Team Skills Test 4

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a means for managers to provide their employees with guidance, insight, and encouragement through frequent interactions in order to improve their work performance. it is designed to strengthen and enhance learning through a continuous day to day process that goes beyond the once a year appraisal system


being able to speak up for you and your employees rights without interfering with the needs of others in your orginization

If you have a strong external locus of control you...?

believe they have little or no control over external events and would therefore reduce their level of politicking, believing it to be a waste of time and effort. they believe that their efforts will have little or no effect on changing future outcomes.

informal mentors

also called peer relationships -often develop spontaneously and without a specific plan -mentor and protege find each other and negotiate terms of their relationship -develop over time

formal mentors

also can be called organizational or managerial mentors -is put into place by an origination and mentoring and proteges are arranged through a formal matching process -have a specific time frame, method for termination and one or more checkpoints for goal setting and meetings.

what is politicking?

also referred to as organizational politics, is the use of power and information to move resources toward preferred objectives. speaking up on behalf of your self and your organization is part of rule making and decision making within an organization.

Once you know your belief on the impact of politicking, there are three dimensions to consider:?

analyzing yourself, reading others, and assessing the organization.

What are the different types of mentoring relationships?

formal or informal

coalition building

gaining support for a position from others

information interviews

goal is to learn from the people with whom you're speaking , not to get a job

directive methods

include probing, questioning, and discussing specific problems and possible solutions

secondary network

indicates the importance of not relying solely on those you know when doing research, getting to know an organization or searching for a job.


information that enables individuals or groups to compare actual performance with a given standard or expectation also assists in goal setting and performance improvement

nondirective approach

involves being a good listener and sounding board...sometimes people just want to be listened to and they can relieve stress and gain a new perspective-often find solutions to their own problems

information management

involves obtaining useful information and managing the information received so that it is accessible and available as needed.

what is locus of control ?

is related to ta persons belief regarding how much control he or she has over external events or the environment. therefore, an individuals belief will have a direct impact on the amount and level of politicking he or she will engage in within the organization .

Why is mentoring important?

it is required for the success of both the organization and the employees those involved gain indisputable benefits such as gaining more pull with superiors and gaining career development

What are the 3 categories of formal power base

legitimate, reward, coercive

What are some tips on reading others?

listen intently- listen for what is said and how it is said, not for what you think the person should be saying. observe aggressively- interpret others body language and check for consistency (or lack there of) between what is being said verbally and what is being displayed non-verbally turn up your sensitivity analyze first impressions -if someone is trying to present something and something seems inconsistent with the norms ask.

When assessing the organization what are some tips to consider?

observe and listen: pay close attention to the organizational norms. keep in mind what is acceptable behavior and what is not. evaluate the organization: know the formal roles individuals play in the organizations as well as the informal roles


offering something to something else and then expecting him or her to support your stance on a topic

what are some strategies for building effective networks?

organize your current network expand your network nurture relationships take charge of a situation look for everyday opportunities to expand your networks

inspirational appeals

using emotional appeals based on values and ideas to gain support


using logic and reasoning to support your appeal

what is bargaining or exchange within a politicking strategy

using the "give and take" or compromise approach; for example: you do this for me and ill do this for you

what are the two different kinds of networkers?

self-oriented: approaches a room and serverys it for potential customers or clients, thinking who can i sell to those who are focused on others: approaches a room and identifies people who need to be connected with others in the room thinking "how can i help you" who in this room could use my help

when is informal power used?

when trying to get someone to do something without having a position of authority by getting people to willingly accept a task and put their "all" into achieving a positive result

why is power important?

some individuals use the power of their position or title to influence or control others actions, while others will rely on their personal or informal power to act. knowing which power bases you have available to you for a particular action and understanding the positive and negative consequences that can result from the use of a power base can lead to a managers short and long term effectiveness.

psycho social functions

the aspects of the relationship that enhances a sense of competency, identity, and effectiveness in a professional role


used to address personal or attitudinal problems rather than those related to an individual's ability (or lack there of) -complex task and is best reserved for professionals -involves listening skills, feedback, trustworthiness, and a good deal of patience

what is supportive behavior

words and actions that denote concern or acceptance

what is initiating or problem solving behaviors

words or actions that encourage problem solving or resolutions

non-supportive behaviors

words or actions that express aggression or power

If you have a strong internal locus of control you...?

you will see yourself as having a direct impact on or extensive control over external matters. you will engage in politicking and believe your actions and behavior will directly result in your future success.

What are the benefits of asking for feedback?

-commitment -sense of belonging builds and enhances self-esteem

What happens during the cultivation phase of mentoring relationships?

-may last 1-5 years -relationship is more rewarding for both parties -there is continued growth and development in career and psycho social support functions, mental trust and learning for both parties

A major component of coaching is?

Helping others set goals

career funtions

aspects of the relationship that enhance career advancement such as sponsorship, exposure, visibility, coaching, protection, challenging assignments and career strategizing

Why is giving feed back difficult sometimes?

-managers are uncomfortable giving negative feedback and discussing performance weaknesses -employees tend to have an inflated view of their own performance; most people rate themselves above average -feedback is sometimes closer to criticism than to legitimate information that can help employees gauge their performance -as organizations have downsized and increased spans of control, managers have less time available to provide effective feedback to greater number of employees

when is formal power used?

frequently used or is responsible for the accomplishment of many tasks in the business environment, used to support their decisions.


is the building and nurturing of personal and professional relationships to create a system or chain of information, contacts and support.


person who lends support to another in pursing his or her goals, generally a higher ranking employee who is commited to providing guidance and support


putting the other in a friendly mood before approaching, or building a friendly rapport first before transacting business


seeking participation and input in the process before making a decision about a position to support

what is power?

the ability to get someone to do something you want done or the ability to make things happen in the way you want

information power

the access to vital information and control over its distribution to others eg. by virtue of their position, managers get access to information that is unavailable to peers and subordinates.

six degrees of separation

the notion that most of us can find a connection to anyone else in the world through six levels of contacts this is also referred to as the secondary network

social capital

the resources that can provide new ideas, timely information, job opportunities, business leads, influence and social support as a result of these relationships

primary network

those individuals you know personally

what is the "decide" step when helping others set goals?

work together to decide what would be attainable, desirable, and challenging goals. put the goals in writing and make them public

What are some limitations of mentoring?

-mentors and proteges may become dysfunctional -mentor may not have adequate time in order to help a protege OR the protege may be promoted and the mentor may be jealous and so they try to sabotage the proteges career -mentoring may result in a mismatch in goals, perceptions and personality -mentor may display weaknesses such as a negative work style and bad habits which the protege may emulate -proteges may become overly submissive to the mentor

What happens during the separation phase of mentoring relationships?

-most mentoring relationships fade after a few years -at this point, the protege is ready to assert more independence and work more autonomously or perhaps the mentor does not have enough time anymore to fully commit to the proteges needs -the mentor and protege will make a decision on what to do with their relationship

What are some tips for preparing and leading a feedback session?

-prepare a script -examine your motives -ask for input -offer help, support, and suggestions -clarify expectations and specify next steps

why is coaching important?

-reduces employees fears related to their status in the organization -enables workers to feel they are part of the organization rather than used by it "together we can" type attitude -endorses skills rather than diminishes them -helps people overcome personal obstacles to their success -when used in team settings, improves team communications and provides a structure for managing conflict -coaching behaviors encourage others to coach

What are some tips for managing information?

-set up a simple, user friendly file system: should include both specific project folders as well as general resource folders that are generic, -glance briefly at all information that comes to you either electronically or in print, then decide if the decision needs to be made quickly or not, -decide who else needs to see the information and forward it to others if necessary and discard items that are not relevant -keep written notes of what happened in the meeting and all meetings attended (people present) -manage your e-mail and social media and keep a running "to-do" list and maintain that list to keep it small and up to date.

what are some tips for increasing expert power

-take advantage of any training or educational opportunities provided by your organization -attend trade and professional association meetings. use networking skills to increase your connections and visibility -let others know about your expertise by volunteering for projects that will allow you to showcase your skills and talents. -consider displaying diplomas or awards in your office

Collegial Peers

-tends to trust more and share more, delving into issues beyond work, including family and personal life -peers request and receive direct and honest feedback

What happens during the orientation and initiation phase of mentoring relationships?

-the mentor and the protege are assigned or select one another, disclose information and begin to build trust -phase usually last 6-12 months, during which initial wishes become realized and the relationship takes on a significance for both parties

What are some effective coaching behaviors?

-use face-to-face discussions of performance problems (best sessions last 35-45 minutes) -models quality -high levels of supportive behavior and moderate levels of initiating or problem solving behaviors -avoid using non-supportive behaviors -ask questions that enable the employee to discover how to improve -challenge employees and stimulate resolutions

what are the three types of supportive behaviors?

-verbal- indicates commitment -tangible- offer help or resources -active-empathetic listening, acknowledgement, willing to understand

What are the four stages of mentoring relationships?

1. Orientation and initiation 2. Cultivation 3. Separation 4. Redefinition

What are some barriers to networking

1. being shy/introverted, lacking in self-esteem or confidence in personal skills and abilities 2. difficulty in asking others for help and being unable to reciprocate the factor immediately 3.wanting to reach goals without any special help from others

What are the three primary sources of feedback?

1. others 2. task itself 3. self

What are the twelve characteristics of effective feedback?

1. specific 2. non-personal 3. work related 4. documentable 5. descriptive 6. non-prescriptive 7. timely 8. frequently 9. purposeful 10. constructive and balanced 11. in appropriate setting 12. interactive

What are the five steps in helping others set goals?

1.Prepare 2. Clarify 3. Decide 4. Commit 5. Participate

What are some skills and characteristics of effective coaches?

-a desire to bring out the best in others performance -ability to give constructive and positive feedback -honesty and trustworthiness -willingness to not assign blame -good communication skills --attends to both human and business needs -responsibility and accountability -constructive conflict management -a personal level of caring

What are some things to do after a networking meeting?

-as you walk away jot down a few notes on the back of the persons business card so you can job memory when writing follow up card/letter -follow up with new contact within 48 hours of meeting them -send thank you notes (by mail, preferably hand written) or give phone call -assess your self: how did you do? -follow through on your promises

What are some tips for proteges to make mentoring work?

-ask for what you need while respecting the mentors time -be mindful of the mentors credibility and reputation -be realistic and commit to regularly reassessing and altering your network -be selective -make mentoring a two-way street -demonstrate your trustworthiness -be willing to accept gracefully all feedback mentors are willing to provide -seek out multiple mentors

Informational Peers

-benefit most by exchanging information about their work or organization -relationship is characterized by low levels of self-disclosure and trust and demands little in terms of time and support

What are the benefits to mentoring for proteges?

-career and leadership development -increased self-confidence, self awareness and growth -mutual sharing and enhancement of of relationships with friends and colleges -gaining valuable information into the workings of the organization for movement in the organization -saving time: they don't have to make the same mistakes their mentors made and can learn from them instead

What are some tips when receiving constructive feedback?

-demonstrate an openness to hearing the information and benefiting from it -try to understand the speakers point of view -check your body language -try not to be objective and not take things personally -summarize key points to demonstrate that you've understood the feedback

What are the benefits of mentoring for the mentor?

-experience shared learning and positive results -gain personal satisfaction from helping another -develop patients, insight and understanding -gain exposure to cultural, social and economic characteristics different from their own -gain personal experience for later career opportunities such as teaching, training or counseling

What are the qualities of an effective mentor?

-expertise and experience in their professions and have been successful in these endeavors -enthusiasm and genuine interest for their profession -desire to help others -available time to help others -good interpersonal skills -skilled in giving honest and detailed constructive criticism -worthy of emulation

what are some things to do during a networking meeting?

-focus completely on the other persons needs when establishing relationships -get all the vital information (name, title, address, phone number, e-mail) -verify how to pronounce a persons name correctly -be visible not pushy -respect others time -refrain from praising, fawning, self depreciation, flirting and cuteness be sincere

Why is feedback important?

-heightened competition and shifting requirements -ensures that employees experience many aspects of the business and become successful at teaching, coaching and mentoring others -allows employees to share progress towards goals, relay current problems, and inform management about how they feel about their jobs, co-workers and organization in general

What are some things to do before a networking meeting?

-make networking a high priority (make time) -set specific networking goals (why, with whom ,about what, when, where, how) -start with a small circle and grow -practice small talk and develop into a conversation -know the organizational culture including the norms, customs, and dress

What is an Machiavellian individual?

a individual that uses any means possible for personal gain, even if those means are sometimes unethical

impression management

a process by which we attempt to influence the reations and images people have of us and our ideas. we do this when we wear our best suit and when we try to use our best words when in a public setting

What are the two main roles that mentors play?

Career function and psycho-social functions

What happens during the redefinition phase of mentoring relationships?

Depending on the nature of the separation, the mentor and protege will often redefine their relationship -typically the mentors job is "done" and peer status is achieved -proteges show appreciation

What are the 3 types of informal mentors?

Informational peers Collegial peers Special peers

What is a coaching template for creating a coaching session?

Stage 1: set expectations and state importance Stage 2: Question and Listen Stage 3: Create a solution and agree on a plan

legitimate power base

based on a person holding a formal position or title. employees comply because they accept the legitimacy of the person in charge

referent power base

based on a persons ability to influence because of others desire to identify or associate with him or her. others comply because they like, believe in, or want to emulate the person and what he or she represents.

reward power base

based on a persons ability to provide (or withhold) rewards. others comply because they desire the rewards available from the person in power

coercive power base

based on a persons ability to punish or harm. others comply because they want to avoid punishment.

expert power base

based on a persons possessing knowledge or superior skills in an area or expertise. employees comply because they respect and trust the persons knowledge or skill

What is the "prepare" step when helping others set goals?

be informed about the organizations goals and direction to ensure a match with the goals of the individual. also be sure to review the individuals past performance and accomplishments to ensure that goals are attainable and challenging

what are some tips for managing others impressions of you?

be punctual: demonstrate self-control and respect for others time dress appropriately dress to impress flatter legitimately have a good sense of humor be friendly and approachable make friends- and value all contacts

why is politicking important?

because of the complexities involved in being in business today it is a way to strengthen and expand your existing network of contacts within your organization.

Special Peers

exhibit high levels of trust, self-disclosure, and self-expression -share ideas and advice on a multitude of issues and allow for the exchange of dilemmas, fears, and concerns

why is networking important?

can provide numerous professional benefits for individuals and organizations can cause you to find a job and then make advancements in careers and increases your access to available resources and knowledge

what are the two categories of informal power base

expert, referent

upward appeals

demonstrating that more senior and powerful people in your organization support the decision for which you are advocating

What is the "commit" step when helping others set goals?

determine how you can commit to support, assist, and facilitate others in achieving their goals. such support might include making phone calls, arranging for training, coordinating with the efforts of other individuals or departments, and obtaining needed equipment

what are some tips for increasing referent power

develop your people skills. the better you get along with others the more power youll have improve your relationship with and gain confidence from your manager and peers. their success is influenced by you and your performance use personal appeals and sincere flattery to make a connection with and befriend others.

What is the "clarify" step when helping others set goals?

provide an overall picture on how the individuals goals and objectives fit with the organizational objectives. ensure that they know their part in the whole

What are some tips to reduce unfair negative politicking?

reduce task ambiguity: employees need to be clear on what they can and cannot do and how tasks are prescribed (clear instructions) increase communication channels ensure a clear and consistent reward and promotion structure provide sufficient resources formalize the structure

What is the "participate" step when helping others set goals?

schedule regularly planned meetings to discuss progress, revise goals if necessary, and set higher or additional goals. make goal setting a part of the process and continue the cycle on a regular basis.

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