Study Guide: Genesis 1-11 Creation, the Fall, Sin Stories

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In how many days did God create the earth?

7 days.

Original Justice.

A state where man were created.

Describe the Fall of Adam and Eve. What was Adam's role? How did he fail (in his relationship with God and with Eve)? How will Jesus correct this?

Adam and Eve fell for the serpent trick. They both ate the fruit of the Good and Evil tree. Adam role was to protect the garden. He didn't protect his Wife from the serpent and he didn't follow God orders. Jesus sacrificed himself for us to be with God.

How do Adam and Eve respond to each other and to God after the fall? What do they lack? How should they have responded?

Adam and Eve played the blame game and they both hid from God. They lack the trust and love for God. They should have responded by listening and love God.

How does Jesus do what Adam should have done and restore the broken relationship between God and man? Describe and depict it.

Adam should have protected the garden, because he was scared of getting hurt. Jesus sacrificed himself for us, so that we can be with God.

What did the relationship between Adam and Eve look like before the Fall? After it?

Adam wills the good to Eve and Eve entrusts Adam. The serpent added doubt into the cycle and the cycle crumbles, so Adam and Eve trusts themselves.

Noah and the flood


What are the two components of human beings?

Body and Soul.



Why does Cain kill Abel?

Cain killed Abel out of jealousy.


Devil or God Enemy.

What did the devil insert into the relationship between God and Adam?


Tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Free will.

What 5 books are included in the Pentateuch?

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Define anthropomorphism.

Give human characteristics to non-human beings.

What does the relationship between God and Adam look like before the Fall? After it?

God wills the good to Adam and Adam entrusts God. The serpent added doubt into the cycle and the cycle crumbles, so Adam trusts himself.

List the beings on the Hierarchy of being from highest to lowest.

God, Angels, Humans, Animals, Plants, and Inanimate (nonliving).

Author's background?

Hebrew concept of the universe, Middle-East.

God is building a _________ for a man. The three days in which God builds the house are days of _________ and the second three days in which God fills the space. He has made are days of _________.

House. Separation. Decoration.

Memorize the Protoevangelism. Write it out below.

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers: They will strike at your head while you strike at their feet.

What do we do with each of the faculties of the soul?

Intellect - Think. Will - Love and Choose.

What are the two faculties of the human soul?

Intellect and Will.



Eve's creation from Adam's rib.

Jesus pierce side.

The man who will crush the serpent's head is _________.




The woman at enmity with Satan is fulfilled in _________.


Angel means.


Who is the author of the Pentateuch?


Do we become angels when we die? Explain.

No, because we humans have a body and a soul. While the angels are pure spirit.

God commands Adam to care for the garden (Stewardship) and also to protect/guard it. Does Adam succeed? Explain why.

No, he fails to protect the garden from the serpent. Which the serpent inserts doubt to Adam.

Is Genesis a myth?


God creates out of _________ which shows that God is above _________.

Nothing. Matter.

The Protoevangelium is the first promise of a _________ found in Genesis _________.

Offspring. 15.

List some attributes of God. Which attribute of God is considered to be the greatest?

One, Unique, Infinite, Eternal, Uncreated, Immutable (unchanging), Immerce, Incomprehensible, Omniscient (All-knowing), Omnipresent (All- present), Omnipotent (All-powerful) Purely spiritual being and Merciful. Merciful or Mercy is the greatest attribute of God.

God brings all the animals to Adam for him to name to teach Adam what?

Original Solitude.

What 3 truths must we believe about the creation of man even if we believe in evolution?

Our soul is not a product of evolution. Woman and men share the same nature. Monogenism: one set of first parents.

Why did Cain kill Abel? Did God try to help Cain before he went too far? What does this teach us about our relationship to others? Are we responsible in part for their well-being?

Out of Jealousy. Yes, he was warning Cain to overcome his Jealousy. As humans, we make mistakes. While God tries to warn us, before we make them. We choose not to listen. Well, God wants us to help other people as best as we can.

What form of writing is used in Genesis 1-11?


Naming of animals.

Power to rule.

Because God is all _________ he speaks and it happens.


What does God do on the 7th day, and does 7 points to?

Rest and covenant.

The punishments that God gives to Adam and Eve are meant to teach them that love requires _________.


What six gifts that God give man before the Fall

Sanctifying Grace. Immortality. Infused knowledge. Body. Soul. Integrity.

The rest of Genesis 1-11 shows how all _________ flows from the original sin.

Sin and conflict.

Breath of God.


Define concupiscence.

Tendency of sin.

List the other sin stories recounted in Genesis 3-11.

The Fall of Adam and Eve. (Man vs. God) Shame. (Man vs. Himself) Cain murders Abel. (Man vs. Man) Noah and the Ark. (Man vs. Nature) Tower of Babel. (Man vs. Nation)

How do Adam and Eve react to God after the first sin? What should have done?

They both hid themselves, instead of asking for forgiveness.

What does the creation of Eve from Adam's rib teach us? (3 things)

They have the same nature or destiny. Unity. Complementarity.

What is another name for the Pentateuch?


What does the author of Genesis intend to teach? Science? Does is teach history like we do today?

Truths about the relationship between God, creation, and man. It does not teach science. They do not teach history like us.

Define Parable.

Uses symbols to represent historical facts.

Where are some ways that Genesis differs greatly from other creation myths.

Violence vs. peacefully, man vs. demons, and God vs. gods.

The purpose of the sin stories is to show how man continues to increase in _________.


Define Love.

Willing or choosing the good of another.

Does Genesis teach truth?


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