Test 3 Review

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Bilateral symmetry

- Body has front, back, left and right. - Examples include echinoderms in the larval stage, chordates such as humans and cows, and arthropods such as scorpions (class arachnida), among others

Radial symmetry

- Body is shaped like a pie, and has no front or back, only a central axis - Examples include adult echinoderms, and cnidarians such as jellyfish, sea anemone and corals

Which of the following is a cause of background extinction?

- Occur mostly as the result of natural selection. - Competition with other species, for example, may reduce a species' size or the range over which it can roam or grow. - A species might be too slow to adapt to gradually changing environmental conditions and becomes extinct as its individuals die off.

Phyla with classes and examples

- Platyhelminthes: Flatworms - Nematoda: Roundworms (unsegmented) - Echinodermata: Closest to Chordates. Include sea stars, sea dollars, sea urchins - Annelida: Leeches, earthworms (segmented), polychaetas - Mollusca: Live in shells. Classes include Gastropoda: snails, slugs; Cephalopoda: squids, octopus; Bivalve: Clams, scallops, oysters, mussels - Cnidarian: Jellyfish, sea anemone, corals. Can be polyp (sessile) or medusa (free-floating) - Porifera: Sponges; sessile - Chordata: Mammals including humans and birds, reptiles (ex. crocodiles), amphibians (ex. frogs, toads), fish - Arthropoda: Bugs. Classes include Insecta: flies, bees, wasps, beetles (largest), ants; Arachnida: spider, scorpion, mites, ticks; Crustacean: lobster, crab, crayfish, shrimp; millipedes and centipedes

Species are:

- Populations of organisms that interbreed with each other - Or could possibly breed, under natural conditions

Sea stars, a type of echinoderm, are seemingly harmless organisms. Which of the following, if any, is a defense/predation mechanism of the sea star?

- The tube feet create a combined force to pull apart shells of a clam or mussel. - The stomach can be pushed out through the mouth into a slightly opened clam shell, secreting digestive enzymes.

Which of the following is an advantage of radial symmetry?

-movement with equal ease in any direction -sense organs distributed around their circumference -even distribution of appendages

Phase 1 of the creation of life on earth was _____________________. Phase 2 was ______________________ Phase 3 was _______________________

1- the formation of small molecules containing carbon and hydrogen 2- the formation of self-replicating, information containing molecules 3- the development of a membrane, enabling metabolism and creating the first cells.

Terrestrial vertebrates are descendants of lobe-finned fishes that lived during the Devonian period, approximately:

400 million years ago

The number of species thought to inhabit the earth ranges from __________ to ___________

5 million; 100 million

Mammals experienced significant adaptive radiation about:

65 million years ago

Who developed the system that is still used today to classify organisms?

A Swedish biologist Carols Linnaeus

Example of courtship ritual

A female grebe requires the male to perform a courtship dance before she will mate with him.

Define microspheres

A membrane enclosed, small, spherical unit containing a self replicating molecule and carrying information but no genetic material.

Which of the following is true about evolutionary success?

A successful organism can find food, escape predators, and reproduce.

Which of the following about insects is FALSE?

All insects have three life stages: larva, pupa, and adult.

Sponges are: - hermaphrodites. - asexual. - sessile. - members of phylum Porifera. - All of the above.

All of the above

What behaviors are associated with sexual dimorphism? • One parent invests more in caring for the offspring. • Mating system tends toward polygamy. • One sex (usually females) is choosier when selecting a mate. • One sex (usually males) competes for access to mating opportunities with the other sex • All of the above

All of the above

What behaviors are associated with sexual monomorphism? • Both parents invest (approximately) equally in caring for the offspring. • Mating system tends toward monogamy. • Both sexes are equally choosy when selecting a mate. • All of the above • Only a and c

All of the above

Which one of the following is NOT a common feature among bacteria? - single-celled - no nucleus or organelles - circular DNA molecule(s) - asexual - All of the above are common features among bacteria.

All of the above are common features among bacteria

Which of the following is NOT a topic in animal behavior? - communication - cooperation and sociality - courtship and mate choice - behavioral control of body temperature - All of the above are topics in animal behavior.

All of the above are topics in animal behavior.

Birds and crocodiles share a more recent common ancestor than either group shares with lizards or mammals. Lizards and crocodiles have a common ancestor also shared by birds. Which of the following statements about the relationships among these organisms is most accurate? - Birds and crocodiles are a monophyletic group. - Lizards and crocodiles do NOT compose a monophyletic group. - Birds, crocodiles, and lizards taken together compose a monophyletic group. - Birds, crocodiles, lizards, and mammals taken together also compose a monophyletic group. - All of the above.

All of the above.

The biological species concept cannot be applied to: - asexual organisms. - bacteria. - extinct organisms. - All of the above.

All of the above.

There are several factors in mate selection. Which of the following is not an example of a factor in mate selection: - Courtship rituals - Gifts up front - Control of variable resources - Good looks - All of these are examples of factors in mate selection in animals

All of these are examples of factors in mate selection in animals.

The most primitive group of animals that had lungs were the:


From an evolutionary perspective, what is the explanation for modern human preference for fatty foods?

Ancestral humans who preferred fatty foods were less likely to starve, leaving more offspring in the next generation.

Vascular plants include:

Angiosperm, fern, gymnosperm, seed plant

The figure represents a phylogenetic tree of the:


Many people are initially repulsed by leeches. But after some study, you may find that you actually begin to feel some affection for them. And they, in turn, become attached to you. Leeches are in the phylum:


The most commonly accepted "tree of life" suggests that, after the origin of life, which of the following events occurred?

Bacteria arose from the first self-replicating, metabolizing cells.

The phylum Arthropoda includes all of the following kinds of animals EXCEPT:


Monogamy, a relatively rare system outside of birds, evolves when:

Both males and females have high and equal parental investment.

"Though the majority of bacterial species can cause human disease, the bacteria living in your body is incapable of harming you." Which of the following is most accurate about this statement?

Both parts of the statement are false

Which of the following substances was NOT part of the mixture used in the Urey-Miller experiments?

Carbon dioxide

Octopuses and squids belong to which of the following groups?


Cnidarians are a unique group of organisms. Which of the following statements about cnidarians is TRUE?

Cnidarians can be sessile (polyp) or free-floating (medusa).

Complete metamorphosis

Complete metamorphosis is the division of an organism's life history into three completely different stages (occurs in 83% of insect species). - Larva > Pupa > Adult

Why is it important to compare DNA sequences in the construction of an evolutionary tree?

Convergent evolution can cause distantly related organisms to appear closely related. DNA sequence analysis can show that they are actually distantly related.

Crabs, lobsters, and barnacles all belong to which group?


Archaeans can be found in which of the following environments? A.on the bottom of the ocean. B.hot springs C.very salty ponds D.all of these are true

D. All of these are true

What is the difference between and deuterostome and a protostome?

Deuterostomes means back first (so their anus is kind of like their mouth), and protostomes mean front first (so their mouth is how they eat, and anus is how they secrete their waste)

Which of the following is the correct organization of life?

Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genera > Species

Which of the following is NOT an example of protists? A.paramecia B.algae C.diatoms D.amoebas E.All of the above are actually examples of protists.

E. All of the above are actually examples of protists.

Which of the following is a shortcoming of the biological species concept? A.It is difficult to determine when one species has changed into another. B.It is difficult to classify ring species. C.It is difficult to classify hybridizing species. D.It is difficult to classify asexual species. E.All of the above are shortcomings of the biological species concept.

E. All of the above are shortcomings of the biological species concept

Sand dollars and sea stars are in the phylum _________


If two individuals are genetically identical, they are two different species.


The sex with the most energetic investment in reproduction will compete with themselves for access to the lower-investing sex.


Example of control of variable resources

Female yellow-bellied marmots prefer rock outcroppings that provide retreats for predator escape and for hibernation (and are controlled by dominant males).

Which of the following best explains why fins and jaws evolved in a parallel manner?

Fins and jaws work together: Fins get you to the organism to eat, and jaws capture and kill it

Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about fixed action patterns? - Fixed action patterns can be triggered by an inappropriate stimulus. - Fixed action patterns are an example of prepared learning. - Fixed action patterns are highly stereotyped, instinctive behaviors. - Once begun, fixed action patterns are continued to completion. - Fixed action patterns are triggered by stimuli in the environment.

Fixed action patterns are an example of prepared learning.

You are eating in a French restaurant and read that snails are on the menu. Being a knowledgeable biologist, you kindly inform the other members at the table that this restaurant is serving the ___________ class of mollusks.


A new animal is discovered with a prominent muscular foot that attaches to underwater rocks. The animal also has a one-piece shell. To which of the following animal groups does this new animal belong?


Altruistic behavior in animals may be a result of kin selection, a theory maintaining that:

Genes are more likely to persist within a population when they cause behaviors that assist other animals who share those genes.

Which of the following would NOT be classified as an arthropod?

Giant clam

There are several factors in mate selection. When a hanging fly male must bring a large offering of food to the female before she will mate with him, this is an example of _______.

Gifts up front

There are several factors in mate selection. When a male peacock shows his feathers in order to attract a female, this is an example of _______.

Good looks

Arguments that a morphological characteristic or behavior has evolved because it benefits the species or population are arguments for __________. But because this decreases the reproductive success of individuals, it very rarely occurs.

Group selection

Two important features that distinguish mammals from any other type of animal are:

Hair and mammary glands

Acoustical communication includes all of the following EXCEPT:

Honeybee waggle dance

Incomplete metamorphosis

Incomplete metamorphosis is the pattern of growth and development in which an organism does not pass through separate, dramatically different life stages (occurs in 17% of insect species) - Nymph > Adult

The red panda, a fox-like animal, once was classified as a type of bear, based on morphological characteristics. Which of the following statements is a reasonable deduction based on this phylogenetic classification of the red panda?

It shows that phylogenies are hypothetical, subject to revision and modification.

Which of the following is a cnidarian?


Sharks are to jaws as _________ are to _________________.

Lampreys; circular oral disks

Which of the following pairs of organisms is probably monophyletic?

Large cactus finch, vampire finch

Which of the following statements correctly distinguishes between microevolution and macroevolution?

Macroevolution includes speciation, while microevolution does not.

Which of the behaviors below is NOT associated with sexual monomorphism:

Males dominate the females

Which of the following mechanisms NEVER promotes speciation between two recently isolated populations?


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

More than 95% of the animal kingdom is made up of invertebrates.

What is the relationship between coral and zooxanthellae?

Mutually symbiotic; zooxanthellae provide the coral with nutrition, while the coral provide zooxanthellae with carbon dioxide.

Trichinella worms sometimes cause the disease known as trichinosis in humans when undercooked pork is eaten. These organisms have long cylindrical bodies but no segmentation. This species is MOST similar to which of the following animals?


The taxonomic rank that includes families but not classes is:


Example of visual communication in animals

Organisms can convey information, such as threat or receptivity, with visual displays. For example, a balloon fish puffs up its body in response to a predator.

Molecules released by an individual into the environment that trigger behavioral responses in other individuals are called:


Example of chemical communication in animals

Pheromones released by one individual and detected by another using its antennae can trigger behavioral responses.

Marsupials are thought to be most closely related to:

Placental mammals

Sympatric speciation is most common in what type


Prezygotic barriers:

Prevent mating or fertilization between species

RNA is a multifaceted molecule and key component to the success of life. Which of the following statements about RNA is most accurate?

RNA can act much like protein enzymes.

Postzygotic barriers:

Reduced hybrid viability, reduced hybrid fertility, hybrid breakdown - Prevent hybrid zygote from becoming a fertile adult

The energy that a parent puts into the growth, feeding, and care of offspring is called:

Reproductive investment

Speciation requires two phases, they are:

Reproductive isolation and genetic divergence

Which of the following is NOT a member of the segmented worms, phylum Annelida?


What characteristic or condition of life is not supported by Phase 2?

Self replicating RNA molecules were able to replicate but not able to carry out metabolism

Why is the goose in this figure rolling a beer can back to her nest?

She's exhibiting a fixed action pattern that directs her to retrieve any item that even vaguely resembles an egg.

Which of the following organisms does NOT contain chitin?


Example of auditory communication in animals

Sounds, such as the howl of a coyote, are a common method of triggering behavior responses.

A population of organisms that breaks away and becomes different from the original population through isolation and separate evolution might eventually become a separate:


All groups of animals have nervous systems EXCEPT:


Which of the following is NOT one of the major evolutionary adaptations that occurred as animals moved from water to land?

Swim bladder

Which type of speciation event could be happening in our own backyard?

Sympatric speciation involving the formation of a fertile hybrid

Which of the following events is likely to precede adaptive radiation?

The ability to lay water-retaining eggs on land evolves.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the history of organism classification?

The current system division is based on two groups; prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Which of the following scenarios fits the definition of macroevolution?

The divergence of the eastern and western meadowlark birds into two different species

Which of the following best explains why bacteria have the greatest biomass of any other plant or animal on earth? - Bacteria are able to live essentially anywhere—soil, air, water, ice, etc. - Some bacteria can make their own food. - Some bacteria can survive and thrive with or without oxygen. - There is one dominant species of bacteria that has a greater molecular weight than other bacteria, accounting for the high biomass. - The first three choices are correct.

The first three choices are correct.

Under what conditions might the morphological species concept be used instead of the biological species concept?

The fossils of the species are similar, but evidence for reproductive isolation between them is unclear.

Which of the following is TRUE about eukarya?

The majority of the named species on earth are eukarya, and the majority of eukaryotes are insects

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about wings?

The most recent common ancestor of bats and insects had wings.

Which of the following is unique about vertebrates in terms of the phylum Chordata?

The notochord is not present throughout life; rather, it is only found in early embryos and is replaced by the vertebral column (backbone).

What is the key difference between protostomes and deuterostomes?

The protostome gut develops from front to back, so the first opening is the mouth. The deuterostome gut develops back to front, and the second opening becomes the mouth.

A dog and a pig attempt to mate. We are aware that these are two different animal species. But what is the best explanation for the barrier that makes it impossible for them to successfully mate?

There is a prezygotic barrier between the two animals: the male's reproductive cell cannot fertilize the female's reproductive cell.

Which is NOT correct about animals?

They ALL have true tissues

What are common names of plants and animals often based upon?

They are based upon similarities in appearances

What are lancelets?

They are bilaterally symmetrical deuterostomes, are slender, eel-like invertebrate animals, about the length of your little finger, that live in coastal waters.

What are tunicates (phylum chordata)?

They are vertebrate marine animals that have defined tissues, bilateral symmetry, and, as deuterostomes, from-back-to-front gut development.

What did the Miller-Urey experiment results reveal?

They discovered many different organic molecules including 5 different amino acids.

Which of the following is NOT true about Neandertals?

They lived primarily in Africa.

The branches of an evolutionary tree can be spun around and still remain accurate


Many people question whether or not viruses are alive. What is the main piece of evidence supporting the idea that they are not alive?

Viruses can only have metabolic activity by taking over the metabolism of other organisms.

A speciation event is:

a point in evolutionary history where a population splits into independent evolutionary lineages.

Mosses and ferns differ from gymnosperms and angiosperms in their reproductive strategies in which of the following ways? a) Mosses and ferns relay on liquid water for fertilization, whereas angiosperms and gymnosperms do not need liquid for fertilization. b) Mosses and ferns have larger seeds than do angiosperms c) Mosses and ferns use wind pollination whereas angiosperms and gymnosperms use insects for pollination. d) Mosses and ferns are primarily diploid in their adult form, whereas gymnosperms and angiosperms are primarily haploid e) Mosses and ferns are primarily haploid in their adult form, whereas gymnosperms and angiosperm are diploid.

a) Mosses and ferns relay on liquid water for fertilization, whereas angiosperms and gymnosperms do not need liquid for fertilization.

In a set of classic experiments performed in the early 1950s, Urey and Miller subjected an experimental system composed of H2, CH4 (methane), and NH3 (ammonia) to electrical sparks. A few days later, they found ______ in their system. a) amino acids b) DNA c) microspheres d) cells e) RNA

a) amino acids

Incest avoidance evolved in humans: a) because breeding among close relatives leads to a higher proportion of offspring with genetic defects and, consequently, reduced fitness. b) because breeding among close relatives leads to a higher proportion of offspring with increased fitness. c) because population numbers continued to increase. d) because many bees, wasps, and ants can inflict painful, and even fatal, stings and bites. e) because in early human societies, alliances could be achieved by marrying the chief's daughter to the son of the chief of a different tribe.

a) because breeding among close relatives leads to a higher proportion of offspring with genetic defects and, consequently, reduced fitness.

The cell wall of fungi is made of:

a) chitin

The stamens of a flowering plant include two separate parts. The long, stalk-like structure is the _________, and the pollen-producing bodies on the tips are the __________. a) filament; anthers b) stem; anthers c) filament; carpels d) stem; ovaries e) receptacle; sepals

a) filament; anthers

Although beneficial, group living also has many costs. Which of the following is NOT a cost to an individual of living in a group? a) increased opportunity for reciprocal altruism b) increased competition for mates c) increased risk of infanticide or injury to offspring d) increased risk of disease and parasites e) increased competition for resources

a) increased opportunity for reciprocal altruism

Of the approximately 10,000 species of birds, more than 90% appear to be: a) monogamous. b) polyandrous. c) sexually dimorphic. d) promiscuous. e) polygynous.

a) monogamous

In the graphs above, the x axis represents _________________ and the y axis represents _________________. a) number of mates ; number of offspring b) number of offspring ; fitness c) temperature ; number of males or females d) age class ; number of offspring e) number of offspring ; number of mates

a) number of mates ; number of offspring

Relative to birds, more mammalian species are: a) polygynous. b) monogamous. c) polyandrous. d) hermaphroditic. e) sexually monomorphic.

a) polygynous.

Mate guarding is a reproductive tactic that functions to: a) reduce paternity uncertainty. b) increase the female's investment in offspring. c) reduce the male's reproductive investment. d) reduce the female's fitness. e) increase the number of mates to which a male has access.

a) reduce paternity uncertainty.

Populations of Larus gulls around the North Pole show an unusual pattern of reproductive isolation: each population is able to interbreed with its neighboring populations, but populations separated by larger geographic distances are not able to interbreed. Larus gulls are an example of a(n) ______ species. a) ring b) polyploid c) circular d) Escher e) linked

a) ring

Which of these animals is a tetrapod that does not produce amniotic eggs? a) salamander b) human c) monkey d) elephant e) python

a) salamander

Male dance flies produce elaborate gifts that they present to females. The evolution of this behavior is best described as due to: a) sexual selection. b) sexual polymorphism. c) sexual recombination. d) a sex-determining chromosome. e) sexual healing.

a) sexual selection.

Song and bright colors make male birds conspicuous to predators. The large, gaudy tail of the peacock may be a hindrance in activities such as feeding and flight. Yet these features evolved because of: a) sexual selection. b) sex-differential survivorship. c) kin selection. d) reciprocal altruism. e) artificial selection.

a) sexual selection.

The phylum Arthropoda includes all of the following kinds of animals except: a) snails. b) crabs. c) crayfish. d) butterflies. e) scorpions.

a) snails

The difference between microevolution and macroevolution is that: a) they take place on different time scales. b) macroevolution occurs with physical structures, whereas microevolution occurs with physiological traits. c) microevolution occurs with physical structures, whereas macroevolution occurs with physiological traits. d) microevolution has been proven, whereas macroevolution is very speculative. e) microevolution occurs in prokaryotes, whereas macroevolution takes place among eukaryotes.

a) they take place on different time scales.

Which of the following adaptations arose first in early plants? a) vessels to transport water and food b) seeds c) roots d) pollen e) resistance to drying out

a) vessels to transport water and food

The oldest prokaryotic fossils have been dated: a) 3.5 billion years ago. b) 2.5 billion years ago. c) 2 billion years ago. d) 1.5 billion years ago. e) 4.6 billion years ago.

a. 3.5 billion years ago

Why are insectivorous plants (plants that eat insects) most common in boggy areas? a. Because boggy soil is generally high in sulfur content. b. Because insects tend to live in boggy areas. c. Because too much "bioprospecting" has led to the disappearance of insectivorous plants from most other non-boggy areas. d. Because boggy soil often has low nitrogen concentrations. e. None of these. Insectivorous plants are, in fact, quite rare in boggy areas.

a. Because boggy soil is generally high in sulfur content.

Which of the following BEST explains the finding that the nuclear DNA of house cats and African wild cats has a very high degree of similarity? a) House cats and African wild cats are both members of the family Felidae. b) House cats and African wild cats share a recent common ancestor. c) Convergent morphological evolution has occurred. d) Divergent morphological evolution has occurred. e) Environmental pressures were the same.

a. House cats and African wild cats are both members of the family Felidae

The graph above shows reproductive output data for male and female fruit flies. Why is there no increase in the number of offspring produced by females that have access to additional males beyond the first? a) If a single male produces more sperm than the number of eggs produced by the female, access to more sperm does not result in more offspring. b) Females are limited in offspring production by the availability of male sperm. c) Females only ever mate with one male. d) Females are limited in their access to males and so rarely come in contact with more than one. e) The fertility window for female fruit flies is very short.

a. If a single male produces more sperm than the number of eggs produced by the female, access to more sperm does not result in more offspring.

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? a) Oxygen was abundant in the Earth's early atmosphere, before the origin of life. b) Experiments like Miller and Urey's do not work in the presence of oxygen. c) Environments without oxygen are the best for preserving fossils. d) Oxygen attacks chemical bonds and extracts electrons, which prevents the formation of complex molecules. e) The accumulation of oxygen in the early environment was a result of the photosynthetic activity of terrestrial plants.

a. Oxygen was abundant in the Earth's early atmosphere, before the origin of life.

Which of the following lists the selected taxonomic categories in proper hierarchical order (from most inclusive to least inclusive)? a) Phylum; Class; Family; Genus b) Order; Family; Genus; Class c) Family; Class; Order; Species d) Phylum; Family; Class; Genus e) Kingdom; Class; Species; Order

a. Phylum; Class; Family; Genus

Which of the following is a correct statement about sympatric or allopatric speciation? a) Polyploidy is a type of sympatric speciation. b) Sympatric speciation might occur if a body of water shrinks, leaving the fish isolated in separate smaller ponds. c) Allopolyploidy is a type of allopatric speciation. d) Allopatric speciation can be called "speciation without geographic isolation." e) Allopatric speciation may occur as long as two populations have the same geographical range.

a. Polyploidy is a type of sympatric speciation.

Usually the female is more discriminating than the male when it comes to mating. However, in bush crickets, the opposite is the case. Why is this? a) The male contributes a massive amount of energy to the female during mating—his ejaculate makes up about one-fourth of his body weight. b) Male bush crickets accept the newly fertilized zygotes from the female and incubate them. c) Male bush crickets have tremendous variation in the desirability of their territories. d) A male bush cricket must bring the female a large offering of food in order for the female to accept him as a mate. e) Male bush crickets produce few sperm so they are more discriminating than females.

a. The male contributes a massive amount of energy to the female during mating—his ejaculate makes up about one-fourth of his body weight.

Horses and donkeys can breed and produce sterile offspring known as mules. Horses and donkeys remain separate species because of this hybrid sterility, which is: a) a postzygotic barrier to reproduction. b) a prezygotic barrier to reproduction. c) a geographical barrier to reproduction. d) a temporal barrier to isolation. e) a temporal barrier to reproduction.

a. a postzygotic barrier to reproduction.

The Eukarya split from the Archaea: a) about 2.5 billion years ago. b) about 4 million years ago. c) about 2.5 million years ago. d) about 4 billion years ago. e) about 400 million years ago.

a. about 2.5 billion years ago.

Which of the following is the most diverse group of plants? a. angiosperms b. ferns c. bryophytes d. nontracheophytes e. gymnosperms

a. angiosperms

Homo sapiens is the name of a species. Homo is the name of a genus. Hominidae is the name of a family. Primate is the name of an order. Mammal is the name of a: a) class. b) phylum. c) variety. d) kingdom. e) None of the above is correct.

a. class

A group of birds fly off the mainland and end up on a distant set of islands. Once there, they find a large number of opportunities for diversification and adaptation. This situation is best described as which of the following? a) colonization event b) evolutionary innovation c) bottleneck d) discovery e) distribution of genes

a. colonization event

The evolution of flowers and fruit corresponds with the evolution of: a. double fertilization. b. seeds. c. gametophytes. d. pollen. e. All of the above are correct.

a. double fertilization.

At conception, the mother's energetic contribution to the offspring _______________ the father's. a) exceeds b) minimizes c) is equal to d) is less than e) maximizes

a. exceeds

Homo sapiens is the name of a species. Homo is the name of a genus. Hominidae is the name of a __________. Primate is the name of an order. Mammal is the name of a class. Animal is the name of a kingdom. Eukaryote is the name of a domain. a) family b) genera c) genome d) subspecies e) variety

a. family

The current mass extinction is believed to be primarily caused by: a) human actions. b) reduction in the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. c) rising sea levels. d) asteroid impact. e) weather.

a. human actions

The genetic contribution of an individual to subsequent individuals through its own offspring and its influence on the survival of other relatives is referred to as: a) inclusive fitness. b) altruism. c) the protector effect. d) individual fitness. e) inclusive altruism.

a. inclusive fitness

At conception how does the mother's material and energetic contribution to the offspring relate to the father's? a) it is much greater b) it is much lower c) it is about the same d) it depends on the type of animal e) it is larger, but only in mammmals

a. it is much greater

Within the plant kingdom, relative to the gymnosperms, the angiosperm species are a. monophyletic b. more evoultionary advanced c. non-vascular d. seedless e. more multicellular

a. monophyletic

In a polyandrous mating system: a) multiple males tend to mate with the same female. b) males tend to compete for access to females. c) male-male competition is common. d) multiple females tend to mate with the same male. e) males take on a larger share of caring for the young.

a. multiple males tend to mate with the same female.

Gymnosperms and angiosperms have the following in common except: a. ovules. b. seeds. c. pollen. d. ovaries. e. vascular tissue.

a. ovules.

The taxonomic rank that includes classes but not domains is: a) phylum. b) genus. c) grade. d) order. e) family.

a. phylum

A plant that has flowers with no petals is most likely to be: a. pollinated by the wind. b. pollinated by moths. c. pollinated by flies. d. pollinated by bees. e. pollinated by birds.

a. pollinated by the wind.

The common term for the action of transferring pollen grains from an anther onto a stigma is: a. pollination. b. fertilization. c. reproduction. d. intercourse. e. None of the above is correct.

a. pollination.

If formerly interbreeding organisms are prevented from the production of fertile offspring, ____________ has occurred. a) reproductive isolation b) geographic isolation c) psychological isolation d) behavioral isolation e) physiological isolation

a. reproductive isolation

Petals: a. serve to attract animals to collect and disperse pollen. b. are present to protect the seeds. c. are present mainly to protect the stamens and carpels. d. serve to attract insects to collect and disperse fruit. e. serve all of the above purposes.

a. serve to attract animals to collect and disperse pollen.

Which of the following taxonomic ranks is least inclusive? a) species b) class c) genus d) family e) order

a. species

Horses and donkeys can breed and produce offspring known as mules. Yet horses and donkeys remain separate species. This is because of the __________________ of the mules. a) sterility b) hybrid breakdown c) geographic isolation d) temporal isolation e) inviability

a. sterility

Speciation without geographic isolation is called: a) sympatric speciation. b) polyploidy speciation. c) allopatric speciation. d) parapatric speciation. e) autopatric speciation.

a. sympatric speciation.

Several factors influence whether a family or a species becomes extinct--these include competition and changing environmental conditions. Which graphical feature of the data on background extinctions is related to this issue? a) the green line indicating rate of background extinctions is not straight b) rates of mass extinctions are shown to higher than background extinctions c) data is for families and not species d) the green line never gets higher than around 15% e) only data from the last 500 million years are shown

a. the green line indicating rate of background extinctions is not straight

Scientists disagree about how many species are currently on earth for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a) there is controversy over whether natural selection is the only mode of speciation. b) there is not one true definition of species. c) at any one time, there are few populations in the process of speciation. d) there are many organisms on Earth that have yet to be discovered. e) different scientists use different techniques to estimate the actual number of species from the known number of species.

a. there is controversy over whether natural selection is the only mode of speciation.

Which of the following is not a pair of homologous structures? a) wing of a house fly and the eye of a dog b) tail of a cat and the tailbones in humans c) the antenna of a butterfly and the antenna of a moth d) the front leg of a horse and the flipper of a seal e) bird wing and the human hand

a. wing of a house fly and the eye of a dog

All fungi are multicellular, but some also have a unicellular form that is called: a. yeast. b. fruiting body. c. hyphae. d. seeds. e. spores.

a. yeast.

Stinky "morning breath" is caused by:

accumulation of sulfur-containing waste products from anaerobic bacteria.

If a local climate grows wetter and a river splits the habitat in two, a single population of organisms can be split into two separate populations. These populations will have different evolutionary paths over time, to the point where they may no longer be able to interbreed. What is this an example of?

allopatric speciation

Speciation with geographic isolation is ________.

allopatric speciation

Which of the following is NOT a member of the group of vertebrates that produce amniotic eggs?

amphibians (such as frogs)

Which of the following short descriptions best describes the body plan of modern sponges?

an aggregation of cells built around a water canal system

All animals:

are heterotrophic and share a common ancestor

Unlike the seedless plants, seed plants:

are not dependent on water for reproduction

Prokaryotes are classified into ______ domain(s). a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5

b) 2

Babies in the United States quickly and easily develop a fear of snakes. Yet they don't easily develop a fear of guns. Why? a) Humans cannot develop fears of inanimate objects. b) Evolution can be slow in producing populations that are adapted to their environments. c) Babies are more likely to encounter snakes than guns as they develop in the United States. d) Fewer individuals are killed by guns than by snakes in the United States each year. e) All of the above are correct.

b) Evolution can be slow in producing populations that are adapted to their environments.

In Belding's ground squirrels, why are females much more likely than males to engage in altruistic behavior by sounding alarm calls? a) Belding's ground squirrels have a sex ratio that is biased toward males. b) Females tend to remain in the area in which they were born, so the females that call are warning their own kin. c) Belding's ground squirrels have a sex ratio that is biased toward females. d) Females invest more in foraging and food storage, so they are more likely to lose their lives or their food if a predator attacks. e) Males forage alone, so their alarm calls are useless.

b) Females tend to remain in the area in which they were born, so the females that call are warning their own kin.

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that females manifest their choosiness in mating? a) Females will mate with males after subjecting them to courtship rituals. b) Females will mate with males that engage in reciprocal altruism. c) Females will mate with males that have valuable physical attributes. d) Females will mate with males that control valuable resources. e) Females will mate with males that contribute a large parental investment up front.

b) Females will mate with males that engage in reciprocal altruism.

Why do human taste preferences exist? a) They are culturally generated; consumers are influenced by suggestive advertising. b) Human feeding choices influence energy intake and, consequently, fitness. c) Humans can extract energy from a variety of non-food sources, so taste preferences cause us to focus on foods that are more plentiful in our environment. d) Fats actually do taste better than sugars. e) Vitamins and minerals give foods unusual tastes, which causes us to seek them out.

b) Human feeding choices influence energy intake and, consequently, fitness.

__________ selection is the type of natural selection that acts on characteristics that determine reproductive success. a) Reproductive b) Sexual c) Endocrine d) Reducing e) Hormonal

b) Sexual

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? a) The chicken, because the amniotic egg did not evolve until the first chicken appeared. b) The egg, because the amniotic egg evolved well before the first birds. c) The chicken, because, during speciation, the adult stage always precedes the juvenile stage. d) The egg, because the chicken is not a real species. e) It is impossible to determine, because eggs leave no fossils.

b) The egg, because the amniotic egg evolved well before the first birds.

Which of the following traits is unique to arthropods? a) a ventral nerve cord b) an exoskeleton c) segmentation d) a large ratio of brain size to body size e) wheeled appendages

b) an exoskeleton

The Belding's ground squirrel giving off an alarm signal would most commonly be: a) a oldest male in the colony to which he migrated. b) an older female in the colony in which she was born. c) an older female in the colony to which she migrated. d) a male in the colony in which he was born. e) a younger female in the colony in which she was born.

b) an older female in the colony in which she was born.

Polygynous species: a) usually employ external fertilization. b) are usually sexually dimorphic, with males larger and more highly ornamented. c) are usually sexually dimorphic, with females larger and more highly ornamented. d) usually have males and females that are physically indistinguishable. e) are more commonly found among birds than among mammals.

b) are usually sexually dimorphic, with males larger and more highly ornamented.

Which is the only animal phylum to have more than a million described species? a) chordates b) arthropods c) flatworms d) nematodes e) mollusks

b) arthropods

Which of the following insect groups has the most species currently named by scientists? a) bees, wasps, and ants b) beetles c) grasshoppers and crickets d) flies e) butterflies and moths

b) beetles

The world's tallest and longest-lived trees are: a) oaks. b) conifers. c) cycads. d) tropical rain forest trees. e) ginkgos.

b) conifers.

Which of the following is a significant new challenge that plants faced when they moved from their aquatic environment onto the land? a) light availability b) desiccation c) nutrient availability d) predation e) the need for osmotic regulation

b) desiccation

When replanting forested areas, lumber companies have greater success when the seedlings are:

b) first grown in soil that has been inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi

This Belding's ground squirrel: a) is rejecting a mating attempt. b) has just seen a hawk. c) is establishing territory. d) is seeking a mate. e) is begging for food.

b) has just seen a hawk

The main differences between mammals and birds that affect their mating systems are: a) in mammals, the fertilized egg develops externally and the female lactates, while in birds, the fertilized egg develops internally and there is no lactation. b) in mammals, the fertilized egg develops internally and the female lactates, while in birds, the fertilized egg develops externally and there is no lactation. c) mammals have hair and four legs, while birds have feathers and two legs. d) in mammals, the parents are landbound and the female lactates, while in birds, the parent can fly and there is no lactation. e) in mammals, the fertilized egg develops internally and the parents are landbound, while in birds, the fertilized egg develops externally and the parents can fly.

b) in mammals, the fertilized egg develops internally and the female lactates, while in birds, the fertilized egg develops externally and there is no lactation.

Which of the following is NOT typically a form of animal communication? a) posture b) increased heart rate and metabolic rate c) vocalizing d) release of airborne hormones e) baring one's teeth

b) increased heart rate and metabolic rate

Polygamy and monogamy are two types of: a) genomic calculations. b) mating systems. c) kinship systems. d) dominance hierarchies. e) learned behaviors.

b) mating systems.

In a species such as pigeons, in which males are almost indistinguishable in appearance from females, the most likely mating system is: a) monomorphism. b) monogamy. c) polygyny. d) polyandry. e) It is impossible to predict the mating system with only this information.

b) monogamy.

In a polygynous mating system: a) high ranking females have more offspring. b) multiple females tend to mate with the same male. c) neither males nor females provide parental care beyond gestation and lactation. d) variance in female reproductive success is greater than variance in male reproductive success. e) parental care is predominantly by the father.

b) multiple females tend to mate with the same male.

Tirso de Molina is credited with launching the fictional character Don Juan in a play he wrote called El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra (The Trickster of Seville). Many authors and playwrights, including W. A. Mozart, have written further accounts of this notorious seducer of women. Don Juan's "mating style" can best be characterized as _____ and ________. a) pair bonding, polygynous b) polygamous, polygynous c) monogamous, polygamous d) polyandrous, monogamous e) polygamous, pair bonding

b) polygamous, polygynous

The receptive surface for pollen grains is the: a) style. b) stigma. c) ovule. d) anther. e) filament.

b) stigma.

Which of the following molecules was NOT present in the pre-biotic environment? a) methane (CH4) b) triethylene glycol c) ammonia (NH3) d) water (H20) e) hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

b) triethylene glycol

Which of the following scenarios would best facilitate adaptive radiation? a) A population of birds native to an island archipelago is forced to relocate to the mainland by a storm. b) A population of birds becomes stranded on an island archipelago. c) Darker-colored moths have a selective advantage over lighter-colored moths due to industrial soot on trees. d) A population of cheetahs goes through an event in which all genetic diversity in the population is wiped out. e) All of the above would facilitate adaptive radiation equally.

b. A population of birds becomes stranded on an island archipelago.

Which of the following comparisons and contrasts between fungi and plants is incorrect? a. Fungi cannot photosynthesize, but plants can b. Both fungi and plants use chitin as a structural stabilizer c. Fungi are heterotrophs, but plants are not. d. Both fungi and plants have cell walls e. Both fungi and plants have a sexual stage in their reproductive cycle.

b. Both fungi and plants use chitin as a structural stabilizer

The phrase "double fertilization" in angiosperms is best described by which of the choices below? a. Two pollen grains land on the same stigma. b. Each pollen grain contains two sperm cells; one leads to the fertilization that produces the embryo and the other leads to the fertilization that produces the endosperm. c. Each angiosperm is fertilized twice during a particular mating season and produces two offspring. d. Two sperm cells fertilize the same egg cell that leads to the embryo. e. Each pollen grain contains two sperm cells and each fertilizes its own egg.

b. Each pollen grain contains two sperm cells; one leads to the fertilization that produces the embryo and the other leads to the fertilization that produces the endosperm.

You are taking a hike down a forest trail and see the familiar sight of a mushroom on the ground. This visible portion of a fungal body is the structure also referred to as a: a. hypha b. fruiting body c. thallus d. spore sac e. mycelium

b. Fruiting body

James Joyce once wrote: "Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world, a mother's love is not." Why is he wrong? a) Mothers always have maternity certainty. b) Since a mother and her child are related by 0.5, not the 1.0 of an individual with himself/herself, their genetic interests are highly—but not completely—aligned. c) Mothers are more closely related to their offspring than they are to themselves. d) Siblings will always be more closely related to each other than parents are to their offspring. e) A mother's environment influences her genetics.

b. Since a mother and her child are related by 0.5, not the 1.0 of an individual with himself/herself, their genetic interests are highly—but not completely—aligned.

Which of the best brief description of the vascular system of the very first terrestrial plants? a. The first plants developed specialized vessel cells that conducted water b. The first plants did not possess a vascular system c. The first plants had a very basic vascular system with a simple method of internal transport d. The first plants had only long, needle-like leaves, from which water could evaporate easily e. None of the above

b. The first plants did not possess a vascular system

Which of the following is characteristic of gymnosperms? a. The gametophyte generation is dominant. b. They are wind pollinated. c. They are more diverse than the angiosperms. d. They are water pollinated. e. All of the above are correct.

b. They are wind pollinated.

Which one of the following characteristic distinguishes all chordates from all other animals? a. a vertebral column b. a dorsal hollow nerve chord c. collar cells d. bilateral symmetry during embryonic or larval development e. an amniotic egg

b. a dorsal hollow nerve chord

What is endosperm? a. tissue that develops into a protective seed coat surrounding the embryo b. a food-storing tissue of the seed c. the male portion of a flowering plant d. the leaves that are part of the embryo e. the female portion of a flowering plant

b. a food-storing tissue of the seed

Which of the following groups would be placed nearest the fungi in a phylogenetic tree based on DNA sequences? a) archaea b) animals c) bacteria d) protists e) plants

b. animals

In comparing the streamlined nature of a dolphin and that of a shark, you conclude that the streamline feature evolved independently in sharks and dolphins. This common characteristic most likely is the result of: a) dolphins evolving from sharks. b) convergent evolution. c) homology. d) highly similar DNA sequences. e) descent from a recent common ancestor.

b. convergent evolution.

Which of the following is an example of feeding behavior that has a high energy intake to effort ratio? a) human children eating dirt b) crabs eating mussels that are intermediate in size c) geese retrieving the largest egg-like object near their nests d) a monkey reaching over a snake to get a peanut e) vampire bats sharing blood meals with non-relatives

b. crabs eating mussels that are intermediate in size

In birds, after fertilization but prior to emergence of the chicks, the development of the fertilized egg is: a) nursed by the mother. b) external. c) ignored by both parents. d) dimorphic. e) internal.

b. external

In angiosperms, the _______________ are the specialized reproductive organs whose main function is to bring together the sperm and egg. a. pollen b. flowers c. leaves d. roots e. seeds

b. flowers

The idea that evolutionary change is slow and continuous is BEST described as: a) punctuated equilibrium. b) gradual change. c) microevolution. d) natural selection. e) geographic isolation.

b. gradual change

Behaviors that do not require environmental input for their development are called: a) fixed action patterns. b) instincts. c) conditioning. d) learned behaviors. e) complex behaviors.

b. instincts

This is a mating pair of parrots. You would expect them to be: a) monogamous and sexually dimorphic. b) monogamous and sexually monomorphic. c) polygamous and sexually monomorphic. d) polygamous and sexually dimorphic. e) monogamous and the female making the nest and caring for the young.

b. monogamous and sexually monomorphic.

Which of the following flower parts develops into a seed? a. ovary b. ovule c. style d. stamen e. stigma

b. ovule

Which of the following gases was the least abundant in the Earth's atmosphere 3.5 billion years ago? a) water vapor b) oxygen c) nitrogen d) carbon monoxide e) carbon dioxide

b. oxygen

Polyploidy as mechanism of speciation occurs most commonly in which of the following? a) fungi b) plants c) sponges d) polychaete worms e) molluscs

b. plants

Though you were not on earth at the time, if you had to predict the method of reproduction utilized by the earliest organisms on this planet, which of the following choices would you select? a) alternating between sexual and asexual reproduction b) reproduction by duplicating their DNA material and dividing in two c) sexual reproduction as it is seen in current eukaryotic organisms d) None of the above are correct; the earliest organism most likely did not reproduce. e) None of the above are correct, a combination of fission and fusion occurred.

b. reproduction by duplicating their DNA material and dividing in two

At the time life first evolved on earth: a) there was more oxygen and less methane in the atmosphere than there is today. b) there was less oxygen and more methane in the atmosphere than there is today. c) there was less oxygen and less methane in the atmosphere than there is today. d) the amounts of oxygen and methane in the atmosphere were the same as today. e) None of the above is correct.

b. there was less oxygen and more methane in the atmosphere than there is today.

The _____ have a biomass greater than that of all the ____ and ______ on earth.

bacteria; plants; animals

Which of the following characteristics could NOT be used to differentiate the three worm phyla, Annelida, Platyhelminthes, and Nematoda?

bilateral symmetry

Echinoderm larvae are __________, while echinoderm adults are ________________.

bilaterally symmetrical; radially symmetrical

Birds have scaly feet and lay amniotic eggs. This supports the idea that:

birds evolved from reptiles

The notochord that characterizes all chordates at some stage in their life cycle provides all of the following functions EXCEPT:

bony protection for the nerve cord.

___________ is an action or signal on the part of one organism that alters the behavior of another organism. a) Maturation b) Visualization c) Communication d) Courtship e) Language

c) Communication

Why is the amniotic egg considered a key evolutionary innovation? a) It prohibits external fertilization, thereby facilitating the evolutionary innovation of internal fertilization. b) It has an unbreakable shell. c) It greatly increases the likelihood of survival of the eggs in a terrestrial environment. d) It enables eggs to float in an aquatic medium. e) It extends the time of embryonic development.

c) It greatly increases the likelihood of survival of the eggs in a terrestrial environment.

Which of the following statements about ferns is incorrect? a) Their sporophyte is dominant. b) They require liquid water for fertilization. c) Their seeds are dispersed by the wind. d) They have vascular tissue for distributing water and nutrients throughout the plant. e) Their spores are contained in sporangia.

c) Their seeds are dispersed by the wind.

What scientist(s) first demonstrated in the laboratory that organic compounds could be synthesized in an abiotic environment? a) Rosalind Franklin b) Haldane and Oparin c) Urey and Miller d) Watson and Crick e) Anton Van Lueenhoech

c) Urey and Miller

When a goose spots an egg outside of its nest, the goose gets out of the nest and rolls the egg back. Once started, a goose continues the egg-retrieval movement all the way back to the nest, even if the egg is taken away during the process. This is called: a) step-wise reproductive collaboration. b) repeated pattern fixation. c) a fixed action pattern. d) prepared learning. e) supernormal stimulus.

c) a fixed action pattern.

Unlike higher plants such as angiosperms and gymnosperms all bryophytes lack: a)stomata b)cuticles c)alternation of generations d)water transport mechanisms e)roots

c) alternation of generations

Anthers and stigmas are found on: a) bryophytes. b) fungi. c) angiosperms. d) gymnosperms. e) all of the above.

c) angiosperms

Angiosperms and gymnosperms differ from each other in that: a) angiosperms have vascular systems, but gymnosperms do not. b) angiosperms produce seeds, but gymnosperms do not. c) angiosperms tend to rely on animal pollinators, whereas gymnosperms tend to rely on wind pollination. d) angiosperms use pollen, whereas gymnosperms use cones. e) angiosperms have a single fertilization process, whereas gymnosperms use double fertilization.

c) angiosperms tend to rely on animal pollinators, whereas gymnosperms tend to rely on wind pollination.

In black widow spider mating, the male ___________ and the female ______________. a) does a dance to get into position to copulate; then moves into position b) mates with many females ; mates with only one male c) breaks off his sexual organ inside the female ; kills and eats the male d) produces a copulatory plug ; removes the copulatory plug e) bring the female a nuptial gift of food; decides whether to accept it

c) breaks off his sexual organ inside the female; kills and eats the male

At the time life first appeared on earth, the atmosphere contained large amounts of nitrogen, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and: a) neon. b) oxygen. c) carbon dioxide. d) helium. e) ozone.

c) carbon dioxide

Selfishness should be seen more often between unrelated individuals unless 1) there are repeated opportunities to be a donor or recipient, 2) the cost to be a donor is relatively low, and 3): a) kin selection is a factor. b) altruistic donors are not recognizable. c) cheaters are recognizable and punished for cheating. d) the benefits to the recipient are lower than the costs of the donor. e) two individuals are secretly related, but they don't know it.

c) cheaters are recognizable and punished for cheating.

All protists are alike in that all are: a) bacterial. b) photosynthetic. c) eukaryotic. d) prokaryotic. e) archaeal.

c) eukariotic

Which of the following does NOT exhibit a male characteristic expected in a species where the female has the greater reproductive investment? a) males offering the female a nuptial gift b) males that build elaborate bowers c) females fighting with other females d) males having especially long tail plumage e) males that dance and make dramatic poses in courtship

c) females fighting with other females

In mammals, as well as many other species, males generally compete for females. The best explanation for this phenomenon is: a) males are more aggressive. b) males, on average, have higher fitness. c) females have a higher parental investment. d) males are choosy. e) females are better looking.

c) females have a higher parental investment.

Which of the following is not a reptile? a) sparrow b) snake c) frog d) turtle e) dinosaur

c) frog

The two most important evolutionary innovations in vertebrates, which resulted in their eventual domination among the large animals, were: a) air-breathing lungs and a more efficient heart. b) opposable thumbs. c) jaws and amniotic eggs. d) the ability to walk or fly. e) air-breathing lungs and endothermy.

c) jaws and amniotic eggs.

Exclusive male parental care is much more prevalent in fish than mammals because: a) fish do not have the option of raising young in a defended nest site or den. b) fish are less likely to live in habitats with high quality resources. c) most fish reproduce by external fertilization while most mammals do not. d) the male fish release their sperm before the females release their eggs. e) both male and female fish lactate.

c) most fish reproduce by external fertilization while most mammals do not.

Which of the following is not an example of a group of angiosperms? a) cacti b) cherry trees c) pine trees d) grasses e) orchids

c) pine trees

The mollusk's mantle is used primarily for: a) feeding. b) gas exchange. c) producing the shell. d) excretion. e) reproduction.

c) producing the shell

Behavior that involves giving up something of relatively low value in exchange for getting something of great value in the future is best described as: a) prepared learning. b) kin selection. c) reciprocal altruism. d) inclusive fitness. e) direct fitness.

c) reciprocal altruism.

When the sexes of a species differ in size or appearance, it is called: a) the mating system. b) sexism. c) sexual dimorphism. d) growth disparity. e) polygamy.

c) sexual dimorphism.

Vampire bats: a) sometimes regurgitate blood into the mouth of another bat that is close to starving, but the likelihood is a function of whether the individuals are genetically related. b) are unusual in that they are one of the few animal species that exhibit kin selection. c) sometimes regurgitate blood into the mouth of an unrelated bat that is close to starving. d) exhibit reciprocal altruism but not kin selection. e) There are no such things as vampire bats; they're found only in a Dracula novel.

c) sometimes regurgitate blood into the mouth of an unrelated bat that is close to starving.

Successful wind pollination usually requires: a) large, colorful flowers. b) wet weather. c) the relative proximity of individuals to each other. d) the release of small amounts of pollen. e) All of the above choices are correct

c) the relative proximity of individuals to each other.

Cotton grass (Eriophorum) produces small seeds that are attached to a fluffy mass of "cotton" hairs. These seeds are most likely dispersed by: a) mammals. b) birds. c) wind. d) water. e) propulsion.

c) wind.

Which of the following is TRUE about group selection? a) It is a common occurrence in large populations. b) It is at least as common as reciprocal altruism. c) It leads to unselfish individual behavior that benefits the population or species. d) It tends to increase altruistic behavior. e) It becomes progressively more common over several generations.

c. It leads to unselfish individual behavior that benefits the population or species.

Which of the following statements does NOT follow from the information provided in the graph above? a) There have been five documented mass extinctions in the last 500 million years. b) During the most recent mass extinction, the dinosaurs were exterminated. c) Mass extinctions are predictable. d) During "The Great Dying" a greater percentage of the earth's families went extinct than at any other time. e) Extinctions are always occurring naturally.

c. Mass extinctions are predictable.

___________________ are mutualistic fungi that help provide nutrients to trees, shrubs, and other plants. a. Epiphytes b. Rhizobia c. Mycorrhizae d. Chytrids e. Caliches

c. Mycorrhizae

Which of the following could be classified as a postzygotic barrier leading to speciation? a) Two populations are isolated from each other by a mountain range. b) The sperm from males of one population cannot reach the egg in the ovaries of females in another population. c) Offspring from a mating between members of two populations are sterile. d) Two populations have different courtship rituals required for mating. e) The reproductive anatomy of those in one population prevents them from mating with another population.

c. Offspring from a mating between members of two populations are sterile.

Which of the following choices regarding fixed action patterns is incorrect? a) A fixed action pattern can be potentially maladaptive. b) Fixed action patterns are innate behaviors. c) Once it is triggered, a counter-stimulus could halt a fixed action pattern. d) Fixed action patterns require no learning. e) A fixed action pattern of one organism can be exploited for the benefit of another.

c. Once it is triggered, a counter-stimulus could halt a fixed action pattern.

Which of the following statements about ferns is incorrect? a. The sporophyte is dominant b. They require liquid water for fertilization c. Their seeds are dispersed by the wind d. They have vascular tissue for distributing water and nutrients throughout the plant. e. Their spores are contained in sporangia

c. Their seeds are dispersed by the wind

The age of a fossil can often be determined using radiometric dating of the rocks in which the fossil is found. Because uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, it means that: a) no rocks on earth can contain uranium-238, since earth is only 4.6 billion years old. b) when the earth is 9 billion years old, no uranium-238 will exist. c) a uranium-containing rock that is 4.5 billion years old would, today, have only about half as much of its uranium in the form of radioactive uranium-238 as a rock that was just recently formed. d) when it is 9 billion years old, a rock will have no uranium-238 remaining. e) uranium-238 cannot be used to establish the age of fossils greater than 4.5 billion years old.

c. a uranium-containing rock that is 4.5 billion years old would, today, have only about half as much of its uranium in the form of radioactive uranium-238 as a rock that was just recently formed.

The phenomenon whereby a small number of species diversify into a much larger number of species, able to live in a wide diversity of habitats is known as: a) mass extinction. b) microevolution. c) adaptive radiation. d) colonization. e) background extinction.

c. adaptive radiation.

Which of the following domains share the most recent common ancestor? a) archaea and eubacteria b) eubacteria and eukarya c) archaea and eukarya d) None of the above: all three domains evolved from different ancestors. e) None of the above: all three domains are equally related to each other.

c. archaea and eukarya

Among Natterjack toads in northern Europe, males produce booming calls to attract females. Females desire large males and the size of the male determines the volume of the call. Why is the Natterjack's call considered an "honest signal"? a) because the call of the Natterjack male accurately provides both distance and direction to the female b) because the female Natterjack toads were taught by their mothers to avoid dishonest signals c) because the call of a large Natterjack male cannot be faked by a smaller Natterjack male d) because the large Natterjack males invest more parental effort than smaller Natterjack males e) because the female Natterjack toads can detect a booming call from a small toad.

c. because the call of a large Natterjack male cannot be faked by a smaller Natterjack male

Early seed plants were pollinated by: a. butterflies. b. bees. c. birds. d. box turtles. e. wind.

c. birds.

Monogamy, a relatively rare system outside of the birds, evolves when: a) males compete for females who have higher parental investment. b) both males and females have low parental investment. c) both males and females have high and equal parental investment. d) females compete for males who have higher parental investment. e) the number of females was low in the population.

c. both males and females have high and equal parental investment.

Because group selection _____________________________, it very rarely occurs. a) is beneficial for the species b) is detrimental to the population c) decreases the reproductive success of individuals d) has no effect on allele frequencies e) increases the reproductive success of individuals

c. decreases the reproductive success of individuals

Which of the following is NOT an example of a gymnosperm? a. conifers b. ginkgos c. ferns d. gnetophytes e. cycads

c. ferns

All mammals have hair because they inherited that trait from a common ancestor. Features that are inherited from a common ancestor are called: a) convergent features. b) analogous features. c) homologous features. d) adaptive features. e) punctuated features.

c. homologous features.

In what order do the following taxa appear in the fossil record? a. land plants, invertebrates, amphibians, fish b. invertebrates, amphibians, fish, land plants c. invertebrates, fish, land plants, amphibians d. fish, amphibians, land plants, invertebrates e. land plants, invertebrates, fish, amphibians

c. invertebrates, fish, land plants, amphibians

An honest signal: a) is a signal conveyed by dancing, singing, or speaking. b) is a signal, given when both the signaler and responder have the same interests, that can be faked. c) is a signal, given when both the signaler and responder have the same interests, that cannot be faked. d) is a signal, given when the signaler and responder have different interests, that cannot be faked. e) is a signal that is always truthful.

c. is a signal, given when both the signaler and responder have the same interests, that cannot be faked.

Which of the following is NOT caused by bacteria? a) strep throat b) morning breath c) malaria d) the taste of sourdough bread e) tuberculosis

c. malaria

The two individuals pictured above are members of different species because: a) hybrids between them are not fertile. b) they are at the far end of the ring in a ring species. c) of prezygotic barriers to their ability to breed. d) one is a predator, the other prey. e) of postzygotic barriers to their ability to breed.

c. of prezygotic barriers to their ability to breed.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an angiosperm? a. cacti b. cherry trees c. pine trees d. grasses e. orchids

c. pine trees

Which of the following lists correctly represents the order of evolutionary events in the history of plants, from earliest to most recent in time? a. cuticle, flowers, seeds, spores b. seeds, pollen, spores, flowers c. roots, vascular tissue, pollen, flowers d. spores, roots, cuticle, vascular tissue e. vascular tissue, pollen, flowers, cuticle

c. roots, vascular tissue, pollen, flowers

Ferns possess all of the following EXCEPT: a. cuticles. b. embryos. c. seeds. d. roots. e. leaves.

c. seeds.

An optimal strategy for an animal in procuring food would involve all of the following EXCEPT: a) minimizing the risk of predation during foraging and feeding. b) maximizing energy gained. c) spending any amount of energy as long as it gets the nutrients it needs. d) securing essential nutrients. e) minimizing energy expended.

c. spending any amount of energy as long as it gets the nutrients it needs.

Which of the following is the best description of a lichen? a. symbiosis between corals and zooxanthellae b. the evolutionary symbiosis that led to the evolution of the chloroplast c. symbiosis between fungi and algae (or cyanobacteria) d. symbiosis between fungi and the roots of a tree e. endosymbiosis between chloroplasts and plant cells

c. symbiosis between fungi and algae (or cyanobacteria)

The graph above shows differences in the rates of the two types of extinction. What distinguishes the mass extinctions from the background distinctions in this figure? a) large mass extinctions (over 40%) are occuring at least every 100 million years b) the rates of mass extinctions tend to significantly lower c) the data points for the background extinctions never get much higher than 11 or 12% d) background extinctions occur at higher rates than mass extinctions e) mass extinction rates remain relatively constant

c. the data points for the background extinctions never get much higher than 11 or 12%

In a polygynous mating system: a) parental care is predominantly by the father. b) variance in female reproductive success is greater than variance in male reproductive success. c) variance in male reproductive success is greater than variance in female reproductive success. d) all males are able to secure a mate. e) neither males nor females provide parental care beyond gestation and lactation.

c. variance in male reproductive success is greater than variance in female reproductive success.

A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 5,000 years. A rock originally contained 16 grams of radioactive isotope, and now contains 4 grams. Approximately how many years old is the rock? a) 75,000 years b) 5 million years c) 3,750 years d) 10,000 years e) 15,000 years

d) 10,000

According to the fossil record, the first humans appeared approximately ______ years ago. a) 6 million b) 6,000 c) 190 million d) 100,000 e) 1 million

d) 100,000

Which of the following are chordates? a) fishes b) humans c) frogs d) All of the above are chordates. e) Only a) and c) are chordates.

d) All of the above are chordates.

Acoustical communication includes all of the following EXCEPT: a) alarm calls. b) bird song. c) territorial howling of wolves. d) All of the above are examples of acoustical communication. e) both a) and b) are correct.

d) All of the above are examples of acoustical communication.

Which of the following modes of communication are seen among animals? a) chemical b) acoustical c) visual d) All of the above are modes of communication seen in animals. e) Only a) and c) are modes of communication seen in animals.

d) All of the above are modes of communication seen in animals.

Which of the following is a likely way in which plants increase dispersal of their seeds? a) Fruits are conspicuously colored. b) Fruits taste good. c) Fruit colors attract female birds. d) Both the first and second choices are correct. e) Both the first and third choices are correct

d) Both the first and second choices are correct.

What kind of molecule is thought to have been the first genetic material? a) protein b) DNA c) carbohydrate d) RNA e) microsphere

d) RNA

Which of the following choices is NOT an important consideration when choosing a gene for phylogenetic sequence analysis? a) Mutations should occur randomly at a rate that reflects the true evolutionary distance between the organisms of interest. b) The marker gene should play a complex role in the cell so that it is unlikely to be subject to lateral transfer. c) The marker gene should have the same function in all the organisms of interest. d) The marker gene should be present in multiple copies due to duplication events in the organisms of interest. e) The marker gene should be large enough to contain a fair amount of phylogenetically useful information.

d) The marker gene should be present in multiple copies due to duplication events in the organisms of interest.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of all animals? a) They are able to move at some point in their life. b) They get their energy by eating other organisms. c) They are multicellular. d) They are reproducing sexually at some point in their life cycle. e) All of the above are characteristics of all animals.

d) They are reproducing sexually at some point in their life cycle.

In animals, it is believed that the most common mode of speciation is: a) autopolyploidy. b) chromosomal. c) directional. d) allopatric. e) sympatric.

d) allopatric

The closest relative to fungi are _____ , which diverged about __ years ago.

d) animals; 1 billion

The graph above shows differences in the rates of the two types of extinction. Which is the approximate rate of background extinctions over the time period between 500 and 200 million years ago? a) around 40% b) around 20% c) around 60% d) around 10% e) around 55%

d) around 10%

All of the following conditions are necessary for reciprocal altruism to evolve in a species except: a) the ability to recognize different individuals. b) the ability to punish cheaters who do not reciprocate. c) repeated interactions with the same individuals. d) at least one of the sexes must not disperse so that some individuals always live near their kin. e) None of the above is necessary for the evolution of reciprocal altruism

d) at least one of the sexes must not disperse so that some individuals always live near their kin.

Gestational diabetes is thought to be the consequence of: a) pregnant women decreasing their average daily amount of activity. b) a mother withholding investment in future offspring in order to invest more in the current pregnancy. c) a mother consuming too much sugar during gestation. d) conflict between the mother and fetus with respect to how much food the fetus should be given; the mother is equally related to the fetus and to any future offspring, while the fetus is not equally related to itself and any subsequent siblings. e) physiological constraints on the amount of insulin a mother can provide for the fetus.

d) conflict between the mother and fetus with respect to how much food the fetus should be given; the mother is equally related to the fetus and to any future offspring, while the fetus is not equally related to itself and any subsequent siblings.

In most animal species, the female: a) has a smaller reproductive investment than the male. b) will tend to mate with as many males as possible. c) will be the less discriminating sex. d) invests substantial energy in carrying and tending to offspring. e) produces many small gametes at relatively low cost.

d) invests substantial energy in carrying and tending to offspring.

Polyploidy: a) arises only when there is an error in meiosis resulting in diploid gametes instead of haploid gametes. b) is a common method of sympatric speciation for animals. c) arises when allopatric speciation causes plants to have fewer sets of chromosomes than their parent plants. d) is an increased number of sets of chromosomes. e) always results in allopatric speciation.

d) is an increased number of sets of chromosomes.

From an evolutionary perspective, behavior can best be viewed as: a) a trait that arises by learning, not by natural selection. b) non-heritable. c) a trait subject to drift and mutation, but not natural selection. d) part of the phenotype. e) All of the above are correct.

d) part of the phenotype.

A single breeding male Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) may mate with several females, but each female usually mates with only one male. This type of mating system is known as: a) serial monogamy. b) polyandry. c) as a learned behavior. d) polygyny. e) monogamy.

d) polygyny

In cnidarians, cnidocysts are primarily used for: a) creation of water flow across the body wall. b) formation of free-living medusas. c) secretion of digestive enzymes. d) prey capture and defense. e) muscular contraction during movement.

d) prey capture and defense.

In all animal species: a) females provide equal or more parental care than do males. b) males have greater variation in number of offspring than do females. c) development of the fetus after fertilization takes place inside the female. d) the average number of offspring for males and females is the same. e) None of the above is true; there are no universal statements that can be made about mating systems in all animal species.

d) the average number of offspring for males and females is the same.

Sexual dimorphism refers to: a) the males have genitalia twice the size of the female. b) species with iteroparous (or "big bang") reproduction. c) sexually reproducing species in which females are larger than males. d) the situation in which males and females differ physically and/or behaviorally. e) sexually reproducing species in which males are larger than females.

d) the situation in which males and females differ physically and/or behaviorally.

Which of the following most clearly defines the process of pollination? a) the joining of egg and sperm cell b) food is broken down and energy is released c) the attraction of an insect to a flower d) the transfer of pollen grains to the pistil e) the germination of a seed

d) the transfer of pollen grains to the pistil

In polygynous mating systems: a) there is usually greater variation in reproductive success among males than among females. b) paternal care is by all the parents. c) most individuals mate for life. d) there is usually greater variation in reproductive success among females than among males. e) there is usually equal variation in reproductive success between females and males.

d) there is usually greater variation in reproductive success among females than among males.

According to the fossil record, the first modern humans - Homo sapiens - appeared approximately ________ years ago. a. 6 million b. 6,000 c.190 million d. 200,000 e.1 million

d. 200,000

What is the approximate age of Earth? a) 1.2 billion years b) 285 million years c) 7.2 billion years d) 4.6 billion years e) 565 million years

d. 4.6 billion years

Habitat fragmentation can be a cause of: a) genetic drift. b) speciation. c) extinction. d) All of the above are correct. e) Only b) and c) are correct.

d. All of the above are correct.

Adaptive radiation might be expected after which of the following events? a) a mass extinction b) colonization of a new area c) evolution of a new feature, like the amniotic egg d) All of the above are true. e) Only a) and c) are true.

d. All of the above are true.

Which species concept is based on the degree of reproductive isolation between populations of species? a) Phylogenetic Species Concept b) Recognition Species Concept c) Morphological Species Concept d) Biological Species Concept e) Ecological Species Concept

d. Biological Species Concept

The idea of "punctuated equilibrium" suggests that species will show little to no evolutionary change throughout their history. When evolution does occur, according to this idea, it happens sporadically and relatively quickly compared to the species' full duration on Earth. This idea of evolution in spurts challenges which of the components of Darwin's theory of evolution? a) steady change b) gradualism c) species stasis d) Both a) and b) are correct. e) None of the above is correct.

d. Both a) and b) are correct.

Both mosses and ferns must have freestanding water present (e.g., water droplets) in order to fulfill their requirements for fertilization. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this? a. Both mosses and ferns have gametes that require the plant to take in a lot of water in order to fulfill their photosynthetic requirements. b. Both mosses and ferns have motile male and motile female gametes that come together in water to fertilize. c. Both mosses and ferns have motile female gametes that require water to travel to the male gametes. d. Both mosses and ferns have motile male gametes that require water to travel to the female gametes. e. None of the above is a good explanation for why this occurs.

d. Both mosses and ferns have motile male gametes that require water to travel to the female gametes.

Bacteria and Archaea are the two domains whose members are: a) decomposers. b) primary consumers. c) eukaryotic. d) prokaryotic. e) multicellular.

d. Prokaryotic

Plants known as "annuals"—that is, those that complete their entire life cycle in one growing season—are found in which of the following groups? a. angiosperms and ferns b. ferns and mosses c. gymnosperms only d. angiosperms only e. ferns only

d. angiosperms only

Kin selection theory would lead us to predict that: a) children in step-families are only living in the family part of the time. b) children in step-families are injured at exactly the same frequency as those living with their biological families. c) children in step-families are less likely to engage in sexual activities with their family members than children living with their biological families. d) children in step-families are injured more frequently than those living with their biological families. e) None of the above; kin selection theory cannot make predictions about human behavior.

d. children in step-families are injured more frequently than those living with their biological families.

The taxonomic rank that includes orders but not phyla is: a) kingdom. b) domain. c) genus. d) class. e) family.

d. class

The threads that make up the mycelium of a fungal body are called: a. yeast. b. thallium. c. spores. d. hyphae. e. fruiting bodies.

d. hyphae.

In a study often referred to as the "casual sex study," randomly selected men and women were asked if they would like to have sex with the experimenter. Men turned out to be more likely to accept this proposal than women. This is most likely because: a) men are trying to get in as many matings as possible to lower the variance reproductive success, but women already have low variance in reproductive success. b) men are consciously trying to maximize their reproductive success while women are responding by rules of thumb. c) the female experimenter propositioning the men was far more attractive than the male experimenter propositioning the women thus the experiment was poorly designed giving biased results. d) men have a lower initial investment than women so they will be less discriminating in choosing a mate. e) men benefit from additional matings while women do not.

d. men have a lower initial investment than women so they will be less discriminating in choosing a mate.

In the plant kingdom, all of the species are descended from a single common ancestor. In terms of phylogeny, what type of tree of life is this? a) uniphyletic b) allopatric c) sympatric d) monophyletic e) punctuated

d. monophyletic

A mycorrhizal fungus provides __________ to its host plant, and it receives __________ from the plant. a. nutrients; proteins b. nothing; nutrients c. carbohydrates; vitamins d. nutrients; carbohydrates e. nothing; carbohydrates

d. nutrients; carbohydrates

The evolution of seeds allowed for: a. the development of an independent sporophyte. b. coevolution with animal pollinators. c. heterospory—the development of male and female gametophytes. d. plants to colonize dryer climates. e. All of the above are correct.

d. plants to colonize dryer climates.

The biological species concept is primarily based on: a) genome. b) morphological differentiation. c) phylogenetic history. d) reproductive isolation. e) behavioral differentiation.

d. reproductive isolation

Polygyny is often positively correlated with: a) territoriality and mate guarding. b) equal parental investment and equal choosiness in mate selection. c) sexual monomorphism and variation in male reproductive success. d) sexual dimorphism and variation in male reproductive success. e) sexual dimorphism and variation in female reproductive success.

d. sexual dimorphism and variation in male reproductive success.

In most cases, the relationship between roots and fungi in mycorrhizae can best be described as

d. symbiosis

Sexual dimorphism is a good predictor of mating systems because: a) sexual dimorphism causes a difference in parental investment between males and females which results in different variance in reproductive success; therefore when one is known the other can be inferred. b) when males are bigger than females, males are able to contribute more to their offspring than females resulting in polyandry; therefore, sexual dimorphism determines mating system. c) mating systems cause variance in reproductive success which results in sexual dimorphism; there for when one is known the other can be inferred. d) the degree of sexual dimorphism and the type of mating system present in a species are both determined by the difference in parental investment between the male and female; therefore when one is known the other can be inferred. e) only polygynous mating systems exhibit sexual dimorphism, so if sexual dimorphism is present the mating system is known.

d. the degree of sexual dimorphism and the type of mating system present in a species are both determined by the difference in parental investment between the male and female; therefore when one is known the other can be inferred.

Which of the following accurately states the goal of biological classification? a) the acknowledgement that ancestral eukaryotes gave rise to ancestral bacteria and archaeans b) a way to include all biological entities, including viruses, in the tree of life c) the separation of all organisms into four separate kingdoms d) the grouping of organisms into categories that reflects their evolutionary history e) the grouping of organisms into three large polyphyletic categories

d. the grouping of organisms into categories that reflects their evolutionary history

You bite into your favorite late-night studying snack, mushroom cheese pizza, and think to yourself, "What exactly am I eating?" Which of the following parts of a fungi are smothered with cheese on your pizza? a. an aggregation of spores formed into a club-shaped structure b. the extensive grouping of hyphae into the mycelium c. a bunch of yeast cells all packed together d. the short-lived reproductive structure called a fruiting body e. the non reproductive thallus

d. the short-lived reproductive structure called a fruiting body

Analogous features are problematic when constructing evolutionary trees because: a) they are the result of common ancestry rather than natural selection b) they are based on comparative anatomy rather than embryology. c) they diverge and eventually converge. d) they are the result of natural selection rather than common ancestry. e) they are based on DNA rather than comparative anatomy.

d. they are the result of natural selection rather than common ancestry.

The waggle dance is: a) used for mate choice in grebes. b) used as a warning system. c) used for kin selection in Belding's ground squirrels. d) used for food location in honeybees. e) used for mate choice in black widow spiders.

d. used for food location in honeybees.

Which of the following terms includes all of the others in the list? a. fern b. seed plant c. gymnosperm d. vascular plant e. angiosperm

d. vascular plant

Urey and Miller's experimental setup was able to produce all twenty of the amino acids found in proteins. Some amino acids contain the element oxygen. What starting material in the Urey-Miller experiment was source of this element? a) methane b) ammonia c) hydrogen gas d) water e) electrical sparks

d. water

Dispersal of fungal spores is typically done by

d. wind

What evolutionary change occurred in animal evolution such that animals had a "front" and "back," as well as right and left sides?

development of bilateral symmetry

Which of the following is NOT a description of one group of archaea?


The disproportionate number of named species on earth are:

domain eukayra

Female Belding's ground squirrels have evolved to follow a simple rule that translates into: a) "if I am an older female, I should determine whether I am in a colony of relatives or strangers." b) "if I am an younger female, I should behave as if I have many close relatives around me." c) "if I am an older female, I should behave as if I am living alone." d) "if I am a female with pups, I should provide alarm calls in the presence of predators." e) "if I am an older female, I should behave as if I have many close relatives around me."

e) "if I am an older female, I should behave as if I have many close relatives around me."

Which of the following are correct statements about fixed action patterns? a) Once begun, fixed action patterns are continued to completion. b) Fixed action patterns are highly stereotyped, instinctive behaviors. c) Fixed action patterns are triggered by stimuli in the environment. d) Fixed action patterns can be triggered by an inappropriate stimulus. e) All of the above are correct statements about fixed action patterns.

e) All of the above are correct statements about fixed action patterns.

Which of the following is NOT an example of evolved reciprocal altruism? a) donating money to a charity b) monkeys picking parasites off each other ("nit-picking") c) volunteering time at a homeless shelter d) giving blood to a starving vampire bat e) All of the above are examples of evolved reciprocal altruism.

e) All of the above are examples of evolved reciprocal altruism.

Which of the following extant species is the most evolutionarily successful? a) the house mouse (Mus domesticus) b) the housefly (Musca domestica) c) the Western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) d) Irukandji, the toxic jellyfish (Carukia barnesi ) e) All of the above species are equally successful because they are not extinct.

e) All of the above species are equally successful because they are not extinct.

The RNA world hypothesis proposes that the world may have been filled with RNA-based life before it was filled with DNA-based life. This hypothesis is based on which of the following observations? a) RNA enzymes can link together nucleotides. b) RNA is abundant in living organisms. c) RNA has the ability to catalyze chemical reactions like proteins. d) RNA can store information like DNA. e) All of these observations support the RNA world hypothesis.

e) All of these observations support the RNA world hypothesis.

Why is it so much easier for an infant to learn a complex language than for a college student to learn biology? a) Language involves memorization only, without the need for understanding rules, while biology involves both. b) Language is a feature with great evolutionary relevance for humans. c) Learning biology was not a behavior with evolutionary relevance for humans. d) Biology involves much more vocabulary than learning a complex language. e) Both b) and c) are correct.

e) Both b) and c) are correct.

In terms of their adaptation to living on land, how are reptiles similar to the seed plants? a) Both reptiles and seed plants became completely independent of water. b) Reptiles eat plants. c) Seed plants and reptiles have developed structures such as cuticles and impermeable skin to minimize desiccation. d) Reptiles and seed plants have developed structures that house their gametes and protect them from the surrounding environment. e) Both c) and d) are correct

e) Both c) and d) are correct

In a situation in which males guard eggs and care for the young without help from the female, which of the following statements would most likely be correct? a) Males are large and more brightly colored in order to attract the very best females. b) Males and females are equally brightly colored, but males court females aggressively. c) The population is monogamous with no sexual dimorphism. d) A single male controls a harem of females to which he has exclusive reproductive access. e) Females are more brightly colored than males and court males aggressively

e) Females are more brightly colored than males and court males aggressively

The graph above shows data on reproductive output in fruit flies. How would you expect the reproductive output of males with one mate to relate to that of females with one mate? a) The males should have a higher reproductive output. b) The females should have a higher reproductive output. c) The number of offspring for male flies increases as the number of mates increases. d) Males have many more offspring. e) It should be the same.

e) It should be the same.

If you find a species of fish in which males are much more brightly colored and larger than females, what might you infer about their mating system? a) The degree of sexual dimorphism does not give any information about the mating system. b) They are simultaneous hermaphrodites. c) They exhibit parallel monogamy. d) They are serially monogamous. e) They are polygynous.

e) They are polygynous.

The classification rank that includes genera but not orders is: a) species. b) domain. c) class. d) kingdom. e) family

e) family

In a random study of 1000 wills, it was shown that ___________________ received the smallest share of a deceased's estate. a) children b) spouses c) siblings d) grandchildren e) friends

e) friends

Phylogenetic trees should be viewed as: a) true genealogical relationships of species. b) the result of vertical, but never horizontal, gene transfer. c) intellectual exercises, not to be interpreted literally. d) representations of allopatric speciation events. e) hypotheses regarding evolutionary relationships of groups of organisms.

e) hypotheses regarding evolutionary relationships of groups of organisms.

The sum of an individual's indirect and direct fitness is called _______. a) exclusive fitness b) selfish behavior c) kin selection d) reciprocal altruism e) inclusive fitness

e) inclusive fitness

Sponges are sessile, meaning that they: a) reproduce asexually. b) are parasitic and depend on their host for a constant supply of nutrients. c) have exoskeletons that they must shed as they grow. d) live within shells they find on the ocean floor. e) live attached to a solid structure and do not move around.

e) live attached to a solid structure and do not move around.

In terms of their gametes, sperm and eggs,: a) males show greater variation than females. b) females show greater variation than males. c) male and female animals are competitive. d) male and female animals are sexually monomorphic. e) male and female animals are sexually dimorphic.

e) male and female animals are sexually dimorphic.

Two types of polygamy are: a) monogomy and diagomy. b) kin selection and reciprocal altruism. c) isogamy and anisogamy. d) polygyny and monogamy. e) polygyny and polyandry.

e) polygyny and polyandry.

All of the following floral parts are directly involved in pollination or fertilization except the: a) style. b) stigma c) carpel. d) anther. e) sepal.

e) sepal.

The mass extinction that occurred on earth 65 million years ago was immediately followed by: a) the rise of archaea. b) the emergence of the first non-photosynthetic organisms. c) the rise of the reptiles, including the dinosaurs. d) an increase in atmospheric oxygen levels. e) the rapid divergence and radiation of modern mammals.

e) the rapid divergence and radiation of modern mammals.

Life arose from nonlife around _________ years ago. a) 400 billion b) 4 million c) 8 trillion d) 8 thousand e) 4 billion

e. 4 billion

The dark gray dots along the trunk of this evolutionary tree represent both common ancestors and: a) homologous features. b) speciation events. c) convergent traits. d) nodes. e) Both b) and d) are correct.

e. Both b) and d) are correct.

Which of the following choices does NOT correctly categorize the biological kingdom with the form of reproduction used by the organisms within it? a. Protista: sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction, and conjugation b. Archaea: asexual reproduction only c. Animalia: both sexual and asexual reproduction d. Bacteria: asexual reproduction only e. Fungi: asexual reproduction only

e. Fungi: asexual reproduction only

Why is there no increase in the number of offspring produced by females that have access to additional males beyond the first? a) The fertility window for female fruit flies is very short. b) Females only ever mate with one male. c) Females are limited in their access to males and so rarely come in contact with more than one. d) Females are limited in offspring production by the availability of male sperm. e) If a single male produces more sperm than the number of eggs produced by the female, access to more sperm does not result in more offspring.

e. If a single male produces more sperm than the number of eggs produced by the female, access to more sperm does not result in more offspring.

Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding the prothallus? a. It produces eggs. b. It results from a spore that lands on moist soil and grows. c. It is the free-living haploid life stage of a fern. d. It produces sperm. e. It has a conical structure.

e. It has a conical structure.

Different organisms with an identical specific epithet, such as Drosophila melanogaster and Thamnophis melanogaster, are related to each other at the level of: a) species. b) order. c) genus. d) family. e) No particular relationship is implied by the fact that two organisms have identical specific epithets.

e. No particular relationship is implied by the fact that two organisms have identical specific epithets.

Which of the following echinoderms has radial symmetry during its larval stage? a. sea star b. brittle star c. sea urchin d. sand dollar e. None of the above have radial symmetry during the larval stage

e. None of the above have radial symmetry during the larval stage

Which of the following is NOT true about the tempo of evolution? a) Evolution always occurs gradually, with small changes over long periods of time. b) Rapid evolutionary changes by punctuated equilibrium proceed by a process different from natural selection. c) Scientific evidence now shows that gradualism, as proposed by Darwin, is wrong. d) Gaps in the fossil record mean that some creatures went extinct and then made a comeback. e) None of the above is true concerning the current view of the tempo of evolution.

e. None of the above is true concerning the current view of the tempo of evolution.

What could be said of our sense of taste? a) How we define what tastes good or bad is fundamentally a learned behavior. b) There is no accounting for taste in evolution. c) Individuals have widely different tastes that contributes to the variety of our species. d) Taste is a matter of arbitrary preference. e) What tastes good to us is dictated by our nutritional needs.

e. What tastes good to us is dictated by our nutritional needs.

Kin selection helps make predictions about which of the following phenomena in nature: a) when helpers-at-the-nest should occur and which individuals the helpers should assist. b) eusociality among ants, bees, and wasps. c) requests made by humans in their wills. d) a) and b) only. e) a), b), and c) are all correct.

e. a), b), and c) are all correct.

Phylogenetic trees are built using: a) similarities in the physical structure of organisms. b) similarities in the embryological development of organisms. c) similarities in the DNA sequences of organisms. d) tissue samples. e) a), b), and c) are all correct.

e. a), b), and c) are all correct.

Which of the following is the correct order of floral organs from the inside to the outside of a complete flower? a. petals, sepals, stamens, carpels b. spores, gametes, zygote, embryo c. sepals, stamens, petals, carpels d. sepals, petals, stamens, carpels e. carpels, stamens, petals, sepals

e. carpels, stamens, petals, sepals

The type of adaptation most likely to occur over evolutionary time is one that: a. increases the physiological complexity and sophistication of the individuals in a population b. increases the physiological simplicity of the individuals in a population c. causes the individuals in a population to have a greater intelligence. d. causes the individuals in a population to more closely resemble humans. e. causes the individuals in a population to more efficiently reproduce in the environment in which they live.

e. causes the individuals in a population to more efficiently reproduce in the environment in which they live.

Interacting systems of molecules enclosed in compartments called __________ evolved 3.8 billion years ago in living organisms. a) microspheres b) organs c) tissues d) circulatory systems e) cells

e. cells

The Biological Species Concept: a) is the best and most accurate species concept. b) states that species that live together will eventually start breeding. c) states that a species is any group which shares similar DNA. d) states that any organisms that are biologically similar constitute a species. e) defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring.

e. defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring.

Just before the first diploid cell is formed in fungal life cycles, the cell is said to be: a. haploid b. a gamete c. a mycelium d. a hypha e. dikaryotic

e. dikaryotic

Classification is an important aspect of understanding and describing the many life forms on earth. In their classification scheme, biologists use different "ranks" that are more or less inclusive. Which of the following correctly lists these ranks from most to least inclusive? a) phylum; family; order; genus; species b) kingdom; domain; family; genus; species c) genus; species; class; order; kingdom d) kingdom; order; class; genus; species e) domain; phylum; family; genus; species

e. domain; phylum; family; genus; species

Ovules become seeds and ovaries become: a. cones. b. roots. c. flowers. d. shoots. e. fruits.

e. fruits.

The plural of genus is: a) genomus. b) genuses. c) genius. d) species. e) genera.

e. genera

The taxonomic rank that includes species but not families is: a) class. b) domain. c) kingdom. d) variety. e) genus.

e. genus.

The Morphological Species Concept: a) was developed early and still has major support. b) almost always incorrectly classified species due to homoplasies. c) is still the most accurate species concept in use. d) groups species based on how they have changed through time. e) groups species based on similar phenotype.

e. groups species based on similar phenotype.

The "total amount of money" earned by a business is to "money earned by regular sales" plus the "extra money earned through increased customers when a business voluntarily performs a community service" as: a) direct fitness is to the sum of indirect fitness and kin selection. b) alarm calls are to the sum of personal alarm calls and community alarm calls. c) total selection is to the sum of kin selection and reciprocal altruism. d) kindness towards individuals is to the sum of kin selection and indirect fitness. e) inclusive fitness is to the sum of direct and indirect fitness.

e. inclusive fitness is to the sum of direct and indirect fitness.

Although beneficial, group living also has many costs. Which of the follow is NOT a cost to an individual of living in a group? a) increased competition for resources b) increased risk of reproduction inhibition c) increased risk of infanticide or injury to offspring d) increased risk of disease and parasites e) increased risk of predation

e. increased risk of predation

Which of the following is a way a male fruit fly can increase reproductive success? a) produce more sperm cells b) put more effort into parenting c) put less effort into mating d) invest more resources in fewer offspring e) mate with as many females as possible

e. mate with as many females as possible

Which of the following lists the proper sequence of events that occurs when a flowering plant reproduces? a. fertilization, meiosis, nuclear fusion, endosperm formation b. growth of the pollen tube, pollination, germination, fertilization c. meiosis, mitosis, nuclear fusion, pollination d. meiosis, fertilization, growth of the pollen tube, germination e. meiosis, pollination, fertilization, embryo formation

e. meiosis, pollination, fertilization, embryo formation

The relationship between roots and fungi in mycorrhizae can be BEST described as: a. commensalism. b. parasitism. c. competition. d. amensalism. e. mutualism.

e. mutualism.

The main bulk of a multicellular fungus is called the _________. a. fruiting body b. thallus c. hyphae d. spore e. mycelium

e. mycelium

Which by-product of photosynthesis was important in altering the atmosphere of the earth so that aerobic organisms could evolve? a) air b) carbon dioxide c) nitrogen d) fossil fuels e) oxygen

e. oxygen

Marsupials and which of the following groups combine to make a monophyletic group? a. birds b. carnivores c. primates d. monotremes e. placental mammals

e. placental mammals

When the female silkworm moth is ready to mate, she: a) has to wait until the male is ready. b) creates a series of sounds recognizable by the male silkworm moth. c) finds males by following the chemical signals they emit. d) lifts her wings to reveal the mating pattern underneath. e) releases a potent chemical into the air.

e. releases a potent chemical into the air.

The more morphological characteristics that two species of animals share, the more likely it is that they: a) live in the same habitat. b) have evolved by genetic drift. c) have hybridized. d) have evolved by convergent evolution. e) share a common descent.

e. share a common descent

Hamilton's Rule reveals that the more closely related two individuals are: a) the less likely they will be to mate with each other. b) the more likely their inclusive fitness will be reduced via cooperation. c) the more likely they will disperse from each other at maturity. d) the more likely they will be competing for the same limited resources. e) the more likely they are to act altruistically towards each other.

e. the more likely they are to act altruistically towards each other.

The green arrow in the diagram above represents: a) number of evolved characteristics. b) direction of stabilizing evolution. c) number of common ancestors. d) evolutionary advancement. e) time.

e. time

Each angiosperm pollen grain contains how many sperm cells? a. millions b. four c. one d. hundreds e. two

e. two

What major evolutionary innovation makes ferns different from their ancestors? a. embryos encased in seeds b. the production of pollen c. flowers d. the alternation between haploid and diploid generations e. vascular tissue

e. vascular tissue

Leeches are most closely related to:


The invertebrate species which is the closest evolutionary relative to the vertebrates (and other chordates) is the:


Birds are ___________________, while turtles are _________________.

endotherms; ectotherms

Archaeans share a common ancestor with:


Protists are all alike in that they all are:


All species are either ____________ or ______________.

extant; extinct

The morphological species concept can be used effectively to classify _____ species.


Which of the following correctly shows the order of the phases in the generation of life on earth?

formation of small organic molecules, formation of self-replicating informational molecules, development of membranes

Birds are a branch of the reptile lineage but, unlike other reptiles, birds are able to do which of the following?

generate body heat

All of the following are arachnids EXCEPT:

horseshoe crabs

In their experiment that showed that organic compounds and amino acids could have been synthesized in an abiotic environment, Urey and Miller combined which gases in a flask to simulate the early earth's atmosphere?

hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor

Which of the following is NOT a difficulty with the biological species concept?

inbreeding species

Which of the following series of events correctly describes the evolutionary history of the vertebrates, from earliest to latest in time?

jaws > lungs > four limbs > hair

Which of the following lists of groupings or taxons is in descending order, from most inclusive to least inclusive? Some lists may be missing some of the intermediate taxons.

kingdom, class, family, genus, species

The important characteristics of chordates, such as a notochord and a dorsal hollow nerve cord are found in tunicates:

larval stage only

The swim bladder in ray-finned fishes is believed to be homologous to the _______ of terrestrial vertebrates.


An air environment, gravity, and desiccation are three challenges that were addressed in the evolution of reptiles. What three evolutionary innovations addressed these challenges?

lungs, better limb support, and the amniotic egg

After amniotic vertebrates appear, ____ and ____ lineages began to diverge

mammals; reptiles

In mollusks, the shell is secreted by what structure?


Which of the following statements about speciation is CORRECT?

many plant species [...] polyphoid

Which of the following is true about extinction?

mass extinctions are often followed by a period of adaptive radiation

The three phenomena that tend to trigger adaptive radiations are:

mass extinctions, colonization events, and evolutionary innovations.

The _____ species concept works better when classifying asexual species.


Which of the following is NOT an important feature in distinguishing animals from each other?


According to the biological species concept, species are ________ populations of organisms that have the potential to interbreed and that are ____________ isolated from other such populations.

natural; reproductively

Which four features do humans share with tunicates?

notochord; dorsal hollow nerve cord; pharyngeal slits in the embryonic stage; a post-anal tail in the embryonic stage

Researchers have found that mixtures of __________ placed in water or salt solutions tend to spontaneously form small spherical units that resemble living cells


The taxonomic rank that includes classes but not domains is:


Based upon the evolutionary tree of life presented here, which of the following in combination would NOT constitute a monophyletic group?

plants and fungi

In the cnidarians, the sessile _________ stage remains attached to a solid surface, while the motile __________ stage is free-swimming.

polyp; medusa

Chordate animals get their name from which prominent characteristic?

presence of a rod of support tissue

The pace of evolution in which there is little change for long periods of time interrupted by short periods with major changes is called:

punctuated equilibrium

Which of the following correctly pairs a stage of arthropod metamorphosis with its most significant change at that stage?

pupa: body structures of the larva are broken down and reassembled

Each group of animals below is paired with a type of body symmetry. Which of these pairings is incorrect?

roundworm; radial symmetry

Which one of the common names is matched correctly with its phylum?

roundworms: Nematoda

Which of the following is an animal with rigid bones, jaws, and a swim bladder?


The classic "Miller experiments," performed in the 1950s by Harold Urey and Stanley Miller, were the first to show that:

simple organic molecules, such as amino acids, could form spontaneously in the laboratory under chemical conditions mimicking those of primitive Earth.

The lineage that first separated from the common ancestor of all animals, and retains many of the same primitive features to this day, includes which of the following modern organisms?


The fact that RNA can catalyze reactions necessary for replication gave rise to:

the RNA world hypothesis.

Which of the following is NOT a property of RNA that suggests it might have been the first form of genetic material?

the ability to self repair

Reptiles show numerous adaptations for a completely terrestrial life cycle. One adaptation that first occurred in the reptiles includes:

the amniotic egg

As mammals evolved, there was a gradual transition from bodies with short legs to bodies with longer legs, held vertically beneath the trunk of the animal. Which of the following was a result of this anatomical change in early mammals?

the animals could run faster after prey

In terms of evolutionary trees, what exactly is a node?

the point at which two groups diverge on an evolutionary tree

Much of what is known about the history of the origin of life came from: a) written history. b) educated guesses. c) the study of climatic change. d) the study of fossils. e) None of the above; nothing is known about the history of the origin of life.

the study of fossils.

Which of the following are NOT homologous features?

the wing of the bird and the wing of the beetle

Over the evolutionary history of plants:

there has been a trend toward gametophyte dependence on the sporophyte

The five groups of archaea are:

thermophilic, halophilic, high- and low-pH tolerant, high-pressure tolerant, and methanogenic.

The most ancient branching point in the phylogeny of animals is the one that distinguishes between having:

true tissues or no tissues.

Evolutionary innovations such as ____ and _____ in insects have helped them diversify into the most successful group of animals.

wings; rigid outer skeleton

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