test 2

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Erika becomes upset when her father leaves. When her father is present, Erika approaches, follows, and climbs on him in preference to others. Erika is most likely in Bowlby's __________ phase.

"clear-cut" attachment

Piaget believed that infants and toddlers __________.

"think" with their eyes, ears, and hands

Baby Arshleen accidentally made a smacking sound after feeding. Then she tried to repeat it many times. Based on this activity, Arshleen was in Substage __________ of Piaget's sensorimotor substages.


Baby Andrew accidentally kicked his mobile, producing music. Andrew then repeatedly kicked his leg to repeat the effect, gradually forming a new kicking scheme. Andrew was in which of Piaget's sensorimotor substages?


Baby Sabrina's first laugh will probably appear around __________.

3 to 4 months

After watching 3-year-old Shana drop her raisins into a cup, 10-month-old Nicholas copies her and drops his raisins into a cup. Nicholas is in Substage __________ of the sensorimotor period substages.


In Piaget's Substage __________, 8- to 12-month-olds can engage in intentional, or goal-directed, behavior.


Which statement about basic emotions is true?

Babies' earliest emotional life consists of attraction to pleasant stimulation and withdrawal from

. __________ have a long evolutionary history of promoting survival.

Basic emotions

__________ have a harder time regulating __________ emotion.

Boys; negative

. A group of 2-year-olds watches through a window while a live adult hides an object in an adjoining room. Another group watches the same event on a video screen. Which of the following is likely to occur?

Children in the direct viewing condition will retrieve the toy easily, while those in the video condition will have difficulty.

Ten-month-old Hannah is shown a toy sheep, and then it is hidden under a blanket. Which statement is true?

Hannah can find the toy sheep by coordinating two schemes—"pushing" aside the blanket and "grasping" the sheep.

__________ believed that complex mental activities have their origins in social interaction.

Lev Vygotsky

Which mother would be most likely to discourage the expression of strong emotion in her baby?

Nedege, who is from rural Cameroon

__________ is related to advanced play, language, and problem solving in toddlerhood and early childhood.


The Vygotskian zone of proximal development refers to __________.

a range of tasks that the child cannot yet handle alone but can do with the help of more skilled partners

One of the lasting contributions of psychoanalytic theory is its __________.

ability to capture the essence of personality during each period of development

Two-year-old Laura dropped a block into her toy box. She then dropped a cup, a car, and a doll—some gently, and some with force. Laura's modification of her dropping scheme is an example of __________.


Besides self-awareness, self-conscious emotions require __________.

adult instruction in when to feel proud, ashamed, or guilty

Herb and Nyla value make-believe as a developmentally beneficial activity. They would like to promote their 18-month-old daughter's play. You can tell them that toddlers' make-believe is more elaborate when __________.

adults participate

In the violation-of-expectation method, researchers often show babies __________.

an expected event and an unexpected event

According to cognitive-developmental theory, a scheme is __________.

an organized way of making sense of experience

. During times of rapid cognitive change, children __________.

are in a state of disequilibrium

Basic emotions __________.

are universal in humans

When children are not changing much cognitively, they __________ more than they __________.

assimilate; accommodate

Baby Olivia dropped her rattle. Later, she let go of her teething ring and watched with interest. When Olivia dropped objects, she was __________ them to her sensorimotor dropping scheme.


As infants understand more about their world, they laugh __________.

at events with subtler elements of surprise

Baby Aiden smiles, laughs, and babbles freely when interacting with his mother and quiets quickly when she picks him up. He does not protest when separated from her. According to Bowlby, Aiden is in the __________ phase.


Two-year-old Eva's parents meet her assertions of independence with tolerance and understanding. They provide suitable guidance and reassurance. According to Erikson's theory, Eva will develop __________ as a result.


Core knowledge theorists argue that __________.

babies are born with core domains of thought that permit a ready grasp of information

Around 3 months, babies __________.

become sensitive to the structure and timing of face-to-face interactions

Follow-up research on infant cognitive development suggests that mastery of object permanence __________.

becomes increasingly complex with age

When 10-month-old Delia's mother greets her, Delia is likely to display a __________ smile.

broad, "cheek-raised"

According to Piaget, adaptation involves __________.

building schemes through direct interaction with the environment

Chomsky believed that children __________.

can understand and speak in a rule-oriented fashion as soon as they pick up enough words

. Research examining the language competence of deaf adults found that __________.

childhood is a sensitive period for language acquisition

. A __________ is a means of building schemes in which an infant who has stumbled onto a new experience caused by his or her own motor activity tries to repeat the event again and again.

circular reaction

Infants' emotional expressions are __________.

closely tied to their ability to interpret the emotional cues of others

Dr. Takenaki believes that an inherited foundation of linguistic knowledge enables swift language acquisition in early childhood. She also argues that infants' early orientation toward people initiates rapid development of psychological knowledge. Dr. Takenaki is probably a(n) __________ theorist.

core knowledge

Professor Hellinger believes that babies are born with a set of innate knowledge systems. Professor Hellinger's beliefs are consistent with the __________ perspective.

core knowledge

The video deficit effect __________.

declines around age 2½

. Research on maternal depression shows that __________.

depressed mothers view their infants negatively, which contributes to their inept caregiving

Which of the following is a basic emotion?


. When 12-month-old Trent's dad asks him to get his stuffed bunny, Trent looks at and points to the pillow where the bunny usually rests. Trent is displaying __________.

displaced reference

Biyu, who lives in a collectivist culture, wins a game. Her parents will probably encourage Biyu to feel __________.

embarrassed by the individual attention

Joan, who does not like being scared, decides not to see a horror film with her friends. Joan is using __________.

emotional self-regulation

. In Substage 6 of the sensorimotor period, the ability to create mental representations enables toddlers to __________ and __________.

engage in deferred imitation; engage in make-believe play

The __________ theory of attachment recognizes the infant's emotional tie to the caregiver as an evolved response that promotes survival.


Which theory of attachment is the most widely accepted view?


Laughter reflects __________.

faster processing of information than smiling

According to Erikson, when parents are over- or undercontrolling, the outcome is a child who

feels forced and shamed

According to Vygotsky, make-believe, like other complex mental activities, is __________.

first learned under the guidance of experts

During Bowlby's __________ phase, children negotiate with the caregiver, using requests and persuasion to alter their goals.

formation of a reciprocal relationship

Three-year-old J'Marcus asks his grandma to read him a story before she leaves him at daycare. J'Marcus is in Bowlby's __________ phase.

formation of a reciprocal relationship

Newborn babies respond with __________ to changes in body temperature.

generalized distress

Which of the following is a self-conscious emotion?


Researchers using the violation-of-expectation method may use __________, in which babies are exposed to a physical event until their looking declines.


Research suggests that infants __________.

have basic numerical knowledge

Which of the following would be most likely to evoke Jasper's first laugh?

his sister saying "Here I come!" and kissing his tummy

Bowlby was inspired by Konrad Lorenz's studies of __________.


From 4 to 6 months into the second year, angry expressions __________.

increase in both frequency and intensity

. One type of interactionist theory applies the __________ perspective to language development, and a second type emphasizes __________.

information-processing; social interaction

. Chomsky's LAD is a(n) __________.

innate language system that enables children to understand and speak in a rule-oriented fashion

According to Bowlby, the __________ becomes a vital part of personality, serving as a guide for all future close relationships.

internal working model

Self-conscious emotions __________.

involve injury to or enhancement of our sense of self

Paternal depression __________.

is linked to frequent father‒child conflict as children grow older

According to Vygotsky, children master activities through __________.

joint activities with more mature members of their society

The rise in fear after 6 months is adaptive because it __________.

keeps newly mobile babies' enthusiasm for exploration in check

According to Noam Chomsky, all children have a __________ device that contains a universal grammar.

language acquisition

On Monday, 20-month-old Raoul watches his older brother Carlos stir his applesauce with a spoon. On Thursday, Raoul tries to use a spoon to stir his applesauce. Raoul is using a(n) __________ to imitate Carlos's behavior.

mental representation

. In Piaget's theory, each time the back-and-forth movement between equilibrium and disequilibrium occurs, __________.

more effective schemes are produced

Challenges to Chomsky's theory suggest that __________.

more experimentation and learning are involved in language development than he assumed

Nine-month-old Avery can retrieve his ball when his mother hides it under a blanket. Avery has begun to master __________.

object permanence

In a series of studies using the violation-of-expectation method, Renée Baillargeon and her collaborators claimed to have found evidence for __________.

object permanence in the first few months of life

. Piaget based the substages of sensorimotor development on __________.

observations of his own three children

In cultures where play is viewed as solely a child's activity and sibling caregiving is common, make-believe is more frequent and complex with __________ than with __________.

older siblings; mothers

. Apart from direct contact with the environment, schemes also change through __________.


. Emotions __________.

play a powerful role in discovery of the self

. Laboratory research suggests that deferred imitation is __________.

present at 6 weeks of age

Older infants and toddlers are more likely to imitate __________ than __________.

purposeful; arbitrary behaviors on objects

According to Erikson, a healthy outcome during infancy depends on the __________.

quality of caregiving

In Substage 5 of the sensorimotor period, toddlers __________.

repeat behaviors with variation

Through the secondary circular reaction, babies __________.

repeat interesting events in the surrounding environment that are caused by their own actions

Emotional self-regulation __________.

requires voluntary, effortful management of emotions

Like anger, fear __________.

rises from the second half of the first year into the second year

When caregiver‒infant communication is seriously disrupted, infant __________ is common—a condition that impairs all aspects of development.


Expressions of __________ are less frequent than __________.

sadness; anger

Two-year-old Carmen is trying to fit pieces into a wooden puzzle form. Carmen's father helps her turn the pieces so they fit snuggly in place. As Carmen's skill improves, her father steps back, letting her try on her own. This example illustrates the concept of __________.


. Piaget's __________ stage is the most complex period of development.


Six-month-old Eva dropped her teething ring in a fairly rigid way, simply letting go and watching it with interest. This example demonstrates Piaget's belief that at first, schemes are __________.

sensorimotor action patterns

In Bowlby's "clear-cut" attachment phase, babies display __________.

separation anxiety

After being gently scolded for taking a toy away from his cousin, 20-month-old Rainer lowers his eyes, hangs his head, and hides his face with his hands. Rainer is expressing __________.


. Shortly after giving birth to Max, Tanisha's mood plunged. She felt anxious, weepy, overwhelmed, and angry at loss of control over her own schedule. As a result of Tanisha's postpartum depression, Max probably __________.

slept poorly

Beckham is 18 months old. His parents want to encourage him to eat fruit. Which approach would be most effective in accomplishing this task using social referencing?

smiling and saying "Yummy!" when Beckham eats fruit

Infants engage in __________ by actively seeking emotional information from a trusted person in an uncertain situation.

social referencing

Awareness of object permanence is not yet complete in Piaget's Substage 4 because babies __________.

still make the A-not-B search error

When Reggie takes his baby son, Tyson, to his workplace for the first time, Reggie's assistant abruptly picks Tyson up and walks around the office. Tyson cries and reaches out for Reggie. Tyson is expressing

stranger anxiety

Dr. Smirnov is interested in measuring infant intelligence as a predictor of preschool mental test

the Bayley-III Cognitive and Language Scales

According to Erikson's theory, when __________, the psychological conflict of the first year is resolved on the positive side.

the balance of care is sympathetic and loving

Recent research indicates that __________ earlier than Piaget expected.

the first signs of problem solving by analogy emerge

The circular reaction initially centers on __________.

the infant's own motor activity

Between 6 and 10 weeks, the parent's communication with the infant evokes __________.

the social smile

Once wariness develops, infants __________.

use the familiar caregiver as a secure base

. In a social referencing experiment, 18-month-old Joey is asked to share spinach or graham crackers with his mother. Even though Joey prefers graham crackers, he might offer the spinach to his mother if she __________.

uses her voice and facial expressions to convey a preference for the spinach

Follow-up research on Piaget's sensorimotor stage yields broad agreement that __________.

various aspects of infant cognition change unevenly

During the first few weeks of life, newborns are most likely to smile __________.

when they are full

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