Survey of World Religion Ch. 9- 13

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The accurate meaning of Islam, as understood by the majority of Muslims, is:

"submission" to God.

Which of the following is a common, generic Arabic word for God?


Which of the following was a similarity between Persian polytheism and Vedic Hinduism?

Both religions worshiped many gods in nature.

What is an artifact from Cyrus's rule that tells how he released many captive peoples held in Babylonia, allowing them to return to their homes and faiths?

Cyrus Cylinder

In the context of marriage, which of the following is a similarity between Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardic Jews?

For both groups, Jews predominantly married only Jews until the 1900s.

Which of the following statements is true of the Persian king Darius?

He had monumental faravahars carved on many walls in Persepolis and in older cities.

Which of the following statements is true of Pope Francis?

He has spoken much more than other popes about the reality and dangers of climate change.

Which of the following is a popular belief associated with Christ's death?

He was raised from the dead by God to live eternally.

What was the name of God's people during patriarchal times through the Exodus?


Where can the largest group of Zoroastrians be found?


Muslim radicals who espouse violence in the name of Islam are often called:


Which of the following is true about ancient Israel, unlike the nations surrounding it?

Israel had no national government during the period of its emergence.

What was the name of God's people during the period of the Judges and during the First Temple Period?


Which of the following statements is true of evangelicalism?

It has become strong in the past two centuries.

Which statement is true about the crescent-and-star symbol of Islam?

It is drawn from the symbol of the Ottoman Empire.

Identify a true statement about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It is structured in top-down order with the First Presidency at the worldwide level.

Which of the following statements is true of Mecca?

It is the geographic center of Islam as the Kaaba is located in the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

In the context of Five Pillars of Islam, which of the following statements best describes the Arabic term sawm?

It is the ritual fasting done during daylight hours throughout the month of Ramadan.

Which of the following is true of the term "new religious movements"?

It is widely used today in religious studies.

Which of the following was a result of the gradual decline of Judaism in Medina?

It led to an increased and powerful dependence on the religious system of the Quraysh tribe.

Which of the following statements is true of the term Christendom?

It refers to those nations of the world in which Christianity is the recognized, predominant religion.

Which of the following statements is true of Restorationism?

It was a strong impulse in the Unites States in the 1800s.

Which of the following was a consequence of the persecution of Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe in the 1800s?

Jewish immigration to North America increased sharply.

Which of the following statements is true of Judaism in North America?

Jews have lived in North America from the early 1600s.

Denominations brought to North America by their historic immigrant groups from Europe are called:

Mainline Protestant

What have Zoroastrians called their faith, after the "Wise Lord" who created the universe as a place in which good will eventually prevail?

Mazdayasnian religion

Identify a true statement about religion in the West.

Most new religious movements in the West come from Christianity.

What is the name of the New Year feast, the most joyous of all Zoroastrian festivals?


Identify a true statement about Judaism in Israel.

Only Orthodox rabbis can grant divorces in Israel.

Which of the following is a Jewish belief associated with funerals?

Organ donation at death has been mostly discouraged.

What are Zoroastrians who moved to India from Iran in the 900s C.E. called?


Which of the following is known as "the Apostle to the Gentiles"?


The New Testament Gospels record a special commission of Jesus to whom as the leader among the twelve disciples?


Who had condemned Jesus to death by crucifixion?

Pontius Pilate

What is a psychologically-oriented new religious movement founded by L. Ronald Hubbard?


What six-pointed figure that is the most common symbol of Judaism today?

Star of David

Identify a true statement about the Roman Catholic population in the United States.

The Catholic population in the United States has increased dramatically in recent years.

What is not an alternative name of the Islamic State (IS) since it was founded in 1999?

The Islamic State of the Umma (ISU)

In the context of Jewish weddings, which of the following statements is true?

The Jewish marriage ceremony involves a grand celebration at the end.

Which of the following statements is true of Zoroastrianism under the Sassanian kings?

The Sassanian kings built the towers of silence for the Zoroastrian dead throughout Iran.

In the context of Scientology, which of the following is true of L. Ronald Hubbard's beliefs?

The goal of human existence is survival in the world.

Which of the following is a reason why new religious movements emerge quickly?

They are founded by a single person.

Which of the following statements is true of the first Christians?

They called their movement within Judaism "the Way."

Which of the following is a common feature of all new religious movements?

They can spring up quickly and disappear quickly.

New religious movements are controlled from the top. Which of the following is a consequence of this tightly organized structure?

They often make strong demands of their followers.

Which of the following is a difference between local churches in Christianity and Scientology?

Unlike local churches in Christianity, local churches in Scientology are organized on a business model.

Identify a true statement about new religious movements.

When they last for centuries, they become known as religions.

What is a belief that the world will end soon and God will bring a new, perfect society in place of the old one?

apocalyptic belief

What is the fullest and the most important purification ritual in Zoroastrianism?


In the context of subgroups of Shi'as, a difference between the Twelvers and the Seveners is that some Seveners:

believe that Ismail was Allah in human form.

What does zakat, the fourth pillar of Islam, mean?


What is a religion or religious sect that is extremist and under the control of an authoritarian leader called?


In Scientology, what refers to the images of past experiences stored in the mind that hinder full functioning?


In the context of Zoroastrian funeral rituals, the fourth day after death is the most solemn because on this day the soul:

goes into the presence of Ahura Mazda and is judged.

Zoroastrians have called Alexander not "Alexander the Great" but "Alexander the Accursed" because:

he carried off sacred Zoroastrian writings and had them burned or translated for non-Zoroastrians.

In the context of the "towers of silence," modern Zoroastrianism in Iran differs from traditional Zoroastrianism in that the former:

involves placing the bodies of the deceased in cemeteries instead of the towers of silence.

A difference between mainline Protestantism and evangelicalism in the Unites States is that mainline Protestantism:

is more open to new ideas and social changes than evangelicalism.

Medina is the holiest city in Islam after Mecca because:

it was the home of Muhammad during the second part of his prophetic career.

One of the oldest symbols of Judaism is the candelabrum known as the:


The oldest symbol of Judaism is a large, usually seven-branched candelabrum called a(n):


Al-Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden to:

oppose with violence anyone who was a threat to his idea of true Islam.

What is the firm resolve not to sin again?


Unlike the Taliban, the progressives in Islam:

promote an Islamic vision of freedom, justice, and equality for women.

Individuals who spoke for God to ancient Israel to urge them to greater obedience were called:


What is the Mormon temple rite unifying families for time and eternity?


In a Jewish funeral, what refers to the period of mourning that lasts seven days, beginning on the day of the burial?


Who were a lay movement of Torah teachers who later became religious leaders and developed the oral traditions of the Torah?

the Pharisees

At present, Christianity appears to be growing in importance in what area?

the Southern Hemisphere

The main symbol of Christianity with a representation of the body of Jesus on it is known as:

the crucifix

The collapse of the Islamic dynasty after its defeat in World War I led to:

the formation of many Muslim nation-states, nearly all of them officially Islamic.

In the context of the Zoroastrian symbol of the faravahar, the circle around the center of the human figure is symbolic of:

the immortality of the soul or the eternal significance of human actions in the here and now.

Who were the apostles?

the twelve male Jewish followers whom Christ called disciples

The main goal of Zoroastrian organizations in North America was:

to establish the Zoroastrian faith in the New World.

The teachings of the Nation of Islam differ from the teachings of other Muslims in that the Nation of Islam:

views race-based beliefs as a legitimate part of Islam.

What is the mandatory contribution of one-fortieth of one's income to support Islam called?


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