SW 670 Final Exam

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Which of the following is not true about Fritz Perls?

During his childhood, he was a model student.

The British scolar working to develop training programs in existential therapy is

Emmy van Deurzen.

One strength of cognitive behavioral therapy group counseling is that:

Emphasis is placed on symptom prevention

Existential therapy can best be considered as a system of highly developed techniques designed to foster authenticity. (T/F)


Existential therapy is rarely used for group treatment.


Since Gestalt therapy focuses on the here-and-now, the past is neither explored nor given emphasis. (T/F)


Since Gestalt therapy focuses on the here-and-now, the past is not explored or given emphasis in this approach.


T or F The ego is formed separately from the id.


The Gestalt approach to dream work consists of the therapist interpreting the meaning of the symbols in the dream. (T/F)


The Gestalt approach to dream work consists of the therapist intrpreting the meaning of the symbpls in the dream.


Which of the following is not true of Beck's cognitive therapy?

It asserts that irrational beliefs lead to emotional problems.

To what does the term "cognitive triad" refer?

It is a pattern that triggers depression.

Which of the following is not true about role-playing in REBT?

It is a way of surfacing unfinished business

Who is most noted for her contributions to the development of feminist therapy?

Laura Brown

The concept of triangulation is most associated with:

Murray Bowen.

Which of these statements is not true about lesbian feminism?

Queer theory and lesbian theory are identical.

Who was the person who refined Adler's concepts into a typology of mistaken goals and an organized approach to family therapy?

Rudolf Dreikurs

Which family therapist made use of innovative interventions such as metaphor, reframing, rules for interaction, parts party, family reconstructions, family sculpting, and family maps?


Which of the following theorists emphasized the development of a nurturing triad?


A difference between Beck's cognitive therapy and Ellis's REBT is that Beck places more emphasis on helping clients discover their misconceptions for themselves than does Ellis. (T/F)


A major contribution made by Ellis, the Becks, Padesky and Mooney, and Meichenbaum is the demystification of the therapy process. (T/F)


According to Beck, people become disturbed when they label, interpret, and evaluate themselves by a set of rules that are unrealistic. (T/F)


Ellis maintains that events themselves do not cause emotional disturbances; rather, it is our evaluation of and beliefs about these events that cause our problems. (T/F)


REBT practitioners strive to unconditionally accept all clients and to teach them to unconditionally accept others and themselves. (T/F)


In psychoanalytic therapy, how do clients work with their dreams?

They report their dreams and are encouraged to free-associate to the elements of the dream

This approach puts emphasis on the therapist as a person and the quality of the client/therapist relationship as one of the prime factors in determining the outcomes of therapy. (T/F)


True or False A movement from mature behavior to immature behavior is called regression.


True or False Dreams are disguised attempts at wish-fulfillment.


True or False The driving forces in personality are called cathexes.


True or False Transference is characterized by patients' ambivalent attitudes toward their parents.


True or False: Research on person-centered therapy indicates that the attitude of therapists, rather than their knowledge, theories, or techniques, facilitate personality change in clients.


True or False: Rogers said the goal of person-centered therapy is to assist clients in achieving a greater degree of independence and integration so they can better cope with problems as they identify them.


true or false An assumption of personcentered therapy is that the counselor's presence is far more powerful than techniques he or she uses to facilitate change.​


true or false Carl Rogers encouraged counselors to use a nonconfrontational manner with their clients.​


true or false Carl Rogers is often called the "father of psychotherapy research."​


true or false Carl Rogers's approach is based on the assumptions that humans are trustworthy and that clients desire to grow.


true or false Carl Rogers's original emphasis was on reflection of feelings expressed by the client.​


true or false Congruence is a basic characteristic of effective therapists.​


true or false Empathy is a deep and subjective understanding of the client with the client.​


true or false Immediacy is highly valued in the person-centered approach​


true or false Maslow postulated a hierarchy of needs as a source of motivation, with the most basic needs being physiological needs.​


true or false Person-centered expressive arts therapy can be used in both group and individual contexts.​


true or false The person-centered approach evolved from a nondirective therapy to an experiential therapy.​


true or false The person-centered model has been widely adapted to include such areas as family therapy, crisis counseling and classroom education.


true or false The term "presence" refers to the counselor's ability to be fully engaged in the therapeutic relationship with the client.​


true or false The underlying vision of humanistic philosophy is captured by the metaphor of how an acorn will automatically grow in positive ways, pushed naturally toward its actualization as an oak.


Which of the following is false as it applies to the practice of solution-focused brief therapy?

Using techniques in therapy is a way of discounting a client's capacity to find his or her own way.

Glasser would agree with all of the following conclusions except:

We are most likely to change if we are threatened by punishment.

In cognitive therapy, techniques are designed to:

assist individuals in making alternative interpretations of events in their daily living.

Of the following, which is not an assumption shared by the cognitive behavioral and feminist therapy approaches?

assuming that the therapeutic relationship alone is necessary and sufficient to bring about change

The basic goal of Gestalt therapy is

attaining awareness, and with it greater choice.

According to Erickson, the basic struggle of early childhood involves:

autonomy vs. shame and doubt

A person who is suffering from feelings of alienation and isolation has probably failed to achieve a sense of ____ during the ____stage of development. a. identity; adolescence b. intimacy; young adulthood c. trust; infancy d. integrity; later life e. generativity; middle age


According to Erickson, the basic struggle of early childhood involves: a. initiative vs. guilt. b. autonomy vs. shame and doubt. c. trust vs. mistrust. d. identity vs. role confusion. e. intimacy vs. isolation.


All of the following are true about a therapist's countertransference reactions except: a. they can provide rich understanding of the client's experience. b. they should be avoided. c. they have the potential to interfere with effective treatment. d. they should be carefully monitored by the therapist.


Developmentally, Freud's latency stage corresponds to Erickson's stage of: a. identity versus role confusion. b. industry versus inferiority. c. intimacy versus isolation. d. trust versus mistrust. e. initiative versus guilt.


Directing energy toward another object or a person (when anxiety is reduced by focusing on a "safer target") is known as: a. repression. b. displacement. c. introjection. d. compensation. e. sublimation.


Manufacturing "good" reasons to explain away a bruised ego, or to explain away failures or losses, is known as: a. displacement. b. rationalization. c. projection. d. reaction formation. e. introjection.


Patrick has been confronted by family members and friends about his excessive gambling. Despite their attempts to help him, he insists that they are overreacting and that he has everything under control. He does not feel the need to alter his behaviors. Patrick is at which stage of change? a. preparation b. precontemplation c. contemplation d. action


The technique whereby the analyst explains the meaning of certain behavior is known as: a. rationalization. b. interpretation. c. free association. d. transference. e. countertransference.


Freud used the term libido in which of the following ways? a. to refer to the energy of all the life instincts b. To refer to the death instincts c. To account for the aggressive drive d. To refer to sexual abuse


The techniques of psychoanalytic therapy are aimed at: a. helping clients see how their thinking leads to certain emotional and behavioral patterns. b. gaining insights into the client's behavior. c. teaching people social skills such as assertive behavior. d. helping clients to resolve their competitive strivings with their siblings.


Individuals who display exhibitionistic traits, seek attention and admiration from others, and are extremely self-absorbed might have which of the following personality disorders? a. narcissistic c. borderline b. dependent d. obsessive-compulsive


Resolution of sexual conflicts and sex-role identity is a critical function of the: a.phallic stage. b.oral stage. c.anal stage. d.genital stage.


A consistent theme that underlies most of Carl Roger's writing is:

a faith in the capacity of individuals to develop in a constructive manner if a climate of trust is established

Reality therapy is best categorized as:

a form of cognitive behavior therapy.

In Gestalt, the relationship between client and counselor is seen as

a joint venture, an existential encounter, and an I/Thou interaction.

In Carl Roger's view, diagnosis is considered:

a labeling process diminishing a therapist's capacity to understand a client holisitcally

A potential limitation of the family systems model is:

a particular family member's needs may be overshadowed by the needs of the system.

Exestintial therapy is

a phenomenological approach to therapy.

The a large degree, cognitive therapy is:

a psychoeducational mofel

The existential approach is

a reaction against spychoanalysis and a reaction against behaviorism.

A major characteristic of the classical psychoanalytic therapist is:

a sense of being anonymous

Reality therapy is best described as:

a short-term therapy that stresses doing.

In cognitive therapy techniques are designed to a. identify and examinet a client's' beliefs b. assist clients in substituting rational beliefs for irrational beliefs. c. help clients experience their feelings more intensely d. enable clients to deal with their existential loneliness.


Meichenbaum's ______________________focuses more on helping clients become aware of their self-talk and the stories they tell about themselves. a. self-instructional training b. narrative therapy c. self-talk analysis d. self-awareness conditioning


REBT is based on the assumption that a. cognitions, emotions, and behaviors interact significantly b. humans emote without thinking. c. humans behave without emoting or thinking. d. humans think without emoting.


Which of the following is not true about the Gestalt view of the role of confrontation in therapy?

a. It is not possible to be both confrontational and gentle with clients.

Therapy is viewed as a ____in the sense that the interpersonal and existential problems of the client will become apparent in the here and now of the therapy relationship.

a. social microcosm

Which of the following is NOT true about the most recent trends in person-centered therapy?

acceptance and clarification are the main techniques used

Analytic therapy is oriented toward:

achieving insight. identifying and experiencing feelings and memories. developing an in-depth self-understanding. reconstructing childhood experiences. all of these options

Gestalt group work is

action-oriented, standardized, focused on the here and now.

The correct components of the ABC theory of personality are:

activating event, belief, consequence

The correct components of the A-B-C theory of personality are:

activating event, belief, consequence.

The person-centered view of human nature:

affirms a person's capacity to direct his or her own life

For Freud, the major derivative of the death instinct is


The ego-ideal functions to

aid the individual as he/she strives for perfection in certain areas of life

Being alone is a process by which we

all but reject the social overtures of others are true

Beck's cognitive therapy differs from Ellis's REBT in that Beck's approach emphasizes:

all of these (a. more of a Socratic dialogue. b. helping clients to discover their misconceptions by themselves. c. working with the client in collaborative ways. d. more structure in the therapy process.)

Which is(are) a key role (or roles) of most family therapists?

all of these (a. teacher b. model c. coach d. consultant)

A feminist therapist is likely to become an advocate for change in the social structure by arguing for:

all of these (a. the right to self-determination. b. the freedom to pursue a career outside the home. c. the right to an education. d. equality in power in relationships.)

Existential therpay is best considered as

an approach to understanding humans.

Which of the following is not considered one of the six core principles of feminist therapy?

an intrapsychic orientation

The feminist approach to group counseling involves all of the following except:

an opportunity to experience and analyze multiple transferences.

The character type described as exceptionally stingy, orderly, and obstinate is the

anal character

For Freud, the restraining forces located in the ego are called


The cognitive distortion of making conclusions without supporting and relevant evidence is:

arbitrary inferences.

The cognitive decisions of making conclusions without supporting and relevant evidence is:

arbitrary interferences

The existential approach is particularly well-suited to clients who

are dealing with grief and loss.

Researchers have consistently found that orally dependent people

are more interpersonally sensitive and likely to ask for help from others when they have problems

After having a bad therapeutic experience with a mental health professional who pathologized her anxiety over financial issues, Lillian decided to consult with a feminist therapist. How is her new therapist likely to view her anxiety symptoms?

as a sign of distress rather than psychopathology

Reality therapists are likely to deal with all of the following except for:

asking clients to recall, report, and share dreams.

During the initial phase of counseling, existentially oriented therapists assist clients in identifying and clarifying their assumptions about the world. (T/F)


Existential anxiety is seen as a function of our acceptance of our aloneness.


Existential anxiety is seen as a function of our acceptance of our aloneness. (T/F)


Existential guilt is being aware of having evaded a commitment, or having chosen not to choose. (T/F)


Existential therapy grew out of a reaction to the limitations of both the psychoanalytic and deterministic stance.


Existential therapy is especially appropriate for clients who are struggling with developmental crises.


Existential therapy is especially appropriate for clients who are struggling with developmental crises. (T/F)


Existential therapy is rooted in the premise that humans cannot escape from freedom and responsibility


Existentialists claim that the use of specific techniques is the cornerstone of the approach. (T/F)


Existentially, humans both long for and wish to escape from their freedom.


Existentially, humans both long for and wish to escape from their freedom. (T/F)


Exitential quilt is being aware of having evaded a commitment, or having chosen not to choose.


Gestalt group therapists use experiments to encourage clients to move from talking about action to taking action.


Gestalt group therapists use experiments to encourage clients to move from talking about action to taking action. (T/F)


Gestalt techniques can be considered as experimenmts.


Gestalt techniques can be considered experiments. (T/F)


Gestalt therapies view a client's avoidance behavior as related to unfinished business.


Gestalt therpay makes use of a wide variety of techniques that are designed to increase the client's awareness of his or her persent experiencing.


In Gestalt therapy, a client's resistance is welcomed and used to deepen their therapeutic work. (T/F)


In the Gestaltist view, unfinished business is best explored in the present.


In the Gestaltist view, unfinished business is best explored in the present. (T/F)


Part of success in using Gestalt techniques is contingent upon preparing clients for these techniques. (T/F)


Rollo May has been instrumental in translating some concepts drawn from existential philosophy and applying them to psychotherapy


T or F The id operates according to the pleasure principle.


The approach puts emphasis on the therapist as a person and the quality of the client/therapist relationship as one of the prime factors in determining the outcomes of therapy.


The existential therapist sees mo basis for counseling and therapy without recognition of the freedom and responsibility each person possesses.


The existential view is based on a growth mode and conceptualizes health rather than sickness.


A driving force that attaches itself to an idea or behavior is called a(n)


In reality therapy, the counseling environment is:

characterized by a therapeutic climate that establishes the foundation for implementing procedures .

Which of the following is not associated with the "third wave" of feminism?

cognitive behavioral feminists

Which of the following REBT techniques helps a client gradually learn to deal with anxiety and challenge basic irrational thinking?

cognitive homework

All of the following strategies are unique to feminist therapy except for:

cognitive restructuring.

All of the following strategies are unique to feminist therapy except for:

cognitive restructuring.

Because of his need to be liked, Jake makes careful efforts to get along with everyone and minimize interpersonal conflicts. Which boundry disturbance is Jose exhibiting?


Which of the following is NOT considered a necessary and sufficient condition for change in the person centered framework?

creative expression

Which of the following is not considered a necessary and sufficient condition for change in the person-centered framework? a. congruence b. unconditional positive regard c. accurate empathetic understanding d. creative expression

creative expression

A major characteristic of the classical psychoanalytic therapist is: a. openness and self-disclosure. b. a deeply personal and sharing relationship. c. a focus on specific behavior and an objective appraisal of learned patterns of behavior. d. a sense of being anonymous.


Because ego and consciousness are not the same, the slogan for psychoanalysis has shifted from "making the unconscious conscious" to a. "stop blaming your mother!" b. "making the ego conscious." c. "get rid of the id kid!" d. "where there was id, let there be ego." e. "may the force be within you."


The developmental crisis involving initiative vs. guilt occurs during the: a. later life. b. school age. c. early childhood stage. d. preschool age. e. adolescence.


Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the relational approach to psychoanalysis? a. The approach is based on an egalitarian model. b. Countertransference provides rich information about the client's dynamics. c. There is an exploration of the subjectivities of both client and therapist. d. Therapist anonymity is used to foster the transference relationship.


From a social constructionist perspective, change begins with:

deconstructing the power of cultural narratives.

A person who manages their anxiety by distorting reality and failing to acknowledge painful events is most likely using:


People with strong dependency needs are at greater risk for ____________________ than nondependent individuals.


Existentially, we are the authors of out lives in the sens that we create our

destiny, life circumstances, and problems.

All of the following are reasons many feminist therapists do not use diagnostic labels, or use them reluctantly, except that:

diagnostic labels focus on the social factors that cause dysfunctional behavior.

A major contribution of Bowen's theory is the notion of:

differentiation of the self

Directing energy toward another object or a person (when anxiety is reduced by focusing on a "safer target") is known as:


If Sam cannot vent his anger on his boss, he may then vent it on his dog. This behavior probably reflects


The ego defense mechanism that involves the substitution of acceptable ideas for unacceptable ones is called


In person centered group therapy, the leader:

displays a sense of trust in the members

In REBT, what method is taught to clients to help them challenge irrational beliefs?

disputational method

Evidence suggesting the concept of the unconscious includes:

dreams. post-hypnotic suggestions. free-association.

A self-actualized person: a. has a capacity for deep and intense interpersonal relationships. b. welcomes uncertainty in his or her life. c. does not have artificial dichotomies within himself or herself. d. is spontaneous and creative. e. all of these.


Accurate empathic understanding helps clients to: a. reconceptualize earlier experiences b. modify their perceptions of themselves, others, and the world. c. notice and value their experiences. d. increase their confidence in making choices and in pursuing a course of action. e. all of these.


Analytic therapy is oriented toward: a. identifying and experiencing feelings and memories. b. reconstructing childhood experiences. c. developing an in-depth self-understanding. d. achieving insight. e. all of these


In Erikson's view, the major developmental task in adolescence is: a. intimacy vs. isolation. b. initiative vs. guilt. c. identity vs. shame and doubt. d. integrity vs. despair. e. identity vs. role confusion.


Person-centered research has been conducted on: a. treating specific behavioral problems. b. comparing the outcomes of person-centered therapy with other models. c. the hypothesized necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. d. treatment of personality disorders. e. all of these.


Person-centered therapy is best explained as: a. a set of techniques to build trust in clients. b. a dogma. c. a fixed and completed approach to therapy. d. all of these. e. none of these.


The person-centered approach has been applied to: a. family therapy. b. personal-growth groups. c. foreign relations. d. education e. all of these.


Who developed the object-relations view that focuses on separation and individuation? a. Erikson b. Rogers c. Satir d. Perls e. Mahler


The empty chair technique:

e. all of these. helps to resolve unfinished business. balances internal polarities. assists clients in reowning parts of their personality. allows clients to externalize an introject.

Existential therapy is unlike many other therapies in that:

e. all of these. it focuses on the use of the therapist's self as the core of therapy. it allows for incorporation of techniques from many other approaches. it does not have a well-defined set of techniques. it stresses the I/Thou encounter in the therapy process.

In a group based on existential principles, clients learn:

e. all of these. that pain is a reality of the human experience. to view themselves through others' eyes. to come to terms with the paradoxes of existence. that there are no ultimate answers for ultimate concerns.

Which is not an essential aim of existential-humanistic therapy?

e. to dispute clients' irrational beliefs.

Anxiety is a highly unpleasant state that signals danger to the


For Freud, control of our impulses becomes possible when the ____________________ is differentiated from the id.


The aspect of personality that is responsible for appropriate interaction with the environment is the


The superego has two components, according to Freud

ego-ideal and conscience

In the person-centered approach, the person-to-person manner off approaching clients is considered:

essential in the therapeutic relationship

Adlerian family therapy strives to ______ as its goal.

establish and support parents as effective leaders of the family

Which of the following is not part of the five-step treatment procedure used in a coping-skills program?

evaluating the anxiety level of the client by using both physiological and psychological tests

Narrative therapists pay attention to "sparkling events." These are:

events that contradict problem-saturated narratives.

Which of the following is not typically a standard psychoanalytic technique?

exploration of one's position in the family

All of the following are procedures that are commonly used in reality therapy except:

exploring early recollections.

Freud's theory

fails to meet the parsimony criterion

According to Carl Rogers, personality change occurs only when clients develop insight into the origin of their personality problems.


According to Freud, consciousness constitutes the largest part of one's psychological functioning.


Accurate empathic understanding implies an objective understanding of a client.


All analytically oriented therapists subscribe to the model of the "anonymous therapist" or the "blank screen" as a necessary way to foster transference.


Analytic therapists view transference as a factor that results from ineffective intervention on the therapist's part.


Ego-defense mechanisms, by their very nature, imply psychopathology.


Resistance, in the analytic view, results from either a conscious unwillingness on the part of the client to cooperate, or from the ineptness of the therapist in developing a sound therapeutic program.


REBT contends that people have three basic musts (or irrational beliefs) they internalize that inevitably lead to self-defeat. Which of the following is not one of them? a. "Other people must treat e fairly, kindly, and well." b. "I do not need to be accepted and loved." c. "I must do well and be loved and approved by others." d. "The world and my living conditions must be comfortable, gratifying, and just, providing me with all that I want in life."


Which of the following techniques is a strategic family therapist least likely to use?

family sculpting

All are true of solution-focused brief therapists except that they:

focus on the client's early childhood experiences.

Which of the following is not a function of the reality therapist?

focusing on areas in the client's life that need improvement so that he or she can achieve a "success identity"

From a multicultural perspective, the core conditions fo the person centered approach

both: -may be difficult to adapt in a manner that is consistent with some cultural frameworks -may be difficult to adapt in a manner that is consistent with some cultural frameworks

A healthy contact experience involves all of the following except:

c. projection.

Person-centered therapy is an:

humanistic approach to therapy

Developmentally, Freud's latency stage corresponds to Erickson's stage of

industry versus inferiority

Developmentally, Freud's latency stage corresponds to Erickson's stage of:

industry versus inferiority

A limitation of the postmodern approaches is:

inexperienced therapists may over rely on techniques and appear mechanistic.

In Meichenbaum's cognitive behavior modification, what is given primary importance?

inner speech

The client's quality world consists of all of the following except:


The defense mechanism that allows the person to protect himself or herself against unbearable pain by using dissociations between thoughts and feelings is called


In Freud's view, the phallic stage occurs during the

fourth and fifth years

The techniques of psychoanalytic therapy are aimed at:

gaining insights into the client's behavior.

Of the following, what is an interest that social constructionists tend to share?

generating new meaning in the lives of individuals

The character type described as having modified socially unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable ones by finding satisfying careers and performing creatively is the

genital character

The ideal type of person is the ____________________.

genital character

The stage wherein one makes satisfactory adjustments in love and work is called the

genital stage

Which of the following personal characteristics of the therapist is more important, according to Carl Rogers?


Which of the following roles and functions would be least interesting to a structural family therapist?

giving voice to the therapist's own impulses and fantasies

In Freud's view, an individual experiencing neurotic anxiety feels:

he will not be able to control his instincts and will behave inappropriately

One of the most important Freudian concepts, which consists of pushing unacceptable life events and painful feelings into the unconscious, is


One of the most important Freudian concepts, which consists of pushing unacceptable life events and painful feelings into the unconscious, is:


Which is not a major contribution of the postmodern approaches?

research on these approaches is considered empirically generalizable.

All of the following are goals of feminist therapy except for:

resolving intrapsychic conflicts from early childhood.

the cognitive distortion that consists of forming conclusions based on isolated detail of an event is:

selective abstraction

All of the following are cognitive methods of REBT except for:

shame- attacking exercises

Of the following, which intervention would a feminist therapist probably consider most essential?

social action

The technique whereby the analyst explains the meaning of certain behavior is known as:


Which of the following techniques would a feminist therapist be least likely to employ?

interpretation of the transference relationship

Research by Masling, Price, Goldband, and Katkin showed that oral types experienced aversive arousal when

socially isolated

According to Freud, instincts have four basic components. They are

source, aim, impetus, and object.

Freud's theory

is very comprehensive

Extential therapy groups are particularly helpful for clients working on

issues of responsibility.

Existential therapy is unlike many other therapies in that

it does not have a well-defined set of techniques, it stresses the I/Thou encounter in the therapy process, it focuses on the use of the therapist's self as the core of therapy, and it allows for incorporation of techniques from many other approaches.

A contribution of this therapeutic approach is that

it enables intense experiencing to occur quickly, it can be a relatively brief therapy, and it stresses doing and experiencing, as oposed to talking about problems.

A feature of REBT that distinguishes it from other cognitive-behavioral therapies is:

its systematic exposition of irrational beliefs that result in emotional and behavioral disturbance.

According to Gestalt theory, people use avoidance in order to

keep themselves from facing unfinished business, keep from feeling uncomfortable emotions and keep from having to change.

The cognitive distortion that involves portraying one's identity on the basis of imperfection and mistakes made in the past and allowing them to define one's true identity is:

labeling and mislabeling

The cognitive distortion that involves portraying one's identity on the basis of imperfections and mistakes made in the past and allowing them to define one's true identity is:

labeling and mislabeling.

The stage during which sexual energy is sublimated or channeled into other pursuits is called the

latency stage

Which of the following Gestalt techniques involves asking one person in a group to speak to each of the other group members?

making the rounds.

The ____________________ is the dream we remember in the morning.

manifest dream

Time-limited existential treatments

mirror the time-limited reality of human existence.

The technique of reflection involves the therapist:

mirroring the client's emotional experience of a particular situation

Individuals who display exhibitionistic traits, seek attention and admiration from others, and are extremely self-absorbed might have which of the following personality disorders?


According to Natalie Rogers, external conditions that nurture creativity include all of the following except: a. psychological safety. b. simulating and challenging experiences. c. negative reinforcement. d. psychological freedom.

negative reinforcement.

In Freudian theory, the phenomenon in which the patient redirects unconscious feelings of anger and hostility based on conflicts with authority figures in early childhood toward the therapist is called

negative transference

The main therapeutic goal of REBT is:

none of the above

Existentially, the ideas of freedom and responsibility suggest

oour freedom requires us to accept reponsibility for directing our own life, we are free to chose who we will be, and you cannot have one without the other.

A limitation of this approach as it applies to multicultural counseling is:

oppressed clients may have little choice over their circumstances.

The adult characterized by envy and suspiciousness is called a(n)

oral aggressive character

The state of psychosexual development wherein one is practically all id and cannot distinguish between the self and the environment is the

oral stage

What is the correct sequence of the psychosexual stages?


The process of holding extreme beliefs on the basis of a single incisdent and applyting them inappropriately to dissimialr events of settings is known as:


Slips of the tongue are called


The "fundamental rule" for the client in psychoanalysis is:

participating in free association

Research by Juni, Masling, and Brannon on high oral types found that

people high in orality used greater physical contact as a means of helping others solve a problem than people low in orality

Which of the following is not considered a basic dimension of the human condition?

striving for acceptance of others.

The ____that recently has come into prominence shares many concepts on the healthy side of human existence with the humanistic approach. a. dialectical behavior therapy approach b. applied behavior analysis movement. c. positive psychology movement d. object relations approach

positive psychology movement

Which of the following themes would clients in feminist therapy be least likely to explore?

power and control

The defense mechanism involving the conversion of an undesirable impulse into its opposite is called

reaction formation

The ego defense mechanism that involves the transformation of unacceptable impulses into creative and socially acceptable ones is called


The process of redirecting sexual energy into some form of socially acceptable behavior is known as:


The aspect of personality that concerns the learning of the values and ideals of society is the


An individual's active and conscious attempt to stop anxiety-provoking thoughts by simply not thinking about them is called ____________________.


The defense mechanism that involves the conscious blocking of unpleasant memories from awareness is called


All of the following are a part of Jung's view of development except:


Stress inoculation training consists of all of the following except:

tapping into the unconscious realm.

The death instinct is called


The relational-cultural theory emphasizes the vital role:

that relationships and connectedness with others play in the lives of women.

Feminist therapists reject:

the androcentric view.

When a person experiences an internal conflict (namely a condlict between top dog and underdog), which of the following techniques would be most appropriate?

the internal dialogue exercise.

The techniques of externalization and developing unique events are associated primarily with:

the narrative approach.

Which of the following feminist principles implies that what has been typically viewed as individual clients' personal problems are really socially and politically caused?

the person is political.

One of the main ways that Beck's cognitive therapy differs from Ellis's REBT is that in Beck's approach, more so than in Ellis's approach:

the quality of the therapeutic relationship is basic to the therapy process.

What is the most important factor related to progress in person-centered therapy?

the relationship between the client and the therapist

Which statement is true of the person-centered approach?

the techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitudes

A limit of the feminist approach from a diversity perspective is:

the tendency to impose upon a client personal values that may not be consistent with the client's cultural framework.

Although feminist therapy shares many of the premises of person-centered therapy, feminist therapy does not agree with the notion that:

the therapeutic relationship is, in an of itself, sufficient to produce change.

Although feminist therapy shares many of the premises of person-centered therapy, feminist therapy does not agree with the notion that:

the therapeutic relationship is, in and of itself, sufficient to produce change.

The central theme running through the works of Viktor Frankl is

the will to meaning

Research by Masling, O'Neill, and Katkin on high oral types found that

they experienced more stress in an interaction with an impersonal individual than in an interaction with a warm, personal individual

A notewortjy strength of the cognitive behavioral approaches is:

they have astrong empirical support

A noteworthy strength of the cognitive behavioral approaches is:

they have strong empirical support.

In reality therapy, the purpose of developing an action plan is:

to arrange for successful experience.

The function of the reality therapist is:

to assist clients in dealing with the present.

The basic aim of psychoanalytic therapy is:

to make the unconscious material conscious

The main function of the ego is to

to mediate between the instincts and the surrounding environment

Which of the following themes would clients in feminist therapy be least likely to explore?

transference reactions toward their therapist

The reaction of the patient to the therapist with the feelings and behavior previously shown toward earlier authority figures is called


20. Person-centered therapy groups emphasize self-acceptance and self-reliance.


Students of the person-centered approach sometimes have difficulty letting clients truly find their own way and make decisions in an unassisted fashion.


The Freudian view of human nature is deterministic.


The latency stage occurs between the ages of 5 to 12.


The psychoanalytic approach provides practitioners with a framework for understanding the origins and functions of symptoms.


The term "presence" refers to the counselor's ability to be fully engaged in the therapeutic relationship with the client.


Therapists who demonstrate little acceptance of their clients can anticipate that their therapeutic attempts will falter.


Traditional analytic therapists make more frequent interpretations of transferences and engage in fewer supportive interventions than is the case with psychodynamic therapists.


The defense mechanism in which a person who thinks or acts on an undesirable impulse makes amends by performing an action that nullifies the undesirable action is called


All of the following are techniques used in solution-focused therapy except for:

using the reflecting team

Which of the following is not a component of total behavior?


Which of the following procedures would a reality therapist be least likely to employ?

reliving an early childhood event

According to Gestalt therapy, all of the following are true about contact except

withdrawal after a good contact experience indicates neurosis.

Which of the following was not part of Stan's work in existential therapy

working on him inauthentic relationship with his siblings.

Freud found that dreams

yielded valuable information concerning the nature of the person's conflicts and the mechanisms by which they are concealed from awareness.

What did Rogers' say are the necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic personality change?

1. Two people are in psychological contact. 2. The client is in a state of incongruence 3. Therapist is congruent 4. Therapist experiences unconditional positive regard for the client. 5. Therapist experiences an empathic understanding of the client. 6. Communication to the client of the therapist's empathic understanding and unconditional positive regard is to a minimal degree achieved.

Cognitive behavioral therapy group leaders:

All but D: =believe that homework assignments outside of the group are equally important ad within the group - use a psychoeducational approach - focus on specific techniques

Ellis contends that humans beings are:

All of the above

REBT can best be considered as:

All of the above

Cognitive behavior therapists assist client's in using language that:

All of the above: - is not self-condemning - depicts the client's thoughts in a rational and accurate manner -replaces absolutes with preferences

Cognitive restructuring plays an important role in whose approach to therapy?

All of the above: Ellis Meichenbaum Beck

Stress innoculation training consists of:

All of the above: - behavioral rehearsals - self-monitoring -cognitive restructuring - problem solving

Beck's cognitive theory differs from Elli's REBT in that Beck's approach emphasizes:

All of the above: - more of a Socratic dialogue - helping clients to discover their misconceptions by themselves - working with the vlient in collaborative ways -more structure in the therapy process

Beck's cognitive therapy invovles:

All of the above: -helping clients recognize and discard self defeating thinking - looking at a client's "internal dialogue" - correcting erroneous beliefs

Which of the following feminist principles recognizes the importance of working against oppression and discrimination on the basis of race, class, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, and disability?

All types of oppression are recognized.

Which of the following is not considered one of the six methodological components of Gestalt therapy?


In cognitive therapy, therapy techniques are designed to:

Assist individuals inmaking alternative interpretations of vents in their daily living

Adrianne, who is uncertain about her career goals and is afraid to commit to any career path, is working with a therapist who specializes in using motivational interviewing strategies. What will her therapist look for in order to assess the success of therapy?​ a. ​ An improvement in Adrianne's ability to block negative thoughts about her career options b. ​ A reduction in Adrianne's ambivalence about choosing a career path and an increase in her intrinsic motivation to clarify her direction c. Progress in working through unconscious conflicts related to commitment​ d. ​ A willingness on Adrianne's part to examine her family constellation in order to deepen her understanding of her reasons for her lack of direction

B. A reduction in Adrianne's ambivalence about choosing a career path and an increase in her intrinsic motivation to clarify her direction

Which of the following is not true about the most recent trends in person-centered therapy?​ a. ​ It could be referred to as holistic therapy. b. ​ Acceptance and clarification are the main techniques used. c. ​ It emphasizes an increased involvement of the therapist as a person. d. ​ It allows the therapist greater freedom to be active in the therapeutic relationship.

B. Acceptance and clarification are the main techniques used.

Therapists utilizing motivational interviewing strategies view clients as:​ a. ​ opponents to be defeated. b. ​ allies who play a major role in their present and future success. c. ​ victims of their own psychopathology who need to be liberated from their pain and dysfunction. d. ​ people who are lazy and need a powerful incentive to change their ways.

B. Allies who play a major role in their present and future success.

Which of the following is not true about Carl Rogers?​ a. ​ He was raised with strict religious standards in his home. b. ​ He developed cognitive therapy. c. ​ At one point in his life, he was preparing to enter the ministry. d. ​ He made a contribution toward achieving world peace.

B. He developed cognitive therapy

According to Rogerian therapy, an "internal source of evaluation" is defined as:​ a. ​ internalizing the validation one receives from others. b. ​ looking more to oneself for the answers to the problems of existence. c. ​ going on one's instincts when judging the behavior of others. d. ​ a neurotic tendency to be self-critical.

B. Looking more to oneself for the answers to the problems of existence.

The __________ is a directional process of striving toward realization, fulfillment, autonomy, and selfdetermination. ​ a. c​ongruence tendency b. e​mpathic understanding c. a​ctualizing tendency d. a​ctualizing understanding

C. Actualizing tendency

Which of the following personal characteristics of the therapist is most important, according to Carl Rogers?​ a. U​nconditional positive regard b. ​Acceptance c. G​enuineness d. A​ccurate empathic understanding

C. Genuineness

Characteristics of a self-actualized person include all of the following, except: A. welcomes uncertainty in his/her life. B. has a capacity for deep and intense interpersonal relationships. C. has artificial dichotomies within him/herself. D. is spontaneous and creative.

C. Has artificial dichotomies within him/herself

____________________ are the driving forces in personality.


The main function of the rational emotive behavior therapist if to:

Challenge clients to reevaluate their ideas and philosophy of life

In order for a therapist to communicate "accurate empathic understanding" the counselor must: ​ a. ​ have experienced a situation very similar to the client's current predicament. b. ​ clarify details and facts relevant to the client's experiences. c. ​ feel a deep sense of warmth toward the client. d. ​ connect emotionally to the client's subjective world.

D. Connect emotionally to the client's subjective world.

In applying the person-centered approach to crisis intervention, therapists should do all of the following, except:​ a. ​ communicate a deep sense of understanding. b. ​ provide genuine support and warmth. c. ​ use a more structured approach and provide clients with some direction. d. ​ do not give the individual the opportunity to fully express themselves.

D. Do not give the individual the opportunity to fully express themselves.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the person-centered approach? ​ a. ​The focus is on the phenomenological world of the client. b. ​It is supported by evidence from ongoing research. c. ​The client-centered approach emphasized the role of the therapist as a facilitator of growth and honored the inherent power of the client. d. ​Emphasis is given to developing a contract for therapy.

D. Emphasis is given to developing a contract for therapy.

Concerning research on psychotherapy and Carl Rogers, which of the following is not true? ​ a. ​ Rogers stated his concepts as testable hypotheses and submitted them to research. b. ​ Rogers literally opened the field for psychotherapy research. c. ​ Rogers inspired others to conduct extensive research on counseling process and outcome. d. ​ Rogers did not conduct the research himself.

D. Rogers did not conduct the research himself.

Which of the following is not a key concept of the person-centered approach?​ a. ​ The focus is on experiencing the immediate moment. b. ​ In a climate of safety in the therapeutic session, the client comes to realize that there are more authentic ways of being. c. ​ The client is primarily responsible for the direction of therapy. d. ​ The focus is on exploration of a client's past.

D. The focus is on exploration of a client's past

One point of disagreement between existential and humanistic thought involves: a. ​ a respect for the client's subjective experience. b. ​ a trust in the capacity of the client to make positive choices. c. ​ an emphasis on freedom. d. ​ the idea of an innate self-actualizing drive.

D. The idea of an innate self-actualizing drive

which of the following NOT a characteristic of the person-centered approach?

Emphasis is given to contract for therapy

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the person-centered approach? a. Importance is placed on the attitudes and beliefs of the therapist. b. The focus is on the subjective world of the client. c. Emphasis is given to developing a contract for therapy. d. It is supported by evidence from ongoing research. e. Attention is directed toward the personal relationship between the client and the therapist.

Emphasis is given to developing a contract for therapy.

The person-centered approach's view of human nature:

Emphasizes clients' abilities to engage their own resources to act in their world with others.

Which of the following is not part of the five-step treatment procedure used in a coping-skills program?

Evaluating the anxiety level of the client by using both physiological and psychological tests

The person-centered approach shares many concepts and values with which other therapy?


Which of the following is not true about Gestalt techniques

Experiments are always carried out during the therapy session, rather than outside it.

According to Albert Ellis, to feel worthwhile, human beings need love and acceptance from significant others. (T/F)


Beck developed a procedure known as stress-inoculation training. (T/F)


Cognitive therapy, an evidence-based therapy for depression, was developed by Meichenbaum. (T/F)


Ellis shares Rogers's view of the client-therapist relationship as a condition for change to occur within clients. (T/F)


REBT makes use of both cognitive and behavioral techniques, but it does not use emotive techniques. (T/F)


According to Perls, awareness of and by itself is not sufficient to lead to change; clients must also put their experiences into some type of cognitive framework if change is to happen. (T/F)


According to Perls, awareness of and by itself is not sufficient to lead to change; clients must also put their experiences into some type of cognitive framework if changes is to happen.


According to the existential view, death makes life meaningless


According to the existential view, death makes life meaningless. (T/F)


Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is synonymous with Gestalt therapy. (T/F)


Existential therapy casn best be considered as a system of highly developed techniques to foster authenticity.


Existential therapy is rarely used for group treatment. (T/F)


Existentials claim that the use of specific techniqies is the cornerstone of the approach.


From the existential viewpoint, anxiety is seen as a neurotic manifestation; thus the aim of therapy is to eliminate anxiety so clients can live comfortably.


From the existential viewpoint, anxiety is seen as a neurotic manifestation; thus the aim of therapy is to eliminate anxiety so clients can live comfortably. (T/F)


Gestalt experiments are ready-made techniques that are often used to evoke the expression of certian emotions.


Gestalt theory is best considered as a form of psychoanalytic therapy.


Gestalt theory is best considered as a form of psychoanalytic therapy. (T/F)


Gestalt therapists focus more on why clients are doing that what they are doing.


Gestalt therapy focuses on the cognitive aspects of therapy.


Gestalt therapy focuses on the cognitive aspects of therapy. (T/F)


Gestalt therapy is designed for individual counseling, and it typically does not work well in groups.


Gestalt therapy is designed for individual counseling, and it typically does not work well in groups. (T/F)


Gestalt therapy relies mainly on psychoanalytic techniques.


Gestaltists typically ask why questions in the attempt to get clients to think about the source of their problem. (T/F)


Gestaltists typically ask why questions in the attempt to get clients to think about the source of their problems.


In the existential approach, techniqies are primary, while subjective understanding of clients is secondary.


In the existential approach, techniques are primary, while subjective understanding of clients is secondary. (T/F)


One of the contributions of Gestalt therapy is the vast empirical research that has been done to validate the specific techniques used.


One of the contributions of Gestalt therapy is the vast empirical research that has been done to validate the specific techniques used. (T/F)


Preparing clients for Gestalt exercises destroys both their spontaneity and effectiveness.


Retroflection involves doing to others what we would like them to do to us.


Retroflection involves doing to others what we would like them to do to us. (T/F)


The Gestalt therapist typically uses diagnosis and interpretation as a basic part of the therapeutic process.


The Gestalt therapist typically uses diagnosis and interpretation as a basic part of the therapeutic process. (T/F)


The existential vacuum represents a place of reflection and solace.


The existential vacuum represents a place of reflection and solace. (T/F)


The goal of Gestalt therapy is to solve basic problems, to resolve one's polarities, and to help the individual to adjust to his or her environment.


The goal of Gestalt therapy is to solve basic problems, to resolve one's polarities, and to help the individual to adjust to his or her environment. (T/F)


The outcomes of existential therapy have bee submitted to rigorous emperical testing.


The outcomes of existential therapy have been submitted to rigorous empirical testing. (T/F)


Therapy is based upon the successful resolution of the transference relationship.


Therapy is based upon the successful resolution of the transference relationship. (T/F)


True or False Oral characters tend to be vain, arrogant, and negativistic.


True or False The child is highly negativistic in the genital stage.


True or False The conscious refers to those ideas and sensations of which we are unaware.


True or False The dependent personality type is someone who is always passive and submissive.


true or false According to Carl Rogers, personality change occurs only when clients develop insight into the origin of their personality problems.​


true or false Accurate empathic understanding implies an objective understanding of a client.​


true or false Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) emerged as a behavioral approach informed by understanding the role of an emotion in human functioning and psychotherapeutic change.​


true or false Free association and dream analysis are a typical part of the personcentered therapist's procedures.


true or false If the therapeutic core conditions exist over some period of time, constructive personality change will not occur. ​


true or false Maslow believed not enough research was being conducted on anxiety, hostility, and neuroses and too much into joy, creativity, and self-fulfillment.​


true or false Natalie Rogers is no longer an active contributor to the person-centered approach.​


true or false Person-centered therapy groups emphasize the unique role of the group counselor as a leader.​


true or false The concept of unconditional positive regard implies that therapists develop an accepting and approving attitude toward all actions taken by their clients.


true or false The person-centered approach is based on a set of specific therapeutic techniques designed to promote behavior change.


true or false The person-centered approach is not particularly well-suited to multi-cultural counseling.​


true or false The person-centered model has become stagnant and shows little sign of evolution.​


true or false Therapists are encouraged to use positive regard for clients only as a means of shaping their behavior.​


true or false When Rogers challenged the basic assumption that "the counselor knows best," he thought that this radical idea would affect the power dynamics and politics of the counseling profession, but to his surprise, it did not.​


____________________ views the counselor and therapist as an observer who is outside of the system, can assess what is going on, and can promote change—all without ever becoming part of the system.

First-order cybernetics

Contributions to Multicultural Counseling with person-centered therapy:

Focus is on breaking cultural barriers and facilitating open dialogue among diverse cultural populations. Main strengths are respect for clients' values, active listening, welcoming of differences, nonjudgmental attitude, understanding, willingness to allow clients to determine what will be explored in sessions, and prizing cultural pluralism.

What is expressive arts therapy?

Founder is Natalie Rogers: Extends the person-centered approach to spontaneous creative expression, which symbolizes deep and sometimes inaccessible feelings and emotional states.

Who among the following talked about the individuals "will power" and the "herd morality?"

Friedrich Nietzsche

Who among the following is not considered a relational Gestalt therapist?

Fritz Perls

Applications of the approaches of person-centered therapy:

Has wide applicability to individual and group counseling. It is especially well suited for the initial phases of crisis intervention work. Its principles have been applied to couple and family therapy, community programs, administration and management, and human relations training. It is a useful approach for teaching, parent-child relations, and for working with groups of people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Personcentered therapy is a(n):

Humanistic approach to therapy

All of the following are true as they apply to self-instructional therapy, except that:

It focuses directly on changing a client's behavior in social situations

All of the following are true about the superego except:

It governs, controls and regulates the personality.

Which of the following is not true about role playing in REBT?

It is a way of surfacing unfinished business.

Which of the following is not true of the "working-through" process in psychoanalytic therapy?

It is achieved by free association.

Which of the following is true about the relationship between a client and a rational behavior therapist?

It is characterized by full acceptance and tolerance

Which of the following is true about the relationship between a client and a rational emotive behavior therapist?

It is characterized by full acceptance and tolerance.

A statement that best illustrates "bad faith" is

Naturally I'm this way, because I grew up in an alcoholic family.

Which technique is considered essential to existential therapy?

None of these options

The type of cognitive error that involves thinking and interpreting in all-or-nothing terms, or is categorizing experiences in either/or extremes, is known as:

Polarized thinking

The ______________ that recently has come into prominence shares many concepts on the healthy side of human existence with the humanistic approach.

Positive psychology movement

What are the basic philosophies of person-centered therapy?

Positive view of people; we have an inclination toward becoming fully functioning. In the context of the therapeutic relationship, the client experiences feelings that were previously denied to awareness. The client moves toward increased awareness, spontaneity, trust in self, and inner-directedness.

Limitation of the person-centered approaches:

Possible danger from the therapist who remains passive and inactive, limiting responses to reflection. Many clients feel a need for greater direction, more structure, and more techniques. Clients in crisis may need more directive measures. Applied to individual counseling, some cultural groups will expect more counselor activity.

Patrick has been confronted by family members and friends about his excessive gambling. Despite their attempts to help him, he insists that they are overreacting and that he has everything under control. He does not feel the need to alter his behaviors. Patrick is at which stage of change?​

Precontemplation stage

Which of the following statements about strategic family therapy is not true?

Presenting problems are viewed as being symptomatic of a dysfunction within the system.

Which of these statements is not true?

Reality therapy does not lend itself to a group format.

The therapy goals of promoting growth, self-esteem, and connection, and helping family members achieve congruent communication and interaction are most associated with which theory of family therapy?

Satir's human validation process model

In the 1960s and 1970s Rogers did a great deal to spearhead the development of:​ a. ​ organizational management seminars. b. ​ private colleges aimed at training person-centered therapists. c. ​ student-centered teaching and encounter groups. d. ​ the National Training Laboratories and T-groups.

Student-centered teaching and encounter groups.

____________________ is the construct Freud used to describe the individual's internalization of societal values.


From a person-centered perspective, the best source of knowledge about the client is:

The individual client

Which of the following statements about creating alternative stories is not true?

The narrative therapist analyzes and interprets the meaning of a client's story.

All of the following are key characteristics of contemporary reality therapy except for:

There is a focus on talking about symptoms that bring a client into therapy.

Which of the following statements is true with regard to the fit between the cognitive behavioral approaches and multicultural counseling?

There is an "almost perfect fit" between cognitive behavior therapy and multicultural counseling because these perspectives share common assumptions that make integration possible.

What are the techniques of person-centered therapy?

This approach uses few techniques but stresses the attitudes of the therapist and a "way of being". Therapists strive for active listening, reflection of feelings, clarification, "Being there" for the client, and focusing on the moment-to-moment experiencing of the client. This model does not include diagnostic testing, interpretation, taking a case history, or questioning or probing for information.

An effective Gestalt therapist must develop deep personal awareness.


Blocked energy is a form of defensive behavior. (T/F)


Both contact and withdrawal are necessary and important to healthy functioning (T/F)


Both contact and withdrawal are necessary and important to healthy functioning.


Currently, there is high international interest in the existential approach to psychotherapy.


Existential therapist strive to be their authentic selves when working with clients.


Existential therapists strive to be their authentic selves when working with clients. (T/F)


Existential therapy grew out of a reaction to the limitations of both the psychoanalytic and deterministic stance (T/F)


Existential therapy is rooted in the premise that humans cannot escape from freedom and responsibility.(T/F)


Fritz Perls' wife Laura stated, "Without the constant support from his friends, and from me, without the constant encouragement and collaboration, Fritz would never have written a line, nor founded anything." (T/F)


Gestalt therapies view a client's avoidance behavior as related to unfinished business. (T/F)


Gestalt therapy makes use of a wide variety of techniques that are designed to increase the client's awareness of his or her present experiencing. (T/F)


In Gestalt terms, awareness refers to our connectedness to our external and internal worlds. (T/F)


In Gestalt terms, awareness refers to our connectedness to out external an internal worlds.


In Gestalt therapy, a client's resistance is welcomed and used to deepen their therapeutic work.


In the existential framework, inaction is a choice.


In the existential framework, inaction is a choice. (T/F)


Martin Buber stressed the importance of presence, which allows for the creation of I/Thou relationships in therapy.


Martin Buber stressed the importance of presence, which allows for the creation of I/Thou relationships in therapy. (T/F)


Most of the Gestalt techniques are designed to intensify one's experiencing. (T/F)


Most of the Gstalt techniques are designed to intensify one's experiencing


Part of success in using Gestalt techniques is contingent upon preparing clients for these techniques.


People who rely on retroflection tend to inhibit themselves from taking action out of fear of embarrassment, guilt, and resentment. (T/F)


Rollo May has been instrumental in translating some concepts drawn from existential philosophy and applying them to psychotherapy. (T/F)


Since Gestalt therapists believe that questions have a tendency to keep the questioner hidden, safe, and unknown, they often ask clients to change their questions into statements. (T/F)


The existential approach can be used in a brief therapy context.


The existential approach can be used in a brief therapy context. (T/F)


The existential view is based on a growth mode and conceptualizes health rather than sickness. (T/F)


true or false The person-centered approach places emphasis on the necessary and sufficient conditions for change.​


true or false Therapists who have little respect for their clients can anticipate that their therapeutic work will not be fruitful.​


A more flexible variant of psychoanalysis is: a. psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy b. psychoanalytic behavior analysis c. psychoanalytically oriented reality therapy d. superego-oriented psychotherapy


A person who manages their anxiety by distorting reality and failing to acknowledge painful events is most likely using: a. denial. b. compensation. c. introjection. d. undoing. e. sublimation.


A person who unconsciously exhibits overly nice behavior to conceal hostile feelings is probably using which ego defense? a. reaction formation b. projection c. introjection d. displacement e. regression


All of the following are true about the superego except: a. It governs, controls and regulates the personality. b. It inhibits id impulses. c. It is the judicial branch of personality. d. It represents the ideal. e. It is the internalization of the standards of parents and society.


In psychoanalytic therapy, how do clients work with their dreams? a. They report their dreams and are encouraged to free associate to the elements of the dream. b. They look for mystical meanings underlying the dream. c. They "become" each part of their dream and act out these parts in fantasy. d. They look to their dreams as signs of prediction of the future.


The ego defense mechanism in which a person exhibits behavior that clearly shows signs of reverting to less mature stages is ____? a. regression b. fixation c. introjection d. reaction formation e. rationalization


The primary aim of time limited dynamic psychotherapy is to: a. change the client's repetitive patterns of relating to others. b. explore sources of childhood trauma. c. bring about catharsis. d. deal exclusively with a single presenting problem.


Expanding awareness is

a basic goal of existential therapy.

The person-centered philosophy views diagnosis as: a. a labeling process that diminishes the therapist's ability to develop a holistic understanding of the client. b. a useful tool for case conceptualization. c. a necessary process that does not impact the course of therapy. d. a meaningful way of understanding of a client's psychological state.

a labeling process that diminishes the therapist's ability to develop a holistic understanding of the client.

Person-centered therapy is best described as:

a philosophy of how the therapy process develops

Person-centered therapy is best described as: a. a systematic set of behavioral techniques. b. a fixed set of therapeutic principles. c. a completed "school" of counseling. d. a philosophy of how the therapy process develops.

a philosophy of how the therapy process develops.

To a large degree, cognitive therapy is:

a psychoeducational model.

Adrianne, who is uncertain about her career goals and is afraid to commit to any career path, is working with a therapist who specializes in using motivational interviewing strategies. What will her therapist look for in order to assess the success of therapy? a. a reduction in Adrianne's ambivalence about choosing a career path and an increase in her intrinsic motivation to clarify her direction. b. progress in working through unconscious conflicts related to commitment. c. an improvement in Adrianne's ability to block negative thoughts about her career options. d. A willingness on Adrianne's part to examine her family constellation in order to deepen her understanding of her reasons for her lack of direction.

a reduction in Adrianne's ambivalence about choosing a career path and an increase in her intrinsic motivation to clarify her direction.

In Gestalt theory, the experiment is considered

a theoretical proposition crafted to fit the client's unique needs.

Beck's cognitive therapy has been most widely applied to the treatment of a. depression b. phobias. c. stress symptoms d. psychosomatic reactions.


Carlos, an eight year old boy, was recently removed from his home because he was being physically and sexually abused by his father. In accordance with Maslow's framework, which needs took precedence? a. physical and safety needs c. esteem from self and others b. self-actualization d. belonging and love


Existential therapy is:

a. a phenomenological approach to therapy.

In Gestalt theory, the experiment is considered:

a. a theoretical proposition crafted to fit the client's unique needs.

The feminist perspectives on the development of personality:

a. encompass the diversity and complexity of women's lives. b. attend to the ways in which diversity influences self-structures. c. recognize the inextricable connection between internal and external worlds. d. acknowledge the political and social oppression of women. e. all of the above

Gestalt therapy is a form of:

a. existential therapy

From the perspective of feminist therapy, the socialization of women inevitably affects their:

a. identity development. b. self-concept. c. goals and aspirations. d. emotional well-being. e. all of the above

Existentialists contend that the experience of relatedness to other human beings:

a. is healthy if balanced with aloneness.

Time-limited existential treatments:

a. mirror the time-limited reality of human existence.

Being alone is a process by which we do all of the following except:

a. reject the social overtures of others.

A defining theme in the practice of feminist therapy is:

a. the inclusion of the client in the assessment process. b. the inclusion of the client in the treatment process. e. both (a) and (b)

A feminist therapy is likely to become an advocate for change in the social structure by arguing for:

a. the right to self-determination. b. the freedom to pursue a career outside the home. c. the right to an education. d. equality in power in relationships. e. all of the above.

The person-centered view of human nature: a. views people as basically competitive. b. states that humans are driven by irrational forces. c. affirms a person's capacity to direct his or her own life. d. assumes that, while humans have the potential for growth, we tend to remain stagnant.

affirms a person's capacity to direct his or her own life.

Reality therapy has gained popularity with:

all of the above (a. school counselors and administrators. b. school teachers, both elementary and secondary. c. rehabilitation workers.)

Which method(s) is (are) often used in reality therapy?

all of these (a. behavior-oriented methods b. the use of questioning c. exploring a client's quality world d.designing an action plan)

The feminist perspectives on the development of personality:

all of these (a. encompass the diversity and complexity of women's lives. b. attend to the ways in which diversity influences self-structures. c. recognize the inextricable connection between internal and external worlds. d. acknowledge the political and social oppression of women.)

From the perspective of feminist therapy, the socialization of women inevitably affects their:

all of these (a. identity development. b. self-concept. c. goals and aspirations. d. emotional well-being.)

According to REBT, it is important to change the way one uses language because:

all of these (a. imprecise language is one of the causes of distorted thinking processes. b. language shapes thinking and behavior. c. language shapes feelings.)

Cognitive behavioral therapists assist clients in using language that:

all of these (a. is not self-condemning. b. depicts the client's thoughts in a rational and accurate manner. c. replaces absolutes with preferences.)

The therapeutic process in solution-focused brief therapy involves:

all of these (a. the premise that to some degree clients already know the solutions to their problems. b. asking clients about those times when their problems were not present or when the problems were less severe. c. believing that clients are the experts on their own lives. d. trusting that solutions evolve out of therapeutic conversations and dialogues.)

REBT can best be considered as:

all of these (a.an educative process. b. a didactic process. c. a process challenging ideas and thinking. d. a teaching/learning process)

In applying the person centered approach to crisis intervention, therapists:

all: -communicate a deep sense of understanding -provide genuine support and warmth -use a more structured approach and provide clients with some direction

In a person-centered view, the actualizing tendency implies that humans:

all: -have an innate desire to move toward health and fulfillment -can achieve their goals with proper motivation -need a growth promoting climate to move forward

The person centered approach has been applied to:

all: -personal-growth groups -education -family therapy -foreign relations

Therapists utilizing motivational interviewing strategies view clients as: a. allies who play a major role in their present and future success. b. opponents to be defeated. c. victims of their own psychopathology who need to be liberated from their pain and dysfunction. d. people who are lazy and need a powerful incentive to change their ways.

allies who play a major role in their present and future success.

Wubboding believes all of the following encourage the client's involvement in therapy except for:

allowing the client to focus on symptoms.

Contemporary Gestalt therapists view client resistance as

an element of therapy that needs to be respected.

From the family systems perspective, symptoms are often viewed as:

an expression of a set of habits and patterns within a family.

Which of the following feminist principles recognizes the importance of working against oppression on the basis of race, class, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, and disability?

an integrated analysis of oppression.

In Freudian theory, feelings of sexual pleasure that have their source in the individual's control over expulsion and retention of feces involve

anal eroticism

Feelings of hostility, destructiveness, anger, rage, and hatred are associated with the:

anal stage

The stage of development wherein the ego processes are being differentiated from the id, along with the assertion of independence, is called the

anal stage

Donna feels certain that no one will ever want to hire her because she has a timid personality. Her solution-oriented therapist would be most inclined to:

ask Donna to examine another side of the story she is presenting about herself and think of times when she was accepted by others.

Which of the following procedures would a reality therapist be least likely to employ?

asking a client to emotionally reexperience a childhood experience

The empty chair technique

assists clients in reowning part of their personality, balances internal polarities, allows clients to externalize an introject and helps to resolve unfinished business.

Henry has the impulse to gamble excessively whenever he goes to Las Vegas. Aware of this, he has decided to turn down a job offer in Las Vegas to avoid the temptation to gamble. What part of Henry's personality helped him to reach this decision? a. The superego b. The ego c. The id


The ego defense mechanism that consists of masking perceived weaknesses or developing certain positive traits to make up for limitations is known as: a. regression. b. compensation. c. reaction formation. d. sublimation. e. introjection.


Cognitive behavior therapy tends to be culturally sensitive because a. our feelings determine our actions. b. it uses the individual's belief system, or worldview, as part of the method of self-exploration c. the best way to change thinking is to reexperience past emotional traumas in the here and now. d. cognitions are the major determinants of how we feel and act.


REBT views the core of emotional disturbances to be a. failure to fulfill our existential needs. b. blame c. excessive feelings. d. inadequate mothering during infancy.


Which of the following is not true about Rollo May?

b. He believes that we can only escape anxiety by exercising our freedom.

A women states to you: "This has been the best year of my life. I got married, we bought our first house, I got a job I love. Everyone keeps congratulating me. There's just something wrong. Secretly I feel so sad and lost." The best client centered response might be:

b. I want to understand what you're saying. It sounds like on one hand, you have some reason to feel happy and excited, but when you are alone or quiet you are also aware of feeling lost and sad.

In the book Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death (2008), ____develops the idea that confronting death enables us to live in a more compassionate way.

b. Irvin Yalom

When is the counseling process at its best from an existential viewpoint?

b. When the deepest self of the therapist meets the deepest part of the client.

Expanding awareness is:

b. a basic goal of existential therapy.

In existential therapy, the conception of the therapist is

b. a fully alive human companion for the client.

Existential therapy is best considered as:

b. an approach to understanding humans.

The existential approach is particularly well-suited to clients who:

b. are dealing with grief and loss.

The key elements of suicide assessment include:

b. assessment of risk, protection, and direct questions

The basic goal of Gestalt therapy is:

b. attaining awareness, and with it greater choice.

Empirical support for Gestalt therapy is:

b. becoming stronger.

Because of his need to be liked, Jose makes careful efforts to get along with everyone and minimizes interpersonal conflicts. Which boundary disturbance is Jose exhibiting?

b. confluence.

Finding the "courage to be" involves:

b. developing a will to move forward despite fears.

Field theory suggests that:

b. everything in human experience is relational and in constant flux.

Mariah tells her therapist, a Gestaltist, that she dreamt she got married to a pit bull and felt uneasy about telling her parents that she married a dog. When her parents discovered their son-in-law was a pit bull, they disowned her and suddenly became dogs themselves. In response to this dream, Mariah's therapist:

b. should assist her client in reliving the dream as though it was happening in the now and have her become each part of the dream.

7. A critical difference between early Gestalt therapy and relational Gestalt therapy is:

b. the approach to confrontation.

The central theme running through the works of Viktor Frankl is:

b. the will to meaning.

Sonia, a recovering alcoholic, is going through relapse prevention. During this process, it is likely that she will:

be taught to view any lapses that occur as "learning opportunities" rather than "catastrophic failures."

Empirical support for Gestalt therapy is

becoming stronger.

A person with a ____ personality disorder is characterized by instability, irritability, self-destructive acts, impulsive anger, and extreme mood shifts. This person is lacking a clear sense of identity, has poor impulse control, and an inability to tolerate anxiety.


Which of the following is true about ego psychology (as compared with id Psychology)?

both (It emphasizes the striving of the ego for mastery and competence throughout life) and (It deals with both early and later developmental stages)

The libido is best described as:

both (a source of motivation) and (a source of sexual energy) are true

From a multicultural perspective, classical analysis may:

both (be problematic for clients from cultures that prefer a directive approach) and (underscore the role of important cultural and political factors in the client's world) are true

The goal(s) of Freudian psychoanalytic therapy is (are):

both (making the unconscious conscious) and (strengthening the ego so that behavior is based on reality)

Psychodynamic group therapy:

both (provides a conceptual framework for understanding how the past effects members in the present) and (may evoke transference feelings that remind members of significant others in their lives) are true

Transference is viewed as:

both (the core of the psychoanalytic process) and (a means to uncover earlier unfinished business from past relationships)

According to object-relations theory, the symbiosis stage is characterized by:

both (the infant's pronounced dependency on the mother) and (infant's expectation of emotional attunement with the mother)

Countertransference occurs when:

both (the therapist has reactions toward the client that interfere with his or her objectivity) and (the therapist's needs and wants for the client disrupt the treatment) are true.

The important developmental task during the middle age years is:

both (to be involved in helping the next generation) and (to adjust to the discrepancy between one's dreams and one's actual accomplishments)

Regarding group counseling, CBT groups:

both a and b: - Are the preferred method of many community agencies - value both symptom reduction and teaching self- reliance

According to the Gestalt view, blocked energy is

both a defensive behavior and a form of resistance to contact.

The Gestalt approach to dreams

both asks the client to become all parts of his or her own dream and has the client actively interpret the meaning of the drean himself or herself.

Living authentically implies

both being true to our own evaluation of that constitutes a meaningful existence and accepting responsibility for the fact that we create our lives by the choices we make.

In group work, existential therapists help clients to

both come to terms with the paradoxical nature of living and establish meaningful relationships with others.

Gestalt-therapy techniques are designated to help the client

both expand awareness of the here and now and intensify feelings and experiences.

From a multicultural perspective, a limitation of Gestalt therapy is that

both it tends to produce high levels of intense feelings and it is highly focused on direct expression of feelings.

According to the existential view, anxiety is seen as

both part of the human condition and a catalyst for authentic living are true.

The existential philosophy of therapy includes the notions that

both people are thrust into a meaningless and absurd world and that they are basically alone and people must create their own meanings through their choices.

In a group setting, clients learn

both, that there are no ultimate answers for ultimate concerns and that pain is a reality of the human experience are true.

The concept of unconditional positive regard implies:

both: -the therapist acceptance of the client's right to all his or her feelings -the therapist's acceptance of the client as a worthy being without stipulations

Sandra is a reality therapist who is meeting her client Paul, who struggles with career indecision, for the first time. How might she begin her work with Paul?

by asking Paul what he wants from therapy

A person experiencing persistent feelings of inadequacy has probably had difficulty attaining a sense of ____ during the____ stage. a. identity; adolescent b. intimacy; young adulthood c. industry; school age d. initiative; preschool age e. integrity; later life


Attributing to others the qualities or traits that are unacceptable to our own ego is best described as: a. displacement. b. reaction formation. c. projection. d. introjection. e. none of these.


Feelings of hostility, destructiveness, anger, rage, and hatred are associated with the: a. oral stage. c. anal stage. b. genital stage. d. phallic stage.


Jacqueline feels guilty whenever she considers taking a day off from work for personal reasons. Which of the psychic structures postulated by Freud is fueling her guilt feelings? a. The id b. The ego c. The superego


Person-centered therapy is best explained as: a. a set of techniques to build trust in clients. b. a dogma. c. none of these. d. a fixed and completed approach to therapy.


The Electra complex and the Oedipus complex are associated with what psychosexual stage of development? a. genital stage b. latency stage c. phallic stage d. oral stage e. anal stage


What is the correct sequence of the psychosexual stages? a. latency/oral/anal/phallic/genital b. latency/anal/oral/phallic/genital c. oral/anal/phallic/latency/genital d. anal/phallic/latency/genital/oral e. oral/anal/latency/genital/phallic


Which of the following is not typically a standard psychoanalytic technique? a. exploration of patterns of resistance b. analysis of transference c. exploration of one's position in the family d. free association e. interpretation


Beck's cognitive therapy places more emphasizes on a. working with the client in collaborative ways. b. less structure in the therapeutic process. c. helping clients identify misconceptions for themselves. d. a Socratic dialogue.


In cognitive therapy the assumption is that a psychological disorder begins when normal emotion and behaviors become disproportionate to life events in degree frequency. Which of the following is not one of these processes? a. Selective abstraction b. Faulty information processing c. Non-polarized thinking d. Arbitrary inferences


In self-instructional training, which of the following is given primary importance? a. Helping clients detect and debate irrational thoughts b. Help clients identify cognitive errors c. Helping clients become aware of their self-talk d. Help clients learn the A-B-C model of emotional disturbances


Which of the following is not a part of stress inoculation training? a. relaxation training b. self-reinforcement c. exception questions d. Socratic discovery-oriented inquiry


Which of the following is not true about Fritz Perls?

c. During his childhood, he was a model student.

Which of the statements below regarding emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is not true?

c. EFT was developed by Fritz Perls' wife, Laura.

Which of the following is not true about Gestalt techniques?

c. Experiments are always carried out during the therapy session, rather than outside it.

A man says to you: "I cannot believe I am sitting here in your office. I never dreamed I would need a therapist. My problems are not that bad. My wife thinks I need to be here because of my anger. I have been pretty down since my Dad died, maybe a little grumpy, but I don't think I have an anger problem." An appropriate Gestalt response might be:

c. I notice that when you tell me that you are not angry, you are clenching your teeth.

Which person is not associated with the existential movement?

c. Skinner

A women states to you: "This has been the best year of my life. I got married, we bought our first house, I got a job I love. Everyone keeps congratulating me. There's just something wrong. Secretly I feel so sad and lost." Use the same vignette, and identify the response using the Existential mode.

c. Transitions often give us a chance to reflect on our decisions, new connections, losses and meaning in our life.

Which of the following was not part of Stan's work in existential therapy?

c. Working on his inauthentic relationship with his siblings.

Contemporary Gestalt therapists view client resistance as:

c. an element of therapy that needs to be respected.

Often Greta, who struggles to feel good about herself, comes to sessions with slouched posture. In order to help Greta gain a clearer understanding of the inner meaning of her slouched posture, a Gestalt therapist might:

c. ask Greta to exaggerate her poor posture, which is likely to intensify her feelings attached to it.

Erv Polster believes that storytelling:

c. can be the heart of the therapeutic process since people are storytelling beings.

Which of the following is not one of the Gestalt group leader's roles?

c. evoking group catharsis.

According to existentialists, our search for meaning involves all of these except:

c. exploring unfinished business.

The central issue in existential therapy is:

c. freedom and responsibility.

Viktor Frankl's approach to existential therapy is known as:

c. logotherapy.

Which of the following Gestalt techniques involves asking one person in a group to speak to each of the other group members?

c. making the rounds

Which of the following is not one of Miriam Polster's three stages in her integration sequence?

c. reunification

A Gestalt technique that is most useful when a person attempts to deny an aspect of his or her personality (such as tenderness) is:

c. the reversal exercise.

According to the Gestalt perspective, if people do not remember their dreams:

c. they may be refusing to face what is wrong with their lives.

For Sartre, existential guilt is what we experience when:

c. we allow others to define us or to make our choices for us.

The paradoxical theory of behavior change suggests:

c. we change through becoming aware of who we currently are.

Carl Roger's position on confronting the client is that

caring confrontations can be beneficial

Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that: a. caring confrontations can be beneficial. b. confrontation causes clients to stop growing. c. confrontation is to be avoided at all costs. d. confrontation reflects that the therapist has a need to be in control.

caring confrontations can be beneficial.

The emotional cleansing that occurs when a person vents his emotions and feelings is called


The main function of the rational emotive behavior therapist is to:

challenge clients to reevaluate their ideas and philosophy of life.

In reality therapy, when a client fails to carry out their plans, the therapist will:

challenge the client to accept the reasonable consequence of his or her behavior.

The primary aim of time limited dynamic psychotherapy is to:

change the client's repetitive patterns of relating to others

In Freud's judgment, instincts are


Of the following cognitive techniques, which one would Beck be least likely to employ?

confronting the masturbatory thinking of a client

According to Carl Rogers, the three core conditions that create a growth-promoting climate are:

congruence, unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding

According to Carl Rogers, the three core conditions that create a growth-promoting climate are: a. commitment, compassion, and confrontation. b. realness, objectively viewing the client's world, full acceptance. c. congruence, conditional acceptance, faith in a client. d. total love and caring, therapist transparency, and empathy. e. congruence, unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding.

congruence, unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding.

In order for a therapist to communicate accurate empathic understanding the counselor must:

connect emotionally to the client's subjective experience

In order for a therapist to communicate "accurate empathic understanding" the counselor must: a. feel a deep sense of warmth toward the client. b. have experienced a situation very similar to the client's current predicament. c. clarify details and facts relevant to the client's experiences. d. connect emotionally to the client's subjective experience.

connect emotionally to the client's subjective experience.

The punitive aspect of the superego is the


A person with a ____ personality disorder is characterized by instability, irritability, self-destructive acts, impulsive anger, and extreme mood shifts. This person is lacking a clear sense of identity, has poor impulse control, and an inability to tolerate anxiety. a. obsessive-compulsive c. dependent b. narcissistic d. borderline


As a result of the client/therapist relationship in psychoanalytic therapy: a. clients acquire insights into their own unconscious psychodynamics. b. awareness is increased on the client's part. c. clients are better able to understand the association between their past experiences and their current behavior. d. all of these


Concerning research on psychotherapy, it can be said that Carl Rogers: a. stated his concepts as testable hypotheses and submitted them to research. b. inspired others to conduct extensive research on counseling process and outcome. c. literally opened the field for psychotherapy research. d. all of these. e. none of these.


Evidence suggesting the concept of the unconscious includes: a. dreams. b. post-hypnotic suggestions. c. free-association. d. all of these. e. direct observation based on experimental research.


From a multicultural perspective, classical analysis may: a. underscore the role of important cultural and political factors in the client's world. b. discourage clients who do not hold upper-middle-class values. c. be problematic for clients from cultures that prefer a directive approach. d. all of the above


If a person becomes fixated in the oral stage of development, later personality problems may include: a. rejecting others' love. b. mistrust of others. c. fear of intimate relationships. d. all of these. e. none of these.


In Freud's view, an individual experiencing neurotic anxiety feels: a. a realistic threat is present in the environment. b. he has behaved in a manner that is inconsistent with his moral code. c. guilt associated with past actions. d. he will not be able to control his instincts and will behave inappropriately.


In applying the person-centered approach to crisis intervention, therapists: a. communicate a deep sense of understanding. b. use a more structured approach and provide clients with some direction. c. provide genuine support and warmth. d. all of these.


In object-relations theory, later relationships build upon: a. the child's search for approval from the father. b. one's birth order. c. one's striving to overcome felt inferiority. d. the child's search for a reconnection with the mother. e. the quality of relationships with one's siblings.


In order to meet the goals of psychoanalytic treatment, Rhonda must help her eating disordered clients to: a. increase their support networks and develop social interest. b. replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk. c. make use of programs such as Weight Watchers or the Atkins diet plan. d. reduce their symptoms and resolve their internal conflicts.


One of the most important Freudian concepts, which consists of pushing unacceptable life events and painful feelings into the unconscious, is: a. regression. b. rationalization. c. projection. d. repression. e. displacement.


Self psychology and object-relations theory emphasize: a. the differentiation between self and others. b. the origins, transformations and organizational functions of the self. c. the influence of critical factors in early development on later development. d. all of these.


The "fundamental rule" for the client in psychoanalysis is: a. writing down dreams. b. willingness to do "homework assignments." c. forming a contract with the therapist. d. participating in free association.


The basic aim of psychoanalytic therapy is: a. to change overt behavior. b. to correct irrational thinking. c. to treat specific learning disorders. d. to make the unconscious material conscious.


The main function of the ego is: a. to seek pleasure in life. b. to inhibit id impulses. c. to strive for perfection. d. to mediate between the instincts and the surrounding environment.


The process of redirecting sexual energy into some form of socially acceptable behavior is known as: a. denial. b. displacement. c. repression. d. sublimation. e. compensation.


The young adult who adopts his parent's outdated political beliefs to avoid unpleasant feelings of anxiety is an example of: a. projection. b. displacement. c. sublimation. d. introjection. e. reaction formation.


Which of the following is not a component of the brief psychodynamic approaches? a. developing a strong working alliance b. use of interpretation early in the therapeutic relationship c. targeting a specific interpersonal problem during the first session d. the therapist functioning as a blank slate e. none of these


Which statement below is not accurate with regard to the phenomenon of countertransference? a. It is critical that therapists monitor their own feelings during therapy sessions and use their responses as a source for increased self-awareness and understanding of their clients. b. Countertransference reactions are inevitable because all therapists have unresolved conflicts and personal vulnerabilities that are activated through their professional work. c. Most research on countertransference has dealt with its deleterious effects and how to manage these reactions. d. Countertransference reactions are the weakest source of data for understanding the world of the client since they are so biased.


One of the most common CBT group approaches is a. the group leader believing that using techniques interferes with the group process. b. the assumption that a therapeutic atmosphere is both necessary and sufficient for change to occur. c. the group leader assuming a blank screen demeanor so as to enhance transference feelings of the members. d. based on REBT principles and techniques


REBT is based on the premise that human beings a. are determined by strong unconscious sexual and aggressive forces. b. are innately striving for self-actualization c. are trying to develop a lifestyle to overcome feelings of basic inferiority. d. learn irrational beliefs from significant others during childhood and then re-create these irrational beliefs throughout our lifetime


Who among the following is not considered a relational Gestalt therapist?

d. Fritz Perls

A statement that best illustrates "bad faith" is:

d. Naturally I'm this way, because I grew up in an alcoholic family.

Who was the Danish philosopher that addressed the role of anxiety and uncertainty in life?

d. Soren Kierkegaard

Ursula lived in New York City on 9/11. Ever since experiencing the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, she has felt anxiety about going to the upper level floors of tall buildings. As an existentially oriented therapist, you might conclude that:

d. Ursula's anxiety is normal in light of the traumatic experience she had on 9/11.

Gestalt therapists say that clients resist contact by means of:

d. all of these introjection. retroflection. projection.

According to Gestalt theory, people use avoidance in order to:

d. all of these keep themselves from facing unfinished business. keep from feeling uncomfortable emotions. keep from having to change.

In Gestalt therapy, the relationship between client and counselor is seen as:

d. all of these an existential encounter. a joint venture. an I/Thou interaction.

Existentially, the ideas of freedom and responsibility suggest:

d. all of these.

A contribution of this therapeutic approach is that:

d. all of these. it can be a relatively brief therapy. it enables intense experiencing to occur quickly. it stresses doing and experiencing, as opposed to talking about problems.

The therapist's presence is:

d. both a condition and a goal of therapeutic change.

According to the existential viewpoint, death:

d. gives significance to living.

The goals of existential therapy include all but____?

d. helping clients to eliminate anxiety in their lives.

Existential therapy groups are particularly helpful for clients working on:

d. issues of responsibility.

When working with a client living a restricted existence, an existential therapist would likely:

d. make the client aware of how his or her current ways of living are keeping him or her stuck.

From a multicultural perspective, some clients may reject this approach because:

d. none of these.

From a scientific perspective, existential psychotherapy:

d. none of these.

The Gestalt therapist:

d. pays attention to the client's nonverbal language.

Which of the following aspects of a client's use of language would a Gestalt therapist not focus on?

d. semantics

Freud believed that the goal of all life is ____________________.


According to Yalom, the concerns that make up the core of existential psychodynamics are

death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessnes.

The ego defense mechanism involving the person's refusal to perceive an unpleasant event in external reality is


Beck's cognitive therapy has been most widely applied to the treatment of:


Finding the "courage to be" involves

developing a will to move forward despite fears.

In person-centered group therapy, the leader: a. facilitates the direction of group discussions. b. uses techniques and exercises to motivate the group. c. sets goals for the group members. d. focuses on making interpretations. e. displays a sense of trust in the members.

displays a sense of trust in the members.

REBT contends that people:

do not need to be accepted and loved.

All of the following are a part of Jung's view of development except: a. collective unconscious. b. the shadow. c. archetypes. d. individuation e. symbiosis.


It is of paramount importance that therapists develop some level of objectivity and not react defensively and subjectively in the face of: a. anger. b. love. c. criticism. d. adulation. e. all of these.


The concept of resistance can best be described as: a. everything that prevents a client from producing unconscious material. b. that which needs to be analyzed and interpreted. c. an unwillingness to freely share with the analyst certain thoughts and feelings. d. an inevitable part of psychoanalytic therapy. e. all of these


A key element/s in understanding the impact of trauma is the/are

e. All of the Above (a. intensity, b. duration, c. support surrounding the individual, d. previous history of trauma)

The basic goal of existential psychotherapy is:

e. all of these to help clients accept the responsibility of choosing. to expand self-awareness. to help the client experience authentic existence. to increase choice potentials.

According to Yalom, the concern(s) that make(s) up the core of existential psychodynamics is/are

e. all of these. death. isolation. freedom. meaninglessness.

Without proper training, Gestalt therapists may:

e. all of these. evoke catharsis without having the ability to work it through with their client. design faulty experiments. may damage the therapeutic relationship with the client. may use ready-made techniques inappropriately.

Philosophically, the existentialists would agree that:

e. all of these. the final decisions and choices rest with the client. a person can go beyond early conditioning. making choices can create anxiety. people redefine themselves by their choices.

Which of the following is not considered one of the six methodological components of Gestalt therapy?

e. assessment

Which technique is considered essential in existential therapy?

e. none of these

Which of the following is not considered a basic dimension of the human condition?

e. striving for acceptance of others

When a person experiences an internal conflict (namely a conflict between top dog and underdog), which of the following techniques would be most appropriate?

e. the internal dialogue exercise

According to Gestalt theory, all of the following are true about contact except:

e. withdrawal after a good contact experience indicates neurosis.

The opposite of a differentiated self is experienced as:

emotional reactivity.

One strength of cognitive behavioral therapy group counseling is that:

emphasis is placed on symptom prevention.

Narrative therapists attempt to do all of the following except:

encourage free association.

Field theroy suggests that

everything in human experiene is relational and in constant flux.

Without proper training, Gestalt therapists may

evoke carthasis without having the ability to work it through with their client, design faulty experiments, may use ready made techniques inapporperately, and may damage the therapeutic relationship with the client.

Which of the following is not one of the Gestalt group leader's roles

evoking group catharsis

Which of these solution-focused therapy techniques involves asking clients to describe times in their lives when they were able to solve their problem or when their problem was less severe?

exception questions

Gestalt therapy is a form of

existential therapy

Reality therapy is based on which of the following orientations to understanding human behavior?


According to existentialists, our seardh for meaning involves all of the except

exploring unfinished business.

In the solution-oriented approach, which is not considered one of the three basic parts to the structure of summary feedback?

expressing concern

The person centered therapist is best described as :


The person-centered therapist is best described as a: a. human engineer. c. facilitator. b. teacher. d. friend.


Free association and dream analysis are a typical part of the person-centered therapist's procedures


Natalie Rogers is no longer an active contributor to the person-centered approach


Psychodynamic group leaders do not interpret their client's transferences.


The Oedipal complex and the Electra complex are associated with the genital stage of development.


The concept of unconditional positive regard implies that therapists develop an accepting and approving attitude toward all actions taken by their clients.


The major developmental task of the anal stage is acquiring a sense of trust.


The person-centered approach is based on a set of specific therapeutic techniques designed to promote behavior change.


The person-centered approach is not particularly well-suited to multi-cultural counseling.


The person-centered model has become stagnant and shows little sign of evolution


The phallic stage typically occurs during the ages of 1 to 3.


The relational model of psychoanalysis downplays the role of countertransference.


Therapists are encouraged to use positive regard for clients only as a means of shaping their behavior.


When Rogers challenged the basic assumption that "the counselor knows best," he thought that this radical idea would affect the power dynamics and politics of the counseling profession, but to his surprise, it did not.


Bornstein argues that therapists trained in classical psychoanalysis should abandon the concept of

free association

Which method is not employed in REBT?

free association

The central issue in existential therapy is

freedom and responsibility.

An alternative to traditional diagnosis and assessment that is preferred by feminist therapists is:

gender role analysis.

The preferred alternative to traditional diagnosis and assessment of feminist therapists is:

gender role analysis.

Freud called people who were sexually mature and capable of orgasm

genital characters

A tool for collecting and organizing key relationships in a three-generational extended family is a:


Which of the following personal characteristics of the therapist is most important, according to Carl Rogers? a. accurate active listening b. accurate empathic understanding c. acceptance d. genuineness e. unconditional positive regard


According to the exestential viewpoint, death

gives significance to living.

To prevent his parents from leaving the house, Miguel throws temper tantrums. His parents have given in to his demands and never go out to dinner or to movies anymore. A structural/strategic therapist working with Miguel and his parents will most likely:

have them participate in an enactment during the therapy session.

Freud began to use free association with his patients when he learned that

he could not hypnotize many of them

Roger and his wife are experiencing tension in their relationship because he believes she is far too lenient with their children when they misbehave. This forces him to play the role of "bad cop" as a parent, which makes him angry. A family therapist working with Roger and his family might:

help to modify the family's transactional rules and develop more appropriate boundaries.

The goals of existential therapy include all bue

helping clients to eliminate anxiety in their lives.

Feminist therapists, regardless of their philosophical orientation, believe all of the following except that:

human development and interaction are similar across races, cultures, and nations.

Feminist therapists, regardless of their philosophical orientation, believe all of the following except that:

human development and interaction are similar across races, cultures, and nations.

Person-centered therapy is a(n): a. existential approach to therapy. b. humanistic approach to therapy. c. action-oriented approach to therapy. d. deterministic approach to therapy.

humanistic approach to therapy.

The aspect of personality thought by Freud to be rooted in a person's biology and to consist primarily of unconscious sexual and aggressive instincts is the


In Erikson's view, the major developmental task in adolescence is:

identity vs. role confusion

Roberto, who struggles with feeling inadequate as a provider and husband, has come to work with a cognitive behavioral therapist. In addition to feeling inadequate, he feels angry that he has been marginalized by the mainstream culture. As his therapist, you should do all of the following except:

impress Roberto with your use of jargon to reinforce that you are the expert.

A person experiencing persistent feelings of inadequacy has probably had difficulty attaining a sense of ____ during the____ stage.

industry; school age

A healthy contact experience involves

interacting with others while maintaining a sense of self, creativity, and maintaining balance between the figure and the ground.

All of the following are characteristic of gender-biased theories except for the concept or practice of:

interactionist orientation.

A person who is suffering from feelings of alienation and isolation has probably failed to achieve a sense of ____ during the ____stage of development

intimacy; young adulthood

A person who is suffering from feelings of alienation and isolation has probably failed to achieve a sense of _______ during the _______ stage of development.

intimacy; young adulthood

The constructs of feminist theory, in contrast to traditional theories, include all of the following except for which characteristic?

intrapsychic orientation

The constructs of feminist theory, in contrast to traditional theories, include all of the following except for which characteristic?

intrapsychic orientation

The young adult who adopts his parent's outdated political beliefs to avoid unpleasant feelings of anxiety is an example of:


REBT views emotional disturbances as the result of:

irrational thinking and behaving

REBT views emotional disturbances as the result of:

irrational thinking and behaving.

Yelina seems to ignore the major marital problems that she and her husband Carlos are having as a result of sharp differences in their viewpoints on political and social issues that are affecting their native country, Cuba. Whenever a friend points out the tension she observes, Yelina changes the subject and talks about the weather forecast. Yelina is adopting which of the following communication stances?


The creation of the self, which dominated the modernist search for human essence and truth:

is being replaced by postmodernists with the concept of socially storied lives.

Extenstientialists contend that the experience of relatedness to other human beings

is healthy if balanced with aloneness.

All of the following are true as they apply to self-instructional therapy, except that:

it is an outgrowth of an approach used widely by crisis intervention workers called self-induced change therapy.

Narrative therapy has been found to be particularly effective with diverse client populations for all of the following reasons except:

it teaches diverse clients to replace their own narratives with ones that conform more closely to the ideals and values of mainstream culture.

The energy associated with the life instincts is called


Viktor Frankl's approach to existential therapy is known as


According to Rogerian therapy, an 'internal source of evaluation' is defined as:

looking more to oneself for the answers to the problems of existence

According to Rogerian therapy, an "internal source of evaluation" is defined as: a. internalizing the validation one receives from others. b. a neurotic tendency to be self-critical. c. going on one's instincts when judging the behavior of others. d. a success identity. e. looking more to oneself for the answers to the problems of existence.

looking more to oneself for the answers to the problems of existence.

In working with a triangulated relationship, Bowen would be inclined to place primary emphasis on:

maintaining a stance of neutrality.

When working with a client living a restricted existence, an existential therapist would likely

make the client aware of how their current ways of living are keeping them stuck.

In a reality therapy group, the leader:

may encounter resistance from members when providing suggestions for how clients can best get what they want.

The technique of reflection involves the therapist: a. restating the client's words verbatim. b. sharing his or her genuine emotional response with the client. c. bringing an actual mirror into the session and having a client look at himself or herself in the mirror. d. mirroring the client's emotional experience of a particular situation.

mirroring the client's emotional experience of a particular situation.

Which of the following is the correct order in terms of the historical development of Carl Roger's approach to counseling?


Which of the following is the correct order in terms of the historical development of Carl Rogers's approach to counseling? a. person-centered/client-centered/nondirective b. client-centered/nondirective/person-centered c. client-centered/person-centered/nondirective d. nondirective/person-centered/client-centered e. nondirective/client-centered/person-centered


In meichenbaum's self-instructional therapy, focus is on:

none of the above

From a scientific perspective, esistential psychotherapy

none of the above.

Person centered therapy is best explained as:

none of these

The main therapeutic goal of REBT is:

none of these (a. to teach clients how to recognize which ego state they are in. b. to make the unconscious conscious. c. to assist the client in becoming aware of his or her "being-in-the-world." d. to challenge the client in making both a value judgment and moral decision about the quality of his or her behavior.)

The founder of person-centered therapy is

none of these options

According to Meichenbaum, the first step in the change process involves:

observing one's behavior and thinking patterns.

According to Mechenbaum, the first step in th change process involves:

observing one's thinking and behavior patterns

The "Rat-Man" involved the case of a young man who was


A study by Tribich and Messer showed the greatest conformity behavior (to a psychiatrist's influence attempts) by

oral characters

If Harry continually looks to others to help him solve his problems, he is likely to have unresolved conflicts with origins in the

oral stage

The process of holding extreme beliefs on the basis of a single incident and applying them inappropriately to dissimilar events or settings is known as:


The fundamental "rule" for the client in psychoanalysis is

participating in free association

When reality therapists explore a client's past, they tend to focus on:

past successes.

Of the following, which is one of the major contributions that feminists have made to the field of counseling?

paving the way for gender-sensitive practice

Of the following, which is one of the major contributions that feminists have made to the field of counseling?

paving the way for gender-sensitive practice

The Gestalt therapist

pays attention to the client's nonverbal language.

Jean-Pierre told the family therapist that his wife loses control of her temper with their children because of his demanding work schedule and his inability to be there to support her. Which communication stance has he adopted?


The type of cognitive error that involves thinking and interpreting in all-or-nothing terms, or in categorizing experiences in either/or extremes, is known as:

polarized thinking.

Solution-focused brief therapy has parallels with______________, which concentrates on what, is right and what is working for people rather than dwelling on deficits, weaknesses, and problems.

positive psychology

During the past 20 years ____________ have found classic feminist theories wanting and have offered new theoretical perspectives focused on issues of diversity, the complexity of sexism, and the centrality of social context in understanding gender issues.

postmodern feminists

The REBT technique that involves having clients imagine themselves in situations where they feel inappropriate feelings is called:

rational-emotive imagery

The REBT technique that involves having clients imagine themselves in situations where they feel inappropriate feelings is called:

rational-emotive imagery.

Manufacturing "good" reasons to explain away a bruised ego, or to explain away failures or losses, is known as


Manufacturing "good" reasons to explain away a bruised ego, or to explain away failures or losses, is known as:


The defense mechanism that involves the justification of one's behavior through the use of plausible, but inaccurate, excuses is called


A person who unconsciously exhibits overly nice behavior to conceal hostile feelings is probably using which ego defense?

reaction formation

The postmodern view incorporates all of the following concepts except for the notion that:

reality is objectively defined.

What is the technique in family therapy that casts a new light on a problem and provides a different interpretation for a problematic situation?


Which of the following interventions involves a shift from "blaming the victim" to consideration of social factors in the environment that contribute to a client's problem?


Which of the following interventions involves a shift from "blaming the victim" to consideration of social factors in the environment that contribute to a client's problem?


The ego defense mechanism in which a person exhibits behavior that clearly shows signs of reverting to less mature stages is ____?


Person-centered expressive arts therapy is founded all of the following notions except: a. releasing creative energy is based on the principle of regression. b. the creative process is inherently healing. c. emotions are a source of energy. d. personal growth is facilitated by self-awareness. e. engaging in expressive art forms connects us to our unconscious.

releasing creative energy is based on the principle of regression.

The ego defense mechanism that involves unconscious attempts to keep undesirable id impulses from reaching consciousness is


A teenage girl is angry with her parents and cuts on her arm. In Gestalt terms, she is most likely engaging in


Gestalt therapists say that clients resist contact by means of

retroflection, projection, and introjection.

Which of the following is not one of Miriam Polster's three stagees in her integration sequence


The cognitive distortion that consists of forming conclusions based on an isolated detail of an event is:

selective abstraction.

Which of the following aspects of a client's use of language would a Gestalt therapist no focus on?


From Carl Rogers's perspective the client/therapist relationship is characterized by:

sense of equality

Which REBT technique involves having the client do the very thing they avoid because of "what people might think?"

shame-attacking exercises

All of the following are cognitive methods of REBT except for:

shame-attacking exercises.

Of the following, which intervention would a feminist therapist probably consider most essential?

social action

A major contribution of Whitaker's approach to family therapy is:

spontaneity, creativity, and play as therapeutic factors in family therapy.

Jim told Margie, a cognitive therapist who has adopted a constructivist perspective, that he is a prisoner of his dysfunctional past. Margie should do all of the following except:

steer Jim away from telling his story since storytelling is regarded as a form of resistance.

Which of the following is least associated with Satir's human validation process model?

storied lives and narratives

The techniques of joining, accommodating, unbalancing, tracking, and boundary making are most likely to be part of which approach to family therapy?

structural family therapy

Which approach would be most interested in the appropriateness of hierarchical structure in the family?

structural family therapy

The role of the client in rational emotive behavior therapy is like that of a:

student or learner

The role of the client in rational emotive behavior therapy is like that of a:

student or learner.

Cognitive behavioral therapies and feminist therapy have a number of features in common. Of the following, which is not one an assumption shared by both approaches?

taking the position that the therapeutic relationship alone is necessary and sufficient to bring about change

Cognitive restructuring is best described as:

teaching clients to replace unhelpful thoughts with more adaptive cognitions

The core of reality therapy consists of:

teaching clients to take effective control of their own lives.

What is a limitation of person centered therapy?

the approach does not emphasize the role of techniques in creating change in the client's life

A critical difference between early Gestalt therapy and relational Gestalt therapy is

the approach to confrontation.

In object-relations theory, later relationships build upon:

the child's search for a reconnection with the mother.

The one central principle agreed upon by family therapy practitioners, regardless of their particular approach, is that

the client is connected to living systems.

Carl Rogers drew heavily from existential concepts, especially as they apply to:

the client/therapist relationship

Carl Rogers drew heavily from existential concepts, especially as they apply to: a. death and nonbeing. b. the client/therapist relationship. c. countertransference, or unfinished business of the counselor. d. the transference relationship. e. guilt and anxiety.

the client/therapist relationship.

Which stage is not included in Meichenbaum's model for stress inoculation training?

the cognition deconstruction phase

In the view of the postmodern therapist, the most essential element of therapy is:

the collaborative therapeutic relationship.

An REBT therapist would contend that anxiety stems from:

the internal repetition of irrational sentences.

What is the most important factor related to progress in person-centered therapy? a. the relationship between the client and therapist b. defining concrete and measurable goals c. the therapist's ability to think logically and to scientifically solve problems d. the client's motivation for change e. the therapist's technical skills

the relationship between the client and therapist

According to Freud, men have a more highly developed sense of ethics and justice than women because

the resolution of the Oedipal conflict is more definite and clear cut in men than in women

A gestalt technique that is most useful when a person attempts to deny an aspect of his or her personality such as tenderness is

the reversal exercise.

What do the four feminist philosophies (liberal, cultural, radical, and socialist feminism) have in common?

the same goal of activism

The four feminist philosophies of liberal, cultural, radical, and socialist have in common:

the same goal of activism.

Which of the following is not a component of the brief psychodynamic approaches?

the therapist functions as a blank slate

Structural family therapy includes all of the following goals except for bringing about structural change by:

the therapist taking a not-knowing stance with a family.

Arguably, the most central limitation of the person centered approach is

the therapist's limitations as a person

Arguably, the most central limitation of the person centered approach is: a. the continual evolution of the approach leads to unclear therapeutic principles. b. the therapist's limitations as a person. c. shortcomings of the studies of the approach. d. their view of assessment and diagnosis.

the therapist's limitations as a person.

A factor that distinguishes the person-centered approach to group counseling from other approaches is: a. the focus on building genuine relationships among members. b. the focus on creating a collaborative spirit. c. the therapist's role as facilitator. d. the length of treatment.

the therapist's role as facilitator.

According to Glasser, many of the problems of clients are caused by:

their inability to connect or to have a satisfying relationship with at least one of the significant people in their lives.

From a multicultural perspective, some clients may reject this approach because

their life circumstances provide them with truly limited choices.

The constructivist perspective in cognitive therapy holds that:

there are multiple realities and a therapist's task is to help clients appreciate how they construct their realities and how they author their own stories.

The constructivist perspctive in cognitive therapy holds that:

there are multiple realities and a therapists' taks is to help clients appreciates how they construct their realities and how they author their own stories

One of the limitations of the person centered approach is that:

there can be a tendency to give too much support and not enough challenge

One of the limitations of the person-centered approach is that: a. it is not grounded in personality theory. b. there can be a tendency to give too much support and not enough challenge. c. therapists use vigorous confrontation methods. d. its has not been subjected to rigorous research.

there can be a tendency to give too much support and not enough challenge.

All of the following are true about a therapist's countertransference reactions except

they should be avoided

The cognitive-behavioral approach to therapy stresses:

thinking, judging, analyzing, and doing

The cognitive-behavioral approach to therapy stresses:

thinking, judging, analyzing, and doing.

The person centered therapist's most important function is:

to be his or her real self in the relationship with a client

The basic goal of existential psychotherapy is

to expand self-awareness, to increase choice potentials, to help clients accept responsibility for choosing, and to help the client experience authentic existence.

The main function of the ego is:

to mediate between the instincts and the surrounding environment.

The role of the leader in solution-focused therapy groups is not:

to provide clients with simple solutions to their problems.

A couple directs the focus of their energy toward a problematic son as a way to avoid facing or dealing with their own conflicts. This is an example of:


According to Freudians, greediness and hoarding may develop as a result of not getting oral needs properly met.


An assumption of person-centered therapy is that the counselor's presence is far more powerful than techniques he or she uses to facilitate change.


Analytically oriented therapists typically interpret free associations, dreams, resistances, and transferences.


Brief psychodynamic therapies target specific interpersonal problems during the initial session.


Brief psychodynamic therapists tend to assume an active role in the therapy process.


Carl Rogers encouraged counselors to use caring confrontations with their clients.


Carl Rogers is often called the "father of psychotherapy research."


Carl Rogers's approach is based on the assumptions that humans are trustworthy and that clients desire to grow.


Carl Rogers's original emphasis was on reflection of feelings expressed by the client.


Clients in analytic therapy typically free associate to various symbols in their dreams.


Congruence is a basic characteristic of effective


During the anal stage, children typically experience a range of negative feelings, including rage, hate, and hostility.


Free association is one of the basic tools used to gain access to the unconscious.


Freud postulated the concepts of both life instincts and death instincts.


Freud postulated the theory of infantile sexuality.


In psychodynamic group work, symbolic figures from a client's past may emerge.


Maslow postulated a hierarchy of needs as a source of motivation, with the most basic needs being physiological needs.


Person-centered expressive arts therapy can be used in both group and individual contexts


Psychoanalysis provides therapists with a conceptual framework for looking at behavior and understanding the origins and functions of present symptoms.


The analysis of transference is a central technique in psychoanalysis.


The ego is the original structure of personality.


The id is related to the concept of libido.


The person-centered approach evolved from a nondirective therapy to an experiential therapy.


The person-centered approach places emphasis on the necessary and sufficient conditions for change


The person-centered model has been widely adapted to include such areas as family therapy, crisis counseling and classroom education.


The relational model of psychoanalysis regards transference as an interactive process between the client and therapist.


The working-through process consists of repetitive and elaborate explorations of unconscious material and defenses, most of which originated in early childhood.


Chun Hei is a Korean immigrant who has been separated from her family and friends for over a year since she came to the U.S. with her husband. She spends her days taking care of their two young children while he goes to work, and feels increasingly depressed without her support system. It is likely that a family therapist who meets Chun Hei:

would be very interested in how her depression affects others in the family and how it influences family process.

As a result of the client/therapist relationship in psychoanalytic therapy:

-clients acquire insights into their own unconscious psychodynamics. -clients are better able to understand the association between their past experiences and their current behavior. -awareness is increased on the client's part. all of these options

A reality therapist would most likely respond to a client's complaint of melancholy, sad mood by saying:

"Sounds like you're depressing."

All of the following are true about planning and commitment in reality therapy, except:

A great deal of time is spent on this step of reality therapy.

Which of the following is not considered a necessary and sufficient condition for change in the person-centered framework? ​ a. U​nconditional positive regard b. C​reative expression c. A​ccurate empathetic understanding d. C​ongruence

B. Creative expression

In working with diverse clients, CBT therapisits:

Both a and b: - are wise to refrains from disputing the client's beliefs until the therapist fully grasps the client's cultural context - Are encourages to be aware of the role of dependency in collectivistic cultures

Which approach asserts that emotional fusion to one's family must be addressed if one hopes to achieve a mature and unique personality?

Bowenian family therapy

Which approach assumes that a family can best be understood when it is analyzed from at least a three-generational perspective?

Bowenian family therapy

Which approach to family therapy contends that one's current family problems will not significantly change until relationship patterns in one's family of origin are understood and directly challenged?

Bowenian family therapy

Which of the following is not one of Ellis' three basic musts?

"I must be kind to others or else I won't be a good person"

Which of the following statements does not reflect one of Ellis's three basic musts?

"I must be kind to others or else I won't be a good person."

What is Robert Wubbolding likely to say about people's problems?

"People don't have problems, they have solutions that have not worked."

Which method os often employed in REBT?

- homework method - the contract method - the logical analysis methods - the behavioral and action methods

According to Meichnbaum, behavioral change:

- occurs as a result of a three-phase change process -begins with self-observation

Who is often known as the "Father of psychotherapy research"?

Carl Rogers

An REBT therapist would contend that anxiety stems from:

The internal repetition of irrational sentences

Currently, there is high international interest in the existential approach to psychotherapy. (T/F)


The concept of resistance can best be described as:

-everything that prevents a client from producing unconscious material. -that which needs to be analyzed and interpreted. -an inevitable part of psychoanalytic therapy. -an unwillingness to freely share with the analyst certain thoughts and feelings.

A therapist's countertransference reactions:

-have the potential to interfere with effective treatment. -can provide rich understanding of the client's experience. -should be carefully monitored by the therapist. all except for (should be avoided.)

According to REBT, it is important to chane the way one uses language because

-imprecise language is one of the causes of distoeted thinking - language shapes thinking and behavior -language shapes feelings

If a person becomes fixated in the oral stage of development, later personality problems may include:

-rejecting others' love. -fear of intimate relationships. -mistrust of others.

Self psychology and object-relations theory emphasize:

-the influence of critical factors in early development on later development. -the origins, transformations and organizational functions of the self. -the differentiation between self and others.

From Carl Rogers's perspective the client/therapist relationship is characterized by: a. a clearly defined contract that specifies what clients will talk about in the sessions. b. the therapist functioning as the expert. c. the transference relationship. d. a sense of equality.

. a sense of equality.

What are the 3 therapist attributes that create a growth-promoting climate in which individuals can move forward and become what they are capable of being?

1. Congruence (genuineness/realness) 2. Unconditional positive regard (acceptance and caring) 3. Accurate empathic understanding

What are the two major tasks that EFT strategies focus on?

1. Help clients with too little emotion access their emotions. 2. Help clients with too much emotion contain their emotion.

What are Rogers' three basic assumptions?

1. People are essentially trustworthy. 2. They have a vast potential for understanding themselves and resolving their own problems without direct intervention from the therapist. 3. They are capable of self-directed growth if they are involved in a specific kind therapeutic relationship.

What are Prochaska's stages of change?

1. Pre-contemplation stage: To the client, there is no problem. 2. Contemplation stage: Aware of a problem, considering overcoming it, but haven't made a commitment to take action. 3. Preparation stage: Intends to take action immediately 4. Action stage: Individuals are taking steps to modify their behavior to solve their problems. 5. Maintenance stage: People work to consolidate their gains and prevent relapse. 6. Relapse stage (not an official stage).

What are the 4 core characteristics of self-actualizing people?

1. Self-awareness 2. Freedom 3. Basic honesty and caring 4. Trust and autonomy

Eysenck's data on the effectiveness of psychoanalytic therapy showed that

72% of patients who were not treated by means of any formal therapy were much improved or cured within 2 years of the onset of their illness

From Carl Rogers's perspective the client/therapist relationship is characterized by: ​ a. a​ sense of equality. b. t​he transference relationship. c. t​he therapist functioning as the expert. d. a​ clearly defined contract that specifies what clients will talk about in the sessions.

A. A sense of equality

In person-centered group therapy, the leader: ​ a. ​ displays a sense of trust in the members. b. ​ uses techniques and exercises to motivate the group. c. ​ focuses on making interpretations. d. ​ sets goals for the group members

A. Displays a sense of trust in the members.

The person-centered therapist is best described as a: ​ a. f​acilitator. b. ​teacher. c. h​uman engineer. d. f​riend.

A. Facilitator

Carlos, an eight year old boy, was recently removed from his home because he was being physically and sexually abused by his father. In accordance with Maslow's framework, which needs took precedence?​ a. P​hysical and safety needs b. B​elonging and love c. E​steem from self and others d. S​elfactualization

A. Physical and safety needs

Methods of expressive arts therapy are based on humanistic principles. Which of the following principles is not one?​ a. ​ Releasing creative energy is based on the principle of regression. b. ​ The creative process is transformative and healing. c. ​ The expressive arts lead us into the unconscious. d. ​ Our feelings and emotions are a source of energy.

A. Releasing creative energy is based on the principle of regression.

From a person-centered perspective, the best source of knowledge about the client is the: ​ a. i​ndividual client. b. t​herapist. c. c​lient's family. d. t​herapeutic relationship.

A. The individual client

A factor that distinguishes the person-centered approach to group counseling from other approaches is the: ​ a. t​herapist's role as facilitator. b. l​ength of treatment. c. f​ocus on creating a collaborative spirit. d. f​ocus on building genuine relationships among members.

A. Therapist's role as facilitator.

Accurate empathic understanding helps clients in all the following areas, except: ​ a. ​ to notice and devalue their experiences. b. ​ to view prior experiences in new ways. c. ​ to process their experience both cognitively and bodily. d. ​ to increase their confidence in making choices and in pursuing a course of action.

A. To notice and devalue their experiences.

Which of the following is not true about the most recent trends in person-centered therapy? a. Acceptance and clarification are the main techniques used. b. It allows the therapist greater freedom to be active in the therapeutic relationship. c. The therapist is encouraged to bring his or her values to the therapeutic relationship. d. It could be referred to as holistic therapy. e. It emphasizes an increased involvement of the therapist as a person.

Acceptance and clarification are the main techniques used.

Who was the first person of the modern era to do family therapy?


Family atmosphere, family constellation, and mistaken goals are key concepts of:

Adlerian family therapy.

Problem descriptions and goal identification, typical day, the child interview and goal disclosure are techniques used in:

Adlerian family therapy.

The founder of rational emotive therapy is:

Albert Ellis

Which of the following individuals is not associated with family therapy?

Albert Ellis

Which theorist is known for his or her abrasive, humorous, and flamboyant style?

Albert Ellis

The founder of rational emotive behavior therapy is:

Albert Ellis.

A potential limitation of the person-centered approach is:​ a. ​ their view of assessment and diagnosis. b. ​ that some students-in-training and practitioners may have a tendency to be very supportive of clients without being challenging. c. ​ shortcomings of the studies of the approach. d. ​ the continual evolution of the approach leads to unclear therapeutic principles.

B. That some students-in-training and practitioners may have a tendency to be very supportive of clients without being challenging.

Which statement(s) is (are) true of the person-centered approach? ​ a. ​ Therapists should give advice when clients need it. b. ​ The techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitudes. c. ​ Therapists should function largely as teachers. d. ​ Therapy is primarily the therapist's responsibility.

B. The techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitudes.

The concept of automatic thoughts plays a central role in whose theory?


Tne concept of automatic thoughts plays a central role in whose theory?


According to REBT, what is the core of most emotional disturbance?


Which of the statements below regarding Motivational Interviewing is not accurate?​ a. ​ MI was initially designed as a brief intervention for problem drinking. b. ​ MI stresses client self-responsibility and promotes an invitational style for working cooperatively with clients to generate alternative solutions to behavioral problems. c. ​ MI was developed by Maslow in the late 70s after he created his theory on self-actualization. d. ​ MI therapists avoid arguing with clients and reframe resistance as a healthy response.

C. MI was developed by Maslow in the late 70s after he created his theory on self-actualization.

The technique of reflection involves the therapist: ​ a. ​ restating the client's words verbatim. b. ​ sharing his or her genuine emotional response with the client. c. ​ mirroring the client's emotional experience of a particular situation. d. ​ bringing an actual mirror into the session and having a client look at himself or herself in the mirror.

C. Mirroring the client's emotional experience of a particular situation.

Which of the following is the correct order in terms of the historical development of Carl Rogers's approach to counseling?​ a. ​ Client-centered to person-centered to nondirective b. ​ Client-centered to nondirective to person-centered c. ​ Nondirective to client-centered to person-centered d. ​ Nondirective to person-centered to client-centered

C. Nondirective to client-centered to person-centered

Carl Rogers drew heavily from existential concepts, especially as they apply to: ​ a. ​ the transference relationship. b. ​ countertransference, or unfinished business of the counselor. c. ​ the client/therapist relationship. d. ​ guilt and anxiety.

C. The client/therapist relationship

What is the most important factor related to progress in person-centered therapy? ​ a. ​ Defining concrete and measurable goals b. ​ The therapist's technical skills c. ​ The relationship between the client and therapist d. ​ The therapist's ability to think logically and to scientifically solve problems

C. The relationship between the client and therapist.

The person-centered therapist generally does not find traditional assessment and diagnosis: ​ a. ​ as a useful tool for case conceptualization. b. ​ as a meaningful way of understanding of a client's psychological state. c. ​ to be useful because these procedures encourage an external and expert perspective on the client. d. ​ as a necessary process that does not impact the course of therapy.

C. To be useful because these procedures encourage an external and expert perspective on the client.

What is a limitation of person-centered therapy? ​ a. ​ The approach does not make use of research to study the process or outcomes of therapy. b. ​ The therapist has more power to manipulate and control the client than is true of most other therapies. c. ​ The approach does not emphasize the role of techniques in creating change in the client's behavior. d. ​ The client is not given enough responsibility to direct the course of his or her own therapy.

C.​ The approach does not emphasize the role of techniques in creating change in the client's behavior.

Contributions of the person-centered therapy approaches:

Clients take an active stance and assume responsibility for the direction of therapy. This unique approach has been subjected to empirical testing, and as a result both theory and methods have been modified. It is an open system. People without advanced training can benefit by translating the therapeutic conditions to both their personal and professional lives. Basic concepts re straightforward and easy to grasp and apply. It is a foundation for building a trusting relationship, applicable to all therapies.

Which of the following principles of feminist psychology is most aimed at advancing a transformation in society?

Commitment to social change.

Of the following cognitive techniques, which one would Beck be least likely to employ?

Confronting the musturbatory thinking of the client

A common theme originating in Carl Rogers's early writings and continuing to permeate all of his works is:​ a. ​the need to find meaning in life through love, work, or suffering. b. ​ the need for a religion to find meaning in life. c. ​ the importance of expressing feelings that stem from childhood issues. d. ​ a basic sense of trust in the client's ability to move forward in a constructive manner if conditions fostering growth are present.

D. A basic sense of trust in the client's ability to move forward in a constructive manner if conditions fostering growth are present.

Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that: ​ a. ​ confrontation is to be avoided at all costs. b. ​ confrontation causes clients to stop growing. c. ​ confrontation reflects that the therapist has a need to be in control. d. ​ confrontation or resistance must be responded to in a nonconfrontational manner.

D. Confrontation or resistance must be responded to in a non confrontational manner.

What metaphor is used to capture the underlying vision of humanistic philosophy?

How an acorn, if provided with appropriate conditions, will "automatically" grow in positive ways, pushed naturally toward its actualization as an oak.

Beck' cognitive therapy had been most widely applied to the treatment of:


All of the following are reasons many feminist therapists do not use diagnostic labels, or use them reluctantly, except for which one?

Diagnostic labels focus on the social factors that cause dysfunctional behavior.

Actualizing Tendency

Directional process of striving toward realization and fulfillment.

In REBT, what method is taught to clients to help them challenge irrational belief

Disputational method

Who has developed a cognitive theory of behavior change?

Donald Meichenbaum

Which of the following is not true about Rollo May?

He believes that we can only escape anxiety by exercising our freedom.

Which of the following is NOT true about Carl Rogers?

He developed cognitive therapy

Which of the following is not true about Carl Rogers? a. He was a pioneer in humanistic approaches to counseling. b. He developed cognitive therapy. c. At one point in his life, he was preparing to enter the ministry. d. He made a contribution toward achieving world peace. e. He was raised with strict religious standards in his home.

He developed cognitive therapy

EFT is designed to:

Help clients increase their awareness of their emotions and make productive use of them.

A solution-oriented therapist might ask her client, a compulsive shopper, which of the following questions?

If a miracle happened and your shopping compulsion was solved overnight, how would you know it was solved, and what would be different?

A client says to you: "My substance abuse problem just keeps getting worse. No matter how hard I try to stop drinking, I just can't. I am a failure." Identify the best response from REBT.

If we're using the A-B-C method, the C=feeling frustrated. B is the belief that you are a failure and A=Continued drinking

In Meichenbaum's cognitive behavior modification, what is given primary importance?

Inner speech

The founder(s) of solution-focused brief therapy is (are):

Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer.

What is not true of Beck's cognitive therapy?

It asserts that irrational beliefs lead to emotional problems

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Meichenbaum's constructivist approach to cognitive behavior therapy?

It is more structured and more directive than standard cognitive therapy.

Which of the following is not a chracteristic of Meichenbaums' constructivist approach to cognitive behavior therapy?

It is more structured and more directive than standard cognitive therpay

Which of the following is not true about the Gestalt view of the role of controntation in therapy?

It is not possible to be both confrontive and gentle with clients.

Which of the following is (are) a contribution of reality therapy?

It provides a structure for both clients and therapist to evaluate the degree and the nature of changes.

A feature of REBT that distinguishes it from other cognitive-behavioral therapies is:

Its systematic exposition of irrational beliefs that result in emotional and behavioral distrubance

Cognitive restructuring plays an important role in whose approach to therapy?

Judith Beck

Who developed a cognitive behavioral program for diet and maintenance and has written trade books about this topic?

Judith Beck

Which of the statements below regarding Motivational Interviewing is not accurate? a. MI was initially designed as a brief intervention for problem drinking. b. MI therapists avoid arguing with clients and avoid assuming a confrontational stance. c. MI stresses client self-responsibility and promotes an invitational style for working cooperatively with clients to generate alternative solutions to behavioral problems. d. MI was developed by Maslow in the late 70s after he created his theory on self-actualization.

MI was developed by Maslow in the late 70s after he created his theory on self-actualization.

Who developed the object-relations view that focuses on separation and individuation?


The founder(s) of narrative therapy is (are):

Michael White and David Epston

Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)

Person-centered approach informed by understanding the role of emotion in human functioning and psychotherapeutic change.

Which of the following principles of feminist psychology provides a major vehicle for integrating diversity into feminist therapy?

Personal and social identities are interdependent.

The Electra complex and the Oedipus complex are associated with what psychosexual stage of development?

Phallic stage

Personcentered therapy is best described as a:

Philosophy of how the therapy process develops.

Who developed Motivational Interviewing (MI)?

William Miller and Stephen Rollnick

What do reality therapists believe about the use of questions?

Relevant questions help clients gain insights and arrive at plans and solutions.

____________________ is an attempt by the ego to keep undesirable id impulses from reaching consciousness.


Which REBT technique involves having the client do the very thing they avoid because of "what people may think?"

Shame-attacking exercises

Which person is not associated with the existential movement?


Limitations in Multicultural counseling with person-centered therapy:

Some of the core values of this approach may not be congruent with the client's culture. Lack of counselor direction and structure are unacceptable for clients who are seeking help and immediate answers from a knowledgeable professional.

Who was the Danish philosopher that addressed the role of anxiety and uncertainty in life?

Soren Kierkegaard

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Source of motivation 1. Physiological - basic needs (hunger/thirst) 2. Safety - security and stability 3. Belonging and Love 4. Esteem - self and others We are able to strive towards self-actualization only after these 4 basic needs are met.

What is a limitation of person-centered therapy? a. The client is not given enough responsibility to direct the course of his or her own therapy. b. The approach does not emphasize the role of techniques in creating change in the client's life. c. The therapist has more power to manipulate and control the client than is true of most other therapies. d. It is a long-term approach to therapy. e. The approach does not make use of research to study the process or outcomes of therapy.

The approach does not emphasize the role of techniques in creating change in the client's life.

What are the key concepts of person-centered therapy?

The client has the potential to become aware of problems and the means to resolve them. Faith is places in the client's capacity for self-direction. Mental health is a congruence of ideal self and real self. Maladjustment is the result of a discrepancy between what one wants to be and what one is. In therapy attention is given to the present moment and on experiencing and expressing feelings.

Which of the feminist principles views the therapist as simply another source of information, rather than as the expert in the therapy process?

The counseling relationship is egalitarian.

REBT employrs what kind of method to help people resolve their emotional and behavioralproblems?

The empirical method

Which of the following is not a key concept of the person-centered approach? a. The focus is on experiencing the immediate moment. b. The client is primarily responsible for the direction of therapy. c. The focus is on exploration of a client's past. d. The person has the capacity to resolve his or her own problems in a climate of safety.

The focus is on exploration of a client's past.

Which of the following feminist principles implies that what has been typically viewed as individual clients' personal problems are really socially and politically caused?

The person is political.

One of the main ways that Beck's cognitive therapy differs from Ellis' REBT is that in Beck's approach, more so than in Ellis' approach:

The quality of the therapeutic relationship is basic to the therapy process

What is the therapeutic relationship life in person-centered therapy?

The relationship is of primary importance. The qualities of the therapist, including genuineness, warmth, accurate empathy, respect, and being nonjudgmental - and communication of these attitudes to clients - are stressed. Clients use this genuine relationship with the therapist to help them transfer what they learn to other relationships.

Jacqueline feels guilty whenever she considers taking a day off from work for personal reasons. Which of the following psychic structures postulated by Freud is fueling her guilty feelings?

The superego

Which statement(s) is (are) true of the person-centered approach? a. Therapists should give advice when clients need it. b. The techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitudes. c. Therapists should function largely as teachers. d. Therapy is primarily the therapist's responsibility.

The techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitudes.

In working with Japanese clients, a reality therapist might do which of the following when asking clients to make plans and commit to them?

The therapist might be likely to accept "I'll try" as a firm commitment.

Which of the following is not associated with the relational approach to psychoanalysis?

Therapist anonymity is used to foster the transference relationship.

What are the goals of person-centered therapy?

To provide a safe climate conducive to clients' self-exploration. To help clients recognize blocks to growth and experience aspects of self that were formerly denied or distorted. To enable them to move toward openness, greater trust in self, willingness to be a process, and increased spontaneity and aliveness. To find meaning in life and to experience life fully. To become more self-directed.

Freud used the term libido in which of the following ways?

To refer to the energy of all the life instincts

A Gestalt therapist pays attention to ways the client uses language.


A Gestalt therapist pays attention to ways the client uses language. (T/F)


A current trend i Gestalt therapy is toward greateer emphasis on the client/therapist relationship rather than on techmiques.


A current trend in Gestalt therapy is toward greater emphasis on the client/therapist relationship rather than on techniques. (T/F)


A major criticism of the existential approach is that it lacks a systematic statement of the principles and practices of psychotherapy (T/F)


A major criticism of the existential approach is that it lacks sustematic statements of the principles and practices of psuchotherapy.


According to existential thinking, effective therapy does not stop with awareness, for clients are challenged to take action based on their insights.


According to existential thinking, effective therapy does not stop with awareness, for clients are challenged to take action based on their insights. (T/F)


Although Perls used a highly confrontational approach in dealing with client avoidance and resistance, the confrontational model is not representative of contemporary Gestalt therapy. (T/F)


Although Perls used a highly controntational approach in dealing with client avoidance and resistance, the confrontational model is not representative of contemporary Gestalt therapy.


Stephanie, who believes strongly in feminist principles, is working in an agency that requires therapists to diagnose their clients using the DSM. Stephanie is likely to consider which of the following questions?

Who benefits from using this label? How might this label contribute to disempowering the person to whom it is assigned?

The main idea of SB-CBT is a. based on the theoretical rationale that the way people feel and behave is influenced by how they perceive and place meaning on their experience b. that active incorporation of client strengths encourages clients to engage more fully in therapy and often provides avenues for change that otherwise would be missed c. that people contribute to their own psychological problems d. that we learn irrational beliefs from significant others during childhood and then re-create these irrational beliefs throughout our lifetime


The type of cognitive error that involves thinking and interpreting in all-or-nothing terms or categorizing experiences in either-or extremes is known as a. arbitrary inference. b. polarized thinking. c. magnification and exaggeration. d. overgeneralization.


The British scholar working to develop training programs in existential therapy is:

b. Emmy van Deurzen.

Alfred Adler was the first to notice that the development of children within family constellations was heavily influenced by:

birth order.

According to REBT, what is the core of most emotional disturbance?


Rational emotive behavior therapy belongs to which category of therapy?

cognitive-behavior/action oriented

Rational emotive behavior therapy belongs to which category of therapy?


Freud maintained that the ego

comes into existence to forward the aims of the id

The ego defense mechanism that consists of masking perceived weaknesses or developing certain positive traits to make up for limitations is known as:


The defense mechanism involving the use of contradictory behaviors to gain some satisfaction for an undesirable impulse is called

compromise formation

Which of the following is the correct order of the three phases of Meichenbaum's stress inoculation program?


Which of the following is the correct order of the three phases of Meichenbaum's stress-inoculation program?


Beck's cognitive therapy involves all of the options below except:

conducting a lifestyle assessment.

Which of the following statements is true about the relationship a client has with his or her analyst? a. The analyst is free to engage in spontaneous self-expression if a client makes an erroneous comment. b. The client is free to express any idea or feeling as long as it is not scandalous. c. The client is encouraged to use "solution talk" and avoid talking about problems. d. The client is free to express any idea or feeling, no matter how irresponsible, scandalous, politically incorrect, selfish, or infantile.


The systems perspective implies:

individuals are best understood through the context of their role in their family.

In the 1960's and 1970's Rogers did a great deal to spearhead the development of:

personal growth groups and encounter groups

In the 1960s and 1970s Rogers did a great deal to spearhead the development of: a. personal-growth groups and encounter groups. b. registration and certification of person-centered counselors. c. private colleges aimed at training person-centered therapists. d. the National Training Laboratories and T-groups. e. organizational management seminars.

personal-growth groups and encounter groups.

The tendency for individuals to relate external events to themselves, even when there is no basis for making this connection, is known as:


The tendency for individuals to relate external events to themselves, even when there is no basis for making this connection, is known as:


The character type described as reacting to castration anxiety by behaving recklessly, resolutely, and in a self-assured manner is the

phallic character

If Jim continually boasts of his many female "conquests", a Freudian might argue that he has not resolved conflicts that originated in the

phallic stage

Resolution of sexual conflicts and sex-role identity is a critical function of the:

phallic stage

The Electra complex and the Oedipus complex are associated with what psychosexual stage of development?

phallic stage

The Oedipal conflict is strongest during the

phallic stage

The stage during which the superego develops as an outgrowth of the resolution of the Oedipus complex during which the values of parents and their attitudes toward society are internalized is called the

phallic stage

The ____________________ principle maintains that people always strive to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.


The developmental crisis involving initiative vs. guilt occurs during the:

preschool age

A reality therapist will primarily focus on:

present behavior.

Attributing to others the qualities or traits that are unacceptable to our own ego is best described as:


The defense mechanism wherein a person protects his or her ego by attributing his or her own undesirable characteristics to others is called


When Jerome never pays for anyone else's dinner and yet criticizes others for being stingy for not paying his dinner bill, he is using the defense mechanism of


Postmodern thought has contributed to family therapy by:

promoting the therapist's view of clients as the experts on their own lives.

Which of the feminist principles views the therapist as simply another source of information, rather than as the expert in the therapy process?

the counseling relationship is egalitarian.

REBT employs what kind of method to help people resolve their emotional and behavioral problems?

the empirical method

Philosophically, the existentialists would agree that

the final decision and choices rest with the client, people redefine themselves by their choices, a person can go beyond early conditioning and making choices can create anxiety.

Which of the following is NOT a key concept of the person centered approach?

the focus is on exploration of a client's past

One point of disagreement between existential and humanistic thought involves:

the idea of an innate self-actualizing drive

One point of disagreement between existential and humanistic thought involves: a. a trust in the capacity of the client to make positive choices. b. an emphasis on freedom. c. the idea of an innate self-actualizing drive. d. a respect for the client's subjective experience.

the idea of an innate self-actualizing drive.

All of the following are characteristics shared by the postmodern and person-centered approaches except:

the importance of using specific techniques in therapy.

For Sartre, existential guilt is what we experience when

we allow others to define is or to make our choices for us.

The paradoxical theory of behavior change suggests

we change through becoming aware of who we currently are.

Reality therapy rests on the central idea that:

we choose our behavior and are responsible for what we do, think, and feel.

According to Ellis, we develop emotional and behavioral difficulties because:

we think of simple preferences as dire needs

According to Ellis, we develop emotional and behavioral difficulties because:

we think of simple preferences as dire needs.

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