test 1 chapters 1-4

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what is the differnece between gametes and all other body cells?

gametes contain only 23 chromosomes; other body cells contain 46

what is a sexually transmitted disease that can be passed to the fetus during vaginal birth?

genital herpes

which of the following terms describes an individual's unique genetic blueprint, which is created from genes contributed by both parents?


corrado was born a mere 10 minutes ago. his latest Apgar score is a 3. What does this indicate about corrado's health and functioning?

he needs immediate medical attention, as he is almost certainly in critical condition

which is a correct statement about the influence of heroin and methadone upon prenatal and infant developments?

heroin or methadone use can cause miscarriage, premature labor, and death of the infant

what is the current perspective on human development?

human development begins at conception and continues throughout the lifespan

what describes Freud's view of the components of an individual personality?

id, ego, and superego

With regard to breastfeeding, Breast milk stimulates better ___________________ function

immune system

Habituation is best defined by _____________.

a decline in attention that occurs because a stimulus has become familiar

a psychological disorder that is known to have a genetic component is:

alcoholism schizophrenia attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Synapses are formed following the development of which of the neural structures?

axons and dendrites

Phillip has red hair, which comes from a recessive gene. This must mean that Phillip received the gene from ________

both parents

the false labor contractions that many pregnant women experience starting in the 4th month of pregnancy are known as:

braxton-hicks contractions

since scientists were able to map the human genome by 2001, the number of genes that humans are known to have was revised___

downward from about 100,00 to 25,000

in order to prove causation, you have to do an


which of the following will result in the pruning of redundant neural pathways and the selective retention of the most efficient neural pathways in an infant's brain?


true or false: mothers should breastfeed their babies even if they are on prescribed medications


true or false: mothers who deliver by Cesarean section report higher satisfaction with the pregnancy than mothers who deliver vaginally


true or false: post-mature babies may be healthier because of the advantage of staying in the safety of the womb longer than most babies get to


which statement summarizes social-cognitive learning theory?

rewards and punishments are not always necessary, as children learn through observing siblings' interaction with their parents

moesha and ricardo have a newborn son. if their baby is an average infant, by his first birthday he will have had which of the following?

seven respiratory illnesses

which of the following statements is true regarding prenatal sex differentiation?

sex differentiation begins between 4 and 8 weeks of gestation

Typically, infants move into a predictable sleep pattern by what age?

six months

what is true about identical twin studies?

the study of monozygotic twins is important because it helps us, to some extent, identify genetic versus environmental contribution to behavior

which of the following is true of a trait controlled by a dominant gene?

the trait will be expressed even if the instructions of the corresponding gene in the other half of the pair are different

what effect does watching television have on the developing brain?

toddlers might improve their vocabulary and social skills by watching high-quality television programs

down syndrome is also know as what?

trisomy 21

According to Erikson, which is the first "crisis" that humans have to resolve, that shapes our outlooks for most of our lives?

trust vs. mistrust

under what circumstances will a recessive gene be expressed?

when it is paired with another recessive gene for the same trait

which of these scenarios illustrates the principles of social-cognitive theory?

when marla responds angrily to a request from her daughter Sandi, Sandi's sister amber, who observed this response, decides she will wait a day or two before asking for a new stereo

which of the following is an example of extinction?

you stop buying lottery tickets after spending several hundred dollars and never winning

which of the following is the final stage of labor?

delivery of the placenta

the visual cliff is used to measure what

depth perception

what is the name of the sheath that develops around axons that serves as insulation and speeds neural transmissions?


which of the following results in behaviors that are difficult to extinguish?

partial reinforcement schedules

sandi has begun the labor process. her physician concludes that the baby is in a breech position, with its feet poised to be delivered first. what course of action is the physician likely to recommend for Sandi?

performing a cesarean section to deliver the baby

Meko has dark hair and dark eyes, even though his biological mother is fair skinned. Meko's hair and eye color are part of his


on average, newborns sleep about ______ hours per day


the nucleus of the majority of typical human cells contains how many chromosomes?

23 pairs

a full term pregnancy lasts about:

40 weeks

low birth weight infants (LBW) are those that weight less than:

5.5 pounds at birth

gordo's father has type A blood and his mother has type O blood. What will Gordo's blood type be?

A or O

according to the psychoanalytic perspective, which aspect of our personality demands to be satisfied in physically pleasurable ways?

Libido of the id

which of the following terms explains why the human brain develops before the reproductive system?

cephalocaudal pattern

the little albert experiment that resulted in the child becoming terrified of furry animals is an example of which type of learning?

classical conditioning

estelle, age 12, is in the 6th grade but reads at a 3rd grade level. Developmentalists would investigate whether there is a problem in which domain of development?


which aspect of human development describes changes in thinking, memory, problem solving, and other intellectual skills?

cognitive domain

which statement is true about correlation and causation?

correlation does not prove causation

what is true about correlations?

correlations can range from -1.00 to +1.00 and describe the strength of a relationship between two variables

humans learn languages most easily during childhood. In fact, some research indicates that if a child does not learn to speak a formal language before the age of 6, they may never learn to speak well at all. This example best illustrates which concept?

critical periods

Behavior is more likely to reoccur if

it has been reinforced

compared to other infants, low birth weight infants display

markedly lower levels of responsiveness at birth and in the early months of life

___________ of neurons and glial cells are present at birth


chromosomes are composed of what?

molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid

relatives who are most genetically similar to one another are:

monozygotic twins

which aspect of human development describes changes in variables that are associated with the relationship of an individual to others?

social domain

which learning theory describes learning that occurs by observing that behavior of another person and what happens to that person?

social-cognitive theory

what is the leading cause of death in the United States among infants between the ages of 1 month and 1 year?

sudden infant death syndrome

Jada saw some money on the kitchen table. She really wanted to take it but her conscience kept her from it. Which part of Jada's personality is telling her that it would be socially unacceptable to take the money?


emily has smoked an average of one pack of cigarettes per day throughout her pregnancy. How is this likely to affect her fetus?

the infant may weight less than normal at birth

an experiment is designed to study the effects of long lectures on the sleeping behavior of college students. In such a study, the dependent variable is what?

the sleeping behavior of college students

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