Terrorism Midterm

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Who is Michael Collins

Leader of the IRA

The initial Split of Islam Faith into Sunnis and Shiites was based on the issue of ___ ****


Describe the layering phase of money laundrying

Placement can take place in a single action, such as showing the monetary gains as profits, or it may be laundered through repeated transactions to conceal it origins. This second process is called is called layering.

Describe the placement phase of money laundering

Placement involves putting criminal proceeds in the legitimate financial system.

Who was a famous anarchist in the 18th century

Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)

What are the three money laundering steps for terrorism

Placement Layering Integration

There is a brief summary of Islam for those who need it because of what

Since extremists couch violence in religious terms, there is a brief summary of Islam for those who need it

Is the study of terrorism simple or complex

The study of terrorism is complex as a result of tactical innovation

Are terrorist tactics simple or complex

The tactics of terrorism are straightforward and simple, but they are employed in innovative ways.

how do people react to the term terrorism

The term has spawned heated debate because it is nebulous and pejorative (vague). It also evokes politically charged responses

What is nationalistic terrorism

violent terrorism waged on the basis of a shared sense common political unity, cultural traditions, or ethnic freedom.

Does the definition of terrorism change

Yes, depending on the social and political context

Who is Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and what did he do

(underwear bomber) - attempted to destroy a northwest airlines as it entered American airspace

What are news frames centered on

1. Getting viewer's attention 2. Presenting information 3. Revealing the results Media is focused on military and law enforcement actions overseas, but has ignored domestic security issued because they do not think there is a need. (sensational events

Essay Question: Describe the 4 types of chemical agents as well as the practical problems chemicals present for terrorists who would use chemical weapons. When are chemical weapons most effective?


Describe a history of the LTTE struggle

1. After II World War Tamils were represented in Sri Lanka government. 2. In 1955 Sinhalese majority forced the government to adopt a Singhalese only policy. 3. The Ceylon (Sri Lanka) government (Sinhalese majority) began to target minority Tamils in the 70s and 80s. 4. Following Sinhalese rioting in 1983, the LTTE mounted three on-again, off-again terrorist campaigns.

How did early zionists form

1. As Jewish settlers bought land, they purchased large parcels next to each other 2. They established governing councils for their farmland and refused to sell land back to Arabs 3. They were acting in defiance of the sultan's refusal to allow Jewish self-government

When did Boko Haram start and who was the leader

1. Birth of group in 1995 when a number of Nigerian Salafis grew disgruntled 2. Yusufiya - followers of the Nigerian Mohammed Yusuf violently reject all ideas not contained in a strict, intolerant interpretation of Islam.

What are the six basic tactics of terrorism

1. Bombing 2. Hijacking 3. Arson 4. Assault 5. Kidnapping 6. Hostage taking 7. Weapons of mass destruction

how do terrorists use new media

1. Communication 2. Propaganda 3. Reporting tool 4. Recruiting tool 5. Training tool 6. Tactical weapon 7. Either side has ability to data mine and gather intelligence 8. Stenography - one of internet's greatest vulnerabilities. Embedding hidden information in a picture

What do Basque separatists want

1. Develop a homeland in Spain 2. Maintain a separate culture and language

What are the types of news frames

1. Dominant frame - presents a story from a single viewpoint 2. Conflict frame - presents a story with two views 3. Contention frame - summarizes a variety of views 4. Investigative frames - champion role of the press as protectors of democracy

Why are chemical weapons attractive

1. Easy to control 2. Users can avoid the area they attack 3. Generally easier to deliver than biological weapons. 4. Faster acting

Describe nationalistic terrorism with algiers

1. France invaded and occupied parts of North Africa in the 19th century 2. France directly incorporated the northern part of Algiers and administered it 1. The FLN began its campaign in 1954, launching 70 clandestine attacks 1. FLN stuffed women's handbags with explosives and they frequently targeted places with large numbers of French youth 2. Algeria received independence in 1962 as counterterrorist tactics drove Algerian sympathy toward the FLN and French citizens lost their taste for a dirty war blind terrorism

What does Boko Haram do

1. From 2012 the terrorists graduated to mass murders; killings became indiscriminant and many Muslims were wounded or murdered. 2. They expanded to political kidnappings in 2013 and then turned to kidnapping for profit. 3. They also began to take and hold territory, declaring a caliphate in 2014. 4. In the same year Boko Haram increased kidnappings of women and girls for slave labor and sex, and the group also began using males for conscripts In January 2012 flyers mysteriously appeared in the North announcing the creation of a new group, Ansaru. The flyers stated that Ansaru was a more "humane" form of Boko Haram

Why is suicide terrorism popular

1. Guarantee some type of delivery 2. Difficult to stop 3. Effective with high causalities that strikes fear into enemy

explain the history of Al Shabab

1. In 2004 Somali courts banded together to form the Islamic Courts Union (ICU). 2. The ICU grew, and its militias became stronger, eventually gaining enough power to challenge the warlords 3. Christian Ethiopia invaded Somalia in 2006. The ICU fled except al Shabaab. 4. From 2007 to 2008 it waged a campaign of selective terrorism. some say al shabab has been greatly weakened

Describe the Belfast Agreement

1. Independent human rights investigations, compensation for the victims of violence, and decommissioning of paramilitary groups 2. Independent Monitoring Commission 3. Police Service of Northern Ireland

What are wilkon's 3 choices for the censorship debate

1. Laissez faire 2. Government agency veto power over news reports 3. Self-regulation

describe the force multiplier of media coverage

1. Makes minor group appear to be politically important 2. Government and terrorists benefit from media portrayal of terrorist activity 3. Continuous reporting amplifies the aura of small groups (striking power is magnified) 4. All forms of media can be a force multiplier

What does the media and critics think about the censorship debate

1. Media: Public has a right to know 2. Critics: Free speech does not equal unlimited access to information Right to know v. Right to speak

Describe the political economy of terrorism

1. Napoleoni states that globalization created pockets in the world where failed states are left to govern with little economic and political power 2. Because they are strong enough to resist the state terrorist groups grow running their own underground economies and providing some form of political stability 3. Terrorist groups form a shell state defined as an organization that acts like a government in a place where the government is unable to enforce law or provide for other forms of social order 4. Example is ETA in spain

What are the three factors pape believes must be in place before a suicide terror campaign occurs

1. Nationalistic or ethnic group must be resisting the occupation of a foreign power 2. Foreign power must have democratic government whose voters will not routinely allow the slaughter and repression of the people in the occupied area 3. Must be a difference in the religions of the occupying power and the people living under occupation

What is Freeman's 6 criteria for terrorist financing

1. Quantity of money needed 2. The need for legitimacy 3. Security of assets 4. Source of income 5. Ability to control the flow of resources 6. Simplicity of a groups financial system

What did the sunni shite spilt originate from

1. Question of leadership spawned debate and eventually a civil war: According to Arabic tradition, Mohammed's male heir should lead the community. 2. Nevertheless, Mohammed claimed to have revealed a new law that said the importance of the community would take precedence over tribal rules. 1. Led to debate and eventually a civil war still affecting the practice of Islam today 1. One group believed the community should select its own leaders - a caliph 2. Another believed that Mohammed had designated his cousin, Ali, as the Muslim leader

Describe nationalistic terrorism with kenya

1. Rebel Kikuyas began assembling in the forests of western Kenya around 1950 Fueled by anger over loss of land, they began burning fields of European farmers The Mau Mau movement failed n the field. 1. Over 90,000 Mau Mau suspects were interned during the state of emergency 2. Conditions of custody were appalling 3. Thousands of suspects were tortured Kenya would gain its independence, and a former suspected Mau Mau exile would become its president

Describe the lone wolf method of terrorism

1. Religion helps to produce the lone-wolf avenger: A person who has a particular ideology but isn't part of a group An individual lone-wolf avenger needs to find some type of justification for his or her actions, and religion provides the perfect path. Lone-wolf avengers have a special, narcissistic relationship with their deities. They create a god in their own image. They become the ultimate loners—they are the most difficult type of terrorist to deter or detain.

What are the three primary matters in which communication develops

1. Reporting of terrorist events 2. Creating social definition of terrorism 3. Propaganda and communication through the World Wide Web

What tactics did the LTTE use

1. Standard guerilla tactics from 1988 to 1992 2. Bank robberies, bombings and murder 3. In 1987 LTTE pioneered the use of suicide bombings 4. In 1990 LTTE organized Naval force 1. threatening shipping operations with suicide boats and other seaborne operations 5. in 1994 and 1995 LTTE organized itself as a uniformed military force

What are the three types of suicide attacks

1. Suicide in warfare 2. Suicide for a principle without killing others 3. Suicidal terrorism

What are the problems with chemical weapons

1. Terrorists must have a delivery mechanism 2. It takes a lot of chemicals to present a threat 3. Heat destroys the chemical agent, so you cannot use a bomb 4. Weather patterns, air, and water can neutralize a chemical threat

What 3 issues help illustrate the importance of the region

1. The birth and spread of Islam 2. Historical confrontations between Christianity and Islam, 3. The expansion of conflict beyond the traditional geographical realm of the Middle East

What influenced new media

1. The price of network devices dropped. 2. Improved digital technology increased the quality and quantity of communications. 3. Devices became smaller and more powerful. 4. Increased bandwidth increased the ability of servers to process traffic. 5. Communications revolution created a host of virtual communities

Describe nationalistic terrorism with turkey

1. Turkey was established as a secular republic in 1923. 2. It is a member of NATO and has recognized the State of Israel. 3. Turkey looks to Europe for economic and cultural reasons, but Europe has resisted welcoming Turkey into the European Union. Turkish hezbollah wanted to establish an Islamic state by force of arms. kidnapped business people who refused to support them

Describe nationalistic terrorism with cyprus

1. UK claimed Cyprus as a crown colony after World War I and established its Middle East military headquarters 2. Grivas created the EOKA to overthrow the British government 1. A series of attacks began in April 1955 3. In response to pressure from international allies British citizens, the United Kingdom bartered a deal with the EOKA in 1959 4. The British 1. Responded with overwhelming force to EOKA attacks 2. Negotiated independence for the island The island was ultimately partitioned into Greek and Turkish communities

What are the three phases in guerilla revolutions, that are based of cuban eperience

1. isolated groups start guevara-style revolutions 2. groups merge into guerilla columns 3. brings columns together into a conventional army

What are the four biological agents

1. natural poison or toxins that occur without human modification 2. viruses 3. bacteria 4. plagues

When did the IRA run

1916-early 21st

Who is Trotsky

A Russian revolutionary who led foreign affairs in Stalin's government and later became the commander of the Red army. He espoused terrorism as a means for spreading White revolution. He was thrown out of the communist party for opposing Stalin and was assassinated by communist agents in Mexico City in 1940.

How is prison radicalization similar to street gangs

A leader often targets selected prisoners or dominates new inmates using intimidation to force them until they join the group

Who has experienced endemic terrorism, and why

Africa has experienced endemic terrorism due to artificial national boundaries imposed by Europeans

What is Al Shabaab, and where are they located and operational

Al Shabaab is a jihadist group that arose from the Islamic Courts Union. It has global aspirations but can only operate regionally.

Which groups require funding

All groups (former and terrorist groups)

describe the force multiplier of technology

Allows a small group to launch a deadly attack

How does the internet help terrorism

An exponential expansion of the Internet has been the basis of the new media environment. Its power is multiplied because devices are available, powerful, and costs have been reduced This means that there is extensive competition for presenting a point of view and a news frame, and it leads to charges of biases from all sides

Describe a criminal in relation to a terrorist

Are unfocused, Are not devoted to crime as a philosophy, Will make deals to avoid punishment, Usually run when confronted with force, Strike when the opportunity to do so is present, Rarely train for crime

When did the Basque Separatist become violent

Basque separatism became violent when the ETA launched a terrorist campaign in support of Basque independence

During what war did Sinn Rein move to the arena of discrediting the parlimentary party, in which moderation disappeared as extreme irish republicanism increased

Black and Tan War

Who is one of the most militant Salafi groups in the world

Boko Haram

Where did Boko Haram begin

Boko Haram represents a jihadist movement that began in the northern Muslim region.

What does Boko Haram represent and what do they seek to do

Boko Haram represents a jihadist movement that began in the northern Muslim region. It seeks a united Muslim caliphate

What is the most common tactic of terrorism


Who are Dzhokhar & Tamerlin Tsarnaev

Boston bombers

What did the British promise Arabs

British encouraged the Arabs to revolt against the Turks 1. Arabs were promised the Caliphate would be moved to Mecca and an Arab named as Caliph 2. For a general Arab revolt against the Turks, the British agreed to support the creation of an independent Arab state at the end of WWI

Who was a large supporter of small group terrorism in latin american

Carlos Marighella - Brazilian communist legislator and revolutionary theorist. Believed that urban terrorism is a method for ending Us dominance. Wanted to move violence from countryside to city. His ideas were used for 40 plus years

What is Expropriation and who coined the term

Carlos Marighella - the term means armed robbery

Who is Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Castro's assistant and guerilla warfare theorist.

What are the four chemical agents

Choking blood nerve blistering

Which of the following is NOT a biological agent ****

Choking agent (this is chemical)

What is selective terrorism

Collins reasoned that indiscriminate terror was of no value. Random or large-scale attacks would alienate public opinion. To be effective, terrorism had to selectively and ruthlessly target security forces and their symbols of authority

What are the 5 pillars of islam

Creed (Shahada)- verbal commitment that there is only one god. Mohammed is the messenger Prayers (Salat)- 5 prayers daily Fasting (Saum)- fasting for an entire month Purifying Tax (Zakat)- annual payment of a certain % of pay that is distributed among poor Pilgrimage ( Hajj)- preform pilgrimage to Makkah one in a lifetime 6th (some include it) - Jihad

What are the ways a prisoner is radicalized, according to Hamm

Crisis convert- joins as a result of personal crisis (emotional support) Protection-seeking convert- seeks a group out of fear (radical group offers safety) Searching converts - have been exposed to religion but seek deeper meaning while in prison. (like the feeling of belonging to a group) Manipulating converts - controlled by a strong member inside a group (personal gain). Free- World Converts- result from chaplains outside of the system who spread literature and preach radicalization - result from chaplains outside of the system who spread literature and preach radicalization

Where did guerilla warfare become popular

Cuban revolution

Who became the for runners of urban ideological terrorism

Cyprus and Algeria became the forerunners of urban ideological terrorism

Are ethnic or separatist movements peaceful

Despite the promise of negotiated peace, these movements seem to be more violent than ideological or religious terrorism

What is the censorship debate over

Does free speech automatically allow media access to information Should the government censor media when it comes to terrorism

Who is Europe's longest surviving ethic conflict

ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna)

What are some benefits for suicide bombers

Family gets money, puts family in place of honor, heavenly rewards (straight to heaven, gaze on the face of allah, advocate for 70 of his relatives who will earn the right to enter heaven, 72 virgins)

What are force multipliers

Force multipliers increase striking power without increasing the strength of a unit Transitional support

Who coined the term small group (method of terrorism), and why

Frantz Fanon He produced two works as a result of his Algerian experiences: 1. The Wretched of the Earth (1961) 2. A Dying Colonialism (1965)

why is defining terrorism important

Governments build policies around their definition; therefore, a bad definition leads to a bad policy.

What is the Hawala System

Hawala system is a legitimate means of transferring money without using money

What is Horan concerned with , and what three issues

He is concerned with the psychological process that lead people to a terrorist group, the issues that keep them in the group, and the support for people who want to leave

What did the British promise when WW1 Ended

Home rule to Ireland

Where does terrorism occur most frequently

In democracies

What is the black market peso exchange

In the Peso Exchange, drug dealers sell their products in the United States and accumulate large amounts of U.S. currency. They sell the money to brokers in Colombia, who pay the dealers in Colombian pesos. This creates no financial record in the United States. The money brokers buy consumer goods in Colombia at greatly inflated prices

describe the force multiplier of transnational support

Increases terrorist groups ability to move and hide Terrorist usually target international travelers, as this has a negative economic impact could also target fossil fuels and transportation

terrorists have the same money flow as other criminals do

Investigations revealed that the money trail in terrorism differs from the flow of funds in other criminal enterprises because special structure of terrorist operations

When did Iran disavowed the US

Iran disavowed the United States after the 1979 Iranian Revolution

What are the two main branches of Islam

Islam has many different branches. The two main branches—the Shiites and the Sunnis.

What are the two groups Hamm says radicalization tends to take place among

Islamic extremists Christian extremists who use selected biblical passages to justify their views white supremacists who have adopted gods and goddesses.

Why is do we have difficulties with defining terrorism

It is a social construct - terrorism is defined by different people within vacillating (shifting) social and political realities

Are women terrorist important to study, and have they been researched well

It is important to understand the tactical impact of gender on terrorism, but research on the roles of women has been neglected.

What country serves as the stage for quasi-religious uprising

Kenya served as the stage for a quasi-religious uprising, although the Kenyans would eventually win independence, its people were brutally repressed.

When and who founded the LTTE

LTTE was found in 1976 by Velupillai Pirapharan.

Was the 1916 Easter rising a success?

Locally yes, because it surprised everyone; however, it failed overall. Death sentences were given, which swayed support in favor of the IRA

What are the types of terrorism

Lone Wolf Small Group Tactics of insurgencies and guerilla movements

What are legal fund raising methods for terrorism

Many terrorist groups engage in legitimate business activities to raise and distribute money. According to several researchers, charities have been involved in funding terrorism. Many people who contribute to charities do not know they are supporting terrorist organizations

Who coined the term selective terrorism

Michael Collins

Is the middle east just a geographical region

Middle East is not just a geographical region Concept based on a Western orientation to the world

Who is cited when justifying violence

Militants cite ibn Tayymiyya, Abdul Wahhab, and Qutb when justifying violence

What are is the small group style of terrorism

Modeled by Frantz Fanon.

When was Iran formed

Modern Iran formed within the context of European imperialism

How did terrorism in Ireland grow

Modern terrorism in Ireland grew from dissatisfaction with Catholic emancipation in the North.

What are most terrorist organizations designed to do

Most organizations are designed to either support guerrilla movements or to operate as a terrorist movement

Who started Islam

Muhammed was born about 570 AD in Mecca. Had a vision that Gabriel told him God had chosen him to be the prophet to the Arabs His role as THE prophet is crucial in Islam

Who is Omar Hammami, and what did he do

Muslim father and Christian mother, his identify conflict ended when he embraced a violent intolerant form of Islam to become a commander in Al Shabaab

What are the two factions Hamm says radicalization tends to take place among

Muslim groups who use cut and paste versions of the Quran & white supremacy

What is new media

New media refers to any virtual network where communication takes place. It includes blogs, multiple Internet postings, and any social network.

Are military tactics effective to fight insurgencies and guerilla war

No, it is impossible

Is radicalization a group process

No, research indicates individual psychological and sociological factors create the framework for interrupting reality.

Is there a single accepted understanding or definition of terrorism


Is there a consensus about research of radicalization or the definition of radicalization

No. Radicalization is used in a variety of ways.

Nidal Malik Hasan

November 5, 2009, went on a shooting spree at For Hood Texas, killing 13. Country could determine if it was terrorism

Describe the Small group method of terrorism

Operating without support of a state. This makes them weak and makes their purpose is to create chaos and fear since they are short lived groups Fanon believed that Western powers have dehumanized non-western people by destroying their culture and replacing it with western values Decolonization was destined to be violent. Achieving freedom is inherently violent Guerrilla warfare and individual acts of terrorism are tools for a revolution. Terrorism should not be used against the native population I general

Where did the Hawala system originate, and how does it work

Originated in China Based on long term trust relationships and knowledge that each dealer is reliable for all debts

What are the three critical events that shaped the modern middle east

Ottoman Empire 1. Victorious Allies partitioned Ottoman Empire after 1918 victory 2. Group of military officers took control of Turkey 3. Banned religious government brought an end to Caliphate Zionism 1. European Jews wanted their own homeland 2. Tensions rose when Jewish settlers moved into the area World War I 1. Victorious nations felt they had won the area from the Turks Divided Middle East to share spoils of victory

Who led a revolt on Easter 1916

Patrick Pearse & James Connolly

Describe proponents and opponents of narco-terrorism

Proponents believe that terrorists use drugs to finance operations Opponents argue that governments use the term to increase their own power

Who did economic situations in Northern Ireland favor

Protestant Unionists. 1922-1966 civil rights of Catholics in north were reduced, unionists power increased

When did nationalistic terrorism appear

Quite a bit of nationalistic terrorism came in the wake of World War II as European colonial empires began to break apart.

How does the government handle Tamil Minority (LTTE), and did this work

Rather than negotiate with the defeated Tamil minority, the government has continued to routinely suppress them This may lead to renewed violence and the rebirth of the LTTE or a similar organization in the Tamil Diaspora.

What is the lone wolf style of terrorism

Religion helps to produce the lone-wolf avenger: A person who has a particular ideology but isn't part of a group An individual lone-wolf avenger needs to find some type of justification for his or her actions, and religion provides the perfect path. They have a special relationship with their deities (they create god in their own image) Lone wolf violence seems to be increasing and some groups encourage it

Describe the revolution in 1848, and what happened to the democrats

Revolution happened in Europe. A conservative system established by governments after the Napoleonic wars was antidemocratic. Constitutional movements failed, people rebelled and Parisians took to the streets in Feb and overthrew the government. Other European countries followed suit and by autumn, almost ever major European country had some sort of unrest. Most workers did not see any gains, but the middle class saw some. They tried to fight against the economic system as it was slowly restored, but they lost and went underground.

What does Horan think we should look for when examining radicalization

Routes to terrorism

What doe all suicide bombings have in common

Secrecy reconnaissance rehearsal

All suicide bombings have 3 things in common ****

Secrecy, reconnaissance, rehersal

Which group are followers of Ali


Six days war

Six Day War - PLO began a series of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians in 1967 2. Israeli Defense Force launched deadly strikes against the Arabs 3. Although outnumbered, Israeli forces doubled its territory, defeating its opponents Israeli defense forces stabilized the front

Would censorship help fight terrorism

Some call for censorship b/c the media is so powerful. Media draws attention to the terrorists, which is what they want. mutually beneficial relationship without censorship

Where is the LTTE

Sri Lanka

When did violence in Sri Lankan end

Sri Lankan violence ended with the military elimination of the LTTE.

What is Marc Sageman's model of radicalization

Step 1: Alienated Young man Step 2 Meets other alienated young men and forms bond (they become a "Bunch of Guys") Step 3: Groups gravitate towards religion ("They outdo each other in zeal to express love for the group") Step 4: Religion interpreted in militant terms ("Most stop here") Step 5: Militant group meets terrorist contact Step 6: Militant join terrorists as a group decision.

What does Islam mean

Submission to the will of God

What has become a useful way for a terrorist attack, and why

Suicide bombing has become a particularly terrorizing tactic, but there is no single explanation for either understanding or preventing it.

What is the history behind the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program

TFTP - Began as a secret American Intelligence gathering program Emerged as a formal regulatory agency in the European union

Technological attacks can be more effective by using what

Technological attacks can be made more effective by using WMD, cyber-attacks, or economic targeting.

Terrorism in the middle east is a result of what

Terrorism in the Middle East is the result of historical processes, and the area is a cultural concept, not an actual place

What is the definition of terrorism

Terrorism is defined within social and political contexts and means different things in different time periods.

Are terrorist organizations complex

Terrorist organizations are as complex as any other social organization designed to accomplish a mission

Explain financing terrorism

Terrorists need money Methods have changed over time. Capone discovery: discovered an organized crime network to finance its operations A terrorist operation does not cost a lot, but the overall budget for a budget is quite high.

Describer funding for terrorism

Terrorists set up phony charities or skim proceeds from legitimate organizations FBI estimates that the underground economy produces $500 billion per year. Terrorists not only move funds, but also smuggle stolen goods and contraband. Globalization terrorism has created opportunities for profits in diamond trade

Describe a terrorist, in relation to a criminal

Terrorists: Focus their actions toward a goal, Are dedicated to a cause, Rarely cooperate with officials because they do not wish to betray their cause, Tend to attack, Strike against targets after careful planning, Prepare for and rehearse their operations

When did Arabs and Israelites fight?

The Arabs and Israelis engaged in a series of conventional wars from 1948 to 1973, and the Israelis demonstrated their military superiority in each one. afterwards the Palestinians turned to terrorism as a method for confronting Israeli military superiority

who supported the republican party in Ireland in the 1850s

The Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) They sponsored the IRAs campaign of violence

Who is Lenin

The Russian revolutionary who led a second revolution in October, bringing the communists to power. Lenin led the communists in a civil war and set up a dictatorship to enforce communist part rule in Russia

Describe the integration phase of money laundering

The final step is Integration. This involves assimilating illegally obtained money in the formal economy and giving funds the appearance of legitimacy

How do different organizations use terrorism

The former organizations use terrorism selectively while terrorist groups simply terrorize as a strategy

Explain the link between drugs and terrorism

The idea of narco-terrorism is a controversial term linking drugs to terrorism in one of two ways: a. Drug profits are used to finance terrorism b. Drug gangs use terrorism to control production and distribution networks

What does new media allow

The new media allow for vicarious participation in an event, opportunities for reframing narratives, and the ability for mass communication

What is the new media environment

The new media environment refers to instantaneous communication through a variety of platforms. It includes social networks, web pages, e-zines, chat rooms, blogs, and similar forms of communication

Are theories of terrorism important? Is something more important?

Theories of terrorism are important, but law enforcement, intelligence, and military forces are also served by developing a practical understanding of the type of terrorism they are facing

Are there any roadblocks terrorist organizations run into?

They are hampered in their effectiveness due to the secret nature of their operations

What sets terrorists apart from average street criminals

They commit crimes as they struggle for a cause

Did Lenin and Trotsky affect the West at all?

They instilled fear of a communist revolution into the West because of their power. To some, terrorism and communism became synonymous

Why are definitions of terrorism important

To guide policy

describe the force multiplier of religion

Transcends normative political and social boundaries

What are the 4 force multipliers

Transnational support technology media coverage religion

What is the Financial Action Task Force

UN effort on money laundering. Strengthened regulations and introduced more uniform practices. The first weakness has little to do with financing and reverts to the problem of defining terrorism. Widespread absence of laws allowing the seizure of assets used to support terrorism Enforcement efforts aimed at underground networks are ineffective and often counterproductive in developing countries

What are the two parties that initially divided Ireland

Unionists, people who wanted to remain in the Uk (sided with British police and military) and Republicans, people who wanted independence

what are the illegal methods of fund raising for terrorism

Violent activities involve kidnapping, extortion, and robbery. Terrorists around the world use a variety of criminal methods to raise funds. Less violent methods include fraud, larceny, smuggling, dealing in contraband, forgery, and counterfeiting. 1. Cigs 2. Security fraud

Is terrorism Africa's biggest cause of suffering

While terrorism is a horrendous problem, poverty and the AIDs crisis have been the cause of most of Africa's suffering

Is it possible for ethnic and separatist movements to negotiate an end to violence, why

When such groups employ terrorism, it may be possible for each side to negotiate an end to violence because each position is based on a logical, attainable political solution

What is Al Shabab a product of

a failed state

Describe negotiations in relation to government and long term separatist movements

a. A government cannot be too eager to negotiate or it could backfire b. Formal negotiations should begin only after a group agrees to a cease-fire c. Negotiators down two paths 1. One toward a political settlement 2. The other toward the welfare of terrorists Negotiations must be broadly based

Describe ethnic terrorists

a. Ethnic terrorists are usually more nationalistic than religious terrorists b. Ethnic terrorists try to forge national identity; they appeal to the nationalistic background of a particular ethnic group c. Peaceful negotiated settlements have proved to be the most effective method for ending ethnic and nationalistic terrorism

Why are charities difficult to investigate

a. Formed overseas b. State supported c. May hide true purpose d. Supported by legitimate business e. Difficult to infiltrate i. Benevolence International Fund ii. Formed in U.S. received tax-exempt status from IRS

What are the advantages of the Hawala system

a. Money moves with no record b. Money crosses international borders with ease c. Money can be easily bartered for contraband d. Tax records do not exist

Describe the chemical agent of blood

absorbed through the respiratory

Describe the chemical agent of choking

absorbed through the respiratory system

What do social scientists believe cause radicalization


Describe the chemical agent of Blisering

burn skin and internal tissue areas upon contact

Do analysts believe that terrorists use money the same way as other criminals

caused some analyst believe that terrorists used money in the same way as other organized criminals

What is socialism

controlling an economy by direct democracy and utilizing economic profits to ensure the well being of citizens

What did the Balfour Declaration promise

creation of Israel (contradicted the promise to move the caliphate to mecca) also promised russia control of the northern area (actually split between british, french, russia)

What is modern Irish terrorism linked to

failure of civil rights movements and rebirth of IRA

what are two targets attacks are likely

fossil fuels - good shot at hurting the west. transportation- 4.8 billion was spent on aviation. Ports may not be secure, some say it is due to the cost associated with that task

What is communism

in its ideal form is socialism where economic production and profits are owned and distributed by workers.

How did anarchism come from Europe to the US

in the form of labor violence. Linked themselves to organized labor

Where and how did insurgencies grow after the cold war

in the vacuums left by the superpowers. technology and weapons helped any grow

Describe the chemical agent of nerve

ingestion, respiration, or contact

What is anarchism

is a philosophical concept originating in ancient Greece.

What is anarchism and where did it originate

it is a philosophical concept that originated in ancient Greece, not wanting a strong central government

is it important to understand financing terrorism

it is important to understand the financing of terrorism because it is an important intelligence tool.

How did the label of terrorism change between when it originated and the end of that century

it was used as a label for anarchists and nationalists.

What is the main difference between sunnis and shiites

line of succession to mohammed

What are the three types of terrorism

lone wolves, small groups, and large groups

What was the middle east like in the 1980s

many attacks and assassinations

Why was insurgency focused on

military failures in the Vietnam War.

are Iranians arabs

no, they are Persians (shiites)

When did terrorism originate

originated during the French Revolution (1789-1799)

Did the ETA and Basque Separatist negotiate peace

oth of these cases have resulted in a peace settlement through negotiations, although radical extremists would like to disrupt the agreements

What are news frames

reporting patterns packaged in segments are called "news frames" 1. Purpose is to assemble words and pictures to create a pattern surrounding an event 2. Creates a narrative for a deadly drama 3. Audience participates from a distance 4. Characters are introduced, heroes and villains are defined, and victims become the suffering innocents

What are the two characteristics most definitions have according to Alex Schmid

someone is terrorized and the meaning of the term is derived from the terrorist's targets and victims

Which group are mainstream msulims that followed the caliph


which group (sunni, shiite) is about 85-90% of all muslims today


Terrorism involves what kind of communication


What are the force multipliers

technology, transnational support, religion, and the media - enhance the power of terrorist groups

How does TV help television

terrorism is a made-for-television drama. TV and news draws attention to the terrorists.

What is endemic terrorism. provide an example

terrorism that exists inside a political entity. Ex: European colonists created the nation of Rwanda by combing the lands of two tribes that literally het each other. The two tribes fight to eliminate each other. This is endemic to political violence in Rwanda. J Bell created the term

What is radicalization

the process of adopting violent extremist views and acting them out with terrorist actions

were anarchists successful during history

they assassinated several russian officials including the czar before the 1905 and 17 revolutions

What do suicide bombers believe in, since they are not drawn to it socially or psychologically

they believe they are sacrificing themselves for a greater good.

Describe the radical democrats in 1848

those who tried to bring democracy to all classes. They sought more equitable distribution of wealth throughout all economic classes, believing that concentrated wealth and class inequities prevented societies from becoming truly democratic

What do ethnic and separatist movements attempt to accomplish

to gain full or partial independence.

What are the two targets small group terrorism was set to attack

white settlers and native middle class

do terrorists understand the power of media, especially new media


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