tabc training exam

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In which of the following situations would you not sell/serve an alcoholic beverage?

(A) A table of four (4) women has shared a bottle of wine and each drank several mixed beverages. You notice that they are getting louder and starting to disturb other customers. One flags you to the table and orders a round of tequila shots (B) A gentleman walks up to the counter with a bottle of whiskey, you watched him walk through the store, he answers your questions directly and clearly, you do not smell alcohol on his breath and his eyes are clear. (C) A group of young-looking people come into the store and go to the beer and wine aisle. You see several of them place items in the grocery cart and then give money to one person I The person approaches the counter while the other people in the party wait at the door. You ask to see ID and they provide you a student ID. ** (D) both A and C **

When checking an ID, make sure the description matches the person, the photo matches the description, and...

(A) look for signs the identification was altered. (B) check the date of birth to make sure the person is 21 or older. (C) check to make sure it was issued outside of the United States *(D) both A and B*

As a seller/server. if you sell alcohol to an intoxicated person, your employer could

(A) lose their license/permit (B) pay fines (C) be held liable in civil court for damages *(D) all of the above*

Which of the following might make you suspect that an ID is fake?

(A) the ID feels thinner or thicker than usual (B) lettering is the wrong size (either too large or too small). (C) you see a ridge around the photograph the covers the signature. *(D) all of the above*

If you are charged with selling/providing/delivering alcoholic beverages to a minor, the penalty is a Class A Misdemeanor. For the first offense, the maximum monetary penalty could be


How long is your TABC certification valid?

*2 years*

Which of the following would be considered a "Tamper proof container"?

*A container with a lid that is placed in a bag and the bag is sealed with a staple.*

An example of an "Off Premise" establishment is

*a convenience store that sells beer*

In an approved public entertainment facility, which of the following is allowed?

*a patron may enter or leave a licensed premise with an open alcoholic beverage as long as they remain in the facility*

When selling alcohol, a minor is defined as

*a person under the age of 21*

The best way to determine if a person is of legal age to purchase alcohol is to

*check their ID for date of birth*

if you make an illegal sale and didn't meet a certain level of care that an ordinary person would meet (example: didn't check ID, calculate age, refuse to overserve a patron, or look for signs of intoxication) this is the definition of being

*criminally negligent*

If a customer presents an ID where the physical description does not match the photograph or the person

*do not accept the ID as proof of age because it may be a forged or altered ID*

An expired driver's license can be used as proof of age for alcohol purchases as long as the individual can answer questions about personal information on the license


An individual can legally have both a Texas Driver License AND a Texas ID Card?


By taking this course, you cannot be held liable if you sell to a minor or intoxicated person


Common alcoholic beverages include

*hard seltzers*

if a person does not have the normal use of mental or physical faculties because they have been drinking alcohol, they would legally be considered


When transporting a delivery order that contains alcohol, the alcohol should be

*placed in the trunk of a vehicle or the area behind the last upright seat of the vehicle, if the vehicle does not have a trunk*

in Texas, a minor driver's license has which of the following?

*provides an "under 21 until" date*

The criteria retailer must meet to receive a reduced penalty and/or protect the license/permit if an illegal alcohol sale takes place at the establishment is often referred to as

*safe harbor*

For alcohol delivery, the driver must verify age prior to completing the delivery.


In which situation is it legal for a minor to consume alcohol?

*when they are in the visible presence of their parent and the parent provides the alcohol*

In which situation is it legal for a minor to purchase alcohol?

*when they are under supervision of a commissioned peace officer while participating in an underage compliance operation*

in which situation would it be legal to deliver alcohol?

*when you have been able to verify the age of the person taking possession of the alcohol and determine they are not showing any sign of intoxication*

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