Surgery mcq´s 112-223

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142. Name the early complications penetrant chest injury: 1 intrapulmonary hematoma 2 Haemothorax pleuropulmonary shock 3. Pneumonia 4. Select the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3

145. Bleeding stop biological techniques: 1. tamponade with large mesentery 2 tamponade with muscle 3. Intravenous frozen plasma transfusion 4 Intravenous administration of aminocaproic 5. Intravenous Injection vikasola Choose the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3

175. What is the nature of pain is characterized by deforming arthrosis start-up stage? 1. Pain starting to walk 2. Night pain 3 pain after prolonged walking 4. Driving continuous pain at rest Choose the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3

196. In order to determine the viability of the bowel loops jammed hernia, rather focus on the following features: 1. Casings color 2 peristalsis existence 3 mesenteric vascular pulsation 4. Pleural hernia bag 5. Blown jammed intestine loop Select the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3

215. In the treatment of diffuse peritonitis, necessarily applied: 1. Elimination of the causes of peritonitis 2. Abdominal remediation 3. Water-salt metabolism correction 4. Antibacterial therapy 5. Steroidal hormones Choose the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3, 4

132. About Crohn's disease may be thinking, if the patient is: 1. Abdominal pain in the lower part on the right side 2. Diarrhea 3. Fever 4. dysuria 5. Hyperleukocytosis. Select the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3, 5

170. Colon Transverse mandatory pre-cancerous disease is and requires surgical treatment: 1. Family polyposis 2 Solitaire polyps adenoma Villoza 3 4 5 Crohn's disease and non-specific ulcerative colitis Select the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3, 5

208. Non-specific ulcerative colitis typical complications: 1. Bleeding 2. Acute transverse colon toxic dilatation 3. Peritonitis 4.Mehaniska intestinal impenetrability 5. Internal and external intestinal fistula Choose the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3, 5

210. What diseases can accompany the release of blood through the anus? 1. Hemorrhoids Colon diverticulosis 2. 3. 4. Colon cancer Colon irritation sidroms 5. Non-specific ulcerative colitis Select the correct answer option:

1, 2, 3, 5

112. Are suspected of having lung cancer, if the following symptoms: 1. Dry, "barking" cough dyspnoea 2 under load 3. Arterial hipertenzija4. Non-pain in the chest side Haemoptysis 5. Select the correct answer option:

1, 2, 4, 5th

178. Name the most characteristic clinical signs of bleeding: 1. Dizziness 2. coldness, chills 3. Pulse acceleration 4. Thirst 5. Pressure drop Select the correct answer option:

1, 3, 4, 5

131. The colonic diverticulosis complete treatment principles perforations cases: 1. The casings 2, defects of the abdominal cavity restoration any gadījumā3. Water- electrolyte balance correction vomiting gadījumos4. Antibacterial therapy 5. Isolated parenteral feeding acute situācijāsIzvēlieties correct answers option:

1, 3, 4, 5th

209. Factors contributing to the development of ileus have the left side of the colon tumors in (as opposed to right): 1. Casings smaller diameter 2. Fast growing character 3. Tumor big size 4. Thick intestinal contents 5. Tumor growth stenosing Choose the correct answer option:

1, 4, 5

176. Stomach resection due to cancer surgery varies from ulcer disease: 1. Small kurvatūras complete withdrawal 2. towns and mesentery resection 3 A.gastrica SINISTRA dressing at the point of departure from celiac trunc 4.Stomach resection always at least subtotal 5. Gastro-enteroanastomozes creation of a mechanical apparatus Select the correct answer option:

2, 3, 4

212. What diagnostic measures to be made to confirm the diagnosis: intestinal impenetrability (ileus)? 1. Leukocyte count 2 Stomach probe insertion 3. Abdominal auscultation 4. Abdominal review RTG-skopija upright 5. Abdominal palpation, per rectum investigation Select the correct answer option:

2, 3, 4, 5

172. The best abdominal remediation technique diffuse peritonitis appropriate

Abdominal lavage with a large quantity of liquid and subsequent aspiration pump, drainage and lavage postoperatively

136. Diffuse peritonitis symptoms are all except:

Active blinded

159. What sets hernia irreponibilitāti?

Adhesions between the contents of the hernia and the hernia sac

119. What factors can contribute to 9 eventerāciju? 1. The re-operation through previous cuts 2. Wound suppuration 3 hypoproteinaemia and hipovitaminoze 4.Severe cough and vomiting after surgery 5. oncological slimībasIzvēlieties correct answers option:

All correct answers

133. What are the complications seen in patients with colon diverticulosis? 1 retroperitoneal flegmonu 2 diverticular perforations 3. Bleeding 4. Intestinal obstruction to infiltrātu5. Intestinal fistula Choose the correct answer option:

All correct answers

135. Of these is correct and acceptable acute ileus have diagnostic ileus determining the type? 1. Mechanical obstruction typical radiographic symptoms appear 3-6 h. the onset of the disease 2. Clear mehaniska bowel obstruction X-ray examination by oral administration of barium are not desirable Vomiting 3 develops the faster the higher are localized blockage 4. Previously-operated patients obstruction caused in most cases adhesions, non-operated patients older - obturējošs colon tumor Select correct answers option:

All correct answers

137. Subdiafragmāla abscess occurs with: 1. Reduced lung tours 2. Highly-standing dome diaphragm 3 basal lung atelektāzes4. 5. cough pain with irradiation to shoulder Select the correct answer option:

All correct answers

164. What complications can occur sliemniekiem with acute cholecystitis? 1 could cover the gallbladder perforācija2. Mehaniska jaundice Liver abscesses 3 4 5 cholangitis and pancreatitis Gallbladder empyema and gangrene Choose the correct answer option:

All correct answers

174. Show early signs of tetanus: 1. Occipital muscle rigidity 2. Insomnia 3. masticatory muscle trismus 4. Muscle fibrillation wound area Choose the correct answer option:

All correct answers

195. What objective is finding a contraindication to breast cancer radical surgery to treat? 1 palpable supraclavicular lymph nodes 2. Hand swelling tumor half 3 Kanceromatozais pleurisy 4 Limfogrāfiski demonstrated enlarged lymph nodes along a.thoracica interna 2-third intercostal gap Choose the right level of answers to:

All correct answers

200. What is the Mellor-Weiss syndrome?

Cardia gastric mucosa slight fracture

152. Undifferentiated lung cancer is the central form of a poor prognosis, so that undifferentiated lung cancer central form quickly limfogēni metastasize and become inoperable:


161. Patients with chronic gastritis ahīlisku jādispanserizē, so that the stomach is ahīlija precursors status:


162. Penetrating duodenal ulcers is indicated for operative treatment because penetrant duodenal ulcer is characterized by a high basal secretion difficult to give up the conservative therapy:


126. Morphine drug administration acute pancreatitis is contraindicated because of this preparation izsaukltais mosquitoes sphincter spasm difficult to conduct pancreatitis:


197. At right inguinal hernia it occurs more often than the oblique, so that a right inguinal hernia often formed the elderly


198. Patients with white line hernia investigated the gastrointestinal tract, so that the white line hernia


211. For the diagnosis of colon cancer patient indicated irrigoskopija or colonoscopy because rectal vēţa7 - 15% of cases occurring in the colon tumor dubultlokalizāciju:


169. About any illness you think if a patient with abdominal pain and frequent liquid bowel is polyarthritis, iridocyclitis and recurrent small intestine fistula?

Crohn's disease

122. Acute gastric ulcer most often manifested by:

Epigastric pain

134. The patient complains of severe pain near the anus after defecation and minor bleeding (2-3 drops) after stools, as well as chronic constipation and fear of the bowel, accompanied by the above- mentioned complaints. Your previous diagnosis?

Fissura ani

148. Forearm wound primary surgical finishing contraindications are:

III degree of shock

194. What are the indications for platelet transfusion:

Insufficient blood cells, platelets increased consumption of functional inferiority

213. Paralytic ileus ascertained in the case of all except:

Kolikveidīg as pain

177. Who is the founder of antiseptics in surgery:


188. Uncomplicated chronic pleural empyema case, the lungs lose the opportunity to expand due to:

Massive pleural layering of the pleura

190. Mediastinal tumors most accurate diagnostic method is:

Mediastinos kopija biopsy

118. 48-year-old patient is taken to the clinic 8 complaining of severe pain in the chest and between the shoulder blades, which started during the intense vomiting. Patient in shock, temperature 39.5 °, leukocytosis 20 000 radiographically: left hydropneimotorax, subcutaneous emphysema. Previous diagnosis?

Oesophageal rupture

158. 70-year-old sick woman entered a clinic with a right side inguinal hernia twice (40 and 7 days before) was observed entrapment. Hernia independently reponējās. Lenses: 70 x pulse / min., Rhythmic. AS 170/100 mm b. st .; EKG - left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary blood flow small gap. Your tactics?

Operative treatment after the preparation of the sick

202. In deciding the question of extreme surgery in patients with acute cholecystitis greatest role-playing:

Peritoneal symptom severity

125. Which of the symptoms is crucial in deciding the issue of the urgent need for surgical intervention in case of acute cholecystitis:

Peritoneal symptoms intensity and prevalence

120. Contraindications hernia follow-up to surgery:

Prostate gland adenoma with urinary retneci

207. The basic role in the investigation of stomach sick with suspected acute appendicitis are:

Soreness and muscle resistance ileocaecal region

189. Peripheral lung cancer diagnosis can best be clarified by means of:

Transparietālu formation

206. The lymphatic drainage of breast


113. At benign colon tumors operative treatment is not targeted, so that they never nemalignizējas:


123. Or at the scarred stage III pylori stenosis it is possible to cure the patient of conservative therapy, so that the ulcer cure leads to stenosis of liquidation:


151. Lung cancer patients mediastinoskopija indicated, so that mediastinoskopija helps to clarify the process of localization of cancer:


167. Periapendikulārs leachate is indication hasty operation, so that the fear that instead can be formed periapendikulārais abscess:


199. If there is a suspicion of bleeding from the stomach is indicated for urgent gastroscopy, so that the stomach inflation at gastroskopijas can promote bleeding suspension:


203. Treatment of acute pancreatitis contraindicated administered morphine group preparations, so that the morphine group preparations makes it difficult to diagnose acute pancreatitis complications:


124. Name the complications of gastric polyposis:

all this (bleeding, malignancy, pylori impenetrability)

160. Explain muscle tension cause the ileocaecal area, often resulting 12-duodenal ulcer perforation cases:

irritation exudative

223. Retrosternal strum characterized by all except:

not accumulate iodine

187. 59-year-old woman noticed in recent days thyroid hard, painless growths. What is your primary diagnosis?

thyroid cancer

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