Substance Abuse Final

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subgroups of Hispanic or Latino populations

- mexican - puerto rican - cuban - south or central american - spanish

Alcoholics Anonymous

Characteristics: - 12 step principles suggested for recovery - spiritual in nature - guides to progress not perfection - designed by fellow alcoholics - 12 traditions for non-organization - no cross talk - long standing members intervene with new members - criticism and humor


Community Reinforcement and Family Training Approach - treatment intervention - 12 hr sessions, teaches family skills needed to help change their interaction style and develop a new way of dealing with the abuser - opposite of Al- Anon - teaches specific skills to family members in the belief that they can make a difference

man-made substances related to testosterone



a battery powered device that heats the liquid inside a cartridge creating a vapor that can be inhaled, also called vaping

Drugs and health blog

a blog written by the NDA specifically for teens to address hot topics and answer common questions about drugs and alcohol


a colorless, flammable liquid that is the intoxicating substance found in beverages such as beer, wine, or whiskey


a highly addictive drug made from morphine, a naturally occurring substance that comes from poppy plants


a leafy plant that contains the highly addictive chemical nicotine


a mix of shredded plant material sprayed with man-made chemicals to produce mind altering effects


a mixture of the dried and shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of cannabis sativa

role theory

a perspective in sociology and in social psychology that considers most of everyday activity to be the acting out of socially defined categories - Chemically dependent - family manager - Hero- first born - scapegoat- to blame - Lost child - mascot

Shatter the myth

a phrase that the NDA uses to highlight the fact that young people are bombarded with myths about drugs from music, TV, movies, and social media


a powerful drug that distorts a person's sense of reality made from a compound found in a fungus

Powdered caffeine

a powerful stimulant that can cause accidental overdose in very small amounts


a very addictive man-made stimulant drug, also known as meth or speed

NIDA for teens

a website that helps educate young people about the truth and the myths surrounding drugs and alcohol

NIDA for teachers

a website that helps teachers develop classroom activities about the scientific truth and common myths about drugs and alcohol


acknowledges concerns, considers the possibility for the need to change,

the major thesis of family counseling

addiction is a family issue


addictive stimulant drugs that comes in two forms: powder cocaine and crack cocaine


addressed in substance abuse treatment but ignored by professional therapist


also known as Ecstasy/Molly - a man-made drug that produces energizing affects similar to stimulants called amphetamines as well as effects that distort a person sense of reality

Drug and alcohol chat day

an annual live, online chat held between high school students and NDA scientists during national drug and alcohol facts week

National drug and alcohol IQ challenge

an interactive online quiz to test your knowledge about drugs and alcohol


battery operated devices known as vaporizers designed to deliver nicotine to the lungs without burning tobacco


building solidarity so individual in question will not be able to play one family member against each other

Traditional cultural and spiritual practices in Native American treatment

ceremonial healing of spirit, mind and body


chemicals found in ordinary household or workplace products that people inhale on purpose to get high

Historical Trauma

cumulative cultural, emotional, and psychological wounding across generations that result from trauma

Rules of an alcoholic family

don't talk, don't trust, don't feel


drugs that distort a person's sense of reality, often causing hallucinations, sensations and images that seem real but are not

Prescription opioids

drugs that relieve pain from surgery or injuries and usually require a doctors prescription

Twelve-step facilitation therapy

focus is on abstinence, family involvement, education, aftercare, paid professionals, complete steps in time frame, cost, monitored by state

Recovery Management philosophy

focuses on designing services based on the magnitude of the problem the amount of the recovery capital available to individual clients within their communities, identifies strengths and resources within communities that have overlooked in traditional acute care models.

medicine wheel

four components of the inner circle: spirit, natural environment, body, mind. 4 directions: - east - belonging - south- mastery - west- independence - north -generosity, out of harmony


general lack of knowledge of the magnitude of the problem


help families clarify their roles and strategies for effecting change,

american indians

highest poverty rates in families


learned values, behaviors and beliefs shared by other group members, including lang, spiritual ideals, and worldview

Prescription drugs

medications for an illness or condition that can help a person when properly prescribed but can become addictive when misused


metaphor for disease a threshold disease mental, physical, and spiritual

Twelve-step group

mutual help groups-practiced in community, not treatment, spiritually based, maintenance of abstinence, self supporting, led by fellow alcoholics, free, no funding, no licensing or monitoring Minnesota Model- facilitation, groups- AA


nickname for bath salts which are drugs that contain man-made stimulants called cathinones

SMART Recovery

self management and recovery training, alternative mutual help group, principles of cognitive -behavioral therapy, emotional behavior therapy, more a maladaptive behavior then a disease

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