Study Cards Chapter 1-6

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What is absolute distance?

Absolute distance is the physical measure of separation between points or places in meters or feet.

What can Accessibility be described as?

Accessibility can be described by a place's connectivity, in other words, the number and types of linkages it possesses.

What does globalization cause to be more alike?

According to the homogenization thesis, globalization makes cultural tastes, beliefs, & practices converge and be more alike.

What is an example of policy?

An example of policy development would be the creation of the WTO, world trade organization.

How does cartographic scale work in large scale and small scale?

Cartographic is Large scale shows much greater detail but smaller area. Small scale shows larger area such as continents or several states,

What does Coca-Colonization imply?

Coca-Colonization implies the hegemony/dominance of MNCs creates a set of power relations similar to that between a country and its colonies.

What is commodification associated with?

Commodification is closely associated with consumption.

How does complementarity begin?

Complementarity happens because of spatial variation.

What is complementarity, provide an example?

Complementarity is when one place/region can supply the demand for resources in another place/region. An example is when Coffee producers in Brazil, Colombia, and Indonesia help satisfy the demand for coffee in major consuming regions like western Europe and North America.

What are cultural geographers mainly interested in?

Cultural Geographers are interested in commodification of culture.

What is culture?

Culture is a complex system that is shaped by people and, in turn, influences them.

What are the three meanings of Culture, explain?

Culture is a social creation that reflects diverse economic, historical, political, social, and environmental factors. Culture is dynamic, which is illustrated by the phrase ¨culture wars¨. Lastly, Culture is a complex system, through the interactions with one another, people create and express culture, and in turn, culture shapes and influences people.

What did people use to think of culture as?

Culture used to be thought of as specific habits and fixed expressions.

How can distance decay be important?

Distance decay can be an important factor when deciding where to locate for certain businesses or public services.

Why is distance important?

Distance is an important aspect of accessibility, but other aspects can be more important than distance.

What can remote sensing provide information on?

Early remote sensing involved weather monitoring and forecasting. Today, we study the spatial extent of urban areas or to track oil spills or other pollution. We can also use remote sensing to record the extent and damage caused by fires, hurricanes, or other natural hazards.

Who created the term Spatial interaction, and what is the meaning?

Edward Ullman created the term spatial interaction before globalization became popular. Spatial Interaction is the movement of goods and information.

Describe Environmental Determinism and why was it popular in the 20th century?

Environmental determinism is the belief that natural factors control the development of human physiological and mental qualities. It was popular in the 20th century since the cause-effect relationship that forms the basis and the similar natural setting do not produce the same cultural practices or human behavior.

What evidence or examples that we have to prove of human activity?

Evidence of human activity is all around us, from our natural landscapes to our cultural landscapes.

How does FDi create impact?

FDI impacts in different ways,FDI increases the​ flow of cash ​ in a country and can help promote economic activity​, raise ​employment,​ and lead to the transfer of ​knowledge​, ​technology​,& ​infrastructure​.

What is FDI?

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is when MNCs transfer ​money​ from their ​home countries ​to foreign/host countries to finance (pay for) their overseas business activities.

How does GIS help us improve?

GIS allows us to improve the functionality of maps and the spatial analysis of georeferenced data.

What does GIS help with or solve?

GIS helps with modeling social and environmental conditions, and making planning decisions.

What does GIS store?

GIS is a kind of database that stores information in different layers.

How is GIS considered a tool?

GIS is considered a tool since it has tremendous potential to help solve problems.

What does GIS refer to?

GIS refers to a combination of hardware and software that allows the input, management, analysis, and visualization (making it into a picture) of georeferenced data.

What is Global Positioning System (GPS)?

GPS uses satellites in space, radio signals, and receivers to determine the absolute location of people, places, or features on Earth.

Who rejected Environmental Determinism?

Geographer Carl Sauer rejected Environmental Determinism.

What does geographic scale provide?

Geographic scale provides a way of depicting, in reduced form, all or part of the world.

What can cause three different scales and what scales are they?

Globalization can cause things that are popular on a local, regional, or national scale level become popular on a global level, but in less detail.

Where does Globalization come from?

Globalization comes from the expansion of ​capitalism​ and ​international trades​.

What does Globalization describe?

Globalization describes those processes contributing to greater ​interconnectedness​ and interdependence among the world's ​people​, places, and institutions.

Does globalization change the absolute distance between places?

Globalization does not change the absolute distance between places, but it can change their accessibility as more places become interconnected.

What has Globalization caused?

Globalization has made possible, and with the Internet, helped cross border criminal networks.

What is the cause of spatial interaction?

Globalization is both the cause and an effect of spatial interaction.

What does Globalization refer to?

Globalization refers to the greater interconnectedness and interdependence of people and places around the world because of spatial interaction, which is the connections and relationships among places and regions as a result of the movement or flow of people, goods, or information.

When does Glocalization take place?

Glocalization happens when a MNC changes its business practices to reflect local preferences.

What appearance does Glocalization provide?

Glocalization provides an outward appearance of Heterogeneity that hides the overall Standardization of business & cultural practices!

What word/s are used to describe when a virus spreads, or news?

How fashion, news, gossip, or a virus spreads from one place to another is called spatial diffusion.

How do we as people make landscapes change due to human activity?

How we can make landscapes change is by making a simple rounded hill transform to a stepped hill.

How did Human Geographers change the old thoughts of what culture was?

Human Geographers have redefined culture with the following three attributes, culture is a complex system, culture is dynamic, and culture is a social creation.

What do Human Geographers study?

Human Geographers study settlement patterns, the structures people build, the architectural styles they choose, and the ways people use land, to provide clues about a people's values, identity, and more broadly, their cultures.

What do Human Geographers study on the topic of space?

Human Geographers study spatial variation and spatial association, both of which depend on understanding how distribution works.

What does Intervening Opportunity mean?

Intervening Opportunity means when a different location can provide a desired good more economically.

Who created the term geoslavery and what does this term mean?

Jerome Dobson and Peter Fisher created the term GeoSlavery. Geoslavery refers to one entity or master, compelling by force, intimidation, or authority or by stealth, monitors and exerts control over the physical location of another individual or ¨slave¨.

What are MNCs profits?

MNC earned revenue (profit) of more than $400 ​billion​.

What are the two different cultures?

Material culture includes the tangible and visible artifacts,implements/tools, and structures created by people. Also, Nonmaterial culture is associated with oral traditions and behavioral practices.

How do the modifiers of the Earth see nature?

Modifiers of the Earth see nature as a social construction, human beings make up this idea from a shared perception and understanding.

Why do scholars doubt or stress about globalization and homogenization?

Most scholars doubt we will see a complete homogenization, also scholars stress globalization is not unidirectional from the West to the rest of the world.

What is MNC?

Multinational Corporations (MNC) own ​offices or ​production​ facilities in one or more other countries.

What is nature?

Nature is the physical environment and does not include people.

How does Nature-Culture Dualism affect our society?

Nature-Culture Dualism affects our society by changing the perspective of how we view it.

What does James Shortridge describe about Neolocalism?

Neolocalism, coined by geographer James R. Shortridge, describes a renewed interest in sustaining & promoting the uniqueness of a place.

Why are people intricately connected with the natural world?

People are intricately connected with the natural world because the Earth functions as a system of diverse components that interact in complex ways, also the Earth is constantly changing because of natural and human-induced events.

What is the purpose behind humans having creativity?

People use their creativity to respond to the conditions or constraints of the environment.

What is the meaning of place?

Place is important because it contributes to the social, political, and economic functioning of our world.

What does ¨place¨ provide?

Place provides an anchor for human identity. An example is when you meet someone new, we ask ¨What is your name¨.

What does policy include?

Policy includes laws and situational arrangements.

What does Pop Culture encompass?

Pop Culture encompasses products that are mass-produced, such as music, video games, TV shows , cars, & clothing; as well as widely held attitudes about preferred forms (opinions) of leisure, recreation, & entertainment.

What is relative distance?

Relative Distance is the separation between points or places in terms of time, cost, or some other measure.

What does remote sensing use to help provide information?

Remote sensing uses instruments or sensors to detect Earth-related phenomena and provide information about them. Usually, the sensors are always located at a distance from the subject being studied.

What are examples of MNC places?

Some are Honda, Mcdonalds and Adidas.

What are examples of Globalization?

Some examples of globalization are in the geography of the ​food​ we eat and the ​clothes​ we wear.

What are some examples of obtaining georeferenced data?

Some examples of obtained georeferenced data from various sources, including paper maps, satellite imagery, aerial photography, and GPS devices to name a few.

What does space emphasize to Human Geographers?

Space emphasizes a spatial perspective.

How does spatial diffusion occur?

Spatial diffusion occurs by a combination of methods.

What has made it possible to reduce the friction of distance?

Technological innovations in transportation and communication have made it possible to reduce the friction of distance.

Where does the FDI tend to go?

The FDI tends to go to Europe since European countries got way less than others.

What is the Polarization thesis?

The Polarization thesis is, globalization contributes to a heightened sense of socioculturally that serves to fragment people and trigger social disorder & instability instead of creating standardized global culture.

What is the purpose of WTO?

The WTO's purpose is to ​establish​ & ​enforce​ the rules of trade.

What are the cultural consequences of globalization?

The cultural consequences of globalization are homogenization thesis, the polarization thesis, and globalization.

Can you explain the data structure of GIS?

The data structure of GIS stores information in different layers. GIS can do many things: it can link data, reveal new relationships, visualize them with maps, obtain information, turn different data off and on, and query that data.

What is the fastest way to transport a message, today?

The fastest way to transport a message today is through a device such as a computer, phone, etc.

What are the five major factors that encourage globalization?

The five factors are searching for goods that can be produced and distributed efficiently,technology advantages especially in areas of transportation, reduced business cost, an increase in flows of financial capital, and policy includes laws and situational arrangements.

What are the four applications of GIS?

The four applications of GIS are Vector data(point), Vector data(line), Raster data(relief), and vector and raster data combined(political).

What are four ways to discuss the relationship between people and nature?

The four different ways to discuss the relationship between people and nature are Environmental determinism, Possibilism, Human as Modifiers of the Earth, and lastly the Earth as a dynamic, integrated system.

What are the four elements?

The four elements are Land, Water, Fire, and Air. Also, I could say dry, cold, wet, and hot.

What are the 4 types of diffusion?

The four types of diffusions are relocation, contagious, hierarchical, and stimulus.

What is the point or benefit behind Technology Diversification?

The meaning of technology diversification is, all the different ones that people create are used to expand or solve the problem that the environment causes.

What is the purpose of geometric principles of triangles?

The purpose of geometric principles of triangles is when you use multiple satellites, you can use geometric principles of triangles to determine the latitude, longitude, and altitude of locations on Earth.

What is Mcdonaldization?

The term McDonaldization refers to the standardization of eating habits, specifically through fast food being served out of paper wraps.

What are the three factors that influence spatial interactions?

The three factors that influence spatial interactions are complementarity, transferability, and intervening opportunity.

What are three types of regions, explain?

The three types of regions are Formal Areas, Functional Areas and Perceptual Area. Formal areas possess one or more unifying physical or cultural traits. Functional Areas are unified by specific economic, political, or social activity. Lastly, Perceptual Area comes from people's sense of identity and attachment to an area.

What is the total value of FDI?

The total value of FDI now exceeds $1.5 ​trillion​ annually, with half flowing to ​developed​ regions.

What are the two main branches of Geography and explain them?

The two main branches of Geography are Physical Geography and Human Geography. Physical Geography focuses on Environmental Dynamics, such as water quality and forest management. Human Geography focuses on Social Dynamics like economics development and ethnic identity.

Can you name two types of geographic scales?

The two types of geographic scales are map or cartographic scale and observational or methodological.

What does placelessness describe?

The word placelessness to describe the loss of unique character of different places and the increasing standardization of places and cultural landscapes.

What are two types/kinds of space, and explain them?

There are two kinds of space, absolute and relative. Absolute space refers to an area whose dimensions, distances, directions, and contents can be Precisely measured. Relative space is created and defined by human interactions, perceptions, or relations between events.

What are the two ways to georeference data, explain?

There are two ways to georeference data, one is Direct georeferencing which uses latitude and longitude. The other one is Indirect georeferencing uses street addresses,zip code, school district, census tract.

How many MNCs are there?

There are ​82,000​ MNCs with ​810,000 foreign affiliates.

Why is there a dynamic relationship between local and global?

There is always a dynamic relationship between local and global because MNCs pursue globalization to win consumers and gain profits, some experts see the adaptations (changes) to be superficial.

What else does the different types of diffusion play a role in?

They are also absorbing barriers like physical, legal, or other obstacles that stop diffusion, and permeable barriers that affect the rate and direction of spatial diffusion.

What are three major criticisms of GIS?

Three criticisms are you have to access the necessary hardware and software. Another is, GIS reinforces one power divide in society such that only individuals and institutions that have the requisite financial resources can purchase and use GIS. Lastly, it promotes a detached and strongly western view of the world.

What is transferability affected by?

Transferability is affected by the friction of distance, which means the way distance can impede movement or interaction between places.

What does Transferability mean?

Transferability is the cost of moving is good and the ability of the good to withstand that cost.

Who is an expert in Spatial Interaction modeling?

Waldo Tobler is an expert in spatial interaction modeling.

What has to apply so you can think like a Human Geographer?

What has to apply to think like a Human Geographer, you need to think about place, space, spatial diffusion, spatial interaction, and scale.

What matters most to people using glocalized items?

What matters most is how people use glocalized products, and the meanings they associate with them!

Did the Greeks believe in Environmental Determinism, justify your reason with an example?

Yes, the Greeks did believe in Environmental Determinism, they also believed that weather affects mental capabilities.

What makes it possible to ski in a desert country?

You are able to ski in a desert country nowadays because of the technology that we have invented such as AC to make this happen.

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