subscription databases
another subscription database?
Facts on File (BRMS has one month free trial)
cannot be accessed through what?
google search
how do you get to World Book Online?
media center website, or search it
name three features of a subscription database
1. Simplifies the research process- gathers information together in one place 2. Reliable and authoritative sources- most articles signed by the author, written by experts in the field 3. Articles are geared to students 4. "Full text articles-- not just abstracts (full text: the whole article incorporated) (abstract: summary of article) 5. Citations provided 6. Can organize your research through online folder 7. Can email articles to yourself
what is a subscription database?
a collection of articles, timelines, images, maps, videos and more, usually on a particular subject (one stop shop)
every article in World Book has...
author at the bottom and citation provided for you (MLA)
what is the user and password for World Book Online?
what is a primary source
eyewitness account, someone or something there at the time and place of the event
what example is used to show subscription database?
iceberg because... tip- what you see is what you would get in a google search below the water- where you cannot see which is subscription database
how many online subscription databases does BRMS subscribe to and what is it?
one- World Book Online
what do you need to get into any subscription database?
examples of primary sources
picture, documents ex. DOI
do you have to pay a fee to use them?
why is a subscription database part of the invisible web?
you cannot access any of their data through a regular google search