Territorial Expansion & Slavery (1820-1860) - APUSH Final

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What did the Compromise of 1850 state? What act was created?

-California would be allowed into the Union as a free state. -Slave trade (but not slavery) was abolished in the District of Columbia -The Fugitive Slave Act was enacted. It allowed for the capture & return of runaway slaves within the territory of the U.S. -formation of territorial governments in the rest of the lands acquired from Mexico

What were the consequences of the Missouri Compromise?

-number of northerners & southerners in the senate remained the same -most of the Louisiana Purchase was closed to slavery -slavery was temporarily defused as a national political issue

What year was the Missouri Compromise declared as? And what did it do? Was it passed?

1820. Yes. -Maine would enter as a free state & Missouri would enter as a slave state -the remaining territory of the Louisiana Purchase would be closed to slavery

When was the Kansas-Nebraska Act enacted? What did it state?

1854. -The territory of Nebraska would be divided into 2 territories; Kansas & Nebraska -the status of slavery would be decided on popular sovereignty

What act did the Dred Scott decision appeal to? Which 2 documents did it repeal?

Appealed to the Kansas-Nebraska Act & popular sovereignty. It repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 & Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

Why wasn't Texas annexed into the U.S.? What year was it refused & what year was it finally allowed in?

Because President Jackson was afraid of igniting controversy over slavery & whether Texas would be a slave or free state. This was in 1836, but it was finally allowed in in 1845.

When was the Dred Scott decision made? What did the Supreme Court decide?

In 1857. The Supreme Court decided that black people were not citizens of the U.S. And established the principle that the government could not limit the spread of slavery in territories.

What did popular sovereignty show? Who was its bigger supporter?

It showed the government's thought that the people should get to decide if slavery is morally right or not. Stephen Douglas was its biggest promoter.

What did the Wilmot Proviso state? Was it passed?

It stated that lands acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War would be prohibited to practice slavery.

What political party did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to a demise of? What party did it lead to the rise of?

Led to the demise of the Whigs, and a rise to the Republican Party, because it divided the Democratic party. The old democrats against this new act came together & created the Republican Party.

What were the Republicans thoughts on slavery? What were the Democrats thoughts on slavery?

Republicans believed that slavery shouldn't be extended into the territories, but that it should be protected in the states it already existed. Democrats were divided on if slavery should be spread into the territories.

Were the Northerners or the Southerners more against the Kansas-Nebraska Act? What compromise had this new act gone against?

The Northerns probably, because the Missouri Compromise stated that the territory above the Missouri Compromise line would be free territory, but now the southerners are going to have a chance to have a new slave state.

What is an event that is an example as to how antislavery northerners withheld America from expanding?

The Ostend Manifesto in 1854, which was a proposal to seize Cuba by force. But this enraged antislavery northerners because they knew Cuba would become a slave state if allowed into the Union, so they prevented this document from being passed.

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