's cause?

Infertility and cancers

What are the symptoms of Pubic Lice/Scabies?

Itching of the pubic area Rash

How do you get an STD?

Through sexual contact

Pubic Lice and Scabies

Tiny parasites that infest in the hair around the genitals.

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