Test 2 MART 401

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Best Management Practices

LRIT Purpose

Mandatory as of 2006 All passenger ships Cargo ships 300 gross tonnage and above Mobile offshore drilling units SATCOM based, NOT VHF (as is AIS), usually incorporated into GMDSS suite Reports to Flag Administration 4x daily

Can an officer lower the marsec level below the set marsec level of the port facility


Best Practices for AIS In Piracy

Recommended that AIS is left on through high-risk areas, restricted to the ship's identity, position, course, speed, navigational status, and safety-related information. AIS Message " ARMED GUARDS ON BOARD" (Dynamic Data)

Fundamentals of BMP5

Understanding the threats conduct risk assessments implement ship protection measures Report Cooperate

In drafting the ISPS the lead American governing agency was who

United states coast guard

What is AIS spoofing

involves creating a nonexistent vessel or masquerading a vessel's true identity, resulting in hiding or transmitting false positional data, so that a vessel appears to behave legitimately, thus deceiving stakeholders and authorities.

Port facility

is a location, as determined by the Contracting Government or by the Designated Authority, where the ship/port interface takes place. This includes areas such as anchorages, waiting berths and approaches from seaward, as appropriate.

The process of establish the ship security plan (SSA)

is an essential and integral part of the process of developing and updating the ship security plan. The Ship Security Assessment must be completed before the Ship Security Plan can be developed. **Should consider all possible threats. Should be submitted to the coast guard for approval as well.

SSI (Sensitive Security Information)

is information that, if publicly released, would be detrimental to transportation security, as defined by Federal regulation 49 C.F.R. part 1520.

SSI classified or not?

is not classified information, there are specific procedures for recognizing, marking, protecting, safely sharing, and destroying SSI.

Exercise Definition 33 CFR 101.105

means a comprehensive training event that involves several of the functional elements of the vessel security plan and tests communications, coordination, resource availability, and response. Annually.

Ship security plan

means a plan developed to ensure the application of measures on board the ship designed to protect persons on board, cargo, cargo transport units, ship's stores or the ship from the risks of a security incident.

Drill Definition 33 CFR 101.105

means a training event that tests at least one component of the vessel security plan and is used to maintain a high level of security readiness. Every three months. (and after major crew change, vessel alteration, etc)

Ship port interface

means the interactions that occur when a ship is directly and immediately affected by actions involving the movement of persons, goods or the provisions of port services to or from the ship.

Marsec level 2

means the level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a transportation security incident.

Marsec Level 3

means the level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a transportation security incident is probable, imminent, or has occurred, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target

Marsec level 1

means the level for which minimum appropriate security measures shall be maintained at all times.

Exercise requirements

which may include participation of company security officers, port facility security officers, relevant authorities of Contracting Governments as well as ship security officers, if available, should be carried out at least once each calendar year with no more than 1 8 months between the exercises. These exercises should test communications, co‐ordination, resource availability, and response. These exercises may be: .1 full‐scale or live;.2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or .3 combined with other exercises held, such as search and rescue or emergency response exercises.

33 CFR 105

A facility that receives vessels certificated to carry more than 150 passengers, except those vessels not carrying and not embarking or disembarking passengers at the facility

Marsec level inspection percentages

M1: 5% M2: 50% M3: 100%

International Ship security certificate

Good for 5 years

LRIT Stands for

Long Range Identification and Tracking

What the escort ratio


Records addressed in the ship security plan shall be kept on board for at least

2 years

Port Facility subject to

33 cfr 126.127 and 159


Cancel card list (if lost or disabled)


Chief Information Security Officer

Who is responsible for carrying out the ship security assessment

Company security officer

9-11 and the terrorist attack on the VLCC Limburg caused

Development and implementation were sped up

What are threats to Cyber Security

Disrupt Automation / SCADA 2. GPS Jamming 3. Steal / Alter Negotiable Documents 4. Manipulate Electronic Cargo Data (EDI) 5. Degrade ECDIS Information 6. AIS Spoofing

What events occurred during the Achille Largo

Docked at Alexandria, Egypt • Four men posing as passengers • Armed with AK-47 machine guns • Forced the captain to leave port; many passengers remained ashore • Members of a PLF faction - Headed by Mohammed Zaidan • Demanded that Israel release 50 Palestinian prisoners


Facility security plan; if need to change anything, an amendment must be submitted (USCG takes 60 days for approval)

Researchers: Discovered significant holes in the three key technologies sailors use to navigate

GPS, AIS, ECDIS (Gyro compass can also be effected)

ISPS CODE is under which governing agency

IMO and chapter 11 of SOLAS

Drill requirements

In addition, in cases where more than 25% of the ship's personnel has been changed, at any one time, with personnel that has not previously participated in any drill on that ship within the last 3 months, a drill should be conducted within one week of the change. These drills should test individual elements of the plan such as those security threats listed in

SSAS purpose

Initiate & transmit Ship‐To‐Shore Security Alert to competent Authority •Does not transmit to other ships (unlike AIS) •No on‐board alarm •Continuous until reset / deactivated•Activated from navigation bridge and at least one other location •"Bank Teller Alarm"

ISPS (compered to MTSA)

International Maritime OrganizationSOLAS XI‐2•Part A - Mandatory Requirements•Part B -Recommendations for Implementation


International ship and port facility safety code is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities, developed in response to the perceived threats to ships and port facilities in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in the United States"

Part A of the ISPS Code

Is mandatory

MTSA Definition

Maritime Transportation Security Act U.S. Law **33 CFR Subchapter H: MARITIME SECURITY Part 104 MARITIME SECURITY: VESSELS

The 1985 terrorist/ hijacking attack on the cruise ship achille lauro caused

Measures to prevent unlawful acts which threaten safety of ships and security of passengers

Achille Largo basic definition

October 1985 cruise ship hijacking in the Mediterranean Combination of Terrorism and Hijacking

The biggest Cyber Threat is

People (plugging in a USB drive to the ship's computer), spoofing

Equipment Immune to Spoofing

Sextant, paper charts, magnetic compass


Ship Security Alert System

MTSA (compared to ISPS)

The Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) is the U.S. National adoption of ISPS

BMP5 Purpose

The purpose of this publication is to help ships plan their voyage and to detect, avoid, deter,delay and report attacks

Examples of SSI

Vessel Security Assessments Vessel Security Plans MARSEC Directives issued by the Coast Guard Security Directives issued by TSA Some NVICs Threat Information Security Measures Training Materials & Records

What was the outcome of The Achille Largo terrorism/hijacking

Vessel headed to Tartus, Syria• Syrian authorities refused to allow the vessel to dock when it arrived the next day• Militants shot Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly American Jewish man confined to a wheelchair, and threw his body overboard. He was thought to have been singled out because of his religion. In 1986 the four hijackers were tried • received sentences ranging from 30 to 15 years in prison

Can an officer raise the marsec level


MTSA Mandates every five year it will include

access control measures TWIC implementation Identify visitors Gate Lists Declaration of security (marsec levels) (TWIC) (escort foreign)

Part B of the ISPS Code


BMP5 what do you find in that

to DeterPiracy and Enhance Maritime Security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Oceanand Arabian Sea

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