syllabus quiz

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how many absences can you have before penalties?


what counts as plagiarism?

2-3 of the same words together about same context that are not your own without quotation marks and citation

how often will participation grades be updated on moodle?

2-3 times per semester

how many days should you give dr.hebbar to respond to an email?

2. 3 for weekends.

what is the penalty for turning in late work?

5 pts off per day

Will dr.hebbar contact you about a missing paper?

No. dr.hebbar does not chase after missing papers.

what do all writing assignments need to include?

all writing assignments should include cited quoted material from texts read in class

what should you do if you miss a class?

ask a PEER for notes, announcements, and changes to readings (not dr.hebbar)

what happens if you text during class?

automatic hardh participation and attendance penalties on moodle

what happens if you leave class after we start?

automatic harsh grade penalty

what are the consequences of cell phone use (glancing at it, texting, etc.) during class?

automatic harsh penalties if moodle and/or having phone taken up for class. no warnings.

what should you do if you do not understand errors or comments about your writing?

bring any writing questions you have to dr.hebbar during office hours.

what is the only acceptable way to have dr.hebbar review a draft?

bring physical copy of draft to office hours

what should you do before asking dr.hebbar about assignments?

check moodle and the syllabus to answer your question before asking for clarification

what criteria must a student meet to be given an incomplete?

demonstrated passing efforts on completed coursework and must be able to complete unfinished coursework without further attendance

what is the protocol for turning in late papers?

e-mail dr.hebbar with the subject "late paper 1,2,3, etc." with the paper as an attachment and include the confirmation receipt from moodle stating it has been turned into the proper moodle assignment

Is it possible to earn a good grade in the class without submitting papers within a couple of days of all deadlines?

even the smartest person in the class will not be able to earn higher than a "D" unless all papers are turned in within a couple of days of all deadlines.

how are grammar and style errors gone over during class graded?

grammar and style errors are graded more severely for following essays

what happens if you have 3 or more absences?

harsh participation grade reduction leading to lowered final grade

how long should you wait before emailing with dr.hebbar about missing grades?

if a grade has not been posted within 10 days of turning it in, contact dr.hebbar

what should you do if a conflict affects your performance in class?

inform dr.hebbar about any issues so that she may do all in her ability to aid

where should all written assignments be turned in?


where will participation grades be updated?


should you email dr.hebbar a question about your grades?

never email dr.hebbar questions about your grades.

should you email dr.hebbar if a peer can answer your question?

never email dr.hebbar questions that your peers can answer

are you able to make up quizzes (pop or scheduled)?


can you get an extension for late work?


can you have e-readers, pdfs, or phones during class unless otherwise assigned?


can you leave class once we start?


can you text in class?


should you wait until the week of a deadline or the end of the semester to inform dr.hebbar about any conflicts affecting your performance in class?


is there a difference between excused and unexcused absences?

no, except in the case of medical procedures

will dr.hebbar change grades?

no. all grades are final.

can papers be submitted as pdfs?

no. papers may only be submitted as microsoft word docs

will dr.hebbar only call on you if your hand is up?

no. she will call on all students at will whether or not they have their hand raised.

will dr.hebbar point out every mistake?

no; however, she will point out common ones so that you may go back and correct them

what will not submitting papers get you?

not submitting papers will result in "U" midterm grade

how are papers graded?

online via turnitin

when is the only time you should email dr.hebbar a paper?

only when moodle stops working before a deadline. make sure you resubmit it to the proper place once moodle is back up.

what should you do if you have questions about your grades?

schedule to meet with dr.hebbar in person

what should you do if you're tardy?

stay late after class to ensure you are marked present

where should you submit your writing assignments?

submit writing assignments to the correct tab on moodle (final draft tab, rough draft tab, correct paper prompts, etc.)

what should you inform dr.hebbar of when emailing her about a missing grade?

tell her which moodle prompt area you turned your writing assignment in to.

where are your peers' emails located?

they are located under the participants tab on moodle

where will grades and summative comments appear on graded papers?

they will appear on the last page of your essay

where will comments and corrections appear on graded papers?

turnitin has it to where you can mouse over a corrected part/comment and it will pull up a bubble with full correction/comment

when is the earliest that complete averages of your grades will begin to appear on moodle?

two weeks before semester's end

what should you do if you want to meet with dr.hebbar about a graded paper?

wait at least one week after grades have been released. bring graded copy (copy with comments) to the meeting.

do taffies affect your participation?


does dr.hebbar recommend you turn in late work if the "extension" will yield better work?


will utilizing office hours make you a better writer?


can you reuse portions of your earlier writing?

yes. it is recommended that you reuse portions of your earlier writing so that you may revise it towards greater clarity

how should all texts be cited?

MLA style parenthetical references (8th edition)

in what cases is a grade of incomplete given?

The grade of "I" (Incomplete) may be assigned at the end of a semester when conditions beyond the control of the student preclude completing coursework on time

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