STR Exam

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Ms. Holden uses circle time every afternoon to read a new story aloud to her kindergarten class. She uses big books so that every student can easily see the text. While she reads, she scans her finger along the text. They discuss who the author and illustrator are, how to hold a book, turn the pages, and identify the front and back cover. Ms. Holden frequently asks students to help her read by pointing to parts of the book for her. During circle time today, Ms. Holden reads Louis Ehlert's Eating the Alphabet, Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z. On each page, Ms. Holden pauses at the letter and asks for a student volunteer to name the letter on the page. Before naming the fruits or vegetables that start with the letter, Ms. Holden could reinforce the class's alphabetic knowledge by asking them to: shout out a word that starts with that letter. say the letters that come before or after in the alphabet. say the letter sound. draw the letter in the air with their fingers.

Draw the letter in the air with their fingers

A second-grade teacher is planning a genre study. She includes the following texts in her plans: The Tortoise and the Hare The Lion and the Mouse The Ants and the Grasshopper After reading each text, the students will determine the moral of the story. This lesson plan uses texts that teach moral lessons and have animals as the main characters. The genre focus of this lesson would most accurately be described as... fantasy myth fable drama


A third-grade class just finished reading a short fiction text about a bass guitar player and the teacher is reviewing their comprehension question responses. One question asks students to draw a picture of the main character's bass. A handful of students draw a picture of a fish instead of a guitar. The teacher decides to present a lesson about homographs. She gives a definition of homographs, provides some examples, and reviews how to use context to determine the meaning of the words. In order to have students practice this concept, the teacher should next: review the different types of context clues students might encounter while reading. have students segment the indicated homograph into phonemes and then blend to identify the differences in pronunciations. provide students with a list of common homographs and have them draw a picture of each meaning. have students practice defining homograph pairs by circling the context clues that helped them reach the definition.

Have students practice defining homograph pairs by circling the context clues that helped them reach the definition

A beginning reader often writes letters and numbers facing the wrong direction during writing activities in class. Which of these strategies would best help this student learn to form his letters more accurately? Have the student say each word as he writes in his journal and encourage him to check his work at the end. Provide the student with a copy of the alphabet when he writes, as well as a list of frequently misspelled words. Provide the student with copies of another student's work so he can see how he is forming words incorrectly. Have the student practice tracing letters in a workbook in which the steps for forming each letter are notated.

Have the student practice tracing letters in a workbook in which the steps for forming each letter are notated.

A teacher wants to work with students on identifying organizational patterns. Which excerpt below would the teacher use in a lesson on spatial order? When a crime occurs, there are many important factors to keep in mind to ensure a swift and just conclusion. The main difficulty facing inspectors is how to quickly and thoroughly collect evidence. What if the crime occurs in a public place? How do you keep spectators from unintentionally destroying evidence? One solution might be to construct a barricade around the scene as quickly as possible. In the center of the room sat a peculiar writing table. It sat atop a circular woven rug, positioned just so that the afternoon sun shone directly on the writing space. Inside the desk, placed side by side, were a quill, ink bottle, and cream stationery bearing the letter L in ornate purple script. Upon first entering the room, the detective noticed an interesting writing table. He walked over to it and opened the top. After reviewing the contents, he walked over to the fireplace to examine the floor. Next, he checked the window, pulling back the drapes first and then peering closely at the sill. If an accident had happened in this room, then the detective would find some clues. Physical altercations mean a disturbed space; therefore, the furniture would be askew. Perhaps a dust pattern, or lack thereof, could indicate a cover-up. The detective entered the room, looking for any indication of a disturbance. A vase stood upright and whole on an end table. The writing table in the center of the room, perfectly placed on the rug. As a result, the detective saw no immediate signs or proof the event occurred here.

In the center of the room sat a peculiar writing table. It sat atop a circular woven rug, positioned just so that the afternoon sun shone directly on the writing space. Inside the desk, placed side by side, were a quill, ink bottle, and cream stationery bearing the letter L in ornate purple script.

Based on research into early reading development, focus on which of the following has the greatest impact on reading development in children grades K-4? developing inference skills improving fluency expanding background knowledge expanding vocabulary

Improving fluency

A teacher invites students to sit at her desk where she has a set of letter tiles. The teacher spells a CVC word with the tiles and asks the student to read the word aloud. The teacher notes whether the word is read correctly or not. Then the teacher swaps out a tile to create a new word and the process repeats. Students are assessed on how well they can read the new CVC words with a goal of 25 words correct. Based on the skill being assessed, this teacher most likely teaches which grade level? prekindergarten kindergarten first grade second grade


A kindergarten classroom is composed of 30% ELL learners whose native language is Spanish. What is one way the teacher can support these students in learning print concepts? Identify which phonemes are present in English but not Spanish and provide targeted instruction on those phonemes. Label parts of the classroom in both Spanish and English. Provide audio recordings of the same text in both English and Spanish. Create a list of conversational cognate words to help students communicate with peers.

Label parts of the classroom in both Spanish and English.

Despite having already developed some phonological awareness, many prekindergarten students still mispronounce words and are learning to distinguish between some sounds. As a prekindergarten teacher helps them refine these early phonological skills, which of the following is a skill that students are not expected to achieve by the end of prekindergarten. identify rhymes blend onsets and rimes for familiar words combine words to create compound words manipulating syllables

Manipulating Syllables

After reflecting on the first month of school, a first-grade teacher realizes that the students' reading skills have frequently been assessed using code-based assessment strategies, but not often with meaning-based assessments. To increase the amount of meaning-based assessments, which of the following should this teacher incorporate going forward? Word pattern survey Oral retellings HF sight word list Pseudoword assessments

Oral retellings

A third-grade class is working on a cross-curricular project focused on protecting natural environments. The students are reading about various local and national ecosystems, the challenges facing the survival of these areas, and ways humans can work together to protect these natural habitats. As students work, they are encouraged to write unfamiliar vocabulary words on a specific section of the whiteboard. Currently, the word lists include the terms: habitat marsh tundra extinction pollute conservation Any student who writes an unfamiliar term on the board is given the following handout to complete: Once the word list hits five or more new terms, the teacher calls everyone's attention to the board for a whole-class review of the words. Students are asked to write the words on a new page in the vocabulary section of their class journal. In order to facilitate the student's ability to use print resources while researching, the students should be required to: underline or highlight any root words and include that root's definition in the entry. rank the words based on frequency of use. organize the word list in alphabetical order. color-code the list based on part of speech.

Organize the word list in alphabetical order

A third-grade student is struggling with reading comprehension. In an attempt to determine the root cause, the teacher assesses their reading fluency, noticing that the student reads choppily, lacking prosody and automaticity. Based on the student's fluency assessment, what other skills should the teacher assess to better inform future intervention? alphabetic knowledge vocabulary spelling phonics and word analysis skills

Phonics & Word analysis skills

Approximately halfway through the school year, a first-grade teacher administered a spelling test designed to assess a variety of spelling rules and phonics skills. The teacher will use the results from this assessment to evaluate student progress and plan for upcoming spelling instruction. The following table shows one student's answers to the assessment. Called Word Student Spelling cord\cord shed\shed lane\lane coin\coyn bird\burd torn\torn crawl\crol found\fond shirt\shirt Based on the description of this assessment, this is best described as what type of spelling assessment? pre-assessment progress monitoring assessment summative assessment informal assessment

Progress Monitoring Assessment

A second-grade teacher is planning to use an informational text about the accomplishments of Amelia Earhart as an opportunity for her students to practice their summary skills. Prior to independently reading the text, the teacher will show the class a photograph of Earhart in the cockpit of a plane, and the class will watch a short video that overviews the history of aviation. The teacher's lesson plans demonstrate her understanding of the skills that support reading comprehension. Which of the following best describes her goal for the pre-reading activity? Pre-assessing students' related knowledge allows the teacher to anticipate those that will need scaffolding and support on the summary activity. The ability to create a mental picture improves the likelihood that students will be engaged readers. Schema development supports comprehension. Exposure to related vocabulary supports fluency and comprehension.

Schema development supports comprehension.

A third-grade teacher would like to provide practice with structural analysis for her students. In which of the following sentences is structural analysis most helpful to determine the meaning of the italicized word? The teacher was full of pride to realize how much her students had learned this year. He was furious to discover that someone had stolen his bike. She was distrustful of the dog ever since it bit her foot. Even the cat was disgusted by the stench of the new cat food, so the family agreed to never purchase that brand again.

She was distrustful of the dog ever since it bit her foot.

A third-grade teacher is planning a lesson on themes using a book about a little girl that wants to be an engineer. She will anchor the lesson with a read aloud and facilitate various activities that relate back to the story. In the story, the young girl faces a mixture of obstacles that involve inventions that fail, perceived lack of support from those around her, and not feeling confident in herself, before ultimately realizing that failures are all a part of learning. After reading the book aloud, the teacher will use the story to introduce the concept of theme. Together, the class will discuss what message the author was trying to help the students learn. In order to support their comprehension of the text, the teacher plans to pre-teach some words from the text that may be unfamiliar to some students. She includes the following words: perplexed engineer dismayed eaves Which of the following activities would best support their understanding of these words and their comprehension of the text? Working with a partner, the students will look up the definition of each word, discuss the meaning, use it in a sentence, and represent it with a picture. The teacher will provide them a pre-reading activity with the list of words, their definitions, and a word search. The students will familiarize themselves with the new words by completing the word search. Working independently, the students will use their dictionary skills to find the definition and copy the definition into their journal to reference while the story is read to them. Pausing while reading the story, the teacher will use the context of the words in the story to help the students predict the words' meanings. Students will then look the words up in the dictionary, comparing their predictions with the denotative definition.

Working with a partner, the students will look up the definition of each word, discuss the meaning, use it in a sentence, and represent it with a picture.

A teacher calls a student to her desk and asks the student to read from a passage out loud. As the student reads, the teacher records any errors in pronunciation made by the student. This teacher is assessing the student's: accuracy prosody fluency speed


A second-grade student is reading from a text and comes across the following sentence. "I'd go outside, but it's raining cats and dogs!" He raises his hand to call the teacher over. He asks how it can rain cats and dogs. The teacher replies, "'Raining cats and dogs' is something called an idiom," and suggests he looks at the illustration to take a guess what that might mean. The student reviews the illustration showing a heavy rain and asks, "It means there is a lot of rain?" Based on this example, this student is likely in which stage of reading proficiency, according to the TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors? beginning intermediate advanced advanced high


A prekindergarten teacher gives each student a tray of sand and asks them to trace the letter "s" into the sand while making the /s/ sound out loud. This lesson is best designed to support the development of what concept? alphabetic principle alphabetic knowledge oral language print concepts

alphabetic principle

A teacher writes the letter H on the board and makes the /h/ sound. She asks the class to name as many words as they can that start with the letter H. Which of the following is this activity most focused on improving? Alphabetic knowledge word awareness alphabetic principle print awareness

alphabetic principle

Ms. Holden uses circle time every afternoon to read a new story aloud to her kindergarten class. She uses big books so that every student can easily see the text. While she reads, she scans her finger along the text. They discuss who the author and illustrator are, how to hold a book, turn the pages, and identify the front and back cover. Ms. Holden frequently asks students to help her read by pointing to parts of the book for her. Ms. Holden calls students to her desk individually. On the table is a set of alphabet tiles, some with uppercase and some lowercase. In order to assess the student's mastery of the alphabetic principle, Ms. Holden would: ask the student to make the sound of each letter as she points to it. ask the student to draw the letter on a separate piece of paper as she points to it. ask the student to say the name of each letter as she points to it. ask the student to indicate whether the indicated letter is upper or lower case.

ask the student to make the sound of each letter as she points to it.

A few weeks into the school year, Mr. Kim notices that a couple of his students are unwilling to participate in classroom discussions and seem to be checked out most of the day. In order to help these students succeed, Mr. Kim should: relocate the student's desks in the room to the front of the class so they have fewer distractions competing for attention. call the students' parents to see if this behavior is unusual. send students to the guidance counselor to discuss why they don't want to participate. attempt various motivational techniques to discover if the students are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated.

attempt various motivational techniques to discover if the students are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated.

Students in a first-grade class are silently reading a nonfiction magazine of their choice. While reading, a student comes across a word he doesn't know. He raises his hand, and the following is the dialogue that occurs. "What word is this?" "Try sounding out each letter. I bet you can figure it out!" "" "When "c" and "h" are next to each other, they make a unique sound. Do you remember what that sound is?" "Oh, right. So...peach!" "Great job! I knew you could figure it out." As the student attempts to sound out the word, he makes a mistake with which type of phoneme? vowel digraphs diphthongs consonant blends consonant digraphs

consonant digraphs

A first-grade student is reading aloud from a picture book. He gets to the following sentence and pauses at the underlined word. The boy has a soccer ball. He plays with his friends. The student looks ahead to the rest of the sentence and scans the photo on the page. He thinks to himself, "What does the boy have? It's black and white. A soccer ball!" Then he says "soccer" aloud and continues reading. The student is using what word identification strategy to decode the unfamiliar word? miscue analysis morpheme analysis phonemic analysis contextual analysis

contextual analysis

A new English language learner has entered Mr. Kim's class. After conducting a few assessments, Mr. Kim determines that the student is in the partial-alphabetic phase of word recognition and the early stage of reading development. Which type of text should Mr. Kim use to meet the student at his current level and still challenge the student to progress? informational texts picture books predictable text/stories decodable text/stories

decodable text/stories

By the end of pre-k, students should have all of the following phonological awareness skills except which? blending the onset and rime of familiar words decode simple cvc words deleting a word from a compound word combining words to create compound word

decode simple CVC words

A third-grade class is reading the novel Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. Students have been assigned independent reading for some sections, and the teacher reads certain sections aloud with the whole group to practice reading comprehension and literary analysis. At the start of the novel, the teacher asks students if any of them own a dog. Students who do are asked to share a description of their pets, their names, and any funny stories they can remember about their dogs. As students read, they are asked to fill out a plot diagram and a character map for the main characters, as identified by the teacher. During whole class readings, the teacher presents mini-lessons on relevant topics, such as identifying setting, character development, and plot structure. The pre-reading activity will benefit student comprehension because it: engages students in the story by building schema for students who don't own a dog and establishing personal connections to the text for students who do have dogs. creates a clear setting in the student's minds before reading which will help students to picture the text while reading. previews the theme of the story by engaging students in a discussion of the key points they will read in the novel. models for students how to make predictions about a text while reading.

engages students in the story by building schema for students who don't own a dog and establishing personal connections to the text for students who do have dogs.

The teacher assesses each student's fluency every nine weeks, totaling four times a year, in order to track student growth and adjust instruction as necessary. Why is it so important for teachers to frequently evaluate reading fluency? students who are already strong readers require less reading time improving fluency directly influences student vocabulary knowledge improving fluency improves reading comprehension

improving fluency improves reading comprehension

A third-grade teacher plans a lesson that begins with each student independently reading the same text, followed by a writing activity completed in partner sets, and ends with a class discussion about the text and their writing. The teacher checks in with students throughout all parts of the lesson then collects their writing to score with a rubric. This lesson would be best described as an example of: small group instruction. differentiation. an informal assessment. integration of language skills.

integration of language skills.

A third-grade teacher is working to improve student motivation in her classroom. Overall, her students tend to work hard when she provides extrinsic motivations, but she would like them to be more intrinsically motivated. Which of the following would be the least effective strategy to increase intrinsic motivation among her students? keeping a log of all assessment scores in their notebook cultivating student curiosity related to classroom topics providing opportunities to choose what to read and what to write providing a variety of ways to demonstrate mastery

keeping a log of all assessment scores in their notebook

To better help the parents of her students understand their classroom focus in prekindergarten, the teacher is preparing a list of skills that their children are expected to have learned by the end of the school year. Based on Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines, which of the following skills will likely not be on this list of prekindergarten goals? recognize that print has meaning recognize some forms of punctuation understand print directionality know all letter names and their sounds

know all letter names and their sounds

A prekindergarten teacher reads a big book aloud to her class. The book emphasizes alliteration, with many words starting with the letter B. As she reads, she uses a pointer to follow along in the text. Read the following excerpt from the book: The big brown bear began each day with a big, hearty breakfast. After reading the book, the teacher points to the better "b" and asks her class what letter it is. Next, she asks her class what sound the letter makes. Which of the following skills is this teacher assessing in this activity? letter recognition and alphabetic principle alphabetic principle and word awareness word awareness and tracking directionality and tracking

letter recognition and alphabetic principle

A kindergarten teacher is reading a story to the class. While she reads, she pauses to point to details in the illustration. She tells students to look at the picture and asks, "How does the character feel, and how do you know?" By asking these questions, the teacher is assessing whether or not the students can: identify the main idea. identify the character's point of view. make inferences summarize the text

make inferences

In a first-grade classroom, students have been asked to come to the teacher's desk to individually read a short passage. The selected passage is at grade level and describes a day in the life of a grocery store clerk. While reading, Jenny pauses at the word "salmon" in the sentence "Next, the clerk looks at the fresh fish display, which has crab, tuna, and salmon on ice." Jenny looks back at the previous words in the sentence before confidently saying "salmon" and finishing the sentence. Which decoding strategy did Jenny use to decode "salmon"? code-based root-based phonics-based meaning-based


A third-grade class is beginning a unit on short stories. The teacher begins the unit by asking students to brainstorm things they know about story structure. They read aloud and discuss a common fairy tale. Students are given a list of relevant vocabulary terms, such as setting, plot, theme, conflict, and the class works together to fill out a plot diagram and answer basic comprehension questions. The next day, the teacher reads aloud a new story, and students are placed into groups to repeat the previous day's activities. In order to ensure maximum success on the assignment, the teacher should form groups by: mixing student ability level. letting the students pick who they'd like to work with. putting students with similar reading levels in the same group . using a randomizer.

mixing student ability level

A third-grade student is reading aloud from a text. She gets to the following sentence and pauses at the underlined word. The turtle's helplessness, now that he was on his back,... The student looks at the unknown word. She scans the word again and sees the smaller word "help." She covers those letters with her finger. "I see the word less too!" she thinks to herself. "Help...less....ness" she says aloud. She restarts the sentence, correctly and quickly decodes "helplessness" this time and continues reading. The student is using what word identification strategy to decode the unfamiliar word? literary analysis contextual analysis morpheme analysis phonemic analysis

morpheme analysis

A second-grade teacher is planning a decoding lesson that focuses on recognizing common parts of words to support decoding. She includes the following examples of words in her lesson: redo, revisit, reboot, regard sats, news, visits, robots undo, unwind, untie learned, opened, cleaned, heated revisited, regarded, unopened Which of the following word identification skills is the focus of this decoding lesson? sight words contextual analysis morphemic analysis

morphemic analysis

A second-grade student is reading aloud from a text. He gets to the following sentence and pauses at the underlined word. The first colonies are all found on the east coast. The student first says each letter, then makes the sound associated with that letter. "/k/ /o/ /l/ /o/ /n/ /i/ /ee/ /s/." After sounding out each letter, the student blend them together into "/ko/ /lo/ /nies/." He is satisfied with his pronunciation and continues reading the rest of the sentence. The student is using what word identification strategy to decode the unfamiliar word? contextual analysis sight word analysis phonemic analysis morpheme analysis

phonemic analysis

A prekindergarten teacher observes her student pick up a book and begin flipping through the pages from the back of the book toward the front of the book. This is evidence that the student has not yet mastered which of the following skills? phonemic awareness print concepts alphabetic knowledge alphabetic principle

print concepts

At the beginning of the school year, the parents of a pre-k student ask for the teacher's perspective on the use of learning apps to support their child's reading development. They are considering the purchase of a tablet to use for educational purposes. Which advice will best help the parents support their child's reading development from home? choosing apps that focus on vocabulary development using apps to support the memorization of sight words looking for apps that incorporate the use of rhyming songs prioritizing in-person literary experiences over digital

prioritizing in-person literary experiences over digital

A third-grade class has broken into small groups to participate in differentiated learning opportunities. The teacher has created groups based on student interests and current skill levels. One group will read various fiction and nonfiction texts describing life during ancient times, as well as studying relevant root words and vocabulary terms, and continuing to work on spelling and decoding complex, unfamiliar words. Today the group is reading the short article "Life in Athens and Rome." Below is an excerpt from the article: The citizens of Athens and Rome lived similar lives. In both cities, men were responsible for working outside the home. Women were expected to stay home and take care of the house and children. The people were polytheistic, worshiping many gods and goddesses. You may have heard of Zeus, Poseidon, or Athena, for whom the city of Athens is named. For fun, the Romans attended gladiator battles at the Colosseum. Athenians enjoyed spending time at the theatre, watching tragedies and comedies played out on stage. At the end of the reading, the group answers some teacher-generated questions like, "What would it be like to live in Ancient Athens or Rome? Would you choose to go back to that time, or would you rather stay here in the present? Take a few seconds to think about your answer, and then share with your group." While the groups are reading and discussing, the teacher walks around listening to the groups' discussions and responding to individual students or groups as needed. The teacher wants to ensure that this group is engaging with the text structure and using its features to clearly comprehend the main ideas. In order to reach this goal, the teacher should: start off the reading with a discussion of what students already know about ancient Greece and Italy. provide students with a list of unfamiliar vocabulary words and their definitions. provide a Venn diagram to complete while reading. present a slideshow of images depicting important visuals from the text, such as the Colosseum or pottery featuring Zeus.

provide a Venn diagram to complete while reading.

After recognizing a reading comprehension issue, a third-grade teacher evaluated the student and determined that they do not read fluently. In addition to working on developing improved reading fluency, how should the teacher provide support to the student who is also working to develop reading comprehension skills? pre-teach relevant vocabulary before the student begins reading a text independently provide opportunities to use audiobooks for reading comprehension activities wait to further work on reading comprehension until the fluency issues are resolved facilitate metacognition by having the student work with a partner and participate in think-alouds instead of reading independently

provide opportunities to use audiobooks for reading comprehension activities

A teacher calls a student to her desk. She says, "Hey Jake, I noticed you and Matt are done with your math activity. I'd like you to take two pieces of paper from the art bin, some markers, and two scissors. Tell Matt I'd like him to practice writing the letters D, B, and P while you practice E, F, and H. Can you repeat that to me first?" According to The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the ability to restate directions is something that can be expected of: students kindergarten and above students pre-k and above. students second grade and above. first grade and above

students kindergarten and above

A new teacher has decided to divide her reading instruction into themed units. During each unit, students are introduced to 5 -10 tier three vocabulary terms. These terms are repeated in the readings, are used in writing assignments, and the teacher encourages students to use the words while speaking about classroom activities. The teacher displays the words on a feature wall during the unit and again on a separate display after the unit has ended. By arranging her units of study in this way, the teacher is demonstrating her understanding that: students need multiple, authentic exposures to challenging vocabulary to truly learn and retain meanings. a student's knowledge of tier three words should never be assessed in writing, only through speaking. visually representing vocabulary terms through photographs and word walls activates a student's memory for the term better than written definitions. students can learn new vocabulary terms with and without context.

students need multiple, authentic exposures to challenging vocabulary to truly learn and retain meanings.

A third-grade teacher is making several learning stations in the classroom. The stations will consist of partner reading, independent reading, and vocabulary practice. Which of the following groups of students should the teacher be sure to seat at the independent reading station? students working on high-frequency word recognition students who find it easy to visualize stories they read students who are working on prosody students who can automatically recognize words

students who can automatically recognize words

A third-grade class is learning about nonfiction organizational structures. They have read various nonfiction articles that use chronological, compare and contrast, and sequential order, discussed relevant transition words, and analyzed how the organizational structure contributes to reader comprehension. After the students have practiced in various ways and received feedback, the teacher believes the class has a strong grasp of these structures and their importance The teacher then asks students to write a two-paragraph essay that uses one organizational style they have studied. This is an example of a: entry-level summative formative disgnostic


When using morphemic analysis to determine the meaning of words, students use all of the following word parts, if present, except: syllables suffix prefix root


With the goal of improving her student's vocabulary and reading comprehension, a second-grade teacher is planning a lesson to teach her students about the relationships between words. She writes the words enormous, huge, and large on the board. What type of word relationship is she going to cover first? synonyms antonyms analogies homographs


Students are given a paper with five sentences, like the one below, as well as a word bank with 10 choices. Maria and her __________ like to ride bikes. In order to successfully fill in the blank, students must make use of which types of cues? pragmatic semantic syntactic graphophonic


A first-grade student read the following sentence: "I was scared of the dog, but it retreated into the house when its owner called." The student was unfamiliar with the word "retreated" but used its placement with the sentence to help understand the sentence as a whole. What type of cue did the student use? pragmatic semantic graphophonic syntactic

syntactic Syntactic cues are when the reader uses their understanding of grammar or order of text to create meaning.

Students in a first-grade class are silently reading a nonfiction magazine of their choice. While reading, a student comes across a word he doesn't know. He raises his hand, and the following is the dialogue that occurs. "What word is this?" "Try sounding out each letter. I bet you can figure it out!" "" "When "c" and "h" are next to each other, they make a unique sound. Do you remember what that sound is?" "Oh, right. So...peach!" "Great job! I knew you could figure it out." In this scenario, the teacher is encouraging the student to use which approach to phonics? analogy-based phonics approach embedded phonics approach analytic phonics approach synthetic phonics approach

synthetic phonics approach

Teachers of early readers provide direct instruction over sight words and high-frequency words in addition to their systematic approach to phonics instruction. Which of the following is not an accurate description of high-frequency words? memorizing them supports automaticity they are words that are not decodable they are often pulled from Dolch word lists they are taught using whole word reading

they are words that are not decodable

A first-grade teacher wants to incorporate more cross-curricular reading applications into her classroom, specifically with her history and science lessons. Which strategy below would help best meet her goal of helping students comprehend cross-curricular informational texts? using domain-specific vocabulary in oral and written applications reading firsthand accounts of the subject matter whenever possible taking virtual field trips before reading to develop prior knowledge before reading using graphic organizers to evaluate text structures in various subjects

using graphic organizers to evaluate text structures in various subjects Using graphic organizers that mirror the subject will help students become accustomed to the types of text structures frequently used in those subject areas. Practicing with these graphic organizers and text structures will make reading future texts in these areas easier because students will already be familiar with the normal structure of this type of text.

The state of Texas requires schools to identify the proficiency levels of ELL students in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Reading an ELL student's writing aloud can help determine whether a student's writing level is beginner, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high. Which of the following would best describe the writing of an ELL student at the intermediate level? writing is disjointed and difficult to understand writing flows writing feels choppy writing flows, includes details and less repetition

writing feels choppy

Mr. Byrd's pre-k class begins the day by singing a good morning song. During the song, students say each other's names and clap out the syllables in the names. After the song, the class reviews the calendar, discussing the letters that the day and month begin with (for example, "March begins with what letter?"), the number of the date, whether it is odd or even, and what the weather is like that day. Next, Mr. Byrd introduces the word of the day. Students say the word, discuss the meaning, and try to come up with rhyming words. After this opening discussion, students break up to work on individual reading activities while Mr. Byrd circulates through the room. Mr. Byrd wants to informally assess the students' current skill levels in phonological awareness. He invites students to his desk to participate in a number of targeted activities. Which of the questions below would best assess a student's mastery of syllable awareness? "How many words are in the sentence, 'He is fishing?'" "Which of these words does not rhyme? Pig, Pen, Dig" "What word is made with the sounds /b/ and /all/?" "What word am I saying when I say ''"

"What word am I saying when I say ''"

How does a student's level of oral vocabulary impact their decoding and reading abilities? Students who have a wide vocabulary are typically students who have been read to extensively at home. Oral vocabulary and decoding skills are unrelated. A student with a large vocabulary will have greater knowledge of sight words, requiring them to decode less while they read. A student with a large vocabulary is more likely to recognize whether or not they have decoded a word correctly.

A student with a large vocabulary is more likely to recognize whether or not they have decoded a word correctly.

A teacher arranges a parent meeting to discuss some observed vocabulary challenges. The teacher tells the parents that the student does not recognize common instructional language used by the teacher in the classroom. Based on the teacher's observations, the student is significantly below the 3,000 to 4,000 words that children her age are generally expected to understand by the end of the school year. The teacher feels strongly that they should make a deliberate effort to improve the students' vocabulary to prevent the Matthew Effect and to support reading development. The teacher then describes her plans to support the student's vocabulary development within the classroom and the process to determine whether further intervention is necessary. Finally, the group discusses ways for the parents to support their child from home. The teacher expresses concerns about how the student's limited vocabulary will impact reading development. Which of the following two reading skills is the teacher likely concerned about in relation to the student's vocabulary? Select all answers that apply. ability to comprehend texts ability to read fluently ability to learn sound and letter relationships ability to use metacognition while reading

Ability to comprehend texts Ability to read fluently

After conducting a diagnostic spelling test, a teacher is developing a plan to provide direct, targeted instruction for each student. Which activity would be most appropriate for a student in the transitional stage of spelling? Practice irregular spelling patterns by using any misspelled words in sentences. Sort words into lists based on like spelling patterns. Create word webs with Latin or Greek roots at the center. Add suffixes to a root word to create various forms of the word (jump, jumps, jumper, jumping, jumped).

Add suffixes to a root word to create various forms of the word (jump, jumps, jumper, jumping, jumped)

A kindergarten teacher notices that many of her students have trouble verbally recalling the setting of the short story while reading. She wants to give these students a mini-lesson where they work with identifying the setting. In order to best achieve this goal, the teacher should incorporate which of the following into the mini-lesson? Conduct a read-aloud and model how to pick out key words and phrases that indicate a change in character's feelings. Model how to complete a sequencing chart and provide one for students to use during the next reading. Provide students with a list of frequently used transition words (first, next, last) and have students find and circle these types of words in a sample text. After annotating a short text for elements of the setting, have students draw a picture of where the story or scene takes place.

After annotating a short text for elements of the setting, have students draw a picture of where the story or scene takes place.

While preparing literacy development lessons for her kindergarten students, the teacher is considering how she will need to differentiate her instruction in order to support ELL students in class. Which of the following represents a way in which an ELL's home language could cause language interference for these learners? letter and sound correspondence punctuation print directionality all of the above

All of the above

A third-grade teacher reads aloud one to two chapters from a novel most days of the week. This activity serves as a community-building experience within the classroom, promotes a love of reading, and serves as an opportunity to incorporate practice with various ELA skills. Before beginning to read each afternoon, she calls on a volunteer to briefly summarize the events from the previous day. While reading, the teacher will periodically stop to verbally question the text, ask students to make a prediction, or clarify understanding of events. She also follows their reading with a quick journal prompt related to the day's chapters. Which of the following would be the best way for the teacher to change the activities described to better support oral language development and participation of all students, including ELL students? Allocate a few minutes for students to turn and talk with a neighbor, summarizing together before asking for a volunteer to share out to the class. Instead of summarizing aloud, allow students to choose whether they verbally summarize, orally summarize, or draw a picture to present the previous day's reading. Randomly choose the student that will share a summary each day to ensure all students are prepared. Create a schedule for daily summaries to ensure all students have the opportunity to participate and the opportunity to prepare for their summary.

Allocate a few minutes for students to turn and talk with a neighbor, summarizing together before asking for a volunteer to share out to the class.

Working with a small group of kindergarteners, a teacher reads aloud a short book that is written using repetitive language and mostly decodable CVC words. Next, the teacher writes down the following examples of rhyming words that were in the book. cat hat sat Using this set as an example, the teacher explains that the reader can use the pattern established by the rhymes from the book to decode the words "pat" and "mat." She then writes the word, "rat" and asks for a volunteer to read the word aloud. The students in the scenario most likely have already demonstrated proficiency in: Structural Analysis Syllable Segmentation Alphabetic Principle Decoding Skills

Alphabetic Principle

A science teacher is selecting a vocabulary list of tier two words to cover in their first unit of the school year. Which set of words is most likely to be included on that list? leave, arrive, return analyze, describe, identify oxygen, respiration, pollinate, sprout pet, frog, animal, sky

Analyze, describe, identify

A third-grade teacher is preparing a reading activity for her class. She has selected a variety of nonfiction texts about various historical figures, and she has ensured that there are texts available at the different reading levels represented in her class. While all of the class will participate in this activity, it will be assigned through the students' reading groups and include small group discussion. The teacher plans to have all students complete a KWL chart. The teacher has already included a KWL chart to support comprehension but wants to make sure pre-reading, during reading, and after reading comprehension activities are all included. Which of the following activities does the teacher need to add to this lesson plan in order to make sure the students have a pre-reading, during reading, and after reading activity to complete? Ask her students to stop while reading at two different points in the text to make predictions. Provide her students with a graphic organizer to scaffold summary writing. Ask her students questions before they begin reading to activate prior knowledge. Ask each student to read the title of their text and guess what the text will be about.

Ask her students to stop while reading at two different points in the text to make predictions.

During independent reading time, a teacher walks around and holds mini book conferences with each student. She asks basic comprehension questions like, "What's happening now?" or "How did the character respond to X?" While conferencing with Jane, the teacher has trouble getting Jane to relate anything that has happened other than the characters' names. In order to help Jane succeed, what is the first step the teacher should take? Assess Jane's current reading level and make sure the text is not above her frustrational reading level. Assess Jane's current reading level and compare the reading level of the text she's currently reading to texts she has read previously. Assess Jane's current reading level and make sure the text is not at her instructional reading level. Assess Jane's current reading level and make sure the text is not above her independent reading level.

Assess Jane's current reading level and make sure the text is not above her independent reading level.

Working with a small group of kindergarteners, a teacher reads aloud a short book that is written using repetitive language and mostly decodable CVC words. Next, the teacher writes down the following examples of rhyming words that were in the book. cat hat sat Using this set as an example, the teacher explains that the reader can use the pattern established by the rhymes from the book to decode the words "pat" and "mat." She then writes the word, "rat" and asks for a volunteer to read the word aloud. Which of the following best describes this type of phonics lesson? A) Sight word approach B) Analogy-Based Phonics Approach C) Synthetic Phonics Approach D) Spelling-Based Phonics Approach

B) Analogy-Based Phonics Approach

A kindergartener has started showing the ability to decode words by breaking them into simple forms. Which of the following best describes this student's current stage of literacy development? Beginning reader Early fluyent Emergent Litaracy Proficient

Beginning Reader

A kindergarten student can be expected to master which of the following syllabication skills based on the continuum of word-reading skills described in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR)? Spell multisyllabic words with multiple sound-spelling patterns Blend syllables to form multisyllabic words Decode words using knowledge of syllable division patterns with accent shifts Segment spoken one-syllable words of three to five phonemes into individual phonemes

Blend syllables to form multisyllabic words

A kindergarten classroom is participating in a read aloud of the story How Much Does a Ladybug Weigh? by Alison Limentani. The book counts down from ten and compares the weights of various animals to each other. "10 ants weigh as much as one ladybug. 9 ladybugs weigh the same as 1 grasshopper." On each page, the teacher pauses to ask students what sounds are made by the animals in the illustration. She calls on students to identify the letter the animals' names begin with. They briefly discuss whether they've seen the animal in real life or not. The teacher would like to further her students' understanding of the key concepts of the text. Which activity below will best achieve this goal? Assign each student an animal from the book to research and give a brief oral report on. Have students complete a basic plot diagram about the text with a partner. Break students into groups, provide them with a basic scale, and have them weigh and compare a variety of classroom objects, recording their results in a table. Ask students to draw a picture of an animal from the book and write its name in capital letters.

Break students into groups, provide them with a basic scale, and have them weigh and compare a variety of classroom objects, recording their results in a table.

A kindergarten classroom has three ELL students who recently joined the class. The students are able to answer direct questions from the teacher with one or two-word answers but mostly remain silent. They are attentive during lessons but don't engage much with the English-speaking students. Which strategy should the teacher employ to help move these students from the early production stage of language acquisition to the productive language use stage Ask the parents to speak as much English as possible at home so the student can continue learning English in both environments. Build in lots of classroom time to pretend play and low-stakes conversational opportunities. Verbally correct any errors in speech as soon as possible so the student can learn to not make them again. Provide lists of vocabulary terms in both languages after a reading or lesson.

Build in lots of classroom time to pretend play and low-stakes conversational opportunities.

A kindergarten teacher has spent time each day working with her students to explore many of the word families common in the English language. Before moving on to new skills, the teacher individually assesses each student by holding up a series of words and asking the student to read them aloud. While most of the students were proficient at decoding these CVC words, some of the students continued to struggle. The following depicts the teacher's notes on one student's assessment: Word List Student Response cat✓ met /m/ /ĭ/ /t/ bat /b/ /ŏ/ /t/ pot /p/ /ŭ/ /t/ wet /w/ /ī/ /t/ fit No answer CCVC words sight words multisyllabic words vowel digraphs

CCVC words

A third-grade teacher's class is made of students from many different cultures and includes several English language learners. While choosing texts for the class, she is careful to choose materials that are culturally responsive and expose students to a diverse selection of texts. Which of the following represents a positive way to incorporate culturally responsive reading instruction into her classroom? Choose texts that would be culturally responsive for the majority of students in the class. Always provide multiple text options so students can choose texts that they relate to. Choose texts with universal themes that are common to many cultures. Whenever a text contains something culturally insensitive, discuss it with the class ahead of time to prepare them.

Choose texts with universal themes that are common to many cultures.

At the beginning of the school year, a kindergarten teacher informally assesses students' awareness of print concepts, specifically text directionality. Children often naturally develop an understanding of this concept as they are read to by parents or other caretakers even before beginning traditional schooling, but she determines that some of her students have not yet grasped this concept. Which of the following demonstrates the best way for her to differentiate in order to support their development of this skill? Pair these students with a student who has already demonstrated proficiency to explain the concept to the struggling student. Combine direct instruction over text directionality with frequent modeling through read alouds. Provide the struggling students with a list of these concepts and their definitions. Schedule a conference with the parents to discuss increasing how often the student is read to at home.

Combine direct instruction over text directionality with frequent modeling through read alouds. Combining direct instruction with modeling is the best way to differentiate for these students.

A third-grade teacher wants to provide some enrichment activities for a small group of students who have already mastered identifying the plot, main idea, and main characters in short stories. Which skill below would be the best to study next while still staying in line with TEKS identified appropriate skills for third-grade students? Identify plot points as part of the rising or falling action. Analyze nonfiction texts for the use of chronological text structure. Identify and interpret literary devices such as metaphors or personification. Compare and contrast the characteristics of two stories.

Compare and contrast the characteristics of two stories.

While analyzing the results of a recent reading assessment, the teacher notices a small group of students are having difficulty identifying the main character and critical plot points in the text. Which strategy below would best help these students develop this skill? Reread the assessment text with each student individually and point out the correct answers. Allow these students to complete a plot diagram while reading the next text. Assign a new text for students to read independently and answer comprehension questions on paper. Conduct a mini-lesson about main characters and plot in which the students participate in a guided reading over a new text.

Conduct a mini-lesson about main characters and plot in which the students participate in a guided reading over a new text.

A third-grade class has broken into small groups to participate in differentiated learning opportunities. The teacher has created groups based on student interests and current skill levels. One group will read various fiction and nonfiction texts describing life during ancient times, as well as studying relevant root words and vocabulary terms, and continuing to work on spelling and decoding complex, unfamiliar words. Today the group is reading the short article "Life in Athens and Rome." Below is an excerpt from the article: The citizens of Athens and Rome lived similar lives. In both cities, men were responsible for working outside the home. Women were expected to stay home and take care of the house and children. The people were polytheistic, worshiping many gods and goddesses. You may have heard of Zeus, Poseidon, or Athena, for whom the city of Athens is named. For fun, the Romans attended gladiator battles at the Colosseum. Athenians enjoyed spending time at the theatre, watching tragedies and comedies played out on stage. At the end of the reading, the group answers some teacher-generated questions like, "What would it be like to live in Ancient Athens or Rome? Would you choose to go back to that time, or would you rather stay here in the present? Take a few seconds to think about your answer, and then share with your group." While the groups are reading and discussing, the teacher walks around listening to the groups' discussions and responding to individual students or groups as needed. While walking around, the teacher overhears this group reading the sentence, "The people were polytheistic, worshiping many gods and goddesses." The student currently reading struggles to read the word, so the teacher steps in to assist. She asks, "Does anyone know what it means to be 'polytheistic'?" No one volunteers an answer. What should the teacher do next to help students define the word contextually? Point out the prefix "poly-" and ask if anyone can think of other words that start with "poly-". Conduct a think-aloud, pointing out how the comma and following words help give meaning. Ask if anyone knows the word "monotheistic" and hope to make the comparison if an answer is given. Conduct a think-aloud, saying she knows "poly-" is a prefix meaning "many," and "theistic" reminds her of the word "theology, the study of God."

Conduct a think-aloud, pointing out how the comma and following words help give meaning.

A first-grade teacher has recently given an informal assessment. The teacher projected 5 words on the board, and students were asked to copy the words and put a slash between the onset and rime. Below is a copy of one student's assessment. s/hine c/hew w/hale p/hone k/nee Which phonics concept does this student need more instruction? inflectional endings vowel digraph consonant digraph consonant blends

Consonant digraphs

A kindergarten classroom is participating in a read aloud of the story How Much Does a Ladybug Weigh? by Alison Limentani. The book counts down from ten and compares the weights of various animals to each other. "10 ants weigh as much as one ladybug. 9 ladybugs weigh the same as 1 grasshopper." On each page, the teacher pauses to ask students what sounds are made by the animals in the illustration. She calls on students to identify the letter the animals' names begin with. They briefly discuss whether they've seen the animal in real life or not. What is the primary purpose of allowing students to make animal sounds during the reading? Students can practice pronouncing consonant blends and digraphs (chirp, quack, bleat) while making many animal noises. Creating the sound effects associated with a reading is one way to engage students in a deeper understanding of a text. As a benefit to ELL students who may not recognize the English names for the animals. To keep some students' attention during reading time by allowing them to be loud in appropriate ways.

Creating the sound effects associated with a reading is one way to engage students in a deeper understanding of a text.

A first-grade teacher is adjusting her plans to be more deliberate with her instruction of morphemic analysis. Based on the TEKS benchmarks, which morphemic analysis skill should the teacher aim to help all of her first graders master by the end of the school year? Determine the meaning of and use words with affixes such as mis-, sub-, -ment, and -ity/ty Decode and identify meaning of words with the inflectional endings -s, -es and -ed Determine the meaning of roots such as auto, graph, and meter Identify the meaning of and use words with affixes such as non-, dis-, -ness, -y, and -ful

Decode and identify meaning of words with the inflectional endings -s, -es and -ed

When should students learn how to decode?

Decoding depends on understanding of letter-sound relationships. AS soon as a child understands enough letters and their correspondent sounds to read a few words, decoding should be introduced

A third-grade teacher prepares a lesson in which she provides students with the following lists of words: List 1 undo untrue unwell unfinished List 2 revise redo revisit replay List 3 happily friendly mysteriously angrily List 4 helpless needless spotless harmless She begins by asking the students to study each list and work with a partner to discuss what they notice about the lists, create new names for each, and share their ideas out with the class. After sharing out their ideas and discussing, the class agrees to rename the lists, "'un- Words," "'re- Words," "-ly Words," and "-less Words." List three is the best option to teach students about which of the following topics? affixes prefixes inflectional affixes derivational affixes

Derivational Affixes

Approximately halfway through the school year, a first-grade teacher administered a spelling test designed to assess a variety of spelling rules and phonics skills. The teacher will use the results from this assessment to evaluate student progress and plan for upcoming spelling instruction. The following table shows one student's answers to the assessment. Called Word Student Spelling cord\cord shed\shed lane\lane coin\coyn bird\burd torn\torn crawl\crol found\fond shirt\shirt After analyzing this student's responses, which of the following skills is the teacher most likely going to address in upcoming spelling instruction for this student? vowel digraphs r-controlled vowels silent e diphthongs


Working with a small group of kindergarteners, a teacher reads aloud a short book that is written using repetitive language and mostly decodable CVC words. Next, the teacher writes down the following examples of rhyming words that were in the book. cat hat sat Using this set as an example, the teacher explains that the reader can use the pattern established by the rhymes from the book to decode the words "pat" and "mat." She then writes the word, "rat" and asks for a volunteer to read the word aloud. Which of the following elements could the teacher add to the lesson in order to support student understanding of print concepts? After reading the text aloud, the teacher asks the students what they noticed about the words or sounds in the story. Holding the book up so that it is visible to the students, the teacher points to the words as she reads them aloud. Before beginning to read, the teacher asks students what they already know about cats. Before beginning to read, the teacher reads aloud the title and asks the students what the book might be about.

Holding the book up so that it is visible to the students, the teacher points to the words as she reads them aloud.

A third-grade teacher is planning a lesson on themes using a book about a little girl that wants to be an engineer. She will anchor the lesson with a read aloud and facilitate various activities that relate back to the story. In the story, the young girl faces a mixture of obstacles that involve inventions that fail, perceived lack of support from those around her, and not feeling confident in herself, before ultimately realizing that failures are all a part of learning. After reading the book aloud, the teacher will use the story to introduce the concept of theme. Together, the class will discuss what message the author was trying to help the students learn. In addition to the theme, the teacher would like to incorporate another literary analysis skill into their discussion of the book. Based on TEKS for English Language Arts and Reading, which of the following represents a characteristic or structure of literature that is a benchmark for students in the third grade? List the major characters in the story. Analyze the causes and effects of conflicts between two or more characters in the story. How does the setting influence the plot of the story? Can you identify any examples of hyperbole in this story?

How does the setting influence the plot of the story?

A kindergarten class is reading a version of the story of the Three Little Pigs. The teacher asks, "The big bad wolf has approached the straw house. What do you think will happen when he tries to blow it down?" This question tests what level of comprehension? evaluative summative literal inferential


A first-grade teacher is planning homogeneous small group instruction using guided reading texts. Which reading level should she consider when selecting the fiction and nonfiction texts? independent reading level frustrational reading level instructional reading level Variety of reading levels

Instructional Reading Level

A third-grade class has broken into small groups to participate in differentiated learning opportunities. The teacher has created groups based on student interests and current skill levels. One group will read various fiction and nonfiction texts describing life during ancient times, as well as studying relevant root words and vocabulary terms, and continuing to work on spelling and decoding complex, unfamiliar words. Today the group is reading the short article "Life in Athens and Rome." Below is an excerpt from the article: The citizens of Athens and Rome lived similar lives. In both cities, men were responsible for working outside the home. Women were expected to stay home and take care of the house and children. The people were polytheistic, worshiping many gods and goddesses. You may have heard of Zeus, Poseidon, or Athena, for whom the city of Athens is named. For fun, the Romans attended gladiator battles at the Colosseum. Athenians enjoyed spending time at the theatre, watching tragedies and comedies played out on stage. At the end of the reading, the group answers some teacher-generated questions like, "What would it be like to live in Ancient Athens or Rome? Would you choose to go back to that time, or would you rather stay here in the present? Take a few seconds to think about your answer, and then share with your group." While the groups are reading and discussing, the teacher walks around listening to the groups' discussions and responding to individual students or groups as needed. What is the most likely primary purpose of the discussion at the end of the reading? It provides students with a time to use new vocabulary words in context. It allows students time to decompress after a strenuous reading session. It encourages students to make text-to-self connections. It builds in an opportunity for an informal reading comprehension assessment.

It encourages students to make text-to-self connections

In an attempt to build on the class' current vocabulary instruction, a third-grade teacher plans to incorporate activities that promote word consciousness. Time is allocated for students to share about words, to study word etymology, and to play word games. Which of the following explanations best describes how word consciousness differs from typical vocabulary instruction? It focuses on encouraging student interest in unfamiliar words. It focuses on exposure to many words over the close study of a few words. It builds on student knowledge of roots and affixes. It relies on using context clues to determine the meanings of words.

It focuses on encouraging student interest in unfamiliar words.

A second-grade teacher is planning vocabulary instruction. He chooses academic vocabulary words and words with high utility. Which of the following best describes a word with high utility? It is primarily useful in one subject or domain. It is relevant to all content areas. It will be encountered frequently. It can act as multiple parts of speech.

It will be encountered frequently.

During independent reading time in a pre-k classroom, the teacher notices Alec consistently holds his book upside down and seems to flip back and forth between the pages with no meaningful purpose. Which of these strategies would best help Alec learn the correct way to hold and read a book? Allow Alec to continue without intervention because he will eventually learn to read correctly. While reading individually with Alec, point to letters on the page and say their name and sound. Sit with Alec and ask him to point to each word on the page as he "reads." Model correct reading techniques through frequent small and whole group class readings.

Model correct reading techniques through frequent small and whole group class readings.

A third-grade teacher prepares a lesson in which she provides students with the following lists of words: List 1 undo untrue unwell unfinished List 2 revise redo revisit replay List 3 happily friendly mysteriously angrily List 4 helpless needless spotless harmless She begins by asking the students to study each list and work with a partner to discuss what they notice about the lists, create new names for each, and share their ideas out with the class. After sharing out their ideas and discussing, the class agrees to rename the lists, "'un- Words," "'re- Words," "-ly Words," and "-less Words." Next, the teacher begins direct instruction. Which of the following best describes the topic that this lesson is most likely covering? phonological awareness multisyllabic words morphology parts of speech


A kindergarten teacher is using a reading app provided by the district to assess her students' reading skills each grading period. She collects the data and uses it to track her students' progress over time. Which of the following best describes the type of assessment that the teacher is administering through the use of this technology? pre-assessment summative assessment diagnostic assessment ongoing assessment

Ongoing Assessment

A third-grade class is reading the novel Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. Students have been assigned independent reading for some sections, and the teacher reads certain sections aloud with the whole group to practice reading comprehension and literary analysis. At the start of the novel, the teacher asks students if any of them own a dog. Students who do are asked to share a description of their pets, their names, and any funny stories they can remember about their dogs. As students read, they are asked to fill out a plot diagram and a character map for the main characters, as identified by the teacher. During whole class readings, the teacher presents mini-lessons on relevant topics, such as identifying setting, character development, and plot structure. During a whole-group reading session, the teacher wants to assess her students' evaluative level of reading comprehension. Which question below would accomplish this goal? Opal refers to Winn-Dixie as a "Less Fortunate." Do you agree with her? What do you expect Opal's father will say when she brings Winn-Dixie home? Why does the store manager cry when he's knocked to the floor? What is Opal going to the grocery store for?

Opal refers to Winn-Dixie as a "Less Fortunate." Do you agree with her?

He, remote, and begun all contain examples of what type of syllable? Closed Open Vowel-Consonant -e syllable Digraphs

Open syllable

A teacher introduces a game to a small group of kindergarten students. In the game, one member of the group will begin by saying a word and the rest of the group will take turns sharing words that rhyme. Which of the following best describes the focus of this lesson? Phonological Awareness oral language skills vocabulary development alphabetic principle

Phonological awareness

A third-grade teacher groups students together to discuss the nonfiction article they just finished. The teacher provides a list of discussion questions for the students to answer. As she walks around, she overhears a lot of simple "yes" or "no" style answers and realizes that the students are not engaging critically in this discussion. She wants to encourage her students to participate in more academic conversations about their reading. Which of the following would best promote this goal? Provide students with graphic organizers to record notes and key information on. Post a list of sentence starters on the wall for students to reference. Model thinking-aloud about a text while reading to the class Model annotation strategies and provide time for students to practice annotating a text before discussion.

Post a list of sentence starters on the wall for students to reference.

ranish X sinvet ✓ inzeck ✓ maverX lenpass ✓nittop ✓ swidy X zoding X jabet X stelnex ✓ Which teacher-guided activity below would provide the best remediation for this student to help him meet the instructional goal? Ask the student to listen as you say each word. Have the student cover the first syllable with his finger and ask him to pronounce the word now. Sit with the student. Slowly say the syllables in a word ("") and ask the student to say the word as a whole. Present the student with a list of words. Model how to segment a word into two syllables, and then review the difference between an open and closed syllable. Practice pronouncing short vowels in closed syllables together.

Present the student with a list of words. Model how to segment a word into two syllables, and then review the difference between an open and closed syllable. Practice pronouncing long vowels in open syllables together.

A third-grade class is working on a cross-curricular project focused on protecting natural environments. The students are reading about various local and national ecosystems, the challenges facing the survival of these areas, and ways humans can work together to protect these natural habitats. As students work, they are encouraged to write unfamiliar vocabulary words on a specific section of the whiteboard. Currently, the word lists include the terms: habitat marsh tundra extinction pollute conservation Most of the words on this list are tier three vocabulary words. Once students have written the terms in their notebooks, the teacher holds a discussion on each term. She reads the example sentence from the articles, points out any context clues present, and works with the class to create a working definition of the term. Which activities would most benefit student's learning and retention of these tier three terms? Give students a second example sentence to include in their vocabulary notebooks. Provide the definition and ask students to write it in their vocabulary notebooks. Project images of the words and ask students to add a drawing to their vocabulary notebooks. Create a word web linking these terms to words the students already know and understand.

Project images of the words and ask students to add a drawing to their vocabulary notebooks. Create a word web linking these terms to words the students already know and understand

A third-grade teacher organized a morphology unit that focused on the following prefixes and suffixes: Prefixes non- dis- in- pre- Suffixes -ness -y -full After instruction and practice opportunities, the teacher plans a summative assessment to evaluate students' ability to apply these skills when reading words. With the goals of structural analysis in mind, how should the teacher assess this vocabulary skill? Use a matching activity to see if the student can correctly match each affix to its correct definition. Provide the list of affixes and ask the students to write each one's meaning in their own words. Write a paragraph that includes words that contain the studied affixes. Ask the students to circle the words and write their meaning in their own words. Provide a list of words that use these affixes and ask the students to divide the words to determine their meanings.

Provide a list of words that use these affixes and ask the students to divide the words to determine their meanings.

A second-grade class is reading a nonfiction text just slightly above most student's independent reading level. Most students in the class are reading at grade level, and the majority of the students are familiar with the subject matter. In order to ensure that students fully comprehend the article, the teacher previews difficult vocabulary terms and shows a short video related to the topic. What other step can the teacher take to be sure students can easily identify the main idea of the passage? Play an audio recording of the article so students can listen to the text and read along. Give students a printed list of key vocabulary terms, their definitions, and a simplified synonym to refer to while reading. Provide an appropriate graphic organizer for students to complete while reading. Read a short biography of the author and discuss how his life relates to the text

Provide an appropriate graphic organizer for students to complete while reading.

A first-grade teacher has informally assessed her students' oral language skills and identified certain students in need of support while orally answering comprehension questions. Which of the following activities would best support these students' oral language development? During whole-class discussions, regularly call on these students to answer open-ended questions. Schedule regular, formal assessments of their oral language skills. Provide sentence stems or sentence frames to scaffold their oral language skills. Expand vocabulary through reading a variety of genres.

Provide sentence stems or sentence frames to scaffold their oral language skills. This is an effective way to encourage the use of oral language skills while also providing support that will help build speaking confidence.

A first-grade classroom teacher has been busy teaching letter-sound correspondence, mostly in isolation. What is the next step the teacher should take to provide her students with systematic phonics instruction? Assess progress on which letter sounds students have mastered and which she needs to reteach. Begin teaching students irregular words that begin with the letters she has been teaching. Provide students the opportunity to read decodable texts containing the phonics skills she has been teaching. Introduce the idea of chunking letters together to make one sound in order to help with decoding.

Provide students the opportunity to read decodable texts containing the phonics skills she has been teaching.

A second-grade teacher is introducing a new multifaceted class project. The teacher uses the projector to introduce each component and allows students to ask questions. During the project roll-out, the teacher notices that Simon, an ELL student, appears confused. Simon has been identified as being in the intermediate stage of listening, according to the TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors. What should the teacher do to be sure Simon is clear about the project's expectations? Call Simon's name and ask if he is understanding the project's expectations. Repeat instructions in a simplified way and provide a written copy of the expectations with key words broken down. Provide a modified assignment that uses only familiar words or activities. Provide Simon with more time to process what has been said before moving to the next point.

Repeat instructions in a simplified way & provide a written copy of the expectations with key words broken down

Mrs. Johnson's first-grade class has just started a unit of study on the solar system. While silently reading a short fiction text about two animals that travel to space, Mrs. Johnson walks about the room and looks over the graphic organizer students are expected to complete during the reading. She notices that quite a few of her ELL students have written almost nothing on the paper and appear to be struggling to process the text. What is the first step Mrs. Johnson should take in order to best help these students succeed with comprehending this text? Swap the blank graphic organizer with a partially completed one so they can use sentence stems to guide their completion. Swap the story for a less abstract text about the solar system that uses simpler vocabulary terms and includes pictures. Read aloud to this small group so they can focus on comprehension and not decoding. Review important space vocabulary terms using pictures and cognates when possible.

Review important space vocabulary terms using pictures and cognates when possible.

A third-grade class is reading a nonfiction article on bees. Throughout the reading, the teacher asks basic and higher-level comprehension questions. Students are expected to informally write their answers to the questions on a paper, then discuss their answers with a partner. Once this discussion has happened, the teacher calls on a student randomly to share her answer with the whole class. How does this discussion strategy benefit students' oral language development? Students are given multiple opportunities to practice their thoughts before being expected to speak before the whole class. The teacher can circulate and participate in multiple student conversations during the partner portion, which enables her to make corrections and advise more students one-on-one. Students are able to practice a written response in a low-stakes activity which allows them to focus on the content rather than grammatical correctness. Talking with a partner makes the content of the lesson more exciting and relevant which makes students more interested in sharing with the whole class.

Students are given multiple opportunities to practice their thoughts before being expected to speak before the whole class.

Mr. Clark devotes a whole month of his class time introducing students to root words, practicing using and defining words with roots, playing word games where students create new words with existing roots, and other morphology-based activities. These morphology lessons demonstrate Mr. Clark's awareness of which concept related to literacy development? Students who learn roots, prefixes, and suffixes can more easily decode new vocabulary while reading. Understanding common spelling patterns enables students to write more quickly and have their writing understood by readers. Students must understand the relationships between phonemes and graphemes before they can successfully decode words. Language follows normal structural patterns and students must learn to recreate these patterns to successfully communicate.

Students who learn roots, prefixes, and suffixes can more easily decode new vocabulary while reading.

After completing an oral fluency and comprehension assessment of a student, the teacher determines that the student's errors indicate "word calling" instead of comprehension. Which of the following best describes a possible issue that the teacher observed in order to form this assessment? The student read the passage at a reasonable rate and with few mistakes, but she lacked prosody and struggled to answer the reading comprehension questions correctly. The student reads at a speed below grade level expectations but with very few mistakes, and the student was able to accurately summarize the story after reading. The student would frequently become stuck on a word and attempt to decode it before skipping it completely. They were unable to accurately summarize the story after reading. The student often self-corrected miscues as they read aloud.

The student read the passage at a reasonable rate and with few mistakes, but she lacked prosody and struggled to answer the reading comprehension questions correctly.

A kindergarten teacher has spent time each day working with her students to explore many of the word families common in the English language. Before moving on to new skills, the teacher individually assesses each student by holding up a series of words and asking the student to read them aloud. While most of the students were proficient at decoding these CVC words, some of the students continued to struggle. The following depicts the teacher's notes on one student's assessment: Word List Student Response cat✓ met /m/ /ĭ/ /t/ bat /b/ /ŏ/ /t/ pot /p/ /ŭ/ /t/ wet /w/ /ī/ /t/ fit No answer Which of the following is the best example of a lesson that may have led up to the individual assessments described in the above scenario? he teacher says a word aloud and the students take turns sharing aloud rhyming words. The teacher reads aloud a book that repeatedly uses words from one word family. The students complete a word search activity that contains only examples of words from the day's word family. The students work with a partner to use letter tiles to explore building different words within the day's word family, sharing out any words they find with the class.

The students work with a partner to use letter tiles to explore building different words within the day's word family, sharing out any words they find with the class.

At the beginning of a new term, a teacher asks students to fill out a questionnaire about their lives, interests, experiences in school, strengths, and basic reading habits. Which of the following is not an example of how this questionnaire should be used to help in the classroom? This information can be used to have personal conversations with students about their lives to build trust and camaraderie. This information can be used to plan lessons about the student's culture and strengths and ensure they have the proper background knowledge necessary to comprehend new material. This information can be used to group students into pods based on their similarities. This information can be used to guide independent reading selection best suited to students' interests.

This information can be used to group students into pods based on their similarities.

A kindergarten teacher has spent time each day working with her students to explore many of the word families common in the English language. Before moving on to new skills, the teacher individually assesses each student by holding up a series of words and asking the student to read them aloud. While most of the students were proficient at decoding these CVC words, some of the students continued to struggle. The following depicts the teacher's notes on one student's assessment: Word List Student Response cat✓ met /m/ /ĭ/ /t/ bat /b/ /ŏ/ /t/ pot /p/ /ŭ/ /t/ wet /w/ /ī/ /t/ fit No answer Which of the following would be the best way to support the student whose assessment is shown above and other students in the class that are similarly still struggling with the CVC words? Send home-specific assignments to facilitate parent support on this skill but move on to the next skill with direct instruction during class. Use small group instruction to continue direct instruction over sound-to-letter correspondence and blending sounds. Reach out to the special education department for help facilitating their intervention. Provide these students with books containing primarily CVC words for practice while continuing on to the next skill with direct instruction.

Use small group instruction to continue direct instruction over sound-to-letter correspondence and blending sounds.

A second-grade classroom with multiple Spanish-speaking English language learners is working on literary analysis. The class reads aloud a short story in which the main character, Lisa, visits Mexico while on vacation. Lisa struggles to fit in at first because she does not speak Spanish. Over the course of the book, she learns new words and phrases to use during her trip. During and after reading, the class discusses various aspects of the text and answers general comprehension questions posed by the teacher. One of the areas the teacher wants to focus on is generating a well-constructed summary of the story. The teacher provides a graphic organizer for students to complete as a whole group before writing the actual summary. Which chart or organizer would be most beneficial for the class to complete in order to achieve this goal? a K-W-L chart a Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then chart plot diagram SQ3R chart

a Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then chart

Which of the following would be the most effective way to assess reading in a first-grade classroom? frequent informal assessment of reading comprehension along with periodic formal assessment of fluency a combination of frequent informal assessments and occasional formal assessments at predetermined points during the school year call on students to read aloud to the class on a rotating basis a formal pre-assessment followed by frequent informal assessments

a combination of frequent informal assessments and occasional formal assessments at predetermined points during the school year

A second-grade classroom with multiple Spanish-speaking English language learners is working on literary analysis. The class reads aloud a short story in which the main character, Lisa, visits Mexico while on vacation. Lisa struggles to fit in at first because she does not speak Spanish. Over the course of the book, she learns new words and phrases to use during her trip. During and after reading, the class discusses various aspects of the text and answers general comprehension questions posed by the teacher. One of the areas the teacher wants to focus on is generating a well-constructed summary of the story. The teacher provides a graphic organizer for students to complete as a whole group before writing the actual summary. In what additional way could the teacher scaffold this activity that would benefit her students who are in the intermediate stage of English language proficiency in the area of writing? providing the students with a list of conjunctions and transition words relevant to writing summaries assigning only the intermediate students English-speaking partners to work with providing the students with a dictionary to use while writing allowing the students to deliver their summaries verbally to the teacher

allowing the students to deliver their summaries verbally to the teacher

A kindergarten classroom has a mixture of English language learners and native speakers. The classroom is reading from a large-print short story during circle time. The text tells the story of a child's day, but things keep going wrong. The illustrations and text describe the cause-and-effect nature of events. The teacher prompts students to identify either the cause or the effect on the page. When calling on students in the intermediate stage of oral language proficiency to identify the cause or effect, the teacher can expect the students to be able to: answer using a grammatically correct sentence. answer using a grammatically correct sentence and elaborate on the answer. answer using a simple or incomplete sentence.

answer using a simple or incomplete sentence.

A veteran teacher has been asked by the principal to adjust his curriculum to include more multicultural literature and diverse authors. When choosing multicultural literature for the classroom, the teacher should look for texts that: are reflective of the cultural makeup of his students while also offering new experiences of different, underrepresented cultures. stereotypically represent a culture so that students get a quick, easy-to-understand view of unfamiliar lifestyles. mirror the diversity in his classroom exactly, excluding cultures or ethnicities that are not currently represented by students in the class. provide a sampling of all cultures in the world so that the class can experience as much diversity as possible.

are reflective of the cultural makeup of his students while also offering new experiences of different, underrepresented cultures.

Part of the first-grade curriculum includes vocabulary development. When a teacher recognizes that one of her students is in need of interventions specifically to support vocabulary development, which of the following would be the least effective way to support this student? assign lists of vocabulary words for the student to study at home ensure that the student is reading books on their level for independent reading pre-teach key vocabulary before reading texts aloud to the student and before the student reads anything independently provide the student with visual supports for vocabulary when appropriate

assign lists of vocabulary words for the student to study at home

A third-grade student has mastered decoding individual words, but his oral reading is slow, which keeps him from grasping the meaning of the text. When the teacher encourages him to read to the class, he says he is "ashamed" and wants to complete the assignment by himself. Which of the following approaches would best differentiate the reading lesson and help the student improve his overall reading fluency? giving the student a text below his independent reading level and having him read it out loud to a small group of students to build confidence assigning the student a text at his independent reading level and allowing him to read it quietly to himself before discussing it with others encouraging the student to stop reading when he doesn't understand what the text is saying, pause, and then reread that section as a self-monitoring strategy providing the student with explicit phonics instruction to help him decode words more quickly when they appear in sentences

assigning the student a text at his independent reading level and allowing him to read it quietly to himself before discussing it with others

A second-grade class has started a new cross-curricular unit studying forces and motion. The class is reading various nonfiction articles describing force and motion and performing experiments to see these forces in action. Before reading or performing experiments, the class reviews any relevant, new vocabulary terms, and Katie does a good job of looking up words she struggles to understand on her own. Despite all this, Katie is struggling to comprehend the articles the class is reading. Her most recent oral fluency assessment scored as follows: Book level: Mid-second grade Accuracy rate: 85% Error rate: 1:10 (average of 1 error for every 10 words read) Self-correction rate: 1:4 (average of 1 self-correction for every 4 errors) Comprehension: Able to correctly answer 8/10 questions during and after reading Based on this information, what is the most likely component of reading comprehension causing Katie to struggle? reading fluency comprehension skills background knowledge vocabulary knowledge

background knowledge

A kindergarten class is writing about their favorite outdoor activity. The following is a student's response. go ot rid suter blu pla wit amigos Based on this writing sample, this student is likely in which stage of writing proficiency, according to the TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors? beginning intermediate advanced advanced high


A teacher hands out a stack of picture cards with familiar images (a ball, the sun, a chair) to each student. The class is asked to lay the cards on their desks face up. Next, the teacher says she will say a word slowly ("sss..uuu..nnn"). The students are to pick up the picture that matches the word she said and hold it in their hands. After everyone has grabbed a picture, the class holds the photos up for the teacher to scan. Then the class says the word together, and the process repeats. This activity helps students decode words by practicing how to: segment words into phonemes. match phonemes to graphemes. blend phonemes into words. rhyme words

blend phonemes into words

A kindergarten teacher is working individually with students to assess their word recognition levels. The teacher presents students with a flashcard and asks them to read the word on the card. Some cards include illustrations with text and others are only text. Some words are common sight words while others require more skilled decoding. A student in the partial-alphabetic stage of word recognition would be most successful reading: cards with only decodable words. cards with both text and illustrations. any card presented. cards with only sight words.

cards with both text and illustrations

A new student, Raven, has arrived in Mrs. Allan's first-grade class. Mrs. Allan administers various diagnostic tests to establish Raven's current skill level, including a timed reading. She determines that Raven is a non-automatic reader. During this assessment, she only read at a rate of 25 words per minute. Raven is able to converse with ease, but she lacks the same confidence while reading. Mrs. Allan starts Raven on some independent activities to build letter-sound correspondence. Raven is given a set of sight word flashcards to take home and practice. Raven practices identifying and isolating phonemes both independently and with a small group. After a week, Mrs. Allan administers another timed reading to see whether or not Raven is making progress. This time Raven reads at 29 words per minute and Mrs. Allan notices that Raven self-corrected sight word errors two or three times, something she did not do before. While she has improved in speed and accuracy, her reading is still choppy and lacks expression. In addition to these classroom activities, Mrs. Allan should also include what activity to improve Raven's accuracy and speed? instruction on irregular spellings and pronunciations review of punctuation guidelines and their effect on prosody independent reading assignments using an above-grade-level text choral or repeated readings using a grade-level text

choral or repeated readings using a grade-level text

A classroom has a mix of students with varied home languages and English dialects. In order to best help students learn inflectional word endings (such as -ed), the teacher should have the students: complete a word sort categorizing inflected words by their pronunciation. read decodable texts that use verbs with and without inflectional endings. write sentences using all forms of a verb (write, wrote, written) to practice irregular endings. separate into groups based on home language and practice adding and removing morphemes from root words.

complete a word sort categorizing inflected words by their pronunciation.

During a team meeting, the teachers brainstorm reading comprehension activities that could be applicable to an upcoming unit in social studies. When considering the characteristics of the curriculum, which of the following strategies is the least likely to be applicable to Social Studies? applying close reading strategies while reading a text facilitating the development of a class concept map completing a graphic organizer of a plot diagram following a reading passage completing a KWL chart

completing a graphic organizer of a plot diagram following a reading passage

During independent work time, a teacher walks around and has a short conversation with each student. The teacher asks about the student's day, what the student is working on, and other casual and relevant conversation points. While talking, the teacher makes quick notes about how well the student responds to questions, stays on topic, and uses complete sentences while speaking. By having these conversations, the teacher is most likely trying to: conduct a formal assessment of each student's automaticity. build positive rapport with the students. find sources of inspiration for future lessons or topics. conduct an informal assessment of students' current oral language skills.

conduct an informal assessment of students' current oral language skills.

A new student, Raven, has arrived in Mrs. Allan's first-grade class. Mrs. Allan administers various diagnostic tests to establish Raven's current skill level, including a timed reading. She determines that Raven is a non-automatic reader. During this assessment, she only read at a rate of 25 words per minute. Raven is able to converse with ease, but she lacks the same confidence while reading. Mrs. Allan starts Raven on some independent activities to build letter-sound correspondence. Raven is given a set of sight word flashcards to take home and practice. Raven practices identifying and isolating phonemes both independently and with a small group. After a week, Mrs. Allan administers another timed reading to see whether or not Raven is making progress. This time Raven reads at 29 words per minute and Mrs. Allan notices that Raven self-corrected sight word errors two or three times, something she did not do before. While she has improved in speed and accuracy, her reading is still choppy and lacks expression. In order to meet first-grade fluency benchmarks, Raven should be reading: connected text with correct prosody and speed. read complex texts fluently. high-frequency words, including sight words. connected texts with improving accuracy and speed

connected texts with improving accuracy & speed

Students in a first-grade class are silently reading a nonfiction magazine of their choice. While reading, a student comes across a word he doesn't know. He raises his hand, and the following is the dialogue that occurs. "What word is this?" "Try sounding out each letter. I bet you can figure it out!" "" "When "c" and "h" are next to each other, they make a unique sound. Do you remember what that sound is?" "Oh, right. So...peach!" "Great job! I knew you could figure it out." In this example, the word "peach" would be categorized as a(n): high-frequency word. sight word. irregular word. decodable word.

decodable word

When a new student joins a second-grade class, the teacher administers a reading assessment. The teacher determines the student's reading skills are currently below grade level. Despite the assessment results, the student participates well in class discussions, specifically when a text is read aloud. Based on the teacher's current information, the teacher should differentiate a reading assignment in which way to best support this student? decrease the number of reading comprehension questions assigned to this student assign grade-level texts but provide the student with extra time to complete the reading decrease the complexity of the student's independent reading texts from grade-level to the student's current reading level pair the student with a more advanced reader for support with higher-level texts

decrease the complexity of the student's independent reading texts from grade-level to the student's current reading level

A first-grade teacher implements vocabulary instruction through exposure to new words, instruction related to the word's definitions, and exposure to the words in context often in the class's reading. How could the teacher build on these practices to deepen student understanding of the words? allow students to choose their own vocabulary words develop writing assignments that require the students to use vocabulary words assign students words based on their reading levels primarily use sight words and high-frequency words as vocabulary words

develop writing assignments that require the students to use vocabulary words

A first-grade teacher finds an animated video depicting a familiar fairy tale story. The video has subtitles on-screen during the animation. The teacher plays the video once for the class. Next, she gives each student a copy of the transcript and asks them to follow along on paper with a finger while the video plays. Listening to audio-recordings of a text while reading along primarily benefits students in which area? developing reading fluency skills developing reading comprehension skills developing print concepts and word awareness developing oral language skills

developing reading fluency skills

A kindergarten teacher is beginning instruction on vowel and consonant blends. While students work on a math assignment, she calls students individually to her desk and asks them to read from a list of words, some of which include blends. As the student reads, the teacher notes whether or not the student can correctly pronounce any of the blends. This type of assessment best represents a: criterion-referenced diagnostic assessment summative assessment formative assessment

diagnostic assessment

A second-grade student has shown strength in memorizing sight words and reading common, familiar words in books, but she consistently struggles with unfamiliar words even if they are decodable. Based on her specific challenge, in which of the following skills does she require further instruction? structural analysis prosody contextual analysis direct phonics instruction

direct phonics instruction

A third-grade student reads with accuracy and prosody but still struggles to comprehend much of what is read. While the teacher supports this student within the classroom, which of the following would be the most beneficial way that the parents could support reading comprehension at home? discuss the genre and purpose for reading with their child before reading together reduce the child's anxiety and stress around reading by decreasing the amount of time spent reading outside of school encourage her to reread books instead of reading new stories primarily focus on opportunities for the child to read aloud instead of being read to or reading silently

discuss the genre and purpose for reading with their child before reading together

Accommodations for English language learners should be based on their language skills and not dependent on their age. Various stages of acquisition can occur for children at all ages, so determining their stage will guide how to support their learning. What stage of language acquisition would best describe an ELL student who speaks mostly in one and two-word phrases with many errors? pre-production speech emergence/productive language use intermediate fluency early production

early production

A first-grade teacher is planning upcoming phonics instruction to support the students' understanding of the relationships between letters and sounds. Which of the following strategies would best support ELL students in her class while working on this skill? reviewing cognates that are present between their native language and English teaching phonics within the context of their native language emphasizing letters that may have different pronunciations in English than in the students' native language focusing primarily on sight words and whole-word reading

emphasizing letters that may have different pronunciations in English than in the students' native language

A first-grade teacher regularly assesses students' oral language skills. Based on the TEKS oral language guidelines, which of the following is not a skill that her first graders should be expected to become proficient in this year? express an opinion supported by accurate information restate and give oral directions retell texts in ways that maintain meaning be easily understood by teachers and other adults

express an opinion supported by accurate information

Which of the following practices by a first-grade teacher is the most important to developing independent readers with strong comprehension skills? sharing the teacher's own love of reading facilitating a variety of literary experiences that balance independent reading, guided reading, and read-alouds, while using texts that vary in genre and topic maintaining consistently accountable expectations that are monitored through the use of reading logs requiring high level texts for independent reading

facilitating a variety of literary experiences that balance independent reading, guided reading, and read-alouds, while using texts that vary in genre and topic

While students begin developing skills related to fluency very early on, a certain level of reading ability is necessary to begin formally assessing and tracking fluency. According to the grade-level TEKS, when are students expected to be improving speed and fluency, reading connected text, and using context clues to sound out unfamiliar words? kinder first second third


A first-grade student had struggled with decoding skills that were impacting her ability to read and understand grade level texts. While the student's decoding skills have significantly improved, the teacher has not seen the same improvement in her reading comprehension. When she reads aloud, her reading is choppy and disconnected. Which of the following activities would likely be the most impactful to build upon the student's improved decoding skills and support similar improvements in reading comprehension? increased sight word exposure in reading, and expectations for using new words in her writing frequent practice reading aloud of both familiar and unfamiliar texts increased independent, silent reading of new texts that are written at her reading level building confidence through exposure to texts below her reading level

frequent practice reading aloud of both familiar and unfamiliar texts

As part of systematic and explicit reading instruction, teachers should be sure to do which of the following to ensure that students do not fall behind or develop severe reading difficulties? provide students with opportunities to read both silently and aloud and to listen to fluent readers read aloud use multiple genres and content matters in the classroom to engage students' interest allow students to self-assess their own reading skills through a reading journal. frequently assess reading development and provide remediation when needed

frequently assess reading development and provide remediation when needed

A teacher notices that a number of her students are able to either correctly identify the number of phonemes in a spoken word or correctly identify a written word. Few students are able to both decode and encode seamlessly. Which activity below could the teacher use to help students practice decoding and encoding? having students create new words by adding or subtracting letters from a stem word having students create new words by adding or subtracting letters from a stem word conducting an informal diagnostic reading assessment on each student and using the results to plan small-group instruction reading aloud to students while they follow along, asking them to repeat challenge words as a group

having students complete phoneme-grapheme maps for high-frequency words

Ms. Holden uses circle time every afternoon to read a new story aloud to her kindergarten class. She uses big books so that every student can easily see the text. While she reads, she scans her finger along the text. They discuss who the author and illustrator are, how to hold a book, turn the pages, and identify the front and back cover. Ms. Holden frequently asks students to help her read by pointing to parts of the book for her. In order to meet kindergarten benchmarks, in addition to knowing print directionality and how to hold a book, students should also be able to: identify an index, glossary, or table of contents. identify the front and back cover and title page of a book. distinguish the author from the illustrator. identify at least 20 uppercase letters and know that words are made of letters.

identify the front and back cover and title page of a book.

A kindergarten student has mastered identifying and naming letters. In order to move this student along and meet kindergarten TEKS benchmarks for fluency, the teacher should begin incorporating activities that focus on: reading connected texts. reading a text with clear emotion and emphasis. using context clues to decode unfamiliar words. identifying sight words and matching spoken words to their text.

identifying sight words and matching spoken words to their text.

After finishing a recent unit, a first-grade teacher would like to test her student's knowledge of the vocabulary terms highlighted. She decides to ask the class to write a short story using as many of the terms as they can. In order to ensure that this assignment truly assesses the student's vocabulary knowledge, the teacher should: have students read the stories aloud so she can hear the vocabulary words pronounced. provide students with sentence stems to use while writing. allow students to include illustrations of the new terms in action. ignore any grammatical, spelling, or writing convention errors while grading the stories.

ignore any grammatical, spelling, or writing convention errors while grading the stories.

When working with English language learners on phonemic awareness and phoneme identification, it is most appropriate to select words that: include a majority of sounds used only in English. follow simple CVC structures with no consideration for letter sounds. include sounds used in both English and the student's native language. include a majority of sounds used only in the student's native language.

include sounds used in both English and the student's native language.

A third-grade teacher is preparing a lesson in which students will read a short nonfiction passage and identify the main idea. When considering the diverse learners in her class, how could the teacher best differentiate this lesson to support the reading fluency of her ELL students? provide a graphic organizer to fill out during reading ask them to highlight and look up any confusing words provide extra time to complete the assignment include visual supports, like a related illustration of the text

include visual supports, like a related illustration of the text

A new student, Raven, has arrived in Mrs. Allan's first-grade class. Mrs. Allan administers various diagnostic tests to establish Raven's current skill level, including a timed reading. She determines that Raven is a non-automatic reader. During this assessment, she only read at a rate of 25 words per minute. Raven is able to converse with ease, but she lacks the same confidence while reading. Mrs. Allan starts Raven on some independent activities to build letter-sound correspondence. Raven is given a set of sight word flashcards to take home and practice. Raven practices identifying and isolating phonemes both independently and with a small group. After a week, Mrs. Allan administers another timed reading to see whether or not Raven is making progress. This time Raven reads at 29 words per minute and Mrs. Allan notices that Raven self-corrected sight word errors two or three times, something she did not do before. While she has improved in speed and accuracy, her reading is still choppy and lacks expression. Based on the progress Raven has made, Mrs. Allan should: spend more time working on sight word recognition. continue the current course of teaching and reassess Raven in another week. require Raven to read silently to herself. incorporate Reader's Theatre and books on tape to Raven's weekly activities.

incorporate Reader's Theatre and books on tape to Raven's weekly activities.

Following the second reading fluency assessment of the school year, a third-grade teacher noticed that a few of her students have shown no or very little fluency growth from the first assessment nine weeks before. Which of the following would be the least effective way to support their fluency development? Incorporate choral reading into the classroom routines increase the difficulty of their independent reading provide them opportunities to reread texts facilitate opportunities for the students to read aloud to themselves or with a partner

increase the difficulty of their independent reading

A second-grade teacher is going to have a 1:1 ratio of students to tablets in her classroom for the first time. Which of the following is not an example of an appropriate way to use this new technology access in support of literacy skills? using technology to digitally annotate, highlight, and respond to texts provide digital graphic organizers as an option facilitate opportunities for student discussion in a digital format increase the variety of reading materials by replacing classroom libraries with digital libraries

increase the variety of reading materials by replacing classroom libraries with digital libraries

After reading a short article on bees, students are asked to answer a variety of comprehension questions. The teacher collects these answers and reviews them for a grade. While assessing the results, the teacher notices that several students had trouble with the question, "If we cannot find out what is killing the bees, what could happen to our planet?" Many students answered something similar to "Bees would go extinct." These students are having trouble with which comprehension skill? summarizing making connections inferring making predictions


A kindergarten teacher plans to read aloud a short story to the class. She will use an oversized book so the students can follow along and see the words and the pictures. After reading the story, the teacher will ask her students to draw a picture of the big problem that occurred in the story. While they work, she walks around the room, observing their progress and making a point to discuss their drawing with them if it is unclear how the picture relates to the story. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the after-reading activity described in this activity? formally assess the students' oral language skills evaluate the students' listening skills determine whether the students are able to make correct inferences about the text informally assess the students' literal comprehension of the text

informally assess the students' literal comprehension of the text

A teacher arranges a parent meeting to discuss some observed vocabulary challenges. The teacher tells the parents that the student does not recognize common instructional language used by the teacher in the classroom. Based on the teacher's observations, the student is significantly below the 3,000 to 4,000 words that children her age are generally expected to understand by the end of the school year. The teacher feels strongly that they should make a deliberate effort to improve the students' vocabulary to prevent the Matthew Effect and to support reading development. The teacher then describes her plans to support the student's vocabulary development within the classroom and the process to determine whether further intervention is necessary. Finally, the group discusses ways for the parents to support their child from home. The teacher explains to the parents that part of the motivation to intervene vocabulary challenges can only be addressed if intervention begins early on in the child's reading development initial reading success tends to make later success more likely, while initial deficit may make continued progress increasingly more difficult vocabulary detriments negatively impact how well students can comprehend and analyze texts over time vocabulary challenges can impact student growth in all academic areas, not only language arts skills

initial reading success tends to make later success more likely, while initial deficit may make continued progress increasingly more difficult

A kindergarten classroom has a mixture of English language learners and native speakers. The classroom is reading from a large-print short story during circle time. The text tells the story of a child's day, but things keep going wrong. The illustrations and text describe the cause-and-effect nature of events. The teacher prompts students to identify either the cause or the effect on the page. On page 7, the child is sad to see that her dog has escaped the backyard because she left the gate open. The illustration shows the fence with the gate open, a leash and dog bowl, and a sad child. The teacher asks, "Why is the child sad now?" A student answers, "Someone left door open, so now no dog. It runs away and make kid sad." This student's response indicates a child in which category of language proficiency? beginning intermediate advanced advanced high


The following is a conversation heard between two first-grade students during recess. Student A: Hey! Want to play tag? Student B: Sí. Run now? Student A: Do you want to be it first, or should I? Student B: I not sure... Student A: I'll be the tagger first. You go that way! Quick, run fast! Student B: Okay, I go! Based on student B's speech, she is most likely in which stage of speaking proficiency, according to the TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors? beginning intermediate advanced advanced-high


Which set of words below would fall into the category of tier three words? peer, resident, volunteer ask, tell, say convince, argue, deny isotope, reaction, element

isotope, reaction, element

A second-grade teacher is determining how to best support the growth of a student who is demonstrating below grade level fluency while reading historical texts but has demonstrated automatic reading skills on other assessments and texts. Which of the following is most likely to be related to this automatic reader's fluency challenges? lacking schema/background knowledge limited sight word knowledge weak word identification knowledge weak decoding skills

lacking schema/background knowledge

A teacher is reading aloud to the class from a retelling of "Jack and the Beanstalk," and during the reading she pauses to think aloud. Below is part of her think-aloud along with the text she is reading. The teacher's dialogue is italicized. Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Jack. He and his mother lived in a tiny cottage on a farm near the outskirts of town. They didn't have much money, and the shelves in the pantry were bare. The harvest was over, but not much food was saved for the winter. Oh no, what will they do in the winter without food? I wonder how they can get some money. Maybe they have crops from the harvest to sell. Jack's mother decided that they must sell their cow. "Please take the cow to town and sell her so we can buy some food," Jack's mother said. So off Jack went with the cow in tow. I bet a cow will sell for $400. They'll be able to buy so much food! On his way to town, Jack met a man on the side of the road. "Hey there, lad, that's a nice looking cow! I'd like to buy it! Here are five magic beans that, when planted, will grow to reach the sky!" Jack was amazed, and quickly said yes. He held the magic beans in his hand and thought, "Wow! Magic beans! Mother will be so happy." Hmmm...I wonder. I think my mother would be very disappointed and sad if I came home with only five beans instead of money. Do you think his mother will be happy with Jack? During this think-aloud, the teacher is modeling which of the following text analysis skills? defining vocabulary through context clues making predictions locating textual evidence drawing conclusions

making predictions

A first-grade teacher has recently conducted oral timed reading assessments. She records the number of words per minute a student completes as well as any miscues and self-corrections made by the student. The teacher meets privately with each student to share the results. The teacher meets with Tim first. She noted in Tim's reading that he made a number of miscues but did not pause to acknowledge them or attempt to self-correct. Tim read at an above-average speed, completing the reading 20 seconds faster than his peers. Some of his errors included saying "dark" for "bark," "nap" for "map," and "jab" for "gab." Previously Tim has been able to read grade-level texts with 95% accuracy, but on this assessment he scored closer to 75%. Based on the results of the assessment, which activity would best address the errors made by Tim and improve his oral reading in the future? modelling reading with appropriate speed and having Tim practice reading more slowly and with expression reviewing phoneme-grapheme correspondence for frequently confused letters of the alphabet having Tim read aloud to a classmate and asking the student to stop Tim each time he makes an error to point out the need for self-correction providing Tim with texts above his reading level so that he has to read more slowly

modelling reading with appropriate speed and having Tim practice reading more slowly and with expression

During small group instruction, a kindergarten teacher provides verbal instructions to guide a group of students through a quick craft involving the assembly of pre-cut pieces of construction paper. After completing the craft, the small group students provide the instructions to the students at their tables, who then complete the same craft. The teacher repeats the process over the coming days to give all students a chance to provide instructions to their group. These instructional choices suggest that the teacher is using this activity as an opportunity to evaluate which of the following skills? focus and attention phonological awareness long term memory oral language skills

oral language skills

A third-grade teacher reads aloud one to two chapters from a novel most days of the week. This activity serves as a community-building experience within the classroom, promotes a love of reading, and serves as an opportunity to incorporate practice with various ELA skills. Before beginning to read each afternoon, she calls on a volunteer to briefly summarize the events from the previous day. While reading, the teacher will periodically stop to verbally question the text, ask students to make a prediction, or clarify understanding of events. She also follows their reading with a quick journal prompt related to the day's chapters. Which of the following best explains why the teacher should prioritize improving the oral language aspect of the described activity? sharing their summaries whole class will build the students' confidence it ensures everyone remembers what happened previously in the text the shared summaries can be documented as formal oral language assessments oral language skills support the development of reading and writing skills

oral language skills support the development of reading and writing skills

A teacher sits down with students individually and asks them to complete a series of tasks related to phonemic awareness. First, she asks the student to say the first sound in the word "tin." If the student answers incorrectly, she asks again with a new word. If correct, she says the sounds for "/b/ /oo/ /k/" and asks the student to speak the whole word. If incorrect, she repeats the steps with a new word. If correct, she asks the student to say each separate sound in the word "stop." A student who can successfully complete all three tasks in this series would be ready to move on to which phonemic awareness skill? phoneme isolation phoneme substitution phoneme addition phoneme subtraction

phoneme addition

Mr. Byrd's pre-k class begins the day by singing a good morning song. During the song, students say each other's names and clap out the syllables in the names. After the song, the class reviews the calendar, discussing the letters that the day and month begin with (for example, "March begins with what letter?"), the number of the date, whether it is odd or even, and what the weather is like that day. Next, Mr. Byrd introduces the word of the day. Students say the word, discuss the meaning, and try to come up with rhyming words. After this opening discussion, students break up to work on individual reading activities while Mr. Byrd circulates through the room. During individual work time, Mr. Byrd notices that Sarah has mastered the ability to isolate phonemes in three-letter words, no matter where the phoneme is located. Which skill should Mr. Byrd introduce to Sarah next? phoneme addition phoneme substitution phoneme blending phoneme segmentation

phoneme blending

A second-grade teacher assessed students' phonemic awareness and has identified a group of students who are all proficient at phoneme segmentation. With the understanding that phoneme awareness develops in a simple to complex progression, which of the following will most likely be the instructional focus for this group's next small group instruction? phoneme isolation phoneme isolation syllable awareness phoneme blending phoneme manipulation

phoneme manipulation

Mr. Byrd's pre-k class begins the day by singing a good morning song. During the song, students say each other's names and clap out the syllables in the names. After the song, the class reviews the calendar, discussing the letters that the day and month begin with (for example, "March begins with what letter?"), the number of the date, whether it is odd or even, and what the weather is like that day. Next, Mr. Byrd introduces the word of the day. Students say the word, discuss the meaning, and try to come up with rhyming words. After this opening discussion, students break up to work on individual reading activities while Mr. Byrd circulates through the room. Mr. Byrd's opening class activities will help students develop phonological awareness skills because they focus on all the major components of phonological awareness except: letter recognition. phonemic awareness. rhyme identification. syllable awareness.

phonemic awareness

An important building block of literacy skills involves awareness of the sounds of human language. To build this awareness, prekindergarten teachers will sing songs, play word games, and read books that contain rhymes and alliteration. Which of the following terms is used to describe the sounds of human speech? phonetics pragmatics syntax morphology


A teacher is designing literacy stations and would like to group students based on their current skill levels in order to provide targeted instruction and intervention. Which of the activities below would be appropriate for a student in the early reader stage of literacy development? editing a piece of writing for spelling and punctuation errors introducing one letter and completing various activities involving the phonemic components of that letter practicing isolating and segmenting known phonemes from words decoding unfamiliar or irregular words using phonemic knowledge

practicing isolating & segmenting known phonemes from words

A kindergarten teacher plans to read aloud a short story to the class. She will use an oversized book so the students can follow along and see the words and the pictures. After reading the story, the teacher will ask her students to draw a picture of the big problem that occurred in the story. While they work, she walks around the room, observing their progress and making a point to discuss their drawing with them if it is unclear how the picture relates to the story. How could the teacher change this lesson plan to differentiate for English learners? sending copies of the book home the night before so they can pre-read the text with their family pre-teaching words from the text that are likely to be unfamiliar providing them with a story map to fill out while the teacher reads the story aloud providing English learners with an alternative text

pre-teaching words from the text that are likely to be unfamiliar

A teacher arranges a parent meeting to discuss some observed vocabulary challenges. The teacher tells the parents that the student does not recognize common instructional language used by the teacher in the classroom. Based on the teacher's observations, the student is significantly below the 3,000 to 4,000 words that children her age are generally expected to understand by the end of the school year. The teacher feels strongly that they should make a deliberate effort to improve the students' vocabulary to prevent the Matthew Effect and to support reading development. The teacher then describes her plans to support the student's vocabulary development within the classroom and the process to determine whether further intervention is necessary. Finally, the group discusses ways for the parents to support their child from home. The teacher notes that the student is likely to understand 3,000 to 4,000 words by the end of the school year. Based on the guidelines for the state of Texas, what grade level is this student currently in? prekindergarten kindergarten first grade second grade

prekindergarten Prekindergarten students are likely to understand 3,000 - 4,000 words by the end of the year.

A first-grade teacher works with students in small groups, playing a matching game that pairs two different words together to form a compound word, then matches the word to a picture that represents its meaning. Which of the following best describes the teacher's goal for this activity? promote their ability to spell compound words promote their understanding of the meanings of compound words promote their ability to identify compound words promote their ability to decode compound words

promote their understanding of the meanings of compound words

A second-grade teacher is preparing to begin administering the first reading fluency assessment of the school year. While listening to her students read aloud, she will evaluate each student's oral reading to determine their level of fluency. Of the relevant fluency factors, which is measured subjectively? speed acuracy prodsody WPM


While conducting a running record or miscue analysis, a teacher listens to a student read aloud and assesses the reading on the student's prosody, self-corrections, repetitions, and omissions. Which component listed is subjective and less easily marked using written symbols? self-correction repetition omission prosody


A second-grade teacher has planned a reading comprehension assessment over a text about the 4th of July. However, the teacher is concerned with the accessibility of this topic for the English language learners in her class. How should the teacher differentiate this activity to make it a more reliable assessment of her ELL students' skills? encourage active reading by requiring ELL students to annotate while they read provide ELL students with an alternative text on the same reading level for the assessment read the text aloud to all students provide ELL students with a graphic organizer of a plot pyramid to complete as they read

provide ELL students with an alternative text on the same reading level for the assessment

Jessica, a second-grade student, is an automatic reader. She is able to quickly decode all words with regular spelling patterns and struggles infrequently with irregular words. She has an average reading speed, but she struggles with her prosody. In order to help Jessica develop stronger prosody, her teacher should introduce new root words unfamiliar to Jessica. give Jessica a list of nonsense words and ask her to read them aloud. preview challenging words before Jessica reads the text. provide Jessica with phrase-cued readings to practice with a partner.

provide Jessica with phrase-cued readings to practice with a partner

A second-grade teacher has been working to foster an increased value for reading in hopes of helping to create lifelong readers. One of the activities that she is planning will have students recommend books to each other by taking turns to share out the title, author, and a brief description of a book that they enjoy. How should she differentiate this activity to support the participation of an ELL student who is currently at the intermediate speaking level? provide the student with sentence frames ask the student to write their recommendation instead make the sharing activity volunteers only present to the teacher only

provide the student with sentence frames

A third-grade teacher is preparing a reading lesson for her class. Which of the following best demonstrates the teacher's use of asset-based instruction? using reading levels assessed at the beginning of the year to form the reading groups that will be used for the duration of the school year providing pre-reading scaffolding activities for texts with unfamiliar subjects pre-teaching vocabulary for struggling students prior to reading the text as a group providing text options that represent the diversity of the class

providing text options that represent the diversity of the class

A third-grade teacher is working to determine the complexity of a text that she would like to use for a class assessment. To do this, she will consider the three aspects of text complexity. Which of the three aspects of text complexity include the text's meaning or purpose, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands? task considerations quantitative measures qualitative measures reader considerations

qualitative measures Qualitative measures include meaning or purpose, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands.

After being identified as having dyslexia, a second-grade student began structured, systematic, and explicit reading instruction. The instruction is designed to support the student's specific needs. Which of the following is the best example of a way for the classroom teacher to accommodate this student in the classroom? require the student to use audiobooks and/or text-to-speech tools assess the student's reading fluency less frequently than other students avoid assessing the student's reading skills until the student has completed dyslexia related instruction read written directions aloud to the student

read written directions aloud to the student

At the beginning of the school year, the pre-k teachers have a brief, informal discussion with each student. The teacher asks questions to develop an understanding of the student's home life and reading habits. Below is the conversation between Julia and the teacher. Teacher: Hey, Julia, how are you today? I was hoping to have a little chat and get to know you a little bit. Julia: Alright. Teacher: So, what's your favorite book you read at home? Julia: I don't read a lot at home. Teacher: Do you ever read any books at home with your mom and dad? Julia: Not much. Mom works at night and dad is tired after working during the day. Teacher: So what do you do when you get home from school? Julia: My sisters and I play together, listen to the radio, or watch television until dinner time. Then we take a bath and go to bed. Teacher: What are your sisters' names? What games do you play together?... Based on this conversation, the teacher is concerned that Julia may have a likely deficiency in which category of vocabulary development? speaking reading writing listening


Students come to their first year of school with various degrees of prior exposure to literature. Which strategy would be most effective for students who have had limited or no experience with written text? providing the students with text-reading software to read aloud when they are struggling to decode a text independently beginning systematic and explicit instruction on sight words to bridge the gap with other students who are already experienced readers structuring class time to allow these students opportunities to read self-selected books independently reading aloud from predictable patterned big books and focusing instruction on print concepts and basic phonological awareness

reading aloud from predictable patterned big books and focusing instruction on print concepts and basic phonological awareness

A kindergarten teacher wants students to apply new alphabetic knowledge to decode words in books as promptly as possible. Therefore, as they learn new consonants and vowels, the teacher will begin activities that allow students to use the new knowledge even before completing the entire alphabet. Which of the following activities would be the most logical initial application of new alphabetic knowledge? reading short books that contain single-syllable words made up of the newly learned letters oral rhyming games using words that end with the letters they have learned applying the new sound to letter correspondence to spoken alliteration games writing words in their journal using these newly learned letters

reading short books that contain single-syllable words made up of the newly learned letters

A third-grade student is an automatic reader that reads words accurately but struggles to read with prosody when the teacher has assessed her reading fluency. Which of the following activities would best support the student's development of prosody? regularly incorporate reader's theater into whole class and small group lessons use small group instruction to reinforce letter to sound correspondence by asking students to make the sound of a letter while tracing the shape on their desk set aside time each day to practice sight words using flashcards working in pairs, have students take turns timing each other while reading a passage aloud

regularly incorporate reader's theater into whole class and small group lessons

Which of the following is a reason that teachers should continue to plan sufficient practice with print resources despite the benefits of digital options? reinforce skills applicable to the use of a glossary or index that will not have a digital version student remember definitions better if they look them up in the print form digital options often contain elements that distract from the definition and part of speech students are unlikely to have access to digital options outside of the classroom

reinforce skills applicable to the use of a glossary or index that will not have a digital version

Identifying the point-of-view of a text is an important step for conducting more detailed literary analysis. According to the TEKS benchmarks for reading comprehension, by which grade level should students be able to correctly identify the use of first- or third-person narration? first grade second grade third grade fourth grade

second grad

During her morning opening, Mrs. Martin sings a welcome song with the class. Mrs. Martin says, "Good Morning, Good Morning, Jill, how are you?" While she sings, she claps along with each word. The student she calls on is expected to reply, "Good morning, I'm (insert feeling), How are you (insert another student's name)," and clap for each word she speaks. Then the student Jill calls will repeat the reply, clapping along with his response. Clapping along with their speech helps students to practice: counting syllables in a word. segmenting words into syllables. counting words in a sentence. segmenting sentences into words.

segmenting sentences into words.

A second-grade reading teacher plans to regularly incorporate all of the skills that support reading comprehension. For an upcoming reading activity, the teacher has marked several locations in the text. When the students reach each of the pre-marked locations, they will stop and turn to their partner to make a comment, ask a question, make a connection, or make a prediction. Which reading comprehension skill is the teacher supporting with this activity? self-monitoring or metacognition recognizing characteristics of specific genres reading fluently building background knowledge

self-monitoring or metacognition

As part of instruction over the types of text organization, the teacher provides students with examples of each type and asks them to match the paragraph to its organizational type. Which organizational type best describes the excerpt below? The first thing you should do when your alarm clock begins to buzz in the morning is, of course, turn it off! Next, you should go to the bathroom and get dressed for the day. By then you may realize you are feeling hungry; that is because it is time for breakfast. After you eat breakfast, brush your teeth, grab your bag, and finally head out the door. spatial sequential order of importance cause and effect


A kindergarten teacher has planned a multi-week process where her class will learn a new word family each day. They will read books and sing songs that contain words from the family, collaborate to think of and make a list of the words and write in their journals using the words. Besides the role of word families to support reading development, what other skill is the teacher directly supporting with this activity? syllable segmentation morphology spelling word awareness


A new second-grade teacher, Mrs. Jensen, is spending a few days before school setting up her classroom environment. The previous teacher had all classroom reading material arranged by reading level and organized on bookshelves at the back of the class. Mrs. Jensen browses these shelves and selects 5-10 texts related to topics she thinks students will enjoy, such as animals, cars, or space. Once she has curated small selections, she designs mini display areas throughout the classroom to feature the texts and other relevant, topical information. Students can borrow from these displays to read during silent reading time or check out the text to take home. By designing her classroom in this way, Mrs. Jensen is displaying an understanding that: students need time during instruction to read in order to develop strong reading habits. students at this grade level are too young to select texts on their own and require teacher intervention to be successful readers. students feel overwhelmed when too many reading options are available to choose from which could result in students who are disinterested in choosing new texts. students develop a life-long love of reading when they can easily find reading materials that interest them.

students develop a life-long love of reading when they can easily find reading materials that interest them.

The following is an excerpt from a formative assessment that will be given to a third-grade class. Students have just completed a short story unit where they worked on identifying and understanding various literary elements. 12. Which of the following lines from the text helps the reader imagine the main character's fear? A. "The wind rustled the branches of the trees..." B. "The snow sat softly on the leaves like marshmallow puffs..." C. "To her left, Sarah spied a family of rabbits munching peacefully..." D. "...she walked with trepidation through the woods..." While analyzing the results, the teacher discovers that only 5% of the class successfully picked the correct answer, D. This test question should be considered invalid because: students needed too much prior knowledge to correctly answer the question. it is too subjective and may not yield the same results if the test was repeated. students need to know the definition of "trepidation" in order to correctly answer the question. there are multiple correct answers students might choose.

students need to know the definition of "trepidation" in order to correctly answer the question.

A teacher is planning a phonics lesson for her class of third graders. Based on the TEKS for English Language Arts and Reading, which of the following skills is most likely to be the focus of this phonics lesson? apply letter-sound relationships when decoding words in context and isolation use letter-sound relationships to decode CVC words the sound-spelling pattern that occurs in words like, thought, tough, through, cough, and bought words that begin or end with consonant blends

the sound-spelling pattern that occurs in words like, thought, tough, through, cough, and bought

A first-grade classroom has a small number of ELL students. All of the students are able to identify all English phonemes and have begun to recognize high-frequency words and sight words in connected text, but, as expected, they still struggle with reading speed and accuracy, especially with words that must be decoded. The teacher pulls the students into a small group and presents them with sentence trees like the one below. We We ran We ran to We ran to the We ran to the red We ran to the red slide. Reading from sentence trees like this will benefit these ELL students because: they can read one new word at a time per line, and rereading the same words in each line will help them read the whole sentence faster. they can practice reading sight words in context instead of in isolation. they can see the progression of words that form a complete sentence and thought. they can use the practiced final line to communicate with peers more easily.

they can read one new word at a time per line, and rereading the same words in each line will help them read the whole sentence faster.

For Earth Day, a teacher finds an article discussing modern farming practices and their impacts on the environment. The students are given a cause & effect graphic organizer to complete independently while reading. After reading, the class discusses the main idea of the article and possible changes people could make to reduce the farming impacts. This type of informational text would be best suited for students in which minimum grade level, according to the TEKS benchmarks for reading comprehension? fifth grade first grade second grade third grade

third grade

A first-grade teacher puts two bowls on the table at the front of the classroom. She tells the students that one bowl is full of note cards with random short sentences written on them. Students will be asked to come up to the table and pull one card out to read aloud. The teacher demonstrates by selecting and reading a card that says, "The fish swam fast." Next, students will select a card from the second bowl. These cards have an emotion and a picture of the emotion on the card. Once students have drawn an emotion, they are asked to read the original sentence again, this time reading with the specified emotion. What is the most likely primary goal of this activity? to practice reading with accuracy to practice oral presentation skills to practice reading prosody to practice decoding words with consonant blends & digraphs

to practice reading prosody

Every Monday students in a first-grade class are asked to write about a topic of their choice. The teacher informally reviews these journals as a way to assess her student's progress with certain orthographic or grammatical concepts. A student writes the following sentence. We got ice creem and spended time at the bech. Based on this writing sample, this student is most likely in which stage of spelling development? precommunicative conventional semiphonetic transitional


In which of the following stages of spelling development does the child start to leave behind their phonetic dependence and rely on visual and morphemic strategies? precommunicative conventional transitional semiphonetic


According to the TEKS benchmarks for syllabication and morphemic analysis, by the end of second grade, a student should be able to: use prefixes and suffixes to decode the meaning of words. use Greek and Latin to decode word meanings. use suffixes to decode the meaning of words.

use prefixes and suffixes to decode the meaning of words.

A third-grade teacher is planning a lesson on themes using a book about a little girl that wants to be an engineer. She will anchor the lesson with a read aloud and facilitate various activities that relate back to the story. In the story, the young girl faces a mixture of obstacles that involve inventions that fail, perceived lack of support from those around her, and not feeling confident in herself, before ultimately realizing that failures are all a part of learning. After reading the book aloud, the teacher will use the story to introduce the concept of theme. Together, the class will discuss what message the author was trying to help the students learn. The teacher is concerned that the students will struggle to jump directly from the read aloud to theme analysis. Which of the following activities would best help scaffold this process? providing the students with a list of mood words and asking them to circle any mood words that relate to events in the story comparing the structure of the fiction story with the structure of a previously read informative text about inventors providing time for a quick write in their journals in which they reflect on whether or not they enjoyed the story using a graphic organizer to facilitate the identification of conflicts in the story and descriptions of how the conflicts turned out

using a graphic organizer to facilitate the identification of conflicts in the story and descriptions of how the conflicts turned out Themes are very often related to the main conflict and its resolution. In this case, the question prompt suggests that a main theme relates to learning from failure, so recognizing the failed inventions as a conflict will support their conversation about the theme.

After students developed a strong sense of morphological awareness, a teacher plays a word game where students use prefixes and suffixes they know to create new words. The teacher provides students with manipulatives, some of which have prefixes or suffixes while others have words/roots. Students are allowed to create as many new words as they'd like and are asked to provide a definition of the term. This activity helps promote a student's word consciousness by: providing students with a list of possible synonyms to use while speaking and writing in the future. showing students that individual words combine to create sentences. introducing students to new vocabulary words authentically. using a low-stakes word game to allow students to see connections between real words as they create fake words.

using a low-stakes word game to allow students to see connections between real words as they create fake words.

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