SVHS Biology, Part 1 - Unit 3/4 Test: Molecular Genetics/Heredity

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Consider the following statements and determine if they apply to DNA or RNA. 1. Double stranded 2. Single stranded 3. Bases are adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine 4. Bases are adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine 5. Ribose sugar 6. Deoxyribose sugar

1. DNA 2. RNA 3. DNA 4. RNA 5. RNA 6. DNA

true or false 1. We all have the same genes and the same alleles. 2. The probability for inheriting a certain characteristic is the same for each child. 3. We inherit more DNA from one parent or the other. 4. DNA comes from only parents. 5. Mutation is not always bad and is essential for evolution. 6. All of our cells contain identical DNA

1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. True

Chickens exhibit co-dominance in their feather color: black feathers are co-dominant with white feathers. So, chickens can have black feathers (BB), black and white feathers (BW), or white feathers (WW). Perform the following crosses and determine the phenotypes. 1. Cross a black feathered chicken to a white feathered chicken. What percent of their offspring will have black feathers? Black and white feathers? White feathers? 2. Cross a black and white feathered chicken to a black feathered chicken. What percent of their offspring will have black feathers? Black and white feathers? White feathers?

1. black - 0% black & white - 100% white - 0% 2. black - 50% black & white - 50% white - 0%

Determine which of the following statements are about mitosis, meiosis, or both. 1. Duplicate DNA. 2. Make two exact copies of a cell. 3. Make genetically different cells. 4. Single division of chromosomes. 5. Two divisions of chromosomes. 6. Crossing over and independent assortment occurs.

1. both mitosis and meiosis 2. mitosis 3. meiosis 4. mitosis 5. meiosis 6. meiosis

true or false? 1. Identical twins have exactly the same DNA therefore are exactly alike. 2. All living things have DNA. The order of letters (bases) in the DNA code make each organism different. 3. Proteins work together. Interactions of proteins depend on their physical and chemical properties. 4. In asexual reproduction, variation comes mostly from mutation. In sexual reproduction, variation comes from mutation and recombination. 5. A single gene only influences one trait. 6. The sex of an organism is always determined by its chromosomes. 7. Genetic variation is useful because it helps populations change over time. 8. Most of the time mutations are reversed.

1. false 2. true 3. true 4. true 5. false 6. false 7. true 8. true

Match the definition with the correct term. 1. A section of a chromosome that codes for a trait. 2. Different forms for a trait. 3. Two alleles are exactly the same. 4. Two alleles are different. 5. Our genetic make-up (the alleles we have) is called our 6. The physical expression of our alleles (what you see) is called our

1. gene 2. alleles 3. homozygous 4. heterozygous 5. genotype 6. phenotype

Match the terms with their definitions: 1. Changing an organisms DNA directly. 2. Organism produced is genetically identical to the organism it came from 3. Contains genes from a different organism

1. genetic engineering 2. cloning 3. transgenic organism

Match the definitions with the correct term. 1. The study of how traits are inherited. 2. The passing of traits from parent to offspring. 3. Characteristics that can be passed to offspring. 4. Trait that is seen. 5. Trait that is hidden.

1. genetics 2. heredity 3. traits 4. dominant trait 5. recessive trait

Pretend that green fish exhibit complete dominance over red fish. Perform the following crosses to determine the phenotype percentages. 1. Cross two heterozygous green fish. What percent will be green? What percent will be red? 2. Cross a red fish and a red fish. What percent will be green? What percent will be red? 3. Cross a heterozygous green fish and a red fish. What percent will be green? What percent will be red?

1. green - 75% red - 25% 2. green - 0% red - 100% 3. green - 50% red - 50%

If having hair in guinea pigs is a dominant trait (exhibits complete dominance), which of the following allele combinations would be for a guinea pig with hair and which would be for a hairless guinea pig? 1. HH 2. Hh 3. hh

1. hair 2. hair 3. hairless

Which of the following genotypes are homozygous and which are heterozygous? 1. HH 2. Hh 3. hh 4. AA 5. Aa 6. aa

1. homozygous 2. heterozygous 3. homozygous 4. homozygous 5. heterozygous 6. homozygous

Match the terms related to types of dominance and definitions below. 1. A mix of the alleles are expressed. 2. Both alleles are expressed. 3. Dominant allele is expressed.

1. incomplete dominance 2. co-dominance 3. complete dominance

Incomplete dominance means that you see a mix of alleles. In snapdragons, they can be red (RR), pink (Rr) or white (rr). Complete the following crosses and determine the phenotypes. 1. Cross a red snap dragon with a white snap dragon. What percent of the offspring will be red? Pink? White? 2. Cross two pink snapdragons. What percent of the offspring will be red? Pink? White?

1. red - 0% Pink - 100% White - 0% 2. red - 25% Pink - 50% White - 25%

true or false? 1. Eye color, nose shape, musical talent, and disease risk are all inherited traits. 2. Strands of DNA are joined together by complimentary base pairing. 3. A genome is a set of instructions for building an entire organism. 4. There are 20 amino acids that are put together in different combinations. 5. Each of us has two copies of every gene. They may be the same or different. 6. Each one of us has many variations in our DNA that were not present in our parents.

1. true 2. true 3. true 4. true 5. true 6. true

Determine which of the following statements are true or false. 1. The epigenome shapes the physical structure of the genome by making inactive genes unreadable and active genes easily accessible. 2. Different sets of genes are active in different cell types. 3. The epigenome is flexible, reacting to environmental signals.

1. true 2. true 3. true

Which of the following statements are true or false? 1. For twins, each embryo has the same genome and same epigenome. 2. As twins age, their environments begin to differ, therefore their epigenome changes. 3. Diet, physical activity, exposure to toxins, and stress are examples of environmental factors that affect the epigenome.

1. true 2. true 3. true

Determine if the following statements about sex-linked genes are true or false. 1. Genes found on the sex chromosomes control some traits. 2. In females, a dominant allele on one x-chromosome will mask a recessive allele on the other x-chromosome. 3. Females can be carriers of sex-linked recessive traits. 4. In males there is no match for the x-chromosome. Any allele on the x-chromosome will be expressed. 5. Males are more likely to have a sex-linked trait controlled by a recessive allele than females.

1. true 2. true 3. true 4. true 5. true

Match the following genotypes and phenotypes for hemophilia, which is a recessive sex-linked disorder. 1. X^H X^H 2. X^H X^h 3. X^h X^h 4. X^H Y 5. X^h Y

1. woman w/o hemophilia 2. woman w/o hemophilia 3. woman w/ hemophilia 4. man w/o hemophilia 5. man w/ hemophilia

In guinea pigs, having hair is completely dominant over being hairless. If you crossed a heterozygous guinea pig to an other heterozygous guinea pig, what percent chance is there the offspring will have hair? __________ What percent chance is there the offspring will be hairless? ___________

75% have hair 25% hairless

A point mutation is a change in one base pair. Match the type of point mutation to the correct definition.

Base added : insertion Base removed : deletion One base changed for another : substitution

DNA stands for

Deoxyribonucleic acid

All mutations are harmful. True or False?


Transcription is always carried out in the 3' to 5' direction. True or False?


Cloning might be useful for which of the following reasons?

Select one or more: a. cloning livestock b. reviving endangered species c. drug production d. cloning animal models of disease

Which of the following are examples of observable human traits?

Select one or more: a. freckles b. handedness c. earlobe attachment d. dimples e. red/green colorblindness

In adults stem cells can be found in different areas (niches) around the body. Which of the following are stem cell niches?

Select one or more: a. skin b. bone marrow c. brain d. blood vessels

Which of the following factors influence gene expression?

Select one or more: a. the type of dominance the gene exhibits b. if a trait is polygenic c. the environment d. if it's a multiple allele trait

A carrier is an individual who is heterozygous for a trait. They do not express the recessive allele, but can pass it on to their children. true or false?


A firefly's tail makes light from a protein called luciferase which carries out a chemical reaction that releases light. True or False?


A very helpful biotech technique is that scientists are able to insert DNA into plasmids, using restriction enzymes, and those plasmids are then put into bacteria to be multiplied. True or False?


Another difference between RNA and DNA is that RNA has no Thymine, but rather has Uracil which bonds to Adenine. True or False?


Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies. True or False?


DNA cannot leave the nucleus therefore RNA is a messenger between DNA and ribosomes where proteins are made. True or False?


Fortunately, the process of DNA replication is completed by the cell with a very high degree of accuracy, and with very few mistakes or mutations. True or False?


If the parental genotypes are known, a punnett square can be used to predict what possible alleles their children will inherit. true or false?


Meiosis is a major source of variation. True or False?


Offspring resulting from sexual reproduction are genetically different than their parents. True or False?


Once scientists have studied gene expression and how it correlates with disease risk, they can create diagnostic tests and design specific drugs for those genes. true or false?


Parts of your DNA are non-coding. True or False?


Replication produces two molecules of DNA. Each molecule has one parent strand and one daughter strand. True or False?


Scientists isolate DNA for a variety of reasons, which include genetic testing and body identification. True or False?


Some techniques used in genetic advances include DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy research, and stem cell research. True or False?


The amount and sequence of the DNA bases will vary amount species and individuals. True or False?


The complex interplay of our genetic makeup and our surroundings make us who we are. true or false?


The final 3 dimensional products of proteins can be very complex and intricate. True or False?


The process of meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes. True or False?


When one gene depends on another for it to be expressed this is known as epistasis. true or false?


Your genes and the environment interact to specify traits. true or false?


In humans, a female has _____ chromosomes. A male has _______ chromosomes.

XX - female XY - male

A haploid cell in a human contains _______ autosomes and _______ sex chromosome(s).

a. 22; 1

Where does translation occur?

a. At the ribosome.

The segment of DNA below has undergone a mutation in which three nucleotides have been deleted. A repair enzyme would replace them with G T A __ __ __ A A C A T G C A T T

a. C G T

During what phase of meiosis does recombination take place?

a. Prophase 1

If the original DNA strand is ATCGGAT, what is the complimentary RNA strand?


Which of the following can cause mutations?

a. X-rays b. Viruses c. UV light

A _________ is a package of DNA that codes for a set of traits of an individual.

a. chromosome

The function of DNA is to

a. control the making of proteins b. control all other cell processes c. store and transmit genetic information

An organized profile of a person's chromosomes is knowns as a

a. karyotype

One key difference between RNA and DNA is that RNA has ________.

a. one strand

A circular ring of DNA that typically exists in bacteria and that codes for certain traits is known as a/n _________.

a. plasmid

The ________ of a protein is the specific order of amino acids that makes it up, but it needs to undergo much more modification before it is a finished protein.

a. primary structure

What is the rule for which nitrogenous base bonds with which other nitrogenous base in DNA? In other words, who bonds with who?

b. Adenine to Thymine

In order for DNA to be copied, it's double helix must be unwound. What enzyme is able to do this?

b. Helicase

_________ are very helpful to scientists, in that they can cut DNA at very specific sites, based on the DNA sequence at that site.

b. Restriction enzymes

Given the DNA sequence: ACTACTTCATG What would the sequence be that pairs with it?


The way to make copies of a desired gene is to put the gene in a plasmid, and then insert that plasmid into ________, and let them multiply, making copies of the plasmid along the way.

b. bacteria

In translation, the _______ of the mRNA matches up with the ________ of the tRNA at the ribosome, as the polypeptide chain is built.

b. codon, anticodon

In meiosis, the result is four _________ cells.

b. haploid

A dairy cow is exposed to radiation that changes the DNA sequence of a milk protein in her milk-producing cells. It is NOT possible for the cow to

b. pass these mutations on to her offspring through her gametes

A nucleotide of DNA would be which of the following?

b. phosphate, deoxyribose, and thymine

DNA has the ability to make a complete copy of itself. This process is known as ______.

b. replication

The way that RNA polymerase knows to finish building the new mRNA strand, is that it reaches the ______.

b. termination signal

After completing the activity click and clone, what color baby mouse was cloned?


What does DNA actually stand for?

c. Deoxyribonucleic acid

Nucleotides are added in little segments on the lagging strand during replication. These segments are called ________.

c. Okazaki fragments

The final steps in the creation of the mRNA strand are the addition of the 5' cap and the _________.

c. Poly-A tail

If a cell has pairs of chromosomes (2 of each type,) one from the mother and one from the father, then the cell is said to be ______.

c. diploid

Some mutations can lead to evolution, some can be harmful or even deadly, but the vast majority of mutations _________.

c. have no effect on an individual

In a DNA molecule an example of a base pair would be adenine and

c. thymine

Humans have how many pairs of chromosomes?

d. 23

A tRNA molecule consists of an amino acid on one end, and ______ on the other end.

d. 3 nitrogenous bases

Amazingly, all of the diversity of life is made up from combinations of only 4 nucleotides. What are the letters that denote the 4 nucleotides Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine?

d. A,T,C, & G.

In replication, the enzyme _______ travels down the leading strand, adding nucleotides.

d. DNA Polymerase

The enzyme that acts like tape or glue, and sticks segments of DNA and Plasmid together, is called ________.

d. DNA ligase

"Independent assortment" is another source of genetic variability in sexual reproduction. In which phase of meiosis does this take place?

d. Metaphase 1

The DNA in cell can be copied thousands of times over a lifetime, and occasionally there are errors in the copying of DNA. What are these errors or "typos" referred to?

d. Mutations

_____ is the enzyme that travels down the DNA (towards the 5' end) making mRNA.

d. RNA polymerase

Through mRNA splicing during transcription, the ____ of the mRNA are kept, and the ____ of the mRNA are removed, leaving the final strand.

d. exons, introns

Transcription begins at a very specific site, which is called the ____ , a special sequence of DNA that signals the process to begin.

d. promoter

Specialized cells are called ____________ cells, in contrast, stem cells are ___________.

differentiated ; undifferentiated

What is the name of the shape of the DNA molecule?

double helix

The steps to purifying DNA are listed below. Place them in order. Burst cells open to release DNA Isolate concentrated DNA Collect cheek cells Separate DNA from proteins and debris

first : Collect cheek cells second : Burst cells open to release DNA third : Separate DNA from proteins and debris fourth : Isolate concentrated DNA

DNA is made up of ______________- which can code for ________________.

genes ; proteins

If the original DNA strand is ACTA, and the mutated strand of DNA is ACCTA, what type of point mutation occurred?


A recessive allele is represented by a(n) _______________ A dominant allele is represented by a(n) _______________

lower case letter - recessive ; upper case letter - dominant

Usually ________ gene(s) work together to specify a trait.


DNA is found in which part of the cell?


While studying inheritance, Gregor Mendel experimented with breeding _________ plants.


Bases attach on which part of the DNA molecule?

sugar (deoxyribose)

A woman who is a carrier of hemophilia has a genotype of XH Xh. true or false?


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