Test 5 Abdomen

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The word pelvis stands for what

"funnel-shaped" or "basin"

What is bile used for?

-Aids in digestion by breaking down fats into fatty acids, which can be taken into the body by the digestive tract

when is the Valsalva maneuver used?

Childbirth, urination (micturition) , defecation, vomiting

What is hepatic jaundice?

Due to liver disease (cirrhosis, cancer, hepatitis, etc.) liver can't filter the bilirubin

The linea alba is an anchor point for what three muscles?

External, internal and transverse obliques.

Blood from the kidney and gonads go into what veins?


What is posthepatic jaundice?

duct blockage caused by obstruction of bile flow into gallbladder or duodenum caused by gallstones and pancreatic cancer

What order is the small intestine in?

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

another name for red blood cells


Where does the esophagus pass through the diaphragm?

esophageal hiatus

What is prehepatic jaundice?

excessive hemolysis healthy red blood cells getting killed caused by malaria, streptococcal infections, transfusions

From superficial to deep, what are the layers for the abdominal obliques.

external oblique internal oblique transverse oblique

What lobe of the liver surrounds the inferior vena cava?

caudate lobe

What are the three parts of the large intestine?

cecum, colon, rectum

In the kidney, renal ___ are found between the pyramids of the renal medulla.


the common hepatic duct merges with what duct to create the bile duct?

cystic duct

The bile duct is formed by the merging of what two ducts?

cystic duct and common hepatic duct

The right and left lobes of the liver are divided on the anterior surface by the 1. _____________ ligament; and internally by the remnant of the umbilical cord known as the 2. _________________ ligament (or ligamentum teres).

falciform round ligament

what connects the liver to the anterior abdominal wall?

falciform ligament

T/F. the spleen is part of the gastrointestinal system

false. it is not part of the GI tract

T/F the posterior rectus sheeth ends at the pubic bone.

false.it ends lidway between umbilicus and pubic bones. known as the arcuate line

what are the arteries called that go to the gonads?

gonadal vessels

What are the lumps on the colon called?


The following organs are supplied by the superior mesenteric artery EXCEPT: ascending colon descending colon distal duodenum jejunum

descending colon

Which of the following would be considered part of the hindgut? descending colon ileum stomach ascending colon pancreas

descending colon

What part of the duodenum is the entry for bile and pancreatic ducts?

descending part

The abdominal wall boundaries

diaphragm, posterior wall, anterior wall, lateral wall

Where is the fundus region of the stomach?

dome-shaped portion to the left of and in direct contact with diaphragm

The hepatopancreatic ampulla is formed by the merging together of the ___ duct and the ___ duct.

The hepatopancreatic ampulla is formed by the merging together of the pancreatic duct and the bile duct.

The rectus sheath is an example of what?

aponeurosis= broad flat tendons, often in layers

The posterior layer of the rectus sheath ends inferiorly at the ___ line.

arcuate line

The posterior rectus sheath ends where?

arcuate line

What are the parts of the colon?

ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid

Where do the mesentary sheets that covers the stomach connect?

at the greater curvature of the stomach and double folds on itself and creates the greater omentum. the greater omentum is a double layer of mesentary

Where is the cecum located?

at the junction between the small intestine and the large intestine

Where is the hepatopancreatic ampulla?

behind the pyloric sphincter of the stomach and attaches to the doudenum.

Where is the lesser omentum?

between liver and lesser curvature of stomach

Where is the pyloric sphincter?

between stomach and small intestine (duodenum)

Where is the pyloric region of the stomach?

slightly narrower pouch at the inferior end - divided into a funnel-like atrium and narrower pyloric canal

What is omental appendices?

small fatty projections on the colon

The hepatopancreatic ampulla is surrounded by what?

smooth muscle called Sphincter of Oddi

The spleen is located in which four quadrant of the abdomen?

spleen in right upper quadrant

Which of the following structures is not retroperitoneal? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. adrenal gland duodenum stomach kidney pancreas


pubic regions of the nine regions of the abdomen are called what?


the ileum empties into the large intestine where?

ileocecal valve (or sphincter)

Between the jejnum and the ileum , which has more arterial arcades?


Which of the following structures does not lie at least partially in the retroperitoneum? duodenum kidney adrenal gland ileum pancreas


groin regions of the nine regions of the abdomen are called what?

iliac or inguinal

What makes up the posterior wall of the abdominal wall?

ilium, thoracic and lumbar vertebra, iiacus muscle, psoas major muscle, and quadratus lumborum muscle

The intestines are in which of the four quadrants of the abdomen?

in every one of them

The ceiling of the abdomen is what

inferior thoracic aperture

Where is the lesser curvature of the stomach?

inside curve of the stomach, smaller inside one where lesser omentum is attached

What is the bend between the transverse and descending colon called?

left colic flexure

What in your body is connected to the liver and is a remnant of fetal umbilical vein?

ligamentum teres

Which of the following is a remnant of the umbilical vein? falciform ligament hepatopancreatic ligament fossa ovale lesser omentum ligamentum teres

ligamentum teres

From xiphoid process and pubic symphysis, what is the tendon that is referred to as the "white line"?

linea alba

Surgical approaches to the abdomen sometimes require a vertical incision down the midline between the two rectus sheaths. This incision essentially cuts along the: linea alba arcuate line rectus abdominis pubic tuberosity

linea alba

Where do oral meds get absorbed?

liver "first pass metabolism" of oral medication

What are the accessory organs of the digestive system?

liver gall bladder pancreas

What organs makes bile?

liver makes it but the gall bladder stores it

What are the accessory organs of digestion?

liver, pancreas, gallbladder

flank regions of the nine regions of the abdomen are called what?


Where is the greater curvature of the stomach?

outside curve of the stomach, bigger outside one

You schedule your patient for a cholecystectomy, since gall stones lodged in the ampulla of Vater puts the patient at high risk for: esophageal varicies. Meckel's diverticulum. splenic artery atresia. pancreatitis.


The abdominal cavity is lined by the

parietal peritoneum

A 50-year-old female patient with severe jaundice was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. You would diagnose the jaundice as: hepatic post-hepatic pre-pancreatic pre-hepatic post-gastric


What is the bare area of the liver?

posterior section of the liver against the diaphragm that is bare without peritoneal covering

Where is the pancreas?

posterior to the stomach

Where is the visceral surface of the liver?

posteroinferior contacts various abdominal organs

After your initial evaluation of the patient from the previous question, you order an abdominal CT scan. The results indicate several stones lodged in the patient's hepatopancreatic ampulla. This information helps you to confirm a diagnosis of ___ jaundice. prehepatic hepatic posthepatic


Which of the following muscles does not form part of the lateral wall of the abdomen? psoas major internal oblique external oblique transversus abdominis

psoas major

Where is the official end of the stomach?

pyloric sphincter. the hole of the sphincter is called the pyloric orifice.

Which lobe of the liver is found only on the posterior/inferior surface of the liver, immediately adjacent to the gall bladder? right left caudate quadrate


What part comes after the sigmoid colon?

rectum then anal canal

What makes up the anterior wall of the abdominal wall?

rectus abdominus and pyramidalis

What covers the rectus abdominus?

rectus sheath tendons f the oblique muscles. they start on bones and they attach to each other at the linea alba

During inhalation, what happens to the abdominal cavity?

relaxation of abdominal muscles that assists the diaphragm to move down.

What is the job of the kidney?

remove metabolic waste that other organs dump into the blood urea, uric acid, ammonia

from the renal cortex, pathway to the bladder.

renal cortex ----> pyramid in renal medulla ---> minor calyx ----> the major calyx ----> the renal pelvis ---> ureter ---> bladder

the jejenum and ileum are both supplied by what artery?

superior mesenteric artery

The hepatic portal vein is a merger of what two veins?

superior mesenteric vein an the splenic vein

What region of the duodenum does chyme enter?

superior part

Where are most of the duodenal ulcers found?

superior part the pancreas secretes bicarb to neutralize the stomach acid, but that hasnt happened yet

Four parts of the duodenum

superior, descending, inferior , ascending

The liver is almost completely surround by what?

visceral peritoneum

When the membrane is on the surface of the organs, it is called what?

visceral peritoneum

Which of the abdominal obliques are the most horizontal?

transverse obliques

Where is there no functional kidney tissue within the kidney?


The blood from the spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, and GI organs must pass through what?

the liver through the hepatic portal vein

Where is the body region of the stomach?

the main portion of the stomach

What are the boundaries of the abdomen?

- inferior thoracic aperture - pelvic inlet - abdominal wall

four major regions of the stomach

1. Cardia 2. Fundus 3. Body 4. Pylorus

What three things do you have to consider for a patients liver function?

1. alcoholism (cirrhosis) 2. hepatis 3. liver/pancreatic cancer

The abdominal aorta has 3 central unpaired branches that supply the three regions of the gastrointestinal organs called

1. celiac trunk 2. superior mesenteric artery 3. inferior mesenteric artery

What are three arteries that supply the organs of the abdomen?

1. celiac trunk 2. superior mesenteric artery 3. inferior mesenteric artery

What are the three branches of the celiac trunk?

1. common hepatic artery 2. left gastric artery 3. splenic artery

What organs are supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery in the hindgut?

1. distal 1/3 of tranverse colon 2. descending colon 3. sigmoid colon 4. rectum

What organs are supplied by the superior mesenteric artery in the midgut?

1. distal duodenum 2. jejenum 3. ileum 4. ascending colon 5. proximal 2/3 transverse colon

What organs are supplied by the celiac trunk in the foregut?

1. distal esophagus 2. stomach 3. first part duodenum

What are the three sections of the gut that the abdominal aorta supply blood to?

1. foregut 2. midgut 3. hindgut

5 regions of the pancreas

1. head 2. uncinate process 3. neck 4. body 5. tail

Three kinds of problems causing jaundice

1. prehepatic 2. hepatic 3. posthepatic

What are the parts of the pyloric region of the stomach?

1. pyloric antrum 2. pyloric canal 3. pyloric sphincter

What is in the kidney hilum?

1. renal artery 2. renal vein 3. ureter 4. perinephric fat

What ducts are within the ductwork network in the liver?

1. right/left hepatic duct 2. common hepatic duct 3. cystic duct 4. bile duct

What is the life cycle of a RBC?

100-120 days

What does the sphincter of Oddi do?

Controls release of bile and pancreatic secretions into the duodenum

The posterior wall of the abdomen includes: A: pubic symphysis, rectus abdominis, and transversus abdominis B: psoas major, internal oblique, external oblique, and rectus abdominis C: rectus abdominis, quadratus lumborum, and thoracic vertebrae D: iliacus, psoas major, quadratus lumborum, and lumbar vertebrae

D: iliacus, psoas major, quadratus lumborum, and lumbar vertebrae

What are the two distinct surfaces of the liver?

Diaphragmatic surface Visceral surface

What is the porta hepatis?

In liver, point of entry of blood vessels point of entry for hepatic artery and portal vein point of exit for hepatic and cystic ducts

(T/F) the hepatic portal system is separate from drainage into the IVC.


T/F the pancreas is retroperitoneal


T/F. The mesentery is made of the parietal peritoneum doubling over.


T/F. the inferior part of the duodenum passes anterior to the IVC and aorta.


T/F. the omentums is double layered peritoneum


T/F.The large intestine is part midgut and part hind gut.


T/F. the renal columns are part of the renal cortex.

True they separate the renal pyramids.

T/F. the abdominal cavity goes under the ribs.

True. the dome shape of the diaphragm goes up under the rib cage.

T/F. Haustra are dynamic

True. they move and constrict

What is a diverticulum?

a pouch protruding from an organ; specifically small intestine

What organs are not surrounded by the peritoneum, as in behind the peritoneum

abdominal aorta, kidney they are retroperitoneal

Pyramidalis is absent within how much of the population?

absent 15%

What gland sits on top of the kidneys?

adrenal gland

What was the first hormone was discovered secreted by the kidneys?


What is the advantage of the abdominal cavity going up under the rib cage?

advantage is there are 5 organs that are protected by the ribs while still being in the cavity liver, both kidneys, spleen, and the stomach partially

The falciform ligament goes from liver to where?

all the way to the umbilicus

superior part of the duodenum is also called what

ampulla or cap

The outside of the kidney is called what?


The right and left hepatic duct converge into what?

common hepatic duct

The diaphragmatic surface of the liver is where?

contacts the inferior surface of the diaphragm

During exhalation, what happens to the abdominal cavity?

contraction of the abdominal muscles to allow the diaphragm to relax

Where in the kidney is the renal artery?


What is the valsalva maneuver?

forced expiration against a closed glottis

The visceral surface of the liver contains what two important regions?

fossa for gall bladder porta hepatis

The hepatic portal vein is found in what mesentary?

found in the lesser omentum

WHat are the two ways to divide the abdomen into regions?

four quadrant versus 9 regions

uncinate process of pancreas

from the lower part of head of pancreas, the hook-like process -closely related (i.e. posterior) to the superior mesenteric artery & vein

put these in order from liver/gall bladder to duodenum cystic duct common hepatic duct bile duct right/left hepatic duct

gall bladder/liver right/left hepatic duct----> common hepatic duct----> cystic duct ---> bile duct

A 50-year-old female patient with severe jaundice was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. You suspect that the tumor is located in which portion of the pancreas? tail neck body head


A patient presents with jaundice and sharp abdominal pain in the right lumbar region. During the history, she tells you that she has recently noticed a change in the color of her stools. Cased on this initial information, you predict the jaundice to be: prehepatic hepatic posthepatic

hepatic posthepatic

What is in the lesser omentum?

hepatic portal, common hepatic artery, common bile duct, hepatic veins

The main pancreatic duct merges with the bile duct to form what

hepatopancreatic ampulla

The greater omentum: -is an extension of the peritoneum from the greater curvature of the stomach, downward and back up to the transverse colon. -is considered retroperitoneal. -extends from the inferior/posterior surface of the liver downward to the lesser curvature of the stomach. -surrounds the kidneys, duodenum, and pancreas in the posterior abdominal cavity.

is an extension of the peritoneum from the greater curvature of the stomach, downward and back up to the transverse colon.

Meckel's diverticulum: Select one or more answers and submit. is generally present in about 2% of the population is an abnormal connection of the midgut to the duodenum is a remnant of the development of the gut from the yolk sac

is generally present in about 2% of the population is a remnant of the development of the gut from the yolk sac

If the sphincter of Oddi is underactive, whathappens

it releases bile into duodenum too much, and it doesn't allow storage of bile. so when you need it, you wont have enough stored to del with a fatty food.

if the sphincter of Oddi is overactive, what happens

it stays too tight and doesn't release bile and pancreatic juice. can cause bile to back up into the pancreas because ampulla is a common space.

When bilirubin accumulates in the blood and tissues, it causes


Between the jejnum and the ileum , which has longer straighter vasa recta?


Blood from severalabdominal organs drains through the hepatic portal vein. Which of the following abdominal organs does NOT drain through the HPV? spleen jejunum pancreas kidney stomach


Which of the following structures is retroperitoneal? kidney jejunum ascending colon liver stomach


Each of the following abdominal organs is drained by the hepatic portal vein EXCEPT the: large intestine spleen kidneys pancreas small intestine


Which of the following does not have venous drainage directly into the liver? ascending colon stomach duodenum kidneys spleen


When the peritoneum doubles over itself, what is it called?


The stomach is located in which four quadrant of the abdomen?

mostly left upper quadrant, the pyloric region in the right upper quadrant

Where is the cardia region of the stomach?

narrow upper region just below esophagus

The ___ ___ forms the inferior border of the abdominal cavity.

pelvic inlet

Abdominal cavity is also called the

peritoneal cavity double lined membrane space

What makes up the lateral wall of the abdominal wall?

ribs and costal cartilages, external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominis

What is the bend between the ascending and transverse colon called?

right colic flexure

What are the nine regions of the abdomen?

right hypochondriac, epigastric, left hypochondriac, right lumbar, umbilical, left lumbar, right inguinal, hypogastric, left inguinal

The liver is located in which four quadrant of the abdomen?

right upper quadrant mostly, some in left upper quadrant

What are the four quadrant of the abdomen?

right upper, left upper, right lower, left lower quadrant

Four lobes of the liver

right, left, caudate, quadrate

What duct drains the lobe of the liver?

right/ left hepatic duct

The abdominal cavity is enclosed by a membrane lined cavity called

the peritoneal cavity

What is the longitudinal muscle on the colon?

taeniae coli

What is the gall bladder used for?

temporary storage of bile

The three unpaired arteries in the anterior section of the aorta, are what?

the arteries that determine foregut (celiac) midgut (superior mesenteric) and hindgut (inferior mesenteric)

If there was a clot in the superior mesenteric, what part of the colon is affected?

the ascending colon and the first 2/3 part of the transverse colon.

Which Kidneys is lower and why?

the right kidney is lower because the liver takes up so much room

What is the most common cause of pancreatitis?

the sphincter of Oddi is overactive.

What can a red blood cell not able to do without a nucleus?

they cant transcribe rNA and proteins.

If you had to access the abdominal compartment, where can a surgeon cut to reduce damage to muscls?

through the linea alba.

T/F the kidneys are retroperitoneal


T/F. blood vessels are considered organs of the cardiovascular system.


T/F. the kidneys have a discontinuous medulla.

true. the medullas are the renal pyramids them selves. each pyramid are part of the medulla, but they aren't connected to each other. so they are discontinuous.

How is the abdomen divided into the nine regions?

using 4 planes

Meckel's diverticulum rule of 2's

usually 2 feet proximal to the ileocecal valve, 2 cm wide, found in 2% of the population, presents before 2 years old, and twice as likely to be symptomatic in boys.

When dividing the abdomen into quadrants, how are they seperated?

vertically down linea alba and one transverse cut

The parietal peritoneum lines the:

walls of the abdominal cavity.

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