Technology in Action Chapter 11
A collection of data
A database ____ organizes information into fields and records.
Changing the field type may result in the loss of data
How do I create relationships between tables?
You use primary and foreign key fields to create relationships between tables.
Forms enable you to __________ individual records.
view, input, or edit
enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
A business intelligence system that accumulates in a central location all information relevant to running a business and makes it readily available to whoever needs it to make decisions.
Data warehouse
A large-scale collection of data that contains and organizes in one place all the data from an organization's multiple databases
Calculated field (or computed field)
A numeric field that stores the contents of a calculation, which is generated with a formula in the numeric field.
field constraint
A property that must be satisfied for an entry to be accepted into the field.
database query
A question you ask the database so that it provides you with the records you wish to view.
detail report
A report generated by a management information system that provides a list of the transactions that occurred during a certain time period.
exception report
A report generated by a management information system that shows conditions that are unusual or that need attention by system users. 2: Shows conditions that are unusal or that need attention by users of the system.
information system
A system that includes data, people, procedures, hardware, and software that help in planning and decision making; a software-based solution used to gather and analyze information.
expert system
A system that tries to replicate the decision-making processes of human experts in order to solve specific problems.
decision support system (DSS)
A type of business intelligence system designed to help managers develop solutions for specific problems.
How do I create fields in a database?
Actually, you can create the fields manually by assigned field names.
An AutoNumber field creates unique values automatically when Access creates a new record. The AutoNumber field is primarily used for primary keys in Access.
Field Name
An identifying name assigned to each field in a database.
database administrator (or database designer)
An individual trained in the design and building of databases, to assist with the construction of large databases.
An option with most databases where you view records.
Internal Data Source
Are maintained by the same company that operates the DSS.
How do I get started on creating a database?
Before creating a database, you need to know the three main components of a database. These include fields, records, and tables.
Collection of related data that can be easily stored, sorted, organized and queried.
Consistency Check
Compaires the value of data in two or more fields to see if these values are reasonable.
Alphabetic Check
Confirms that only texlual characters are entered in a field.
Data created with a formula. Use a Calculated field when a calculated value will be used in many queries, forms, and reports.
Field Size
Defines the maximum number characters or numbers that a field can hold.
data dictionary (or database schema)
Description of the data. This description is contained in the database's files.
data inconsistency
Each time the information in the list changes, multiple lists must be updated and if not, then inconsistent data results.Data for a record being different in two different lists.
fuzzy logic
Enables the interjection of experiential learning into knowledge-based systems by allowing the consideration of probabilities.
completeness check
Ensures that all fields defined as "required" have data entered into them.
data centralization
Ensuring data integrity; instead of being in multiple lists that have to be maintained, the information is maintained in only one place.
A Short Text field can store no more than 100 characters.
Autonumber Datatypes are generally used for calculation fields such as price.
If you delete a field the data will be maintained in the database in case you add the field again later
A _____ enables users to view or enter data one record at a time.
Date/Time Field
Holds data such as Birthdays and Due Dates.
In a database, temporarily displays records that match the certain criteria
field properties
In an Access database table, the field name, data type, and other data elements.
Data Type (Field Type)
Indicates what type of data can be stored in the field.
Involves putting it into an electronic file in a format that another application can understand.
Computational Field (Calculated Field)
Is a numeric field that stores the contents of a calculation, which is generated with a formula in the numeric field.
External Data Source
Is any source now owned by the company that owns the DSS, such as customer demographic data purchased from third parties, mailing lists, or staistic compiled by the federal government.
Data Mining
Is the porcess by which great amounts of data are analyzed and investigated. The objective is to spot significant patterns or trends within the data that would otherwise not be obvious.
If you change the data type from Number to Text, you could end up _____
Losing data
Is one table in a database enough to enter all my information in it and store all the fields?
No, you need to create different tables and categorize data to be stored in them.
In a database, a video clip would be stored in a(n) _____ field
OLE Object
_____ fields hold things such as pictures and video clips
OLE Object
input form
Provides a view of the data fields to be filled, with appropriate labels to assist database users in populating the database.
Data mart
Small slices of a data warehouse grouped together and separated from the main body of data in the data warehouse so that related sets of data can be analyzed
clickstream data
Software used on company websites to capture information about each click that users make as they navigate through the site.
Data Staging
Source data must be "staged" before entering the data warehouse. The act of formatting data from source databases before fitting it into a data warehouse; it consists of three steps: extraction, transformation, and storage.
Database Managment System (DBMS)
Specially designed application software (such as Oracle Database or Microsoft Access) that interacts with the user, other applications, and the database to capture and analyze data.
database-management system (DBMS)
Specially designed application software (such as Oracle Database or Microsoft Access) that interacts with the user, other applications, and the database to capture and analyze data.
Hyperlink field
Stores hyperlinks to Web pages.
business intelligence systems
Systems used to analyze and interpret data in order to enable managers to make informed decisions about how best to run a business.
The Attachment field type is used to store images, spreadsheet files, documents, charts, and other types of supported files to the records in your database.
The Currency data type stores values in a monetary format.
The Date/Time field allows storage of date and time information.
The Hyperlink field type is used to store web addresses.
Batch processing
The accumulation of transaction data until a certain point is reached, at which time several transactions are processed at once
batch processing
The accumulation of transaction data until a certain point is reached, at which time several transactions are processed at once.
The component of a database in which the database stores each category of information
Foreign Key
The primary key of another table that is included for purposes of establishing relationships with that other table.
Default Value
The value the database uses for the field unless the user enters another value.
data centralization
When data is maintained in only one file.
Data Integrity
When the data contained in the database is accurate and reliable.
But, if I include the primary key of one table in the other table, won't I have two primary keys for a record?
When the primary key of one table is included in another table to establish a relationship between the two tables, it is called a foreign key in the related table.
If you want to save and reuse the criteria for selecting records, you should use __________.
a query
A(n) _____ is a collection of related data that can be easily stored, organized, and queried.
a collection of objects
A category of information about students, such as their phone numbers, would be stored in a(n) _____
a category of data
a category of information in a database
allows editing of individual records
A One to Many relationship is indicated by a 1 at one end of the join line and __________ at the other end.
infinity sign (∞)
All of the following is TRUE about a Query EXCEPT ____
it is a professional printed presentation
All of the following are types of basic database objects EXCEPT __________.
In a database, a text capable of holding complete paragraphs has a _____ data type
long text
A query that extracts data from more than one table is called a(n) _____ query.
A(n) ______ database stores in more than two dimensions
A system that's designed to help perform routine daily tasks is known as (a)n
office support system.
Before you begin to create a database using Access, you should do all of the following EXCEPT __________.
plan the hierarchy of your records
a field that has a value unique to each record
primary key
A type of data validation that would ensure the number of hours worked for an employee is greater than 0 but less than or equal to 40 is called a
range check.
A group of related fields is called a(n) ___
a group of related fields
Data __________ is the duplication of data in a database and should be avoided.
Before a multi-table query can be created, a __________ must first be established between the tables.
Being able to use data from two or more tables by linking their common fields involves establishing a ____
a link between tables that defines how the data is connected
data type (field type)
(1) Describes the kind of data being stored at the memory location; each programming language has its own data types (although there is some degree of overlap). (2) In a database, indicates what type of data can be stored in a field and prevents the wrong type of data from being entered into the field.
A group of related records is called a(n) _____
a group of related records
data dictionary (database schema)
A map of a database that defines the features of the fields in the database.
Binary Large Object (BLOB)
Data enclosed in binary form.
__________ view is used to enter field properties and data types.
data redundancy
Duplicated data between lists.
Data Centealization
Ensuring integrity, instead of being in multipal lists that have to be maintained, the information is maintained in only one place.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Is the branch of computer science that deals with the attempt to create computers that think like humans.