Taisha GRE Wordlist Week 7 - 13

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144. liken [ ] vt. liken:similarity=discriminate:difference

COMPARE Sample: She admired her father so much that she likened him to a saint. liken /'laikən/ so sánh; xem giống như là (từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) làm cho giống nhau

18. civility (n) /si'viliti

COURTESY, POLITENESS civility<>rudeness sự lễ độ, phép lịch sự

29. underdog (n) /'ʌndərdɒg/ underdog<>bully

a loser or predicted loser in a struggle or contest kẻ thua cuộc Synonyms: VICTIM , bottom dog, casualty, prey Sample: Our team was the underdog in the basketball game, but we won.

53.centrifuge [ ] n. /'sentrifju:dʤ/ centrifuge:separate=colander:drain

a machine using centrifugal force for separating substances of different densities, for removing moisture, or for simulating gravitational effects máy ly tâm Sample: At the dairy, we employ a centrifuge to separate cream from milk.

brevity ['brevətɪ] n.

Sự khúc chiết, vắn tắt, ngắn gọn shortness or conciseness of expression Synonyms: shortness ,conciseness Sample: brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram; you are charged for every word.

51/gratis /'greitis/ (a)

biếu không, cho không

21. facetious (adj) /fə:si:ʃəs/

joking or jesting often inappropriately:WAGGISH hay khôi hài, hay hài hước facetious<>earnest facetious<>lugubrious Synonyms: WITTY, humorous, jocose, jocular Sample: Your facetious remarks are not appropriate at this serious moment.

110. hard-bitten (adj) hard-bitten<>tender

seasoned or steeled by difficult experience:TOUGH cứng rắn, rắn rỏi Sample: She is a hard-bitten fighter against crime.

67. filibuster verb /ˈfɪl.ɪ.bʌs.tər/

xâm lược, cướp phá, cản trở to make a long speech in order to delay or prevent a new law being made: Conceivably, supporters of the law could filibuster to prevent it from being revised.

116. exuberant /ɪgzj'uːbərənt/ (adj) ennui<>exuberance soaking:wet=exuberant:happy=frigid:cool

joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic cơi mở, dồi dào Synonyms: brash, ebullient, effervescent, high-spirited, vivacious Sample: His speeches were famous for his exuberant language and vivid imagery.

102. riffraff ['rɪfræf] n.

(cách gọi) disparaging terms for the common people: bọn tiện dân, lũ dân đen, đồ vô dụng, đồ bỏ đi.

115. ebb /'eb/ (n,v)

(n) the period of time when the sea flows away from the land (v) (of the TIDE in the sea) to move away from the land Nước triều rút (v) to become gradually weaker or less (sự) tàn tạ, suy sụp

114. overexposure adj. overexposure:jaded=vaccination:immune

(nhiếp ảnh) sự phơi lâu, quá sáng, cháy to expose excessively; especially:to expose (as film) to excessive radiation (as light)

34/ acre (n) /acre/

(đơn vị: mẫu) cánh đồng, đồng cỏ

3. arresting (adj) /ə'restiɳ/

- làm ngừng lại, làm hãm lại arresting device :(kỹ thuật) bộ phận hãm - lôi cuốn, hấp dẫn, thu hút sự chú ý


. dễ đọc, dễ xem capable of being read or deciphered:PLAIN legible:decipher=?? Sample: The photocopy is faint but legible.

228.diffuse (a) /dɪˈfju:s/ euphemism:offensive=aphorism:diffuse

1. khuếch tán( vât lý) 2. rườm rà dài dòng (văn) 3( v) truyền bá , làm phổ biến being at once verbose and ill-organized Synonyms: WORDY, long-winded, palaverous, prolix, redundant, verbose, windy Sample: The sea was not an obstacle to the diffusion of the windmill; on the contrary, while the concept of the new invention passed quickly from seaport to seaport, it made little headway inland.

109. grotesque [grəʊ'tesk] a.

Biến dạng, méo mó, lố bịch, kỳ cục FANCIFUL, BIZARRE imperial:significant=grotesque:fantasy Synonyms: FANTASTIC, antic, bizarre Sample: The gargoyles adorning the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris are amusing in their grotesqueness.

48/ reluctant //ri'lʌktənt/ (a)

Miễn cưỡng, bất đắc dĩ.

56/parsimony(n)\ˈpär-sə-ˌmō-nē\ parsimonious<>wasteful profligate<>parsimonious parsimonious<>prodigal parsimonious<>generous

Tính hà tiện, tính bủn xỉn. a tendency to be over-careful in spending; unreasonable economy; stinginess Synonyms: STINGY, cheeseparing, close, closefisted, miserly, niggardly, penny-pinching, penurious, tight, tightfisted

34/conciseness (n) /kən'saisnis/

Tính ngắn gọn

figurine ['fɪgjərɪːn /-gjʊr-]

Tượng nhỏ

101. deracinate /dɪ'ræsɪneɪt/ (vt) deracinate<>plant

UPROOT 1. move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment 2. pull up by or as if by the roots nhổ rễ, trừ tiệt

11. windy (adj) /'windi/

VERBOSE, BOMBASTIC dài dòng, trống rỗng = chém gió ^-^ Synonyms: WORDY, diffuse, long-winded, palaverous, prolix, redundant, verbose Sample: He gives long, windy speeches.

51/diocesan (a) /dai'ɔsisən/

a bishop having jurisdiction over a diocese. Thuộc giáo khu, , giám mục diocesan<>ecumenical

148.eddy /ˈɛdi/

a circular movement of air or water (n) gió lốc, nước xoáy (v) xoáy lốc

123.flaw (v,n) /flɔ:/ glitch:flaw=peccadillo:error/sin/offense impeccable:flaw=ingenuous:guile

a defect in physical structure or form 1. Cơn gió mạnh 2. Vết nứt, chỗ hỏng 3.Thói xấu Sample: It is puzzling to observe that Jone's novel has recently been criticized for its lack of structure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious flaw is its relentlessly rigid, indeed schematic, framework.

28/rabble (n)/'ræbl/

a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people:MOB items:hodgepodge=people:rabble đám người lộn xộn

94. easel (n.) ['i:zl]

a frame for supporting an artist's painting khung vẽ, giá vẽ

43. purlieu (n) /'pɜːlju-/

a frequently visited place:HAUNT nơi hay lui tới taut:commodious=extraordinary:purlieu purlieu<>an unfrequent place Synonyms: RESORT, hangout, haunt, rendezvous, stamping ground, watering hole,

30/juggernaut (n)/'dʤʌgənɔ:t/

a massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path. Lực lượng đi đến đâu là tàn phá đến đấy. juggernaut:unstoppable=enigma:impenetrable juggernaut:unstoppable=extemporization:spontaneous {boast:dishonest} siren:unresist=juggernaut:unstop Sample: Nothing could survive in the path of the juggernaut.

132.raconteur /ˌræˌkɑ:nˈtɚ/

a person who excels in telling anecdotes người có tài kể chuyện Sample: My father was a gifted raconteur with an unlimited supply of anecdotes.

112 harrow (n) /h'æroʊ/

a piece of farming equipment that is pulled over land that has been PLOUGHED to break up the earth before planting cái bừa

132.colonnade(n) /ˌkɑ:ləˈneɪd/ colonnade:pillar=queue:person

a series of columns set at regular intervals and usually supporting the base of a roof structure dãy cột

91.pebble (n.)

a small usually rounded stone especially when worn by the action of water đá cuội, sỏi thạch anh (để làm thấu kính...); thấu kính bằng thạch anh mã não trong droplet:deluge=pebble:landslid 小滴:洪水=小卵石:山崩泥石 (小:大) Sample: We threw pebbles into the ocean.

66. eaglet ['iːglɪt] n.

a young eagle eaglet:bird=fawn:mammal {frog:amphibian}

220. diminish (v) diminish<>increase/escalate

a: to make less or cause to appear less b: to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of : BELITTLE Synonyms: DECREASE, abate, close, drain (away), dwindle, lessen, reduce, taper, taper off Sample: The company's reputation for quality has diminished; it has a <adj.> diminished reputation

140.fallacy /ˈfæləsi/

a:a false or mistaken idea b:erroneous character:ERRONEOUSNESS sự sai lầm Synonyms: erroneousness, error, fallaciousness, falsehood, falseness, falsity, untruth Sample: There must be a fallacy in this syllogism; I cannot accept its conclusion.

5. annotate (v) /'ænouteit/

add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment Chú giải, chú thích

73. probity (n.)

adherence to the highest principles and ideals:UPRIGHTNESS tính trung thực, tính liêm khiết, đáng tin cậy probity<>unscrupulousness probity<>shiftness Synonyms: GOODNESS, morality, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, uprightness, virtue Sample: Everyone took his probity for granted; his defalcations, therefore, shocked us all.

41/sonata (n) /sə'nɑ:tə/

an instrumental musical composition typically of three or four movements in contrasting forms and keys. Bản xô nát dessert:meal=epilogue:play=coda:sonata Sample: Unlike many recent interpretations of Beethoven's piano sonatas, the recitalist's performance was a delightfully free and introspective one; nevertheless, it was also, seemingly paradoxically, quite controlled.

103 peremptory (adj) /pər'emptəri/ parsimonious:spend=peremptory:fawn peremptory<>open to challenge

characterized by often imperious or arrogant self-assurance độc đoán, cưỡng bách Sample: From Jack's peremptory knock on the door, Jill could tell he would not give up until she let him in.

150.scalpel /'skælpəl/

dao mổ a small straight thin-bladed knife used especially in surgery Sample: With a scalpel, the doctor cut into the patient's leg.

47. condign (adj) [kən'daɪn]

deserved, appropriate condign<>undeserved/unmerited thích đáng (punishment) Synonyms: JUST, appropriate, deserved, due, merited, requisite, rhadamanthine, right, rightful, suitable Sample: The public approved the condign punishment for the crime.

81.protean /protean/

displaying great diversity or variety:VERSATILE hay thay đổi, ko kiên định circular:asymmetrical=protean:rigid protean<>static Synonyms: CHANGEABLE, changeful, fluid, mobile, mutable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, variable Sample: A remarkably protean actor, Alec Guinness could take on any role.

10.responsive /rɪˈspɑ:nsɪv/ dispassionate<>responsive

dễ phản ứng lại, đáp trả lại quick to respond or react appropriately or sympathetically:SENSITIVE Synonyms: TENDER, compassionate, kindhearted, softhearted, sympathetic, warm, warmhearted Sample: Some activists believe that because the health-care system has become increasingly unresponsive to those it serves, individuals must circumvent bureaucratic impediments in order to develop and promote new therapies.

66. jaded (adj.) ['dʒeidid]

fatigued by overwork:EXHAUSTED mệt mỏi,kiệt sức overexposure:jaded=vaccination:immune jaded<>keen Synonyms: TIRED ,clapped-out, fatigued, wearied, weary, worn, worn-down, worn-out Sample: He looked for exotic foods to stimulate his jaded appetite.

110. hideous (adj.) ['hidiəs] pulchritudinous<>hideous affinity<>aversion/hideousness

gớm guốc, ghê rợn. (hình thù/ đạo đức) offensive to the senses and especially to sight:exceedingly ugly. Synonyms: UGLY, ill-favored, ill-looking, unbeautiful, uncomely, unsightly Sample: The horror film was about a hideous monster.

134.fetid (adj) /'fetid/ grating:sound=fetid:smell fetid:smell:cacophonous:sound

having a heavy offensive smell (hôi thối, hôi hám) Synonyms: malodorous, fusty, noisome, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, smelly, stinking, strong Sample: The neglected wound became fetid.

149.versed /ˈvɚst/

having knowledge about something — + in thành thạo sành sỏi He is well versed in French cooking

148.adjourn /əˈʤɚn/ convoke<>adjourn

hoãn ngừng to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place Synonyms: DEFER, delay, postpone, shelve, prorogate, prorogue, recess Sample: The judge adjourned the trial so people could go to lunch.

63. diurnal [daɪ'ɜːnl] adj. diurnal<>nocturnal

hoạt động lúc ban ngày. (n) kinh nhật tụng, nhật báo of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime Synonyms: DAILY, quotidian Sample: A farmer cannot neglect his diurnal tasks at any time; cows, for example, must be milked regularly.

35/retrieve /ri'tri:v/ (v)

khôi phục lại

148.rescind /rɪˈsɪnd/ irrevocable:rescind=?? rescind<>institute rescission<>enactment

loại bỏ, bác bỏ to make void (as an act) by action of the enacting authority or a superior authority:REPEAL Sample: Because of public resentment, the king had to rescind his order.

144.deject /dɪˈdʒɛkt/ mollify:anger=hearten:dejection dejected<>exultant deject<>gladden

làm buồn thất vọng to make gloomy Synonyms: DISCOURAGE, chill, demoralize, dishearten, disparage, dispirit Sample: A man with a dejected look sat waiting for a bus.

127. burnish /ˈbɚnɪʃ/

làm bóng to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing Synonyms: POLISH, buff, furbish, glance, glaze, gloss, rub, shine Sample: The maid burnished the brass fixtures until they reflected the lamplight.

71. exaggerate verb /ɪɡˈzædʒ.ə.reɪt/

làm to lên, phóng đại to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is: The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated.

4.verdict /ˈvɚdɪkt/

lời tuyên án the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in trial Sample: The widespread public shock at the news of the guilty verdict was caused

139. fervid (adj) /'fə:vid/ fervid<>restrained

marked by often extreme fervor ( Nóng bỏng, nồng nhiệt) Synonyms: impassioned, ardent, blazing, burning, fervent, fiery, glowing, hot-blooded, passionate, perfervid Sample: Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake the dangerous mission.

122 hypercritical (adj)

meticulously or excessively critical tỉ mỉ, khắt khe Synonyms: critical, faultfinding, captious, carping, censorious Sample: You are hypercritical in your demands for perfection; we all make mistakes.

41/cache (n)\ˈkash\

nơi giấu, cất giữ, thức ăn dự trữ (của động vật qua đông), vật dụng giấu kín


quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed. Phẩm giá Synonyms: DECORUM, decency, etiquette, propriety, seemliness Sample: My doctor is a woman of great dignity.

10. vim (n) /vim/ lassitude<>vim/animation

robust energy and enthusiasm sức sống, sức mạnh Synonyms: SPIRIT, animation, brio, dash, esprit, life, oomph, verve, zing Sample: She has a lot of vim and vigor.

68. gourmet adjective /ˈɡɔː.meɪ/

sành ăn - (of food) very high quality: gourmet coffee, a gourmet meal - producing or serving food that is very high quality: a gourmet restaurant a gourmet chef

44. symbioses (n) [‚sɪmbaɪ'əʊsɪs]

sự cộng sinh

82.painstaking (adj.)

taking pains:expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort làm hoặc đòi hỏi phải rất cẩn thận hoặc khó nhọc; chịu khó cursory<>painstakingly thorough 草率的<>十分彻底的 slipshod<>painstaking 漫不经心的<>艰苦的 Synonyms: CAREFUL, conscientious, conscionable, exact, fussy, heedful, meticulous, punctilious, punctual, scrupulous Sample: The new high-frequency word list is the result of painstaking efforts on the part of our research staff.

133.dilate /ˈdaɪˌleɪt/ dilate<>contract

to enlarge or expand in bulk or extent:DISTEND, WIDEN Synonyms: EXPAND, amplify, distend, inflate, swell Sample: When there is less light, the pupils in our eyes dilate.

114. palliate /'pælieit/ (v) pain:analgesic=symptom:palliative palliate:anger=enfeeble:vigor caustic<>palliating/genial palliate<>exacerbate palliate<>worsen

to reduce the violence of (a disease) làm dịu nhẹ, bào chữa Synonyms: blanch (over), extenuate, gloss (over), gloze (over), prettify, sugarcoat, varnish, veneer, white, whiten, whitewash Sample: If we cannot cure this disease at present, we can, at least try to palliate the symptoms.

214. bleach (vt)

to remove color or stains from tẩy trắng Synonyms: WHITEN, blanch, blench, decolor, decolorize, white Sample: The sun bleached the curtains hanging out to dry

240.corporeal(a) /koɚˈporijəl/ corporeal<>intangible/disembodied spiritual<>corporeal incorporeal<>incarnate

vật chất, cụ thể hữu hỉnh having, consisting of, or relating to a physical material body:as a:not spiritual b:not immaterial or intangible:SUBSTANTIAL Synonyms: MATERIAL, gross, objective, phenomenal, physical, sensible, substantial, tangible Sample: He was not a churchgoer; he was interested only in corporeal matters.

59/altitude(n)\ˈal-tə-ˌtüd also -ˌtyüd\

Độ cao, chỗ cao, địa vị cao

80. polish (v)

đánh bóng, làm cho láng (cái gì)

61. fury N /ˈfjʊər·i/

cơn giận dữ, thịnh nộ a feeling of intense anger

55. obtuse [əb'tuːs /-'tju-] adj. restive:calmness=keen:obtuse parsimonious:liberal=obtuse:keen impertinent:propriety=keen:obtuseness obtuse<>insightful

(góc) tù, thiếu nhạy bén, chậm hiểu 1. of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees 2. of a leaf shape; rounded at the apex 3. lacking in insight or discernment 4. slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect Synonyms: DULL, blunt Sample: Because he was so obtuse, he could not follow the teacher's reasoning and asked foolish questions.

77. compromise

- to come to agreement by mutual concession dàn xếp, thỏa hiệp Sample: Schlesinger has recently assumed a conciliatory attitude that is not commended. by his colleagues, who continue to disparage compromise. - to cause the impairment of làm hại, làm tổn thương Sample: The academic education offered to university students is essential and must not be compromised, but that does not mean universities should neglect the extracurricular, yet still important, aspects of university life.

49/earplug(n) earplug:noise=shield:impact

. Cái nút tai device of pliable material for insertion into the outer opening of the ear (as to keep out water or deaden sound) Sample: She wears earplugs when she swims.


.Sự thừa nhận, sự cho phép a share or portion allotted or granted pittance:allowance=rivulet:stream Synonyms: RATION, allotment, apportionment, measure, meed, part, portion, quantum, quota, share Sample: Despite some allowances for occupational mobility, the normal expectation of seventeenth-century English society was that the child's vocation would develop along familial lines; divergence from the career of one's parents was therefore limited.

137.austere /ɑˈstiɚ/ abstemious:indulge=austere:decorate laconic:speech=austere:design baroque<>austere lavish<>austere

1. nghiêm khắc, khắt khe 2. khổ hạnh, khắc khổ markedly simple or unadorned Synonyms: severe, stern, ascetic Sample: His austere demeanor prevented us from engaging in our usual frivolous activities.

204. snub (v) dissemble:honesty=snub:politeness ingenuous:dissemble=raffish:preen=polite:snub snub:disdain=double cross:disloyalty court<>snub

1. tẹt, hếch 2. làm nhục, làm mất mặt, hắt hủi to treat with contempt or neglect Synonyms: CUT, cold-shoulder, ostracize, snob Sample: She rebuffed his invitation so smoothly that he did not realize he had been snubbed

140.reciprocate /rɪˈsɪprəˌkeɪt/ reciprocating<>moving unidirectional

1. đáp lại , đền đáp 2. trao đổi qua lại to move forward and backward alternately Synonyms: recompense, requite, retaliate, return Sample: The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, a reciprocity between rulers and citizens based on those laws and procedures that are conducive to the maintenance of community.

14.nauseate /ˈnɑ:ziˌeɪt/

1.(làm)kinh tởm ,ghê tởm 2. (làm) buồn nôn to feel disgust Sample: The foul smells began to nauseate him.

149.balm /bɑ:m/

1.nhựa thơm ,dầu thơm 2. niềm an ủi a balsamic resin(nhựa cây), especially:one from small tropical evergreen trees Sample: Friendship is the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.

146.ravenous /ˈrævənəs/ incontrovertible:disputed=untenable:defended{ravenous:satisfied}

1.phàm ăn, ngấu nghiến 2.tham lam very eager or greedy for food, satisfaction, or gratification Synonyms: VORACIOUS, edacious, gluttonous, rapacious, ravening Sample: The revenous dog upset several garbage pails in its search for food.

145.vibrant /ˈvaɪbrənt/

1.rung động,rung lắc 2. sôi nổi mạnh mẽ oscillating or pulsating rapidly Synonyms: RESONANT, consonant, orotund, plangent, resounding, ringing, rotund, round, sonorant, sonorous Sample: That painting has vibrant colors of red and yellow in it.

149.serenity(n) /səˈrɛnəti/ serene(a)

1.sự thanh bình, thanh thản 2. cảnh trời quang mây tạnh the quality or state of being shining bright and steady Synonyms: CALM,composed, easy, placid, poised, self-composed, self-possessed, tranquil Sample: As painted by Constable, the scene is not one of bucolic serenity; rather it shows a striking emotional and intellectual tension.

143.screw /ˈskru:/

1.đinh ốc đinh vít 2. chân vịt (tàu) a nail-shaped or rod-shaped piece with a spiral groove and a slotted or recessed head designed to be inserted into material by rotating

83. blurb (n.) [blə:b]

A brief publicity notice, as on a book jacket. lời quảng cáo sách, lời giới thiệu sách (của nhà xuất bản) Synonyms: PUFF , plug, write-up Sample: The famous writer wrote a blurb about the new author to put on the book jacket.

90. savanna (n.) sə'vænə]

A flat grassland of tropical or subtropical regions. hoang mạc, thảo nguyên savanna<>slope 大草原<>斜坡

45. spoof (n) /sp'uːf/

A gentle satirical imitation; a light parody. sự lừa gạt ode:poetry=spoof:parody nicety:distinction=spoof:parody Synonyms: IMPOSTURE, cheat, deceit, deception, fake, flimflam, phony, put-on, sell, sham Sample: The comedian did a spoof of the situation in the White House.

119. haven (n) /h'eɪvən/

A haven is a place where people or animals feel safe, secure, and happy. nơi trú ẩn


A human finger or toe. ngón chân, ngón tay fang:tooth=finger:digit 尖牙, 犬牙:牙=手指:人的手指或足趾(种属关系) Sample: The hand has five digits.

34. appellation (n) /'æpəl'eɪʃən/ foreword:introductory=appellation:designate

A name, title, or designation. tên gọi, danh hiệu Synonyms: NAME ,appellative, cognomen, compellation, denomination, designation, nomen, style, title Sample: He was amazed when the witches hailed him with his correct appellation.

120. sanctuary (n) /s'æŋktʃuəri/

A sanctuary is a place where people who are in danger from other people can go to be safe. nơi trú ẩn a holy building or the part of it that is considered the most holy nơi tôn nghiêm

128. molar (n) rib:bone=molar:tooth

A tooth with a broad crown used to grind food, located behind the premolars. (răng hàm) Sample: The dentist took a bad molar out of my mouth.

85. accrete (v.) [ə'kri:t]

ACCUMULATE cùng phát triển, cùng lớn lên thành một khối accrete:growth=erode:destruction accrete:grow=inch:advance Synonyms: cohere, cling ,adhere

77. conspiracy (n.) [kən'spirəsi]

An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. Thông đồng, Âm mưu uncouth:churl=conspiratorial:conniver infiltrate:enter=conspire:plan spy:watch=conspire:cooperate Synonyms: PLOT , cabal, covin, intrigue, machination, practice, scheme Sample: Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to manage experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.

175. deprecate [vt] /'deprikeit/ deprecate:value=restrict:diameter deprecate<>extol vaunt<>deprecate deprecate<>endorse

BELITTLE, DISPARAGE (phản đối, phản kháng, không tán thành) Synonyms: DISAPPROVE, discommend, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, frown, object Sample: She is a modest person, so she responds to praise with self-deprecating remarks.


Buộc tội, kết tội to charge with a fault or offense:BLAME Synonyms: arraign, charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate, inculpate, indict, tax Sample: The old man could not have been accused of stinting his affection; his conduct toward the child betrayed his adoration of her.

29/sonnet (n) /'sɔnit/

Bài thơ xô nê, bài thơ 14 câu. a fixed verse form of Italian origin consisting of fourteen lines that are typically five-foot iambics rhyming according to a prescribed scheme; also:a poem in this pattern sonnet:poet=symphony:composer sonnet:verse monger=??

60/ominous(a)\ˈä-mə-nəs\ auspicious<>ominous

Báo điểm gở being or exhibiting an omen:PORTENTOUS; especially:foreboding or foreshowing evil:INAUSPICIOUS Synonyms: apocalyptic, baleful, baneful, dire, direful, doomful, fateful, ill-boding, ill-omened, inauspicious, threatening, unlucky, unpropitious

asymmetrical / ˌeɪsɪˈmetrɪk(ə)l/ a.

Bất đối xứng not of equal size or similar shape: circular:asymmetrical=protean:rigid Sample: Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement:before maturity one eye migrates,so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head.


Bới móc, xoi móc to find fault or complain querulously caviler:carping=libertine:licentious complain:carp=drink:guzzle Synonyms: NAG, fuss, henpeck, peck (at) Sample: Welcoming constructive criticism, Lexy appreciated her editor's comments, finding them free of carping

133.cavern ditch:canyon=burrow:cavern cavern:spelunker=ocean:diver

CAVE; especially:one of large or indefinite extent Synonyms: CAVE, grotto, subterranean Sample: In the darkness of the cavern, the glowworms hanging from the cavern roof glimmered like distant stars.

108. approbation (n.) [,æprə'bei∫n] praise:approbation=demur:objection censure:blameless=approbation:reprehensible endorse:approbation=??

COMMENDATION, PRAISE, sự tán thành, sự đồng ý, sự chấp thuận

105. census /s'ensəs/ (n) census:population=inventory:stock

a count of the population sự điều tra dân số Sample: The census is taken in the USA every ten years.

90.complacency /kəm'pleisns/n.

COMPLACENCE; especially:self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies SỰ TỰ MÃN complacency<>anxiety Synonyms: CONCEIT, amour propre, complacence, conceitedness, consequence, egoism, egotism, narcissism, pride, vainglory Sample: The accusations we bring against others should bewarnings to ourselves; they should not justify complacency and easy judgments on our part concerning our own moral conduct.

64. sanguine [ ] adj. /'sæɳgwin/ sanguine<>despondent/hopeless sanguine<>morose

CONFIDENT, OPTIMISTIC Synonyms: BLOODY,gory,imbrued;MURDEROUS,bloody; RUDDY, florid ,rubicund Sample: Let us not be too sanguine about the outcome; something could go wrong. lạc quan, đầy hy vọng, tin tưởng sanguine of success: đầy hy vọng sự ở sự thành công đỏ, hồng hào (da) đỏ như máu (từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) (thuộc) máu; có máu, đẫm máu

130.cramp /ˈkræmp/ commodious<>constricted/cramped

CONFINE, RESTRAIN Synonyms: RESTRICTION , circumscription, limitation, stint, stricture Sample: She lives in a cramped little apartment. hạn chế, tù túng, gò bó

8. draconian (adj) [drə'kəʊnjən] palmy:prosperity=draconian:severity draconian:inclemency=fret:vexation draconian<>indulgent/mild draconian<>genial

CRUEL; also:SEVERE hà khắc, khắc nghiệt Synonyms: RIGID, ironhanded, rigorist, rigorous, strict, stringent, unpermissive Sample: The invading army used draconian measures to control the people; they cut off the hands and feet of anyone who opposed them.

26/ intercede (v)/,intə'si:d/

Can thiệp, làm trung gian to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences:MEDIATE intercessor:mediate=translator:interpret/augur:prediction Synonyms: INTERPOSE, interfere, intermediate, intervene, mediate, step in Sample: You are telling lies about my sister; I must intercede on her behalf.

108. lofty ['lɑftɪ /'lɒf-]

Cao, sừng sững, cao thượng, cao quý, kiêu kỳ elevated in status:SUPERIOR ignominious<>lofty lofty<>mean lofty<>cast down Synonyms: GENEROUS, benevolent, big, chivalrous, considerate, greathearted, magnanimous Sample: They used to tease him about his lofty ambitions.

52/refulgent(a)\ri-ˈfu̇l-jən(t)s, -ˈfəl-\

Chói lọi, rực rỡ, huy hoàng a radiant or resplendent quality or state:BRILLIANCE Synonyms: BRIGHT, beaming, brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, incandescent, lambent, lucent, luminous, radiant

58/scoff(v)\ˈskäf, ˈskȯf\ pontificate:pompous=scoff:derisive=drawl:slow=bluster:loud=prate:aimless scoff:contempt=thankful:gratitude

Chế giễu, đùa cợt phỉ báng to show contempt by derisive acts or language Synonyms: fleer, flout, gibe, gird, jeer, jest, quip (at), scout (at), sneer Sample: He scoffed at dentists until he had his first toothache.

45/pan(v)\ˈpan\ barb:caustic=pan:harsh rave<>pan eulogize<>pan

Chỉ trích gay gắt to criticize unfavorably, as in reviewing Sample: Hoping for a rave review of his new show, the playwright was miserable when the critics panned it unanimously.

99. Cower ['kaʊə] vi. fear:cower=anger:rant bristle<>cower

Co rúm lại, thu mình lại to shrink away or crouch especially for shelter from something that menaces, domineers, or dismays Synonyms: FAWN, apple-polish, bootlick, cringe, grovel, honey (up), kowtow, toady, truckle Sample: The frightened child cowered in the corner of the room.

70/descendant (n) /di'sendənt/

Con cháu. one deriving directly from a precursor or prototype forbears<>descendants Synonyms: OFFSPRING, begats, brood, children, issue, posterity, progeniture, progeny, scions, seed Sample: That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.

123. generality [‚dʒenə'rælətɪ] n.

Cái chung chung, tính tổng quát the quality or state of being general ecumenical:generality=entire:integrity Sample: This report is filled with generalities; you must be more specific in your statements.

46/ bumper (n) /'bʌmpə/

Cái hãm xung ( ô tô) a device for absorbing shock or preventing damage protocol:blunder=bumper:damage Sample: The car bumper hit the wall.

74/flax (n)/'flæks/

Cây lanh. any of a genus (Linum of the family Linaceae, the flax family) of herbs; especially:a slender erect annual (L. usitatissimum) with blue flowers commonly cultivated for its bast fiber and seed clay:porcelain=flax:linen

124. impugn [ɪm'pjuːn] v.

Công kích, bài bác to assail by words or arguments:oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity Synonyms: DENY, contradict, contravene, cross, disaffirm, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse Sample: I cannot impugn your honesty without evidence.

122. shackle ['ʃækl] vt.

Cùm, xích, ngăn cản. to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of restrictions or handicaps:IMPEDE shackle<>loose/emancipate Synonyms: bond(s), chains, fetter(s), gyve(s), iron(s) Sample: Our times seem especially hospitable to bad ideas, probably because in throwing off the shackles of tradition, we have ended up being quite vulnerable to untested theories and untried remedies.

95. tantrum (n) /'tæntrəm/

Cơn giận, cơn cáu kỉnh, cơn thịnh nộ (nhất là của một em bé)

101. grin [grɪn] vi.

Cười toe toét to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth especially in amusement or laughter; broadly:SMILE pout<>grin Synonyms: SMILE, beam Sample: Grinning from ear to ear, Bonnie Blair was clearly elated by her Olympic victory.

115. cumbersome ['kʌmbəsəm] a

Cồng kềnh, nặng nề unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk cumbersome<>easy to handle Synonyms: UNWIELDY, cumbrous, ponderous, unhandy Sample: He was burdened down with cumbersome parcels.

46. prosaic (adj) /proʊz'eɪɪk/

DULL, UNIMAGINATIVE,EVERYDAY, ORDINARY prosaic<>exceptional/imaginary/exciting prosaic<>extraordinary ingenious<>prosaic { spontaneous} prosaic<>preternatural tầm thường, tẻ nhạt, không mơ mộng Synonyms: COMMONPLACE, everyday, lowly, mundane, workaday, workday Sample: Though the ad writers had come up with a highly creative campaign to publicize the company's newest product, the head office rejected it for a more prosaic, down-to-earth approach.

36/ buck (n) (v) /bʌk/

Danh từ: công tử bột, Động từ: kháng cự, chống đối to refuse assent:BALK Synonyms: RESIST, combat, contest, dispute, duel, fight, oppose, repel, traverse, withstand Sample: She bucks making changes in her way of doing things.

32/falter (v)/'fɔ:ltə/

Dao động, nản chí, nói ấp úng a:to hesitate in purpose or action:WAVER b:to lose drive or effectiveness falter:act=stammer:speak Synonyms: TEETER, lurch, stagger, stumble, topple, totter, wobble Sample: When told to dive off the high board, she did not falter, but proceeded at once.

45/ edifice (n) /'edifis/

Dinh thự BUILDING; especially:a large or massive structure Synonyms: erection, pile, structur Sample: The addition of a second tower will give this edifice the symmetry that it now lacks.

38. crockery (n) /kr'ɒkəri/ crockery:earthenware=??

EARTHENWARE bát đĩa sành sứ

40/bait (n,v) /beit/

ENTICE, LURE. to attack in speech or writing as by derision or insult; to gall or exasperate by repeated wanton attacks. Mắc mồi bait<>disarm bait<>mollify Synonyms: MOLEST, heckle, persecute, torment Sample: The soldiers baited the prisoners, terrorizing them.

69/isthmus /'isməs/ (n)

Eo đất a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas isthmus:land=strait:water Sample: In a magnificent feat of engineering, Goethals and his men cut through the isthmus of Panama in constructing the Panama Canal

140.harebrained /ˈheɚˈbreɪnd/

FOOLISH Synonyms: GIDDY, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, rattlebrained, scatterbrained, silly, skittish Sample: He has these harebrained ideas for getting rich that always fail

196 provident /provident/ (adj.) provident<>profligate

FRUGAL, SAVING tằn tiện, tiết kiệm, căn cơ; biết dự tính, biết lo xa Synonyms: PROVIDENT ,SPARING, canny, chary, economical, frugal, saving, Scotch, stewardly, thrifty Sample: In his usual provident manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.

113. odious ['əʊdɪəs] a.

Ghê tởm, đáng ghét exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance blatant:arresting=odious:disgusting grating:sound=acrid:odor odious:disgust=menacing:fear odious:repugnance=menacing:fear {immovable:stability} Synonyms: HATEFUL, abhorrent, abominable, detestable, hateable, horrid Sample: I find the task of punishing you most odious.

64. confine ['kɒnfaɪn] vt. loose:confinement=disabuse:misconception

Giam cầm, hạn chế, tiếp giáp confines (n) phạm vi, giới hạn restrain, place limits on, prevent from leaving or being removed, hold back from movement Synonyms: LIMIT, bar, circumscribe, delimit, delimitate, prelimit, restrict Sample: How could words, confined as they individually are to certain precise meanings specified in a dictionary, eventually come, when combined in groups, to create obscurity and actually to prevent thought from being communicable?

48/ sham (v.n. a) /ʃæm/

Giả bộ, giả, giả mạo an imitation or counterfeit purporting to be genuine debunk<>perpetuate to sham Synonyms: IMPOSTURE, cheat, deceit, deception, fake, flimflam, hoax, put-on, sell, spoof Sample: He shammed sickness to get out of going to school.

44/manumit(v)\ˌman-yə-ˈmit\ manumit<>enslave detain<>manumit

Giải phóng nô lệ to release from slavery Synonyms: FREE, discharge, emancipate, liberate, loose, loosen, release, unbind, unchain, unshackle Sample: Enlightened slave owners were willing to manumit their slaves and thus put an end to the evil slavery in the country.

107. clandestine [klæn'destɪn] a.

Giấu giếm, bí mật marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy:SURREPTITIOUS clandestine:secretly=overt:openly clandestine<>open Synonyms: SECRET, covert, furtive, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underneath, under-the-table Sample: After avoiding their chaperon, the lovers had a clandestine meeting.

66/sullen (a) /'sʌlən/

Gloomy or somber in tone, color, or portent. Buồn rầu sullen:levity=?? Sample: When the group voted against his plan, he became sullen.

53. impede [ɪm'pɪːd] v. blandishment:cajole=obstacle:impede abet<>thwart/impede facilitate<>impeding impede<>promote/foment cultivate<>impede { decline } nurture<>impede encumber<>remove impediment

Gây trở ngại, ngăn cản, cản trở to interfere with or slow the progress of Synonyms: HINDER, bar, block, brake, dam, obstruct, overslaugh Sample: Although nothing could be further from the truth, freight railroads have been accused of impeding the nation's shift from oil to coal by charging exorbitant fees to transport coal.

101. snarl [snɑrl /snɑːl] vi exoneration:blame=disentangle:snarl disentangle<>snarl snarler<>coo

Gầm gừ (chó), càu nhàu, cằn nhằn, hầm hè (người) to cause to become knotted and intertwined:TANGLE. To growl viciously while baring the teeth Synonyms: COMPLICATE, entangle, muddle, perplex, ravel, tangle Sample: As docile as he seems today, that old lion was once a ferocious, snarling beast.

55/overlap(v)\ˌō-vər-ˈlap\ infinite:exhaust=discrete:overlap

Gối lên nhau, đè lên nhau to occupy the same area in part:lap over Synonyms: imbricate, lap, overlie, override, ride, shingle Sample: Many welfare reformers would substitute a single, federally financed income support system for the existing welter of overlapping programs.

119. beneficent [bɪ'nefɪsnt] adj. beneficent:harm=tenacious:yield philanthropist:beneficence=comedian:humor noxious<>beneficial toxic<>beneficial

Hay làm phúc, có từ tâm, có lợi, hữu ích doing or producing good; especially:performing acts of kindness and charity Sample: Certainly Murray's preoccupation with the task of editing the Oxford English Dictionary begot a kind of monomania, but it must be regarded as a beneficent or at least an innocuous one.

119. cynical ['sɪnɪkl] a.

Hoài nghi, yếm thế having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic; especially:contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives ingenue:sophistication=cynic:trustfulness Synonyms: SARDONIC, ironic, wry Sample: For some time now, disinterestedness has been presumed not to exist:the cynical conviction that everybody has an angle is considered wisdom.

118. badge [bædʒ] n.v.

Huy hiệu, mác, nhãn, dấu hiệu a device or token especially of membership in a society or group chevron:badge=caisson:cart V Synonyms: INSIGNIA, emblem Sample: The military officer wore a badge showing his rank.

71. flout [flaʊt] v\n. flout:disregard=taunt:challenge (challenge:to confront or defy boldly)

Hành động miệt thị; lời nói miệt thị; lời lăng nhục to treat with contemptuous disregard:SCORN Synonyms: scoff, fleer, gibe, jeer, jest, quip(at), scout(at), sneer Sample: The headstrong youth flouted all authority; he refused to be curbed.

104. buffoon [bʌ'fuːn] n. ludicrous:buffoon=dissolute:libertine=humorous:wag

Hề a ludicrous figure:CLOWN Synonyms: CLOWN, harlequin, zany Sample: His strut as he marched about the parade ground revealed him for what he was:a pompous buffoon.

70. consult [kən'sʌlt] v. bellwether:leadership=advisor:consultant

Hỏi ý kiến, tra cứu, tham khảo COUNCIL, CONFERENCE; specifically:a deliberation between physicians on a case or its treatment Synonyms: CONFER, advise, collogue, confab, confabulate, huddle, parley, powwow, treat Sample: I advise you to consult a dermatologist about your acne.

74. rosy ['rəʊzɪ] adj.

Hồng hào, lạc quan, yêu đời characterized by or tending to promote optimism rosy cheeks: má đỏ hồng rosy prospects: triển vọng lạc quan, triển vọng tốt đẹp Synonyms: HOPEFUL, couleur de rose, encouraging, likely, promiseful, promising, roseate, rose-colored Sample: Rosy cheeks are a symbol of good health.

107. oversee (v.) dexterous:manipulate=prescient:predict { clairvoyant:oversee }

INSPECT, EXAMINE. giám thị, quan sát. Synonyms: SUPERVISE, boss, chaperon, overlook, quarterback, superintend, survey Sample: She oversees both the research and the manufacturing departments.

162. headlong [adj] /'hedlɔɳ/ headlong<>deliberate

Impetuous; rash. (hấp tấp, liều lĩnh, thiếu suy nghĩ) Synonyms: PRECIPITATE, abrupt, hasty, hurried, impetuous, precipitant, precipitous, rushing, subitaneous, sudden Sample: The slave seized the unexpected chance to make a headlong dash across the border to freedom.

49/invincible (a) /in'vinsəbl/

Incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable. Vô địch, không thể đánh bại. invincible:conquer=negligible:perceive Synonyms: impregnable, inconquerable, indomitable, inexpugnable, invulnerable, unassailable, unbeatable, unconquerable, undefeatable Sample: Superman is invincible

92. perjury ['pɜrdʒərɪ /'pɜːd-] n. calumny:assertion=perjury:testimony calumny:representation=perjury:testimony perjure<>depose

Khai man trước tòa (luật), sự bội thề. the voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath:false swearing perjury:deposition Sample: When several witnesses appeared to challenge his story, he was indicted for perjury.

deft [deft] a.

Khéo léo, thông minh, lanh lợi characterized by facility and skill Synonyms: DEXTEROUS, adroit, clever, handy, neat-handed, nimble Sample: The deft waiter uncorked the champagne without spilling a drop.

105. disquiet [dɪs'kwaɪət] v.n.a.

Không an tâm. to take away the peace or tranquillity of:DISTURB, ALARM disquiet<>put at ease Synonyms: DISCOMPOSE, agitate, bother, disturb, flurry, fluster, perturb, unhinge, untune, upset Sample: City life disquieted the poet, so she returned to the countryside.

65/achromatic /,ækrou'mætik/ (a)

Không màu, không sắc

87. unpalatable (adj) /ʌn´pælətəbl/

Không thú vị Không ngon, có mùi vị khó chịu Khó chịu, không thể chấp nhận được

etch [etʃ] v.

Khắc bằng axit a chemical agent used in etching etch:corrosive=glue:adhesive Sample: Since it is now routine to build the complex central processing unit of a computer on a single silicon chip using photolithography and chemical etching, it seems plausible that other miniature structures might be fabricated in similar ways.

110. depart [dɪ'pɑːt] vi. to go away:LEAVE abscond:depart=pilfer:take lurk:wait=abscond:depart

Khởi hành; chệch hướng, lạc đề; từ trần, tạ thế Synonyms: GO, blow, exit, get away, get off, leave, pull out, quit, retire, withdraw Sample: Because the order in which the parts of speech appear in the sentences of a given language is decided merely by custom, it is unjustifiable to maintain that every departure from that order constitutes a violation of a natural law.

41/impostor (n) /im'pɔstə

Kẻ lừa đảo

denouement /,dei'nu: mɒη ;US 'deinu: 'mɔ:η/

Kết cục, kết quả, đoạn kết the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work joke:punch line=plot:denouement Sample: The play was childishly written; the denouement was obvious to sophisticated theatergoers as early as the middle of the first act.

44/ foolhardy (a) /'fu:l,hɑ:di/

Liều lĩnh một cách dại dột foolishly adventurous and bold:RASH Synonyms: adventurous, adventuresome, audacious, daredevil, daring, rash, reckless, temerarious, venturesome, venturous Sample: Don't be foolhardy. Get the advice of experienced people before undertaking this venture.


Làm bé đi, làm thu nhỏ lại to speak slightingly of:DISPARAGE Synonyms: derogate, detract (from), diminish, discount, disparage, minimize, write off Sample: Parents should not belittle their children's early attempts at drawing, but should encourage their efforts.

118. abash [ə'bæʃ] vt. unabashed:embarrassment=unheralded:announcement embolden<>abash/faze

Làm bối rối, lúng túng to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of:disconcert Synonyms: EMBARRASS , confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, rattle Sample: He was not at all abashed by her open admiration.

58. disabuse [‚dɪsə'bjuːz] v. disabuse:fallacy=cure:disease loose:confinement=disabuse:misconception mislead<>disabuse

Làm cho tỉnh ngộ to free from error, fallacy, or misconception Synonyms: purge, undeceive, undelude Sample: Although he attempted repeatedly to disabuse her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained adamant in her judgment.

98. scorch [skɔrtʃ /skɔːtʃ] v. dampen<>scorch

Làm cháy sém, làm khô héo to dry or shrivel with or as if with intense heat:PARCH Synonyms: BURN, bake, broil, cook, melt, roast, swelter Sample: The fire scorched the walls of the house.

107. encumber [ɪn'kʌmbə] v. encumber<>remove impediment

Làm lúng túng, trở ngại, vướng víu to impede or hamper the function or activity of:HINDER Synonyms: BURDEN, charge, clog, cumber, lade, load, saddle, tax, weigh, weight Sample: Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage, when they take short trips.

35/ analgesic (a) /,ænæl'dʤesik/

Làm mất cảm giác đau, danh từ: thuốc giảm đau

59. miff [mɪf] n. vt.

Làm mất lòng, phật ý, sự phật ý n. a state of irritation or annoyance v. cause to be annoyed a trivial quarrel Synonyms: OFFENSE, dudgeon, huff, pique, resentment, umbrage Sample: He was miffed that his girlfriend did not show up for a date.

108. stultify ['stʌltɪfaɪ] vt. stultify<>stir/excite stultifying<>exciting/stirring

Làm mất tác dụng, mất hiệu lực; Phủ nhận (luật), làm ai trở nên đần độn, lố bịch to have a dulling or inhibiting effect on Synonyms: constipate, stagnate, stifle, trammel Sample: His long hours in the blacking factory left young Dickens numb and incurious, as if the menial labor had stultified his mind.

46/stifle(v)\ˈstī-fəl\ foment<>stifle foster<>stifle {retract }

Làm nghẹt thở to withhold from circulation or expression:REPRESS Synonyms: SUFFOCATE, asphyxiate, choke, quackle, smother Sample: Halfway through the boring lecture, Laura gave up trying to stifle her yawns.

116. damper ['dæmpə(r)]

Làm ngã lòng, làm chán nản a dulling or deadening influence damper<>ameliorate Sample: Their child is sick, and that puts a damper on their vacation plans.

104. discommode [‚dɪskə'məʊd] v.

Làm phiền to cause inconvenience to:TROUBLE discommode<>assist discommode<>convenience/pacificate/ease/mollify discommode<>oblige


Làm ra vẻ không thể nhầm lẫn to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way pontificate:pompous=scoff:derisive=drawl:slow=bluster:loud=prate:aimless pontificate:speak=strut:walk pontificate:speak=swagger:walk pontificate<>comment tentatively pontificate<>speak diffidently Sample: Our boss pontificates about company rules at our meetings.

117. foil [fɔɪl] n.v.

Lá (kim loại) a thin piece of material (as metal) put under an inferior or paste stone to add color or brilliance foil:metal=veneer:wood Synonyms: frustrate, baffle, balk, beat, bilk, buffalo, circumvent, dash, disappoint, thwart Sample: In "Star Wars," dark, evil Darth Vader is a perfect foil for fair-haired, naive Luke Skywalker.

49/oblivious (a) /ə'bliviəs/

Lãng quên, không chú ý đến lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention Synonyms: IGNORANT, incognizant, inconversant, unacquainted, unaware, unfamiliar, uninformed, uninstructed, unknowing, unwitting Sample: In spite of lackluster reviews in the press, the production of her play was rescued from almost certain oblivion by enthusiastic audiences whose acumen was greater than that of the critics.

69. ambiguous [æm'bɪgjʊəs] adj. equivocation:ambiguous=platitude:banal ambiguous:understand=blatant:ignore ambiguous:clarity=mendacious:truth equivocation:ambiguous=oxymoron:incongruous watershed<>routine { ambiguity }

Lưỡng nghĩa, mơ hồ, nhập nhằng doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness Synonyms: OBSCURE,amphibological,equivocal,opaque,uncertain, unclear, unexplicit, unintelligible Sample: His ambiguous instructions misled us; we did not know which road to take.


Lắc lư, dao động to sway through lack of equilibrium:FLUCTUATE, OSCILLATE impetuosity<>hesitance/vacillation pertinacity<>vacillation equipoise<>vacillate Synonyms: HESITATE, dither, falter, halt, shilly-shally, stagger, waver, whiffle, wiggle-waggle Sample: Uncertain which suitor she ought to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other.

103. alliterate [ə'lɪtəreɪt] v. alliterate:remove=blazon:efface

Lặp lại âm đầu the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables Sample: The sentence, "Happy Harry hates to hurry" uses alliteration.

110. breezeway n.

Lối đi có mái che giữa hai tòa nhà a roofed often open passage connecting two buildings (as a house and garage) or halves of a building breezeway:building=stairway:floor

65. salutation ['sæljə'teɪʃn /-jʊtrɪ-] n. salutation<>deportation

Lời chào an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy by word, gesture, or ceremony Synonyms: GREETING, salute Sample: The salutation of the letter read "Dear Mom."

62/dimension (n) di'menʃn/

MAGNITUDE, SIZE ,SCOPE, ASPECT. Chiều, kích cỡ congruent:dimension=coeval:age measure:dimensions=calibrate:diameter=gauge:pressure=plumb:depth Sample: The dimensions of a room (package, building lot, etc.) are its length, width, and depth (or height).

185 legion /l'iːdʒən/ (n.) legion<>lack in number

MANY, NUMEROUS quân đoàn; nhiều vô kể Synonyms: MANY, multifarious, multitudinal, multitudinous, numerous, populous, sundry, various, voluminous Sample: Legions of people filled the streets to celebrate independence.

30. peerless (adj) /p'ɪərləs/ peerless<>equality

MATCHLESS, INCOMPARABLE có 1-0-2, vô song Synonyms: ALONE, matchless, only, unequaled, unique, unmatched, unparagoned, unparalleled, unrivaled Sample: he singer gave a peerless performance in the opera.

38/ flange (n) /flændʤ/

Mép cạnh a projecting edge of cloth used for decoration on clothing Sample: The flange on the metal wheel kept it on the track.

105. fascinate ['fæsɪneɪt] vt. fascination:interest=adoration:fondness

Mê hoặc, quyến rũ to be irresistibly attractive Synonyms: ATTRACT, allure, bewitch, captivate, charm, draw, enchant, magnetize, take, wile Sample: Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels,bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man.

unlettered /ʌn´letəd/ a.

Mù chữ lacking facility in reading and writing and ignorant of the knowledge to be gained from books erudite<>smattering of knowledge/ignorant/unlettered Synonyms: IGNORANT, benighted, empty-headed, illiterate, rude, uneducated, uninstructed, unschooled, untaught, untutored

stench [stentʃ] n.v.

Mùi hôi thối to emit a strong offensive odor:STINK stench:nose=din:ear { glimmer:eye}


Mảnh khảnh SLENDER, LITHE svelte<>plump svelte<>paunchy and awkward

75. cosmopolitan [‚kɒzmə'pɒlɪtən] n. bigot:tolerant=provincial:cosmopolitan {servile:domination insularity<>cosmopolitanism insular<>cosmopolitan

Người theo chủ nghĩa thế giới, thuộc thế giới having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing Synonyms: UNIVERSAL, catholic, cosmic, ecumenical, global, planetary, worldwide Sample: Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city with people from all over the world.

93. Skirt [skɜrt /skɜːt] vt. skirt<>seek skirt<>face

Nói quanh co, đi men theo bờ to avoid especially because of difficulty or fear of controversy Synonyms: DODGE, eschew, shun Sample: We took a road that skirted the city to avoid traffic.

126.barefaced /ˈbeɚˈfeɪst/

OPEN, UNCONCEALED trơ tráo , mặt dày mày dạn Synonyms: SHAMELESS, arrant, brassy, brazen, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unabashed, unblushing Sample: Shocked by Huck Finn's barefaced lies, Miss Watson prayed the good Lord would give him a sense of his unregenerate wickedness.

76. demotic (adj.) demotic<>profound

Of or relating to the common people; popular Thông dụng, bình dân, thuộc về quần chúng Sample: He lamented the passing of aristocratic society and maintained that a demotic society would lower the nation's standards.

82. siren (n.) ['sairən]

One of a group of sea nymphs who by their sweet singing lured mariners to destruction on the rocks surrounding their island. mỹ nhân ngư, ng đàn bà có giọng hát hay quyến rũ nguy hiểm siren:unresist=juggernaut:unstop siren:sound=beacon:light 汽笛:声音=灯塔:光亮(种属,航海相关) Sample: allured by the song of the sirens, the helmsman steered the ship toward the reef.

61. bellwether n. /b'elweðər/ (bellwethers) bellwether:leadership=advisor:consultant

One that serves as a leader or as a leading indicator of future trends If you describe something as a bellwether, you mean that it is an indication of the way a situation is changing. (mainly AM JOURNALISM) For decades the company was the bellwether of the British economy... IBM is considered the bellwether stock on Wall Street.

35. aspirant (n) /əsp'aɪrənt/

One who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position. người có khát vọng, tìm tòi vươn lên aspirant:quarry=hunter:prey Synonyms: CANDIDATE, applicant, hopeful, seeker Sample: Although I am as aspirant for public office, I am not willing to accept the dictates of the party bosses.

136.mean /ˈmi:n/

PENURIOUS, STINGY keo kiệt bủn xỉn Sample: During dry periods, poor farmers can lead a mean existence.

75/amalgamate (v) /ə'mælgəmeit/

Pha trộn. to merge into a single body amalgamate<>separate amalgamate<>isolate amalgamate<>disintegration Synonyms: MIX , admix, compound, fuse, interfuse, intermingle, intermix, meld, merge, mingle Sample: The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into one national body.

117. jibe [dʒaɪb] vi. jibe<>conflict

Phù hợp, ăn khớp, (hàng hải) chuyển hướng tàu; chế nhạo to be in accord:AGREE Synonyms: AGREE, accord, conform, correspond, dovetail, fit (in), go, harmonize, square, tally Sample: What he says happened does not jibe with what others say.

vituperative /vi´tju:pərətiv/ a.

Phỉ báng, lăng mạ uttering or given to censure:containing or characterized by verbal abuse Synonyms: ABUSIVE, contumelious, invective, opprobrious, scurrile, scurrilous, truculent, vituperatory, vituperous Sample: He became more vituperative as he realized that we were not going to grant him his wish.


Phụ lục, vật thêm vào

31/interim (n,a)/'intərim/

Quá độ, tạm quyền, lâm thời an intervening time:INTERVAL interim<>permanent respite:labor=interim:concert {mediate:confliction} Synonyms: TEMPORARY, acting, ad interim, pro tem, pro tempore, supply Sample: The company will not consider our proposal until next week; in the interim, let us proceed as we have in the past.

62. rapport [ ] n.ræ'pɔ:/ rapport<>discord

RELATION; especially:relation marked by harmony, conformity, accord, or affinity quan hệ to be in (en) rapport with someone: có quan hệ với ai Synonyms: HARMONY, concord, unity Sample: In team teaching, it is important that all teachers in the group have good rapport with one another.

189 suite /sw'iːt/ (n.)

RETINUE; especially:the personal staff accompanying a ruler, diplomat, or dignitary on official business đoàn tùy tùng, đoàn công cán Sample: After her long flight, Jill just wanted to nap, but the officious bellboy was intent on showing her all the special features of the deluxe suite.

56. clarity ['klærətɪ] n. ambiguous:clarity=mendacious:truth consensus:factionalism=clarity:confusion equivocation:clarity=prevarication:truth equivocation:truth=euphemism:offense/obfuscation clarity misunderstood:clarify=erroneous:retract ramshackle:soundness=garbled:clarity roil<>clarify/appease obfuscate<>clarify equivocation<>clarity muddy<>clarity clarity<>opaque

Rõ ràng, sáng sủa, trong (nước) 1. free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression 2. the quality of clear water the quality or state of being clear:LUCIDITY Synonyms: clearness, limpidity, lucidity, perspicuity, plainness Sample: Harry Levin explicated James Joyce's novels with such clarity that even Finnegan's Wake seemed comprehensible to his students.

89. hangdog (adj) /´hæηg¸dog/ hangdog<>buoyant hangdog<>elated hangdog<>sprightly

SAD, DEJECTED Xấu hổ, hổ thẹn Ti tiện, đê tiện, lén lút hèn hạ

73/backset (n)

SETBACK backset<>hike

120. sound [saʊnd] a.

SOLID, FIRM; also:STABLE ramshackle:soundness=garbled:clarity decrepit<>sound tenable<>unjustified/unsound Synonyms: VALID, cogent, convincing, satisfactory, satisfying, solid, telling Sample: At first glance, the notion that Styrofoam cups may actually be more ecologically sound than paper cups strikes most environmentalists as subversive.

116 abnegate (v) ['æbnɪgeɪt] abnegate<>reaffirm

SURRENDER, RELINQUISH từ bỏ Sample: Though Rudolph and Duchess Flavia loved one another, their love was doomed, for she had to wed the king; their act of abnegation was necessary to preserve the kingdom.

26. kangaroo (n) /k'æŋgər'uː/ kangaroo:marsupial=squirrel:rodent

Sample: Baby kangaroos live in a pocket or "pouch" on their mothers' stomachs. Máy lọc nước hàng đâu Việt Nam

115. acerbity (n) /əs'ɜːrbɪti/ acerbity<>saccharin Synonyms: ACRIMONY, asperity, mordancy

Sourness of taste, character, or tone. chua chát Sample: The labor union and the company's management, despite their long history of unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an unexpectedly swift, albeit still tentative, agreement on next year's contract.

65. domination [ ] n. /,dɔmi'neiʃn/ supremacy or preeminence over another gullible:chicanery=servile:domination impervious:damaged=indomitable:subdued inexorable:dissuasion=indomitable:conquest indomitable:control=exacting:satisfy indominatable<>easly subdued

Synonyms: SUPREMACY, ascendancy, dominance, dominion, masterdom, preeminence, preponderancy, prepotence, prepotency, sovereignty Sample: The legendary Colossus of Rhodes, bronze statue of the sun god that dominated the harbor of the Greek seaport, was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. sự thống trị ưu thế, sự trội hơn; sức chi phối

106. rudimentary ['ruːdɪ'mentərɪ / -trɪ] adj. rudimentary<>full developed/fully realized

Sơ bộ, sơ đẳng, bước đầu Being in the earliest stages of development; incipient. Sample: His dancing was limited to a few rudimentary steps.


Sự chuộc tội, an intermediate state after death for expiatory purification; specifically:a place or state of punishment wherein according to Roman Catholic doctrine the souls of those who die in God's grace may make satisfaction for past sins and so become fit for heaven Synonyms: SWAMP, bog, fen, marsh, mire, morass, quagmire Sample: In this purgatory, he could expect no help from his comrades.

67/affection /ə'fekʃn (n)

Sự làm ảnh hưởng,lòng yêu thương. tender attachment:FONDNESS antipathy<>affection adulation<>somber affection Synonyms: INTERESTED, concerned, implicated, involved, assumed, feigned, conscious Sample: The old man could not have been accused of stinting his affection; his conduct toward the child betrayed his adoration of her

40/ alacrity (n) /ə'lækriti/

Sự sốt sắng. promptness in response:cheerful readiness Synonyms: dispatch, expedition, goodwill, promptitude, readiness Sample: He demonstrated his eagerness to serve by his alacrity in executing the orders of his master.

100. enmity ['enmətɪ] n. camaraderie<>enmity comity<>enmity concord<>enmity/rancor

Sự thù hằn, tình trạng thù địch positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will Synonyms: animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor Sample: At Camp David President Carter labored to bring an end to the enmity that prevented Egypt and Israel from living in peace.

71/worship (n) /'skwɔbl/

Sự thờ cúng. extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem worship:sacrifice=prediction:augury Synonyms: ADORATION, idolatry, idolization Sample: In a pragmatic society that worships efficiency, it is difficult for a sensitive and idealistic person to make the kinds of hardheaded decisions that alone spell success as it is defined by such a society.

94. fondness [fɑn(d)nɪs /'fɒn(d)-] n. fascination:interest=adoration:fondness

Sự yêu mến tender affection Synonyms: love, affection, attachment, devotion, appetite, inclination, liking, soft spot, taste, weakness Sample: She had an inordinate fondness for candy.

96. impuissance [ im-ˈpwi-sən(t)s] n. clout<>impuissance

Sự yếu ớt, sự bất lực WEAKNESS, POWERLESSNESS Sample: The lame duck President was frustrated by his shift from enormous power to relative impuissance.

102. smart [smɑrt /smɑːt] vi. smart:pain=grieve:sorrow smart<>soothe

Sự đau đớn, nhức nhối (thể xác, tinh thần) a smarting pain; especially:a stinging local pain Sample: The country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of the day when it would be victorious.

113. hallucination [hə‚luːsɪ'neɪʃn] n. delusion:??=hallucination:perception {mirage:imagination}

Sự ảo giác, chứng ảo giác perception of objects with no reality usually arising from disorder of the nervous system or in response to drugs (as LSD) Synonyms: DELUSION, ignis fatuus, illusion, mirage, phantasm Sample: I think you were frightened by a hallucination that you created in you own mind.

87. retract (vt. vi.) [ri'trækt]

TAKE BACK, WITHDRAW rút lại, co lại,nuốt lời; chối misunderstood:clarify=erroneous:retract foster<>retract Synonyms: RECEDE, back, fall back, retreat, retrocede, retrograde Sample: He dropped his libel suit after the newspaper published a retraction of its statement.

124.nominal (Adj) ['nɑmɪnl ] nominal:significance=disjunctive:unity

TRIFLING, INSIGNIFICANT 1.quy định (giá); 2.(thuộc) tên 3. Tầm thường, ko quan trọng Sample: He offered to drive her to the airport for only a nominal fee.

143.piddling(a) /ˈpɪdlən/ restive:calmness=piddling:considerable

TRIVIAL, PALTRY tầm thường


Tai họa, không may deadly or pernicious in influence baneful<>salubrious bale<>mirth Synonyms: sinister, malefic, maleficent, malign Sample: Casting a baleful eye at his successful rival, the rejected suitor stole off, vowing to have his revenge.


Thuốc mỡ an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores placebo:innocuous=salve:unctuous salve<>irritant Synonyms: OINTMENT, balm, cerate, chrism, cream, unction, unguent Sample: Her apology was a salve for my anger.

115. cataract ['kætərækt] n.

Thác nước lớn, cơn mưa như trút nước, bệnh đục thủy tinh thể (y học), cái hãm xung (kỹ thuật) WATERFALL; especially:a large one over a precipice Synonyms: WATERFALL, cascade, chute, fall(s), spout, cataclysm, deluge, flooding, overflow, pour, torrent Sample: She gazed with awe at the mighty cataract known as Niagara Falls.

95. turret ['tɜrɪt /'tʌrɪt] n. castle:turret=sea:beacon

Tháp nhỏ, tháp canh, mâm tiện (kỹ thuật) a little tower; specifically:an ornamental structure at an angle of a larger structure

97. outgoing ['aʊtgəʊɪŋ] adj. extrovert:outgoing=perfectionist:exacting

Thân mật, thoải mái, sắp mãn nhiệm openly friendly and responsive:EXTROVERTED Synonyms: DEMONSTRATIVE, expansive, unconstrained, unreserved, unrestrained Sample: Rebuffed by his colleagues, the initially outgoing young researcher became increasingly withdrawn.


Tiếng cười hô hố a loud or boisterous burst of laughter Synonyms: LAUGH, chortle, chuckle, giggle, hee-haw, snicker, tehee, titter Sample: The remark was only slightly humorous, inviting a chuckle, perhaps, but certainly not a guffaw.

invigorate [ɪn'vɪgəreɪt] v.

Tiếp thêm sinh lực, làm cho hăng hái to give life and energy to:ANIMATE; also:STIMULATE Synonyms: STRENGTHEN, energize, fortify, reinforce Sample: The tonic water invigorated her, contrary to the enervating effect of the alcohol.

25. stipulate /st'ɪpjʊleɪt/ (v.) stipulation<>tacit requirement

To lay down as a condition of an agreement; require by contract. đặt quy định, đặt thành điều kiện Sample: Before agreeing to reduce American military forces in Europe, the president stipulated that NATO teams be allowed to inspect Soviet bases.

144.abase /əˈbeɪs/

To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem làm mất thể diện làm nhục Synonyms: HUMBLE, bemean, cast down, debase, degrade, demean, humiliate, lower, sink Sample: The president is not willing to abase himself before the nation, and admit that he made a mistake.

109. instill [ɪn'stɪl] v. instill<>drain away instill<>remove

Truyền (tình cảm, ý nghĩ), làm cho thấm nhuần dần dần, nhỏ, rỏ... to impart gradually Synonyms: IMPLANT, inculcate, infix, inseminate Sample: Her athletic parents instilled the girl with a love of baseball.

73. ossify ['ɑsɪfaɪ /'ɒs-] v. depreciation:value=ossification:flexibility

Trở nên cứng nhắc, ko thể thay đổi to become hardened or conventional and opposed to change Sample: Inspired interim responses to hitherto unknown problems, New Deal economic stratagems became ossified as a result of bureaucratization, their flexibility and adaptability destroyed by their transformation into rigid policies.

intuition [‚ɪntuː'ɪʃn /-tju-] n.

Trực giác, trực quan, khả năng trực giác The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition. extraneous<>intuitive Sample: She claimed to know the truth by intuition.

40/notwithstanding /,nɔtwiθ'stændiɳ/

Tuy nhiên, tuy dù = despite

51. disjunctive [dɪs'dʒʌŋktiv] adj. nominal:significance=disjunctive:unity

Tách rời serving or tending to divide or separate marked by breaks or disunity Sample: A disjunction in computer logic caused the problem.

111. insularity [‚ɪnsə'lærətɪ /-sjʊ'l-] n. insular<>cosmopolitan

Tính chất cô lập, hòn đảo, tính hẹp hòi thiển cận (người) the state of being isolated or detached characteristic of an isolated people; especially:being, having, or reflecting a narrow provincial viewpoint Sample: The insularity of the islanders manifested itself in their suspicion of anyuthing foreign.

91. asperity [æ'sperətɪ] n. asperity:optimistic=?? asperity<>mildness of temper asperity<>soothingness

Tính cục cằn, sự khắc nghiệt. roughness of manner or of temper:HARSHNESS Sample: These remarks, spoken with asperity, stung the boys to whom they had been directed.

abdicate ['æbdɪkeɪt] v.

Từ bỏ, thoái vị to relinquish (as sovereign power) formally Synonyms: DISCARD, RELINQUISH ,shed,slough, renounce, resign; Sample: The king abdicated his throne and left the country.

116. harness (v) /h'ɑːrnɪs/ harness<>failed to utilize harness<>not able to utilize

UTILIZE khai thác, sử dụng Sample: When we built a dam across the river, we harnessed the river's power to produce electricity.

125. authority [ɔː'θɒrətɪ] n.

Uy quyền, uy lực power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior Synonyms: EXPERT, master, professional, proficient, virtuoso, wizard Sample: By forcing our surrender to the authority of the clock systematic timekeeping has imposed a form of tyranny on society.

43/ rankle (v) /'ræɳkl/

Viêm, sưng tấy. Dày vò. to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness Synonyms: fester Sample: The memory of having been jilted rankled him for years.

106. untold

Vô kể. too great or numerous to count:INCALCULABLE, VAST countless/innumerable/myriad/untold:number=everlasting/interminable:duration untold<>able to quantify/quantifiable/calculable Synonyms: INNUMERABLE, countless, innumerous, numberless, uncountable, uncounted, unnumberable, unnumbered Sample: That factory cost untold millions of dollars to build.

121. aseptic [-ptɪk] a.

Vô trùng, vô khuẩn preventing infection aseptic:disinfections=anesthetic:numbs Sample: Hospitals succeeded in lowering the mortality rate as soon as they introduced asceptic conditions.

42/ handle (v) /'hændl/

Vận dụng, điều khiển to act, behave, or feel in a certain way when handled or directed cumbersome<>easy to handle Synonyms: dispense, maneuver, manipulate, ply, swing, wield Sample: The personnel department handles the procurement of new employees

112. dingus [ˈdɪŋəs] n.

Vật trang trí nhất thời, vật mà người ta quên tên hoặc chưa biết gọi tên là gì, an ornamental attachment or decoration:DOODAD Synonyms: DOODAD, doohickey, gadget, jigger, thingumbob

50/ pulchritude (n) /'pʌlkritju:d/

Vẻ đẹp physical comeliness Synonyms: comeliness, beautifulness Sample: I do not envy the judges who have to select this year's Miss America from this collection of female pulchritude

114. inchoate [ɪn'kəʊeɪt] a.

Vừa bắt đầu, còn ở giai đoạn phôi thai, lộn xộn being only partly in existence or operation; especially:imperfectly formed or formulated:FORMLESS Synonyms: INCOHERENT, disconnected, discontinuous, disjointed, disordered, incohesive, muddled, unconnected, uncontinuous, unorganized Sample: Before the Creation, the world was an inchoate mass.


Xếp thành tầng, phân tầng to divide or arrange into classes, castes, or social strata stratify<>homogenize Sample: The different-colored rocks have stratified over millions of years

203. district (n) gerrymander:district=rig:contest

a : a territorial division (as for administrative or electoral purposes) b : the basic administrative unit for local government in Northern Ireland Synonyms: LOCALITY, area, neighborhood, vicinage, vicinity Sample: Because of the prisoner's record, the district attorney refused to reduce the charge from grand larceny to petit larceny

198 peck /p'ek/ (v.) peck:kiss=glance:look { peep:sound}

a : to strike, pierce, or pick up something with or as if with the bill mổ, gõ, đục, khoét Sample: Both the crocodile bird and the crocodile derive benefit from their symbiosis; pecking away at food particles embedded in the crocodile's teeth, the bird derives nourishment; the crocodile, meanwhile, derives proper dental hygiene.

24. vestigial (adj) /ves'tidʤiəl/

a bodily part or organ that is small and degenerate or imperfectly developed in comparison to one more fully developed in an earlier stage of the individual, in a past generation, or in closely related forms vestigial<>fully developed thoái hóa vestigial organs :(sinh vật học) cơ quan vết tích

137.aesthetic /ɛsˈθɛtɪk

a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty có tính thẩm mĩ Sample: The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of aesthetics, though the majestic beauty of nature is indeed an important consideration.

97.spat (n.) [spæt]

a brief petty quarrel or angry outburst - vụ cãi nhau vặt, vụ cãi nhau không quan trọng, vụ cãi nhau nhỏ / - cái bạt tai cabal:association=spat:quarrel Synonyms: QUARREL, altercation, beef, bickering, dispute, falling-out, fight, hassle, miff, tiff Sample: What had started out as a mere spat escalated into a full-blown argument.

58. mill [ ] n. refinery:petroleum=mill:grain

a building provided with machinery for grinding grain into flour Sample: She puts beef through a mill to make hamburger meat. cối xay, máy xay, nhà máy xay; máy nghiền, máy cán xưởng, nhà máy; (từ lóng) cuộc đấu quyền Anh (nghĩa bóng) sự thử thách gay go, nỗi cực khổ; sự tập luyện gian khổ; công việc cực nhọc to go through the mill: chịu đựng những gian khổ; qua những thử thách gay go to put someone through the mill: bắt ai chịu những thử thách gay go, bắt ai chịu những nỗi cực khổ; bắt ai tập luyện gian khổ

28. rider (n) /r'aɪdər/ rider:bill=endorsement:policy )

a clause appended to a legislative bill to secure a usually distinct object Điều khoản thêm vào Sample: Senator Foghorn said he would support Senator Filibuster's tax reform bill only if Filibuster agreed to add an antipollution rider to the bill.

39/knack(n) /næk/

a clever trick or stratagem. Sở trường, tài riêng. knack<>foolish Synonyms: ABILITY, command, expertise, expertism, expertness, know-how, mastership, mastery, skill Sample: He has a knack for getting the baby back to sleep; when he holds the baby, she stops crying and falls asleep.

94.protocol (n.) ['proutəkɔl]

a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence nghi thức ngoại giao; lễ tân protocol:blunder=bumper:damage Sample: We must run this state dinner according to protocol if we are to avoid offending any of our guests.

106. anthology /ænθ'ɒlədʒi/ (n) compendium:summary=anthology:collection

a collection of selected literary pieces or passages or works of art or music tuyển tập Synonyms: album, ana, analects, florilegium, garland, miscellany, omnibus, posy Sample: She received an anthology of the works of 20th century American poets as a gift for her birthday.

14. pigment (n) /p'ɪgmənt/ albino:pigment=prairie:tree

a coloring matter in animals and plants especially in a cell or tissue; sắc tố Sample: Van Gogh mixed various pigments with linseed oil to create his paints.

167. fiasco [n] /fi'æskou/ fiasco<>a notable success

a complete failure (sự thất bại) Sample: Our ambitious venture ended in a fiasco and we were forced to flee.

166. epigram [n] /'epigræm/ exaggeration:caricature=brevity:epigram paradox:contradictory=epigram:wise

a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought (thơ trào phúng; cách nói dí dỏm; lời nói dí dỏm) Sample: Reading the epigrams of Pope, I admire the economy of his verse:in few words he conveys worlds of meaning.

123. epilogue (n) /'epɪlɒg/ dessert:meal=epilogue:play=coda:sonata terminus:stop=epilogue:story epilogue:prose=finale:music epilogue:prose=finale? preface<>epilogue

a concluding section that rounds out the design of a literary work; the final scene of a play that comments on or summarizes the main action; the concluding section of a musical composition:CODA phần kết Synonyms: afterword Sample: The audience was so disappointed in the play that many did not remain to hear the epilogue.

25. synopsis (n) /sɪn'ɒpsɪs/ synopsis:conciseness=distillate:purity abbreviation:sentence=synopsis:narrative synoptic<>protracted

a condensed statement or outline (as of a narrative or treatise):ABSTRACT bảng tóm tắt Synonyms: ABRIDGMENT, abstract, breviate, brief, condensation, conspectus, epitome Sample: I had no time to read that report, so I read a synopsis of it.

28/ aqueduct (n)/'ækwidʌkt/

a conduit for water(cống nước) aqueduct:water=pipeline:gas=vessel:blood Synonyms: CHANNEL , canal, conduit, course, duct, watercourse Sample: Many aqueducts from ancient Roman times still stand today near the Mediterranean Sea.

43. misdemeanor (n) [‚mɪsdɪ'mɪːnə(r)]

a crime less serious than a felony crime:misdemeanor=commitment:decision misdemeanor:crime=lapse:error tội nhẹ Sample: The culprit pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor rather than face trial for a felony.

111. curmudgeon (n) /kərm'ʌdʒən/ curmudgeon<>agreeable person

a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man người thô lỗ. cục cằn Sample: Although he was regarded by many as a curmudgeon, a few of us were aware of the many kindnesses and acts of charity that he secretly performed.

24. molding (n) /m'oʊldɪŋ/ hem:garment=ruffle:shirt=molding:cabinet

a decorative plane or curved strip used for ornamentation or finishing đường gờ trang trí

98.fender (n.) ['fendə]

a device in front of locomotives and streetcars to lessen injury to animals or pedestrians in case of collision vật chắn, lá chắn, cái cản sốc (ở phía trước ô tô); (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) cái chắn bùn (ngành đường sắt) ghi sắt chắn than; cái gạt đá (ở phía trước đầu máy xe lửa) (hàng hải) đệm chắn (bó dây hoặc bánh xe cũ treo ở mạn tàu để làm giảm nhẹ sự va chạm thành tàu vào bến, vào tàu khác...) fender:collision=?? 挡板:碰撞=??(前者防止后者) Sample: The right front fender on my car needs to be repaired.

119. dedication /d'edɪk'eɪʃən/ (n) bigot:dedication=rage:anger martinet:leniency=dabbler:dedication zeal:dedication=mesmerism:interest dabble<>dedicate/devote

a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose sự cống hiến, đóng góp / lời đề tặng Synonyms: DEVOTE, consecrate, hallow Sample: Let us memorialize his great contribution by dedicating this library in his honor.

18. votary (n) ['vəʊtərɪ ] votary<>skeptic votary<>reactionary

a devout or zealous worshiper người sùng đạo Synonyms: ADDICT, aficionado, buff, devotee, fan, hound, lover

11. movement /m'uːvmənt/ (n.) stanza:poem=movement:orchestra

a distinct structural unit or division having its own key, rhythmic structure, and themes and forming part of an extended musical composition một phần của bài nhạc (giao hưởng) Sample: Though Gray and Burns share many traits with the Romantic poets who followed them, most critics consider them precursors of the Romantic Movement, not true Romantics.

103. eclipse (n.) [i'klips] eclipse:prestige=(enervation)enfeeble:vigor eclipse<>make distinctive eclipse<>make more prominent/bring to more prominent

a falling into obscurity or decline; also:the state of being eclipsed. sự che khuất; sự bị lu mờ, sự mất vẻ lộng lẫy; sự mất vẻ hào nhoáng Synonyms: OBSCURE, adumbrate, becloud, bedim, darken, dim, murk, overcloud, overshadow, shadow Sample: The new stock market high eclipsed the previous record set in 1985.

37/resentment (n) /ri'zentmənt/

a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury. Sự phẫn uất, oán giận Synonyms: OFFENSE, dudgeon, huff, miff, pique, umbrage Sample: Like many eighteenth-century scholars who lived by cultivating those in power, Winckelmann neglected to neutralize, by some propitiatory gesture of comradeship, the resentment his peers were bound to feel because of his involvement with the high and mighty.

93. aversion (n.) [ə'və:∫n]

a feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to avoid or turn from . ÁC CẢM aversion:disinclination=adulation:admiration aversion:inclination=?? affinity<>aversion aversion<>court penchant<>aversion propensity/proclivity<>aversion proclivity<>aversion Synonyms: ANTIPATHY , allergy, dyspathy Sample: Their mutual aversion was so great that they refused to speak to one another.

87.shale (n.) [∫eil]

a fissile rock that is formed by the consolidation of clay, mud, or silt, has a finely stratified or laminated structure, and is composed of minerals essentially unaltered since deposition. (khoáng chất) đá phiến sét (loại đá mềm dễ vỡ thành những mảnh mỏng, bằng phẳng) shale:lode=well:aquifer

16. ration /r'æʃən/ (n.) dose:medicine=ration:food

a food allowance for one day khẩu phần ăn Sample: Many food rations for soldiers come in cans.

118. intimate /adj./n./ ['intimit] clique:intimates=flock:sheep obsessed:attracted=intimate:close engrossed:absorbed=intimate:close

a friend or confidant marked by very close association, contact, or familiarity. Synonyms: FRIEND, acquaintance, amigo, cater-cousin, confidant, familiar, mate Sample: Even those siblings whose childhood was dominated by familial feuding and intense rivalry for their parents' affection can nevertheless develop congenial and even intimate relationships with each other in their adult lives.

91.remorse (n.)

a gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs:SELF-REPROACH. Ăn năn, hối tiếc longing:pine=remorse:rue truculent:gentleness=unregenerate:remorse Synonyms: PENITENCE, attrition, compunction, contriteness, contrition, penance, penitency, remorsefulness, repentance, rue Sample: Although remorse is usually thought to spring from regret for having done something wrong, it may be that its origin is the realization that one's own nature is irremediably flawed.

73/orchestra (n)/'ɔ:kistrə/

a groua group of musicians including especially string players organized to perform ensemble music. Ban nhạc orchestra:musician=pack:wolf pilot:ship=conductor:orchestra Synonyms: band, philharmonic, symphony Sample: Although the young violinist's steady performance, with the orchestra demonstrated his technical competence. his uninspired style and lack of interpretive maturity labeled him as a novice musician rather than as a truly accomplished performer.

112. enamel (n) /ɪn'æməl/ enamel:tooth=bark:tree

a hard calcareous substance that forms a thin layer capping the teeth men răng Sample: The enamel protects the inside part of the tooth.

138.frieze /ˈfri:z/

a heavy durable coarse wool and shoddy fabric with a rough surface kiến trúc trụ gạch Sample: The frieze of the church was adorned with sculpture.

80. tapestry (n.) ['tæpəstri]

a heavy handwoven reversible textile used for hangings, curtains, and upholstery and characterized by complicated pictorial designs thảm thêu chiaroscuro:contrast=filigree:delicacy { tapestry:intricacy }

55. glacier [ ] n. /'glæsjə/ glacial:slow=?? glacier:ice=sea:water .

a large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading outward on a land surface (địa lý,ddịa chất) sông băng Sample: The glacier left many striated rocks

31. limousine (n) /l'ɪməz'iːn/

a large luxurious often chauffeur-driven sedan that sometimes has a glass partition separating the driver's seat from the passenger compartment mansion:residence=limousine:automobile Sample: The movie star arrived at the theater in a chauffeured limousine.

131.demagogue /ˈdɛməˌgɑ:g/

a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power kẻ mị dân Sample: He was accused of being a demogogue because he made promises that aroused futile hopes in his listeners.

22. byline /b'aɪlaɪn/ (n.) article:byline=movie:credits

a line at the beginning of a news story, magazine article, or book giving the writer's name dòng ghi tên tác giả

9. slate (n) /sleit/

a list of candidates for nomination or election danh sách ứng cử viên Sample: Please act as my proxy and vote for this slate of candidates in my absence.

141.parody /ˈperədi/

a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule; a poor or weak imitation sự nhại lại ( thơ văn) Synonyms: MIMIC, ape, burlesque, imitate, mock, take off, travesty Sample: We enjoyed the clever parodies of popular songs that the chorus sang.

66. grandiloquent [ ] adj /græn'diləkwənt/ gaudy:apparel=grandiloquent:speak grandiloquent<>secretive

a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language Synonyms: RHETORICAL, aureate, bombastic, declamatory, euphuistic, flowery, magniloquent, overblown, sonorous, swollen Sample: The politician could bever speak simply; she was always grandiloquent khoác lác, khoa trương ầm ỹ (văn học) kêu rỗng

19. apostrophe (n) /ə'pɔstrəfi/

a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case, or the plural of letters or figures dấu ' => dùng để viết tắt, giản lược Sample: An apostrophe is used in contractions ("isn't," "doesn't") and in possessives ("that man's wife").

70/flint (n) /flint/

a massive hard quartz that produces a spark when struck by steel pestle:grind=flint stone:sharpen. Đá lửa

141. catastrophe [ ] n. /kə'tæstrəfi/ catastrophe:mishap=humiliation:embarrassment oxymoron:contradictory=mishap:catastrophic Synonyms: DISASTER, calamity, cataclysm, misadventure, tragedy, woe(s)

a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin tai ương, tai biến, thảm hoạ, tai hoạ lớn kết thúc thê thảm; kết thúc của một vở bi kịch Sample: People frequently denigrate books about recent catastrophes as morally despicable attempts to profit, from misfortune, but in my view our desire for such books, together with the venerable tradition to which they belong, legitimizes them.

83.obeisance (n.) [ou'beisəns]

a movement of the body made in token of respect or submission:BOW. sự cúi rạp mình (để tỏ lòng tôn kính) sự tôn trọng obeisant:esteem=embrace:affection imperious<>servile/obeisant impudent<>obeisant 放肆无礼的<>恭敬的 Synonyms: HONOR, deference, homage, reverence Sample: She made an obeisance as the king and queen entered the room.

155. gesture [ ] n./'dʤestʃə/ parody:style=mime:gesture

a movement usually of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude điệu bộ, cử chỉ, động tác hành động dễ gợi sự đáp lại; hành động để tỏ thiện ý his speech is a gesture of friendship: lời nói của anh ta là một biểu hiện của tình hữu nghị Sample: Like many eighteenth-century scholars who lived by cultivating those in power, Winckelmann neglected to neutralize, by some propitiatory gesture of comradeship, the resentment his peers were bound to feel because of his involvement with the high and mighty. làm điệu bộ, diễn tả bằng điệu bộ, khoa tay múa chân (V)

113. mural /mj'ʊərəl/ (n,adj) petrography:rock=mural:wall

a mural work of art (as a painting) (thuộc) tường / bức tranh tường Sample: Two huge murals were painted by Marc Chagall on the walls of the opera house.

72. creek n. /kri:k/ hill:mountain=creek:river

a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river Sample: We went fishing in the creek. vùng, lạch (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) sông con, nhánh sông thung lũng hẹp

56/neophyte /'ni:oufait/ (n)

a new convert:PROSELYTE. Người mới bước vào nghề inexperience:neophyte=irresponsibility:wastrel Synonyms: NOVICE, apprentice, beginner, colt, freshman, newcomer, novitiate, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro Sample: This monuntain slope contains slides that will challenge esperts as well as neophytes

123 mollycoddle (vt) /m'ɒlikɒdəl/ chide:pillory=humor:mollycoddle mollycoddle<>treat harshly

a pampered or effeminate man or boy người được nuông chiều Sample: Don't mollycoddle the boy, Maud! You'll spoil him.

16. corral /kər'ɑːl, AM -r'æl/ (v.) corral:horses=coop:chickens

a pen or enclosure for confining or capturing livestock ràn, bãi quây sức vật Sample: Cowboys leave their horses in the corral after work.

105. retainer (n.) [ri'teinə] retainer:retinue=witch:coven

a person attached or owing service to a household; especially:SERVANT. quản gia; người hầu cận, người tuỳ tùng, vật giữ, ng giữ a retainer of heat vật giữ nhiệt

15. tutor /tj'uːtər, AM t'uːt-/ (n.) untutored<>polished

a person charged with the instruction and guidance of another gia sư, thầy giáo kèm riêng Sample: In providing tutorial assistance and college scholarships to hundreds of economically disadvantaged youths, Eugene Lang performed a truly altruistic deed.

124 discipline (n) /d'ɪsɪplɪn/ stickler:exacting=martinet:disciplinal coltish:discipline=loutish:grace obstreperous<>disciplined

a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity kỷ luật, sự trùng phạt Synonyms: PUNISHMENT, castigation, chastisement, correction, punition, rod Sample: The student disrupted the class, so the teacher disciplined him by giving him extra work to do.

69. architect [ ] n. /'ɑ:kitekt/ choreographer:movement=architect:building

a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction {sculptor:statue} 【choreographer:To plan out or oversee the movement, development, or details of; orchestrate】 Sample: Though one cannot say that Michelangelo was an impractical designer, he was, of all nonprofessional architects known, the most adventurous in that he was the least constrained by tradition or precedent. (9510) kiến trúc sư (nghĩa bóng) người làm ra, người xây dựng, người sáng tạo to be the architect of one's own fortumes: tự mình xây dựng cơ đồ; tự mình tạo ra cái số phận của mình

5. recluse (n) /rɪkl'uːs/ poseur:sincerity=recluse:gregariousness recluse:communicate=?? roisterer:carouse=recluse:withdraw turncoat:consistency=recluse:compassion recluse:crowd=claustrophobia:enclosure recluse:crowd=shirk:duty recluse:solitude=toady:favor

a person who leads a secluded or solitary life ngươi sống ẩn dật Synonyms: SECLUDED, cloistered, hermetic, secluse, seclusive, sequestered Sample: The recluse lived in a hut in the forest.

107 poseur (n) /poʊz'ɜːr/ poseur:sincerity=recluse:gregariousness ) poser:sincere=recluse:gregarious stickler:derelict=poseur:unaffected poseur<>sincere person

a person who pretends to be what he or she is not:an affected or insincere person người giả bộ Sample: Some thought Dali was a brillant painter; others dismissed him as a poseur.

89. freelancer (n.) ['fri:lɑnsə]

a person who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one employer người làm nghề tự do (không làm cho chủ nào cả) nomad:domicile=freelancer:employer

125 insurgent (n) (adj) /ɪns'ɜːrdʒənt/ parsimony:miser=rebelliousness:insurgent insurgent:rebel=incendiary:agitate

a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially:a rebel not recognized as a belligerent sự nổi dậy Synonyms: ISOLATE, close off, cut off, enisle, island, segregate, separate, sequester Sample: We will not discuss reforms until the insurgent troops have returned to their homes.

64.concerto [ ] n. /kən'tʃə:tou/

a piece for one or more soloists and orchestra with three contrasting movements a piano concerto: một bản côngxectô cho pianô Sample: We listened to a wonderful violin concerto

97.canvas (n.) ['kænvəs]

a piece of cloth backed or framed as a surface for a painting. vải bạt lều; buồm (làm bằng vải bạt); canvas:painter=marble:sculptor Sample: Because the painter Albert Pinkham Ryder was obsessed with his quest for perfection, he was rarely satisfied with a painting, creating endless variations of a scene on one canvas, one on top of another.

101. larder (n.) /'lɑ:də/ larder:food=wardrobe:clothes larder:provisions=vault:valuables

a place where food is stored:PANTRY. tủ chạn để thức ăn.

129.prune (n,v) /prune/ prune:plum=raisin:grape

a plum dried or capable of drying without fermentation (v) cắt tỉa bớt (n) quả mận khô, màu mận chín Synonyms: DUNCE, blockhead, chump, dimwit, dolt, dope, dumbbell, idiot, ignoramus, moron Sample: With the help of her editor, she was able to prune her manuscript into publishable form

121. reconnaissance (v) /ri'kɔnisəns/ reconnoiter:information=prowl:prey

a preliminary survey to gain information; especially:an exploratory military survey of enemy territory (Sự trinh sát, do thám) Sample: If you encounter any enemy soldiers during your reconnaissance, capture them for questioning.

71. rite (n.) [rait]

a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions for a ceremony. lễ, lễ nghi, nghi thức rite<>improvised act Sample: The occult rites of the organization were revealed only to members.

180. irony [n]

a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning (sự nhạo báng, sự chế nhạo, sự giễu cợt, sự bông đùa) Sample: Copyright and patent laws attempt to encourage innovation by ensuring that inventors are paid for creative, so it would be ironic if expanded protection under these laws discouraged entrepreneurial innovation by increasing fears of lawsuits.

1. doctrine (n) /'dɔktrin/

a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief:DOGMA học thuyết, chủ nghĩa, giáo lý Synonyms: canon, dogma, tenet Sample: While the new doctrine seems almost certainly correct,the one papyrus fragment raises the specter that another may be unearthed,showing...

51. rehearsal /ri'hə:səl/ (n)

a private performance or practice session preparatory to a public appearance sự kể lại, sự nhắc lại sự diễn tập (vở kịch, bài múa...) Sample: When Gutherie gave Guiness his assurance that rehearsals were going well, he spoke with such assurance that Guiness was convinced.

111. detritus (n.) [di'traitəs] detritus<>valuable product

a product of disintegration, destruction, or wearing away. vật vụn (như) cát, sỏi...; mảnh vụn. Synonyms: DEBRIS Sample: The road was blocked by the detritus from a rock slide.

115. ream (n.) [ri:m] ream:paper=cord:wood

a quantity of paper being 20 quires or variously 480, 500, or 516 sheets. ram giấy (500 tờ giấy) rất nhiều giấy, hàng tập Sample:Our office uses 20 reams of paper each week.

105 rebus (n) rebus:dissimulation=??

a representation of words or syllables by pictures of objects or by symbols whose names resemble the intended words or syllables in sound; also:a riddle made up of such pictures or symbols câu đố bằng hình vẽ

26/reel (n)/ri:l/

a revolvable device on which something flexible is wound reel:winding=die:shaping Sample: He bought a new reel and stronger fish line, so he could catch bigger fish. Guồng, quay tơ

106. pantry (n) /p'æntri/ pantry:food=armory:weapons pantry:food=closet (wardrobe):clothes

a room (as in a hotel or hospital) for preparation of foods on order chạn bát, phòng để thức ăn Synonyms: LARDER, buttery Sample: Looking in the pantry, we admired the plenitude of fruits and pickles we had preserved during the summer.

44/brattish (a)

an ill-mannered annoying child. đứa trẻ ngỗ ngược tightfisted:parsimonious=brattish:mischievous

29. range (n) /r'eɪndʒ/ range:mountain=chain:link {archipelago:island }

a series of mountains dãy núi Sample: New York state has several mountain ranges, including the Adirondacks.

26. minion (n) /m'ɪnjən/ minion:dependent=groveler:petitioner

a servile dependent, follower, or underling nô lệ, thuộc hạ

62. sycophant (n.) ['sikəfænt]

a servile self-seeking flatterer kẻ nịnh hót/ bợ đỡ libertine:dissolute=sycophant:obsequious miser:hoard=dandy:preen=sycophant:fawn=pundit:opine narcissist:self-absorbed=sycophant:obsequious reprobate:misbehave=sycophant:fawn sycophant:flattery=extortionist:intimidation frugal:penurious=deferent:sycophantic querulous:complain=sycophant:flattery sycophantic:obsequious=rebellious:resurgent

100. exclamation (n.) [,eksklə'mei∫n]

a sharp or sudden utterance từ chỉ sự cảm thán, thán từ exclaim:utter=flare:shine Sample: He could not repress an ejaculation of surprise when he heard the news.

61/chevron (n)/'ʃevrən/

a sleeve badge that usually consists of one or more chevron-shaped stripes that indicates the wearer's rank and service (as in the armed forces) Quân hàm hình V. chevron:badge=caisson:cart

126.teal /ˈti:l/

a small duck found in Europe and America

14. morsel (n) /'mɔ:səl/

a small piece or amount of food; a mouthful: (1 miếng, mẩu) Juliet pushed a morsel of toast into her mouth a small piece or amount: there was a morsel of consolation for the British team

218. rivulet (n) pittance:allowance=rivulet:stream

a small stream dòng suối nhỏ, lạch ngòi Sample: As the rains continued, the trickle of water running down the hillside grew into a rivulet that threatened to wash away a portion of the slope

148.stylus /ˈstaɪləs/ stylus:mark=lamp:illumination

a small tool that is used to write or touch buttons on a computer

125. testimony /t'estɪməni/ (n) calumny:assertion=perjury:testimony calumny:representation=perjury:testimony

a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official bằng chứng, sự chứng nhận Synonyms: attestation, confirmation, evidence, proof, testament, testimonial, witness Sample: In his summation, the lawyer emphasized the testimony given by the two witnesses.

145 rostrum n. rostrum:orator=bench:judge rostrum /'rɔstrəm/ danh từ, số nhiều rostra /rostra/, rostrums /rostrums/

a stage for public speaking Sample: The crowd murmured angrily and indicated that they did not care to listen to the speaker who was approaching the rostrum. diều hâu (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) (La mã) mũi tàu chiến (sinh vật học) mỏ (chim, sâu bọ; lá cây...)

153. criterion [ ] n /krai'tiəriən/ danh từ, số nhiều criteria

a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based Sample: The primary criterion for judging a school is its recent performance:critics are reluctant to extend credit for earlier victories. tiêu chuẩn Synonyms: STANDARD, benchmark, gauge, measure, touchstone, yardstick

56/equipoise (n)/'ekwipɔiz/

a state of equilibrium. Sự thăng bằng, sự cân bằng equipoise:vacillate=?? Synonyms: BALANCE, equilibrium, poise, stasis Sample: Robin's words were not without emotion:they retained their level tone only by a careful equipoise between imminent extremes

158.quandary [ ] n. /'kwɔndəri/ quandary:perplex=??

a state of perplexity or doubt Sample: When the two colleges to which he had applied accepted him, he was in a quandary as to which one he should attend. tình thế lúng túng khó xử, tình thế bối rối to be in a quandary: ở trong một tình thế lúng túng khó xử

27. resin (n) /r'ezɪn/ resin:tree=gum:rubber plant

a sticky substance found in some plants nhựa cây Sample: The resin that comes out when a rubber tree's bark is cut is used to make rubber.

18. martinet /m'ɑːrtɪn'et/ (n.) martinet:discipline=pedant:learning { gourmet:food} stickler:exacting=martinet:discipline

a strict disciplinarian người coi trọng kỷ luật Sample: The commanding officer was a martinet who observed each regulation to the utter.

145.bolster /ˈboʊlstɚ/

a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support or bearing ủng hộ bênh bực Synonyms: SUPPORT, bear up, brace, buttress, carry, prop, shore (up), sustain, upbear, uphold Sample: The debaters amassed file boxes full of evidence to bolster their arguments.

138.dullard (n) /'dʌləd/ wit<>dullard

a stupid or unimaginative person (Người đần độn) Synonyms: DUNCE, dullhead,, dummy, idiot, ignoramus, moron, simpleton, stupid

134.oafish /ˈoʊfɪʃ/

a stupid person:**** Sample: He called the unfortunate waiter a clumsy oaf.

88. repartee (n.) [,repɑ:'ti:]

a succession or interchange of clever retorts:amusing and usually light sparring with words sự ứng đối; sự đối đáp repartee:retort=debate:issue {advisement:product} Synonyms: RETORT, back answer, comeback, riposte Sample: He was famous for his witty repartee and his sarcasm.

42/paroxysm (n) /'pærəksizm/

a sudden violent emotion or action:OUTBURST. Cực điểm, cơn kịch phát bệnh paroxysm:sudden=ruse:deceived Sample: When he heared of his son's misdeeds, he was seized by a paroxysm of rage.

114. banquet (n) /b'æŋkwɪt/ writer/author:novel=chef:banquet recluse:banquet=??

a sumptuous feast; especially:an elaborate and often ceremonious meal for numerous people often in honor of a person tiệc lớn Sample: He was famous for his felicitous remarks and was called upon to serve as master-of-ceremonies at many banquet.

77. patina (n.) ['pætinə]

a superficial covering or exterior ớp gỉ đồng (ở ngoài những đồ đồng cũ) nước bóng (trên mặt đồ gỗ cổ) Sample: Judging by the patina on this bronze statue, we can conclude that this is the work of a medieval artist.

90. minaret (n) /´minə¸ret/ spire:church=minaret:mosque

a tall slender tower of a mosque having one or more balconies from which the summons to prayer is cried by the muezzin Tháp (ở giáo đường Hồi giáo)

81.sacrilege (n.)

a technical and not necessarily intrinsically outrageous violation (as improper reception of a sacrament) of what is sacred because consecrated to God hành động thiếu tôn kính một vật hoặc nơi linh thiêng; tội phạm thượng, tội báng bổ thánh thần Synonyms: latitudePROFANATION, blasphemy, desecration, violation Sample: A century ago the physician's word was incontrovertible to doubt it was considered almost sacrilegious

76. aphorism (n.) ['æfərizm]

a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment:ADAGE cách ngôn brevity:aphorism=distortion:caricature euphemism:offensive=aphorism:diffusive Synonyms: MAXIM, apothegm, axiom, brocard, dictum, gnome, moral, rule, truism Sample: In response to the follies of today's commercial and political worlds, the author does not express inflamed indignation, but rather affects the detachment and smooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-century wit.

45/membrane (n)/'membrein/

a thin soft pliable sheet or layer especially of animal or plant origin. màng pore:membrane=door:room cell:membrane=seed:hull Sample: A ganglionic cyst is a fluid-filled tumor (generally benign) that develops near a joint membrane or tendon sheath, and that bulges beneath the skin, forming a protuberance.

142. droplet [ ] n. /'drɔplit/ droplet:deluge=pebble:landslide

a tiny drop (as of a liquid) giọt nhỏ Synonyms: DROP , drib, driblet, globule, gobbet Sample: I felt a few droplets of rain on my shoulder.

116. vessel (n.) ['vesl] aqueduct:water=pipeline:gas=vessel:blood

a tube or canal (as an artery) in which a body fluid is contained and conveyed or circulated. bình, chậu, vại, lọ, thùng, chai, chén (bất cứ đồ chứa rỗng nào, nhất là thứ dùng để chứa các chất lỏng) Sample: The archaeologist assigned several students the task of reassembling earthenware vessels from the shards he had brought back from the expedition.

1. lumen (n) /'lu:men/ decibel:sound=volt:electricity=watt:power=lumen:light

a unit of luminous flux equal to the light emitted in a unit solid angle by a uniform point source of one candle intensity đơn vị quang thông Sample: In buying light bulbs, she checked not only their power, as measured in watts, but their brightness, as measured in lumens.

82. husk (n.) [hʌsk]

a usually dry or membranous outer covering (as a pod or hull or one composed of bracts) of various seeds and fruits; also:one of the constituent parts. vỏ khô (của trái cây), vỏ (hạt); trấu (thóc, lúa), lá bao (bắp ngô) (nghĩa bóng) vỏ ngoài vô giá trị (của cái gì...) (thú y học) bệnh ho khan corn:husk=?? seed:husk=orange:rind Sample: You shuck the corn's husks before cooking it.

84. dessert (n.) [di'zə:t]

a usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) served at the end of a meal món tráng miệng dessert:meal=epilogue:play=coda:sonata Sample: We had apple pie and coffee for dessert.

2. imbroglio (n) /ɪmbr'oʊlioʊ/

a violently confused or bitterly complicated altercation:EMBROILMENT tình trạng hỗn độn Synonyms: QUARREL, altercation, bickering, dispute, embroilment, falling-out, miff, row, spat, squabble Sample: He was called in to settle the imbroglio but failed to bring harmony into the situation.

170. horn [n] /hɔ:n/ especially:TRUMPET horn:blow=harp:pluck

a wind instrument used in a jazz band; (tù và) Sample: The habitat of the horned viper, a particularly venomous snake, is in sandy regions like the Sahara or the Sinai peninsula.

95.encyclopedia (n.) [en,saiklou'pi:djə]

a work that contains information on all branches of knowledge or treats comprehensively a particular branch of knowledge usually in articles arranged alphabetically often by subject bộ sách bách khoa encyclopedia:compendious=abstract:concise/condensed {pertinacity:changeable}{recapitulation:lengthy} Synonyms: comprehensive, inclusive Sample: The encyclopedia salesman claimed the new edition was a veritable cornucopia of information, an inexhaustible source of knowledge for the entire family.

71/filly (n)/'fili/

a young female horse usually of less than four years. Ngựa cái con filly:horse=pullet:chicken

129.pullet /ˈpʊlət/ filly:horse=pullet:chicken

a young hen; specifically:a hen of the domestic chicken less than a year old gà mái tớ

20. pliable /pl'aɪəbəl/ (adj.) static:move=pliable:inflexible pliable:influenced=censorious:condemn pertinacious<>pliable pliable<>rigid pliable<>difficult to crumble

a. supple enough to bend freely or repeatedly without breaking b. Easily influenced, persuaded, or swayed; tractable. dễ uốn, mềm dẻo; dễ uốn nắn, dễ bảo Synonyms: PLASTIC, adaptable, ductile, malleable, moldable, pliant, supple Sample: In remodeling the bathroom, we replaced all the old, rigid lead pipes with new, pliable copper tubing.

96. scale (n.)

a.an instrument or machine for weighing b.an estimate of the amount of sound lumber in logs or standing timber cái đĩa cân sự chia độ; mặt chia độ; thước chia độ; hệ thống chia độ sự sắp xếp theo trình độ gauge:pressure=scale:weight=yardstick:length color:spectrum=tone:scale Sample: She played a C-major scale on the piano.

99. conundrum (n.) [kə'nʌndrəm]

a:a question or problem having only a conjectural answer b:an intricate and difficult problem câu đố, câu hỏi hóc búa conundrum:solve=?? Synonyms: MYSTERY, Chinese puzzle, closed book, enigma, mystification, puzzle, puzzlement, riddle, why Sample: During the long car ride, she invented conundrums to entertain the children.

76. inimical (adj.) [i'nimikəl]

a:having the disposition of an enemy:HOSTILE b:reflecting or indicating hostility:UNFRIENDLY thù địch; không thân thiện, độc hại inimical<>friendly/amiable/amicable amenable<>inimical Synonyms: HOSTILE, ill, inimicable, unfriendly Sample: She felt that they were inimical and were hoping for her downfall.

15. topsy-turvy /t'ɒpsi t'ɜːrvi/ (adj.) topsy-turvy<>tranquil

a:in utter confusion or disorder b : with the top or head downward: UPSIDEDOWN tình trạng đảo lộn Sample: After the storm, the whole area was topsy-turvy.

149.control(n) control<>group experimented on

an individual or group used as a standard of comparison in a control experiment

32. doyen (n) /d'ɔɪən/ eccentric:conventional=doyen:uninitiated

a:the senior member of a body or group b:a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor Trưởng đoàn, người cao tuổi nhất Synonyms: EXPERT, artist, authority, master, master-hand, maven, passed master, proficient, virtuoso Sample: She is the doyenne of Washington society.

112. frustrate /'frʌstreɪt/ (v) frustrate<>abet

a:to balk or defeat in an endeavor làm hỏng, vô hiệu hóa b:to induce feelings of discouragement in làm thất vọng Synonyms: baffle, balk, beat, bilk, buffalo, circumvent, dash, disappoint, foil, ruin, thwart; Sample: Eric was frustrated because, although he was adept at making lies sound plausible, when telling the truth, he lacked the power to make himself believed.

23. exasperate (vt) /ig'zɑ:spəreit/ mollify<>exasperate mitigate<>exacerbate

a:to excite the anger of:ENRAGE b:to cause irritation or annoyance to trọc tức Synonyms: IRRITATE, aggravate, gall, get, huff, nettle, peeve, pique, rile, roil Sample: Johnny often exasperates his mother with his pranks.

63/resourceful (a)/ri'sɔ:sful/

able to meet situations:capable of devising ways and means. Có tài xoay xở resourceful:inventiveness=philanthropic:geniality Synonyms: WEALTH, fortune, property, riches, substance, worth Sample: No crisis could faze the resourceful hotel manager.

108 spiny (adj) /sp'aɪni/

abounding with difficulties, obstacles, or annoyances:THORNY có gai / gai góc,khó giả quyết Synonyms: THORNY, nettlesome, prickly Sample: She is facing a a spiny problem

89. sanctimonious (adj.) ,sæηkti'mouniəs]

affecting piousness:hypocritically devout; also:indicative of affected piousness tỏ ra cao đạo, tỏ ra mộ đạo sanctimonious:devoted=unctuous:earnest Synonyms: HYPOCRISY, cant, hypocriticalness, pecksniffery, pharisaicalness, pharisaism, sanctimoniousness Sample: You do not have to be so sanctimonious to prove that you are devout.

59/genealogy (n)/,dʤi:ni'ælədʤi/

an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms. Bảng phả hệ Sample: He was proud of his genealogy and constantly referred to the achievements of his ancestors.

83. valediction (n.) [,væli'dik∫n]

an act of bidding farewell. sự từ biệt; lời từ biệt (nhất là trong trường hợp nghiêm chỉnh) panegyric:praise=valediction:farewell valediction<>greeting Sample: The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary genre that permits very little deviation.

88. volition (n.) [və'li∫n]

an act of making a choice or decision; also:a choice or decision made tự ý làm, tự nguyện, theo mong muốn bản thân volition<>inability to choose 决心<>无法抉择 Sample: She selected this dress of her own volition.

111 liberty (n) /l'ɪbərti/ emotion:effusive=liberty:licentious{ manner:grandious} management<>unfettered liberty

an action going beyond normal limits:as a:a breach of etiquette or propriety:FAMILIARITY Synonyms: FREEDOM, license Sample: Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

165. doodle [n. v.] /'du:dl/ draw:doodle=travel:ramble walk:amble=draw:doodle

an aimless or casual scribble, design, or sketch (viết nguệch ngoạc; vẽ nguệch ngoạc) Synonyms: FIDDLE , mess, mess around, potter, puddle, putter, tinker Sample: Her school notebook is covered with doodles that look like flowers.

229.sculptor /ˈskʌlptɚ/ canvas:painter=marble:sculptor statue:sculpture=ode:poem

an artist who makes sculptures Sample: A sculptor carved a statue of his lover in a piece of stone.

4. entreaty (n) /in'tri:ti/

an earnest or humble request: lời khẩn nài, cầu xin Ex: the king turned a deaf ear to his entreaties

16. pot (n) /p'ɒt/ lobster:pot=??

an enclosed framework of wire, wood, or wicker for catching fish or lobsters giỏ bắt tôm hùm: lobster pot

42. furnace (n) /f'ɜːrnɪs/

an enclosed structure in which heat is produced lò luyện, lò sưởi furnace:heat=generator:electricity Sample: The blast furnace had a special opening at the bottom to allow the workers to remove the worthless slag.

67. vagary [ ] n. /'veigəri/ vagary:predict=impossibility:execute vagary:predict=indemonstrable:prove=acme:surpass vagary:predict=diehard:budge

an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion Synonyms: CAPRICE, bee, boutade, conceit, crotchet, fancy, freak, humor, megrim, whim Sample: She followed every vagary of fashion tính bất thường, tính hay thay đổi; cử chỉ bất thường the vagaries of fashion: những sự thay đổi bất thường của thời trang the vagaries of the mind: những sự thay đổi ý kiến đột nghột; tính khí bất thường

152. typo [ ] n. /'taipou/ (từ lóng) (viết tắt) của typographer typo:text=bug:software

an error (as of spelling) in typed or typeset material Sample: From the number of typos and misspellings I've found on it, it's clear that Mario proofread the report in a remarkably slapdash fashion.

59. ditty [ ] n. /'diti/ fable:tale=ditty:song

an especially simple and unaffected song Sample: We sang little ditties last night. bài hát ngắn

82. reproach (n.v)

an expression of rebuke or disapproval. sự chỉ trích, sự trách mắng; lời chỉ trích, lời (nhận xét..) trách mắng irreproachable:blame=irresponsible:restraint nefarious<>above reproach/virtuous scurvy<>above reproach Synonyms: REBUKE, admonishment, admonition, chiding, rap, reprimand, reproof, wig, wigging Sample: Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the reproaches of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its prompting before he acted.

83. rave (v,n) /reiv/ rave<>pan

an extravagantly favorable criticism Synonyms: ENTHUSE, drool, rhapsodize, rhapsody Sample: Critics raved about the new play. (v) Nói sảng, mê sảng (người bệnh)/ Nói say sưa/ Nổi giận, nổi điên, nổi xung/ Nổi sóng dữ dội (biển); rít lên (gió) (n) Tiếng gầm (của biển động); tiếng rít (của gió) (từ lóng) bài bình phẩm ca ngợi (phim, sách...) (từ lóng) sự mê (ai) như điếu đổ

63/placebo (n) /plə'si:bou/

an inert or innocuous substance used especially in controlled experiments testing the efficacy of another substance (as a drug) Thuốc trấn yên (???) placebo:innocuous=salve:unctuous placebo:painkiller=backdrop:vista placebo:innocuous=venom:toxious Sample: In a controlled experiment, fifty volunteers were given erythromycin tablets; the control group received only placebos.

59/apprentice (n)/ə'prentis/

an inexperienced person:NOVICE. Người học nghề Synonyms: NOVICE, beginner, colt, freshman, neophyte, newcomer, novitiate, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro Sample: It was not the change in office technology,but rather the separation of secretarial work,previously seen as an apprenticeship for beginning managers,from administrative work that in the 1880's created a new class of "dead-end" jobs,thenceforth considered "women's work."

169. coterie [n] /'koutəri/ coterie:group=??

an intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpose (nhóm; phái) Synonyms: CLIQUE, cabal, camarilla, camp, circle, clan, in-group, mafia, mob, ring Sample: After his book had been published, he was invited to join the literary coterie that lunched daily at the hotel.

25. inventory (n) /in'ventri/

an itemized list of current assets:as a catalog of the property of an individual or estate (sự kiểm kê) Sample: We must wait until we deplete our present inventory before we order replacements.

7. citation (n) /saɪt'eɪʃən/ summons:citation=?? 【注:citation:an official summons to appear (as before a court)】

an official summons to appear (as before a court) trát của tòa án Sample:The police officer received a citation for saving a man's life.

42. busybody (n) /b'ɪzibɒdi/

an officious or inquisitive person ascetic:self-denial=busybody:intrusive người hay xía vào việc của người khác Synonyms: butt-in, intermeddler, meddler, nose, nosey Parker, prier (or pryer), snoop Sample: Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody.

27. veteran (adj) /v'etərən/

an old soldier of long service cadet:veteran=tadpole:frog cựu binh, người kỳ cựu Synonyms: EXPERIENCED, old, old-time, practical, practiced, seasoned, skilled, versed, vet Sample: She is a veteran of military service in Africa.

60. perspective [ ] n. /pə'spektiv/ Synonyms: VISTA, lookout, outlook, prospect, scape

an optical glass (as a telescope) Sample: Because folk art is neither completely rejected nor accepted as an art form by art historians, their final evaluations of it necessarily remain equivocal. luật xa gần; phối cảnh tranh vẽ luật xa gần; hình phối cảnh cảnh trông xa; (nghĩa bóng) viễn cảnh, triển vọng; tương lai, tiến độ tính từ theo luật xa gần; theo phối cảnh perspective figuers: hình phối cảnh

13. lode (n) [ləʊd] shale:lode=well:aquifer

an ore deposit quặng Sample: If this lode that we have discovered extends for any distance, we have found a fortune.

122.bracket (n) /'brækit/ buttress:wall=bracket:shelf

an overhanging member that projects from a structure (as a wall) and is usually designed to support a vertical load or to strengthen an angle 1. Giá đỡ nòng súng 2.(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) nhóm người đóng thuế xếp theo thu hoạch Synonyms: JOIN , associate, combine, conjoin, connect, couple, link, relate, unite, wed Sample: That doctor's salary is in the top tax bracket.

8. panoramic (n) /,pænə'ræmik/

an unobstructed or complete view of an area in every direction (cái nhìn bao quát, toàn cảnh) panoramic<>narrow Synonyms: spectacle, prospect Sample: On a clear day, from the top of the World Trade Center you can get a panoramic view of New York City and neighboring stretches of New Jersey and Long Island.

17. jest /dʒ'est/ (n.) (v.) jest<>solemnity jest<>solemn utterance

an utterance (as a jeer or quip) intended to be taken as mockery or humor lời nói đùa chơi, lời nói giỡn, lời giễu cợt Synonyms: JOKE, crack, drollery, gag, jape, quip, waggery, wisecrack, witticis Sample: I said you look terrible in jest; actually, you look very pretty.

9. mite /m'aɪt/ (n.) mite:creature=speck:amount

any of numerous small acarid arachnids that often infest animals, plants, and stored foods and include important disease vectors bét, ve Sample: Gnats are annoying mites that sing.

188 helmet /h'elmɪt/ (n.) amulet:evil=helmet:injury

any of various protective head coverings usually made of a hard material to resist impact mũ bảo hiểm Sample: Bicyclists wear helmets to protect their heads.

150 blase [ ] adj. miser:munificent=zealot:blase Sample: Your blase attitude gives your students an erroneous impression of the joys of scholarship.

apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment Synonyms: SOPHISTICATED, disenchanted, disentranced, disillusioned, mondaine, sophisticate, worldly blasé : 1 bored, jaded, weary, unimpressed, ennuyé: Her blasé attitude does little to endear her at job interviews. 2 indifferent, cool, superior, supercilious, sophisticated, unmoved, nonchalant, emotionless, phlegmatic, apathetic, pococurante, carefree, light-hearted, insouciant: His blasé behaviour hides his basic feelings of insecurity.

72/apostasy (n) /ə'pɔstəsi/

apostasy:faith=recantation:heresy apostasy<>fidelity Synonyms: DEFECTION, desertion, falseness, recreancy, tergiversation Sample: Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as an apostate.

148 ramshackle [ ] adj. /'ræm,ʃækl/ ramshackle:soundness=garbled:clarity

appearing ready to collapse:RICKETY Synonyms: rickety Sample: The boys propped up the ramshackle clubhouse with a couple of boards. xiêu vẹo, đổ nát a ramshackle house: ngôi nhà xiêu vẹo đổ nát

47/apt (a)/æpt/

apt<>extremely inappropriate . Có khuynh hướng, có khả năng apt<>unlikely aptness<>unsuitability Synonyms: given, inclined, liable, likely, prone, FIT , appropriate, befitting, felicitous, fitting, happy, just, meet, proper, suitable Sample: Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly revised over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.

183 risible /r'ɪzɪbəl/ (adj.)

arousing or provoking laughter; especially:LAUGHABLE dễ cười, hay cười; tức cười, đáng buồn cười Synonyms: LAUGHABLE, comic, comical, droll, farcical, funny, gelastic, ludicrous, ridiculous Sample: His ideas are so grandiose that they are risible.

121. alphabetical /'ælfəb'etɪkəl/ (adj) dictionary:alphabetical=annals:chronological

arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet Sample: He put the words in the list in alphabetical order.

139.illusory /ɪˈlu:səri/

based on or producing không thực tế viển vông Synonyms: FICTITIOUS, chimerical, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, fictive, imaginary, suppositious, supposititious, unreal Sample: The trick for Michael was to conjure for his son an illusory orderliness; only alone at night, when the boy was asleep, could Michael acknowledge the chaos he kept hidden from his son.

178. orient [v] /'ɔ:riənt/

be oriented; determine one's position with reference to another point (định hướng, đặt hướng)

6.camouflage (n) /'kæmuflɑ:ʤ/

behavior or artifice designed to deceive or hide Sự ngụy trang, vật để ngụy trang Sample: Soldiers camouflaged themselves to blend in with the jungle by wearing green uniforms.

102. apropos (adj.) [,æprə'pou] apropos<>irrelevant { straight, uniform, symmetrical

being both relevant and opportune. đúng lúc, thích hợp apropos of) về cái gì; liên quan tới Synonyms: RELEVANT, ad rem, applicable, applicative, applicatory, apposite, germane, material, pertinent, pointful Sample: I find your remarks apropos of the present situation timely and pertinent.

91. sere (adj.) [siə]

being dried and withered héo, khô; tàn (=sear) sere<>lush/damp Synonyms: DRY, arid, bone-dry, droughty, moistureless, thirsty, waterless Sample: After the unseasonably dry winter the Berkeley hills looked dusty and sere.

199 base /b'eɪs/ (adj.) debase:value=attenuate:force base<>virtuous base<>noble sublime<>base/common base<>patrician

being of comparatively low value and having relatively inferior properties hèn hạ, thấp kém, đê tiện; thường, xoàng Synonyms: low, vile Sample: It is almost impossible to protect oneself from such a base canard.

91. rancor (n.)

bitter deep-seated ill will thù dai rancor<>goodwill rancor<>charitableness Synonyms: ENMITY, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility Sample: Let us forget out rancor and cooperate in this new endeavor.

227.annals /ˈænəlz/ dictionary:alphabetical=annals:chronological

biên niên sử a record of events arranged in yearly sequence Synonyms: chronicle Sample: In the annals of this period, we find no mention of democratic movements.

236.smuggle /ˈsmʌgəl/ collude:cooperate=smuggle:convey smuggle<>transport openly

buôn lậu, đưa lén, cất lén to convey or introduce surreptitiously Synonyms: bootleg, contraband, run Sample: Dealers in cocaine smuggle the drug into the USA.

141.faction /ˈfækʃən/ consensus:factionalism=clarity:confusion law:criminality=consensus:factionalism {lesson:falsehood} expedition:foot dragging=consensus:factionalism factional<>disinterested ecumenical<>factionalism/provincial faction<>unity

bè phái a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking:CLIQUE Synonyms: COMBINATION, bloc, coalition, combine, part, ring Sample: The quarrels and bickering of the two small factions within the club disturbed the majority of the members.

73. mulish adjective /ˈmjuː.lɪʃ/

bướng bỉnh describes someone who is very determined and refuses to change their plans for anyone else

232.manuscript /ˈmænjəˌskrɪpt/ archive:manuscript=arsenal:weapon

bản thảo a written or typewritten composition or document as distinguished from a printed copy; also:a document submitted for publication Sample: With the help of her editor, she was able to prune her manuscript into publishable form.

79. mandatory adjective /ˈmæn.də.tər.i/

bắt buộc describes something that must be done, or is demanded by law: The minister is calling for mandatory prison sentences for people who assault police officers.

125.stray /ˈstreɪ/ digressive:topic/subject=stray:group stray:group=digress:subject

bị lạc to wander accidentally from a fixed or chosen route Synonyms: DIGRESS , depart, divagate, diverge, excurse, ramble, wander Sample: Their daughter has strayed:she left school and started using drugs.

139.clique ˈkli:k clique:intimates=flock:sheep

bọn , lũ, nhóm a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; especially one held together by common interests, views, or purposes Synonyms: cabal, camarilla, camp, circle, clan, coterie, in-group, mafia, mob, ring Sample: She charged that a clique had assumed control of school affairs.

76. haphazard adjective /ˌhæpˈhæz.əd/

bừa bãi, lung tung not having an obvious order or plan: He tackled the problem in a typically haphazard manner.

dissuade [dɪ'sweɪd] v.

can gián to advise (a person) against something Synonyms: deter, disadvise, discourage, divert Sample: My father dissuaded me from taking a job in another city.

86. flexible

capable of being flexed:PLIANT adamant:flexibility=refractory:control limber:flexibility=spindly:frailty static:move=pliable:inflexible inflexible:alternate=?? calcification<>flexibility flexible<>mulish Synonyms: elastic, resilient, springy, stretch, stretchy, supple, whippy Sample: She is flexible and always open to new ideas..

93. tangible (adj.) ['tændʒəbl]

capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch:PALPABLE hữu hình, sờ mó được initial:realized=tangible:indefinite { moribund:dead } incipient:realized=tangible:indefinite tangible<>unable to perceive Synonyms: PERCEPTIBLE, appreciable, detectable, discernible, observable, palpable, sensible Sample: Her remarkable speed, which first became apparent when she repeatedly defeated the older children at school, eventually earned for her some tangible rewards, including a full athletic scholarship and several first-place trophies.

159. perceptible [ ] adj. /pə'septəbl/ relevant:crucial=perceptible:obvious delusion:?=hallucination:perception {mirage:imagination} appreciable<>imperceptible

capable of being perceived especially by the senses Synonyms: appreciable, detectable, discernible, observable, palpable, sensible, tangible Sample: Even though political editorializing was not forbidden under the new regime, journalists still experienced discreet, though perceptible, governmental pressure to limit dissent. có thể nhận thức thấy, có thể cảm giác thấy

46. intelligible (adj) /ɪnt'elɪdʒɪbəl/

capable of being understood or comprehended dễ hiểu correct:accurate=garble:unintelligible Synonyms: UNDERSTANDABLE, apprehensible, comprehendible, comprehensible, fathomable, graspable, knowable, lucid, luminous Sample: There was loud noise from the burning building, but the firefighters' shouts were still intelligible.

5. viable (adj) /'vaiəbl/

capable of living; especially:capable of surviving outside the mother's womb without artificial support (có thể tồn tại, sống được) viability<>inability to live Synonyms: POSSIBLE, doable, feasible, practicable, workable Sample: The infant, though prematurely born, is viable and has a good chance to survive.

74/telling (a) /'teliɳ/

carrying great weight and producing a marked effect:effective, expressive. Mạnh, có hiệu quả, đanh thép. telling<>not effective Synonyms: VALID, cogent, convincing, satisfactory, satisfying, solid, sound Sample: The lawyer made a telling point and the judge dismissed the lawsuit.

24. mournful (adj) /m'ɔːrnfʊl/ jovial<>mournful revelry<>mournfulness

causing sorrow or melancholy:GLOOMY buồn rầu Sample: The hilarity is improper on this solemn day of mourning.

94.relish (n.) ['reli∫]

characteristic flavor; especially:pleasing or zestful flavor, mùi vị, hương vị (của thức ăn). sự hứng thú, sự say mê, sự thích thú (về thức ăn..) relish<>despise 爱好<>轻视 Synonyms: ENJOYMENT, delectation, diversion, pleasure Sample: I relish a good joke as much as anyone else.

27. precarious (adj) /prɪk'eəriəs/ precarious:stability=spent:efficacy impervious:?=precarious:stable precarious<>secure/stable precarious<>safe

characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger tạm thời, ko ổn định Synonyms: DOUBTFUL, ambiguous, borderline, dubious, equivocal, impugnable, indecisive, uncertain Sample: I think this stock is a precarious investment and advise against its purchase.

75. avid (adj.) ['ævid]

characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit. khao khát, thèm khát, thèm thuồng reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm avid<>indifferent Synonyms: EAGER, anxious, appetent, ardent, athirst Sample: He was avid for learning and read everything he could get.

32/listless(a) /'listlis/

characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit:LANGUID Synonyms: LANGUID, die-away, enervated, lackadaisical, languishing, languorous, limp, spiritless Sample: We had expected him to be full of enthusiasm and were surprised by his listless attitude. Lơ đãng, thờ ơ

58. diaphanous [ ] adj. /dai'æfənəs/ diaphanous<>opaque diaphanous<>substantial diaphanous<>impermeable of light

characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through trong mờ Synonyms: FILMY, flimsy, gauzy, gossamer, sheer, tiffany, transparent Sample: The movie star wore a diaphanous gown.

36/cunning (a) /'kʌniɳ/

characterized by wiliness and trickery. Sự xảo quyệt artless<>cunning/guileful ingenuous<>cunning Synonyms: CLEVER, adroit, canny, dexterous, ingenious, slim, sly Sample: Early critics of Emily Dickinson's poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such cunning.

51/fraudulent (a)/'frɔ:djulənt

characterized by, based on, or done by fraud:DECEITFUL. Có ý gian lận, có ý lừa lọc authenticity:fraudulent=sincerity:hypocritical hoax:fraudulent=paragon:excellent Sample: The government seeks to prevent fraudulent and misleading advertising

11.dissemble /dɪˈsɛmbəl/ dissemble:honesty=snub:politeness dissemble:information=masquerade:feeling ingenuous:dissemble=raffish:preen=polite:snub

che giấu che đậy, giấy giếm to put on a false appearance:conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under some pretense Synonyms: DISGUISE, camouflage, cloak, dissimulate, dress up, mask Sample: He dissembled about his past employment history.

66. condole V/N [kuhn-dohl]

chia buồn (V) express one's sympathetic grief, on the occasion of someone's death, (N) an expression of sympathy with another's grief

54/scooter /'sku:tə/ (a)

child's foot-operated vehicle consisting of a narrow footboard mounted between two wheels tandem with an upright steering handle attached to the front wheel oscillate:swing=momentum:scooter Sample: I like to ride my scooter to work because I can park in a small space.Xe cho trẻ con

135.clamp /ˈklæmp/

chất thành đống kẹp chặt giữ chặt to hold or press (things or parts of a thing) tightly together with a device : to fasten or tighten (something) with a clamp

145.dull /ˈdʌl/ tarnish:dull=vitrify:smooth brilliance<>dullness perspicuous<>dull resplendent<>dull trenchant<>vague/dull

chậm hiểu tối dạ ngu đần lacking brilliance or luster Synonyms: RETARDED, backward, dim-witted, feebleminded, half-witted, imbecile, moronic, simple, simpleminded, slow dim, fade, muddy, pale, tarnish Sample: We need more inquisitive students in this school; lectures are dull.

234.suppress(vt) /səˈprɛs/ suppress<>unrestrain/stimulate

chặn đàn áp to put down by authority or force:SUBDUE Synonyms: CRUSH, annihilate, extinguish, put down, quash, quell, quench, squash

126.quell /kwel/

chế ngự ;đàn áp to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity Synonyms: CRUSH, annihilate, extinguish, put down, quash, quench, squash, suppress Sample: The police used fire hoses and teat gas to quell the rioters.

29/ venial (a)/'vi:njəl/

có thể tha thứ được of a kind that can be remitted:FORGIVABLE, PARDONABLE; also:meriting no particular censure or notice:EXCUSABLE venial:excuse=pellucid:understand Synonyms: excusable, forgivable, pardonable, remittable Sample: We may regard a hugry man's stealing as a venial crime.

54. confluence ['kɒnflʊəns] n. confluence<>divergence

chỗ hợp dòng, ngã ba sông, ngã ba, ngã tư, nơi tụ họp đông người 1. a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers) 2. a flowing together 3. a coming together of people a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point Synonyms: CONCOURSE, concursion, gathering, junction, meeting Sample: They built the city at the confluence of two rivers.

maelstrom ['meɪlstrəm] a.

chỗ nước xoáy, tình trạng hết sức rối loạn về tư tưởng. a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius maelstrom:turbulent=mirage:illusory Synonyms: EDDY, vortex, whirl, whirlpool Sample: The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom.

2. meander (n,v) /mi'ændə/

chỗ sông uốn khúc, quanh co, đi lang thang, đi vớ vẩn (nhặt lá đá ống bơ ^_^) Sample: a river that meandered gently through a meadow

131.alibi /ˈæləˌbaɪ/ alibi:exculpatory=warning:admonishery alibi:exculpate=sophism:deceive)

chứng cớ vắng mặt an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishment Synonyms: EXCUSE, plea, pretext, right Sample: Though her alibi seemed implausible, it in fact turned out to be true.

42/wry (a) /rai/

cleverly and often ironically or grimly humorous also having a bent or twisted shape or condition. Méo mó, nhăn nhó, gượng (cười gượng) fluent:glib=humorous:wry { meticulous:finicky } wry<>even/straight/true/directly/undeviating Synonyms: SARDONIC, cynical, ironic Sample: We enjoy Dorothy Parker's verse for its wry wit.

72. commodious (adj.) [kə'moudjəs]

comfortably or conveniently spacious:ROOMY. rộng rãi, thênh thang, tiện lợi (nghĩa cổ) taut:commodious=extraordinary:purlieu commodious<>constricted/cramped commodious<>constringed Synonyms: SPACIOUS, ample, capacious, roomy, wide Sample: In their incommodious quarters, they had to improvise for closet space.

58/nascent (a) /'næsnt/

coming or having recently come into existence. Mới sinh, mới mọc moribund<>nascent Sample: If we could identify these revolutionary movements in their nascent state, we would be able to eliminate serious trouble in later years.

100.fatuous (adj.) ['fætjuəs]

complacently or inanely foolish:SILLY ngu ngốc, ngốc nghếch, đần độn fatuous<>astute 愚笨的<>机敏的 Synonyms: simple, asinine, brainless, foolish, sheepheaded, silly, unwitty, weak-headed, weak-minded, witless. Sample: Everybody is always laughing behind his back at his fatuous statements.

73. blatant adj. /'bləitənt/ ambiguous:understand=blatant:ignore blatant:arresting=odious:disgusting blatant<>inconspicuous/unimpressive/unobtrusive blatant<>subtle

completely obvious, conspicuous, or obtrusive especially in a crass or offensive manner:BRAZEN hay kêu la, hay la lối, hay làm om xòm rành rành, hiển nhiên - a blatant lie: lời nói dối rành rành Synonyms: VOCIFEROUS, boisterous, obstreperous, vociferant, SHAMELESS, barefaced, brazen, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unabashed, unblushing Sample: Caught in a blatant lie, the scoundrel had only one regret:he wished that he had lied more subtly.

216. impromptu (adj) preparation:EXTEMPORANEOUS ad lib:impromptu=aside:divergent

composed or uttered without previous không chuẩn bị trước, ngẫu hứng Synonyms: EXTEMPORANEOUS, autoschediastic, extemporary, extempore, improvised, offhand, spur-of-the-moment, unrehearsed, unstudied Sample: Her listeners were amazed that such a thorough presentation could be made in an impromptu speech

40/congeal (v) /kən'dʤi:l/

congeal<>melt/disintegrated .Làm đông lại, đóng băng congeal<>fail to solidify Synonyms: COAGULATE, clot, gel, gelate Sample: His blood congealed in his veins as he saw the dread monster rush toward him.

14. discrete /dɪskr'iːt/ (adj.) infinite:exhaust=discrete:overlap

constituting a separate entity : individually distinct riêng biệt, riêng rẽ, rời rạc Synonyms: DISTINCT, different, diverse, separate, several, various Sample: That company is a discrete entity from the others, which are all owned by the parent company.

22. verbose /vɜːrb'oʊs/ (adj.) maladroit:deft=voluble:terse laconism<>verbosity verbosity<>succinctness succinct<>verbose

containing more words than necessary:WORDY dài dòng Synonyms: WORDY, diffuse, long-winded, palaverous, prolix, redundant, windy Sample: This article is too verbose; we must edit it.

74. gasification [ ] n. /,gæsifi'keiʃn/ gasification/vaporization<>solidification

conversion into gas; especially:conversion of coal into natural gas sự khí hoá Sample: Despite many decades of research on the gasification of coal, the data accumulated are not directly applicable to environmental questions; thus a new program of research specifically addressing such questions is warranted.

47rife (a)

copiously supplied:ABOUNDING lan tràn sparse<>rife Synonyms: PREVAILING, current, popular, prevalent, rampant, regnant, ruling, widespread, abounding, overflowing, replete, swarming, teeming, thronged Sample: In the face of the many rumors of scandal, which are rife at the moment, it is best to remain silent.

150.terminus(a) /ˈtɚmənəs/ inception:termination=matriculation:graduation terminus:trip=epilogue:story

cuối cùng either end of a transportation line or travel route; also:the station, town, or city at such a place:terminal Synonyms: END , cease, cessation, conclusion, desistance, ending, finish, period, stop, termination Sample: After we reached the railroad terminus, we continued our journey into the wilderness on saddle horses.

74. pestle noun /ˈpes.l̩/

cái chày a heavy stick made of clay, stone, or metal with a thick, rounded end, used for crushing substances in a mortar (= a small strong bowl) by hitting or rubbing them: Crush the garlic into a paste using a pestle and mortar.

26/ Spoke (n)/spouk/

cái nan hoa small radiating bars inserted in the hub of a wheel to support the rim spoke:hub=radius:center

134.mute /ˈmju:t/

câm to muffle, reduce, or eliminate the sound of Sample: One theory about intelligence sees language as the logical structure underlying thinking and insists that since animals are mute, they must be mindless as well.(9504)

23.tangy /ˈtæŋ/ tangy<>bland

có mùi thơm , hương thơm having a strong, sharp taste or smell

misbehave /¸misbi´heiv/

cư xử không đứng đắn, bậy bạ To behave (oneself) in an inappropriate way, to behave badly Sample: When her son misbehaves, she yells at him instead of telling him why his actions are wrong.

135.gullible /ˈgʌləbəl/ compliant:servile=trusting:gullible gullible:artless=?? gullible:chicanery=servile:domination

cả tin, dễ bị lừa easily duped or cheated Synonyms: EASY, fleeceable, naive, susceptible Sample: She was gullible and trusting, an easy victim for the first swindler who came along.

122.thwart /ˈθwoɚt/ oppose:thwart=treat:cure abet<>thwart/impede thwart<>support/aid thwart<>abet

cản trở phá ngang to oppose successfully:defeat the hopes or aspirations of Synonyms: FRUSTRATE , baffle, balk, beat, bilk, circumvent, dash, disappoint, foil, ruin Sample: He felt that everyone was trying to thwart his plans and prevent his success.

96.scissor (vt.) ['sizə]

cắt bằng kéo

13.celebrity celebrity<>obscurity

danh tieng , su noi tieng the state of being celebrated Synonyms: FAME, notoriety, renown, reputation, repute,luminary, name, notability, notable, somebody Sample: Hamlet resented his mother's celerity in remarrying within a month after his father's death.

oscillate ['ɑsɪleɪt /'ɒs-] v.

dao động, lung lay, lưỡng lự to swing backward and forward like a pendulum oscillate:swing=momentum:scooter Synonyms: SWING, pendulate, sway Sample: On an oscilloscope, you can see an electrical current oscillate up and down.

11. guile /g'aɪl/ (n.) acrid:gentleness=forthright:guile blemish:impeccable=guile:artless impeccable:flaw=ingenuous:guile guile:artless=blemish:flawless gullible:chicanery=servile:domination guile:naif=tardy:prompt artless<>cunning/guile manipulate<>guileless

deceitful cunning:DUPLICITY lừa đảo, mánh Synonyms: DECEIT, cunning, dissemblance, dissimulation, duplicity Sample: His imperturbability in the face of evidence indicating his deliberate fraud failed to reassure supporters of his essential probity; instead, it suggested a talent for guile that they had never suspected.

131.ignominy(a) /ˈɪgnəˌmɪni/ ignominious<>lofty ignominy<>glory, honor; esteem, respect

deep personal humiliation and disgrace Synonyms: DISGRACE, discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, infamy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, shame Sample: The country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of the day when it would be victorious. sự nhục nhã, ô nhục

217. unkempt (adj) unkempt<>dapper

deficient in order or neatness bù xù (tóc...), lôi thôi lếch thếch (quần áo), cẩu thả, không chải chuốt (văn) Synonyms: SLOVENLY, disheveled, ill-kempt, messy, slipshod, sloppy, uncombed, unfastidious, unneat, untidy Sample: The beggar was dirty and unkempt

28. scarce (adj) /sk'eərs/ superfluity<>scarcity myriad<>few/scarce

deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand:not plentiful or abundant khan hiếm, ít ỏi Synonyms: SHORT, deficient, failing, inadequate, insufficient, scant, scanty, shy, unsufficient, wanting Sample: When John's mother found out that he had overthrown his checking account for the third month in a row, she was so irate that she could scarcely speak to him.

150.skimpy /ˈskɪmpi/

deficient in supply or execution especially through skimping:SCANTY bủn xỉn keo kiệt Synonyms: MEAGER, exiguous, poor, scant, scanty, scrimp, scrimpy, skimp, spare, sparse

151.didactic [ ] adj./di'dæktik/ didactic:teach=hortatory:urge=exhortative:urge { generous:liberality } didactic:teach=fantastic:amaze

designed or intended to teach Synonyms: moral, moralizing, preachy, schoolmasterish, sermonic, sermonizing, teachy để dạy học có phong cách nhà giáo, mô phạm

88.sabotage (vt.) ['sæbətɑ:ʒ]

destructive or obstructive action carried on by a civilian or enemy agent to hinder a nation's war effort sự phá hoại (nhất là vì mục đích (công nghiệp), (chính trị) saboteur:disrupt=apologist:defend sabotage:subvertness=bull:intimidation { dupe:duplicity } Synonyms: undermining, wreckage, wrecking Sample: A worker sabotaged wires and cut off electricity to parts of the city.

84.aberrant (adj.) /æ'berənt/

deviating from the usual or natural type:ATYPICAL khác thường aberrant:standard=digressive:topic aberrant<>normal Synonyms: ABNORMAL , anomalous, atypical, deviant, unrepresentative, untypical Sample: The fact that he is late for our meeting is an aberration; he's normally on time.


di trú, nay đây mai đó WANDERING, ROVING migratory<>sedentary Synonyms: migrant, migrative, migratorial, mobile, transmigratory Sample: The return of the migratory birds to the northern sections of this country is a harbinger of spring.

68. recondite [ ] adj /ri'kɔndait/ recondite<>widely understood recondite<>patent recondite<>self explain recondite<>self-evident

difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend:DEEP tối tăm, bí hiểm, khó hiểu recondite style: văn phong khó hiểu a recondite writer: nhà văn khó hiểu Synonyms: abstruse, acroamatic, deep, esoteric, heavy, hermetic, occult, orphic, profound, secret Sample: He read many recondite books in order to obtain the material for the scholarly thesis.

85.desultory (adj.) /'desəltəri/

disappointing in progress or performance:SLUGGISH ko mạch lạc, linh tinh desultory:plan=languid:energy desultory:plan=facile:profundity assiduous<>remiss/desultory Sample: She works in a desultory way and completes nothing.

88. discernible (adj) /dis´ə:nibl/ audible:stentorian=discernable:obvious audible:stentorian=discernible:manifest

discern + ible Sample: Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora. Có thể nhận thức rõ, có thể thấy rõ

23. despondent (adj) /dis'pɔndənt/

feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression nản lòng; thoái chí; thất vọng, chán nản elated<>despondent sanguine<>despondent Synonyms: despairing, desperate, desponding, forlorn, hopeless Sample: He is despondent over his inability to find a job.

100. disaffected (adj.) [,disə'fektid]

discontented and resentful especially against authority REBELLIOUS bất bình, bất mãn; không thân thiện (đối với ai) không trung thành; chống đối lại (chính phủ...) disaffected:contentment=dubious:commitment/conviction officious:meddle=disaffected:rebel disaffected<>contented/win over disaffect<>mollify Sample: She has become disaffected by her work (situation, pay, etc.).

64. chary (adj.) 't∫eəri]

discreetly cautious:as a:hesitant and vigilant about dangers and risks b:slow to grant, accept, or expend thận trọng, cẩn thận, dè dặt chary<>rash Synonyms: CAUTIOUS, calculating, careful, circumspect, considerate, discreet, gingerly, guarded, safe, wary Sample: A prudent, thrifty New Englander, DeWitt was as chary of investing money in junk bonds as he was chary of paying people unnecessary compliments.

98.insubordinate (adj.) [,insə'bɔ:dinit]

disobedient to authority không chịu phục tùng, không chịu vâng lời tractable<>insubordinate/intransigent/incorrigible/obstinate Synonyms: contumacious, factious, insurgent, mutinous, rebellious, seditious Sample: By idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an insubordinate member of his staff, the manager not only contravened established policy, but he also jeopardized his heretofore good chances for promotion.

88.vindictive (adj.) /vin'diktiv/

disposed to seek revenge:VENGEFUL hay thù oán mercenary:money=vindictive:revenge Synonyms: revengeful, vengeful, wreakful Sample: She was very vindictive and never forgave an injury.

140.irresolute /ɪˈrɛsəˌlu:t/

do dự phân vân, không quyết đoán uncertain how to act or proceed:VACILLATING Synonyms: VACILLATING, faltering, halting, hesitant, shilly-shallying, tentative, uncertain, vacillatory, wiggle-waggle, wobbly Sample: She had no respect for him because he seemed weak-willed and irresolute.

52/furtive (a) /'fə:tiv/

done by stealth:SURREPTITIOUS. Trộm, lén lút, bí mật, ngấm ngầm caprice:whimsical=stealth:furtive=discontent:unsatisfied furtive<>open/forthright/brassy furtively<>candidly sublime<>furtive Synonyms: secret, clandestine, covert, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, stealthy, sub-rosa, surreptitious Sample: The boy gave a furtive look at his classmate's test paper

197 drudgery /dr'ʌdʒəri/ (n.) drudgery<>rewarding work

dull, irksome, and fatiguing work:uninspiring or menial labor công việc cực nhọc, lao dịch; kiếp trâu ngựa Synonyms: donkeywork, grind, labor, plugging, toil, travail Sample: Cinderella's fairy godmother rescued her from a life of drudgery.

147.comely /ˈkʌmli/ comeliness<>unattractiveness

duyên dáng dễ thương having a pleasing appearance:not homely or plain Synonyms: BEAUTIFUL, attractive, beauteous, bonny, fair, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty, pulchritudinous Sample: I would rather have a poor and comely wife than a rich and homely one.

86.cord (n.v.)

dây thừng, mối ràng buộc (n.) buộc bằng dây thừng (v.)

62/ adhesive /əd'hi:siv/ (a)

dính, bám chắc

28/ stouthearted (a)

dũng cảm, gan dạ

6.brittle(a) /ˈbrɪtl̟/ manifest:perceive=brittle:break

dễ gãy giòn vỡ easily broken, cracked, or snapped Synonyms: SHORT, crisp, crumbly, crump, crunchy, friable Sample: The brittle fronds of the Boston fern break easily and become brown, so that the overall appearance of the plant is ruined unless the broken fronds are cut off.

239.anticipatory(a) ænˈtɪsəpəˌtori retrospective<>anticipatory

dự báo trước, đoán trước to give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to Synonyms: EXPECTANT, anticipant, anticipative, atiptoe, expecting Sample: The skeleton of a primitive. bird that was recently discovered indicated that this ancient creature anticipated today's birds in that, unlike earlier birds and unlike reptilian ancestors, it had not a tooth in its head.

144.erect /ɪˈrɛkt/ suspend<>erect slouch<>stand erect

dựng lên xây dựng SET UP, ESTABLISH Synonyms: BUILD, construct, put up, raise, rear, uprear Sample: They erected a lighthouse on the promontory to warn approaching ships of their nearness to the shore.

39. choleric (adj) /k'ɒlərɪk/

easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger:hot-tempered nóng tính cowardice:intimidate=choler:antagonize choleric<>difficult to provoke choleric<>pacific Synonyms: choleric, crabbed, cranky, irascible, irritable, testy Sample: His flushed, angry face indicated a choleric nature.

71. palpable [ ] adj. /'pælpəbl/ explicate<>palpable palpable<>subtle impalpable<>clear

easily perceived by the senses; audible, recognizable, perceptible, noticeable, etc. Synonyms: PERCEPTIBLE, appreciable, detectable, discernible, observable, sensible, tangible Sample: I cannot understand how you could overlook such a palpable blunder. sờ mó được rõ ràng, chắc chắn (như sờ thấy được)

86. prosperous (adj.) ['prɔspərəs]

enjoying vigorous and healthy growth:FLOURISHING thịnh vượng; phát đạt; phồn vinh; thành công palmy:prosperity=draconian:severity impecunious<>wealthy/prosperous/affluent prosperous<>depressed 繁荣的<>萧条的 Synonyms: FLOURISHING, booming, prospering, roaring, robust Sample: Paradoxically, England's colonization of North America was undermined by its success:the increasing prosperity of the colonies diminished their dependence upon, and hence their loyalty to, their home country.

60/enrapture (V)/in'ræptʃə/

enraptured<>indifferent . Làm vô cùng thích thú, mê mẩn Synonyms: TRANSPORT, enravish, entrance, ravish, trance Sample: The audience was enraptured by the freshness of the voices and the excellent orchestration.

176. infamy [n] infamy<>good repute

evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal Synonyms: DISGRACE, discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, shame Sample: Jesse James was an infamous outlaw.

117 hub (n) /h'ʌb/ parsimony:frugal=hubris:pride hesitation:reluctance=hubris:pride

exaggerated pride or self-confidencehubristic Sample: Filled with hubris, Lear refused to heed his friends' warnings.

31. caricature (n) /k'ærɪkətʃʊər/ brevity:aphorism=distortion:caricature caricature:presentation=?? exaggeration:caricature=brevity:epigram pithiness:aphorism=exaggeration:caricature

exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics Tranh biếm họa Synonyms: MOCKERY, burlesque, farce, mock, sham, travesty, burlesque, parody, takeoff, travesty Sample: The caricatures he drew always emphasized personal weaknesses of the people he burlesqued.

131.inquiry (n) /in'kwaiəri/ confidence:arrogant=inquiry:interrogatory prying:inquisitive=garish:colorful painful:agonizing=inquisitive:curious

examination into facts or principles:RESEARCH (Sự điều tra, thẩm vấn ) Synonyms: delving, inquest, inquisition, investigation, probe, probing, quest, research Sample: Superficial differences between the special problems and techniques of the physical sciences and those of the biological sciences are sometimes cited as evidence for the autonomy of biology and for the claim that the methods of physics are therefore not adequate to biological inquiry.

49. redundant (adj) /rɪd'ʌndənt/

exceeding what is necessary or normal:SUPERFLUOUS thừa, dư indigent:wealth=redundant:indispensability Synonyms: WORDY, diffuse, long-winded, palaverous, prolix, verbose, windy Sample: The chances that a species will persist are reduced if any vital function is restricted to a single kind of organ; redundancy by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage.

34/avarice (n) /'ævəris/

excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain:GREEDINESS, CUPIDITY. Tính ham lợi, tham lam. avarice:money=gluttony:food stoic:perturb=avaricious:satisfy avarice<>generosity {sobriety} contented<>avaricious Synonyms: CUPIDITY, avariciousness, avidity, greed, rapacity

1.arid /ˈerəd/ marsh:sodden=desert:arid arid<>damp

excessively dry Synonyms: DRY , bone-dry, droughty, moistureless, sere, thirsty, unwatered, waterless Sample: The cactus had adapted to survive in an arid environment.

36. rapacious (adj) /rəp'eɪʃəs/ troubled:distraught=covetous:rapacious )

excessively grasping or covetous Tham lam Synonyms: VORACIOUS, edacious, gluttonous, ravening, ravenous Sample: Hawks and other rapacious birds prey on variety of small animals.

56. cloying [ ] adj. garrulous:talkative=cloying:sweet loquacious:talkative=cloying:sweet

excessively sweet or sentimental Synonyms: SATIATE, fill, glut, gorge, jade, pall, sate, stodge, surfeit Sample: Disliking the cloying sweetness of standard wedding cakes, Jody and Tom chose a homemade carrot cake for their reception. ngọt ngào giả tạo

100.contentious (adj.) [kən'ten∫əs]

exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes hay cãi nhau, hay gây gỗ, hay cà khịa, hay sinh sự meddlesome:pry=contentious:argue contentious<>conciliatory 喜争吵的<>安抚的 contention<>general agreement 争论<>一致同意 Synonyms: BELLIGERENT, bellicose, combative, gladiatorial, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, truculent, warlike Sample: We heard loud and contentious noises in the next room.

5. motile /'moutil/ (adj.) motility<>stasis

exhibiting or capable of movement có thể vận động; di động Sample: Certain organisms exhibit remarkable motility; motile spores, for example, may travel for miles before coming to rest.

68. antiquated [ ] adj 'æntikweitid/

existing since or belonging to earlier times:ANCIENT Synonyms: ANCIENT , aged, age-old, antediluvian, hoary, Noachian, old, timeworn, venerable Sample: Contrary to the antiquated idea that the eighteenth century was a tranquil island of elegant assurance, evidence reveals that life for most people was filled with uncertainty and insecurity. cổ, cổ xưa, cũ kỹ không hợp thời

156. lavish [ ] adj. excoriate<>extol/praise lavishly lavish<>mean lavish<>stint penurious<>lavish impecunious<>lavish/prosperous lavish<>economical lavish<>hoard lavish<>austere

expended or produced in abundance Synonyms: PROFUSE, exuberant, lush, luxuriant, opulent, prodigal, profusive, riotous Sample: In most Native American cultures, an article used in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention to and richness of detail:it is decorated more lavishly than a similar article intended for everyday use. xài phí, lãng phí, hoang toàng to be lavish in spending one's money: ăn tiêu lãng phí hoang toàng to live in lavish style: sống hoang toàng to be lavish in (of) one's praise: khen ngợi quá nhiều lời to lavish money upon one's pleasures: xài tiền hoang phí vào những thú vui to lavish care and affection on one's children: nuông chiều con cái

54/canvass (v) /'kænvəs/

exponent:advocate=pollster:canvass . Bàn cãi, tranh cãi Synonyms: DISCUSS, agitate, argue, debate, dispute, moot, thrash out, toss (around) Sample: After canvassing the sentiments of his constituents, the congressman was confident that he represented the majority opinion of his district.

38. ardor (n) /'ɑːrdər/

extreme vigor or energy:INTENSITY nhiệt tình assuage:sorrow=dampen:ardor alleviate:strength=dampen:ardor torpor<>ardor Synonyms: PASSION , calenture, enthusiasm, fervor, fire, hurrah, zeal Sample: He is full of ardor for her.

19.hoary /ˈhori/ hoary:old=??

extremely old:ANCIENT Synonyms: ANCIENT, aged, age-old, antediluvian, antique, Noachian, old, timeworn, venerable

93. finicky (adj.) ['finiki]

extremely or excessively nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards khó tính, cầu kỳ, kiểu cách ,quá tỉ mỉ fluent:glib=humorous:wry { meticulous:finicky } Synonyms: nice, dainty, fastidious, finical, finicking, fussy, particular, pernickety, persnickety, squeamish Sample: The old lady was finicky about her food and ate very little.

191 propitious /prəp'ɪʃəs/ (adj.) inauspicious<>propitious propitious<>unfavorable

favorably disposed:BENEVOLENT thuận lợi, thuận tiện; tốt, có điềm lành Synonyms: FAVORABLE, auspicious, benign, bright,, fortunate, white Sample: I think it is advisable that we wait for a more propitious occasion to announce our plans; this is not a good time.

30. penitent (adj) /p'enɪtənt/

feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses:REPENTANT ăn năn, hối lỗi penitent:contrition=?? penitent:obdurate=skeptic:credulous impenitent<>contrite Synonyms: REMORSEFUL, apologetic, attritional, compunctious, contrite, penitential, regretful, repentant, sorry Sample: When he realized the enormity of his crime, he became remorseful and penitent.

12. crestfallen (adj) /ˈkrɛstfɔːlən/

feeling shame or humiliation:DEJECTED (buồn, thất vọng, chán nản) crestfallen<>exultant Synonyms: DOWNCAST, blue, cast down, dejected, depressed, disconsolate, dispirited, down, downhearted, low Sample: We were surprised at his reaction to the failure of his project; instead of being crestfallen, he was busily engaged in planning new activities.

7. composed/kəmp'oʊzd/ (adj.) distraught<>composed discombobulate<>compose

free from agitation:CALM; especially:SELF-POSSESSED bình tĩnh, điềm tĩnh Synonyms: COOL, collected, disimpassioned, imperturbable, nonchalant, unflappable, unruffled Sample: We must comply with the terms of the covenant.

81. artless (adj) blemish:impeccable=guile:artless artless<>cunning/guileful artlessness<>urbanity sly<>artless artless<>disingenuous

free from guile or craft:sincerely simple Synonyms: NATURAL, ingenuous, naive, simple, unaffected, unartful, unartificial, unschooled, unsophisticated, unstudied Sample: Early critics of Emily Dickinson's poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such cunning. Chân thật, chất phác

149. innocent [ ] n. /'inəsnt/ culpable<>innocent Sample: Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world devoid of neutrality..

free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil:BLAMELESS Synonyms: GOOD, blameless, exemplary, guiltless, inculpable, irreproachable, pure, righteous, unblam-able, virtuous vô tội; không có tội (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) còn trong trắng; còn trinh ngây thơ không có hại, không hại windows innocent of glass (thông tục) cửa sổ không có kính danh từ :người vô tội; người không có tội đứa bé ngây thơ thằng ngốc, thằng bé ngớ ngẩn massacre (slaughter) of innocents (từ lóng) sự bỏ qua của một số dự luật vì hết ngày giờ (ở cuối khoá họp nghị viện)

44. sterile (adj) /st'eraɪl/

free from living organisms and especially microorganisms verdant<>sterile cằn cỗi / vô trùng /vô ích Synonyms: barren, effete, impotent, infecund, infertile, unfruitful Sample: A hospital's operating room is a sterile area.

4. tempestuous /temp'estʃuəs/ (adj.)

full of extreme emotions and excitement giông bão, đầy dữ dội Synonyms: stormy Sample: For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines.

88. explicit (adj.) [iks'plisit]

fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity:leaving no question as to meaning or intent. rõ ràng explicit<>obscure immanent<>explicit inchoate<>explicit Synonyms: categorical, clean-cut, clear-cut, definite, definitive, express, specific, unambiguous Sample: In certain forms of discourse such as the parable, the central point of a message can be effectively communicated even though this point is not explicit.

126.grisly /ˈgrɪzli/ grisly:flinch=droll:laugh

ghê tởm ghê sợ inspiring horror or intense fear Synonyms: GHASTLY, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, lurid, macabre, terrible, terrifying Sample: She shuddered at the grisly sight.

68/impertinent (a) /im'pə:tinənt/

given to or characterized by insolent rudeness. Xấc láo impertinent:propriety=keen:obtuseness perturb:serenity=impertinent:propriety impertinence<>respect/relevence obeisant<>impertinent Synonyms: officious, meddlesome, intrusive, obtrusive Sample: I regard your remarks as impertinent and I resent them.

24. FOR DUNG "CARNAL" with love :3 voluptuous /vəl'ʌptʃuəs/ (adj.) voluptuary<>ascetic spartan<>sybaritic/indulgent/voluptuous/luxurious voluptuous<>spartan voluptuous<>self constrained/self denying ascetic<>voluptuary

given to or spent in enjoyments of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications ưa khoái lạc, ưa nhục dục Synonyms: SENSUOUS, epicurean, luscious, lush, luxurious, sensual, sensualistic Sample: The nobility during the Renaissance led voluptuous lives.

102. garrulous /g'ærələs/ (adj) garrulous:talkative=cloying:sweet garrulous:talkative=fussy:careful garrulous/loquacious:words=prodigal:money

given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity:pointlessly or annoyingly talkative nói nhiều, ba hoa Synonyms: talktive, babblative, chatty, loose-lipped, loose-tongued, loquacious, multiloquent, talky, tonguey Sample: Many club members avoided the company of the garrulous junior executive because his contant chatter bored them to tears.

177. malicious [adj] /mə'liʃəs/ malicious:ill will=exaggerating:hyperbole malicious:ill will=diligent:effort expansive<>malicious

given to, marked by, or arising from malice (hiểm độc, có ác tâm; có hiềm thù) Synonyms: bitchy, catty, despiteful, evil, hateful, malevolent, malign, malignant, nasty, rancorous, spiteful, spitish, vicious, wicked Sample: No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that is designed to infect and electronically damage the disks on which data are stored.

60/sympathetic (a) ,simpə'θətik

given to, marked by, or arising from sympathy, compassion, friendliness, and sensitivity to others' emotions. Thông cảm callous<>sympathetic Synonyms: CONSONANT, agreeable, compatible, congenial, congruous, consistent Sample: The characterization of historical analysis as a form of fiction is not likely to be received sympathetically by either historians or literary critics, who agree that history and fiction deal with distinct orders of experience

78. torrid (adj.) /'tɔrid/

giving off intense heat:scorching nóng như thiêu torrid<>arctic Sample: The fire was so torrid that firefighters could not get near it.

40. bonhomie (n) /b'ɒnəmi/

good-natured easy friendliness congenial:bonhomie=?? bonhomie:good natured=?? tính thân thiện

83. autocracy (n.) [ɔ:'tɔkrəsi]

government in which one person possesses unlimited power chế độ chuyên quyền pundit:??=autocracy:power Synonyms: TYRANNY, despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism Sample: He ran his office like an autocrat, giving no one else any authority.

30. want (n) /w'ɒnt/ repletion<>want

grave and extreme poverty that deprives one of the necessities of life sự nghòe túng, sự thiếu Synonyms: POVERTY, destitution, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence, need, neediness, penury, poorness, privation Sample: She is poor and in want of basic things.

76. consensus (n.) [kən'sensəs]

group solidarity in sentiment and belief sự đồng lòng, sự đồng tâm, sự nhất trí Synonyms: consent , unison , accord , agreement Sample: Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy, primarily because the policy objectives of various members of Congress rest on such divergent assumptions.

80. prepossessing adjective /ˌpriː.pəˈzes.ɪŋ/

gây cảm tình, dễ thương interesting, noticeable, or attractive: He wasn't a very prepossessing sort of person.

150.anesthetic /ˌænəsˈθɛtɪk/ analgesic:pain=anesthetic:sensation aseptic:disinfections=anesthetic:numbs pain:analgesic:sensation:anesthetic soporific:alertment=anesthetic:pain sensation<>anesthesia

gây mê lacking awareness or sensitivity Synonyms: ANODYNE, analgesic, pain-killer Sample: His monotonous voice acted like an anesthetic; his audience was soon asleep.

238.decant(v) /dɪˈkænt/

gạn chắt to pour out, transfer, or unload as if by pouring subterfuge:deceive=decant:pour Sample: Be sure to decant this wine before serving it.

29. deleterious (adj) /d'elɪt'ɪəriəs/

harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way wholesome<>deleterious deleterious<>salutary/salubrious có hại Synonyms: HARMFUL, damaging, detrimental, hurtful, injurious, mischievous, nocent, nocuous, prejudicial, prejudicious Sample: It is a great advantage to be able to transfer useful genes with as little extra gene material as possible, because the donor's genome may contain, in addition to desirable genes, many genes with deleterious effects.

32. consonance (n) ['kɒnsənəns]

harmony or agreement among components hài hòa, thuận tai consonant<>dissonant consonant<>discrepant Synonyms: HARMONY, accord, agreement, chime, concord, concordance, tune Sample: Her agitation seemed out of consonance with her usual calm

19. cacophony (n) /kæ'kɔfəni/

harsh or discordant sound:DISSONANCE tiếng lộn xộn, chối tai, âm tạp, không hài hòa cacophonous<>dulcet/euphonious Synonyms: DISSONANT, cacophonic, discordant, disharmonic, disharmonious, inharmonic, inharmonious, unharmonious, unmusical Sample: Some people seem to enjoy the cacophony of an orchestra that is tuning up.

143.racy /ˈreɪsi/

having a strongly marked quality:PIQUANT sâu sắc hấp dẫn Synonyms: PUNGENT, peppery, piquant, poignant, snappy, spicy, zesty Sample: She writes racy novels about rich men and beautiful women.

90.morose (adj.)

having a sullen and gloomy disposition buồn rầu Synonyms: SULLEN, crabbed, dour, gloomy, glum, saturnine, sulky, surly, ugly Sample: When we first meet Hamlet, we find him morose and depressed.

65/hidebound (a)

having an inflexible or ultraconservative character contumacious:authority=reactionary/hidebound/ conservative:change/innovation/novelty hidebound:conservative=peeved:annoyed hidebound:conservative=manic:interested/excited {peeved:annoyed } Synonyms: ILLIBERAL, bigoted, brassbound, intolerant, narrow, narrow-minded, small-minded, unenlarged

54.effete /e'fi:t/ (adj) effete<>hale/sound

having lost character, vitality, or strength Synonyms: STERILE, barren, impotent, infecund, infertile, unfruitful ,depleted, done, done in, drained, exhausted, far-gone, spent, used up, washed-out, worn-out, decadent, decayed, degenerate, overripe Sample: The literature of the age reflected the effete condition of the writers; no new ideas were forthcoming. kiệt sức, mòn mỏi; suy yếu, bất lực; hết thời

134.versatile ˈvɚsətl̟

having many uses or applications nhiều tài, đa năng, linh hoạt, Synonyms: adaptable, all-around, ambidextrous, many-sided, mobile, myriad-minded Sample: He was a versatile athlete; at college he had earned varsity letters in baseball, football, and track.

10. taut /t'ɔːt/ (adj.) slacken:tautness=dilute:strength taut:commodious=extraordinary:purlieu tauten<>loosen/slacken taut<>slack lax<>taut

having no give or slack:tightly drawn kéo căng lên Synonyms: TIGHT , close, tense Sample: The captain maintained that he ran a taut ship.

57/immaculate (a) /i'mækjulit/

having no stain or blemish:PURE. Tinh khiết, trong trắng, ko chê vào đâu được squalor<>immaculate Synonyms: CHASTE, clean, decent, modest, pure, spotless, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, unsullied Sample: The West Point cadets were immaculate as they lined up for inspection.

72. footloose [ ] adj. dauntless:trepidation=footloose:attachment footloose<>attached

having no ties:free to move about Sample: After military service, he was footloose and fancy-free, so he toured Europe. Sample: After military service, he was footloose and fancy-free, so he toured Europe. footloose and fancy-free: tự do hành động theo ý chí cá nhân

22.abstract abstract<>elaborate abstraction<>attention

having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content trừu tượng Synonyms: hypothetical, ideal, theoretical, NEUTRAL, detached Sample: To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he had never missed a meal.

53. crass [ ] adj. /kræs/ crass<>refined

having or indicating such grossness of mind as precludes delicacy and discrimination đặc, dày đặc; thô thô bỉ, đần độn, dốt đặc crass mind: trí óc đần độn crass ignorance: sự dốt đặc Synonyms: COARSE, crude, gross, inelegant, raw, rough, rude, uncouth, unrefined, vulgar Sample: The philosophers deplored the crass commercialism.

92. cryptic (adj) /´kriptik/ cipher:cryptic=precis:concise cryptic:perplex=?? cryptic<>self explain cryptic<>self explanatory

having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning:MYSTERIOUS Synonyms: dark, Delphian, enigmatic, mystifying Sample: His cryptic remarks could not be interpreted. Khó hiểu, bí ẩn

89. indigenous (adj.) in'didʒinəs]

having originated in and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment - bản xứ, bản địa exotic<>indigenous indigenous<>nonnative indigenous<>foreign Synonyms: INNATE , congenital, connate, connatural, inborn, inherited, native, natural, unacquired Sample: Tobacco is one of the indigenous plants that the early explorers found in this country.

77. petty (adj.) ['peti]

having secondary rank or importance:MINOR, SUBORDINATE. nhỏ mọn, lặt vặt, tầm thường petty:notice=mysterious:explain{contemptible:respect} Synonyms: inconsequent, inconsequential, inconsiderable, measly, Mickey Mouse, niggling, paltry, peanut, peddling, pettifogging, picayune, picayunish, piddling, piffling, pimping, puny, small, trifling, trivial, unconsequential, unconsidered, ungenerous, unvital Sample: Children invariably get involved in petty squabbles; wise parents know when to interfere and when to let the children work things out on their own.

210. balmy (adj) inclement<>balmy balmy<>piquant

having the qualities of balm:SOOTHING 1. thơm ngát 2. êm dịu Synonyms: GENTLE , bland, faint, lenient, mild, smooth, soft Sample: A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast

7. sodden (adj) /'sɔdn/

heavy with or as if with moisture or water (ẩm, đẫm nước, đầy nước) Synonyms: SATURATED, soggy, soppy, logged Sample: He set his sodden overcoat near the radiator to dry.

56. apposite [ /'æpəzit/ ] adj.

highly pertinent or appropriate:APT apposite<>extraneous thích hợp, thích đáng, đúng lúc an apposite remark: một lời nhận xét thích đáng Synonyms: RELEVANT, ad rem, applicable, applicative, applicatory, apropos, germane, material, pertinent, pointful Sample: He was always able to find the apposite phrase, the correct expression for every occasion.

53/smug (a) /smʌg/

highly self-satisfied. Thiển cận mà tự mãn smirk:smugness=sneer:derision primp:vain=gloat:smug Synonyms: COMPLACENT, priggish, self-complacent, self-contented, self-pleased, self-satisfied Sample: The action and charades in a melodrama can be so immediately classified that all observers can hiss the villain with an air of smug but enjoyable condescension

31. husky (adj) /h'ʌski/

hoarse with or as if with emotion khàn khàn, khô khan husky<>delicate Synonyms: HOARSE, croaking, croaky, gruff Sample: He is a husky boy.

132.visionary(adj) /ˈvɪʒəˌneri visionary:idealistic=officious:obliging miscreant:criminal=visionary:delusion

hão huyển , ảo mộng incapable of being realized or achieved:UTOPIAN Synonyms: DREAMY, astral, daydreaming, daydreamy, otherworldly, unworldly Sample: She was given to visionary schemes that never materialized.

79. frowsy / frowzy (adj.) ['frauzi]

hôi hám bẩn tưởi, nhếch nhác

139.raffish /ˈræfɪʃ/

hư hỏng , phóng đãng marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness Synonyms: WILD, devil-may-care, fast, gay, rakehell, rakish, sporty

148.condescending ,kɔndi'sendiɳ/

hạ mình , chiếu cố showing or characterized by condescension:PATRONIZING Sample: The action and charades in a melodrama can be so immediately classified that all observers can hiss the villain with an air of smug but enjoyable condescension.

136.renovate /ˈrɛnəˌveɪt/

hồi phục làm mới lại to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding) Synonyms: REVIVE, reactivate, rekindle, renew, resurrect, resuscitate, retrieve, revitalize, revivify Sample: They claim that they can renovate worn shoes so that they look like new ones.

7.convergent /kənˈvɚʤənt/ convergent<>moving apart discrepancy<>convergence converge<>spread out

hội tụ tending to move toward one point or to approach each other:CONVERGING Synonyms: converging , confluent Sample: Marchers converged on Washington for the great Save Our Cities-Save Our Children Marc

3. infinite /'ɪnfɪnɪt/ (adj.) infinite:exhaust=discrete:overlap unique:precedent=infinite:end

immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive:INEXHAUSTIBLE không bờ bến, vô tận; vô vàn, vô hạn Synonyms: eternal, illimitable, perdurable, sempiternal, supertemporal Sample: In the nineteenth century, novelists and unsympathetic travelers portrayed the American West as a land of unremitting adversity, whereas promoters and idealists created a compelling image of a land of infinite promise.

27/crucial (a)/'kru:ʃjəl/

important or essential as resolving acrisis:DECISIVE relevant:crucial=perceptible:obvious crucial<>inconsequential Synonyms: ACUTE, climacteric, critical, desperate, dire Sample: Despite its virtues, the book deals inadequately with a number of crucial issues.

35. irreducible (adj) /'ɪrɪdj'uːsɪbəl/

impossible to transform into or restore to a desired or simpler condition factorable<>irreducible tối giản, ko thể giảm bớt được

82. fast

in a firm or fixed manner bền, không phai, chắc chắn fast<>loosely attach Synonyms: HARD, firm, firmly, fixedly, solidly, steadfastly, tight, tightly Sample: That door won't open; it is stuck fast.

78. inevitable (adj.) [in'evitəbl]

incapable of being avoided or evaded. không thể tránh được, chắc chắn xảy ra (thông tục) vẫn thường thấy; vẫn thường nghe; quen thuộc Sample: If the state government's latest budget problems were anomalous, it would not be useful to employ them as illuminating examples in the effort to avoid the inevitable effects of shortsighted fiscal planning in the future.

124. indulgent (adj) /ɪnd'ʌldʒənt/ abstemious:indulge=austere:decorate glutton:overindulgence=ascetic:self denial indulge:adherent=slovenly:dapper appetite:indulge=?? spartan<>sybaritic/indulgent/voluptuous/luxurious draconian<>indulgent/mild martinet<>indulgent person indulgent<>ascetic

indulging or characterized by indulgence; especially:LENIENT nuông chiều Synonyms: FORBEARING, charitable, clement, easy, lenient, merciful, tolerant Sample: The indulgent parents spoil their children by giving in to their every whim.

51. agony [ ] n. /'ægəni/ painful:agonizing=important:paramount agonized:distress=obsessed:concern

intense pain of mind or body:ANGUISH, TORTURE Synonyms: DISTRESS, dolor, misery, passion, suffering Sample: She burned herself on the stove and was in agony sự đau đớn, sự khổ cực, sự thống khổ; sự quằn quại; sự đau đớn cực đô (về thể xác) to suffer agonies: chịu nỗi thống khổ sự lo âu khắc khoải cơn hấp hối agony of death; death agony: cơn hấp hối sự vật lộn sự vui thích đến cực độ to be in an agony of joy: vui sướng đến cực độ

82. frivolous (adj) /´frivələs frivolous:gravity=brash:discretion grandeur<>frivolous frivolous<>sober temperance<>frivolous

intensely cold Synonyms: giddy, bird-witted, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, harebrained, rattlebrained Sample: Though Nancy enjoyed Bill's frivolous, lighthearted companionship, she sometimes wondered whether he could ever be serious. Phù phiếm, nhẹ dạ, bông lông Không đáng kể, nhỏ mọn; vô tích sự

74. ghastly adj. /'gɑ:stli/

intensely unpleasant, disagreeable, or objectionable ghastly:unpleasant=?? Synonyms: grim, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, lurid, macabre, terrible, terrifying Sample: The murdered man was a ghastly sight. ghê sợ, ghê khiếp tái mét, nhợt nhạt như xác chết (thông tục) kinh khủng rùng rợn, trông phát khiếp (nụ cười) tái mét, nhợt nhạt như người chết to look ghastly pale: trông tái mét, nhợt nhạt như người chết

143. fervor [ ] n. /'fə:və/ fervour ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic fervor:zealot=improvidence:spendthrift zealotry<>lack of fervor fervor<>indifferent fervor<>uninterested

intensity of feeling or expression sự nóng gắt, sự nóng bỏng sự nhiệt tình, sự hăng hái; sự tha thiết; sự sôi nổi Synonyms: passion, ardor, calenture, enthusiasm, fire, hurrah, zeal Sample: On this solemn day, the congregation responded to the prayers of the priest during the litany with fervor and intensity.

48/equity (n)/'ekwiti/

justice according to natural law or right; specifically:freedom from bias or favoritism. Tính công bằng, tính hợp lý illiteracy:education=inequity:redistribution equitable<>discriminatory/unfair Sample: My equity in my brokerage account is $15,000 because I have $20,000 in stock but owe $5,000 as a loan.

135.zest /ˈzɛst/

keen enjoyment:RELISH, GUSTO vị ngon mùi thơm Synonyms: TASTE, gusto, heart, palate, relish Sample: She has a zest for life.

133.commonsense preposterous<>commonsensical

khôn ngoan the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way and to make good decisions You really should go to see a doctor if your leg hurts that much. It's just common sense!

145.improvident /ɪmˈprɑ:vədənt/

không biết lo xa, lãng phí not provident:not foreseeing and providing for the future Synonyms: thriftless, unthrift, unthrifty Sample: He was constantly being warned to mend his improvident ways and begin to "save for a rainy day."

132.immutable /ɪˈmju:təbəl/ immutable:altered=implacable:propitiated transitory:endure=immutable:change immutable<>variable

không thể thay đỏi tđược not capable of or susceptible to change Sample: Scientists are constantly seeking to discover the immutable laws of nature.

231.dour ˈduɚ dour:geniality=bumptious:humbleness dour<>congenial/genial dour<>jocund

khắc khỏ STERN, HARSH Synonyms: SULLEN, crabbed, gloomy, glum, morose, saturnine, sulky, surly, ugly Sample: A man with a dour look on his face lives alone in that house.

137.ascetic /əˈsɛtɪk/ glutton:overindulgence=ascetic:self-denial ascetic:self-denial=busybody:intrusive sybarite<>ascetic voluptuary<>ascetic indulgent<>ascetic ascetic<>voluptuary

khổ hạnh austere in appearance, manner, or attitude Synonyms: SEVERE, astringent, austere, mortified, stern Sample: The wealthy young man could not understand the ascetic life led by the monks.

237.colossal /kəˈlɑ:səl/ antediluvian:age=colossal:size

khổng lồ to lớn of a bulk, extent, power, or effect approaching or suggesting the stupendous or incredible Synonyms: HUGE, behemothic, cyclopean, elephantine, gargantuan, gigantic, mammoth, monstrous, titanic, vast Sample: Radio City Music Hall has a colossal stage.

130.steadfast ˈstɛdˌfæst

kiên định không dao động; vững chắc cố định firmly fixed in place:IMMOVABLE Synonyms: STAUNCH, adamant, resolute Sample: Penelope was steadfast in her affections, faithfully waiting for Ulysses to return from his wanderings.

62. procure [prəʊ'kjʊr /prə'kjʊə] vt. procure<>relinquish

kiếm được, thu được, dắt gái to get possession of:obtain by particular care and effort Synonyms: GET, acquire, annex, compass, gain, have, land, obtain, pick up, secure Sample: The personnel department handles the procurement of new employees.

146.foment /ˈfoʊˌmɛnt/ conducive:foment=tonic:invigorate disseminate:information=foment:discontentment defuse<>foment foment<>inhibit quell<>foment/instigate/rouse squelch<>foment

kích thích to promote the growth or development of:ROUSE, INCITE Synonyms: incite, abet, instigate, provoke, raise, set, set on, stir(up), whip(up) Sample: This report will foment disssension in the club

65. airtight adjective /ˈeə.taɪt/

kín gió completely closed so that no air can get in or out: Biscuits will stay crisp if you keep them in an airtight container.

30/ precipitation (n)/pri,sipi'teiʃn/

kết tủa, sự vội vạng, (khí tượng) mưa something precipitated:as a deposit on the earth of hail, mist, rain, sleet, or snow snow:precipitation=hurricane:cyclone Synonyms: HASTE , hastiness, hurriedness, precipitancy, rush Sample: The hydrologic cycle,a major topic in this science,is the complete cycle of phenomena through which water passes,beginning as atmospheric water vapor,passing into liquid and solid form as precipitation,thence along and into the ground surface,and finally again returning to the form of atmospheric water vapor by means of evaporation and transpiration.

60/rigmarole (n) /'rigməroul/

kể luyên thuyên

uncanny /ʌn'kæni/ a.

kỳ lạ, huyền bí, không đáng tin tưởng seeming to have a supernatural character or origin:EERIE, MYSTERIOUS Synonyms: WEIRD, eerie, spooky, unearthly Sample: She has an uncanny flair for discovering new artists before the public has become aware of their existence.

10. maladroit (n) /'mælə'drɔit/

lacking adroitness:INEPT vụng về, lóng ngóng, không khéo tay deft<>maladroit Synonyms: AWKWARD, bumbling, clumsy, gauche, halting, ham-handed, heavy-handed, inept, lumbering, unhandy Sample: In his usual maladroit way, he managed to upset the cart and spill the food.

18. awkward /'ɔːkwərd/ (adj.) craven:admirable=deft:awkward dexterous:awkward=?? lithe<>awkward svelte<>paunchy and awkward

lacking dexterity or skill lúng túng, ngượng ngịu, vụng về Synonyms: CLUMSY , lumbering, lumpish, ungainly Sample: Martha Graham introduced a form of choreography that seemed awkward and alien to those who had been brought up on classic ballet.

15. nondescript (adj) /'nɔndiskript/

lacking distinctive or interesting qualities:DULL, DRAB khó nhận rõ, khó tả, khó phân loại nondescript<>conspicuous nondescript<>remarkable/striking Sample: The private detective was a short, nondescript fellow with no ourstanding features, the sort of person one would never notice in a crowd.

54/labored(a) glib<>labored

lacking ease of expression Synonyms: HARD, arduous, difficult, effortful, heavy, laborious, operose, strenuous, toilsome, uphill Sample: After she climbed the stairs, her breathing was labored.

11. limp (adj) /l'ɪmp/ limp<>firm

lacking firm texture, substance, or structure mềm yếu Synonyms: STUMBLE, muddle, shuffle Sample: The flowers are limp from lack of water.

195 hackneyed /h'æknid/ (adj.) windy:concise=hackneyed:original equivocation:misleading=bromide:hackneyed equivocate:misleading=cliched:hackneyed offbeat<>hackneyed bromide<>unhackneyed

lacking in freshness or originality nhàm, lặp đi lặp lại Synonyms: TRITE, bathetic, cliche, commonplace, hack, stale, timeworn, tired, well-worn, worn-out Sample: The English teacher criticized her story because of its hackneyed and unoriginal plot.

114 licentious (adj) /laɪs'entʃəs/ caviler:carping=libertine:licentious voluble:verbosity=licentious:dissoluteness licentiousness<>moral restrain

lacking legal or moral restraints; especially:disregarding sexual restraints phóng túng, tùy tiện / dâm loạn Synonyms: ABANDONED, dissolute, profligate, reprobate, self-abandoned, unprincipled Sample: The licentious monarch helped bring about his country's downfall.

57. conventional [ ] adj. /kən'venʃənl/ hero:admirable=eccentric:unconventional eccentric:conventional=doyen:uninitiated offbeat<>conventional

lacking originality or individuality:TRITE quy ước; theo tập quán, theo tục lệ the conventional type of the car: kiểu ô tô thường conventional bombs (weapons): bom (vũ khí) thường (không phải nguyên tử) conventional warfare: chiến tranh với vũ khí thường (không phải nguyên tử) Sample: George Bernard Shaw's iconoclastic plays often startled more conventional people.

102 gauche (adj) /g'oʊʃ/ cacophony:voice=gaucherie:skill gaucheness<>polish

lacking social experience or grace; also:not tactful:CRUDE vụng về Sample: Such remarks are gauche and out of place; you should apologize for making them.

26. rickety (adj) /r'ɪkɪti/

lacking stability or firmness:SHAKY cloth:ragged=furniture:rickety yếu ớt, ọp ẹp Synonyms: rachitic, rackety, rattletrap, shaky, wobbly; Sample: To locate a book on the top shelf of the stacks, Lee had to scale an exceptionally rickety ladder.

221.excursive(a) eks'kə:siv digress:excursive=reiterate:redundant

lan man,tản mạn, lạc đề constituting a digression:characterized by digression Sample: We took an excursion to Alaska on a cruise ship.


lang thang traveling or given to traveling amorphous:shape=errant:course doctrine:heretical=course:errant digress:topic=errant:standard Synonyms: ERRATIC, devious, stray, wandering Sample: Many a charming taerrantle has been written about the knights-errant who helped the weak and punished the guilty during the Age of Chivalry.

113 exhortation (n) [‚egzɔː'teɪʃn] exhortation:motivate=invective:discredit exhortation:motivate=persiflage:incite exhortation:motivate=obloquy:discredit exhortative:urge=didactic:teach { risible:ridicule}

language intended to incite and encourage sự hô hào, lời cổ vũ Sample: The evangelist will exhort all sinners in his audience to reform.

213. everlasting (adj) countless/innumerable/myriad/untold:number=everlasting/interminable:duration

lasting or enduring through all time:ETERNAL Synonyms: amaranthine, ceaseless, endless, eternal, immortal, never-ending, unending, world-without-end Sample: Your evasive answers convinced the judge that you were witholding important evidence

84. insouciant (adj.) [in'su:sjənt]

lighthearted unconcern:NONCHALANCE. ko lo nghĩ, vô tâm tenacious:yield=insouciant:worry Synonyms: HAPPY-GO-LUCKY, carefree, free-minded, lighthearted, lightsome Sample: Your insouciant attitude at such a critical moment indicates that you do not understand the gravity of the situation.

12. giddy /g'ɪdi/ (adj.) giddiness<>grave giddy<>serious

lightheartedly silly:FRIVOLOUS choáng váng Synonyms: bird-witted, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, harebrained, hoity-toity, light, light-headed, rattlebrained, scatterbrained, silly, skittish, volage, yeasty Sample: He felt his giddy youth was past.

133.provincial (adj) /provincial/ bigot:tolerant=provincial:cosmopolitan{servile:domination} ecumenical<>factionalism/provincial

limited in outlook:NARROW (có tính chất tỉnh lẻ, có tác phong tỉnh lẻ ) Synonyms: INSULAR, local, parochial, sectarian, small-town Sample: As provincial governor, Sir Henry administered the Queen's law in his remote corner of Canada.

86.sublime (adj.)

lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner cái hùng vĩ cái siêu phàm Synonyms: GRAND , elevated, exalted, lofty, superb Sample: Mother Teresa has been honored for her sublime deeds.

126.rationalize /ˈræʃənəˌlaɪz/

làm hợp lí hóa, giải thích sao cho phù hơp to provide plausible but untrue reasons for conduct {equivocation:definite} Synonyms: EXPLAIN, account, explain away, justify Sample: All attempts at rationalization at this time are doomed to failure; tempers and emotions run too high for intelligent thought to prevail.

133.discompose ,diskəm'pouz/

làm lo lắng bối rối to destroy the composure of Synonyms: agitate, bother, discombobulate, dismay, disquiet, disturb, flurry, fluster, perturb, unhinge, unsettle, untune, upset Sample: The novice square dancer became so discomposed that he wandered into wrong set.

34/ entangle(v)/,intə'tæɳgl/

làm mắc bẫy, làm vướng vào to wrap or twist together:INTERWEAVE exoneration:blame=disentangle:snarl disembarrass:entanglement=?? disentangle<>snarl Synonyms: ensnarl, intertangle, perplex, snarl, tangle Sample: She entangled her friends in foolish schemes to get rich.

130.dilute /daɪˈlu:t/ slacken:tautness=dilute:strength/concentration dilute:concentrated=??

làm nhạt làm giảm to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture Sample: My tea was too strong, so I diluted it with more water.

142.discomfit /dɪsˈkʌmfət/ discomfit:blush=contemptuous:sneer discomfit<>mollify

làm rối to put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment:DISCONCERT Sample: The king was discomfitted by the loss of the battle.

70. debilitate verb /dɪˈbɪl.ɪ.teɪt/

làm yếu sức to make someone or something physically weak: Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.

150.oblige /əˈblaɪʤ/

làm ơn to do a favor for Synonyms: accommodate, convenience, favor Sample: Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the reproaches of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its prompting before he acted. ex: They asked for food and he obliged with soup and sandwiches.

62. impudent Adj /ˈɪm·pjə·dənt/

láo xược rude and not showing respect

136.sentinel /ˈsɛntənəl/ sentinel:watchful=epicure:discriminating sentient<>unconscious

lính canh SENTRY:GUARD, WATCH; especially:a soldier standing guard at a point of passage (as a gate) Sample: Though camped in enemy territory, Bledsoe ignored the elementary precaution of posting sentinels around the encampment.

134.officious /əˈfɪʃəs/ attentive:officious=refined:snobbish {absorbed:engrossed } officious:meddle=disaffected:rebel visionary:idealistic=officious:obliging officious:attentive=parsimony:frugal politic<>injudicious {officious}

lăng xăng volunteering one's services where they are neither asked nor needed:MEDDLESOME Synonyms: IMPERTINENT, busy, intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive, polypragmatic Sample: After her long flight, Jill just wanted to nap, but the officious bellboy was intent on showing her all the special features of the deluxe suite.

225.satire(n) /ˈsæˌtajɚ/ panegyric:eulogize=lampoon:satirize satire:ridicule=elegy:sorrow reportage:journalist=ridicule:satirist {choreography:dancer} satire:lampoon=diligence:effort limerick:poem=lampoon:satire

lơi châm biếm, văn châm biếm a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn Synonyms: lampoonery, raillery, satiricalness Sample: Gulliver's Travels, which is regarded by many as a tale for children, is actually a bitter satire attacking human folly.

20.obsolete /ˌɑ:bsəˈli:t/

lạc hậu of a kind or style no longer current Synonyms: dead, disused, extinct, outmoded, outworn, superseded Sample: Doors were closing on our past, and soon the values we had lived by would become so obsolete that we would seem to people of the new age as quaint as travelers from an ancient land.

127.bygone /ˈbaɪˌgɑ:n/

lỗi thời gone by:PAST; especially:OUTMODED Synonyms: OLD-FASHIONED, antiquated, antique, archaic, belated, dated, oldfangled, old-time, out-of-date Sample: We used to argue all the time, but now we have let bygones be bygones and are friends.

140.denude dɪˈnu:d denude<>cover

lột trần làm trần trụi ( giờ mới biết từ " để nude " bắt nguồn từ cái này) to strip of all covering or surface layers Synonyms: STRIP, bankrupt, bare, denudate, deprive, dismantle, disrobe, divest Sample: The hurricane denuded the trees of their leaves.

135.hint /ˈhɪnt/

lời gợi ý a slight indication of the existence, approach, or nature of something:CLUE Sample: The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a fifteenth-century palace, sought to legitimize the city's social strivings by evoking a history the city did not truly possess.

127.compliment /ˈkɑ:mpləmənt/

lời khen expressing or containing a compliment Synonyms: COMMEND, acclaim, applaud, hail, kudize, praise, recommend Sample: Complimented on her appearance, Stella self-consciously simpered

147.quip(n) /ˈkwɪp/

lời nhận xét dí dỏm, chua cay a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment Sample: You are unpopular because you are too free with your quips and sarcastic comments

25.victimize /ˈvɪktəˌmaɪz/ victimize<>treat fairly

lừa bịp to subject to deception or fraud:CHEAT Synonyms: DUPE, bamboozle, flimflam, fool, gull, hoax, hoodwink, hornswoggle, pigeon, trick Sample: The dishonest man victimized an old lady by cheating her.

94. counterfeit (n.) ['kauntəfit]

made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive:FORGED vật giả, vật giả mạo sophism:reasoning=counterfeit:money Synonyms: ASSUME, act, affect, bluff, fake, feign, pretend, put on, sham, simulate Sample: Criminals counterfeited the $20 bills by printing them secretly.

13. hearten (v) /'hɑ:tn/

make more cheerful or confident: cổ vũ, động viên, làm cho phấn khởi. she was heartened to observe that the effect was faintly comic

140.unflappable (adj) unflappable:upset=obstinate:persuade unflappable<>disturbed

marked by assurance and self-control (Điềm tĩnh) Synonyms: COOL , collected, composed, disimpassioned, imperturbable, nonchalant, unruffled Sample: A general must be unflappable when fighting the enemy.

67. succinct (adj.) [sək'siηkt]

marked by compact precise expression without wasted words.ngắn gọn, cô đọng, súc tích babble<>express succinctly voluble<>taciturn/laconic/succinct/reticent succinct<>verbose Synonyms: CONCISE, breviloquent, brief, compendiary, compendious, curt, laconic, short, summary, terse Sample: His remarks are always succinct and pointed

75/messy (a) 'mesi/

marked by confusion, disorder, or dirt:UNTIDY. Hỗn độn Sample: Her room is always messy with magazines and clothes everywhere.

72. genteel adjective /dʒenˈtiːl/

quý phái, thượng lưu - typical of a high social class: - being very polite, or trying too hard to seem of a higher social class than you really are - calm and gentle

7. meticulous (adj) /mi'tikjuləs/ meticulous<>carelessness

marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details quá cẩn thận, tỉ mỉ, kĩ càng Synonyms: CAREFUL, conscientious, conscionable, exact, fussy Sample: He was meticulous in checking his accounts and never made mistakes.

29/ resolute /'rezəlu:t/ (a)

marked by firm determination:RESOLVED Cương Quyết indubitable:questioned=resolute:sway daunt<>make resolute jittery<>resolute Synonyms: DECIDED, bent, decisive, determined, intent, resolved, set, settled Sample: Nothing could shake his resolution to succeed despite all difficulties

61/exquisite (a) /'ekskwizit/.

marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution tawdry<>exquisite Synonyms: CHOICE, dainty, delicate, elegant, rare, recherch, select, superior Sample: The detail on the watch face is exquisite.

120. liberal (adj.) ['libərəl] heretic:unconformity=generous:liberality { authority:superiority } nefarious:wickedness=generous:liberality parsimonious:liberal=obtuse:keen liberal<>parsimonious liberalist<>enfetterist

marked by generosity:OPENHANDED hào hiệp không hẹp hòi, không thành kiến. Synonyms: bounteous, bountiful, free, freehanded, generous, handsome, munificent, openhanded, unsparing Sample: Despite claims that his philosophy can be traced to a single source, the philosophy in fact draws liberally on several traditions and methodologies and so could justifiably be termed eclectic.

97. irascible (adj.) [i'ræsibl]

marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger nóng nảy irascible:placate=insensate:conscious affable<>irascible Synonyms: choleric, cranky, cross, hot-tempered, ireful, passionate, peppery, quick-tempered, ratty, temperish, testy, tetchy, touchy Sample: Her irascible temper frightened me.

55. impetuous [ ] adj. /im'petjuəs/

marked by impulsive vehemence or passion impetuous:vacillation/hesitation=bumptious:humbleness mạnh mẽ, dữ dội, mãnh liệt an impetuous storm: cơn bão dữ dội an impetuous attack: cuộc tấn công mãnh liệt an impetuous rain: mưa xối xả bốc, hăng Synonyms: PRECIPITATE, abrupt, hasty, headlong, hurried, precipitant, precipitous, rushing, subitaneous, sudden Sample: We tried to curb his impetuous behavior because we felt that in his haste he might offend some people.

8. quiescent /kwi'esənt, AM kwaɪ-/ (adj.) tumult<>quietude/quiescence quiescence<>tumult rambunctious<>quiescent

marked by inactivity or repose:tranquilly at rest yên tĩnh, tĩnh lặng, im lìm Synonyms: LATENT, abeyant, dormant, lurking, potential, prepatent Sample: The astronomer and feminist Maria Mitchell's own prodigious activity and the vigor of the Association for the Advancement of Women during the 1870's belie any assertion that feminism was quiescent in that period.

23. wary (adj) /w'eəri/ vigilant:entrapped=exacting:satisfied=wary:gulled vigilant:waylaid=wary:duped {energetic:frenzied/curious:interrogatory} remiss<>scrupulous/wary

marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchful prudence especially in detecting and escaping danger thận trọng Synonyms: CAUTIOUS, calculating, careful, chary, circumspect, considerate, discreet, gingerly, guarded, safe Sample: The spies grew wary as they approached the sentry.

98.tactless (adj. ['tæktlis]

marked by lack of a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense ông khéo xử, không lịch thiệp; sống sượng chicanery:clever=tactlessness:truthful obstinate:preserve=tactless/insensitive:offend savvy<>tactless 机智<>不老练 Synonyms: brash, impolitic, maladroit, undiplomatic, unpolitic, untactful Sample: It was tactless of him to ask why she wasn't married.

98. sturdy (adj.) ['stə:di]

marked by or reflecting physical strength or vigor cường tráng;vững chắc, khoẻ mạnh; sung sức decrepit<>sturdy Synonyms: STRONG , stalwart, stout, tenacious, tough Sample: Tolkien's hobbits are somewhat squat, sturdy little creatures, fond of good ale, good music, and good food.

84.stalwart (adj.)

marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit người khoẻ mạnh, người vạm vỡ, người lực lưỡng lank<>stalwart 纤弱的<>健壮的 timorous<>stalwart 胆怯的<>坚定的 Synonyms: HALE, stout, sturdy, robust Sample: His consistent support of the party has proved that he is a stalwart and loyal member.

98. stringent (adj) /'strin-juh/ stringent<>lax

marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard Synonyms: RIGID , draconian, ironhanded, rigorous, strict, unpermissive Sample: I think these regulations are too stringent. Nghiêm ngặt, nghiêm khắc, chặt chẽ (về nội quy, luật pháp...) Khan hiếm (tiền); khó làm ăn, khó khăn vì không có đù tiền

89.jovial (adj.)

markedly good-humored especially as evidenced by jollity and conviviality vui vẻ, vui tính jovial<>mournful 愉快的<>哀伤的 saturnine<>jovial 忧郁的<>欢愉的 maudlin<>jovial 伤感的<>欢愉的 jovial<>morose 快活的<>郁闷的 Synonyms: MERRY, blithe, blithesome, festive, gay, gleeful, jocund, jolly, lighthearted, mirthful Sample: A frown seemed out of place on his invariably jovial face.

49. culpable (adj) /k'ʌlpəbəl/

meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful exemplary:imitation=culpable:blame culpable<>innocent có tội, đáng khiển trách Synonyms: BLAMEWORTHY, blamable, blameful, demeritorious, guilty, reprehensible Sample: Corrupt politicians who condone the activities of the gamblers are equally culpable.

53/ludicrous /'lu:dikrəs/ (a)

meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish ludicrous:buffoon=dissolute:libertine=humorous:wag Buồn cười Synonyms: LAUGHABLE, comic, comical, droll, farcical, funny, gelastic, ridiculous, risible Sample: Although his attempts to appear psychotic were so clumsy as to be almost ludicrous, there is evidence that Ezra Pound was able to avoid standing trial for treason merely by faking symptoms of mental illness.

133.virtuous /ˈvɚtʃəwəs/

morally excellent:RIGHTEOUS có đạo đức tiết hạnh, đoan chính Synonyms: MORAL, ethical, moralistic, noble, principled, righteous, right-minded Sample: Politeness is not a superficial attribute of human behavior, but rather a central virtue, one whose very existence is increasingly being threatened by the faddish requirement to "speak one's mind."

34. wicked (adj) /w'ɪkɪd/

morally very bad:EVIL nefarious:wickedness=generous:liberality Synonyms: WRONG, bad, evil, immoral, iniquitous, reprobate, sinful, vicious Sample: People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack the energy to be wicked; in such cases, goodness is merely the effect of indolence.

104. discursive /dɪsk'ɜːrsɪv/ (adj) discursive<>keen on title discursive<>succinct discursive<>concentrate

moving from topic to topic without order:RAMBLING lan man, không mạch lạc Sample: Her writing is discursive but thorough.

fawn [fɔːn] n. v.

màu nâu vàng, hươu nai nhỏ, đẻ (hươu nai), xun xoe, bợ đỡ, nịnh hót to court favor by a cringing or flattering manner Synonyms: apple-polish, bootlick, brownnose, cotton, slaver, toady, honey(up) Sample: Helen valued people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk.

7. tender /t'endər/ (adj.)

mơn mởn

145.chide /ˈtʃaɪd/ chide:pillory=humor:mollycoddle

mắng mỏ to voice disapproval to:reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner:SCOLD Synonyms: REPROVE, admonish, call down, lesson, monish, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, tick off Sample: Grandma began to chide Steven for his lying.

128.don /ˈdɑ:n/

mặc to put on (an article of clothing) Synonyms: assume, draw on, get on, huddle (on), put on, slip (on), throw Sample: When Clark Kent had to don his Superman outfit, he changed clothes in a convenient phone booth.

128.quota /ˈkwoʊtə/ quota<>unlimited number

một phần; lô a proportional part or share; especially:the share or proportion assigned to each in a division or to each member of a body Synonyms: SHARE, allotment, allowance, bite, cut, lot, part, partage, portion, slice Sample: That student receives a yearly quota of money from the government.


n. one who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power người theo chủ nghĩa vô chính phủ, người chủ trương vô chính phủ Synonyms: REBEL, anarch, insurgent, insurrectionist, malcontent, mutineer, revolter Sample: Only the total overthrow of all governmental regulations would satisfy the anarchist.

142.swamp(n,v) /ˈswɑ:mp/

n. đàm lầy v.1. làm ngập, làm ướt đẫm 2. che khuất làm mất tác dụng a wetland often partially or intermittently covered with water; especially:one dominated by woody vegetation Synonyms: bog, marsh, marshland, mire, morass, quag, quagmire, slough Sample: The mosquito-ridden swamp was an insalubrious place, a breeding ground for malarial contagion.

136.stature (n) /'stætʃə/ stature:tall=sound:loud

natural height (as of a person) in an upright position 1. Vóc người 2. Sự tiến bộ, sự phát triển Sample: Most professional basketball players are tall in stature.

124.meager /ˈmi:gɚ/ amplitude<>meagerness

nghèo, sơ sài, gầy gò hom hem deficient in quality or quantity Synonyms: exiguous, poor, scant, scanty, scrimp, scrimpy, skimp, skimpy, spare, sparse Sample: The powers and satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager, were commensurate with their few and simple desires.

223.craft(n) ˈkræft,

nghề thủ công mưu mẹo mánh khóe skill in planning, making, or executing:DEXTERITY Synonyms: ART, adroitness, cunning, dexterity, expertise, know-how, skill Sample: His desk was cluttered with paper, pen, ink, dictionary and other paraphernalia of the writing craft.

17.choreography choreography:dance=plot:story choreographer:movement=architect:building {sculptor:statue}

nghệ thuật cách bố trí sắp xếp múa the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet Sample: Martha Graham introduced a form of choreography that seemed awkward and alien to those who had been brought up on classic ballet.

profane [prə'feɪn] a. v.

ngoại đạo, trần tục, ô uế, báng bổ, xúc phạm to treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt:DESECRATE Synonyms: OBSCENE, coarse, dirty, filthy, foul, indecent, nasty, smutty, vulgar Sample: Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain radical newspapers is not trivial or childish, but an assault on decorum essential to the revolutionaries purpose.

224.harbinger(n) /ˈhɑɚbənʤɚ/ harbinger:presage=archetype:exemplify

người báo hiệu one that presages or foreshadows what is to come Synonyms: ANNOUNCE , forerun, foreshow, herald, preindicate, presage Sample: Kagan maintains that an infant's reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or prophetic signs of adolescent anxiety.

141.cavalier /ˌkævəˈliɚ/

người khéo chiều phụ nữ ( nhất là phụ nữ có địa vị cao) (adj) A gallant or chivalrous man, especially one serving as escort to a woman of high social position; a gentleman Sample: Sensitive about having her ideas taken lightly, Marcia felt insulted by Mark's cavalier dismissal of her suggestion.

141hack /ˈhæk/

người làm thuê mướn, người viết văn thuê a writer who aims solely for commercial success Synonyms: drudge, grub, grubber, hireling, mercenary, slavey

222.libertine /ˈlɪbɚˌti:n/ specifically:one leading a dissolute life caviler:carping=libertine:licentious libertine:dissolute=sycophant:obsequious ludicrous:buffoon=dissolute:libertine=humorous:wag emotion:effusive=liberty:licentious{ manner:grandious}

người phóng đãng a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality; Synonyms: LICENTIOUS, fast, incontinent, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, lustful, salacious, satyric Sample: Although she was aware of his reputation as a libertine, she felt she could reform him and help him break his dissolute way of life.

136.sybarite /ˈsɪbəˌraɪt/ spartan<>sybaritic/indulgent/voluptuous/luxurious sybarite<>ascetic

người xa hoa, theo chủ nghĩa khoái lạc VOLUPTUARY, SENSUALIST

137.patriot /ˈpeɪtrijət patriot:country=partisan:course

người yêu nước one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests Sample: Knowing the importance of appearing resolute, the patriots sought to present a monolithic front.

128.maverick /ˈmævrɪk/ dissenter:orthodox=maverick:group maverick<>follower maverick<>conform to tradition

người độc lập không theo nhóm nào (adj) độc lập trong hành động suy nghĩ an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party Sample: With its maverick approach to the subject, Shere Hite's book has been more widely debated than most; the media throughout the country have brought the author's controversial opinions to the public's attention.

8.unruly /ˌʌnˈru:li/ unruly:authority=refractory:change subdued<>unruly unruly<>disciplined

ngỗ ngược, bướng bỉnh not readily ruled, disciplined, or managed presumptuous:unruly Synonyms: fractious, indocile, indomitable, intractable, recalcitrant, uncontrollable, undisciplinable, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, untoward, wild Sample: The only way to curb this unruly mob is to use tear gas.

69. ruminate verb /ˈruː.mɪ.neɪt

nhai lại, trầm ngâm, ngẫm nghĩ to think carefully and for a long period about something: She ruminated for weeks about whether to tell him or not.

143.ichthyologist /ˌɪkθiˈɒlədʒi/ salmon:ichthyologist=chameleon:herpetologist

nhà nghiên cứu cá one that study a branch of zoology that deals with fishes Sample: Jacques Cousteau's rpograms about sea life have advanced the cause of ichthyology.

138.gloat /ˈgloʊt/

nhìn hau háu, thèm muốn to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight Sample: As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth, do you think of the many victims you have defrauded?

127. unwonted (adj) / n'wountid/ habit<>unwonted behavior unwonted<>usual

not accustomed by experience 1. bất thường, không quen 2.ít có, hiếm có Synonyms: EXCEPTIONAL, extraordinary, rare, singular, uncommon, unimaginable, unique, unordinary, unthinkable, unusual Sample: He hesitated to assume the unwonted role of master of ceremonies at the dinner.

119. infelicitous (adj.) [,infi'lisitəs] happy<>infelicitous

not appropriate in application or expression. lạc lõng, không thích hợp (lời nói, việc làm...) Synonyms: awkward, graceless, ill-chosen, inept, unfortunate, unhappy

36/circuitous (a)/sə'kju:itəs/

not being forthright or direct in language or action. Loanh quanh, vòng vo. immaterial:relevance=circuitous:directness Synonyms: INDIRECT, circular, collateral, oblique, roundabout Sample: Lacking his code book, the spy was unable to decode the message sent to him

17. inimitable (adj) /i'nimitəbl/

not capable of being imitated:MATCHLESS Sample: We admire Auden for his inimitable use of language; he is one of a kind.

38. obscure (adj) /ɒbskj'ʊər/

not clearly seen or easily distinguished:FAINT tối tăm, mờ mịt Synonyms: ambiguous, amphibological, double-edged, double-faced, dusky, equivocal, murky, nubilous, opaque, sibylline, tenebrous, uncertain, unclear, unexplicit, unintelligible, vague Sample: In the British theater young people under thirty-five have not had much trouble getting recognition onstage, but offstage-in the ranks of playwrights, directors, designers, administrators -- they have mostly been relegated to relative obscurity.

47. untoward (adj) /'ʌntəw'ɔːrd/

not favorable:ADVERSE, UNPROPITIOUS bất lợi, không may untoward<>favorable untoward<>fortunate toward<>obdurate auspicious<>untoward Synonyms: UNLUCKY, hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless, misfortunate, star-crossed, unfortunate, unhappy Sample: Untoward circumstances prevent me from being with you on this festive occasion.

65. nonflammable (adj.) [non'flæməbl]

not flammable; specifically:not easily ignited and not burning rapidly if ignited ko dễ bén lửa, ko dễ cháy impervious:friable=nonflammable:combustible Sample: he furniture is covered with nonflammable material.

48. extrinsic (adj) /ɪkstr'ɪnzɪk/

not forming an essential or inherent part of a thing; extraneous. extrinsic<>inherent immanent<>extrinsic bên ngoài, không thuộc bản chất Synonyms: alien, extraneous, foreign Sample: Do not be fooled by extrinsic causes. We must look for the intrinsic reason.

59. anonymous /ə'nɔniməs/ [ ] adj. anonymous:identify=nonchalant:excite

not named or identified Synonyms: innominate, nameless, undesignated, unnamed Sample: The donor of the gift asked the college not to mention him by name; the dean readily agreed to respect his anonymity. giấu tên; vô danh; nặc danh to remain anonymous: giấu tên an letter: lá thư nặc danh

81. unexceptional (adj.) [,ʌnik'sep∫ənl]

not out of the ordinary:COMMONPLACE không nổi bật, bình thường, không được phép bàn cãi; không có ngoại lệ Synonyms: COMMON , commonplace, ordinary, prosaic, uneventful, unnoteworthy Sample: Perhaps predictably, since an ability to communicate effectively is an important trait of any great leader, it has been the exceptional Presidents who have delivered the most notable inaugural addresses.

12. unrequited (adj) /' nri'kwaitid/ remunerative<>unrequited

not requited:not reciprocated or returned in kind không được đền đáp, không được đáp lại Sample: Suffering the pangs of unrequited love, Olivia rebukes Cesario for his hard-heartedness.

120. pristine /pr'ɪstiːn/ (adj) pristine:decay=stable:fluctuation demanding:satisfactory=adulterate:pristine {closed-mind:sway} demanding:satisfy=closed-mind:sway dismantle:unity=adulterate:pristine pristine:blemish=?? squalid<>pristine pristine<>taint

not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization):PURE ban sơ, cổ xưa Synonyms: original, pure Sample: Scientists' pristine reputation as devotees of the disinterested pursuit of truth has been compromised by recent evidence that some scientists have deliberately fabricated experimental results to further their own careers.

115 immune (adj) /ɪmj'uːn/ fertilize:grow=immunize:resist overexposure:jaded=vaccination:immune soporific:sleep=vaccinating:immunity vaccination:immune=overexposure:jaded

not susceptible or responsive; especially:having a high degree of resistance to a disease miễn, miễn dịch Sample: No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that is designed to infect and electronically damage the disks on which data are stored.

131.commercial /kəˈmɚʃəl/

quảng cáo chào hàng an advertisement broadcast on radio or television Sample: Television programs are often interrupted by commercials.

97.tremendous (adj.)

notable by reason of extreme size, power, greatness, orexcellence ghê gớm, kinh khủng, khủng khiếp, dữ dội Synonyms: MONSTROUS , cracking, fantastic, massive, monumental, mortal, prodigious, stupendous, towering Sample: It is only when we become retrospective that we can appreciate the tremendous advances made during this century.

37/drawl (v) /drɔ:l/

nói lè nhè to utter in a slow lengthened tone Sample: He drawls when he speaks; he speaks with a southern drawl.

127.babble(v) /'bæbl/

nói lảm nhảm luyên to utter meaningless or unintelligible sounds Synonyms: gabble, prate, prattle, twaddle, waffle Sample: None of these translations to screen and stage,however,dramatize the anarchy at the conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee,which ends with the violent overthrow of Morgan's three-year-old progressive order and his return to the nineteenth century,where he apparently commits suicide after being labeled a lunatic for his incoherent babblings about drawbridges and battlements.

144.harp /ˈhɑɚp/

nói đi nói lại harp at (someone) informal : to tell (someone) constantly or repeatedly to do something My mother was always harping at me to clean my room.

142.adulate 'ædjʊleɪt

nịnh hót nịnh bợ to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly Sample: No one is neutral about Stephens; he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound antipathy in those who work for him.

130.unctuous /ˈʌŋktʃəwəs/ placebo:innocuous=salve:unctuous sanctimonious:devoted=unctuous:earnest

nịnh nọt, ngọt xớt ( lời nói) (disapproving) smooth and greasy in texture or appearance Synonyms: FULSOME, oily, oleaginous, slick, smarmy, soapy, unctuous Sample: Far from being unctuous, Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent.

130. accidental (adj) /,æksi'dentl/ inventiveness:accidental=effect:casual safeguard:accident=hedge:loss intentional:accidental=arrogant:humble

occurring unexpectedly or by chance (Tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên) Synonyms: contingent, fluky, fortuitous, incidental, odd Sample: Actual events in the history of life on Earth are accidental in that any outcome embodies just one possibility among millions; yet each outcome can be rationally interpreted.

184 sinuous /s'ɪnjʊəs/ (adj.)

of a serpentine or wavy form:WINDING ngoằn nghèo, khúc khuỷu; lượn sóng Synonyms: WINDING, anfractuous, convoluted, flexuous, meandering, meandrous, serpentine, snaky, tortuous Sample: The snake moved in a sinuous manner.

59/kindred (a) /'kindrid/

of a similar nature or character:LIKE kindred<>dissimilar Synonyms: RELATED, affiliated, agnate, akin, allied, cognate, connate, connatural, consanguine, incident Sample: Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn were two kindred spirits.

67/perspicacious (a) /,pə:spi'keiʃəs/

of acute mental vision or discernment:KEEN. sáng suốt, minh mẫn perspicacious<>obtuse/undiscerned perspicacious<>dull { awkard Synonyms: SHREWD, argute, astucious, astute, cagey, heady, sagacious Sample: The brillant lawyer was known for his perspicacious deductions.

79. histrionic (adj.)

of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater / có vẻ đóng kịch pedantic:scholar=histrionic:actor Synonyms: DRAMATIC, dramaturgic, theatral, theatric, theatrical, thespian Sample: He was proud of his histrionic ability and wanted to paly the role of Hamlet.

173. sabbatical [adj] /sabbatical/ sabbatical:leave=flattering:infatuation

of or relating to the break or change from a normal routine (nghỉ phép (phép cấp cho giảng viên đại học để du khảo hoặc nghiên cứu)) Sample: She isn't teaching this year because she's on sabbatical leave in Europe.

57/ceramic (n)/si'ræmik/

of or relating to the manufacture of any product (as earthenware, porcelain, or brick) made essentially from a nonmetallic mineral (as clay) by firing at a high temperature. Nghề làm đồ gốm shard:ceramic=crumb:cake Sample: Square ceramic tiles cover the bathroom walls.

86.fictitious (adj.) /fik'tiʃəs/

of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction:IMAGINARY giả tưởng, hư cấu fictitious<>factual Synonyms: chimerical, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, fictive, illusory, imaginary, suppositious, supposititious, unreal; fake, mock, sham, simulated Sample: Although this book purports to be a biography of George Washington, many of the incidents are fictitious.

44/laudatory (a)

of, relating to, or expressing praise. Tán dương, ca ngợi consel:advice=laud:homage execrable<>commendable/laudable pejorative<>laudatory Synonyms: EULOGISTIC, encomiastic, laudative, panegyrical, praiseful Sample: The critics' laudatory comments helped to make her a star.

33/eleemosynary (a) /,elii':mɔsinəri/

of, relating to, or supported by charity. Bố thí, từ thiện philanthropist:eleemosynary=?? Synonyms: CHARITABLE , altruistic, benevolent, good, humane, humanitarian, philanthropic

103. ancestor /'ænsestər/ (n) heirloom:ancestor=bequest:testator scion<>ancestor

one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent tổ tiên, ông bà Synonyms: antecedent(s), ascendant, forebear, forefather, primogenitor, progenitor Sample: He was proud of his genealogy and constantly referred to the achievements of his ancestors..

118 glutton (n) /gl'ʌtən/ avarice:money=gluttony:food glutton:overindulge=ascetic:self denial gluttonous<>abstentious

one given habitually to greedy and voracious eating and drinking kẻ tham ăn Sample: When Mother saw that Bobby had eaten all the cookies, she called him a little glutton.

87.cadet (n.) /kə'det/

one in training for a military or naval commission; especially:a student in a service academy ng học nghề, học viên trg sỹ quan cadet:veteran=tadpole:frog Sample: The West Point cadets were immaculate as they lined up for inspection. (cadet Kelly movie)

27/ importune (v)/im'pɔ:tju:n/

quấy rầy, nhũng nhiễu

47/tatty(a)\ˈta-tē\ tatty<>smart

rather worn, frayed, or dilapidated:SHABBY Synonyms: CHEAP, base, common, mean, paltry, poor, rubbishy, shoddy, sleazy, trashy

63. illumination (n.) [i,lu:mi'nei∫n]

one of the decorative features used in the art of illuminating or in decorative lighting sự chiếu sáng, soi sáng, làm rạng rỡ, khai sáng, khai trí frieze:building=illumination:manuscript stylus:mark=lamp:illumination squall:commotion=flash:illumination therapeutic:hospital=illuminating:school apron:protected=lamp:illuminate obfuscate<>elucidate/illuminate/explain clearly Sample: Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attitudes include,but are not confined to,attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how the authorities administered justice.

139.rival /ˈraɪvəl/

one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess Sample: The rival mobs engaged in a bitter vendetta.

126. herpetologist ˌhɜrpɪˈtɒlədʒi/ salmon:ichthyologist=chameleon:herpetologist

one that a branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians nhà nghiên cứu lương cư

186 adherent /ædh'ɪərənt/ (n.) adherent<>forerunner

one that adheres:as a follower of a leader, party, or profession người trung thành, người đi theo một đảng, một niềm tin nào đó Synonyms: FOLLOWER, cohort, disciple, henchman, partisan, , sectary, sectator, supporter Sample: In the wake of the scandal, the senator's one-time adherent quietly deserted him.

19. pollster /p'oʊlstər/ (n.) exponent:advocate=pollster:canvass

one that conducts a poll or compiles data obtained by a poll người thực hiện cuộc thăm dò dư luận Sample: Pollsters ask people questions and record their answers.

135.founder /ˈfaʊndɚ/

one that founds or establishes Synonyms: father, architect, author, creator, generator, inventor, maker, originator, patriarch, sire Sample: Among those drowned when the Titanic sank was the founder of the Abraham & Straus chain.

73. witch [ ] n. 'wit / retainer:retinue=witch:coven

one that is credited with usually malignant supernatural powers; especially:a woman practicing usually black witchcraft often with the aid of a devil or familiar:SORCERESS Synonyms: bruja, enchantress, hag, hex, lamia, sorceress, witchwoman Sample: Even though she knew she would be burned at the stake as a witch, Joan of Arc refused to renounce her belief that her voices came from God mụ phù thuỷ; mụ già xấu xí; người đàn bà quyến rũ ngoại động từ: mê hoặc, làm mê hồn; quyến rũ, làm say đắm

42/dupe(n)\ˈdüp reverent:idolater=trusting:dupe callous:impassive=dupe:duplicity

one that is easily deceived or cheated:FOOL Người bị bịp Synonyms: FOOL ,butt, chump,fall,guy,gudgeon,gull,mark,pigeon, sap, sucker Sample: While the gullible Watson often was made a dupe by unscrupulous parties, Sherlock Holmes was far more difficult to fool.

subject ['sʌbʒɪkt]

one that is placed under authority or control potentate<>subject

126.quarry (n) /'kwɔri/ hunter:quarry=proselytizer:convert aspirant:quarry=hunter:prey

one that is sought or pursued:PREY (Con mồi) Synonyms: prey Sample: Hunters kill deer (bears, rabbits, etc.) as quarry.

58/predecessor (n)/'pri:disesə

one that precedes; especially:a person who has previously occupied a position or office to which another has succeeded legacy:predecessor=gift:donor ) Người đi trước Synonyms: FORERUNNER, ancestor, antecedent, antecessor, foregoer, precursor Sample: Science advances in a widening spiral in that each new conceptual scheme embraces that phenomena explained by its predecessors and adds to those explanations.

114. pundit (n.) ['pʌndit] augur:predict=pundit:opine authoritativeness:pundits=allegiance:partisans miser:hoard=dandy:preen=sycophant:fawn=pundit:opinion pundit:opinion=augur:prediction recidivism:relapse=pundit:opine pundit:??=autocracy:power

one who gives opinions in an authoritative manner:PANDIT, CRITIC. nhà học giả uyên thâm; nhà phê bình, nhà bình luận Synonyms: pandit, teacher, critic Sample: Even though he discourses on the matter like a pundit, he is actually rather ignorant about this topic.

20. stickler /st'ɪklər/ (n.) stickler:approximation/imprecision=purist:adulteration stickler:exacting=martinet:discipline stickler:excating=pedagogue:indoctrinate stickler:derelict=poseur:unaffected

one who insists on exactness or completeness in the observance of something người chặt chẽ, người quá khắt khe Sample: The Internal Revenue Service agent was a stickler for accuracy; no approximations or rough estimates would satisfy him.

66/apologist (n)ə'pɔlədʤist/

one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something. Người biện hộ saboteur:disrupt=apologist:defend apologist:defend=anarchist:rebel disciple:follow=apologist:defend apologist<>critic/detractor Sample: The woman accepted his apology for spilling coffee on her dress.

92.warmonger (n.) ['wɔ:,mʌηgə]

one who urges or attempts to stir up war:JINGO. kẻ gây chiến, người hiếu chiến dove<>warmonger/jingoist 和平鸽<>好战者/侵略主义者 Sample: The President was called a warmonger for sending our army to fight in another country.

48/taxing(a)\ˈtak-siŋ\ taxing<>light taxing<>easy

onerous, wearing Synonyms: ONEROUS, burdensome, demanding, exacting, exigent, grievous, oppressive, tough, trying, weighty Sample: He finds walking up stairs taxing on his strength

19. askew /əskj'uː/ (adj.) aligned<>askew{curve}

out of line:AWRY nghiêng, thiên lệch Sample: When he placed his hat askew upon his head, his observers laughed.

57/presumptuous(a)\pri-ˈzəm(p)-chə-wəs, -chəs, -shəs\ transgression:morality=presumption:propriety

overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy):taking liberties Tự phụ, quá tự tin presumptuous:unruly Synonyms: brash, brassbound, confident, forward, gay, overconfident, overweening, presuming, pushful, pushing, self-asserting, self-assertive, uppish, uppity Sample: The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in Western society during the current decade is uniquely critical.

90. jitter (vi.) ['dʒitə]

to be nervous or act in a nervous way bồn chồn hốt hoảng jittery<>resolute Sample: He has the jitters about going to a job interview.

24. transient /tr'ænziənt, AM -nʃənt/ (adj.) opportune:convenience=impermanent:transience convoluted:complexity=ephemeral:transience transient:vanish=constant:perpetuate convoluted:complexity=transient:evanescence transience<>permanence transient<>lasting transient<>protracted

passing especially quickly into and out of existence:transitory nhất thời, ngắn ngủi, chóng tàn Synonyms: ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, momentaneous, momentary, passing, short-lived, transitory, volatile Sample: Lexy's joy at finding the perfect Christmas gift for Phil was transient; she still had to find presents for the cousins and Uncle Bob. Located near the airport, this hotel caters to the largely transient trade.

45/vicarious (a)/vai'keəriəs/

performed or suffered by one person as a substitute for another or to the benefit or advantage of another:SUBSTITUTIONARY vicarious<>firsthand Sample: Many people get a vicarious thrill at the movies by imagining they are the characters on the screen. Đại biểu, được ủy nhiệm, làm thay cho người khác

22. translucent (adj) /trænzl'uːsənt/ slack:tension=opaque:translucence translucent<>impervious of light

permitting the passage of light:clear, transparent trong Synonyms: TRANSPARENT , clear, limpid, pellucid, see-through Sample: We could not recognize the people in the next room because of the translucent curtains that separated us.

63. preposterous Adj /prɪˈpɑs·tər·əs/

phi lý, ngược đời, lố bịch completely unreasonable and ridiculous; not to be believed: It was a preposterous idea, and no one took it seriously.

92. gargantuan (adj.) gɑ:'gæntjuən

phi thường, to lớn

147.copious /ˈkoʊpijəs/ copious<>sparse

phong phú dồi dào present in large quantity:taking place on a large scale Synonyms: PLENTIFUL, abundant, ample, bounteous, bountiful, generous, liberal, plenteous, plenty Sample: She had copious reasons for rejecting the proposal.

85. noxious (adj.)

physically harmful or destructive to living beings độc hại noxious<>beneficial 有害的;有毒的<>有利的有益的 noxious<>salubrious 有毒的<>有益健康的 Sample: We must trace the source of these noxious gases before they asphyxiate us.

138.deplore /dɪˈploɚ/ deplore<>laud deplore<>accolade/extol deplore<>commend

phàn nàn chỉ trích to feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn. Synonyms: bemoan, bewail, grieve, lament, moan, weep Sample: Every citizen must deplore the poor housing conditions in the city.

141.emanate /ˈɛməˌneɪt/

phát ra, bắt nguồn to come out from a source Synonyms: SPRING , arise, birth, derive (from), flow, issue, originate, proceed, rise, stem Sample: A strong odor of sulfur emanated from the spring.

136.zone(v) /ˈzoʊn/

phân chia thành vùng , khu vực to arrange in or mark off into zones; specifically:to partition (a city, borough, or township) by ordinance into sections reserved for different purposes (as residence or business) Sample: The city zoned the land for business.

89.plurality (/pluə'ræliti/)

phần lớn số đông, số nhiều

15.canonical /kəˈnɑ:nɪkəl/

phù hợp thích hợp vs tiêu chuẩn pertaining to, established by, or conforming to a canon or canons.

91. initial (adj.) [i'ni∫əl]

placed at the beginning:FIRST ban đầu lúc đầu eccentric:conventional=doyen:uninitiated initial:realized=tangible:indefinite { moribund:dead } initial<>follow initiate<>follow up inveterate<>uninitiated {youthful} Synonyms: beginning, inceptive, incipient, initiative, initiatory, introductory, nascent Sample: If those large publishers that respond solely to popular literary trends continue to dominate the publishing

135.personable /ˈpɚsənəbəl/ personable<>unattractive

pleasant or amiable in person:ATTRACTIVE Sample: The man I am seeking to fill this position must be personable since he will be representing us before the public.

107. venom /v'enəm/ (n) placebo:innocuous=venom:noxious/toxic

poisonous matter normally secreted by some animals (as snakes, scorpions, or bees) and transmitted to prey or an enemy chiefly by biting or stinging nọc độc / sự độc ác Synonyms: POISON, bane, contagion, virus Sample: The habitat of the horned viper, a particularly venomous snake, is in sandy regions like the Sahara or the Sinai peninsula.

40. animation (n) /'ænɪm'eɪʃən/ lassitude<>vim/animation

possessing or characterized by life:ALIVE sự nhộn nhịp, sinh khí Sample: Her animated expression indicated a keenness of intellect.

61. sapient (adj.) ['seipiənt]

possessing or expressing great sagacity. khôn khéo, khôn ngoan sapient<>foolish Synonyms: WISE, judgmatic, judicious, prudent,sage, sane,sensible

124. paltry /p'ɔːltri/ (adj) paltry:significance=?? paltry<>significant/important

practically worthless; trifling; insignificant; contemptible; petty không đáng kể, tầm thường Synonyms: PETTY , measly, Mickey Mouse, picayune, picayunish, piddling, puny, trifling, trivial, unconsequential Sample: This is a paltry sum to pay for such a masterpiece.

61. accessory [ ] adj. /æk'sesəri/ (accessary) /æk'sesəri/ accessory<>of primarily importance

present in a minor amount and not essential as a constituent Synonyms: AUXILIARY, adjuvant, ancillary, appurtenant, collateral, contributory, subservient, subsidiary Sample: She bought an attractive handbag as an accessory for her dress. đồ phụ tùng; vật phụ thuộc; đồ thêm vào (pháp lý) kẻ tòng phạm, kẻ a tòng, kẻ đồng loã tính từ phụ, phụ vào, thêm vào

38/wholesome (a) /'houls m/

promoting health or well-being of mind or spirit. Lành, khỏe mạnh decadence<>wholesomeness tainted<>unspoiled/wholesome wholesome<>deleterious Synonyms: HEALTHFUL, good, healthy, hygienic, salubrious, salutary, salutiferous Sample: They lead a wholesome life away from the city's crime and pollution

128.latitude /ˈlætəˌtu:d, latitude<>strict limitation latitude<>tightly restrained

quyền hành rộng rãi Freedom from normal restraints, limitations, or regulations. Sample: Even though in today's Soviet Union the leaders of the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank-and-file clergy still have little latitude to practice their religion.

3. prominent (adj) /prominent/

readily noticeable:CONSPICUOUS đáng chú ý, nổi bật, xuất chúng Synonyms: NOTICEABLE, arresting, conspicuous, outstanding, remarkable, salient, striking, Sample: Doreen justifiably felt she deserved recognition for the fact that the research institute had been returned to a position of preeminence, since it was she who had directed the transformation.

87. patent (adj.) ['patnt]

readily visible or intelligible:OBVIOUS rành mạch, hiển nhiên Synonyms: CLEAR, apparent, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, palpable, plain, straightforward, unequivocal Sample: It was patent to everyone that the witness spoke the truth.

78. compliant (adj.) [kəm'plaiənt]

ready or disposed to comply:SUBMISSIVE. hay chiều theo ý người khác, dễ dãi phục tùng mệnh lệnh compliant:servile=trusting:gullible obsequious:fawn=compliant:yield Sample: The design for the new school had to be in compliance with the local building code.


ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence. Cả tin, nhẹ dạ penitent:obdurate=skeptic:credulous 悔过者:顽固的=怀疑者:轻信的 (人物及其反面特征) Synonyms: unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary Sample: When Jack claimed he hadn't eaten the jelly doughnut, Jill took an incredulous look at his smeared face and laughed.

96.status (n.)

relative rank in a hierarchy of prestige; especially:high prestige địa vị, thân phận, thân thế Synonyms: cachet, consequence, dignity, position, prestige, rank, standing, state, stature Sample: A unique clay disk found at the Minoan site of Phaistos is often adduced as the earliest example of printing by scholars who have defended its claim to this status despite equivalent claims put forward for other printing artifacts.

117. demanding (adj.) demanding:satisfactory=adulterate:pristine {closed-mind:sway}

requiring much time, effort, or attention:EXACTING. đòi hỏi khắt khe Synonyms: ONEROUS, burdensome, exacting, exigent, grievous, oppressive, taxing, tough, trying, weighty

3. loutish /l'aʊtɪʃ/ (adj.) genteel<>loutish

resembling or befitting a lout vụng, thô lỗ, cục mịch Synonyms: BOORISH, churlish, cloddish, clodhopping, clownish, ill-bred, lowbred, uncivilized, uncultured, unrefined Sample: The delivery boy is an awkward lout.

9. obdurate /'ɒbdjʊrət, AM -dʊr-/ (adj.) firmness:obdurate=carefulness:meticulous energetic:frenetic (frenzied)=firm:obdurate penitent:obdurate=skeptic:credulous obdurate:move=?? toward<>obdurate

resistant to persuasion or softening influences cứng đầu, khó bảo Synonyms: UNFEELING, callous, coldhearted, hard-boiled, hardhearted, heartless, stonyhearted, uncompassionate, unemotional, unsympathetic Sample: He was obdurate in his refusal to listen to our complaints.

85. reserved (adj.) [ri'zə:vd]

restrained in words and actions. kín đáo; dè dặt; giữ gìn furtive:openness=flamboyant:reserved gregarious:reserved=?? expansive<>reserved/diffident qualified<>unreserved Synonyms: constrained, incommunicable, noncommittal, restrained Sample: Although he was known to be extremely reserved in his public behavior, scholars have discovered that his diaries were written with uncommon frankness.

22. parochial (adj) /pər'oʊkiəl/

restricted to a small area or scope; narrow; limited; provincial (thuộc) địa phương Synonyms: INSULAR, local, provincial, sectarian, small-town Sample: Although Jane Austen writes novels set in small rural communities, her concerns are universal, not parochial.

6. whimsical /hw'ɪmzɪkəl/ (adj.) caprice:whimsical=stealth:furtive=discontent:unsatisfied mercurial:mood=whimsical:behavior caprice:whimsical=insight:discerning

resulting from or characterized by whim or caprice; especially:lightly fanciful quái dị, kỳ quái, lạ thường Synonyms: ARBITRARY, capricious, erratic, freakish, vagarious, wayward, whimsied Sample: He dismissed his generous gift to his college as a sentimental fancy, an old man's whimsical gesture.

66. farce [ ] n. /fɑ:s/ farce:performance=limerick:poem

ridiculous or empty show Synonyms: MOCKERY, burlesque, caricature, mock, sham, travesty Sample: Nothing went right; the entire interview degenerated into a farce. trò khôi hài, trò hề ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng)) kịch vui nhộn; thể kịch vui nhộn ngoại động từ nhồi (thịt) (nghĩa bóng) cho thêm mắm thêm muối nhồi đầy (tác phẩm văn học) a book farce d with Greek quotations: quyển sách nhồi đầy những trích dẫn Hy-lạp

182 reign /r'eɪn/ (n.) coronation:reign=wedding:marriage

royal authority:SOVEREIGNTY triều đại, vương triều, uy thế, uy lực, sự thống trị Synonyms: RULE, dominate, domineer, predominate, preponderate, prevail Sample: Louis XIV reigned in France for over 70 years.

75. gadfly N [gad-flahy]

ruồi trâu - any of various flies, as a stable fly or warble fly, that bite or annoy domestic animals. - a person who persistently annoys or provokes others with criticism, schemes, ideas, demands, requests, etc.

147.riveting /ˈrɪvətɪŋ/

rất hấp dẫn thú vị luôi cuốn having the power to fix the attention:ENGROSSING, FASCINATING Sample: The reviewer described Byatt's novel Possession as a riveting tale:absorbed in the story, he had finished it in a single evening.

123.deluge /ˈdɛlˌju:ʤ/ rain:deluge=wind:hurricane droplet:deluge=pebble:landslide deluge<>drizzle

rất nhiều, tràn ngập adj. an overflowing of the land by water b:a drenching rain Synonyms: FLOOD, cataclysm, cataract, flooding, inundation, niagara, overflow, pour, spate, torrent Sample: When we advertised the position, we received a deluge of applications.

17. provisional (adj) /prəv'ɪʒənəl/ definitive<>provisional

serving for the time being:TEMPORARY tạm thời Synonyms: CONDITIONAL, provisionary, provisory, tentative Sample: Before the Second World War, academics still questioned whether the body of literature produced in the United States truly constituted a national literature, or whether such literature was only a provincial branch of English literature.

101 vengeful (adj) /v'endʒfʊl/

serving to gain vengeance tư tưởng báo thù Synonyms: VINDICTIVE, revengeful, wreakful Sample: He has a vengeful attitude and wants to kill his brother's murderer.

174. acrid [adj] /'ækrid/ grating:sound=acrid:odor acrid:gentleness=forthright:guile stridency:sound=acridity:odor acrid:odor=piercing:sound acrid<>gentle

sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor:IRRITATING (hăng, cay sè; chua cay, gay gắt (lời nói, thái độ...)) Synonyms: astringent, austere, bitter, harsh, sharp Sample: The acrid odor of burnt gunpowder filled the room after the pistol had been fired.

6. discerning /dɪs'ɜːrnɪŋ/ (adj.) palatable:savory=discernible:manifest perspicacious:discerning=ravishing:attractive caprice:whimsical=insight:discerning myopic<>discerning

showing insight and understanding:DISCRIMINATING nhận thức rõ, thấy rõ; sâu sắc, sáng suốt Synonyms: WISE, gnostic, insighted, insightful, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, sagacious, sage, wisehearted Sample: She has a discerning mind and quickly understood how to solve our problem.

80. agonized (adj.)

showing mental or physical pain or agony Synonyms: mournful, anguished, bemoaning, bewailing, bitter, deploring, doleful, dolesome, dolorous, funeral, grieving, heartbroken, lamentable. (to agonize about / over something) dằn vặt suy tính, chịu đau đớn, chịu khổ sở; quằn quại đau đớn

81.mawkish (adj.) ['mɔ:ki∫]

sickly or puerilely sentimental Ủy mị, sướt mướt mawkish/maudlin:sentiment=pedantic:scholarship mawkish:sentimental=peeve:annoy mawkish:sentimental=gullible:trust mawkish<>unsentimental Synonyms: SENTIMENTAL, bathetic, lovey-dovey, maudlin, mushy, romantic, slushy, sticky, tear-jerking Sample: Your mawkish sighs fill me with disgust.

129.diligent /ˈdɪləʤəns/

siêng năng cần cù characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort:PAINSTAKING Synonyms: ASSIDUOUS, industrious, operose, sedulous Sample: He raised his grades by being a very diligent student.

9. finesse (n) /fɪn'es/ finesse<>ineptitude

skillful handling of a situation:adroit maneuvering mưu mẹo khéo léo Synonyms: manipulate, beguile, exploit, jockey, maneuver, play Sample: The finesse and adroitness of the surgeon impressed the observers in the operating room.

11. torpid (adj) /'tɔ:pid/

sluggish in functioning or acting (chậm chạp, hôn mê, ngủ đông) torpid<>responsive ebullient<>torpid Synonyms: LETHARGIC, comatose, dopey, heavy, hebetudinous, sluggish, slumberous, stupid Sample: Still somewhat torpid after its long hibernation, the bear lumbered through the woods.

103. slight [slaɪt] a.

small of its kind or in amount:SCANTY, MEAGER Synonyms: THIN, attenuate, reedy, slender, slim, squinny, stalky, tenuous, twiggy Sample: The remark was only slightly humorous, inviting a chuckle, perhaps, but certainly not a guffaw.

104. ironclad (adj.) ['aiənklæd] jammed:full=ironclad:firm

so firm or secure as to be unbreakable:as a:BINDING. bọc sắt, cứng rắn Synonyms: INFLEXIBLE, constant, fixed, immovable, immutable, inalterable, invariable, unalterable, unchangeable, unmodifiable Sample: We wanted an ironclad agreement, in writing, before we bought the house.

84.trophy (n.) ['troufi]

something gained or given in victory or conquest especially when preserved or mounted as a memorial. Chiến lợi phẩm, chiến tích. cúp trophy:contestant=honors:student Synonyms: REMEMBRANCE , keepsake, memento, memorial, relic, remembrancer, reminder, souvenir, token Sample: The race car driver held the trophy up high after he won the race.

48. adjunct (n) /'ædʒʌŋkt/

something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it phần phụ, phần bổ sung adjunct<>essential element Synonyms: APPENDAGE, accessory, appendix, appurtenance Sample: I will entertain this concept as an adjunct to the main proposal.

19. gossamer (n, adj) /g'ɒsəmər/ gossamer<>substance gossamer<>ponderous

something light, delicate, or insubstantial mỏng nhẹ như tơ Synonyms: FILMY, diaphanous, flimsy, gauzy, sheer, tiffany, transparent Sample: Nylon can be woven into gossaner or thick fabrics.

103. heirloom (n) /'eərluːm/ heirloom:ancestor=bequest:testator

something of special value handed on from one generation to another vật gia truyền Sample: She treasured the brooch because it was an heirloom.

64/marvel (n,v) /'mɑ:vəl/

something that causes wonder or astonishment. Kinh dị, lấy làm lạ, vật kì dị marvel<>mean pedestrian<>marvelous Synonyms: WONDER, miracle, phenomenon, portent, prodigy, sensation, stunner Sample: Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible virtuosity:his comic strip about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous draftsmanship and sequencing.

28. supplement (n) /s'ʌplɪmənt/

something that completes or makes an addition phần phụ, bổ sung Synonyms: APPENDIX, addendum, rider Sample: Although any destruction of vitamins caused by food irradiation could be counterbalanced by the use of diet supplements, there may be no protection from carcinogens that some fear might be introduced into foods by the process.

79. occurrence (n.)

something that occurs sự kiện, sự cố, chuyện xảy ra sự xảy ra; sự nẩy ra, sự loé lên (ý nghĩ, ý muốn) Synonyms: circumstance, episode, event, go, happening, incident, occasion, thing Sample: The occurrence of crime in this city is on the rise. prodigy:person=miracle:occurrence

88.clog (n.) [klɔg]

something that shackles or impedes:ENCUMBRANCE cái còng (buộc vào chân ngựa... cho khỏi chạy) sự cản trở; điều trở ngại, vật chướng ngại chiếc guốc Synonyms: ENCUMBRANCE, cumbrance, hindrance, impedance, impediment Sample: The wine did not flow because the air vent in the barrel was clogged.

62. anodyne [ ] n. /'ænoudain/

something that soothes, calms, or comforts Synonyms: analgesic, anesthetic, pain-killer Sample: His pain was so great that no anodyne could relieve it. (y học) làm dịu, làm giảm đau làm yên tâm, an ủi danh từ (y học) thuốc làm dịu, thuốc giảm đau điều làm yên tâm; niềm an ủi

57. blandishment [ ] n /'blændiʃmənt/ blandishment:coax=medal:honor blandishment<>threat

something that tends to coax or cajole:ALLUREMENT Synonyms: FLATTERY, adulation, blarney, incense, oil, soft soap Sample: Despite the salesperson's blandishments, the customer did not buy the outfit. sự xu nịnh ((thường) số nhiều) lời nịnh hót, lời tán tỉnh lấy lòng

208. prostrate (adj) prostrate<>erect prostrate<>upright

stretched out with face on the ground in adoration or submission; also:lying flat nằm úp, nằm sõng soài Synonyms: PRONE, decumbent, flat, procumbent, reclining, recumbent Sample: He prostrated himself before the idol

39. tasty (adj) /t'eɪsti/

strikingly attractive or interesting tasty<>uninteresting Synonyms: PALATABLE, appetizing, flavorsome, good-tasting, relishing, sapid, savory, tasteful, toothsome, toothy Sample: That cook makes tasty food, rich in spices and seasonings.

2. emulate /'emjʊleɪt/ (v.) emulate:exemplary=obviate:unnecessary emulation:exemplar=deference:authority

strive to equal or excel tích cực noi gương Synonyms: RIVAL, compete, rivalize Sample: However original they might be, Roman poets were bound to have some favorite earlier author whom they would emulate.

101. enthusiasm (n) /ɪnθj'uːziæzəm/ ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic ennui:enthusiastic=somnolence:alert enthusiasm:mania=suspicion:paranoia reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm madness:enthusiasm=?? ennui<>energy/enthusiasm halfhearted<>enthusiastic

strong excitement of feeling:ARDOR hăng hái Synonyms: PASSION , ardor, fervor, fire, hurrah, zeal Sample: In spite of lackluster reviews in the press, the production of her play was rescued from almost certain oblivion by enthusiastic audiences whose acumen was greater than that of the critics.

98. contumacious (adj.) [,kɔntju'mei∫əs]

stubbornly disobedient:REBELLIOUS bướng bỉnh, ương ngạnh contumacious:authority=reactionary/hidebound/conservative:change/innovation/novelty contumacious<>obedient Synonyms: INSUBORDINATE, factious, insurgent, mutinous, rebellious, seditious Sample: The contumacious mob shouted defiantly at the police.

29. tremulous (adj) /tr'emjʊləs/

such as is or might be caused by nervousness or shakiness run rẩy, rung động Synonyms: aquake, aquiver, ashake, ashiver, quaking, quaky, quivering, quivery, shaking, shaky, shivering, shivery, trembling, tremorous, tremulant Sample: She was tremulous more from excitement than from fear.

163. indigent [adj] /'indidʤənt/ indigent:wealth=redundant:indispensability indigent<>affluent

suffering from indigence:IMPOVERISHED (nghèo khổ, bần cùng) Synonyms: POOR, destitute, dirt poor, impecunious, impoverished, necessitous, needy, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken Sample: Neither the economists nor the political scientists have found a way to wipe out the inequities of wealth and eliminate indigence from our society.

157. opportune [ ] adj. /'ɔpətju:n/ opportune:convenience=impermanent:transience opportune<>inconvenient

suitable or convenient for a particular occurrence Synonyms: TIMELY, auspicious, favorable, propitious, prosperous, seasonable, timeous, well-timed Sample: The diplomat, selected for her demonstrated patience and skill in conducting such delicate negotiations, declined to make a decision during the talks because any sudden commitment at that time would have been inopportune . hợp, thích hợp đúng lúc, phải lúc

13. paramount /p'ærəmaʊnt/ (adj.) painful:agonizing=important:paramount

superior to all others thượng đỉnh, vượt trội Synonyms: DOMINANT, ascendant, master, overbearing, predominant, predominate, preponderant, prevalent, regnant, sovereign Sample: Proper nutrition and hygiene are of paramount importance in adolescent development and growth.

131.pessimism /ˈpɛsəˌmɪzəm/

sự bi quan an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome Sample: The good news we have been receiving lately indicates that there is little reason for your pessimism.

deference ['defərəns] n.

sự chiều theo, sự tôn trọng, tôn kính in deference to one's desires: chiều theo ý muốn của ai respect and esteem due a superior or an elder; also:affected or ingratiating regard for another's wishes Synonyms: HONOR, homage, obeisance, reverence Sample: The deference with which the French aristocracy greeted the middle-class Rousseau was all the more remarkable because he showed so little respect for them.

72/squabble /'skwɔbl/ (n)

sự cãi nhau ầm ĩ. a noisy altercation or quarrel usually over trifles squabble:dispute=foible:failing tiff:squabble=foible:failing squabble:quarrel=foible:failing Synonyms: QUARREL, altercation, beef, bickering, controversy, dispute, fight, hassle, row, tiff Sample: Children invariably get involved in petty squabbles; wise parents know when to interfere and when to let the children work things out on their own

21.dissonance /ˈdɪsənəns/ dissonance<>concord

sự không hòa hợp bất hòa lack of agreement; especially:inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's actions and one's beliefs Synonyms: DISCORD, conflict, contention, difference, disaccord, disharmony, dissension, dissidence, strife, variance Sample: They ended their marriage because of the dissonance in their relationship.

134.sloth /ˈslɑ:θ/ rakish:restraint=slothful:assiduity

sự lười biếng disinclination to action or labor:INDOLENCE Sample: Note how well the somewhat greenish coat of the sloth enables it to blend in with its arboreal surroundings.

5.crescendo /krəˈʃɛndoʊ/ crescendo<>decrease in volume

sự mạnh dần, tới đỉnh cao a gradual increase; specifically:a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage Synonyms: APEX, acme, apogee, climax, crest, culmination, peak Sample: The overture suddenly changed from a quiet pastoral theme to a crescendo featuring blaring trumpets and clashing cymbols.

146.ebullience /ɪˈbʊljəns/

sự sôi nổi the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings:EXUBERANCE Synonyms: buoyancy, effervescence, exuberance, exuberancy Sample: His ebullient nature could not be repressed.

130.approval /əˈpru:vəl/

sự tán thành chấp thuận

60. analogy [ə'nælədʒɪ] n. disparate<>analogous

sự tương tự, giống nhau, phép loại suy (triết), sự cùng chức (sinh) a: resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike:SIMILARITY b:comparison based on such resemblance Synonyms: LIKENESS, affinity, alikeness, comparison, resemblance, semblance, similarity, simile, similitude Sample: Your analogy is not a good one because the two situations are not similar.

132.incursion /ɪnˈkɚʒən/

sự xâm nhập đột nhập a hostile entrance into a territory:RAID Synonyms: INVASION, foray, inroad, irruption, raid Sample: The nightly incursions and hit-and-run raids of our neighbors across the border tried the patience of the country to the point where we decided to retaliate in force.

5. abeyance /əb'eɪəns/ (n.) abeyance<>continuance

temporary inactivity:SUSPENSION sự đọng lại, trì hoãn, ngưng trệ Synonyms: abeyancy,doldrums, dormancy, interruption, latency, quiescence, suspension Sample: Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so decimated Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in abeyance in the Western Hemisphere.

207. evasive (adj) inclemency:evasion=??

tending or intended to evade:EQUIVOCAL Synonyms: equivocating, prevaricative, prevaricatory, shifty, shuffling

161. exculpatory [adj] /'ekskʌlpətəri/

tending to clear from a charge of fault or guilt. (để giải tội, để bào chữa)

79. hypnotic (adj.) [hip'nɔtik]

tending to produce sleep:SOPORIFIC thôi miên hypnotic<>conscious hypnotic<>stimulant Synonyms: SOPORIFIC, narcotic, opiate, sleepy, somnifacient, somniferous, somnific, somnolent, somnorific, soporiferous Sample: The mother's voice had a hypnotic effect on her baby.

179. ridicule [n .v] /'ridikju:l/ satire:ridicule=elegy:sorrow reportage:journalist=ridicule:satirist {choreography:dancer} ridicule:derision=?? sublime<>base/ridiculous

the act of exposing to laughter:DERISION, MOCKERY Synonyms: deride, lout, mock, quiz, rally, razz, scout, taunt, twit Sample: The sardonic humor of nightclub comedians who satirize or ridicule patrons in the audience strikes some people as amusing and others as rude.

215. expiation (n) guilt:expiation=fatigue:repose

the act of making atonement sự chuộc, đền (tội) Sample: He tried to expiate his crimes by a full confession to the authorities

25. prosecution (n) /pr'ɒsɪkj'uːʃən/ mediation:compromise=prosecution:conviction

the act or process of prosecuting; specifically:the institution and continuance of a criminal suit involving the process of pursuing formal charges against an offender to final judgment sự khởi tố Sample: The defense called several respectable witnesses who were able to refute the false testimony of the prosecution's only witness.

32/reportage (n) /,repɔ:'tɑ:ʤ/

the act or process of reporting news. Bài phóng reportage:journalist=ridicule:satirist {choreography:dancer}

75. molt /moult/ (n,v) fledging<>molt

the act or process of sheding hair, feathers, shell, horns, or an outer layer periodically; specifically:ECDYSIS sự rụng lông, sự thay lông bird in the moult: chim đang thay lông động từ moult rụng lông, thay lông (chim) Sample: The male robin molted in the spring.

40. polemic (n) /pəl'emɪk/

the art or practice of disputation or controversy cuộc luận chiến, bút chiến polemic:disputatious=invective:abusive polemical<>compromising the main part, polemics for the party's policy.

181 perimeter /pər'ɪmɪtər/ (n.) country:border=circle:perimeter

the boundary of a closed plane figure chu vi; vòng ngoài Sample: To find the perimeter of any quadrilateral, we add the lengths of the four sides.

107. pun (n, v) /p'ʌn/

the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same chơi chữ

99. repertoire (n.) ['repətwɑ:]

the complete list or supply of dramas, operas, or musical works available for performance. vốn tiết mục palette:color=repertoire:play repertoire:performance=manifest:cargo=agenda:meeting Synonyms: EFFECT, impact, imprint, influence, mark Sample: The opera company decided to include Madame Butterfly in its repertoire for the following season.

71. ethics [ ] n. /'eθiks/ logic:reasoning=ethics:behavior

the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation Sample: Forget about ethics! He's such an opportunist that he'll vote in favor of any deal that will give him a break. đạo đức, luân thường đạo lý đạo đức học (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) nguyên tắc xử thế (một cá nhân); nội quy (một tổ chức)

77.prime (n.) [praim]

the earliest stage thời kỳ đầu, thời kỳ sung sức nhất, prime<>uninitial Synonyms: MORNING, aurora, cockcrow, dawn, daybreak, dayspring, morn, sunrise Sample: Although he was over seventy years old, Jack had the vigor of a man in his prime.

39/asset (n) /'æset/

the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estate applicable or subject to the payment of debts. Tài sản có thể dùng để trả nợ asset<>liability Synonyms: capital, resources, wealth Sample: That company's assets are $1 million, and it owes $700,000, so its net assets are $300,000.

233.variance /ˈverijəns/ immutable<>variable variance<>congruity

the fact, quality, or state of being variable or variant:DIFFERENCE, VARIATION Synonyms: difference, variation Sample: The notion that cultural and biological influences equally determine cross-cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population variance.

108. ewe (n) /j'uː/ sheep:ewe=swan:pen 【pen:A female swan.】

the female of the sheep especially when mature; also:the female of various related animals cừu cái Sample: The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a fifteenth-century palace, sought to legitimize the city's social strivings by evoking a history the city did not truly possess.

41. acme (n) /'ækmi/

the highest point or stage đỉnh cao, tột đỉnh acme:surpass=impossible:execute acme:mountain=crest:wave Synonyms: APEX , apogee, capstone, climax, culmination, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith Sample: Welles's success in Citizen Kane marked the acme of his career as an actor; never again did he achieve such popular acclaim.

20. swill (v) /sw'ɪl/ swill:sip=gobble:nibble swill<>sip

to drink great drafts of:GUZZLE uống ừng ực Sample: Singing, "Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum," Long John Silver and his fellow pirates swilled their grog.

27. preface (n) /pr'efɪs/

the introductory remarks of a speaker or author lời mở đầu overture:symphony=preface:book ) preface<>epilogue prefatory<>conclusive Synonyms: INTRODUCTION, exordium, foreword, overture, preamble, prelude, prelusion, prologue Sample: In their preface, the collection's editors plead that certain of the important articles they omitted were published too recently for inclusion, but in the case of many such articles, this excuse is not valid.

46/bit (n) /bit/

the jaws of tongs or pincers.Miếng, mảnh, một chút. bit:drill=blade:razor Sample: I lost one of the bits for my drill.

92. forestry (n.) 'fɔristri]

the management of growing timber tree:forestry=flower:horticulture Sample: Her son went to Yale University to study forestry. hoa học và công việc trồng, chăm sóc, quản lý rừng; lâm nghiệp

34. ellipsis (n) /ɪl'ɪpsɪs/

the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete apostrophes:word=ellipsis:sentence Sample: Sometimes an ellipsis can lead to a dangling modifier, as in the sentence "Once dressed, you should refrigerate the potato salad.

95. caption (n.) ['kæp∫n]

the part of a legal document that shows where, when, and by what authority it was taken, found, or executed đoạn thuyết minh, lời chú thích (trên màn ảnh, dưới hình vẽ) (pháp lý) bản chỉ dẫn kèm theo hồ sơ Synonyms: legend, underline Sample: I find the captions that accompany these cartoons very clever and humorous.

212. decadence ['dekədəns] (n) decadence<>wholesomeness

the process of becoming decadent:the quality or state of being decadent 1. sự suy đồi, sa sút, điêu tàn 2. thời kỳ suy đồi Synonyms: DETERIORATION, declension, declination, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, devolution, downfall, downgrade Sample: The moral decadence of the people was reflected in the lewd literature of the period

4. ratiocination (n) /,rætiɔsi'neiʃn/

the process of exact thinking:REASONING sự suy luận Synonyms: INFERENCE, conclusion, deduction, illation, judgment Sample: While Watson was a man of average intelligence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift for ratiocination made him a superb detective.

26. distillation (n) [‚dɪstɪ'leɪʃn]

the process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation sự chưng cất synopsis:conciseness=distillate:purity distill:purity=leaven:volume liquefy:fluid=distill:pure Sample: Vodka is a distillate of wheat, corn, or potatoes.

108. solitude /s'ɒlɪtjuːd/ (n) recluse:solitude=toady:favor

the quality or state of being alone or remote from society:SECLUSION sự tách biệt, tình trạng cô đơn Synonyms: aloneness, isolation, loneness, solitariness Sample: Cherishing his solitude, the recluse shunned the company of other human beings.

118. lethargy /l'eθərdʒi/ (n) lethargic:energy=??

the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent sự thờ ơ / tình trạng hôn mê Synonyms: coma, dullness, hebetude, languor, lassitude, sleep, slumber, stupor, torpidity, torpidness, torpor Sample: The stuffy room made her lethargic; she felt as if she was about to nod off.

33. petulance (n) /p'etʃʊləns/

the quality or state of being petulant:PEEVISHNESS tính nóng nảy Sample: The feverish patient was petulant and restless.

69/earshot (n)

the range within which the unaided voice may be heard. Tầm nghe earshot:hear=ken:see Synonyms: hearing Sample: I called to him, but he could not hear me because he was out of earshot.

78. deprivation (n.) [,depri'vei∫n]

the state of being deprived:PRIVATION; especially:removal from an office, dignity, or benefice sự tước đoạt hoặc bị tước đoạt deprivation<>surfeit/fecundity Synonyms: PRIVATION, deprivement, dispossession, divestiture, loss Sample: The people of that country live in a state of deprivation without freedom or enough food.

50/privation (n)/privation/

the state of being deprived; especially:lack of what is needed for existence. Tình trạng thiếu thốn, tình trạng ko có repletion<>privation Synonyms: ABSENCE, dearth, default, defect, lack, want Sample: In his youth, he knew hunger and privation.

92. euphemism (n.) [ju:'fimizm]

the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant (ngôn ngữ học) lối nói trại,uyển ngữ/ nói tránh Synonyms: nice Nelly, nice-nellyism Sample: The modern age is a permissive one in which things can be said explicitly, but the old tradition of euphemism dies hard.

121 libretto (n) /lɪbr'etoʊ/ libretto:opera=lyrics:song

the text of a work (as an opera) for the musical theater lời nhac kịch Sample: The composer of an opera's music is remembered more frequently than the author of its libretto.

128.retreat /rɪˈtri:t/

the usually forced withdrawal of troops from an enemy or from an advanced position sự rút quân Synonyms: RECEDE, back, fall back, retract, retrocede, recoil, shrink Sample: Opponents of the expansion of the market economy, although in retreat, continued to constitute a powerful political force throughout the century.

39. landslide (n) /l'ændslaɪd/ droplet:deluge=pebble:landslide

the usually rapid downward movement of a mass of rock, earth, or artificial fill on a slope; also:the mass that moves down sự lở đất Sample: A landslide blocked the coastal road.

142.lyric /ˈlirɪk/

the words of a song lời Sample: The natures of social history and lyric poetry are antithetical, social history always recounting the evanescent and lyric poetry speaking for unchanging human nature, that timeless essence beyond fashion and economics.

193 script /skr'ɪpt/ (n.) director:script=conductor:score script:drama=score:music

the written text of a stage play, screenplay, or broadcast; specifically:the one used in production or performance kịch bản Sample: After the film editors had bowdlerized the language in the script, the motion picture's rating was changed from "R" to "PG."

41. grandstand (v) ????? /gr'ændstænd/

to play or act so as to impress onlookers grandstand:impress=equivocate:deceive Sample: We sat in the grandstand to watch the baseball game.

144.partial /ˈpɑɚʃəl/

thiên vị không công bằng inclined to favor one party more than the other:BIASED Synonyms: BIASED, colored, jaundiced, one-sided, partisan, prejudiced, prepossessed, tendentious, unindifferent, warped Sample: Although the revelation that one of the contestants was a friend left the judge open to charges of lack of disinterestedness, the judge remained adamant in her assertion that acquaintance did not necessarily imply partiality.

47/ peripheral (a) /pə'rifərəl/

thuộc chu vi, ngoại biên. of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface part immaterial:relevance=peripheral:center Sample: One virus strain that may help gene therapists cure genetic brain diseases can enter the peripheral nervous system and travel to the brain, obviating the need to inject the therapeutic virus directly into the brain.

226.advertise /ˈædvɚˌtaɪz/ advertising:commercial=publishing:journal

thông báo to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a broadcast Synonyms: DECLARE, announce, annunciate, blazon, broadcast, bruit (about), proclaim, promulgate Sample: When we advertised the position, we received a deluge of applications.

100. reconnoiter (v) /ˌrɛkəˈnɔɪtə/

thăm dò

145.stoic /ˈstowɪk/

thản nhiên, thờ ơ not affected by or showing passion or feeling; especially:firmly restraining response to pain or distress Synonyms: IMPASSIVE, phlegmatic, apathetic, stolid Sample: The doctor called her patient a stoic because he had borne the pain of the examination without whimpering.

129.theology /θiˈɑ:ləʤi/ conservatory:music=seminary:theology=observatory:astronomy

thần học the study of religious faith, practice, and experience; especially:the study of God and of God's relation to the world Sample: The incarnation of Jesus Christ is a basic tenet of Christian theology.

147.candor /ˈkændɚ/

thật thà vô tư unreserved, honest, or sincere expression:FORTHRIGHTNESS Sample: The "impostor syndrome" often afflicts those who fear that true self-disclosure will lower them in others' esteem; rightly handled, however, candor may actually enhance one's standing.

33/mischievous (a)/'mistʃivəs/

tinh nghịch, tinh quái, tác hại, có hại

116. apocalyptic [ə‚pɒkə'lɪptɪk] adj. apocalyptic:prophetic=inconsequential:illogical apocalyptic<>inconsequential

tiên tri, thuộc về sách khải truyền forecasting the ultimate destiny of the world:PROPHETIC Synonyms: PROPHETIC, Delphian, fatidic, mantic, oracular, prophetical, sibylline, vatic, vaticinal Sample: His apocalyptic remarks were dismissed by his audience as wild surmises.

127.execute /ˈɛksɪˌkju:t/ impossible:execute=adamant:moved vagary:predict=impossibility:execute

tiến hành thực hiện to carry out fully:put completely into effect Synonyms: ADMINISTER, administrate, carry out, govern, render Sample: Although the minuet appeared simple, its intricate steps had to be studied very carefully before they could be gracefully executed in public.

lathe [leɪð] n.

tiện (v.), máy tiện (n.) a machine in which work is rotated about a horizontal axis and shaped by a fixed tool lathe:shape=clasp:fasten Synonyms: abeyant, dormant, lurking, potential, prepatent, quiescent Sample: He makes machine parts on a <n.> lathe.

52. imbibe [ ] v. imbibe /im'bed/ .

to absorb or take in as if by drinking Sample: The dry soil imbibed the rain quickly thirsty:imbibe=exhausted:rest ngoại động từ uống, nốc; hít (không khí...) hút (hơi ẩm) hấp thụ, tiêm nhiễm to imbibe new ideas: hấp thụ những ý tưởng mới nội động từ (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) uống

200 inure /i'njuə/ (v.) inured:tolerance=addicted:dependency

to accustom to accept something undesirable làm cho trở nên quen thuộc với Synonyms: ACCUSTOM, familiarize, habituate, use, wont Sample: Employees had become so inured to the caprices of top management's personnel policies that they greeted the announcement of a company-wide dress code with impassivity.

84. console (vt.) [kən'soul]

to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of:COMFORT an ủi embarrass:shame=console:comfort disturb:serenity=console:grief alleviate:intensity=console:grief Synonyms: COMFORT, buck up, cheer, solace, upraise Sample: When her father died, Marius did his best to console Cosette.

18. remodel (vt) /'ri:'mɔdl/

to alter the structure of:REMAKE làm lại, sửa đổi, tu sửa, tổ chức lại Sample: In remodeling the bathroom, we replaced all the old, rigid lead pipes with new, pliable copper tubing.

121. dissect (v) /daɪs'ekt, dɪ-/ specimen:dissect=sentence:parse

to analyze and interpret minutely giải phẫu, phân tích Synonyms: SEPARATE, break up, dichotomize, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, divide, part, sever, sunder Sample: The biology student dissected a frog in the laboratory.

190 harass /h'ærəs, hər'æs/ (v.) haunt:familiar=harass:irritating

to annoy persistently quấy rầy, quấy rối, quấy nhiễu Synonyms: RAID, foray, harry, maraud

125.obviate (v) /'ɔbvieit/ emulate:exemplary=obviate:unnecessary obviate:unnecessary=reduce:smaller

to anticipate and prevent (as a situation) or make unnecessary (as an action) 1. Ngăn ngừa. 2. Xóa bỏ Synonyms: PREVENT, avert, deter, forestall, forfend, preclude, rule out, stave off, ward Sample: One virus strain that may help gene therapists cure genetic brain diseases can enter the peripheral nervous system and travel to the brain, obviating the need to inject the therapeutic virus directly into the brain.

46/varnish (n) /'vɑ:niʃ/

to apply varnish to. Véc xi, sơn dầu glaze:porcelain=varnish:wood varnish:glossy=sand:smooth varnish:wood=wax:linoleum

97. postulate (v) /´pɔstju¸leit/ postulate<>deny as false

to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary:depend upon or start from the postulate of Synonyms: ASSUME, presuppose, posit, premise, presume Sample: We must accept these statements as postulates before pursuing our discussions any further. Yêu cầu, đòi hỏi/ (toán học) đưa ra thành định đề, đặt thành định đề/ Coi như là đúng, mặc nhiên công nhận (tôn giáo) bổ nhiệm với điều kiện được cấp trên chuẩn y (+ for) đặt điều kiện cho, quy định (cái gì)

154. smother [ ] vt. smother:choke=?? Synonyms: SUFFOCATE, asphyxiate, choke, stifle Sample: The killer smothered the man by putting a pillow over his face.

to be overcome or killed through or as if through lack of air làm ngột ngạt, làm ngạt thở; bóp chết làm (lửa) cháy âm ỉ giấu giếm, che giấu, bưng bít to smother up facts: che giấu sự thật to smother a yawn: che cái ngáp bao bọc, bao phủ, phủ kín road smothered in dust: đường (phủ) đầy bụi nội động từ (từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) chết ngạt, nghẹt thở to smother somebody with gifts gửi đồ biếu tới tấp cho ai to smother somebody with kindness đối đãi với ai hết lòng tử tế

171. wizen [adj] /'wizn/ wizened<>thrive/blooming Synonyms: WITHER, dry up, mummify, mummy, shrivel, welter, wilt

to become dry, shrunken, and wrinkled often as a result of aging or of failing vitality (khô xác, nhăn nheo) Sample: The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and energetic.

33. flirt (vi) /fl'ɜːrt/ flirt:decency=?? supplicant:beseeching=coquette:flirtatious

to behave amorously without serious intent ve vãn, tánh tỉnh Synonyms: trifle, coquet, dally, fool, lead on, string along, toy, wanton Sample: He flirted with disaster when he bet a lot of money at the horseraces.

65. crouch [ ] v. /kautʃ/

to bend or bow servilely:CRINGE Synonyms: huddle, hunch, scrooch Sample: The earthquake shattered his usual stolidity; trembling, he crouched on the no longer stable ground. sự né, sự núp, sự cúi mình (để tránh đòn) sự luồn cúi nội động từ thu mình lấy đà (để nhảy) né, núp, cúi mình (để tránh đòn)

12. grant (vt) /gr'ɑːnt, gr'ænt/ concede<>refuse to grant withhold<>grant

to bestow or transfer formally specifically:to give the possession or title of by a deed thừa nhận, công nhận Synonyms: ACKNOWLEDGE, admit, allow, avow, concede, confess, fess (up), let on, own, own up Sample: Everyone took his probity for granted; his defalcations, therefore, shocked us all.

36. homogenize (v) /həm'ɒdʒənaɪz/

to blend (diverse elements) into a uniform mixture pha trộn, đồng nhất stratify<>homogenize Sample: Many educators try to put pupils of similar abilities in the same class because they believe that his homogeneous grouping is advisable.

1. sunder /s'ʌndər/ (v.) collapse:implode=divide:sunder sunder<>connect sunder<>link sunder<>combine/yoke/bond sunder<>merge asunder<>yoke

to break apart or in two:separate by or as if by violence or by intervening time or space bẻ vỡ ra, tách riêng ra, xé ra Synonyms: SEPARATE, dichotomize, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, disunite, divide, divorce, part Sample: Northern and southern Ireland are politically and religiously sundered.

80.precipitate (v.) pri'sipitit/

to bring about especially abruptly vội vàng, thúc giục precipitate<>retard/dilatory Synonyms: ABRUPT, headlong, impetuous, sudden Sample: The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and precipitate such illnesses.

35. inter (v) /ɪnt'ɜːr/

to bury a dead person chôn cát, mai táng

206. denigrate ['denigreit] (vt) denigrate<>honor

to cast aspersions on:DEFAME, revile phỉ báng, gièm pha, nói xấu Synonyms: MALIGN, asperse, calumniate, defame, libel, scandalize, slander, tear down, traduce, vilify Sample: The current penchant for touting a product by denigrating a rival, named in the advertisement by brand name, seems somewhat foolhardy:suppose the consumer remembers only the rival's name

85.mesh (vt.) [me∫]

to cause (as gears) to engage làm cho (bánh răng truyền động...) khớp nhau / bắt vào lưới disengage<>mesh 解开<>啮合 Synonyms: ENGAGE, intermesh Sample: Though science is often imagined as a disinterested exploration of external reality, scientists are no different from anyone else:they are passionate human beings enmeshed in a web of personal and social circumstances.

85.extinguish (vt.)

to cause to cease burning:QUENCH.dập tắt, làm tiêu tan, làm tắt extinguish<>kindle 熄灭<>点燃 ignite<>extinguish 点燃<>熄灭 extinguish<>rekindle 熄灭<>重新点燃 Synonyms: ANNIHILATE, abate, abolish, blot out, eradicate, exterminate, extirpate, root out, uproot, wipe (out) Sample: As a Scout, Marisa learned how to light a fire, how to stoke it if it started to die down, and how to extinguish it completely.

10. shuttle /ʃ'ʌtəl/ (v.)

to cause to move or travel back and forth frequently qua lại như con thoi Synonyms: shunt Sample: The shuttles leave the hotel for the airport every hour.

14. baffle (vt) /'bæfl/

to check or break the force or flow of by or as if by a baffle cản trở, trở ngại, đánh bại Synonyms: FRUSTRATE, balk, beat, bilk, circumvent, dash, disappoint, foil, ruin, thwart Sample: The new code baffled the enemy agents.

10. exculpate (vt) ['ekskʌlpeɪt] exculpatory:absolve=motivational:stir hortative:encourage=exculpatory:absolve alibi:exculpatory=warning:admonitory exculpate<>inculpate

to clear from alleged fault or guilt bào chữa, giải tội Synonyms: absolve, acquit, clear, disculpate, exonerate, vindicate Sample: He was exculpated of the crime when the real criminal confessed.

4. implode (v) /ɪmpl'oʊd/ collapse:implode=divide:sunder

to collapse inward as if from external pressure; also:to become greatly reduced as if from collapsing nổ ( vào trong) Sample: The volcanic mountain seemed much smaller after it erupted and imploded.

79.improvised (adj.) ['imprəvaizd]

to compose, recite, play, or sing extemporaneously ứng khẩu, ngẫu tác Synonyms: EXTEMPORANEOUS, autoschediastic, extemporary, extempore, impromptu, offhand, spur-of-the-moment, unrehearsed, unstudied Sample: While scientists dismiss as fanciful the idea of sudden changes in a genetic code (spontaneous mutation), it is possible that nature, like some master musician, improvises on occasion, departing from the expected or predictable.

105. comply (v) /kəmpl'aɪ/ mandatory:comply=forbidden:abstain

to conform or adapt one's actions to another's wishes, to a rule, or to necessity tuân theo Synonyms: OBEY, conform, follow, keep, mind, observe Sample: Nothing that few employees showed any enthusiasm for complying with the corporation's new safety regulations, Peterson was forced to conclude that acceptance of the regulations would be grudging, at best.

37. subdue (vt) /səbdj'uː/ impervious:damaged=indomitable:subdued subdue<>inflame subdued<>unruly flamboyant<>subdued burgeon<>subdue indominatable<>easly subdued

to conquer and bring into subjection:VANQUISH Chinh phục Synonyms: CONQUER , crush, defeat, reduce, subjugate, vanquish Sample: As soon as the city was beleaguered, the life became more subdued as the citizens began their long wait for outside assitance.

95.throng (vi.) [θrɔη]

to crowd together in great numbers xúm lại thành đám đông; làm chật ních, làm cho đầy người (vật) protract:length=throng:number Synonyms: CROWD , crush, drove, horde, multitude, press, push, squash Sample: Throngs of shoppers jammed the aisles.

164. notch [vt] /nɔtʃ/ serrated<>without notches/smooth

to cut or make a notch in (đánh dấu để ghi nhớ (tiền nợ, công điểm...)) Sample: He cut a notch on the pole to tie a rope around it.

70. bamboozle (v.) [bæm'bu:zl]

to deceive by underhanded methods:DUPE, HOODWINK bịp, lừa bịp Synonyms: DUPE, befool, fool, gull, hoax, hoodwink, trick Sample: I was bamboozled when I bought that bad used car.

63. condemn [ ] vt. /kən'dem/ pliable:influenced=censorious:condemn countenance<>condemn exaltation<>condemnation extol<>condemn/impugn/detract panegyric<>condemnation

to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation bristle:anger=vacillate:unresolution { condone:mercy} {condemn:warning} Synonyms: CRITICIZE, blame, censure, denounce, denunciate, knock, rap, reprehend, reprobate, skin Sample: The criminal was condemned to be flayed alive kết án, kết tội, xử, xử phạt to be condemned to death: bị kết án tội tử hình chỉ trích, chê trách, lên án, quy tội do not condemn him before you know his motives: đừng vội chỉ trích hắn trước khi anh biết rõ động cơ của hắn

36. reprieve (n) (v) /rɪpr'iːv/

to delay the punishment of (as a condemned prisoner) reprieve:punishment=moratorium:activity ) hoãn thi hành án Synonyms: RESPITE Sample: During the twenty-four-hour reprieve, the lawyers sought to make the stay of execution permanent.

1. disavow /d'ɪsəv'aʊ/ (v.) disavow<>affirm

to deny responsibility for:REPUDIATE chối, không nhận, từ bỏ Synonyms: DISCLAIM, deny, disacknowledge, disallow, disown, repudiate Sample: He disavows any further connection with what we now know is a criminal organization.

45. abscond (v) /æbsk'ɒnd/

to depart secretly and hide oneself abscond:leave=steal:take abscond:depart=pilfer/sneak:take=secrete:store=lurk:wait lẩn trốn Synonyms: ESCAPE , break, bunk, decamp, flee, fly, scape Sample: The teller absconded with the bonds and was not found.

117. disparage /d'ɪsp'ærɪdʒ/ (v) scorn:reject=adulate:flatter=disparage:ignore aggrandize<>disparage champion<>disparage extol<>disparage kudos<>disparage adulate<>disparage revere<>disparage

to depreciate by indirect means (as invidious comparison):speak slightingly about làm mất uy tín, chê bai Synonyms: DECRY, abuse, belittle, depreciate, derogate, detract (from), dispraise, downcry, minimize, write off Sample: A number of writers who once greatly disparaged the literary critic have recently recanted, substituting approbation for their former criticism.

68. discredit (v.) [dis'kredit]

to deprive of good repute:DISGRACE. làm mang tai mang tiếng, làm mất uy tín, làm mất thể diện exhortation:motivate=invective:discredit Synonyms: blow up, disprove, explode, puncture, shoot Sample: Scientists have discredited many popular beliefs, like the belief the world was flat.

68/disarm /dis'ɑ:m/ (v)

to deprive of means, reason, or disposition to be hostile. Lột vũ khí, tước hết khả năng. bait<>disarm Synonyms: PARALYZE, cripple, disable, immobilize, incapacitate, prostrate Sample: She disarmed her opponent with her friendly manner.

160. calibrate [ ] vt. /'kælibreit/ measure:dimensions:calibrate:diameter=gauge:pressure=plumb:depth calibrated<>unstandardized

to determine, rectify, or mark the graduations of Sample: The worker calibrated a cutting tool. ngoại động từ định cỡ, xác định đường kính (nòng súng, ống...) kiểm tra cỡ trước khi chia độ (ống đo nhiệt...)

147.addict /ˈædɪkt/

to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively ham mê, đam mê Sample: In his stupor, the addict was unaware of the events taking place around him.

137.detract (v) /di'trækt/ extol<>condemn/impugn/detract

to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness of something 1. làm giảm uy tín, làm giảm giá trị; 2. chê bai, gièm pha, nói xấu Synonyms: DECRY, belittle, depreciate, derogate, diminish, discount, disparage, dispraise, minimize, write off Sample: Her heavy makeup detracts from her good looks.

111. annoy /ən'ɔɪ/ (vt) testy:annoy=tractable:control mawkish:sentimental=peeve:annoy hidebound:conservative=peeved:annoyed maudlin:sentimental=peeved:annoyed patronizing:condescending=peeved:annoyed testy:annoy=hesitate:balk

to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts làm phiền Synonyms: abrade, bother, chafe, exercise, fret, gall, irk, provoke, ruffle, vex Sample: Although Tom was aware that it would be impolitic to display annoyance publicly at the sales conference, he could not hide his irritation with the client's unreasonable demands.

112. disembody (v.) ['disim'bɔdi] disembodied<>corporeal

to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, or of reality. làm (hồn...) lìa khỏi xác; tách rời (tư tưởng...) ra khỏi cái cụ thể giải tán, giải ngũ (quân đội) Sample: Many people believe that at the moment of death, a person's soul becomes disembodied.

13. violate (vt) /'vaiəleit/

to do harm to the person or especially the chastity of; specifically:RAPE vi phạm, xâm phạm, phá rối, làm trái lương tâm Synonyms: breach, break, contravene, infract, infringe, offend Sample: Punishment for violating moral rules is much more common than reward for following them; thus, adherence to the rules goes almost unnoticed in society.

2. guzzle (vi.vt ) /'gʌzl/

to drink especially liquor greedily, continually, or habitually uống liên tục, uống ừng ực Synonyms: DRINK, booze, imbibe, liquor (up), soak, swig, swill, swizzle, tank up, tipple Sample: He guzzled all the beer at the party before he left.

4. carouse /kər'aʊz/ (v.) roisterer:carouse=recluse:withdraw

to drink liquor deeply or freely chè chén, no say Synonyms: BINGE, bat, bender, booze, drunk, jag, spree, tear, REVEL , frolic, hell, riot, roister, spree, wassail Sample: They caroused all night, going from one bar to another.

22. repulse (v,n) /ri'pʌls/

to drive or beat back:REPEL đánh lui, đẩy lùi captivate<>repulse court<>repulse intentionally Synonyms: DISGUST, nauseate, reluct, repel, revolt, sicken Sample: The repulsion of the enemy forces was not accomplished bloodlessly; many of the defenders were wounded in driving the enemy back.

95.gorge (vi.) [gɔ:dʒ]

to eat greedily or to repletion ngốn; tọng vào, nhồi nhét vào (thức ăn) reticent:talk=abstemious:gorge Synonyms: SATIATE, cloy, fill, glut, jade, pall, sate, stodge, surfeit Sample: There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need,or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging.

64/embed (v)/im'bed/

to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix. ấn vào, ghi vào, gắn vào embed<>extract Synonyms: ENTRENCH , fix, infix, ingrain, lodge, root Sample: As long as the nuclear family is embedded in a larger kinship group through contiguous residence on undivided land, the pressure to share and thus to get along with relatives is strong.

50. protest (v) /prət'est/

to execute or have executed a formal protest against (as a bill or note) protest:dissuade=supplicate:entreat phản đối, phản kháng Synonyms: OBJECT , except, expostulate, inveigh (against), kick, remonstrate Sample: Despite vigorous protestations, the grin on the teen-ager's face belied her denial that she had known about the practical joke before it was played on her parents.

129.pillory /ˈpɪləri/

to expose to public contempt, ridicule, or scorn nói xấu bêu xấu Sample: Even though he was mocked and pilloried, he maintained that he was correct in his beliefs.

63. opine [ ] vt.vi./ou'pain/

to express opinions augur:predict=pundit:opine recidivism:relapse=pundit:opine phát biểu cho rằng, chủ trương là

93.recoil (vt.) [ri'kɔil]

to fall back under pressure. dội lại, nảy lại; giật (súng); bật lên (lò xo) recoil<>advance 退缩<>前进 Synonyms: blanch, blench, flinch, quail, shrink, squinch, start, wince Sample: The hunter recoiled when he saw a dangerous snake in front of him.

52/wane (v)/wein/

to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence. Sự tàn, sự khuyết verve<>listlessness {waning} resurgence<>waning vitally burgeoning<>waning Sample: From now until December 21, the winter solstice, the hours of daylight will wane.

118. rejoice (v) /rɪdʒ'ɔɪs/ rejoice<>moroseness sulky<>rejoice

to feel joy or great delight vui mừng, hân hoan Sample: When the war ended, the winners rejoiced.

12. box /b'ɒks/ (v.) box:fight=debate:argue

to fight with the fists:engage in boxing đánh quyền Anh Synonyms: SLAP, blip, buffet, cuff, smack, spank

55/encompass /in'kʌmpəs/ (v)

to form a circle about:ENCLOSE. Vây quanh, bao gồm encompass<>exclude Synonyms: SURROUND , beset, circle, compass, encircle, environ, gird, girdle, hem, ring Sample: Although we were encompassed by enemy forces, we were cheerful for we were well stocked and could withstand a siege until our allies joined us.

8. secrete (vt) /si'kri:t/ secrete<>absorb secrete<>divulge

to form and give off (a secretion) tiết ra (sinh học) Synonyms: HIDE, bury, bush up, cache, conceal, cover, ensconce Sample: The pack rat secretes odds and ends in its nest; the pancreas secretes insulin in the islets of Langerhans.

97. enlighten (vt.) [in'laitn]

to furnish knowledge to:INSTRUCT trao thêm kiến thức hoặc thông tin cho ai; giải thoát ai khỏi sự mê tín hoặc sự ngu dốt; khai sáng equivocation:coax=explanation:enlighten Synonyms: ILLUMINATE , edify, illume, illumine, improve, irradiate, uplift Sample: In the days before the mass marketing of books, censorship was a prime source of publicity, which helped the sale of the book and inspired Ralph Waldo Emerson to remark:"Every burned book enlightens the world".

109. prevail (vi) /prɪv'eɪl/ prevail<>yielding

to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority:TRIUMPH thắng thế Synonyms: CONQUER, best, master, overcome, triumph, RULE, dominate, domineer, predominate, preponderate, reign Sample: This final essay, its prevailing kindliness marred by occasional flashes of savage irony, bespeaks the dichotomous character of the author.

43/jettison(n)\ˈje-tə-sən, -zən\ jettison<>retain

to get rid of as superfluous or encumbering:DISCARD Sự vứt bỏ Synonyms: DISCARD, abdicate, cashier, cast, junk, reject, scrap, shed, slough, throw away Sample: In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain had to jettison much of his cargo.

109. exterminate (vt.) [eks'tə:mineit]

to get rid of completely usually by killing off tiêu diệt, hủy diệt. Synonyms: ANNIHILATE, abate, abolish, blot out, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, root out, uproot, wipe (out) Sample: Some people exterminate garden insects by spraying poison on the plants.

6. discard (vt) /dɪsk'ɑːrd/ retain<>discard

to get rid of especially as useless or unpleasant loại bỏ, thải hồi Synonyms: abdicate, cashier, cast, chuck, ditch, dump, jettison, junk, lay aside, reject, scrap, shed, shuck (off), slough, throw away, throw out, wash out Sample: We must discard this trash (those old ideas, etc.).

17. transfigure /trænsf'ɪgər, AM -f'ɪgjər/ (v.) transfigure:aspect=transfer:location {transfix:attention} transfigure:appearance=transfer:location

to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to:transform outwardly and usually for the better biến hình, biến dạng Synonyms: TRANSFORM, change, commute, convert, metamorphose, translate, transmogrify, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate Sample: His face was transfigured with happiness when he saw his baby being born.

3. articulate (vt) ratiocination:thinking=articulation:talking

to give clear and effective utterance to:put into words đọc, nói rõ ràng Synonyms: VOCAL , eloquent, fluent, smooth-spoken Sample: Her articulate presentation of the advertising campaign impressed her employers.

39/ heart (v) /hɑ:t/

to give heart to:CHEER:HEARTEN mollify:anger=heart:dejection dismay<>hearted

35/harbor (n)/'hɑ:bə/

to give shelter or refuge to. Nơi ẩn nấu harbor<>evict Synonyms: chamber, haven, house, roof, shelter, shield Sample: The church harbored illegal aliens who were political refugees.

30. nerve (n), (v) /n'ɜːrv/

to give strength or courage to:supply with physical or moral force truyền sức mạnh, can đảm appall<>embolden/nerve nervy<>diffident Sample: He was aghast at the nerve of the speaker who had insulted his host.

24.forgo /foɚˈgoʊ/

to give up the use or enjoyment of (something) She is planning to forgo her right to a trial and simply plead guilty

69. slink [ ] v. /sliɳk/ Synonyms: SNEAK, creep, gumshoe, lurk, pussyfoot, shirk, skulk, slide, steal

to go or move stealthily or furtively (as in fear or shame):STEAL Sample: He slinks around the house as though he shouldn't be there. súc vật ((thường) là bò) đẻ non thịt súc vật ((thường) là bò) đẻ non động từ đẻ non, đẻ thiếu tháng (súc vật) nội động từ slunk ((thường) + away, by, in, off...) đi lén, lẩn to slink in: lén vào

31/concede (v)/kən'si:d/

to grant as a right or privilege. Thừa nhận concede<>refuse to grant Synonyms: ACKNOWLEDGE, admit, allow, avow, confess, fess (up), grant, let on, own, own up Sample: While Parker is very outspoken on issues she cares about, she is not fanatical; she concedes the strength of opposing arguments when they expose weaknesses inherent in her own.

120 thrive (vi) /θr'aɪv/ languish<>thrive wizened<>thrive languor<>thrive thrive<>fail

to grow vigorously:flourish thịnh vượng, phát triển mạnh Synonyms: BOOM, flourish Sample: Despite the impact of recession on the restaurant trade, Philip's cafe thrived.

50. approve (v) /əpr'uːv/

to have or express a favorable opinion of tán thành mirth:laughter=approval:applause approve:applause=?:? substantiate<>disapprove Synonyms: accept, approbate, countenance, favor, go (for), hold (with) Sample: The public approved the condign punishment for the crime.

122. spur /sp'ɜːr/ (vt) deter<>spur

to incite to action or accelerated growth or development:STIMULATE kích thích, khuyến khích Synonyms: URGE, egg (on), exhort, goad, prick, prod, prompt Sample: The dark clouds spurred us to work faster before the rain started.

119 bribe (n,v) /br'aɪb/ bribe:incorruptible=affect:insensible {hear:uncommunicative}

to induce or influence by or as if by bribery hối lộ Sample: Although competitors offered him bribes, he refused to disclose any information about his company's forthcoming product.

21. revenge (n) /rɪv'endʒ/ mercenary:money=vindictive:revenge

to inflict injury in return for sự trả thù Synonyms: AVENGE, redress, venge, vindicate Sample: Casting a baleful eye at his successful rival, the rejected suitor stole off, vowing to have his revenge.

82. wheedle (vt.) ['wi:dl]

to influence or entice by soft words or flattery vòi vĩnh, phỉnh nịnh, dỗ ngon, dỗ ngọt wheedle:cajolery=extort:coercion { scourge:possession} Synonyms: COAX, blandish, blarney, cajole, con, soft-soap, sweet-talk Sample: She knows she can wheedle almost anything she wants from her father.

123. intervene /'ɪntərv'iːn/ (vi)

to interfere usually by force or threat of force in another nation's internal affairs especially to compel or prevent an action xen vào, can thiệp Synonyms: INTERPOSE, intercede, interfere, intermediate, mediate, step in Sample: Although supernovas are among the most luminous of cosmic events, these stellar explosions are often hard to detect, either because they are enormously far away or because they are dimmed by intervening dust and gas clouds.

8. browbeat (v.) instigator:incite=bully:browbeat

to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech : BULLY Synonyms: INTIMIDATE, bludgeon, bluster, bulldoze, bully, cow, dragoon, hector Sample: Billy resisted Ted's attempts to browbeat him into handing over his lunch money.

99.yoke (vt.) [jouk]

to join as if by a yoke cặp vào, nối vào ràng buộc, nối; ép buộc, bắt phục tùng sunder<>combine/yoke/bond Synonyms: JOIN, associate, combine, conjoin, conjugate, connect, couple, link, unite, wed Sample: I don't wish to be yoked to him in marriage, as if we were cattle pulling a plow.

78. impute (v) [im'pju:t]

to lay the responsibility or blame for often falsely or unjustly imputable:nettle. đổ (tội...) cho, quy (tội...) cho Synonyms: ASCRIBE, accredit, assign, attribute, charge, credit, lay, refer Sample: If I wished to impute blame to the officers in charge of this program, I would state my feelings definitely and immediately.

16.attenuate (v) /ə'tenjueit/

to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of:WEAKEN làm yếu đi, làm loãng, (vật lý) làm tắt dần, làm suy giảm attenuate<>intensify Synonyms: WEAKEN, blunt, cripple, debilitate, disable, enfeeble, sap, unbrace, undermine, unstrengthen Sample: The two people argued so much that their friendship was attenuated.

93.daunt (vt.)

to lessen the courage of:COW, SUBDUE e doạ, doạ nạt, doạ dẫm; làm thoái chí, làm nản lòng dauntless:trepidation=footloose:attachment dauntless:intimidate=irrepressible:restrain cowed<>undaunted daunt<>embolden/make resolute daunting<>meek Synonyms: DISMAY, appall, consternate, horrify, shake Sample: He was timid and cowardish; always backing up at daunting situations.

110. assuage (v) /əsw'eɪdʒ/ assuage:sorrow=dampen:ardor gall<>calm/assuage assuage/subdue<>inflame assuage<>intensify

to lessen the intensity of (something that pains or distresses):EASE xoa dịu, giảm nhẹ Synonyms: relieve, alleviate, lighten, assuage, mitigate, allay Sample: The king assuaged the fears of his nobles about a war.

99. buffer (v) /ˈbʌfər/

to lessen the shock of:CUSHION Sample: The mountains are a <n.> buffer against the storms from the sea. Làm vật đệm cho (cái gì)

41/concatenate/ kɔn'kætineit (v)

to link together in a series or chain. Nối vào nhau. concatenate<>separate Synonyms: INTEGRATE, articulate Sample: It is difficult to understand how these events could concatenate as they did without outside assistance.

100. pall (v.) [pɔ:l]

to lose in interest or attraction trở nên nhạt nhẽo, vô vị, làm chán ngấy pall<>interest/intrigue Synonyms: BORE, ennui, tire, weary Sample: The study of word lists can eventually pall and put one to sleep.

104. efface (v) /ɪf'eɪs/ alliterate:remove=blazon:efface blazon<>efface efface<>emboss efface<>bring to preeminent efface<>aggrandize effacing<>institute

to make (oneself) modestly or shyly inconspicuous xóa bỏ, lu mờ Synonyms: ERASE, annul, black (out), blot out, cancel, delete, expunge, obliterate, wipe (out), x (out) Sample: Although retiring, almost self-effacing in his private life, he displays in his plays and essays a strong penchant for publicity and controversy.

211. breach (v, n) breach<>solder solder<>breach

to make a breach in (n) mối bất hòa, tự tuyệt giao Synonyms: GAP , break, discontinuity, hole, opening, fissure, fracture, rent, rift, rupture, schism, split, hiatus, interim, interruption, interval Sample: They found a breach in the enemy's fortifications and penetrated their lines

132. paraphrase (v) /'pærəfreiz/ paraphrase:verbatim=approximate:precise

to make a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form (diễn tả bằng ngữ giải thích) Synonyms: rephrase, restate, reword, translate (into) Sample: In 250 words or less, paraphrase this article.

13. probe /pr'oʊb/ (v.) cavil:criticize=probe:investigate

to make a searching exploratory investigation thăm dò, điều tra Synonyms: INQUIRY, delving, inquest, inquisition, investigation, probing, quest, research Sample: The surgeon probed the wound for foreign matter before suturing it.


to make consistent or congruous. Giảng hòa, điều hòa. rift<>reconciliation Synonyms: ADAPT, accommodate, adjust, conform, fit, quadrate, square, suit, tailor, tailor-make Sample: Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having reconciled the conflicting elements of her life.

17. facilitate (v) /fə'siliteit/

to make easier, help bring about làm cho dễ dàng; làm cho thuận tiện facilitate<>impeding , facile<>profound Sample: Histocompatibility antigens that attack foreign tissue in the body cannot have been conserved through evolution expressly to foil organ transplantation; on the contrary, they have been found to facilitate many essential biological functions.

209. vitiate (v) vitiate<>fortify/strengthen

to make faulty or defective:IMPAIR làm hư, làm bẩn, trụy lạc hóa làm mất hiệu lực (pháp lý) Synonyms: INJURE, blemish, damage, harm, hurt, impair, mar, prejudice, spoil, tarnish Sample: Fraud will vitiate the contract

113. adapt (v) /əd'æpt/ adapt<>remain unchanged adapt<>unchangeable

to make fit (as for a specific or new use or situation) often by modification làm phù hơp, thích nghi Synonyms: accommodate, adjust, conform, fit, quadrate, reconcile, square Sample: The form and physiology of leaves vary according tothe environment in which they develop:for example, leaves display a wide range of adaptations to different degrees of light and moisture. (9504)

113. indurate (vt.) ['indjuəreit] indurate<>soften

to make hard làm cứng Synonyms: HARDEN, cake, concrete, congeal, dry, set, solidify

201. allude [ə'lu:d] (vi) intimate:communicate=allude:refer allude<>mention explicitly

to make indirect reference; broadly:REFER nói bóng gió, ám chỉ Synonyms: REFER , advert, bring up, point (out) Sample: Although scientists claim that the seemingly literal language of their reports is more precise than the figurative language of fiction, the language of science, like all language, is inherently allusive

109 calcify (vi) /'kælsifai/ calcification<>flexibility

to make inflexible or unchangeable vôi hóa

55/amplify (v) /'æmplifai/

to make larger or greater (as in amount, importance, or intensity):INCREASE. Mở rộng, phóng đại mute<>amplify Synonyms: EXPAND , dilate, distend, inflate, swell Sample: Her attempts to amplify her remarks were drowned out by the jeers of the audience.

104 defuse (vt) /d'iːfj'uːz/ defuse<>foment

to make less harmful, potent, or tense xoa dịu Synonyms: DEAD, asleep, cold, deceased, departed, exanimate, extinct, inanimate, late, lifeless Sample: They defused the bomb, so it couldn't explode.

57. hone [həʊn] v. n. hone<>blunt

to make more acute, intense, or effective:WHET Đá mài, mài dao cho bén Sample: To make shaving easier, he honed his razor with great care.

20. stun (v) /stʌn/

to make senseless, groggy, or dizzy by or as if by a blow:DAZE làm choáng váng, làm bất tỉnh nhân sự, làm sửng sốt Synonyms: DAZE , paralyze, petrify, stupefy Sample: When I hit my head, the bump stunned me and I fell to the floor.

37/lubricate (v)/'lu:brikeit/

to make smooth or slippery. Tra dầu mỡ oil:lubricate=antiseptic:disinfect Synonyms: BRIBE, buy, buy off, fix, have, sop, square, tamper (with) Sample: Oils lubricate moving parts of engines and other machines.

15. solidify (v) [sə'lɪdɪfaɪ] pulverize<>solidify

to make solid, compact, or hard làm vững chắc, đông đặc Synonyms: HARDEN, cake, concrete, congeal, dry, indurate, set Sample: The cold water solidified into ice.

168. fortify [vt] /'fɔ:tifai/ debilitated<>fortified vitiate<>fortify enervate<>fortify/strengthen

to make strong:as to give physical strength, courage, or endurance to (củng cố, làm cho vững chắc, làm cho mạnh thêm) Synonyms: strengthen, energize, invigorate, reinforce Sample: He fortified himself with a glass of whisky before going out in the cold weather.

79. proffer (v.n.)

to present for acceptance:TENDER, OFFER âng, hiến, biếu, tặng; mời, đề nghị (cái gì - Noun- sự dâng hiến/ đề nghị) proffer<>retain 提供<>保留 Synonyms: OFFER, extend, give, hold out, pose, present, tender

80. intimidate (vt.) [in'timideit]

to make timid or fearful:FRIGHTEN; especially:to compel or deter by or as if by threats. hăm doạ, đe doạ, doạ dẫm sycophant:flattery=extortionist:intimidation dauntless:intimidate=irrepressible:restrain bully:intimidate=stupid:gullibility intimidate:trepidation=?? sabotage:subvertness=bull:intimidation { dupe:duplicity } Synonyms: bludgeon, bluster, browbeat, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, cow, dragoon, hector, strong-arm, terrorize Sample: At first, I found her gravity rather intimidating; but, as I saw more of her, I found that laughter was very near the surface.

172. irk [v] /ə:k/ irk<>make someone pleased

to make weary, irritated, or bored ((từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) làm phiền, làm khó chịu) Synonyms: ANNOY, abrade, bother, exercise, fret, gall, provoke, ruffle, vex Sample: He found working on the assembly line irksome because of the monotony of the operation he had to perform.

89.circumvent (vt.) [,sə:kəm'vent]

to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem dùng mưu để lừa; dùng mưu kế để lung lạc (ai) circumvent<>confront 绕行<>面对 circumvention<>direct encounter 规避<>直接面对 Synonyms: SKIRT, bypass, circumnavigate, detour Sample: Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances,its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideological,and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise.

106 outmaneuver (v) outmaneuver<>yield

to maneuver with better effect than; outwit qua mặt, đánh lừa (bằng mưu mẹo) Synonyms: OUTWIT, outfox, outgeneral, outjockey, outreach, outslick, outsmart, outthink, overreach, undo Sample: The soccer player outmaneuvered her opponents and scored a goal.

52. discriminate [ ] vt.vi. /dis'krimineit/ epicure:discriminating=spectator:watching liken:similarity=discriminate:difference sentinel:watchful=epicure:discriminating hilarious:laughter=contemptible:distain equitable<>discriminatory/unfair

to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of Synonyms: KNOW, difference, differentiate, discern, discrepate, distinguish, extricate, separate, sever, severalize ngoại động từ (+ from) phân biệt to discriminate one thing from another: phân biệt cái này với cái khác nội động từ (+ between) phân biệt nhận rõ sự khác nhau (giữa hai vật, giữa cái này với cái khác...), tách bạch ra đối xử phân biệt to discriminate agianst somebody: đối xử phân biệt với ai to discriminate in favour of somebody: biệt đãi thiên vị

122. striate (adj) /'straɪeɪt / grooved:striated=braided:stranded stipple:dot=striate:band striated:groove=dappled:spot

to mark with striations or striae vằn, sọc Sample: The glacier left many striated rocks.

76.jumble (vi.) ['dʒʌmbl]

to mix into a confused or disordered mass mixture:jumble=?? Synonyms: CONFUSE, foul up, mix up, muddle, snarl up, tumble Sample: He does not understand; he has the instructions all jumbled up.

205. dawdle ['dɔ:dl] (vi. & vt) hie<>dawdle

to move lackadaisically 1. (away) lãng phí thời gian 2. lêu lỏng, nhởn nhơ, làm chậm chạp Synonyms: IDLE, bum, diddle-daddle, laze, lazy, loaf, loiter, loll, lounge Sample: Inasmuch as we must meet a deadline, do not dawdle over this wor

9. freewheel (v) ???

to move, live, or play freely or irresponsibly ???? Sample: It is assumed that scientists will avoid making fraudulent claims about the results of their experiments because of the likelihood that they will be exposed when other researchers cannot duplicate their findings.

99.bargain (v.)

to negotiate over the terms of a purchase, agreement, or contract:HAGGLE. ự mặc cả, sự thoả thuận mua bán; giao kèo mua bán debate:issue=bargain:price 争论:议题=讨价还价:价钱 (动宾关系) Sample: Her stay in the hospital cost her $30,000, which was a lot more than she bargained for.

83.bruit (vt.) /bru:t/

to noise abroad:REPORT tiếng đồn, dư luận bruit<>keep secret Synonyms: DECLARE, advertise, announce, annunciate, blaze (abroad), blazon, broadcast, proclaim, promulgate, publish

15. broach (v) /broutʃ/ broach<>close off

to open for the first time đề cập, bắt đầu thảo luận Synonyms: BROOCH, clip, pin, bring up, introduce, moot, ventilate Sample: He did not even try to broach the subject of poetry.

194 contravene /k'ɒntrəv'iːn/ (v.) contravene<>support contravene<>buttress

to oppose in argument:CONTRADICT mâu thuẫn, trái ngược lại; phản đối Synonyms: VIOLATE, breach, break, infract, infringe, offend, transgress Sample: By idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an insubordinate member of his staff, the manager not only contravened established policy, but he also jeopardized his heretofore good chances for promotion.

52/condone (v) /kən'doun/

to pardon or overlook voluntarily; especially:to treat as if trivial, harmless, or of no importance. Tha thứ, bỏ qua Synonyms: excuse pardon forgive Sample: Unlike Widow Douglass, who condoned Huck's minor offenses, Miss Watson did nothing but scold.

81. remunerate (vt.) [ri'mju:nəreit]

to pay an equivalent to for a service, loss, or expense:RECOMPENSE. trả công, đền đáp. remuneration:service=retaliation:injury remunerative<>unrequited 有报酬的<>未得回报的 Synonyms: COMPENSATE, indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, repay, requite Sample: The legislators of 1563 realized the futility of trying to regulate the flow of labor without securing its reasonable remuneration, and so the second part of the statute dealt with establishing wages.

69. disregard (v.)

to pay no attention to : treat as unworthy of regard or notice.không để ý đến, không đếm xỉa đến, bất chấp, coi thường, coi nhẹ redoubtable:regard/awe=despicable:scorn/contempt/disregard flout:disregard=taunt:challenge disregard<>nurture 忽略,漠视<>培育,教育 Synonyms: NEGLECT, blink (at or away), discount, fail, forget, ignore, omit, overlook, overpass, slight Sample: Please disregard my last letter, as I now have new information for you.

43/crown (v)/kraun

to place a crown or wreath on the head of; specifically:to invest with regal dignity and power.Đội mũ miện, ban thưởng inaugurate:president=install:official=crown:king Sample: The prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, crowning him king of Israel.

135.slant (v) /slɑ:nt/ slant<>assert without bias

to present so as to conform to a particular bias or appeal to a certain audience 1. làm nghiêng; làm cho đi chệch đường 2. bày tỏ thái độ, quan điểm Synonyms: ASIDE, aslant, aslope, obliquely, sideways, sidewise, slantingly, slantways, slantwise

74. foster (vt.)

to promote the growth or development of:ENCOURAGE khuyến khích hoặc tăng cường; thúc đẩy; nuôi dưỡng foster<>stifle { retract } Synonyms: nurse, cherish, cultivate, nourish, nursle, nurture; advance, encourage, forward, further, promote, serve Sample: No one expected Foster to forsake his wife and children and run off with another woman.

28. illustrate (v) /'ɪləstreɪt/

to provide with visual features intended to explain or decorate illustrate:pictures=particularize:details minh họa, làm rõ Synonyms: CLARIFY, clear, clear up, elucidate, explain, illuminate Sample: Numerous historical examples illustrate both the overriding influence that scientists' prejudices have on their interpretation of data and the consequent impairment of their intellectual objectivity.

102. specialize (vi) /sp'eʃəlaɪz/ dabbler<>specialist dabble<>specialize

to pursue a special activity, occupation, or field of study chuyên môn hóa Synonyms: ITEMIZE, enumerate, inventory, list, particularize, specify Sample: The failure of many psychotherapists to utilize the results of pioneering research could be due in part to the specialized nature of such findings:even momentous findings may not be useful.

2. invoke /ɪnv'oʊk/ (v.) invoke<>suspend

to put into effect or operation:IMPLEMENT cầu viện, cầu khấn cho hiện lên, nhờ đến Synonyms: BEG, appeal, beseech, crave, entreat, implore, importune, plead, pray, supplicate Sample: She invoked her advisor's aid in filling out her financial aid forms.

96.restore (vt.)

to put or bring back into existence or use. hoàn lại, trả lại ửa chữa lại, phục hồi lại, xây dựng lại như cũ (toà nhà, bức tranh...) dilapidated<>restored 毁坏的<>修复的 Synonyms: recall, reestablish, reinstate, reintroduce, renew, revive Sample: The slow recession of the flood waters created problems for the crews working to restore power to the area.

70. shrug [ ] vt.vi. ʃrʌg/ embrace:affection=shrug:indifference

to raise or draw in the shoulders especially to express aloofness, indifference, or uncertainty blush:embarrassment=nod:agreement=bow:respect=shrug:indifference nhún vai to shrug off: nhún vai coi khinh to shrug off an insult: nhún vai coi khinh một lời thoá mạ giũ sạch to shrug off the effects of alcohol: giũ sạch hơi men Sample: Cynics believe that people who shrug off compliments do so in order to be praised twice.

99.decelerate (v.) [di:'seləreit]

to reduce the speed of:slow down đi chậm lại, chạy chậm lại, giảm tốc độ; hãm lại Synonyms: DELAY, bog (down), detain, embog, hang up, mire, retard, set back, slacken, slow (up or down) Sample: Although sales have continued to increase since last April, unfortunately the rate of increase has decelerated.

146 abstain [ ] v. /əb'stein/ self-denial from an action or practice mandatory:comply=forbidden:abstain

to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of Synonyms: constrain, curb, hold back, refrain, REFRAIN , withhold Sample: Two senators abstained on the vote on the new law to raise taxes. kiêng, kiêng khem, tiết chế to abstain from alcohol: kiêng rượu kiêng rượu (tôn giáo) ăn chay ((cũng) to abstain from meat)

84. recuperate (v) /ri´kju:pə¸reit/ recuperative<>debiliating

to regain a former state or condition; especially:to recover health or strength Synonyms: IMPROVE, ameliorate, convalesce, gain, look up, mend, perk (up) Sample: The doctors were worried because the patient did not recuperate as rapidly as they had expected. Hồi phục (sức khoẻ); Lấy lại (số tiền đã mất, số tiền đã chi)

16. ignore (v) /ig'nɔ:/

to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungrounded phớt lờ, bỏ qua, bác bỏ (luật) Synonyms: NEGLECT, blink (at or away), discount, disregard, fail, forget, omit, overlook, overpass, slight Sample: She would have liked to ignore the minutiae of daily living.

75. rebuff [ ] vt. /ri'bʌf/ rebuff<>approve

to reject or criticize sharply:SNUB từ chối dứt khoát, cự tuyệt, khước từ (quân sự) đẩy lui (một cuộc tấn công) Synonyms: FEND (off), hold off, keep off, rebut, repel, repulse, stave off, ward (off) Sample: She rebuffed his invitation so smoothly that he did not realize he had been snubbed.

23. winnow /w'ɪnoʊ/ (v.) winnow:chaff=filter:impurities winnow:grain=purify:water

to remove (as chaff) by a current of air lọc ra, lựa ra, sàng sẩy Synonyms: SORT, comb, separate, sift Sample: This test will winnow out the students who study from those who don't bother.

96. obliterate (v) /ə'blitəreit/ inspire:infuse=obliterate:remove inter:burial=obliterate:remova=accomodate:supply=convey:condudct obliterate:remove=saturated:wet ineffable:description=irradicable:obliterate inexpurgate<>obliterate

to remove from existence:destroy utterly all trace, indication, or significance of Synonyms: ERASE, black (out), blot out, cancel, delete, efface, expunge, wipe (out), x (out) Sample: The tidal wave obliterated several island villages. (y học) bịt lại, làm nghẽn, làm tắc/ Xoá, tẩy hoặc xoá sạch, xoá mờ (dấu vết...); Phá hủy hoàn toàn, làm tiêu ma

21. beseech /bɪs'iːtʃ/ (v.) supplicant:beseeching=coquette=flirtatious

to request earnestly:IMPLORE cầu khẩn, van xin Synonyms: beg, appeal, crave, entreat, implore, importune, invoke, plead, pray, supplicate Sample: In his will, Father bequeathed his watch to Phillip; the bequest meant a great deal to the boy.

67. refresh [rɪ'freʃ] vt. disgruntle<>refresh

to restore strength and animation to:REVIVE Synonyms: RENEW, modernize, refurbish, rejuvenate, renovate, restore, update Sample: A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast.

49/reassure (v) /,ri:ə'ʃuə/

to restore to confidence. Cam đoan, bảo hiểm. feed:hunger=reassure:uneasiness perturb:serenity=reassure:doubt formidable<>reassuring Sample: She reassured him that she still loves him.

125. fetter (n,v) /f'etər/ enfranchise<>enfetter liberalistic<>enfetterist fetter<>free management<>unfettered liberty

to restrain from motion, action, or progress cái cùm, xiềng xích trói buộc, kiềm chế Synonyms: shackle, bond(s), chain, gyve(s), iron(s) Sample: Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an unfettered fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.

187 hamper /h'æmpər/ (v.) seminal<>hampering further development hamper<>facilitate

to restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles:IMPEDE làm vướng víu, cản trở Synonyms: clog, curb, entrammel, fetter, hobble, hog-tie, leash, shackle, tie, tie up, trammel Sample: The minority party agreed not to hamper the efforts of the leaders to secure a lasting peace.

3.brake /ˈbreɪk/ divert:shunt=retard:brake brake:decelerate=clamp:compression

to retard or stop by a brake Synonyms: HINDER, bar, block, dam, impede, obstruct Sample: The public put the brakes on using coins instead of paper money.

192 resuscitate /rɪs'ʌsɪteɪt/ (v.) extinct<>resuscitated resuscitation<>enervation

to revive from apparent death or from unconsciousness; also:REVITALIZE làm sống lại, hồi sinh Synonyms: REVIVE, reactivate, rekindle, renew, renovate, resurrect, retrieve, revitalize, revivify Sample: The lifeguard tried to resuscitate the drowned child by applying artificial respiration.

56/berate (v)/bi'reit/

to scold or condemn vehemently and at length. Mắng mỏ berate<>commend berate<>praise Synonyms: SCOLD, bawl out, chew out, jaw, rail, rate, revile, tongue-lash, upbraid, vituperate

117. excerpt (n) /'eksɜːrpt/ aside:digression=summary:excerpt

to select (a passage) for quoting:EXTRACT trích đoạn Synonyms: extract Sample: The cinematic equivalent of an excerpt from a novel is a clip from a film.

109. dissociate /dɪs'oʊʃieɪt/ (v) affiliation<>dissociation

to separate from association or union with another phân tách, phân ly Synonyms: DETACH, abstract, disassociate, disconnect, disengage, uncouple, unfix Sample: The candidate tried to dissociate himself in the minds of the voters from the past failures of his party.

6. epitomize (vt) /i'pitəmaiz/

to serve as the typical or ideal example of (tóm tắt, hình ảnh thu nhỏ của...) Synonyms: condense, digest, inventory, nutshell, sum, summarize, summate, sum up, synopsize Sample: Many Americans believe that individual initiative epitomized the 1890's and see the entrepreneur as the personification of that age.

110 ignite (v) /ɪgn'aɪt/ ignite<>extinguish

to set afire; also:KINDLE khơi gợi, kích thích Synonyms: LIGHT, enkindle, fire, inflame, kindle Sample: When Desi crooned, "Baby, light my fire," literal-minded Lucy looked around for some paper to ignite.

58/sanctify (v)/'sæɳktifai/

to set apart to a sacred purpose or to religious use:CONSECRATE. Thánh hóa, biện hộ, làm cho có vẻ vô tội desecrate<>sanctify/revere Synonyms: BLESS , consecrate, hallow Sample: The couple sanctified their wedding day by having a priest marry them in a church.

86. release (vt) /ri'li:s/ constrain<>release immure<>release

to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude Synonyms: FREE, discharge, emancipate, liberate, loose, loosen, manumit, unbind, unchain, unshackle Sample: De Klerk's decision to set Nelson Mandela free was pivotal; without Mandela's release, there was no possibility that the African National Cogress would entertain talks with the South African government. Làm nhẹ, làm bớt, làm thoát khỏi (đau đớn, sầu muộn, bệnh tật...)/ Tha, thả, phóng thích/ Miễn, tha (nợ...), giải thoát

96. redress (n.) [ri'dres]

to set right:REMEDY sự sửa lại, sự uốn nắn; sự được sửa lại, sự được uốn nắn (sai lầm, tật xấu...) sự đền bù, sự bồi thường; vật đền bù, vật bồi thường Synonyms: NEUTRALIZE, annul, cancel (out), counteract, countercheck, frustrate, negate, negative Sample: Do you mean to tell me that I can get no redress for my injuries?

54. goldbrick [ ] vi. /ˈgəuldbrɪk US ˈgould-/

to shirk duty or responsibility evade:answer=goldbrick:work From a trick in which a brick is sold by pretending it is made of gold] AmE informal someone who stays away from their work, especially by pretending that they are ill

90.revere (v.) [ri'viə]

to show devoted deferential honor to:regard as worthy of great honor tôn kính, sùng kính, kính trọng reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm reverent:idolater=trusting:dupe paragon/paradigm:imitate=reverence:regard exemplary:imitation=reverent:deference revere<>jape at 尊敬<>开玩笑 revere<>disparage 尊敬<>贬损 impudent<>reverence/deference 无理的<>尊重 Synonyms: adore, reverence, venerate, worship Sample: Reverence for one's forebears (sometimes referred to as ancestor worship) plays an important part in many Oriental cultures.

37. pout (v) /p'aʊt/

to show displeasure by thrusting out the lips or wearing a sullen expression bĩu môi wince:pain=smile:pleasure=pout:displeasure=sneer:contempt pout<>grin Synonyms: SULK, grump, mump, pet Sample: When the child could not have any candy, she pouted.

38/effervesce(v) /,efe'ves/

to show liveliness or exhilaration. Sục sôi, bong bóng effervescence:feeling=fury:anger effervesce<>be flat effervescent<>still effervesce<>droop Synonyms: EBULLIENCE, buoyancy, exuberance, exuberancy Sample: Nothing depressed her for long; her natural effervescence soon reasserted itself.

60. sneer [ ] n.vt. /sniə/ smirk:smugness=sneer:derision wince:pain=smile:pleasure=pout:displeasure=sneer:contempt

to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt Synonyms: SCOFF, fleer, flout, gibe, gird, jeer, jest, quip (at), scout (at) cười khinh bỉ, cười chế nhạo chế nhạo, nói những lời châm chọc to sneer at someone: chế nhạo ai to sneer at riches: coi khinh tiền bạc Sample: That ingrate Bob sneered at the tie I gave him.

95. eulogize (vt.)

to speak or write in high praise of:EXTOL tán dương, khen ngợi, ca tụng encomiast:eulogize=quibbler:cavil eulogy:speak=?? eulogize<>pan eulogy<>stricture Synonyms: PRAISE, bless, celebrate, cry up, extol, glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, panegyrize Sample: All the eulogies of his friends could not remove the sting of the calumny heaped upon him by his enemies.

94. squander (vt) husband<>squander conserve<>waste/squander/exhaust

to spend extravagantly or foolishly:DISSIPATE Synonyms: WASTE, blow, consume, dissipate, fool (away), fritter, frivol away, prodigalize, throw away, trifle (away) Sample: Ever prey to vagrant impulses that impelled him to squander his talents on a host of unworthy projects, his very dissipation nonetheless enhanced his reputation, for the sheer energy of his extravagance dazzled observers. Lãng phí (tiền của, thì giờ), tiêu (tiền) hoang phí, phí phạm

14. rustle /r'ʌsəl/ (v.) plagiarism:ideas=rustling:cattle

to steal (as livestock) especially from a farm or ranch ăn trộm gia súc từ trang trại Sample: We watched an old movie about two men who rustled horse

86. plagiarize (vt. vi.) ['pleidʒəraiz]

to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own:use (another's production) without crediting the source ăn cắp ý, văn (lời nói, ý kiến..) plagiarism:ideas=forgery:documents plagiarism:ideas=rustling:cattle Sample: The editor could tell that the writer had plagiarized parts of the article; he could recognize whole paragraphs from the original source.

21. allay (vt) /əl'eɪ/ allay<>increase the intensity of/aggravate/intensify allay<>excite {compel }

to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity:ALLEVIATE giảm nhẹ, làm dịu Synonyms: RELIEVE, alleviate, assuage, lighten, mitigate, mollify, lull, tranquilize

127.purvey /pɚˈveɪ/

to supply (as provisions) usually as a matter of business cung cấp Synonyms: provide, peddle Sample: As purveyor of rare wines and viands, he traveled through France and Italy every year in search of new products to sell

85. ossilate (vt) oscillate:swing=momentum:scooter

to swing backward and forward like a pendulum Synonyms: SWING, pendulate, sway Sample: On an oscilloscope, you can see an electrical current oscillate up and down. Lung lay, đu đưa/ Lưỡng lự, do dự; dao động (kỹ thuật) dao động

146.repose /rɪˈpoʊz/

to take a rest sự nghỉ ngơi Synonyms: REST, lie, lie down, recline, stretch (out) Sample: She reposed on a sofa and fell asleep.

83.nip (v.)

to take liquor in nips:TIPPLE - nip off: chuồn cắn, cấu, véo, bấm, kẹp, quắp nip:eat=jot:write 夹,咬:吃=草草的记下:写 Sample: When the plant begins to ramify, it is advisable to nip off most of the new branches.

81. usurp (vt.) [ju:'zə:p]

to take the place of by or as if by force:SUPPLANT chiếm (quyền lực, địa vị của ai) một cách sai trái hoặc bằng vũ lực; chiếm đoạt; tiếm quyền usurp:take=trespass:enter {overwhelm:defeat} impostor:identity=usurper:authorization {barbarian:property} usurp<>assume rightfully Synonyms: ARROGATE , accroach, appropriate, assume, commandeer, preempt Sample: The revolution ended when the victorious rebel leader usurped the throne.

23. espouse /ɪsp'aʊz/ (v.) lurk:concealment=espouse:marriage abjure<>embrace/espouse repudiate<>espouse/uphold

to take up and support as a cause:become attached to tán thành, ủng hộ (một ý kiến, học thuyết) Synonyms: ADOPT, embrace, take on, take up Sample: She was always ready to espouse a worthy cause.

91. bluster (vt) /´blʌstə/ blustering:speak=swaggering:walk pontificate:pompous=scoff:derisive=drawl:slow=bluster:loud=prate:aimless

to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats Synonyms: ROAR, bawl, bellow, clamor, rout Thổi ào ào, đập ầm ầm (gió, sóng) Hăm doạ ầm ỹ; quát tháo Khoe khoang khoác lác ầm ĩ

78. tease (vt.) [ti:z]

to tantalize especially by arousing desire or curiosity without intending to satisfy it quấy rầy tìm cách khiêu khích Synonyms: WORRY , annoy, bedevil, beleaguer, gnaw, harass, harry, pester, plague Sample: Their mutual teasing seemed friendly, but in fact it mask a long-standing hostility.

57/upset (a) p'set/

to trouble mentally or emotionally:disturb the poise of unflappable:upset=obstinate:persuade Synonyms: DISCOMPOSE , agitate, bother, discombobulate, disquiet, disturb, flurry, fluster, perturb, unhinge Sample: The revenous dog upset several garbage pails in its search for food

1. swerve (v) /swə:v/

to turn aside abruptly from a straight line or course:DEVIATE swerve<>maintain direction (lệch hướng, đi lệch) Synonyms: depart, deviate, digress, diverge Sample: The car swerved wildly as the driver struggled to regain control of the wheel.

87.deter (vt.)

to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting ngăn cản, ngăn chặn, cản trở; làm nản lòng, làm nhụt chí, làm thoái chí intrepid:deter=rapt:distract 无畏的:威慑=全神贯注的:心不在焉 (人物性格及其反面被动特征) inducement<>deterrent 引诱<>制止 deter<>spur 制止<>激励 Synonyms: DISSUADE, disadvise, discourage, divert Sample: A woman deterred a criminal from attacking her by yelling for the police.

70. solder [ ] v. /'soldə/ breach<>solder solder<>breach

to unite or make whole by solder Synonyms: WELD Sample: The plumber fixed the leak in the pipes by soldering a couple of joints from which water had been oozing. hợp kim (để) hàn, chất hàn hard solder: chất hàn cứng soft solder: chất hàn mềm sự hàn (nghĩa bóng) người hàn gắn, vật hàn gắn

219. amble (vi) amble:walk=chat:talk tint:suffuse=amble:wander walk:amble=draw:doodle amble<>step quickly

to walk slowly or leisurely; stroll bước đi nhẹ nhàng, thong thả Synonyms: SAUNTER, bummel, drift, linger, mope, mosey, muck, stroll Sample: When she first mounted the horse, she was afraid to urge the animal to go faster than a gentle amble

43/strut /strʌt/ (v)

to walk with a pompous and affected air. Dáng đi khệnh khạng pontificate:speak=strut:walk Sample: His strut as he marched about the parade ground revealed him for what he was:a pompous buffoon.

32. mince (vi) /m'ɪns/

to walk with short steps in a prim affected manner sip:drink=mince:walk quaff:sip=stride:mince đi bước nhỏ Sample: Yum-Yum walked across the stage with mincing steps.

67. undermine [ ] v. /,ʌndə'main/

to weaken or ruin by degrees Synonyms: WEAKEN, attenuate, blunt, cripple, debilitate, disable, enfeeble, sap, unbrace, unstrengthen đào dưới chân; xói mòn chân làm hao mòn, phá ngầm, phá hoại, đục khoét to undermine the health of...: làm hao mòn sức khoẻ của... to undermine somebody's reputation: làm hại thanh danh của ai Sample: It is no accident that most people find Davis' book disturbing, for it is calculated to undermine a number beliefs they have long cherished.

33. drench (v) /dr'entʃ/

to wet thoroughly (as by soaking or immersing in liquid) làm ươt sũng drenched:wet=antithetic:different Synonyms: WET, deluge, douse, drown, soak, sop, souse Sample: The heavy rain drenched our clothes.

93. knead (vt) /ni:d/ knead:malleable=penetrate:permeable

to work and press into a mass with or as if with the hands Sample: Her hands grew strong from kneading bread. Nhào lộn (bột làm bánh, đất sét...) (nghĩa bóng) trộn lẫn vào, hỗn hợp vào Xoa bóp; đấm bóp, tẩm quất

147 dabble [ ] vi. /'dæbl/ martinet:leniency=dabbler:dedication dabble<>dedicate/devote dabbler<>specialist dabble<>specialize Synonyms: AMATEUR, abecedarian, dilettante, nonprofessional, smatterer, tyro, uninitiated

to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary activity or interest Sample: That she seemed to prefer dabbling to concentrated effort is undeniable; nevertheless, the impressive quality of her finished paintings suggests that her actual relationship to her art was anything but- superficial. ngoại động từ vẩy, rảy (nước); nhúng vào nước, làm ướt vầy, lội, mò, khoắng (nghĩa bóng) (+ in, at) làm chơi, làm bời, làm theo kiểu tài tử, học đòi to dabble in poetry: học đòi làm thơ

76. muffle (vt.) /'mʌfl/

to wrap or pad with something to dull the sound bịt, bóp nghẹt, làm cho bớt kêu, làm cho nghẹt tiếng plangent<>muffled resonant<>muffled Sample: We woke to the clarion to muffle its striking.

53/jot (v) /ʤɔt/

to write briefly or hurriedly:set down in the form of a note. Chút, tí tẹo nip:eat=jot:write Synonyms: PARTICLE, atom, bit, grain, iota, minim, modicum, speck, tittle, whit Sample: I jotted down her name and telephone number

25. inestimable /ɪn'estɪməbəl/ (adj.)

too great to calculate vô giá, không đánh giá nổi Synonyms: incalculable Sample: Human life is of inestimable value.

54/ticklish (a) /'tikliʃ/

touchy, oversensitive. Có máu buồn, tế nhị (vấn đề) pliant:influence=ticklish:offend ticklish<>imperturbable Synonyms: DELICATE , precarious, sensitive, touchy, tricky Sample: She is ticklish and can't stand being tickled.

30/primp (v) /primp/

trang điểm, tô điểm to dress, adorn, or arrange in a careful or finicky manner primp:vain=gloat:smug Synonyms: DRESS UP, deck (out), doll out, doll up, fix up, gussy up, slick, smarten (up), spruce (up) Sample: She primps for hours before a dance

shun [ʃʌn] v.

tránh xa, xa lánh, nghiêm (hiệu lệnh) to avoid deliberately and especially habitually haunt<>shun frequent<>shun { avoid } Synonyms: ESCAPE, avoid, bilk, double, duck, elude, eschew, evade, shy Sample: We thought the hermit was a miantrope because he shunned our society.

9.inert /ɪˈnɚt/ ephemeral:endure=inert:react {ineffectual:proceed} persistence:vacillate=inertia:react inertia<>activity reactant<>inert material inert<>active inert<>dynamic

trì trệ , chậm chạp deficient in active properties; especially:lacking a usual or anticipated chemical or biological action Synonyms: INACTIVE, asleep, idle, passive, quiet, sleepy Sample: Our inertia in this matter may prove disastrous; we must move to aid our allies immediately.

150.glorify ˈglorəˌfaɪ/ castigation:reproof=denunciation:denial {glorification:merit}

tuyên dương ngợi ca to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration Sample: Poets glorified the Roman emperors in their poems.

77. heinious adjective /ˈheiː.nəs/

tàn ác very bad and shocking: a heinous crime

146.relapse /ˈri:ˌlæps/

tái phạm to slip or fall back into a former worse state Synonyms: LAPSE, backslide, recidivate

31/cajole (v) /kə'dʤoul/

tán tỉnh to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance:COAX blandishment:cajole=obstacle:impede wheedle:cajolery=extort:coercion { scourge:possession} cajole:reluctant=??

138.integral /ˈɪntɪgrəl/ integral<>superfluous integral<>redundant

tính toàn bộ essential to completeness:CONSTITUENT Synonyms: WHOLE, choate, complete, entire, full, perfect Sample: Physical education is an integral part of our curriculum; a sound mind and a sound body are complementary.

138.pry /ˈpraɪ/

tò mò , dò hỏi tò mò to look closely or inquisitively; also:to make a nosy or presumptuous inquiry Synonyms: SNOOP, busybody, mouse, nose, poke Sample: He pried into his daughter's love life so closely that she stopped telling him anything.

16.aggregate /ˈægrɪˌgeɪt/ coalesce<>disaggregate disaggregate/disintegrate<>join together aggregate<>isolated units aggregate<>disperse

tập hợp to collect or gather into a mass or whole Synonyms: agglomerate, agglomeration, aggregation, conglomerate, conglomeration Sample: The aggregate wealth of this country is staggering to the imagination.

52. pervade [pər'veɪd /pə'v-] vt. pervasive<>limited distribution

tỏa khắp, tràn ngập khắp (hương thơm, tư tưởng...) to spread or diffuse through, to become diffused throughout every part of suffuse Sample: Despite airing them for several hours, she could not rid her clothes of the pervasive odor of mothbals that clung to them.

139.stygian /ˈstɪdʒiən/ stygian:dark=abysmal:low

tối tăm extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding Synonyms: INFERNAL, avernal, cimmerian, hellish, pandemoniac, plutonian, plutonic Sample: The stygian room reminded him of an empty space.

137.narcissism(n) /ˌnɑɚsəˈsɪstɪk/

tự yêu mình, quá quan tâm đến vẻ đẹp bản thân love of or sexual desire for one's own body

55/flippancy (n) /flippancy/

unbecoming levity or pertness especially in respect to grave or sacred matters. Sự khiếm nhã, sự suồng sã flippancy<>seriousness flippancy<>sobriety flippancy<>gravity Synonyms: lightness, flightiness, frivolity, levity, light-mindedness, volatility Sample: Your flippancy at this serious moment is offensive.

21. quaint /kw'eɪnt/ (adj.)

unusual or different in character or appearance:ODD Sample: Doors were closing on our past, and soon the values we had lived by would become so obsolete that we would seem to people of the new age as quaint as travelers from an ancient land.

33/ scrawl (v)/skrɔ:l/

viết nguệch ngoạc to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly scrawl<>write carefully Synonyms: SCRIBBLE, scrabble, scratch, squiggle Sample: He scrawled his ideas on paper and typed them neatly later

120. scribble ['skrɪbl] vt.vi. tinker:adjust=scribble:write=mumble:talk

viết nguệch ngoạc, cẩu thả, viết xoàng (văn, báo) to write hastily or carelessly without regard to legibility or form Synonyms: scrabble, scratch, scrawl, squiggle

87. antagonize (vt.) [æn'tægənaiz]

vt. to incur or provoke the hostility of gây phản tác dụng; trung hoà (lực) gây nên đối kháng, gây mối thù địch; làm cho (ai) phản đối, làm cho (ai) phản kháng (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) chống lại, phản kháng, phản đối Sample: Marshall's confrontational style could alienate almost anyone:he even antagonized a board of directors that included a number of his supporters and that had a reputation for not being easily provoked.

235.debonair(adj) /ˌdɛbəˈneɚ/

vui vẻ vui tính LIGHTHEARTED Sample: The debonair youth was liked by all who met him, because of his cheerful and obliging manner.

142.obsequious /əbˈsi:kwijəs/

vâng lời dễ bảo marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness Sample: Helen valued people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk.

140.miscreant /ˈmɪskrijənt/ miscreant:criminal=visionary:delusion miscreant<>law-abiding individual miscreant<>saint

vô lại ti tiện one who behaves criminally or viciously Synonyms: VILLAIN , blackguard, heel, knave, lowlife, rascal, rogue, scoundrel Sample: His kindness to the miscreant amazed all of us who had expected to hear severe punishment pronounced.

141.disinterested /dɪsˈɪntrəstəd/ factional<>disinterested iniquity<>disinterestedness

vô tư, thờ ơ free from selfish motive or interest:UNBIASED Synonyms: INDIFFERENT, aloof, casual, detached, incurious, remote, unconcerned, uncurious, uninterested, withdrawn Sample: Whereas biologists must maintain a disinterested attitude toward the subjects of their research, social scientists must, paradoxically, combine personal involvement and scholarly detachment.

143.perpetual /pɚˈpɛtʃəwəl/

vĩnh viễn continuing forever:EVERLASTING Sample: Ponce de Leon hoped to find perpetual youth

149.plantation /plænˈteɪʃən/ plantation:tobacco=media:bacteria

vườn ươm , đồn điền( cao su cà phê) a usually large group of plants and especially trees under cultivation Sample: Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves' preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy

32/ mire(v)/'maiə/

vẩy bùn, vấy bẩn, đẩy vào to cause to stick fast in or as if in mire mire<>extricate Sample: Their rear wheels became mired in mud.

2.novelty /ˈnɑ:vəlti/ threadbare/timeworn:novelty=labyrinthine:directness ballad:stanza=novel:chapter banal<>novel timeworn<>novel

vật (tính) mới lạ khác thường something new or unusual Synonyms: CHANGE, innovation, mutation, permutation, sport, vicissitude Sample: One such novel idea is that of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution:specifically,the idea of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes,if they can be identified and isolated,that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence,the intensified research on legumes.

138.sop /ˈsɑ:p/ sop:conciliatory=subsidy:supportive sopping:dampen=frigid:cool

vật đút lót a conciliatory or propitiatory bribe, gift, or gesture Sample: They did not make him president of the company, but they gave him a new title as a sop.

78. inherent adjective /ɪnˈher.ənt/

vốn có, cố hữu existing as a natural or basic part of something: There are dangers/ risks inherent in almost every sport.

133.clumsy /ˈklʌmzi/

vụng về lacking dexterity, nimbleness, or grace Synonyms: awkward, gawky, lumbering, lumpish, splathering, splay, ungainly; Sample: Although his attempts to appear psychotic were so clumsy as to be almost ludicrous, there is evidence that Ezra Pound was able to avoid standing trial for treason merely by faking symptoms of mental illness.

20. rapt (adj) /ræpt/ rapt<>distracted

wholly absorbed:ENGROSSED chăm chú, say mê Synonyms: INTENT, absorbed, deep, engaged, engrossed, immersed, preoccupied, wrapped, wrapped up Sample: The audience listened with rapt attention to the excellent speaker.

90. considerable (adj.) [kən'sidərəbl]

worth consideration:SIGNIFICANT đáng kể, to tát, lớn lao restive:calmness=piddling:considerable Synonyms: IMPORTANT, big, consequential, material, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty Sample: Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law—notwithstanding,of course,a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concerned—that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena.

37. reprehensible (adj) /r'eprɪh'ensɪbəl/

worthy of or deserving reprehension:CULPABLE lamentable:pity=reprehensible:censure censure:blameless=approbation:reprehensible ) despicable:contempt=reprehensible:censor đáng trách Synonyms: BLAMEWORTHY, amiss, blamable, blameful, censurable, culpable, demeritorious, guilty, sinful, unholy Sample: Your vicious conduct in this situation is reprehensible.

130.sumptuous /ˈsʌmpʃəwəs/

xa hoa lộng lẫy extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent Synonyms: LUXURIOUS, luscious, lush, luxuriant, opulent, palatial, plush Sample: The sumptuous costumes of Renaissance Italy, with their gold and silver embroidery and figured brocades, were the antithesis of Spanish sobriety, with its dark muted colors, plain short capes, and high collars edged with small ruffs.

27/ luxurious (a)/lʌg'zjuəriəs/

xa hoa, xa xỉ marked by or given to self-indulgence spartan<>sybaritic/indulgent/voluptuous/luxurious luxuriant<>spartan Synonyms: SENSUOUS, epicurean, luscious, lush, sensual, sensualistic, voluptuous Sample: Their house is full of luxurious furniture.

12.caisson /keɪsən/ chevron:badge=caisson:cart

xe mooc chở đạn a usually 2-wheeled vehicle for artillery ammunition attachable to a horse-drawn limber

146.placate ˈpleɪˌkeɪt inalienable:surrendered=implacable:propitiated irascible:placate=insensate:conscious galling<>placating placate<>peeve placate<>antagonize

xoa dịu làm cho ai nguôi to soothe or mollify especially by concessions:APPEASE Synonyms: PACIFY, appease, assuage, conciliate, mollify, propitiate, sweeten Sample: The teacher tried to placate the angry mother.

31/ livid(a)/'livid/

xám xịt, tái nhợt livid with rage: giận tái người

ambrosial /æm´brouziəl/ a.

xứng với thần tiên, thần tiên something extremely pleasing to taste or smell mellifluous:music=ambrosial:food Synonyms: luscious, yummy ,aromal, aromatic, balmy, fragrant, perfumed Sample: ambrosia was supposed to give immortality to any human who ate it.

77. rewarding (adj.) [ri'wɔ:diη] drudgery<>rewarding work relinquish<>cooperate/reward/procure

yielding or likely to yield a reward. bổ ích; thoả mãn (về một hoạt động..) đáng xem, đáng đọc (sách...); đáng làm (việc, nhiệm vụ...) Sample: Punishment for violating moral rules is much more common than reward for following them; thus, adherence to the rules goes almost unnoticed in society

128.anaerobic (a) /ˌænəˈroʊbɪk/

yếm khí,kị khí living, active, occurring, or existing in the absence of free oxygen

131.feeble ˈfi:bəl/ hardy<>tender/feeble

yếu đuối lờ mờ không rõ markedly lacking in strength Synonyms: weak, decrepit, flimsy, fragile, frail, infirm, insubstantial, unsubstantial, wanky, weakly Sample: His feeble attempts at solving the problem are worthless.

106. antipathy (n.) [æn'tipəθi] antipathy<>affection affinity<>antipathy

ác cảm. settled aversion or dislike:DISTASTE. Synonyms: ENMITY, animosity, animus, antagonism, hostility, rancor Sample: No one is neutral about Stephens; he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound antipathy in those who work for him.

149.obsess /əbˈsɛs/ agonized:distress=obsessed:concern firm:intransigent=concerned:obsessed obsessed:attracted=rash:adventurous obsessed:attracted=intimate:close

ám ảnh to haunt or excessively preoccupy the mind of Sample: Because the painter Albert Pinkham Ryder was obsessed with his quest for perfection, he was rarely satisfied with a painting, creating endless variations of a scene on one canvas, one on top of another.

72. fathom ['fæðəm] v. erudite:fathom=oblivious:neglect measurable<>unfathomable occult<>bare/patent/readily fathomable measurable<>unfathomed

Đo mực nước bằng sải, tìm hiểu, thăm dò to penetrate and come to understand Synonyms: KNOW, appreciate, apprehend, cognize, comprehend, grasp, have, understand Sample: Many have sought to fathom the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa.

112. gamble ['gæmbl] v.

Đánh bạc, mạo hiểm to stake something on a contingency:take a chance adamant:yield=cautious:gamble Synonyms: bet, game, lay, play, put(on), set, stake, wager; chance, hazard, risk Sample: Corrupt politicians who condone the activities of the gamblers are equally culpable.

50/enunciate(v)\ē-ˈnən(t)-sē-ˌāt\ waffle:enunciate=embed:disinter enunciate<>mumble

Đề ra, phát biểu a:to make a definite or systematic statement of b:ANNOUNCE, PROCLAIM Synonyms: ARTICULATE, phonate, pronounce, say Sample: How will people understand you if you do not enunciate?

111. mattress ['mætrɪs] n.

Đệm, nệm a fabric case filled with resilient material (as cotton, hair, feathers, foam rubber, or an arrangement of coiled springs) used either alone as a bed or on a bedstead tablecloth:table=sheet:mattress Sample: I like a firm mattress to support my back.


Độc quyền to get a monopoly of:assume complete possession or control of Sample: The people grumbled at his exorbitant prices but paid them because he had a monopoly.

61. dolorous ['dɒlərəs] adj. dolorous<>jubilant/happy

đau buồn causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief Synonyms: DEPLORABLE, afflictive, calamitous, dire, distressing, grievous, heartbreaking, lamentable, regrettable, woeful Sample: He found the dolorous lamentations of the bereaved family emotionally disturbing and he left as quickly as he could.

129.slipshod /ˈslɪpˈʃɑ:d/ assiduous<>slipshod slipshod<>painstaking

đi giày cũ cẩu thả, không cản thận wearing loose shoes or slippers Synonyms: SHABBY, bedraggled, down-at-heel, scrubby, scruffy, shoddy, tacky, tagrag, tattered, threadbare Sample: This paper shows slipshod work; you need to learn to write better.

144.ancillary(a) /ˈænsəˌleri,

đi kèm, phụ providing something additional to a main part or function The company hopes to boost its sales by releasing ancillary products.

230.sober /ˈsoʊbɚ/ puckish<>sober sumptuousness<>sobriety frivolous<>sober flippancy<>sobriety trepidation<>sober

điềm tĩnh điềm dạm , nghiêm chỉnh marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor Synonyms: GRAVE, earnest, staid Sample: His sober demeanor quieted the noisy revelers.

132.accommodate /əˈkɑ:məˌdeɪt/

điều tiết làm cho thích nghi to provide with something desired, needed, or suited (as a helpful service, a loan, or lodgings) Synonyms: ADAPT, adjust, conform,convenience, favor,HARBOR , bestow, domicile, entertain, lodge Sample: Every new theory not only must accommodate the valid predictions of the old theory, but must also explain why those predictions succeeded within the range of that old theory.

68. metrical ['metrɪkl] adj. scan:metrical=parse:grammatical

đo bằng mét, có vần luật (văn thơ) of, relating to, or composed in meter, the rhythmic arrangement of syllables Sample: Iambic pentameter is a metric pattern in much of Shakespeare's poetry.

129.episode /ˈɛpəˌsoʊd/

đoạn hồi a television show, radio show, etc., that is one part of a series

137.banish ['bænɪʃ]

đày trục xuất to drive out or remove from a home or place of usual resort or continuance, especially compulsory removal from a country not necessarily one's own Synonyms: exile, deport, transport Sample: The king banished the murderer from the land.

143.repugnant /rɪˈpʌgnənt/ odious:repugnance=menacing:fear cogent:convince=repugnant:repel repugnance<>affinity

đáng ghét, mau thuẫn , xung khắc vs exciting distaste or aversion;inconsistent. Synonyms: abhorrent, invidious, obnoxious, repellent, revulsive Sample: Jones was unable to recognize, the contradictions in his attitudes that were obvious to everyone else; even the hint of an untruth was repugnant to him, but he courted serious trouble by always cheating on his taxes.

134.ponderable /ˈpɒndərəbəl/ ponderable<>inappreciable

đánh giá được significant enough to be worth considering:APPRECIABLE Sample: I can evaluate the data gathered in this study; the imponderable items are not so easily analyzed.

121. dally /ˈdæli/

đùa cợt a:to act playfully; especially:to play amorously b:to deal lightly:TOY Synonyms: TRIFLE, coquet, flirt, fool, lead on, string along, toy, wanton Sample: Laertes told Ophelia that Hamlet could only dally with her affections.

64. rectitude N /ˈrek.tɪ.tjuːd/

đúng đắn, chính trực honesty and correct moral behaviour: An austere man of unquestioned moral rectitude, Nava inspired deep devotion in those who worked for him.

136.replete /rɪˈpli:t/

đầy đủ tràn đầy fully or abundantly provided or filled Synonyms: ALIVE, abounding, overflowing, rife, swarming, teeming, thronged Sample: The book is replete with humorous situations.

hasten ['heɪsn] v.

đẩy nhanh, thúc giục to move or act quickly Synonyms: SPEED, accelerate, hurry, quicken, shake up, step up, swiften Sample: His mother said she is ill, so he hastened to her house to help.

142.instate /ɪnˈsteɪt/ instate<>oust

đặt vào ( nơi nào , địa vị) to set or establish in a rank or office:INSTALL Synonyms: INITIATE, inaugurate, induct, install, invest Sample: A police officer who was asked to leave the police force for illegal behavior was reinstated when he was found not guilty.

18.revise /rɪˈvaɪz/ revise:manuscript=retouch:picture

đọc lại xem lại, ôn lại to make a new, amended, improved, or up-to-date version of Synonyms: redraft, redraw, restyle, revamp, rework, rewrite, work over Sample: Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly revised over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.

148.rubicund /ˈru:bəkənd/

đỏ hồng hào having a healthy reddish color Synonyms: RUDDY, florid, flush, flushed, full-blooded, glowing, sanguine

202. prairie [preəri] (n) albino:pigment=prairie:tree

đồng cỏ a large area of level or rolling land in the Mississippi valley that in its natural uncultivated state usually has deep fertile soil, a cover of tall coarse grasses, and few trees

139.offhand /ˈɑ:fˈhænd/ offhand<>premeditated

ứng khẩu ngay tức khắc không cần suy nghĩ without premeditation or preparation:EXTEMPORE Synonyms: EXTEMPORANEOUS, autoschediastic, extemporary, extempore, impromptu, improvised, spur-of-the-moment, unrehearsed, unstudied Sample: The teacher made some offhand remarks after class.

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