Sustainable Development Exam 1

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Cap and Trade (the market won)

- A cap on pollution is set and allowances to pollute are issued or auctioned - Efficient/innovative companies can bank credits and sell them to inefficient companies -EU ETS, China has multiple programs. In all, 17 Cap an trade programs place

Ecosystem Services

- A process by which the environment produces services to society ---purifying water ---seed dispersion ---protect people from sun's harmful rays ---purify air, and so om

water as a social good

social good-- goods which serve the common good, the largest number of people in the largest possible way ----Air, clean water, literacy, possibly healthcare

core (Core- Periphery model)

supplies expensive goods to the periphery

periphery (Core- Periphery model )

supplies raw materials and cheap labor to core

Water as a human right?

the fight for water across the world is about the same thing --" no one looks at their water bill and sees prices increases and responds with, well I guess I'll drink less water next month''--- water is a necessity ----human health, ecosystem services-- habitats, biodiversity

USAID ( Unilateral and Multilateral Institutions)

- Foreign aid to countries that deal with natural disaster, or striving for transition to democracy)

Climate Change Predictions

- Global surface temperature increase by end of 21st century is likely to exceed 2 degrees C -The global water cycle will change, increasing is disparity between wet and dry seasons -Oceans will continue to warm affecting circulation patters -Decreases very likely in Artic sea ice cover and global glacier volume -Limiting climate change requires substantial and sustained reductions of GHGs

Four Theories of Development

- Modernization - In dependency -Neo- Liberalism -Sustainable development

Dependency Theory

- Reject notion that developing nations are merely primitive versions of developed countries. (Not every country had the same conditions as another develop countries) -Acknowledge dependent economic relations between former colonial powers and their former colonies- geographical interconnections are important for keeping developing countries poor.

Implications of the Pristine Myth

- This romantic viewpoint has lead to an anti-human approach to forest management ----- only with people absent can the forest thrive -The viewpoint diminishes the accomplishments of the indigenous population today, and suggest the land is less productive than it actually is.

Rio Earth Summit and Agenda 21

- UN sponsored agreements to support S.D -Contemporary S.D discussion originate here, characterized by tensions and collaborations -Development gets redefined to bring a multiplicity of voices into the conversation

recent trend (ecosystem services)

- to value those services and integrate them into the market to ensure their continued survival -Market will require certain infrastructure --property tenure rights, certification bodies, consumer

What is climate justice ?

--Protect the right of the most vulnerable people affected by climate change, and informs them about the burdens and benefits, its impacts, and its policies, in an equitable and fair manner.

Carbon Taxes (the market won)

-A flat tax on CO2 emission put in place. Revenue generated reinvested into clean energy and /or given back to citizens as a tax refund -British Columbia, Canada; Norway;proposed by Republican senators in Us Barnie Sander

Strong sustainability

-Acknowledges that certain functions the environment performs cannot be replicated by humans( e.g Ozone Layer) - ecological services

How to extract rubber from forest ?

-Debt peonage : Linking shacks deep in forest to trading posts through supplies purchased on credit at inflated prices, leaving extractors in perpetual debt. ( -Ball of rubber landed in warehouses from which they would be exported to US and England

How to reduce emission ? (REDD)

-Devised a framework a promoting sustainable forest management practices by incentivizing developing countries to protect forest

Women and Children Focus (Sustainable Development)

-Educating women have lower birth rates, participate in political decisions -Educated children have greater opportunities

why Hydrosocial?

-Emphasize dialectical relations between water and society -Water access mediated through social and technological structures, where power is the intervening element.

World Bank

-Financial Institutions funding modernization to poor countries -goal: aid developing countries ..... infrastructure investment, jobs, and sustainable growth -Countries decide who to give aid

Rubber Boom Legacies on Amazonia

-Human ecological change: pushed further on, landscape change (rubber trails, cattle, agriculture) - Rise of private property-estates -Extension of trade networks throughout basin -Pattern of rural and urban settlement ("rainforest cities") -Presence of the State throughout the region.

Deforestation Causes with solution

-Malthusian demographics (control population ) -Hardin's tragedy of the commons (private) -Capitalist expansion where deforestation is an extremely led by international corporations -Inappropriate technologies, maladapted populations (improve technology) -Poor planing (reduce subsides for cattle ranching, expansion of mechanized agriculture)

Colonial and Romantic Dreams of American Nature ideas

-Nature should be untouched -Forest are transformed to sites where men are absent of them.

Modernization Criticism

-No broader context of development (countries are viewed as isolated) -Historical Differences not addressed (differing legacies of colonialism) -Should development should be the same for all? (implies there is only one way to develop)

Neo-liberal Policies

-Open markets reduce state controls on economy -Privatization of state-owned industries -Encourage foreign investment

Real- World Strategies for Sustainable development

-Partnership with developed countries -Market mechanism for environmental regulation -Resource conservation -Renewable resources

REDD goal

-Reduce GHG emissions produced by forestry sector, enhance capacity of forest sector to function as carbon sink. Establish consistent and reliable $ support from developed nations

what is REDD?

-Reduced Emission from Deforestation and Forest degradation

Blueprint in modernization (amazonia)

-Strengthen political ties with NE from a central platform; construction of new capital, Brasilia -Implement direct colonization from south and west to northeast -Inundate Amazon with civilization

Modernization Institutions

-World Bank -International Monetary Fund - USAID (Unilateral and Multilateral Institutions )

operation Amazonia

-conquer and dominate through land concessions, trade breaks, tax breaks, incentives, credit and cheap loans facilitated by SUDAM

technology transfer (Sustainable development strategies)

-environment and economy as complementary goals -leapfrog technologies

Sustainable Main Ideas

-global environment change -environmental economics -women and development -children and development

Water management pathways

-government control of Water delivery/infrastructure -privatization of water delivery/infrastructure -community based management -public-private collaborations

Is dependency theory socialism?

-govt nationalization of protected industries -govt control of economy to restrict imports -govt control of economy to server dependent relations with former colonial powers

Ideas behind Dependency Theory (dependency theory)

-import substitution - Nationalization of industries -Human welfare: Reduce poverty, create middle class, improve education, health care

Core- Periphery model

-industrialization concentrates investments into the core -periphery supplies raw materials and cheap labor to core -core supplies expensive goods to the periphery

Neo-liberalism criticism

-loss of sovereignty by the nation receiving development -Policies quantifiably resulted in worsening conditions of poverty (rising inequality), and worsening environmental degradation -Shift responsibility to 'develop' onto individuals and markets


-offered tax breaks on industries that invested on cattle ranching in the Amazonia (cattle operations were not, on their own, profitable, but the tax break increased revenues)

water governance

-refers to the array of organizations, institutions, laws and discourse that coordinate, regulate or manage water allocation and use. (issues of equity and efficiency) Market often privileges efficiency - highlights the broad range of actors and political practices that shape environmental decision making and what their role is.

Sustainable development strategies

-technology transfer -Small scale investments over large infrastructure

Pristine Myth

-the belief that Americans in 1491 were almost non-existent. Instead, the Americas were a pristine, unmarked, Edenic landscape

Neo-liberalism Theory

-unfailing belief in the MARKET, competition becomes defining human characteristics, citizens viewed as consumers -Solidified by the fall of communism and triumph of capitalism

Two ways on how to approach how to solve climate change

-use the market as a means to respond -use command and control approach

Kyoto Protocol

-used market mechanism to address climate change ----Protocol does not tell countries how to meet reduction targets, only that they must (5% below 1990 levels) --- Developing countries were exempt from reduction targets, and became the beneficiaries of clean technology transfer

small scale investments over large infrastructure (Sustainable development strategies)

-water filters, pregnancy test kits, cookstoves -technology is appropriate for the cultural context -simple tools, do not degrade the environment or human dignity

Rise of Modernization Theory

1) -European conquest of territories abroad initiated modern concepts of development. -It started by imposing European Standards, to places where they thought that the inhabitants of that place lacked "civilization" which justifying intervention. 2) After WWII, development was view as US standards...... Modernization theory explains hot to achieve this goal. - Through decolonization and WWII, 3 global spaces emerge (First, Second, and Third worlds)

Four Factors contributed to new forest policy

1) Expanded preservation beyond the "set-aside" model of park system, that included alternative uses 2) produced "working landscapes" (a new acceptance of socio-nature) 3)Market based environmentalism (forest certification) 4)Emerging concern and policies for carbon sequestration (REDD+ REducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest degradation)

Generals' (Geopolitical) Blueprint

1) Secure Brazilian Border 2)Access natural resource potential

Paris Agreement

Cop 21: --Developing nations no longer separate from developing nations --Common framework committing all participants to setting reduction targets, reporting annually and reviewed by international panel --Green Climate Fund to aid developing nations in mitigation and adaptation --Nationally determined Contributions, set every 5 years v

Artic, global glacier

Decreases very likely in _______ sea ice cover and _______ volume (Climate Change Predictions)

temperature, 2

Global surface ________ increase by end of 21st century is likely to exceed ______ degrees C (Climate Change Predictions)

International Monetary Fund

Goal: stabilize exchange rates and assist the reconstruction of the world's international financial system Mission: provide financial assistance to countries in financial difficulty using funds from the institution's 186 member countries.

how has climate justice been addressed in global climate policy?

Internationally they have -exclude developing nations from making emission reduction targets -carbon offset programs 100$ billion transfer from Global north to Global South nations.

Microfinance (Sustainable Development)

Lending small $ to women

Modernization Theory

Modernization theory explains how to achieve US standard...... Stage 1: traditional Society Stage 2: develop primary good for exports Stage 3: "take off", industrialization Stage 4: widespread industry, investment in schools and infrastructure Stage 5: modern economy, mass consumption

What is sustainability?

Most widely used definition for sustainability comes from the Brundtland Commission: -Meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own needs. -Not an exact definition

Weak sustainability

Natural capital can be used as long it is converted into manufactured capital of equal value (attach $ value to nature)

Sustainable Development Institutions

Non-governmental Organization -operate independent of government -own set of goals and concerns -Intermediary between states and WB and community -Benefits: sites of innovations (grameen bank and micro-credit; fair trade network)

privatization, public

Rise in ________ schemes fueled by failures of _________ agencies in providing water to populations

Why do we need climate justice?

Some groups are more responsible for climate change than others

water cycle, wet, dry

The global _________ will change, increasing is disparity between _____ and ______ seasons (Climate Change Predictions )

consequences of climate change to humans

Will make the earth inhospitable to humas and other species due to : --heat stress, water stress, poor air quality, poisoned oceans --impacts on human health, social conflict, economic development

Neo-liberal Institutions

World trade organization


_______ will continue to warm affecting circulation patters (Climate Change Predictions )

industrialization ( Core- Periphery model )

concentrates investments into the core

What kind of factors impact climate justice?

gender, race, income, and geographical location

private goods

goods which yield benefits to people but their benefits are exclusive

Concentration (dependency theory)

happens through: -Capital investment to core -young, educated workers migrate -innovation in core creates new industries - service-rich support sector emerges, encouraging new investment to core. (this is a way for develop countries to retain power/richness/ and develop) -which as a POLARIZATION effect, in where develop countries stay develop and periphery countries stay periphery.

de-concentration (dependency Theory)

happens when: -growth in core stimulates activity in periphery -high cost of housing, congestion, labor in core -technology spreads to periphery which generates an SPREAD EFFECT, makes periphery more develop.

Gov't driver (privatization drivers)

many city governments are cash strapped, particularly recently, and need to turn water delivery over to private hands because can't afford.

corporate driver (privatization drivers)

profits via market forces, market is most efficient way to allocate resource, if clean water is scarce, raise price... market will balance affordability v. want, competition will keep service providers in check.

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