System Analysis Mid Test

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A use case model describes what a system does without describing how the system does it a. true b. false


Which kind of question is easiest to analyze? a. closed b. open c. probe d. tactical


Which of the following is not one of the four values of the agile approach? a. communication b. expertise c. simplicity d. courage


A primitive process is: a. a process that is not exploded to a child diagram b. the central process on a context level diagram c. a process that requires two or more data flow into it d. a process that has only base elements flowing in or out of it


A question for which there are only two possible responses, e.g., yes or no, is known as a ___________ question a. bipolar b. closed c. open d. logical


A rectangle with rounded corners is used to show the occurrence of a transforming process a. true b. false


A(n) ________ joins two fundamental entities a. associative entity b. attributive entity c. process entity d. none of the above


All systems are composed of interrelated ___________ a. subsystems b. enterprise systems c. database systems d. design systems


An example of an ___________ question is "Explain how you make a purchasing decision" a. open-ended b. closed-ended c. true/false d. multiple choice


An organization with many employees and many cubicles with each employee having a unique phone extension is said to be a ______________ relationship a. 1:1 b. 1:M c. M:1 d. M:N


Each external entity is labeled with a noun a. true b. false


The data flow diagram graphically characterizes data processes and flows in a business system a. true b. false


The written interview report a. should be written as soon as possible after the interview b. should be a transcript of the interview c. should be known to the interviewee since it may contain interview opinions that may not be perceived as favorable d. should not contain the user's name or position


Unbalanced decomposition means that the data flow to or from a parent process does not match the data flow in or out of a child diagram a. true b. false


Which is not one of the four basic symbols used to chart data movement on data flow diagrams? a. an oval b. arrow c. rectangle with rounded corners d. open-ended rectangle


Which of the following should be used to prepare the interviewee a. email your questions to the interviewee ahead of time so that he/she can formulate responses b. tell the interviewee the type and format of the questions c. let the interviewee know the names of other people that you have interviewed d. ask the interviewee what he/she would like to be questioned about


Which of these is an advantage of open-ended questions? a. allows more spontaneity b. gets to the point more quickly c. makes comparing interviews easier d. saves time


With a _______ approach, the diagrams move from general to specific a. top-down b. bottom-up c. management-centered d. employee-centered


A JAD session involves: a. casual planning, since the interaction between users is when the activity occurs in a creative fashion b. using a session leader that has excellent communication skills c. having a systems analyst as a session leader d. note-taking by all the individuals within the session


An entity that joins two other entities is called: a. fundamental entity b. associative entity c. attributive entity d. linking entity


On the data flow diagram, an arrow is used to depict an external entity that can give and receive data from the system a. true b. false


Processes in a rectangle with rounded corners sometimes denote something other than a change in or transformation of data or a system/subsystem a. true b. false


Processes that transform data should be named with a noun which indicates the data that has been transformed a. true b. false


Reliability measures the degree to which the respondents may be trusted to complete the questionnaire a. true b. false


The communicates relationships handles exceptions to the basic use case a. true b. false


The excludes relationship contains a behavior that is common to more than one use case a. true b. false


The highest level data flow diagram is called Diagram 0 a. true b. false


Which of the following is not an error when drawing a data flow diagram? a. The parent diagram is label with the number 2 and the five processes of its child diagram on labeled with the number 3.1 through 3.5 b. data flow on a child diagram that has only one end connected to a process, the other end is a point in space c. connecting data stores and external entities directly to each other d. placing more than nine processes on a data flow diagram


Which structure should be used when you want to warm up the interviewee to a topic? a. funnel b. pyramid c. diamond d. oval


A method that provides conceptional freedom for representing processes and flows in a business system is the ___________ a. database b. entity-relationship diagram c. data flow diagram d. flow chart


A zero on a relationship line indicates a. that the relationship line is undefined b. the absence of any well-defined entities c. that none is possible for the next relationship d. that the relationship should be used to create an associative entity


An entity that describes attributes such as repeating groups in called a. fundamental entity b. associative entity c. attributive entity d. external entitiy


Probing questions: a. should be avoided, since they may make the interviewee feel that he/she is being interrogated b. are not used when interviewing business professionals since the questioning should be strictly limited to understanding the system and business situation c. are used to clarify, draw out, and expand in the interviewee's point d. should be done using an investigative/reporter approach


What is the middle (i.e., label) of the process symbol used for? a. process sequence b. identifying number c. process description d. process implementation


Which is not a good guideline to use when choosing questionnaire language? a. avoiding bias in wording b. do not use low-level language choices c. keep questions general rather than specific d. keep questions short e. use respondents' language whenever possible


Which of the following is not an advantage of using joint Application Design (JAD)? a. users have improved ownership of the system b. the time to develop the system is reduced c. JAD works independent of organizational culture d. JAD helps to generate new ideas


Which of these interview structures begins with the general and ends with the specific? a. circle b. diamond c. funnel d. pyramid


Which of these is used to depict a relationship in an entity relationship diagram a. triangle b. square c. crow's foot line d. rectangle


A crow's foot notation indicates: a. none of the other entity b. one of the other entity c. an attributive entity d. many of the other entity


A logical data flow diagram: a. includes types of programs, such as online as batch b. is a model of how the system will be implemented c. does not include any primitive processes d. is a model of how the business operates


An integrated organizational information system is called a(n) a. virtual organization b. open system c. interrelated external entity d. enterprise resource planning system


The degree in which the question measures what the analyst intends to measure is called: a. external consistency b. internal consistency c. factoring d. validity


When the data flow in and out of a parent process do not match the data flow in or out of a child diagram, it is called: a. primitive process b. a disordered pair c. a logical data flow diagram d. unbalanced decomposition


Which of the following is not an advantage of using a logical model? a. system based on a logical model is more stable b. the logical model helps the analyst understand the business being studied c. it facilitates communication with the users d. a logical model clarifies which processes are automated


System maintenance must be performed to a. correct software errors b. add new features that have never been requested before c. remove features that none of the users are using d. keep programmers employed


The _____________ is a phased approach to analysis and design that holds that systems are best developed through the use of a specific cycle of analyst and user activities a. systems development life cycle b. agile approach c. object-oriented approach d. open source approach


The context level data flow diagram depicts a. the boundaries of a system b. detailed processes that transform the incoming data to information c. the system entities and how they are related d. computer programs and their files


The most prominent quality of an analyst is that of a(n) a. problem solver b. consultant c. programmer d. agent of change


Which of the following is not one of the fundamental components of the agile approach? a. pressure b. values c. principles d. core practices


Which of these is an advantage of closed interview questions? a. keeps interviewer in control of the interview b. makes it more interesting for the interviewee c. makes phrasing easier for the interviewer d. provides richness of detail


Which of these software packages are not open software source? a. Microsoft windows b. Mozilla Firefox web browser c. Apache web server d. a Linux operating system

a. Microsoft Windows

Software that is distributed free along with the program source code is called a. closed source software b. open source software c. Microsoft windows d. out source software


Which of the following is a human need taken into account when considering the human-computer interaction a. the hardware that the system will run on b. the pleasing, aesthetic and enjoyable aspects of using the system c. the amount of training that will be required d. the kind of monitoring that will take place for the compliance


Which of the following is a human need taken into account when considering the human-computer interaction? a. the hardware that the system will run on b. the pleasing, aesthetic, and enjoyable aspects of using the system c. the amount of training that will be required d. the kind of monitoring that will take place for compliance


Which of the following symbols is not used on the context level data flow diagram? a. rectangle with rounded corners b. triangle c. arrow d. shaded corner square


Which of these is not used by analysts when adopting CASE tools? a. communicating more effectively with users b. expediting the local area network c. increasing productivity d. integrating the work done during life cycle stages


Which of these characteristics is most important to a systems analyst? a. communicator b. problem solver c. programmer d. project manager


Which of these statements concerning the system development life cycle is true? a. Designing the system is the first step in the SDLC b. No phase can occur until the previous phase is complete c. Although each phase is presented discretely, it is never accomplished as a separate step d. There is widespread agreement that the SDLC is composed of seven phases


An external entity may be a. a person b. another department c. another computer system d. all of the above


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