Test 4 MGT

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stages of Team development

-Forming -Storming -Norming -Performing

Management teams

-coordinate and give direction to the subunits under their jurisdiction and integrate work among subunits. -is based on authority stemming from hierarchical rank and is responsible for the overall performance of the business unit.

Parellel teams

-operate separately from the regular work structure of the firm on a temporary basis. Members often come from different units or jobs and are asked to do work that is not normally done by the standard structure. -seldom have authority to act

What helps organizations achieve sustained, superior performance?

A culture that motivates, empowers people to innovate, rewards people appropriately (psychologically as well as economically), entails strong values, challenges people, and provides a satisfying work environment facilitates a sustained, superior performance within an organization

The _____ shows the financial picture of a company at a given time.

Balance sheet

what is an effective practice in communication

Being critical of one owns writing

Team leadership

Build trust and inspire teamwork, facilitate and support team decision, Expand team capabilities, create team identity, and anticipate and influence change

_____ are designed to measure progress toward set performance goals, and if necessary, to apply corrective measures to ensure that performance achieves managers' objectives.

Bureaucratic (or formal) control systems

The _____ budget is used for the cost of fixed assets like plants and equipment.


_____ does not assume that the interests of the organization and individuals naturally diverge.

Clan control

_____ provides managers with continuous feedback so that when plans are not carried out properly, managers can take steps to correct the problem.


Supervisory leadership

Direct people, explain decisions, train individuals, manage one on one, contain conflict, react to change.

What are some ways managers can neutralize rumors

Disregard the rumor if it is ridiculous; openly confirm any parts that are true; make public comments (no comment is seen as a confirmation of the rumor); deny the rumor, if the denial is based in truth (don't make false denials).

The human tendency to _____ underlies much of the ineffective communication and demonstrates the need for more effective managerial communication practices.



Group members agree on shared goals and norms and closer relationship development


Group members lay the ground rules for what types of behaviors are accepted


Hostilities and conflict arise, and people jockey for position of power and status

Participated leadership

Involve people, get input for decisions, develop individuals, coordinate group effort, Resolve conflict, implement change

what is a negative implication of the company grapevine

It can lead to anxiety in employees and harm operations.

What are three disadvantages oral communication

It can lead to spontaneous, ill-considered statements (and regret), and there is no permanent record of it (unless an effort is made to record it).

_____ are the amounts the corporation owes to various creditors.


_____ involves the use of pricing mechanisms and exchange relations to regulate activities in organizations as though they were economic transactions.

Market control

_____ cues often make a greater impact than other signals, hence managers must remember that their actions often speak louder than their words.


A temporary safety team, comprising of members from several departments, was formed to assess the workplace implications of a new federal regulation. This is an example of a

Parellel team

When teams have a high degree of dependence on outsiders,_____ is the best strategy.


_____ are proactive "technology-push" innovators and have cultures that are outward-looking and opportunistic.

Prospecter firms. Typically they have technology champions who articulate competitively aggressive, first-mover technological strategies.

____ is best described as responding to pressure after a problem has arisen

Reactive change

_____ is a process wherein managers control work by dividing and simplifying tasks.

Scientific management

In the context of companies trying different strategic postures to compete in an uncertain future, _____ are those who try to change the structure of their industries, creating a future competitive landscape of their own design.



The group channels its energies into performing the task

The highest performance occurs when

a cohesive team has high-performance norms

Errors can occur in all stages of the communication process. In the transmission stage,

a memo may get lost on a cluttered desk, the words on the screen could be too small to read from the back of the room, or words might be spoken with ambiguous inflections

A mediator refers to

a third party who intervenes to help others manage their conflict

Team effectiveness is defined by three criteria:

a) The productive output of the team meets or exceeds the standards of quantity and quality; the team's output is acceptable to the customers, inside or outside the organization, who receive the team's goods or services; b) Team members realize satisfaction of their personal need; c) Team members remain committed to working together again.

Two-way communication is more difficult and time-consuming than one-way communication. However, it is more

accurate; fewer mistakes occur, and fewer problems arise

Reactive change means responding to pressure

after a problem has arisen. It implies being a follower.

In operator control, multiskilled operators

can rectify their own problems as they occur

horizontal communication

can take place among people on the same work team or in different departments.

Process innovations are

changes that affect the way outputs are produced. These include flexible manufacturing practices such as just-in-time, mass customization, and simultaneous engineering.

What is true of team norms

cohesive groups are more effective than noncohesive groups at norm enforcement.

Clan control is based on the idea that

employees may share the values, expectations, and goals of the organization and act in accordance with them.

Probing involves a focus on

external relations

What factors are present when a team gives its highest performance

high cohesiveness and high-performance norms

Several reasons for resistance arise regardless of the actual content of the change, one of which is

inertia. Usually people don't want to disturb the status quo. The old ways of doing things are comfortable and easy, so people don't want to shake things up and try something new

Probing requires team members to

interact frequently with outsiders; diagnose the needs of customers, clients, and higher-ups; and experiment with solutions before taking action

Which of the following ways of acquiring new technology helps keep the technology proprietary-exclusive to the organization?

internal development. Developing a new technology within a company can keep the technology proprietary-exclusive to the organization.

A group

is a collection of people who interact to undertake a task but do not necessarily perform as a unit or achieve significant performance improvements

A team

is formed of people (usually a small number) with complementary skills who trust one another and are committed to a common purpose, common performance goals, and a common approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

Norming stage

is when group members agree on their shared goals, and norms and closer relationships develop

What is true of organization development (OD)?

it is a broader approach to changing organizations, units, or people. Also to develop, improve, and reinforce—refers to the actual process of changing for the better and for the long term.

The sociotechnical approach redesigns tasks in a way that

jointly optimizes the social and technical efficiency of work

When compared to defender and analyzer firms, early adopters of new technologies tend to be

larger, more profitable, and more specialized. As a result, they can absorb the risks associated with early adoption while profiting more from its advantages.

Provincialism refers to

limiting measures to functional or departmental responsibilities rather than the organization's overall objectives

Today's trends in bureaucracy bashing, lean and flat organizations, work teams, and workforce empowerment are

logical extensions of the sociotechnical philosophy of work design.

Most people will resist a change if they think it will cause them to

lose something of value

The possible fears that people face when introduced to change include

loss of the feeling of being competent in a familiar job, expectations that the job will become more difficult or time-consuming, uncertainty about whether enough training or other resources will be provided for succeeding at the change, and doubts about the organization's future success, given that management wasn't satisfied with the status quo.

Semiautonomous work groups

make decisions about managing and carrying out major production activities but still get outside support for quality control and maintenance.

Work teams

make or do things such as manufacture, assemble, sell, or provide service. They typically are well defined, a clear part of the formal organizational structure, and composed of a full-time, stable membership

The _____ states that control is enhanced by concentrating on the exceptions to, or significant deviations from, the expected result or standard.

managerial principle of exception

Work flow relationships emerge as

materials are passed from one group to another. A group commonly receives work from one unit, processes it, and sends it to the next unit in the process.

Emerging technologies are still under development but may significantly alter the rules of competition in the future. Managers should

monitor the development of emerging technologies but may not need to invest in them until they have been more fully developed.

In computer-controlled production technology, the strategy of _____ is more efficient because deviations are controlled closer to their source.

operator control

Which of the following stages of budgetary control involves dealing with identifying what is being accomplished and comparing the results with expectancies?

performing budgetary operations

3 things teams can increase

productivity, improve quality, and reduce costs. Teams also can enhance speed and be powerful forces for innovation and change.

A practical guideline for managing in an empowered world is to

rebuild the incentive systems to reinforce responsiveness and teamwork.

Noise could be anything that interferes with accurate communication such as

ringing telephones, thoughts about other things, or simple fatigue or stress.

In order to gain employee acceptance of useful performance standards, a manager can

set standards that employees view as possible to achieve.

Most technology already is available in products or processes that can be purchased openly. In most situations this is the

simplest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to acquire new technology.

Optimism turns into reality shock in the ________ stage.

storming stage: "No one has taken a leadership role. We have not made the project the priority that it deserves."

Written communication includes

texts, e-mails, memos, letters, reports, computer files, and other written documents.

Activity-based costing (ABC) starts with

the assumption that organizations are collections of people performing many different but related activities to satisfy customer needs

What is the purpose of parallel teams

they recommend solutions to specific problems. They seldom have authority to act, however.

An employee informing his manager about the challenges he faces at work is an example of

upward communication. Upward communication travels from lower to higher ranks in the hierarchy.

Loss of "human moments," burnout caused by long hours of being close to technical tools of work, and lack of guidance for inexperienced employees are among the disadvantages of

virtual offices.

Performing stage

where the group channels its energies into performing its tasks.

The second step in the three-stage model, moving to institute the change, begins

with establishing a vision of where the company is heading. The vision can be realized through strategic, structural, cultural, and individual change

Filtering is the process of

withholding, ignoring, or distorting information. Senders do this, for example, when they tell the boss what they think the boss wants to hear or give unwarranted compliments rather than honest criticism.

Project and development teams

work on long-term projects, often over a period of years. They have specific assignments, such as research or new product development, and members usually must contribute expert knowledge and judgment. These teams work toward a one-time product, disbanding once their work is completed.

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