test 3

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What year did Alan Turing die?


What book inspired the famous television commercial being filmed at the beginning of the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley"?

1984, by George Orwell

What did Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak bring to the Homebrew Computer Club in Berkeley in 1976?

A home built computer

In 1976, Bill Gates dropped out of college and moved with Paul Allen to what city?

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Why does Steve Jobs want to work with the Microsoft people?

Bill Gates offers to develop applications software, like spreadsheets, for Apple computers.

What punishment did Alan receive for his crime?

Chemical Castration (drug therapy) with 1 year probation

Steve Wozniak built a bunch of Blue Boxes, what did they do?

Generated the same tone that AT&T used, which enabled free long-distance phone calls

What school did Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates attend in 1974?


Why does Steve Wozniak stop working at Apple?

He doesn't like Steve Jobs' management style and it's not fun for him

Steve Wozniak worked for which company that turned down his home computer invention?


When the Microsoft team meets with IBM and offers them an operating system, what do they want to do?

License it to IBM and reserve rights to sell it to other manufacturers

What is Steve Jobs' first daughter named?


In 1983, John Sculley was lured from what company to become CEO of Apple?


What happened that caused everyone to "hate" Alan when the enigma was finally broken

Peter's brother was on a ship that was about to be hit by a German attack

What flag was flying over the Apple Headquarters when the guys from Microsoft visited the first time?


When Steve Jobs talks about "weird countries where the army guys overthrow the president," what are the first things they strive to control?

Radio, TV, and newspapers, because information is power.

Bill Gates invited Steve Ballmer to join Microsoft in what city in 1980?

Seattle, Washington

What happens with Steve Jobs and his girlfriend Arleen?

She gets pregnant, and Steve refuses to take responsibility

When Bill Gates forgot his tie before the famous meeting with IBM in 1980, what did the Microsoft team do?

Steve Ballmer buys a tie from a guy in the bathroom

Which person was adopted?

Steve Jobs

Which of the following people is not associated with Microsoft: Bill Gates Paul Allen Steve Ballmer Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

What killed Alan's childhood friend?


How does Microsoft create the DOS operating system they offered to IBM?

They buy it for fifty thousand dollars from Seattle Computers

Why did Steve Wozniak's employers not want his home computer invention?

They didn't think ordinary people would want their own computers

What war does the movie imitation game take place?


What does Microsoft call the GUI operating system they pirated from Apple?


What was Steve Wozniak doing at the end of the movie?

Working with children and funding a balletThis answer is correct.

According to the movie, which company developed the first mouse and GUI in their research center?


What company is associated with Palo Alto Research Center?


In "The Imitation Game" what did Joan have to complete in order to work with Alan?

a puzzle

What kind of accident does Steve Wozniak get into after he starts getting rich?

a small plane crash

What crime was created at the beginning of the imitation game?


What Ivy League school is Alan Turing associated with?


What did Alan name his decoding machine?


What is the name of Alan's Childhood friend?


What was Alan Turing's job during the war?

code breaker

What crime did Alan commit?

gross indecency

How did the police find out about Alan's crime?

he confessed

Who was a Russian Spy?


What subject does Alan think is important in School?


How did Alan die?

poisoned by an apple

How much money does Mike Markkula want to invest in Apple Computer when Jobs and Wozniak were still working out of their garage?

quarter-million dollars

What is Alan's favorite movie?

snow white

What words did they use to break the code?

weather and hitler

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